102-A: Surah Takathur,

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How is the only means to salvation(saving) in the Hereafter a purified heart- ( قَلْبٍ سَليمٍ ?10/147

A person with good deeds who is free from any polytheism, disbelief, and pollution of sins can have a peaceful heart ( قَلْبٍ سَليمٍ ). Shaitan's means of using worldy distractions, such as wealth, status, and children, will fail to get to such a person in the short-term worldly life. This pure and peaceful heart containing pure faith, sincere intentions, and righteous deeds is the only means for salvation(saving) in the Hereafter. تو معلوم ہوا کہ قیامت کے دن جو سرمایہ بوٴنجات دے گا وہ قلب سلیم ہے اور بس ۔کیا ہی جامع اور عمدہ تعبیر ہے ۔ یہ ایک ایسی تعبیر ہے جس میں خالص ایمان بھی پایا جاتا ہے اورپاک نیت اور ہر قسم کا نیک عمل بھی ۔ کیونکہ اس طرح کے پاک و پاکیزہ دل کا ثمرہ بھی پاک اور پاکیزہ ہو گا ۔دوسرے لفظوں میں جس طرح انسان کا دل اور روح ا س کے اعمال میں موثر ہوتے ہیں اس کے اعمال کا بھی اس کے دل و جان پر وسیع ردّ عمل ہوتا ہے اور انھیں اپنے رنگ میں رنگ دیتے ہیں ۔ اعمال خواہ رحمانی ہوں یا شیطانی ان کا دل و جان پر ضرور اچر ہوتا ہے

What is the reason for Vying and pride explained by Imam Sadiq(a.s) and Imam Ali(a.s)?

Another factor for this status of Mass of competition and Pride is the feeling of weakness and helplessness originating from defects some people have, themselves, and they want to cover them with vying and Pride. Concerning this, a tradition from Imam Sadiq (as) says: "No one is proud or behaves arrogantly except for the disgrace that he finds in himself." 5 "کوئی بھی فخر نہیں کرتا ہے اور نہ ہی مغرور سلوک کرتا ہے سوائے اس نقائص کے جو اسے اپنے آپ میں پایا جاتا ہے۔" Another tradition from Imam Ali (as) says: "Two things have killed people: the fear of poverty (which forces man to gather wealth by any means and anyway), and demanding pride." 6 دو چیزوں نے لوگوں کو ہلاک کیا ہے: غربت کا خوف (جو انسان کو کسی بھی طرح اور کسی بھی طرح سے دولت جمع کرنے پر مجبور کرتا ہے) ، اور غرور کرتا ہے۔" And indeed, this very unreasonable fear of poverty and vying between individuals, tribes, and societies are among the most significant causes of greed, lowliness, mammonism, destructive rivalries, and many other social vices. The term 'Takathur' originally means 'vying-competition,' also used for the 'act of multiplying,' especially in piling up wealth.

What is mentioned in Surah Humazah, Verses 2-4?10/21 الَّذِي جَمَعَ مَالًا وَعَدَّدَهُ يَحْسَبُ أَنَّ مَالَهُ أَخْلَدَهُ كَلَّا لَيُنبَذَنَّ فِي الْحُطَمَةِ 2. "Who amasses wealth and hoards it, "3. "Thinking that his wealth will make him immortal". 4. "Nay, he will certainly be hurled into the 'Hutamah' ", ے. جس نے مال کو جمع کیا اور خوب اس کا حساب رکھا. اس کا خیال تھا کہ یہ مال اسے ہمیشہ باقی رکھے گا . ہرگز نہیں اسے یقینا حطمہ میں ڈال دیا جائے گا.

