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What was the percent change from 1970 to 2006 for vehicle miles traveled? +175% +50% -50% +200%


If U.S. population increased 32% from 1980 to 2005, how would you describe the change in per capita CO2 emissions for electricity generation? As population increased, per capita CO2 emissions decreased .As population increased, per capita CO2 emissions increased twice as fast. As population increased, per capita CO2 emissions stayed the same. As population increased, per capita CO2 emissions increased three times as fast.

.As population increased, per capita CO2 emissions increased twice as fast.

Karen Wayland discusses her rationale for not drilling in ANWR. Review the statements below to identify one of her reasons. .Oil from ANWR would lower gas prices by $0.25 per gallon. The oil reserves in ANWR contain only enough oil for 10 years of U.S. oil needs .Drilling for oil would require an extensive network of roads, pipelines, and airstrips, all of which would be harmful to the ecosystem. The ANWR Coastal Plain has low biodiversity and thus needs protection

.Drilling for oil would require an extensive network of roads, pipelines, and airstrips, all of which would be harmful to the ecosystem.

The figure indicates a net accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere of approximately 15 billion metric tons per year. Based on the figure, what is causing this? The ocean is releasing more CO2 than it is absorbing. The anthropogenic increased uptake of CO2 by plants balances the extra anthropogenic release of CO2 into the atmosphere. Respiration is moving more CO2 into the atmosphere than photosynthesis is taking out of the atmosphere .Human activities are sending more CO2 into the atmosphere than is moving from the atmosphere to the surface.

.Human activities are sending more CO2 into the atmosphere than is moving from the atmosphere to the surface.

Which of the following currently appears to be the best option for protecting groundwater in areas where fracking is taking place? Eliminate the use of intermediate casings. Take the cement out of intermediate casings. Take the steel out of intermediate casings .Increase the use of intermediate casings

.Increase the use of intermediate casings

Which of the following is the reason the Paris Agreement had a goal of reducing the use of coal? It will be depleted in most countries by 2030 .It is a large emitter of greenhouse gases. It is too expensive to mine. It is too expensive to transport.

.It is a large emitter of greenhouse gases.

If another ice age occurs, which of the following is most likely? Sea levels will rise slowly Sea levels will rise rapidly .Sea levels will drop. Sea levels will stay the same.

.Sea levels will drop.

One point of disparity between the essays concerned native Eskimos. Each author mentions only the tribe that fits with his or her point of view. Identify the correct combination of tribe and viewpoint. The Inupiat are not in favor of drilling .The Gwich'in depends on caribou that live in ANWR. The Inupiat support "wilderness" status for ANWR. The Gwich'in desire oil industry jobs and income.

.The Gwich'in depends on caribou that live in ANWR.

You are the CEO of a coal company in Indonesia. You commit to selling coal to the PLN through 2020. Which of the following is true? You know the lowest price you will get .You know the price will fluctuate wildly .You know the highest price you will get. You know the government will not pay for the coal.

.You know the highest price you will get.

Scientists currently assessing the environmental impacts of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico report that ________ .it may take years or decades before the full impacts are known Gulf productivity has already returned to normal and no further effects will be felt the coastal marshes of Louisiana suffered no measurable damage the damage was limited to wildlife kills immediately after the spill the entire Gulf food web will eventually collapse

.it may take years or decades before the full impacts are known

The United States and other industrialized nations devote about one-third of their oil use to __________. .transportation heating homes agriculture


If the global temperature rises 4°C, approximately ______ of hatchlings will be male.


What was the overall change in CO2 emissions for electricity generation from 1980 to 2005? 2.4 billion metric tons 0.4 billion metric tons 0.9 billion metric tons 1.5 billion metric tons

0.9 billion metric tons

According to the graph, how much warmer on average were global temperatures in the year 2000 than in the year 1900? Average global temperatures were about the same both years .0.3°C 0.6°C 0.9°C 1.2°C


The largest fishery on Earth, located along the west coast of Chile, consists of __________. 1% of the ocean and provides 20% of the world's total fish catch 1% of the ocean and provides 50% of the world's total fish catch 20% of the ocean and provides 20% of the world's total fish catch 20% of the ocean and provides 90% of the world's total fish catch

1% of the ocean and provides 20% of the world's total fish catch

Moving clockwise, label the steps of energy production in this diagram of a coal-fired power plant.

1. Coal is burned in the furnace 2. Heat from combustion boils water 3. Steam turns the turbine 4. Magnets are moved past copper coils to generate current 5. Steam is cooled and condensed 6. Air pollutants are filtered out 7. Toxic ash is taken to a hazardous waste disposal site

According to tide gauge data, what was the approximate increase in global average sea level between 1950 and 2000? 100 feet 10 cm 100 inches 250 cm

10 cm

First developed in the ________, nuclear power showed the most growth during the ________. 1930s; 1950s 1940s; 1950s 1960s; 1990s 1980s; 1990s 1950s; 1970s and 1980s

1950s; 1970s and 1980s

How high did sea level rise during the 20th century? 0 cm 98 cm 20 cm 50 cm

20 cm

____________ is the rising of deep, cold, dense water toward the surface. View Available Hint(s) Surface-welling Down-welling Up-welling Thermohaline circulation


Which of the following appears most likely in the next decade? Use of coal will decrease in developed countries and increase in developing countries. Use of coal will decrease in developed and developing countries. Use of coal will increase in developed countries and decrease in developing countries. Use of coal will increase in developed and developing countries.

Use of coal will decrease in developed countries and increase in developing countries.

What would do the most to reduce indoor air pollution in the developing world? Reducing inhalation of second-hand smoke Reducing the use of products in the home that contain volatile organic compounds Using solar energy to heat homes Building new homes with radon-resistant features

Using solar energy to heat homes

Both authors refer to voluntary actions and their effect on pollution control. Which of the following statements best describes one author's viewpoint? Walke: Voluntary approaches to air pollution control are proven successes, as seen in a voluntary program in Texas. Taylor: The voluntary choices of individuals for better environmental quality are not always met by the market. Walke; Voluntary programs are unsuccessful. For example, in a voluntary EPA program, only one-fourth of the participants committed to reducing emissions. Taylor: Voluntary attempts by companies to reduce their resource impacts are driven by genuine interest in environmental quality.

Walke; Voluntary programs are unsuccessful. For example, in a voluntary EPA program, only one-fourth of the participants committed to reducing emissions.

Currently, issues related to which of the following cause the most premature deaths worldwide? Water Nuclear power Coal Oil


How is the energy produced by nuclear fission used to produce electricity? Water in the containment vessel is kept under high pressure and heat from the fission reactions that heat it to well over boiling. This is then used to boil another loop of water, which turns a turbine that drives a generator and makes electricity. Electrons from the fission are absorbed by spools of copper wire and generate electricity. The radiation is used to make plasma, which is harnessed directly for electricity. The fission process produces a strong magnetic field that moves electrons through loops of copper wire, thus making electricity.

Water in the containment vessel is kept under high pressure and heat from the fission reactions that heat it to well over boiling. This is then used to boil another loop of water, which turns a turbine that drives a generator and makes electricity.

What sorts of constituents do atmospheric pollutants (such as sulfates and nitrates) react with to initiate the process that results in acid deposition? Soot Lead Chlorofluorocarbons Water, oxygen, and oxidants

Water, oxygen, and oxidants

What is the name of an area of land that is drained by a river and all of its tributaries? Estuary Spring Wetland Watershed


Which of the following is least likely to fully support the U.S. Clean Power Plan? President Obama Sierra Club Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis World Coal Association

World Coal Association

Which of the following U.S. states experiences the lowest levels of acid rain? Wyoming Pennsylvania New York West Virginia


Which of the following is an adaptation response to climate change? replacing incandescent light bulbs with LED bulbs increasing fuel efficiency of new automobiles a Pacific island nation building higher seawalls building a nuclear power plant to replace an outdated coal-burning power plant replanting a tropical rainforest

a Pacific island nation building higher seawalls

Oceans have absorbed approximately one-third of the excess carbon dioxide that humans have added to Earth's atmosphere so far. This has slowed the progression of global climate change, but it has led to ________. an increase in the pH of the world's oceans growth of oyster populations worldwide loss of oxygen from the oceans a decrease in the pH (ocean acidification) increases in growth of coral reefs

a decrease in the pH (ocean acidification)

