1648-1815 ID TERMS, UNIT 2

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Thomas Hobbes

"Life is nasty, brutish, and short." He believed that in a state of nature, might makes right, and that we agree to be governed to protect ourselves from living in a state of nature. Believed that the state must have only one religion for unity. Favored an absolute monarchy for government.

Louis XIV

-Best example of an absolute monarch -King of France from 1643-1715 -Palace of Versailles -Edict of fontainebleau- revoked the Edict of Nantes (which had given calvinists substantial rights) -Gallicanism- pope had no political authority over the french catholic church but was still a major religious figure -"One king, one law, one faith" -1st estate had no taxes -Robe nobles were chosen by the king to replace sword nobles -Feudal contract- king provided land for nobles in return for the loyalty of nobles -Intendant system- replacing career politicians with kings appointed people -Code Louis- the standardization of laws in France based on regional customs -Fronde rebellion L'Etat, c'est moi ("I am the state") became the credo of this most absolutist monarch during the -Age of Absolutism. -He was known as the Sun King. -Reigned over the Golden age of French culture and influence. -Wanted a strong army and a chain of command was established, and the army was increased from 100,000 to 400,000 the largest in Europe. -Two thirds of his reign, France as at War. - He felt that he had a motive to ensure the people were not practicing a religion that was false.

Peter the Great

-This was the tsar of Russia that Westernized Russia and built up a massive Russian army. -His goals were westernization and warm water ports -He created St. Petersburg -Gained control of the russian orthodox church -Abolished the position of the patriarch and created the holy synod to make decisions for the church -Table of ranks- created opportunities for non nobles to serve the state and join the nobility; officials start at one rank and work their way up -Reformed government bureaucracy by pushing the use of commerce and industry -Revolt of the Streltsy -Great northern war- attack on Sweden to get port to baltic. -Supported by Denmark and Poland, but defeated by Sweden. -Ended by the peace of nystad in 1721 which gave -Peter acquisition of Estonia, Livonia, and Karelia. -Book of etiquette- taught people what is appropriate and changed the culture of russians -Absolute monarch of Russia. -He expanded the power of the state and established powerful standing army, a civil service, and an educational system to train technicians in skills developed by western science and technology. -He imposed economic burdens, western ideas, and social restrictions on the peasants to further his power.

Declaration of pillnitz

1791 Prussia and austria pledged to declare war with france if louis XVI is threatened Emigres (french nobles who fled france beginning in 1789 and influenced Prussia and austria) Austrian emperor leopold was willing to restore order if all of the rpowers joined him It was really a bluff intended to slow down the revolution

National convention

1792-1795 Creation of the republic Execution of louis XVI Committee of public safety Reign of terror Thermidorian reaction

The directory

1795-1799 Coup detat brumarie Ruling bourgeoise vs aristocracy and sans culottes 18 brumaire (when napoleon overthrows the directory)

Napoleonic empire

1805-1815 Confederation of the rhine Continental system Treaty of tilsit Peninsular war Russian campaign Battle of waterloo


A philosophe of France who preached against injustice and bigotry and for human rights and science. "Ecrasez l'infame" (crush the infamous) was a quote he was famous for against religious zealotry, government abuse, and vestiges of medievalism.

Louis XIV: Absolute Monarch

Absolutism means that sovereign power in the state is in the hands of the king who was claimed by divine right. Absolute Monarchies believe in divine right and that God chose them and knew they were fit for the position to rule. Louis XIV created the Palace of Versailles, it was outside the city and was used as a hunting lodge. He brought nobles to the palace and they watched everything he did including watching him sleep. Louis XIV also revoked the Edict of Nantes with the Edict of Fontainebleau in 1685 so you could only practice Catholicism.

Tennis court oath

After creating the national assembly, the delegates get to their chamber and they are locked out (by louis) They then go to the tennis court and sware this, which says that they are not going to adjourn until they have adopted a constitution for france Their goal was to create a constitutional monarchy like britain Jacues louis david painted this meeting

The Philosophes

Argued that once the natural laws that governed nature and human existence were discovered, society could be organized in accordance with them and progress was inevitable. Leaders of French culture, which dominated Europe.