In Surah Hamazah verse 2 and 3, it describes wrong actions and misguided beliefs regarding wealth. Walid ibn Mugairah had terrible behaviors because of his wealth, and wealth bloated his self-esteem to the point he became highly arrogant. This is exemplifed in how Walid ibn Mugairah liked to count his gold coins and mock the poor believing people. In verse 3, the verb "a'khladah" (أَخْلَدَهُ) means "immortal"(ہمشہ رہنے والا). In this context, the meaning is that that wealthy people think that their wealth have made them into immortal creatures. Essentially, what this verse is saying is that an arrogant person who has vast sums of wealth would think that nothing can cause any problems for him since he believes money can solve any problem.And he thinks that he'll live forever The term ( لَيُنبَذَنَّ ) "layumbazan'na" is based on "nabaza". This means 'to discard something" -(پھینک دیا جاۓ) because of its unimportance.In the same way, Allah will discard these arrogant people, who overvalued themselves compared to Allah (SWT), into Hell fire.

What type of materialistic distractions are mentioned in Surah 26:88?01/17 jafri groups Surah Ash-Shu'ara - Verses 88 يَوْمَ لاَ يَنفَعُ مَالٌ وَلاَ بَنُونَ إلاَّ مَنْ أَتَى اللَّهَ بِقَلْبٍ سَلِيمٍ 88. "The Day whereon neither wealth nor sons will avail," 89. "Except for him who comes to Allah with a pure heart." جس دن مال اور اولاد کوئی کام نہ آئے گا مگر وہ جو قلب سلیم کے ساتھ اللہ کی بارگاہ میں حاضر ہو

In Surah Shu'ara verse 88, two significant worldly distractions are wealth and children. One cannot have them be useful in the Hereafter unless wealth is used for Allah's pleasure and the children are raised to gain Allah's pleasure. Islamic narrations indicate that the charity given from the wealth, or the voluntary alms, will remain, and the righteous child who prays for the parents will be beneficial for them in the Hereafter. That's why it is mentioned in Munajaat (Whispered Prayer) of Imam Ali (as)-Amir-ul-Momineen "O Allah, I ask You for protection on the day when property will not avail, nor sons except he who comes with a heart free (from evil) (26: 88)" "اَللّـهُمَّ إِنّي أَسْأَلُكَ الأَمَانَ" يَوْمَ لا يَنْفَعُ مالٌ وَلابَنُونَ إِلاّ مَنْ أَتَىٰ اللهَ بِقَلْبٍ سَليمٍ، یااللہ میں تیری پناہ چاہتا ہوں جس دن کہ مال اور اوﻻد کچھ کام نہ آئے گی. مگر وہ جو قلب سلیم کے ساتھ اللہ کی بارگاہ میں حاضر ہو As mentioned in Bihar ul Anwar 2۔ بحارر الانوارجلد ۷۰ ص ۲۳۹۔ حب الدنیا راٴس کل خطیئة دنیا سے محبت ہر برائی کا سرچشمہ ہے ۔ لہٰذا "قلب سلیم" وہ دل ہوتا ہے جو "حب دنیا"سے خالی ہو ، جیسا کہ تفسیر صافی اسی آیت کے ضمن میں حضرت امام جعفر صادق علیہ السلام کی ایک اور حدیث میں ہے :۔ ھوالقب الذی سلم من حب الدنیا یہ وہ قلب ہوتا ہے جو دنیا کی محبت سے محفوظ ہو ۔

What would be boasted by the tribes of Quraish in Mecca and tribes of Ansar and Jews in Medina?

The tribes compared each other by different attributes, such as their wealth and number of members in their tribes. It has been documented that the tribes would go to the cementery and count the tribal graves to include members who have passed away in order to make their tribe seem bigger and better. Different groups of historical scholars have differing views on which group of people would do this. -Some believe that two tribes from the tribes of Quraish in Mecca . -Others think that it was two tribes from the helpers of the Prophet (S), the Ansar, in Medina . -Another group of scholars believe it was the Jews in Medina. However, the general opinion is that it was the Quraish tribe from Mecca.

Where was this Surah revealed?

Numerous commentators believe that this Surah has been revealed in Mecca. This Surah discusses self-glorification and boasting to others about worthless affairs, and it is traditionally believed that the tribes of Quraish would be ones engaging in these acts in Mecca. According to some others, such as Tabarsi in Majma'-al-Bayyan, the Surah was actually revealed in Medina. These scholars believe that once different tribes of the 'Ansar' or the Jews came in contact with one another that they would start to boast or show off which person or tribe was more superior. However, since this Surah share many themes and similarities with other Meccan Surahs, so it is regarded as a Meccan Surah.