All of the following are examples of point sources of pollution except ________. an overturned tanker truck that spills into a creek a sewer pipe a car repair shop dumping waste oil into the storm drain a factory discharging wastes into a lake through a large outlet a large farm

a large farm

What is the direct cause of death for aquatic animals during eutrophication? use of all available CO2 by the growing algae drainage of their habitat toxic secretions by bacteria a loss of dissolved oxygen in the water

a loss of dissolved oxygen in the water

Which of the following best describes a floodplain? an area that is periodically flooded because humans have altered the landscape a region of land that has been deliberately, permanently flooded due to human disturbance, such as in dam building an area where flood irrigation of crops is used, such as a rice paddy a region of land that is periodically flooded when a river overflows an area that is incidentally flooded when farming or mining operations change the course of rivers

a region of land that is periodically flooded when a river overflows

A septic system is ________. a rural method of processing wastewater a second level mechanism to remove bacteria at a wastewater treatment plant the use of natural wetlands to cleanse wastewater a toxic or badly polluted waterway an early version of a wastewater treatment plant

a rural method of processing wastewater

Which of the following is a carrion fly least likely to feed on? an open wound on a marmoset jaguar feces a sleeping sloth a dead mouse

a sleeping sloth

What is the cost of conserved energy for compact fluorescent lighting? about $.02 per kilowatt-hour about $.08 per kilowatt-hour about $.12 per kilowatt-hour about 1,500 kilowatt-hours per year

about $.08 per kilowatt-hour

How much energy would be saved by adding insulation to ceilings? about $0.06 per kilowatt-hour about 2,000 kilowatt-hours/year about 3,000 kilowatt-hours/year about 5,000 kilowatt-hours/year

about 2,000 kilowatt-hours/year

After 55 years, how does the capacity of a restored wetland to absorb nutrients compare to that of a natural wetland? about 40% of natural wetland capacity about 50% of natural wetland capacity about 98% of natural wetland capacity cannot be determined from the graph

about 40% of natural wetland capacity

How much energy would the family save by investing in all of the features that are cost-effective at the current price of energy? about $.12 per kilowatt-hour about $.13 per kilowatt-hour about 7,000 kilowatt-hours per year about 9,000 kilowatt-hours per year about 13,000 kilowatt-hours per year

about 9,000 kilowatt-hours per year

The rapid melting of Greenland's ice cap could disrupt the NADW formation by ________. adding heat and salt to deep ocean waters reversing the El Niño-La Niña cycle adding excess nutrients to cold northern waters adding huge amounts of less-dense fresh water to the surface of the system acidifying ocean water

adding huge amounts of less-dense fresh water to the surface of the system

Which of these energy investments is the least expensive to install? adding insulation to ceilings triple paned windows solar hot water heating cannot be determined from the graph

adding insulation to ceilings

What is the most cost-effective solution for groundwater depletion and land-level subsidence? increasing use of desalinization measures building more water treatment facilities allowing no more water to be withdrawn from an aquifer than is naturally recharged dam removal

allowing no more water to be withdrawn from an aquifer than is naturally recharged

On average, it appears that over the past 25 years, improved air quality in the United States has resulted in __________ in the lifespan of the average individual. an increase of about five months an increase of one to two days a slight decrease an increase of about two and one-half years

an increase of about five months

What is a marine protected area? any portion of the ocean that is protected from any commercial or recreational use any portion of the ocean that is protected from some human activities but may be open to others, such as the laying of cables and some fishing an area that has physical boundaries that limit movement of pollutants into and out of the area any portion of the ocean that is protected from fishing and the harvesting of kelp

any portion of the ocean that is protected from some human activities but may be open to others, such as the laying of cables and some fishing

Which of the following is a promising way to reduce global water consumption? avoiding waste and mismanagement building more dams irrigating more crops All of the listed responses are correct.

avoiding waste and mismanagement

What color smoke coming from a coal-fired power plant would indicate wasted fuel? red white green black clear


Carbon monoxide ________. causes ozone depletion blocks oxygen transport in human blood is consumed by plants for photosynthesisis produced by plants during photosynthesisis a major component of the atmosphere

blocks oxygen transport in human blood

Recent research that analyzed the content of commercial bottled water indicates that ________. all surveyed brands had information about the source of the water and how the water was treated bottled water has no contamination from hormone mimic plasticizers bottled water is generally much safer and purer than tap water bottled water consumes less fossil fuel in reaching the consumer than does tap water bottled water is no safer or purer than most samples of tap water

bottled water is no safer or purer than most samples of tap water

All of the following are anthropogenic factors contributing to climate change EXCEPT: raising livestock. the combustion of fossil fuels. growing rice. deforestation. breathing.


Upwelling ________. is the flow of warm water upward toward the ocean surface transports oxygen from deep to surface waters brings benthic nutrients to the ocean surface promoting high primary productivity occurs when winds blow at right angles to a coastline occurs in areas where there are no currents

brings benthic nutrients to the ocean surface promoting high primary productivity

Which of the following is an example of mitigation rather than adaptation for global climate change? building more solar panels to generate electricity instead of more coal-fired power plants building a sea wall in the Maldives to prevent flooding building and maintaining preserves in endangered habitats to make sure they do not disappear digging deep wells to get access to more water for agriculture if rainfall in an area should drop off

building more solar panels to generate electricity instead of more coal-fired power plants

The most obvious cause of industrial smog is ________. fires for heating food burning fossil fuels generation of nuclear power burning trash indoor air pollution

burning fossil fuels

The restoration of a wetland takes about 100 years. supported not supported cannot be determined from the graph

cannot be determined from the graph

. If the CO2 level increases above 600 µmol mol-1, how would ragweed pollen production and the allergen concentration change?

cannot tell from the data

Many pollutants from coal-fired power plants are properly managed today. Which of the following is currently considered to be the biggest threat to the environment? oxygen methane gas carbon dioxide sulfur dioxide nitrous oxide

carbon dioxide

The predominant greenhouse gas produced by human use of fossil fuels is __________. nitrous oxide (N2O) sulfate aerosols methane carbon dioxide

carbon dioxide

Which of the following chemicals is NOT a VOC (volatile organic compound)? terpenes from plants carbon monoxide evaporated gasoline cleaning solvents

carbon monoxide

What is largely responsible for the ozone hole? nitrogen oxides carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide fossil fuels chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants

chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants

Scientist often use ______________ which are programs that combine what is known about atmospheric circulation, ocean circulation, atmosphere-ocean interactions, and feedback cycles to simulate climate dynamics climate models satellite models Milankovich cycles glaciation cycles

climate models

Which one of the following types of scientists would most likely be interested in the information we can learn from ice cores from Antarctica? criminologists climatologists interested in climate change zoologists studying amphibians anthropologists interested in the evolution of human's use of tools

climatologists interested in climate change

All of the following, are forms of renewable energy EXCEPT: coal wind geothermal solar tidal.


Water currents along the coastline of Chile pull up deep water that is __________. warm and low in nutrients cold and high in nutrients warm and high in nutrients cold and low in nutrients

cold and high in nutrients

The area that underlies the shallow water bordering continents is called the ________. pelagic zone continental shelf groundwater aeration zone water table benthic zone

continental shelf

What drives long-term climate patterns, such as the Hadley Cells at the Equator, over large geographic scales? humidity increase convective air currents rainfall patterns the Trade Winds

convective air currents

Which of the following describes the greatest health risk posed by air pollution? Air pollutants __________. stick to the skin and cause skin cancer damage blood vessels in human lungs prevent the absorption of nutrients in the digestive tract clog up the liver and impede proper liver function

damage blood vessels in human lungs

The Mississippi River's flow has been greatly reduced over the last 200 years, preventing much of the sediment carried by the river from reaching the delta in Louisiana. What has caused this? hydropower drinking water industrial cooling dams and reservoirs

dams and reservoirs

In general, China's air pollution __________. falls out in rain over the ocean increases the amount of ice that forms in the Arctic region increases the amount of snowfall in eastern Europe decreases rainfall in California

decreases rainfall in California

Once the carbon dioxide is captured from the fumes of a coal-burning power plant, something must be done with it. The option with the least environmental impact involves releasing the carbon dioxide into __________. frozen lakes during the winter months the air deep underground caverns the oceans

deep underground caverns

What technology is used to extract freshwater from ocean water? conservation desalinization irrigation canals


What is one of the greatest sources of pollution in Mexico City that has persisted even after the government successfully lowered overall pollutant levels? shutting down oil refineries in the area emissions from factories emissions from automobile exhaust methane emissions from local landfills

emissions from automobile exhaust

The practice of reducing wasteful or unnecessary energy use is called ________. energy switching technology reduction energy conservation energy efficiency cogeneration

energy conservation

What term describes the ability to obtain a given result while using less energy? cogeneration conservation energy efficiency CAFE standards

energy efficiency

What type of coastal feature experiences fluctuations in salinity with daily and seasonal variations? estuaries salt marshes beaches mangrove forests


At high temperatures, only ____________are produced.