Baron de montesquieu

Believed in the separation of powers 3 branches of government Attacked slavery Applied the scientific method to social and political issues French attorney Wrote spirit of the laws and the persian letters Wanted representative government Popular sovereignty

Thomas hobbes

Believes mankind would kill each other without government Social contract Need government to protect us from oursevles Believes in absolute monarchy People don't have the right to a revolution Wrote leviathan Men are born brutish and nasty Mercantilist view People shouldn't have rights because they don't deserve them

Jean jacques rousseau

Believes people are born naturally good but are corrupted by society Wrote emile and the social contract Believed in the general will of the people, and that the legislature would include what the general will wanted Reverting back to nature is the only way to break away from the chains of society "Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains" Greater tenderness towards children Education based off of experience in nature Glorification of emotion Women are inferior to men

The Rise of Capitalism

Capital is known as money used for an investment, instead of using labor you would use capital to make a profit. During the time between the 16th and 17th centuries the bourgeoisie made more money than they needed for the standard of living, so they ended up using their money to make money. The rise of Capitalism also led to the creation of Joint-Stock companies. Join-Stock companies sold stock publicly so they could raise large amounts for various ventures. Private banks were allowed to take someones private savings and turn it into venture capital.

Scientific Revolution

Copernicus shook the medieval concept of Christianity to its foundations, the work of Isaac Newton not only tested the notion of God's intervention in human affairs, but also established the ascendancy of science in the modern world. Newton established that natural laws of motion account for the movement of heavenly bodies and earthly objects. His work in astronomy and physics convinced European thinkers that human reason, unaided by the tenets and rituals of religion, could uncover the immutable laws of nature

Civil constitution of the clergy

Document released by the national assembly that transformed the catholic church The clergy would now be elected by the people and paid for the state This was a huge mistake because it made relations with the french church and state very bitter It also further divided the french people between those for and against the document

Liberal phase

Dominant class- bourgeoiise Goals- constitutional monarchy, liberal reform, abolition of privilege Influencers (Montesquieu and rousseau) National assembly

Women's March on Versailles

During October 1789 over 7,000 Women walked 12 miles on the path to the Palace of Versailles. When the women got there they approached big gates and they climbed over them to get inside. When they got in they ran toward Marie Antoinette chanting they are going to kill her. In the process they kill the guards put their heads on sticks, and covered them with makeup. They claimed they would not leave without the king and queen, and once they found them they took Louis and Marie back to Paris in a carriage. No king or queen will ever live in Versailles after this event. Louis and Marie are now going to be puppets to the National Assembly, Marie writes letters to her brother and family in Austria and sends them secret messages about them being held captive. When they tried to run away to Austria they get caught so everyone said they are treasones.

National assembly

First revolutionary assembly Organized itself after the faillure of the estates general Made up mostly of the third estate though some clergy and nobility were in it 1789-1791 Divided into 83 equally sized properties Tennis court oath Storming of the bastille Great fear Abolition of feudalism Civil constitution of the clergy Declaration of the rights of man


France's upper middle class who had no privileges and were defined by wealth Gained influence in the french revolution and regained influence in the Thermidorian reaction They were not nobility

Georges danton

French revolutionary leader who stormed the paris bastille Supported the execution of louis XVI Aroused a lot of support for the french revolution jacobin Guillotined by robespierre for his opposition to the reign of terror


Group of jacobins Took control of the legislative assembly Suppressing the counterrevolutionaries Declared war on Austria in order to preserve the revolution Very radical

The Commonwealth

In 1648, Cromwell defeated the Scots at the Battle of Preston and helped purge the Presbyterians from Parliament, thereby creating the Rump Parliament, which voted to behead Charles for treason and marked the end of the English Civil War. With the execution of Charles I, England became a republic known as the Commonwealth, and his Cromwell and his army wielded power.

Oliver Cromwell

In 1653 to 1660, he was designated Lord Protector by a Parliament and ruled with its support until his death in 1658.