What are the benefits of reciting this Surah, given that its conditions have been met?

On the virtue of reciting the Surah, a tradition from the Prophet (S) says: "He who recites it, Allah will not account the bounties he was given in the world, and He will award him such a reward as if he had recited one thousand verses (of the Qur'an). A tradition from Imam Sadiq (as) denotes that "The recitation of this Surah in the obligatory and optional prayers has a reward similar to Martyrdom." It is stated to be beneficial to recite this Surah ten times in the second rakyat of Namaz-e-Wahshat Qabar. As the term, qabar or "grave", is mentioned in this Surah. To obtain the rewards of these Surahs, it is not to just recite it by tongue, but it is for the one who practices it in his daily life, which leads to harmonizing one's mind and soul with the Surah. "جو اس کی تلاوت کرے گا ، اللہ دنیا میں ان کی عطا کردہ انعامات کا حساب نہیں لے گا ، اور اسے اس طرح کا بدلہ دے گا جیسے اس نے ایک ہزار آیات (قرآن مجید) کی تلاوت کی ہو۔ 1-Majma -al-Bayan, vol. 10, p. 532. 2.Ibid

What is this Surah about?

The Surah first conveys a message of warning and disdain on striving for and boasting about things that have no value (and it was referring to worldly gains). Secondly, it warns about the Hellfire and Hereafter. Finally, the Surah ends on a warning about how we will be questioned about our bounties in our life.

How many verses are in this Surah?

The name of the Surah is derived from the words in the first verse. There are eight verses in this Surah.

What is the meaning of alhakum-أَلْهَاكُمُ and takathur- التَّكَاثُرُ in verse 1? أَلْهَاكُمُ التَّكَاثُرُ 102:1 Competition for more (gains) diverts you (from Allah). تمہیں ( باہمی مقابلہ) کثرت (مال و اولاد) نے غافل بنادیا. ۱۔ تفاخر و تکاثر نے تمہیں اپنے حال میں مشغول رکھا۔ ( اور اس نے تمہیں خدا سے غافل کردیا)۔

The term "alhakum" ( أَلْهَاكُمُ ) is based on the root "la hav" ( لًھو ). According to Raqib in Mufradat, the word "la hav" means "ghafl" (غافل ). "Ghafl" is something that one can use to entertain himself but distracts him from his real goal. A simple definition for "ghafl" is distraction Furthermore, the term "takathur" ( التَّكَاثُرُ ) is derived from "kithrat" ( کثرت ). Kithrat means to vie (to strive in competition or rivalry with another; contend for superiority), glorify and boast in each other's sight. " الھاکم " " لھو" کے مادہ سے دنیاوی چیزوں میں مصروف ہو کر بڑے مقاصد سے غافل ہونا ۔ "تکاثر" کثرت" کے مادہ سے ، تفاخراور مباہات اور ایک دوسرے پر اپنی بڑائی جتلانے کے معنی میں ہے ۔ ایک دوسرے سے برتری کا مقابلہ لگانا

What did Prophet Muhammad(S) say about the verse 1?10/28

We conclude this subject with a meaningful tradition from the Prophet (S), who comments on verse 1, said: "Man says 'My wealth, my wealth,' but you do not have anything from your wealth except the food you eat, [the clothes] you wear, and what you spend in the way of Allah." 8 "آدمی کہتا ہے 'میرا مال ، میرا مال' ، لیکن تمہارے مال سے کچھ نہیں ہے سوائے اس کے کہ تم کھاتے ہو ، [لباس] جو تم پہنتے ہو اور جو تم اللہ کی راہ میں خرچ کرتے ہو۔" 8 Interestingly, one he gathers sometimes ignores whether it is lawful or unlawful. It is only the tiny portion that he eats, drinks wear, and spends in the way of Allah; it is better to increase his share by paying a part of it in the way of Allah, and the more, the better. 8.Sahih-i-Muslim (as Majma'-al-Bayan, vol. 10, p. 534 quotes).