As a result of humans' increased use of the water in the Colorado River, __________. fisheries in the upper Gulf of California have been hurt water no longer flows through the Grand Canyon the river can no longer be dammed to generate electricity All of the listed responses are correct.

fisheries in the upper Gulf of California have been hurt

Scientists evaluate concentrations of gases and other atmospheric constituents from the distant past by examining which of the following? gas bubbles trapped in the oceans gas bubbles trapped in rock gas bubbles trapped in soil gas bubbles trapped in ice

gas bubbles trapped in ice

In 1970, ________ was/were the source of most of the airborne lead emissions in the United States. gasoline paint pencil factories water pipes coal-burning power plants


We build dams to ________. control the spread of water borne diseases drain wetlands for urban development improve habitat for native fish transform watersheds into farms, towns, and recreational areas generate electricity, prevent flooding, and provide irrigation and drinking water

generate electricity, prevent flooding, and provide irrigation and drinking water

Where is electricity made at a coal-fired power plant? cooling tower silo boiler control room generator


Which of the following have the ability to absorb energy from Earth's surface and then emit infrared radiation in all directions? the mountains the sun the oceans greenhouse gases

greenhouse gases

Carbon-based fuels in the lithosphere ________. will be lost before the end of the decade have been slowly sequestered over many millions of years cannot be lost to the atmosphere by human processes once stabilized on Earth's surface are formed from the deposition, partial decay, and compression of inorganic matter are readily lost from Earth's surface in the absence of humans

have been slowly sequestered over many millions of years

What climate is most associated with acid rain? polar humid continental (dry winters, cool summer) midlatitude steppe subarctic humid continental (without dry season, cool summer)

humid continental (without dry season, cool summer)

The future of green, renewable energy in Indonesia appears to rely the least on which of the following? geothermal wind solar hydropower


Which of the following is a renewable energy source? coal natural gas by-products of the formation of coal and oil oil hydropower


how can CO2 levels affet ragweed allergies? --. question hypothesis 1: prediction: hypothesis 2: prediciton:

hypothesis 1: CO2 levels affect ragweed pollen production prediction: plants grow at a higher CO2 levels will produce more pollen hypothesis 2: CO2 levels affect the concentration of protein allergens in ragweed pollen prediciton: plants grow at higher CO2 levels will produce higher concentrations of allergens

The fish in the lake at the local park are dying, and a professor from the local college comes to investigate. First, she measures the levels of dissolved oxygen in order to check for ________. aquatic biodiversity the influence of acid precipitation the presence of heavy metals the presence of bacteria hypoxia


go to chapter 14 question 19 !!!1


Where is radioactive contamination primarily found in Russia? in areas of relatively low population density along the coasts in remote regions in the tundrain areas of relatively high population density

in the tundrain areas of relatively high population density

One reasonable way to prevent sinkholes might be to ________. .pump wastewater and sewage directly into the aquifer to maintain the water table increase groundwater recharge by constructing artificial wetlands that use treated municipal wastewater install supports to maintain the shape of the underground aquifer pump sand and gravel into the aquifer to fill in the bottom levels, thus raising the water table have the local water company regularly transfer water from one local aquifer to the next, maintaining the average water level

increase groundwater recharge by constructing artificial wetlands that use treated municipal wastewater

One of the problems that occur as a consequence of CFC pollution is ________. increased rates of respiratory irritation and lung cancer the eutrophication of waterways increased rates of skin cancer in humans the movement of toxins into lakes and rivers, poisoning fish accelerated damage to human red blood cells

increased rates of skin cancer in humans

In the United States, per capita energy use ________, and energy intensity ________. has been increasing since 1950; has also been increasing since 1950 increased sharply from 1950 to the 1970s but has since declined; decreased from 1950 to the 1970s but has since increased increased sharply from 1950 to the 1970s but has since declined; has been declining since 1970 has been increasing since 1950; has been declining since 1950 was stable from 1950 to 1970 but has since increased sharply; has been increasing since 1950

increased sharply from 1950 to the 1970s but has since declined; has been declining since 1970

According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the number of human-induced sinkholes has doubled since 1930. Insurance claims increased 1200% from 1987 to 1991, costing nearly $100 million. A major reason for this is ________. decreases in agriculture global warming roadway construction, leading to increased runoff increased water consumption through development and urbanization increased rainfall, raising the water level

increased water consumption through development and urbanization

. As the CO2 level increases up to 600 µmol mol-1, how does the ragweed allergen concentration change?


As the CO2 level increases up to 600 µmol mol-1, how does ragweed pollen production change?


In the stratosphere, ________. ozone appears to be evenly distributed at all altitudes temperature and ozone concentration are inversely correlated the average temperature is much lower than for the troposphere temperature continues to decrease with altitude as in the troposphere increases of temperature and ozone levels are strongly correlated

increases of temperature and ozone levels are strongly correlated

How do dust particles from the vast deserts in China affect weather patterns? The dust __________. decreases the chances of storms in Europe increases the chances of rainfall in California increases the chances of snowfall in Australia decreases the chances of snowfall in Oregon

increases the chances of rainfall in California

Ocean water is 96.5% water by mass. Most of the remainder consists of __________. the nutrients nitrogen and potassium carbon dioxide oil from human and natural causes ions from dissolved salts

ions from dissolved salts

Humans use more fresh water for ________ than for any other purpose. industrial processes producing hydrogen fuel household use irrigating crops cooking and drinking

irrigating crops

Most water taken out of the natural world is used for __________. irrigation drinking water cleaning purposes industrial manufacturing


Hydroelectric power generation ________. is an alternative to fossil fuels that produces fewer greenhouse gases uses fuel cells to generate electricity produces high quantities of greenhouse gases has no undesirable environmental effects produces pollutants that contribute significantly to acid precipitation

is an alternative to fossil fuels that produces fewer greenhouse gases

The Coriolis effect ________. results in seasonal periods of 24-hour darkness at the poles in winter keeps the wind circulating at constant speed around the planet is caused by Earth's rotation is caused by the moon keeps Earth from spinning too fast

is caused by Earth's rotation

Recent research indicates that the variation in solar output ________. is greater than all the anthropogenic factors affecting climate change is the major factor driving temperature change will increase by a hundredfold over then next century is less than any of the anthropogenic factors affecting climate change is more than 20 watts/m2

is less than any of the anthropogenic factors affecting climate change

How does China's air pollution get to the United States? China's air pollution __________. settles into the ocean and drifts across the Pacific to the west coast of the United States is carried by jets traveling from Asia to the United States is carried by winds over Europe and the Atlantic Ocean to the east coast of the United States is moved by the jet stream to the west coast of the United States

is moved by the jet stream to the west coast of the United States

Tropospheric ozone ________. is caused by poor farming techniques is a primary pollutant is produced through the interaction of heat and UV light, with nitrogen oxides and carbon-containing compounds binds with hemoglobin, preventing binding with oxygen in red blood cells protects Earth from most of the harmful UV radiation

is produced through the interaction of heat and UV light, with nitrogen oxides and carbon-containing compounds

The oil spill resulting from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster ________. is the largest accidental oil spill in world history eclipsed all non-point oil spills by 500% was quickly cleaned up, preventing loss of wildlife and damage to fisheries along the Gulf Coast is considered a minor incident compared to other oil spills resulted in a permanent ban on all offshore drilling in U.S. coastal waters

is the largest accidental oil spill in world history


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The region of a lake where plants are able to attach to the bottom and still reach above the surface is known as the __________. benthic zone abyssal zone littoral zone profundal zone

littoral zone

Which of the following is an example of mitigation? developing new strategies for predicting changing weather patterns moving inland as sea levels rise making legislation to reduce our use of fossil fuels wearing cooler clothing

making legislation to reduce our use of fossil fuels

At low temperatures, only __________ are produced.


Of the following greenhouse gases, ________ concentrations have increased by the greatest percentage since 1750. ozone methane water vapor nitrous oxide carbon dioxide


The atmosphere around Earth can cause global warming because ________. fossil fuels release heat molecules in the atmosphere are warmed by radiation from Earth and retain that heat plants release CO2 warm air cannot escape, as in a greenhouse plants absorb CO2

molecules in the atmosphere are warmed by radiation from Earth and retain that heat

If all of the stratospheric ozone suddenly disappeared, ________. plants would flourish because of the extra solar energy reaching Earth's surface insects would be the only organisms to survive there would be a dramatic decrease in skin cancersEarth's surface would warm considerably most life on Earth would cease to exist because of the amount of UV radiation penetrating the atmosphere

most life on Earth would cease to exist because of the amount of UV radiation penetrating the atmosphere

If we take a sample of ice from 10 meters beneath the surface and find that it is 1,000 years old, where would we need to look for ice that is about 10,000 years old? about one meter below the surface a little deeper, about 12 meters below the surface much deeper, about 100 meters below the surface about five meters below the surface

much deeper, about 100 meters below the surface

Chevron decides to frack near your home. Which of the following are they interested in obtaining? water coal natural gas oil

natural gas

Between 21 and 25°C, as _________________ goes up, ________________________________ goes down.

