1-1 Understanding Points, Lines, and Planes

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Which postulate explains the fact that two straight roads cannot cross each other more than once?


A plane

A flat surface that has no thickness and extends forever. Notation: A script capital letter or three noncollinear points.


A point at one end of a segment or the starting point of a ray.

Postulate or axiom

A statement that is accepted as true without proof.

A line

A straight path that has not thickness and extends forever. Notation: a lower case letter, or 2points with line above.

Name all possible lines, segments, and rays for the points A and B. Give the maximum number of planes that can be determined by these points.

AB, AB, AB, BA; 0 planes

Why are any two points collinear?

By Postulate 1-1-1, through any two points there is a line. Any two points are collinear.

Postulate 1-1-4

If two lines intersect, then they intersect in exactly one point.

Postulate 1-1-5

If two planes intersect, then they intersect in exactly one line.

Postulate 1-1-3

If two points lie in a plane, then the line containing those points lies in the plane.

A Point

Names a location and has no size. It is represented by a dot. Notation: Capital letter ( P)

A segment

Part of a line consisting of two points and all the points between them. Notation: Endpoints with a segment on top.

A ray

Part of a line that starts at an endpoint and extends forever in one directon. Notation: Endpont and directional point with a little ray on top.


Points that lie in the same plane .


Points that lie on the same line.

Undefined terms

Terms which cannot be defined by using other figures. Point, Line and Plane are the building blocks of geometry.

Postulate 1-1-2

Through any three noncollinear points there are exactly one plane containing them.

Postulate 1-1-1

Through any two points there is exactly one line.

Opposite rays

Two rays that have a common endpoint and form a line.

What are the building blocks of geometry?

point, line, and plane

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