How does the Quran describe the relationship between wealth and death?8/25

Wealth cannot delay death and Allah's divine punishment like the Pharoah's followers in Surah Qasas, Verse 81: فَخَسَفْنَا بِهِ وَبِدَارِهِ الْأَرْضَ فَمَا كَانَ لَهُ مِن فِئَةٍ يَنصُرُونَهُ مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ وَمَا كَانَ مِنَ المُنتَصِرِينَ ﴿٨١﴾ (28:81)"Then, We caused the earth to swallow up him and his house; and he had not (the least little) party to help him against Allah, nor could he defend hiself ." . پھر ہم نے اسے اور اس کے گھر بار کو زمین میں دھنسا دیا اور نہ کوئی گروہ خدا کے علاوہ بچانے والا پیدا ہوا اور نہ وہ خود اپنا بچاؤ کرنے والا تھا The Pharaohs of Egypt had access to the riches of their nation, but they were still human and died. And their wealth is no longer theirs and is inherited to others. This is discussed in Surah Dukhan, verses 25-28. Surah al-Dukhan - Verses 25 - 28 كَمْ تَرَكُوا مِنْ جَنَّاتٍ وَعُيُونٍ وَزُرُوعٍ وَمَقَامٍ كَرِيمٍ وَنَعْمَةٍ كَانُوا فِيهَا فَاكِهِينَ كَذَلِكَ وَأَوْرَثْنَاهَا قَوْماً آخَرِينَ (44:25-28)"How many were the gardens and springs they left behind,"" And corn-fields and noble buildings," "And wealth (and conveniences of life), wherein they had taken such delight". "Thus (was their end) and We made other people inherit (those things')" یہ لوگ کتنے ہی باغات اور چشمے چھوڑ گئے. اور کتنی ہی کھیتیاں اور عمدہ مکانات چھوڑ گئے. اور وہ نعمتیں جن میں مزے اُڑا رہے تھےیہی انجام ہوتا ہے اور ہم نے سب کا وارث دوسری قوم کو بنادیا. . Furthermore, if they did not morally conduct themselves, they would be punished in Hell. They would experience how the wealth in their previous life can no longer help them as mentioned in Surah Al Haqqah: Surah al-Haqqa - Verses 25-29 مَا أَغْنَىٰ عَنِّي مَالِيَهْ هَلَكَ عَنِّي سُلْطَانِيَهْ "(69:28-29)"Of no profit to me has been my wealth!" "My power has perished from me! میرا مال بھی میرے کام نہ آیا. اور میری حکومت بھی برباد ہوگئی In the Quran, the wealth of the richest was contrasted with their death, which shows that even thought they have expended so much energy and enjoyed it, it does not belong to them because they lose ownership of it when they die. Furthermore, if they enjoyed evil and forbid good, they would experience severe punishment, which shows the uselessness of their wealth.

What are examples of worldly distractions?

Wealth, children, and status are examples of wordly distractions. These distractions take us away from the realities of this world.

What is the destination of greedy, wealthy, and high-status holders in society mentioned in Surah Lahab? Surah Lahab, Verses 2-3 مَا أَغْنَىٰ عَنْهُ مَالُهُ وَمَا كَسَبَ سَيَصْلَىٰ نَارًا ذَاتَ لَهَبٍ 2. "His wealth avails him not, neither what he had earned". 3-"Soon will he roast in a flaming fire". اُس کا مال اور جو کچھ اس نے کمایا وہ اُس کے کسی کام نہ آیا۔ وه عنقریب بھڑکنے والی آگ میں جائے گا.

_ Abu Lahab was a rich and greedy man who boasted about his wealth and his status. He used his wealth and status against Islam. From Surah Lahib verses 2 and 3, wealth and social position will not help infidels and wrongdoers like Abu Lahab from being rescued from the Hell Fire. His punishment, as well as his name, Abu Lahab, flourished with great, blazing flames.

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