nest temperature percentage of hatchlings that are male

The x axis shows _________________. The y axis shows _______________________

nest temperature percentage of hatchlings that are male

The Acid Rain Program established under the Clean Air Act of 1990 has been successful in reducing emissions of sulfur dioxide and ________. lead nitrogen oxides CFCs carbon dioxide carbon monoxide

nitrogen oxides

Do the data prove that increased CO2 levels cause more severe ragweed allergies? (yes or no)


A boat floating along the eastern shore of Florida is expected to drift __________. northward toward the New England states westward toward Mexico southward toward South America eastward toward Africa

northward toward the New England states

The results from Fukushima would be most applicable if a similar accident occurred at which of the following? nuclear power plant nuclear weapons demanufacturing facility nuclear waste storage facility nuclear weapons facility

nuclear power plant

Which of the following is least likely to be increasingly used to generate electricity as coal-fired power plants are phased out? nuclear power wind power natural gas oil


One-quarter of Scotland's electricity is generated by the third-largest coal-fired power station in Europe. In just three minutes, this power plant uses __________ of coal. one train car (wagon) 4 million tons 4 billion tons 1,000 pounds

one train car (wagon)

What caused the Aral Sea, the fourth largest lake on Earth, to lose four-fifths of its volume in 40 years? overconsumption by large resort communities living on its banks overconsumption for industrial uses overconsumption by the fishermen and the community living there to support them overconsumption by cotton farmers

overconsumption by cotton farmers

Sinkholes can result from ________. poorly drilled wells in soft soils overconsumption of water from aquifers building on floodplains flood damage and chemical erosion substrates that become weak following rain

overconsumption of water from aquifers

Currently, the greatest ecological crisis facing marine food webs is ________. .radiation overharvesting oil spills plastic dumping abandoned fishing nets


Which of the following types of pollution is most responsible for large numbers of deaths worldwide because of unsafe drinking water? nutrient pollution sediment pollution pathogen pollution thermal pollution

pathogen pollution

Alaskans benefit from the trans-Alaska pipeline because Alaska's state constitution requires approximately 25% of state revenues associated with the oil industry to be placed into a monetary fund called the Permanent Fund, which ________. .is used for social infrastructure, such as hospitals, roads, and schools is used as a main source of funds to reduce environmental damage is divided equally among the politicians in the state for running their offices pays yearly dividends to all Alaska residents pays for education of native Alaskans through scholarships

pays yearly dividends to all Alaska residents

Which of these would NOT contribute to a global increase in temperature? deforestation increasing the use of gasoline-burning vehicles increasing the industrial release of carbon dioxide planting trees increasing the amount of animal life on Earth

planting trees

Pathogens and waterborne diseases enter drinking water supplies from ________. excess nitrogen and phosphorus as agricultural runoff oil and chemical spills pesticides entering groundwater poorly treated wastewater and animal wastes from feed lots upwelling

poorly treated wastewater and animal wastes from feed lots

The fact that there is a high sulfur content of the coal burned in South African power plants means that the ________. power plants burn cleanly, with little pollution power plants emit high levels of radioactive pollution coal is very expensive, forcing most poor people to go without electricity power plants contribute to acidic deposition coal is very inexpensive, leading to an improved economy

power plants contribute to acidic deposition

Natural wetlands provide many ecosystem services. When a wetland is restored, which of the following ecosystem services returns most rapidly? reducing the impact of droughts on nearby communities improving water quality for nearby communities providing food for fish and wildlife reducing the impact of floods on nearby communities

providing food for fish and wildlife

In developed countries, the two most deadly sources of indoor pollution are ________. pesticides and cigarette smoke synthetic furniture materials and radiation from electronic equipment pesticides and cleaning agents radiation from electronic equipment and pesticides radon and cigarette smoke

radon and cigarette smoke

Crude oil is ________. formed in a wide range of temperature and pressure circumstances formed less than 100 yards below the surface; in deeper places with more pressure, coal is formed refined to separate the chemicals used for gasoline, lubricants, plastics, and other products composed of less than ten different hydrocarbon molecules usable in its raw form

refined to separate the chemicals used for gasoline, lubricants, plastics, and other products

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is an international panel that ________. constructed the Kyoto Protocol performed the research included in the climate change findings could not achieve its objectives because of lack of popular support fines companies that pollute reports on how climate change influences wildlife, ecosystems, and society

reports on how climate change influences wildlife, ecosystems, and society

A(n) ________ is a device designed to remove airborne pollutants from smokestack emissions. air filter boiler scrubber tall stack coal washer


All fossil fuels, including coal, are considered an indirect form of ____________ energy. wind renewable nuclear geothermal solar


Switching from fossil fuels to _____ energy would significantly decrease the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. solar nuclear geothermal solar and geothermal solar, nuclear, and geothermal

solar, nuclear, and geothermal

Point sources of air pollution are __________. _.all the hydrocarbons produced by trees in the Smoky Mountains the diffuse release of pollution from autos and homes into the atmosphere specific spots--such as a factory's smokestacks--where large quantities of pollution are discharged the release of pollution from many unidentifiable sources

specific spots--such as a factory's smokestacks--where large quantities of pollution are discharged

Use MapMaster to determine which natural region is most associated with poor urban air quality. .taiga desert and semi desert tundra mountain steppe


The primary causes of acid deposition are ________. radon gas and fuel wood smoke tropospheric ozone sulfur and nitrogen oxides carbon monoxide and formaldehyde soil dust and sand

sulfur and nitrogen oxides

For the strategies below, decide whether they are best described as demand-side solutions or supply-side solutions to meeting human needs for fresh water. Remember that a demand-side solution reduces demand for fresh water, whereas a supply-side solution increases the supply of fresh water. Drag each description to the appropriate bin.

supply-side solutions:desalinating sea waterdamming a rivera nation invadingdemand-side solutions:raising water pricesproviding tax breaksrequiring low-flowreplacing inefficient

Most of the productivity of a wetland can be restored within 50 years, but it takes much longer to restore soil fertility. supported not supported cannot be determined from the graph


Zooxanthellae are ________. bacteria that fix nitrogen in ocean sediments used in the treatment of wastewater an endangered species of fish in the Aral Sea symbiotic algae that provide energy to many species of corals an invasive kelp species in the Indian Ocean

symbiotic algae that provide energy to many species of corals

In the troposphere ________. warmest temperatures reflect an absence of ozone temperature decreases nearly linearly with altitude ozone levels decrease with altitude ozone levels increase with altitude temperatures never dip below freezing

temperature decreases nearly linearly with altitude

Occasionally, a layer of cool air forms under a layer of warmer air in the troposphere. This change from the normal temperature profile in the troposphere is called a ________. .tornado or supercell cold front temperature or thermal subversion temperature or thermal inversion low-pressure system

temperature or thermal inversion

Which piece of legislation set strict standards for air quality and pollution control in the United States? the Clean Water Act the Clean Air Act the Montreal Protocol the Endangered Species Act

the Clean Air Act

The United States should enact laws slowing global climate change because ________. effects of global climate change are most significant in the United States the United States is a major source of the problem U.S. industry supports the legislation no other nations have initiated efforts to slow global climate change the United States is the most populous nation on Earth

the United States is a major source of the problem

The bars on the graph are not of equal width. What does the width of each bar represent? the amount of energy saved by an investment, in kilowatts per year the cost of conserved energy for each investment, in dollars per kilowatt-hour the amount of energy saved by an investment, in kilowatt-hours per year the cost-effectiveness of each energy investment

the amount of energy saved by an investment, in kilowatt-hours per year

A watershed is ________. an inland basin that connects to another inland basin the water held in the atmosphere prior to returning to Earth in the form of rainfall a term used to describe water stored underground the area of land that drains into a river or lake a river that drains into the sea

the area of land that drains into a river or lake

Ice that formed thousands of years ago is often found to contain tiny bubbles of gas. This gas came from __________. the atmosphere tiny zooplankton that lived in the water before it froze tiny phytoplankton that lived in the water before it froze water vapor released from melting ice

the atmosphere

In the past 50 years, the global hydrological environment has experienced great change due to __________. the dramatic shift away from reliance on crop irrigation the increased use of water from the Great Lakes by cities such as Chicago, Milwaukee, Detroit, and Toronto the construction of more than 40,000 new dams all of the listed developments

the construction of more than 40,000 new dams

What is energy intensity? the use of LED rather than incandescent light bulbs the energy use per dollar of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) a measure of the reduction of wasteful or unnecessary energy use the capturing of excess heat during electrical generation

the energy use per dollar of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

What environmental problem that contributes to global warming is addressed by using amine solutions to treat the fumes of a coal-burning power plant? the release of heat into the atmosphere the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere the production of fine carbon particles and ash the production of acid rain

the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere

Snow and ice accumulations in California's mountains are carefully monitored because __________. winter sports activities are the most important economic activities in the state they contribute to the main water source for most of the residents of the state they produce essential water for agriculture in Utah and New Mexico deaths from avalanches and floods are the leading killer of people living in California

they contribute to the main water source for most of the residents of the state

Classify each pollutant based on the category that best describes its impact on waterways.

toxic chemicals: acid drainage, herbicidepathogens and waterborne diseases: medical wastethermal pollution: frigid waternutrient pollution: nitrogen-rich grass, phosphorous-rich fertilizersediment: clay soil, eroded topsoil

Which of the following energy investments would be cost-effective to install? ground source heat pump triple paned windows solar hot water heating gas stove

triple paned windows

The Amazon River Dolphin inhabits both the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers. What is the climate in the region of the Orinoco? marine west coast tropical savanna tropical wet humid subtropical midlatitude steppe

tropical savanna

The introduction of the Nile perch has dramatically altered the freshwater ecosystem of Africa's largest lake. This lake is located in a __________. tropical savanna coastal forests tropical rain forest steppe desert

tropical savanna

Most of Earth's liquid fresh water is found ________. in ice caps and glaciers in the atmosphere in lakes underground in the oceans


"Biosolids" produced at a wastewater treatment plant are often ________. .trucked to special biohazard landfills for disposal used as part of the "fill" to develop wetlands into agriculture or housing areas loaded onto barges and sent to underdeveloped countries to use as fertilizer used as crop fertilizer placed in deep injection wells to keep them out of the water table

used as crop fertilizer

Secondary extraction of petroleum ________. occurs immediately after primary extraction allows the oil to be extracted to the last drop uses solvents, water, or steam causes less environmental damage than tertiary extraction is less expensive than primary extraction

uses solvents, water, or steam

Efficiency of coal-fired power plants can be nearly doubled by ________. switching to oil using cogeneration adding wood chips to the coal using coal with higher sulfur content using household wastes along with the coal

using cogeneration

Which of the following wetland environments only occurs for a short period of time each year? vernal pools freshwater marshes swamps bogs

vernal pools

Air near Earth's surface tends to be ________. warmer and wetter; then it rises, expanding and cooling warmer and drier; then it rises, condensing and gathering moisture warmer; it rises as it is displaced by Coriolis forces cooler and wetter; then it rises, is warmed by the sun, and sinks again cooler and drier; it rises when it is displaced by sinking warm air

warmer and wetter; then it rises, expanding and cooling

The Kyoto Protocol ________. required increases in nuclear power generation increased federal funding for controlling greenhouse gas emissions from U.S. power plants was intended to reduce emissions of six greenhouse gases to levels lower than those of 1990 required equal concessions from all countries involved in greenhouse gas emission would have resulted in overall increases in greenhouse emissions

was intended to reduce emissions of six greenhouse gases to levels lower than those of 1990

Which of the following will contribute to water conservation? watering lawns during peak sunlight hours, when plants need water most watering lawns at night and landscaping with native plants washing dishes by hand planting nonnative wetland plants for landscaping using aerial sprays for crop irrigation

watering lawns at night and landscaping with native plants

The huge dust storms that took place in the United States in the 1930s ________. were the result of ozone depletion were triggered by tornados, worsened by global climate change were the result of poor farming techniques were the result of polar cells were the result of glacier melt

were the result of poor farming techniques

In which one of the following locations is the ocean current flowing from the north toward the equator? east coast of the United States west coast of the United States west coast of southern Africa east coast of Japan

west coast of the United States

Many present-day fisheries managers ________. favor protection of commercially valuable species and not others favor taxes on commercial fishing boats wish to set aside areas of ocean where systems can function without human interference favor short-term solutions to marine ecosystem problems want all laws regarding fishing to be abolished

wish to set aside areas of ocean where systems can function without human interference

Along with many other governmental reforms that began in 1994, the electrical plant just outside Soweto was closed in 2000, and other plants were brought into use. Some parts of Soweto were then wired for electricity. It is estimated, however, that only about 30% of the more than 1.2 million black inhabitants have electricity in their homes; the remainder either cannot afford the costs involved or live in areas that have no electrical access. These inhabitants probably use ________ for fuel. natural gas and backyard windmills natural gas and solar cells gas-powered home generators charcoal and candles wood and coal

wood and coal

. Do the data support Hypothesis 2 and its prediction--that plants grown at higher CO2 levels will produce higher concentrations of allergens? (yes or no)


Do the data support Hypothesis 1 and its prediction--that plants grown at higher CO2 levels will produce more pollen? (yes or no)


Evidence from polar ice core analysis shows that, until now, carbon dioxide levels have never exceeded ________ ppm in the last several hundred thousand years. 200 500 1000 25 300


If the U.S. population in 1970 was approximately 200 million people, what was the approximate population by 2006? 250 million people 200 million people 300 million people 600 million people

300 million people

What was the percent change in CO2 emissions for transportation from 1980 to 2005? 50% 19% 36% 0.36%


Energy consumption and aggregate emissions have also changed over time. Whereas the ratio of energy consumption to emissions was 1:1 in 1970, by 2006 the ratio was _________. 1:3s till 1:1 3:1


The figure shows all current fluxes of CO2, with arrows sized according to mass. Green arrows are natural fluxes, and red arrows are anthropogenic fluxes. For every metric ton of carbon dioxide emitted as a result of changes in land use (e.g. deforestation), approximately how much is emitted from industry? 0.2 metric tons 4 metric tons 20 metric tons 26 metric tons

4 metric tons

Roughly ________% of U.S. citizens live in coastal counties and are thus vulnerable to rises in sea level. 10 50 83 20 95


The oceans hold ________ carbon than the atmosphere. 5 times more 10,000 times less 10,000 times more 1000 times less 50 times more

50 times more

At the average nest temperature of 23°C, approximately _______ of hatchlings are male.


What is the amount of time that it takes for the radiation in a sample of uranium-235 waste to be reduced by half? 10 years 500 years 1 million years 700 million years

700 million years

Over ________% of the fuel you pump into your automobile does something other than move your vehicle down the road. 55 85 45 65 25


Which of the following emission reduction strategies would result in the greatest overall decrease in CO2? A 10% decrease in both electricity generation and transportation emissions A 25% decrease in residential and commercial emissions A 20% decrease in transportation emissions A 25% decrease in industrial emissions

A 10% decrease in both electricity generation and transportation emissions

the Chinese winter monsoon continues to push east. What can people in Korea and Japan expect? A cold winter. Unpredictable conditions. A warm winter. An average winter.

A cold winter.

Which of the following statements accurately describe(s) changes in bird species diversity following the construction of a wetland in the study area? Select all that apply. A decrease in bird species diversity was observed only in August. When comparing pre- and post-construction data, the largest monthly gain in bird species diversity occurred in June .After construction of the wetland, the number of bird species remained steady from April to November 2006. An increase in bird species diversity was observed across most months of the study period following wetland construction.

A decrease in bird species diversity was observed only in August. An increase in bird species diversity was observed across most months of the study period following wetland construction.

In an effort to further reduce emissions, a government panel is considering several policy options. For the trends on the graph, which of the following policies could have the biggest long-term impact on lowering emissions? Tax rebates for citizens who have one child per family Subsidies supporting research to cut emissions by 10% A mandated switch to electric cars with a solar and wind-powered electrical grid to "fuel" the cars A high-speed train network that reduces vehicle miles traveled by 25%

A mandated switch to electric cars with a solar and wind-powered electrical grid to "fuel" the cars

What is Hubbert's peak? A statistical maximum value that can be charged for a gallon of gas before people start buying more fuel-efficient vehicles The temperature and pressure at which the highest-quality petroleum forms The source of the world's largest anthracite coal deposit A prediction, based on rates of extraction and new discovery, of when a country's or global oil production will be at a maximum and then start to fall

A prediction, based on rates of extraction and new discovery, of when a country's or global oil production will be at a maximum and then start to fall

Which of the following areas is most likely to have the greatest rainfall? A region with a very cold atmosphere. A region with a warm atmosphere. A region with a cool atmosphere. Temperature of the atmosphere does not impact rainfall amounts.

A region with a warm atmosphere.

What correlation exists between acid rain and human population density in Russia? Acid rain is more prevalent in regions that contain low population density. Acid rain is prevalent throughout Russia. Acid rain is not correlated with population density. Acid rain is more prevalent in regions that contain high population density. This cannot be determined from the map.

Acid rain is more prevalent in regions that contain high population density.

Based on the success of the Pollution Potential Index in China, it is implemented in parts of Africa to study air pollution and climate change. Which of the following will be needed to calculate the PPI? Changes in barometric pressure and air temperature gradient anomalies. Surface wind speeds and weekly humidity averages. Air temperature gradient anomalies and surface wind speeds. Weekly humidity average and changes in barometric pressure.

Air temperature gradient anomalies and surface wind speeds.

Sara Nicholas presents the case for dam removal by offering a variety of reasons. Which of the following reasons is her primary argument for removing dams? Mill dams remain long after the mills are torn down. Many dams continue to provide a useful service. Large numbers of dams no longer provide direct economic benefits. All dams harm riparian environments.

All dams harm riparian environments.

Which of the following crops or animals are supported by the water runoff from the highlands of Kyrgyzstan and neighboring Tajikistan? fruits wheat cotton sheep All of the listed choices are supported.

All of the listed choices are supported.

Which of the following has contributed to longer life spans in the United States? improved health care improved diet decreased air pollution All of the listed responses are correct

All of the listed responses are correct

It is the second longest river in the world and responsible for about 20 percent of the freshwater that flows into the world's oceans. Orinoco Paraná Negro São francisco Amazon


A haze hangs over the East China plains in winter. Which of the following will most likely disperse this haze? Record high temperatures An extended blast of cold air Several days of light wind Heavy rainfall.

An extended blast of cold air

Which of the following is most likely in coastal areas as sunny-day flooding increases? No change in salt-tolerant plants. A decrease in salt-tolerant plants. An increase in salt-tolerant plants. The complete loss of salt-tolerant plants.

An increase in salt-tolerant plants.

Which of the following is true regarding corals? As sea levels rise, corals will be shorter. Coral size is not related to sea level. As sea levels rise, corals will grow taller in the northern hemisphere, but will be shorter in the southern hemisphere. As sea levels rise, corals grow taller.

As sea levels rise, corals grow taller.

What might explain an increase in total emissions but a decline in per-capita emissions as reflected by the percent change, post-tax vs. pre-tax? As the total emissions increased, the GDP also grew, resulting in a reduction in emissions per capita. As the total emissions increased, the total population in that region decreased, resulting in a reduction in emissions per capita. As the total emissions increased, the total population in that region increased more significantly, resulting in a reduction in emissions per capita. As the total emissions increased, the total population in that region stayed the same, resulting in a reduction in emissions per capita.

As the total emissions increased, the total population in that region increased more significantly, resulting in a reduction in emissions per capita.

Based strictly on increases in air pollution over the past few decades, where would we expect to see the greatest decrease in life spans? We would expect to see a decrease in life span in __________. Beijing, China Honolulu, Hawaii Detroit, Michigan Miami, Florida

Beijing, China

If predictions prove correct, which of the following will be true? Neither the East nor the West Coast of the United States will be impacted by climate change. The East Coast of the United States will be impacted by climate change, but the West Coast will not. The West Coast of the United States will be impacted by climate change, but the East Coast will not. Both East and West Coasts of the United States will be impacted by climate change.

Both East and West Coasts of the United States will be impacted by climate change.

Compare the two essays to predict how each author would respond to the other author's main argument. Boyd: We don't need more wilderness. Most of Alaska is already wilderness. What we need is more oil. Wayland: 10 billion barrels of oil may sound like a lot of oil but the oil would be so expensive to extract that our gas prices would increase immediately .Wayland: Although Alaska does have other wilderness areas, ANWR is special because its Coastal Plain is low in biodiversity. Boyd: A domestic oil supply is better for our energy security than importing foreign oil (to avoid drilling in ANWR).

Boyd: We don't need more wilderness. Most of Alaska is already wilderness. What we need is more oil.

The Negro River is the largest blackwater river in the world. "Blackwater" refers to the fact that it is a deep river that flows slowly through forested swamps and wetlands, with dark-colored waters as a result of tannins that are leached out of decaying vegetation. What country does this blackwater river flow through? Peru Brazil Venezuela Ecuador Colombia


How does a coal-fired power plant use the energy in coal to produce electricity? Burning coal heats air that spins the blades of a turbine and produces electricity Burning coal heats water and creates steam that turns the blades of a turbine and generates electricity Burning coal generates light that is converted into electricity Burning coal heats wires to very high temperatures, which then generate electricity.

Burning coal heats water and creates steam that turns the blades of a turbine and generates electricity

When generating equal amounts of energy, which of the following is true? It is unknown how much carbon dioxide would be produced if burning coal or natural gas. Burning natural gas produces the same amount of carbon dioxide as burning coal. Burning coal produces more carbon dioxide than burning natural gas. Burning natural gas produces more carbon dioxide than burning coal.

Burning coal produces more carbon dioxide than burning natural gas.

Which is the correct term to describe fish and other ocean organisms that are caught accidentally along with the targeted fish? Trawling Harm-catch Food-chain decimation Bycatch


The following answers for the Causes and Consequences features are examples and are not intended to represent a comprehensive list. In addition, the sequence of items is not meant to connote relative importance. Sort the examples below into the appropriate bin.

CAUSES: population growth groundwater pumping for agriculturedomestic water use for homes and landscaping CONSEQUENCES:water shortagessalinizationaltered plant communities SOLUTIONS:deployment of more efficient irrigation approaches

From which of the nations below did the United States import the most crude oil in 2012? Kuwait Iran Saudi Arabia Iraq Canada


Which of the following countries exports the most oil to the United States? Venezuela Canada Kuwait Saudi Arabia


Which of these countries increased its carbon emissions since the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol? Germany Russia Canada United Kingdom


The zebra mussel, a disastrous invader in the Great Lakes of North America, is native to this, the largest of the enclosed water bodies of the world. Caspian Sea Lake Balkhash Aegean Sea Mediterranean Sea Aral Sea

Caspian Sea

If trends since 2012 continue, which of the following countries will use the most coal? United States India China Russia


Which country leads the world in coal production and consumption by extracting and consuming approximately half of the world's annual coal yield? India Russia China Canada United States


Which of the following pollutants has the longest residence time? CO NO Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) NO2 SO2

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)1

How is climate change most significantly affecting coral reefs and sea life? Climate change causes the oceans to absorb more carbon dioxide resulting in ocean acidification. Climate change causes the oceans to release more carbon dioxide. The amount of water in the ocean is increasing and causing coral reefs to wash onto shore .Ozone in the water is killing marine life.

Climate change causes the oceans to absorb more carbon dioxide resulting in ocean acidification.

This river's drainage basin includes areas both north and south of the equator. Its flow is stable because there is always a rainy season somewhere along the river. Niger Ubangi Zambezi Limpopo Congo


What process depends on the cyclical, vertical movement of air currents: sinking cold, dense and rising warm, less dense air masses? Convective circulation Coriolis effect Thermal inversion Polar cells

Convective circulation

The source of the Amazon River is the Peruvian Andes in this part of the mountain range. Cordillera Occidental Patagonia Sierra Madre Occidental Cordillera Oriental Sierra Madre Oriental

Cordillera Occidental

Which of the following environmental concerns do both essay discuss? Dams create favorable conditions for non-native fish. River sediments that would otherwise replenish beaches or gravel stream bottoms are trapped behind dams. Dams block passage for migratory fish. Dams change water temperature and oxygen levels.

Dams block passage for migratory fish.

The essay in support of dam removal avoids one key environmental benefit touted by dam advocates. If the authors were participating in a debate, how might dam advocates state this benefit? Dams reduce the need for groundwater pumping. Dams prevent massive environmental damage due to flooding. Dams use a renewable "fuel" (water) to generate clean electricity. Dams provide irrigated water for locally grown food.

Dams use a renewable "fuel" (water) to generate clean electricity.

As photosynthesis occurs, the reactants and energy on the left are used, generating the products on the right. A plant with access to more reactants can grow more than a plant with access to fewer reactants. Suppose you are able to manipulate a plant's access to components in the photosynthesis equation. Drag each label to the appropriate bin to predict how that action will affect plant growth. For each increase or decrease, assume that every other component of the photosynthesis equation is unlimited.

Decrease plant growth: decrease sunlight decrease H2O decrease CO2 No effect on plant growth increase C6H12O6 decrease C6H12O6 ncrease plant growth increase sunlight increase H2O increase CO2

If the captain of a fishing fleet wanted to catch fish over a vast expanse of ocean, which of the following would be an effective method to do so? Bottom trawling Longline fishing Driftnets Upper trawling


The exceptionally strong warming of the eastern Pacific is referred to as ________. the Coriolis effect La Niña El Niño cyclonic storm formation downwelling

El Niño

Which of the following is a systematic shift in atmospheric pressure, sea surface temperature, and ocean circulation patterns in the tropical Pacific Ocean that alters weather patterns on a worldwide scale? El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Upwellings North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) Thermohaline circulation

El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)

Doing which of the following would reduce deaths from PM 2.5 in China by the most? Eliminate the use of oil Eliminate the use of coal Eliminate the use of natural gas Eliminate the burning of wood.

Eliminate the use of coal

Which of the following is most likely to support stricter federal regulations on fracking? Environmental Defense Fund Energy In Depth Chesapeake Energy Corporation Independent Petroleum Association of America

Environmental Defense Fund

what are these factors of? Condensed water vapor(cloud albedo) Parts of Earth's surface with high reflectivity (high albedo)

Factors that contribute to cooling Condensed water vapor(cloud albedo) Parts of Earth's surface with high reflectivity (high albedo)

what are these factor of? Black carbon aerosols and soot particles Tropospheric ozone (O3) Parts of Earth's surface with low reflectivity (low albedo) Nitrogen oxides (N2O) fromdenitrification and fossil fuel combustion Carbon dioxide (CO2) from fossil fuel combustion Methane (CH4) from decomposition and feedlots

Factors that contribute to warming

Part of the debate about drilling for oil in ANWR centers on our national dependence on imported oil. Which of the following scenarios would decrease our foreign oil needs without using ANWR oil? Discovery of new oil reserves in Canada Federal policy mandating increased fuel efficiency for cars and trucks Declining oil production in North Sea oil An increase in vehicle miles traveled per person

Federal policy mandating increased fuel efficiency for cars and trucks

Which of the following statements accurately describes nuclear fusion reactors? Fusion reactions can fuse three isotopes of hydrogen into one helium. Fusion reactions require very high temperatures. Nuclear fusion occurs in Earth's crust. Fusion would be a more advanced technology if governments had provided some money for research or if attempts to develop it were more than just a few years old.

Fusion reactions require very high temperatures.

Thomas Flint and Christine Stallard cite multiple benefits of dams. Which of the following statements represents their primary argument for the importance of dams? Global water use has increased at twice the rate of population growth, and dams can provide water. Dams create transportation for domestic commodities. Dams provide fish and wildlife habitat .Dams provide recreational opportunities.

Global water use has increased at twice the rate of population growth, and dams can provide water.

Which of the following conditions would most likely lead to extreme winter haze in the East China plains? Little snow in Siberia and elevated levels of Arctic sea ice. Heavy snow in Siberia and elevated levels of Arctic sea ice. Heavy snow in Siberia and low levels of Arctic sea ice. Little snow in Siberia and low levels of Arctic sea ice.

Heavy snow in Siberia and low levels of Arctic sea ice.

Which of the following questions is best addressed by studying ice samples from Antarctica? How has the direction of the prevailing winds changed in the past 100 years? What diseases have impacted polar bears over the past 1,000 years? How have the atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide changed in the last 100,000 years? When did humans first inhabit South America?

How have the atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide changed in the last 100,000 years?

What does the term anthropogenic mean in relation to climate change? Human-generated intensification of the greenhouse effect Ocean currents intensifying the greenhouse effect Natural Sun cycles intensifying the greenhouse effect Natural volcanic eruptions intensifying the greenhouse effect

Human-generated intensification of the greenhouse effect

Which of the following is a nonconsumptive use of water as a resource? Hydroelectric power Industrial use Copper mining Farmland irrigation

Hydroelectric power

Taylor mentions the reduced demands on natural resources due to both reduced use of natural resources and the shift away from manufacturing economies to service economies. Imagine how Walke might respond to Taylor's statements in a debate. I agree; shifts from manufacturing to service are an effective strategy for pollution control . I disagree; our economy has only shifted from manufacturing to service because our GDP was declining. I disagree; the shift to a service economy simply means that manufacturing has moved to other countries. Because air pollution does not respect borders, we will still need pollution regulation. I agree; creating incentives for companies to outsource manufacturing will solve our pollution problems.

I disagree; the shift to a service economy simply means that manufacturing has moved to other countries. Because air pollution does not respect borders, we will still need pollution regulation.

How are warming temperatures causing a vicious cycle (positive feedback) that is leading to enhanced warming? Melting ice and snow causes water to condense releasing more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Ice and snow reflect light, and as they melt, Earth absorbs more of the Sun's rays .Ice and snow reflect light, and as they melt, Earth reflects more of the Sun's rays. Ice and snow absorb light, and as they melt, Earth produces more carbon dioxide.

Ice and snow reflect light, and as they melt, Earth absorbs more of the Sun's rays

You enjoy travelling. Where are you likely to be exposed to the highest concentration of PM 2.5? India Chile Australia Germany


Which of the following is true? Indonesia has substantial coal reserves but does not use them in country. Indonesia uses a lot of coal in part because it has substantial coal reserves. Indonesia does not use much coal, as it must be imported. While Indonesia uses a lot of coal, much of it is imported.

Indonesia uses a lot of coal in part because it has substantial coal reserves.

What initiative or group is responsible for the most reviewed and widely accepted reports that we have on climate change? International Test of Emissions (ITE) Montreal Protocol Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

If the cost of energy rose to $.18 per kilowatt-hour, which of the following would be true? Investing in a solar hot water heating and a ground source heat pump would become cost-effective Installing triple paned windows would no longer be cost-effective Investing in a ground source heat pump and a gas stove would become cost-effective The cost-effectiveness of all the investments would remain the same.

Investing in a solar hot water heating and a ground source heat pump would become cost-effective

During peak usage, what happens to the cost of electricity? It depends on the time of the year It depends on where the power plant is located It almost always decrease It almost always increases Cost of electricity always stays the same.

It almost always increases

You are a toxicologist and discover that 2BE has the same effects in humans as in rodents. What does it do to humans? It causes blindness. It causes tumors. It has no effect .It causes skin rashes.

It causes tumors.

Which of the following is true regarding 2BE? It has been banned in the U.S. It is also approved for use as an insecticide. It is used only for fracking. It is found in many household products.

It is found in many household products.

What does the moderator do in a nuclear fission reactor? It provides the neutrons used in the nuclear chain reaction. It slows down the neutrons so that they can react with the nucleus of a uranium atom. It dissolves the fuel rods so that the uranium atoms can more easily interact. It absorbs excess neutrons so that the chain reaction does not get out of control.

It slows down the neutrons so that they can react with the nucleus of a uranium atom.

Of the five countries shown, ________ have essentially no domestic oil production. Japan and Germany Germany and the United States Iran and Saudi Arabia the United States and Germany Japan and the United States

Japan and Germany

__________ is a lowland area that forms a highly saline bay on the Caspian Sea, suitable for flamingoes. It dried out soon after it was dammed in order to block the flow of saline water bay into the Sea. .Tarim Basin Turfan Depression Tibetan Plateau Tien Shan Kara-Bogaz-Gol


Using what you learned about the equation for photosynthesis and McCarthy's hypothesis, make predictions for the tree growth at each site. One has already been filled in for you.

LEFT TO RIGHT=FIRST ROW -Low growth -medium growth SECOND ROW -High Growth

Suppose you are helping McCarthy choose her sample sites. You have the resources to conduct the study at only 4 sites. Pick the 4 sites that allow all 4 possible treatment combinations, while controlling for sunlight. Drag a check mark to each site you would use, and drag Xs to the sites you would not use. You should end up placing 4 check marks and 8 Xs. Labels can be used more than once.


The filling of Kaptchagayskoye Reservoir on the River Ili has negatively affected the water level, salinity levels, and ecology of this body of water. Huang He Lake Balkhash Caspian Sea Kara-Bogaz Gol Aral Sea

Lake Balkhash

Which of the following lakes lies at the highest elevation? Lake Tanganyika Lake Turkana Lake Chad Lake Victoria Lake Tana

Lake Tana

Now compare the change in GDP to the change in CO2 emissions from electricity generation. If GDP more than doubled from 1980 to 2005, what is the ratio of changes in CO2 emissions to changes in GDP for that period of time? Greater than 2:1, with CO2 emissions per unit of economic activity doubling Less than 1:1, showing a slight CO2 decrease per unit of economic activity Greater than 1:1, showing a slight CO2 increase per unit of economic activity Exactly 1:1, so CO2 emissions increased at the same rate as GDP increased

Less than 1:1, showing a slight CO2 decrease per unit of economic activity

Which government officials have taken action against the effects of climate change? Local Florida city officials US Congress Florida state Governor Florida state Congress

Local Florida city officials

One key to the puzzle of Los Angeles's smog is the fact that ________. incoming tides in the harbor push air pollution ahead of them the Hadley cell for that area drops cool air, and pollution, right over Los Angeles the offshore breezes carry inland pollution to coastal Los Angeles there are so many rainy days, increasing the acidic deposition Los Angeles and its suburbs are all ringed by mountains

Los Angeles and its suburbs are all ringed by mountains

What compound that results from hydraulic fracturing can contaminate groundwater? Methane Sulfur dioxide Carbon dioxide Carbon monoxide


Which greenhouse gas is produced by rice farming and the raising of cattle? Methane Halocarbon and fluorocarbon gases Propane Nitrogen oxides


What are the periodic variations in Earth's rotation and orbit around the sun that alter the way solar radiation is distributed over Earth's surface? Milankovitch cycles radiative forcing weather climate

Milankovitch cycles

Which of the following statements is true? The majority of Earth's fresh surface water is found in rivers Most of Earth's fresh water is found within 100 miles of densely populated areas. Most of Earth's fresh water is frozen. Most of Earth's fresh water would require desalination in order to make it suitable for consumption. Soil and atmospheric moisture comprise the majority of Earth's surface fresh water.

Most of Earth's fresh water is frozen.

Which gas makes up 78% of the molecules in the atmosphere? H2O, water vapor O2, oxygen N2, nitrogen CO2, carbon dioxide

N2, nitrogen

How does radon originate? Natural decay of uranium Burning wood indoors Cigarette smoke Volatile organic compounds

Natural decay of uranium

Which of the following is a nonrenewable energy source? Solar energy Ocean energy Natural gas Electricity

Natural gas

The Macina is a large area of lakes and floodplains whose ecosystem depends on how much flooding it receives. The delta consists of the middle course of this river in the Sahel. In the river, you can still find sea cows. Congo Limpopo Niger Ubangi Zambezi


When it comes to radiation exposure, you agree with the linear no-threshold model. What do you believe? A moderate amount of radiation is safe. Any amount of radiation is safe. A small amount of radiation is safe. No amount of radiation is safe.

No amount of radiation is safe.

erry Taylor considers better air quality a luxury good. What evidence does he give for this reasoning? Pollution declines generally occur after the passage of pollution control laws. Property values tend to be unaffected by pollution levels. Once per capita income reaches a certain level, concentrations of pollutants begin to decline as rapidly as they had increased .Declines are linked to industry demands for better environmental quality.

Once per capita income reaches a certain level, concentrations of pollutants begin to decline as rapidly as they had increased

The La Plata River Basin includes the _____ river. Madeira Negro Paraná Orinoco Magdalena


Developing a technique to effectively and economically remove which of the following from the atmosphere would directly decrease haze in an area the most? Carbon dioxide Nitrogen Carbon monoxide Particulate matter

Particulate matter

What happens when acids from acid deposition hit topsoil? Toxic metals are tied up by acids and become less available. Plants grow due to increased fertilizers from the acid. Fish populations increase because of runoff from the soil. Plants and soil organisms are harmed.

Plants and soil organisms are harmed.

What is the spatial relationship between the distributions of water and people? Anthropogenic colonization has been limited to shorelines Populations and water resources too often have an inverse relationship (lots of people where there is little water) People are limited to areas with freshwater or saltwater People only colonize areas with abundant freshwater.

Populations and water resources too often have an inverse relationship (lots of people where there is little water)

As of now, the Fukushima accident indicates that which of the following is most accurate when it comes to radiation exposure? Homeostatic recovery Homeopathic sensitivity Radiation hormesis Linear no-threshold model

Radiation hormesis

The authors of the two essays are quite opposite in their views, with Walke pro-regulation and Taylor anti-regulation. If you had to select a type of regulation that both authors would approve, which of the following might work? A voluntary regulation in which polluters agree to reduce emissions by 10% Regulatory incentives that award subsidies to companies demonstrating technological changes in their processes that measurably reduce pollution Comprehensive regulation with mandatory pollution limits and fines for exceeding limits A regulation that cuts taxes for polluters so their profits will increase and pollution will decline

Regulatory incentives that award subsidies to companies demonstrating technological changes in their processes that measurably reduce pollution

You are part of a panel that reviews dam permits for renewal. Your panel hears testimony from both pro-dam and pro-dam removal advocates. Which of the following scenarios is least likely to be Removal of an electricity-generating dam that blocks salmon migration Removal of a mill dam for a now defunct mill operation Removal of a dam inside a national park that provides drinking water for a large urban area Removal of a dam on a desert river that diverts water for agriculture

Removal of a mill dam for a now defunct mill operation

Which of the following individuals would be least likely to support increasing federal funding for projects related to climate change? President Barack Obama Republican Senator National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientist Democratic Senator

Republican Senator

Polluted rivers are a major issue primarily in which part of Russia? eastern Russia western Russia central Russia southern Russia River pollution is prominent throughout Russia.

River pollution is prominent throughout Russia.

Based on the graph, which of the criteria air pollutants declined the most significantly relative to the most recent national standard between 1980 and 2015? SO2 CO NO2 ozone


The country with the largest amount of domestic oil available for sale on the international market is ________. Japan Iran Saudi Arabia the United States Germany

Saudi Arabia

In which layer of the atmosphere is the ozone layer found? Troposphere Thermosphere Stratosphere Tropopause


Which of the following is one of the two methods for mining oil shale? Deep-sea drilling Surface drilling Strip mining Fire treating

Strip mining

What are the effects of carbon monoxide? Damaged respiratory tissueIt causes acid rain that can damage plants. Suffocation in mammals A bluish haze that gives the Blue Ridge Mountains their name

Suffocation in mammals

Based on the bar graph, during which season did bird abundances decline post-construction of the artificial wetland? Fall Spring Winter Summer


Located in the southern part of the Great Rift Valley, Lake _____ is the world's longest freshwater lake and has been a showcase of cichlid evolution. Many of the endemic fish have made their way into the aquarium trade. Nyasa Tana Chad Victoria Tanganyika


What is the current status of carbon capture and storage (CCS) in the United States? Carbon is now captured and converted to plastics at most coal power plants in the United States. The rejection of Yucca Mountain as a carbon storage site has resulted in coal power plants storing carbon on-site until a permanent storage location can be approved. Many coal power plants are currently voluntarily retrofitting their systems to capture carbon emissions. The U.S. government is currently requiring all coal power plants to institute carbon capture and storage technologies by the year 2025. Technologies are not sufficiently reliable, and it is currently too energetically expensive for coal power plants to capture and store their carbon emissions.

Technologies are not sufficiently reliable, and it is currently too energetically expensive for coal power plants to capture and store their carbon emissions.

Which of the following statements properly describes the cause of a temperature inversion or its effects? Temperature inversions are caused by the rising air of convection currents. Temperature inversions can trap air pollution in one place for many days. Temperature inversions are the main cause of cold fronts. Temperature inversions typically happen in open places as weather fronts move through.

Temperature inversions can trap air pollution in one place for many days.

Which of the following tends to be true in Indonesia? While the government supports the use of coal, the citizens do not. While the citizens support the use of coal, the government does not. The citizens and government support the use of coal .Neither the citizens nor the government support the use of coal.

The citizens and government support the use of coal

Why do pollution and smog often become trapped in Los Angeles and other similar urban areas? Increased electromagnetic radiation because of Los Angeles's low altitude. There are no winds in Los Angeles. The pollution that occurs there is heavier than the surrounding air, which leads to the buildup of smog. The combination of temperature inversions (because of being surrounded by mountains) and extended periods of sunlight result in the buildup of smog in Los Angeles.

The combination of temperature inversions (because of being surrounded by mountains) and extended periods of sunlight result in the buildup of smog in Los Angeles.

In his essay Ken Boyd gives his rationale for Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) oil drilling. Which of the following statements is one of his reasons? The native Inupiat Eskimo people would receive all of the oil revenue from the area . Ignoring domestic energy supplies will lead to greater energy security. The federal government owns 64% of Alaska, and 56% of that land is official "wilderness," so ANWR is not needed as additional "wilderness." Drilling in ANWR will quadruple the amount of oil Alaska is currently producing.

The federal government owns 64% of Alaska, and 56% of that land is official "wilderness," so ANWR is not needed as additional "wilderness."

How does South Florida's geology cause problems for Miami? The limestone bedrock allows water to move through. The granite bedrock keeps water out. The granite bedrock allows water to move through .The limestone bedrock keeps water out.

The limestone bedrock allows water to move through.

According to scientific data, which of the following is most likely true? The rate of global warming only slows. The rate of global warming can speed up or slow down. The rate of global warming only speeds up. The rate of global warming tends to stay the same.

The rate of global warming can speed up or slow down.

John Walke supports government regulation as the most effective approach for reducing air pollution. Which of the following statements expresses one of his reasons? There is little or no economic incentive for polluters to pay pollution costs .Health risks of air pollution are linked to short-term exposure to high concentrations of pollution. Air pollution remains concentrated at its source. The origins of air pollutants are generally known.

There is little or no economic incentive for polluters to pay pollution costs

If trends continue, which of the following will occur? There will be more intense rainfall events in the eastern United States There will be more intense droughts in the eastern United States. There will be slightly below average rainfall in the eastern United States. There will be slightly above average rainfall in the eastern United States.

There will be more intense rainfall events in the eastern United States

Which term describes a regular periodic change to the ocean's height due to the gravitational influence of the moon and the sun? ocean acidification waves Tides Currents


Which of the following layers of the atmosphere is responsible for the weather that we experience on the surface of Earth? Mesosphere Stratosphere Thermosphere Troposphere


Which of the following countries likely has the highest level of premature deaths due to PM 2.5? Sweden United States Guyana Turkey


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