William of Orange and Mary

In 1688, nobles invited _________ and ______ to rule England conditional upon their granting a bill of rights. When William and Mary arrived in England, James fled in exile to France. The new monarchs accepted from Parliament, as a condition of their reign, the Declaration of Rights enacted into law as the Bill of Rights in 1689.

Citizens in the New French Army by Lesueur Brothers

In these paintings it shows men of all backgrounds happy as they are being told to take up arms. They are smiling and all dressed differently. In one part, two women are smiling and admiring a soldier in his uniform. This is all a propaganda showing that joining the revolutionary army was good and not something to be worried about.

Execution of the King

In this painting a man is holding up the head of the king to the people, mostly troops. What's really noticable is all the colors and order of the troops. They are not phased and just standing ready for what is next. It shows the turn of the people and military and the end of the King.

Oath of the Horatii by Jacques Louis David

In this painting it depicts 3 men with their arms out taking an oath with their father as he hands them swords. In the background the women are crying but the men seem to be ready and brave. In a sense this work is almost propaganda as the painter depicts how it is noble to fight and serve one's country which matches with the political atmosphere of France at the time.

Children of the Upper class by John Bacon

In this painting it depicts a family in great britain. The room is very big as to symbolize their wealth but the colors are dull. It shows the children dressed up like mini adults and even 2 of them sitting at a small table as if they were adults. This reflects the social way of life at the time.

The Enlightenment

Inspired by Isaac Newton, an Englishman, a group of Frenchmen, the philosophes shaped it. While Newton's theories served as the inspiration for the natural law philosophy of the Enlightenment, John Locke's political writings translated the natural law assumption into a conception of government.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Invited by Abbe Sieyes, he overthrew the directory in 1799 and became emperor French military and political leader Napoleonic wars Napoleonic code Sought to spread the ideals of the revolution

Legislative assembly

Jacobins vs girondins War of the first coalition Paris commune September massacres 1791-1792

Radical phase

Jacobins, sans culottes Egalitarianism, nationalism, heap bread Rousseau (general will) National convention and committee on public safety

English civil war

James I and Charles I- absolute monarchs Power struggles between Charles I and parliament resulted in the english civil war Charles I was tried for treason and beheaded in 1649 Parliamentarians vs royalists Oliver cromwell led the parliamentary army and became dictator of england Petition of rights- document that limited the power of charles I of england Restoration period marked the return of Charles II as king after the period of oliver cromwell

Glorious revolution

James II was the last stuart to be king of england and ireland and scotland (he was catholic) Overthrown during the glorious revolution William and Mary came to power after parliament and them agreed to overthrow him for protestantism Bloodless revolution Led to a constitutional monarchy English bill of rights- drafed my parliament to make clear the powers of England's monarchy (such as they could not tax without permission from parliament) When James II took the throne he was openly catholic and made it known that he wanted to restore catholicism. Behind the kings back people were planning on getting rid of him. Mary, the daughter of James II, was married to William Orange who was a protestant. They were plotting to kill her father, so William got his army together and once they got to James II he had already fled. This made Mary and Wliiam of Orange the new rulers. The main point of the Glorious Revolution was the point at which James II was overthrown. Since James II was not killed the Glorious Revolution also took the name as the Bloodless Revolution. The culmination of evolutionary process over centuries increases the power of Parliament over the monarchy. James II was unpopular from the movement he took the throne. A devout Roman Catholic, he appointed Catholic ministers to important posts and gave the appearance of trying to impose Catholicism upon the English. At this time, Parliament served the interests of the wellborn or the wealthy, it came to represent "the people" as government came to be viewed as existing and functioning according to John Locke's Enlightenment concept of consent of the governed. The English would guarantee individual rights and would create modern democracy

Committee of public safety

Launched the reign of terror Maximilian robespierre Over 20,000 people were executed Provided defense for the nation against its foreign and domestic enemies

Maximilian robespierre

Leader of the jacobins A lawyer from northern france Served in the national assembly Calls for universal male suffrage and the abolition of capital punishment and slavery in the colonies Virtue must be combined with terrorlehandedl Pushed for the execution of louis XVI Reign of terror Chaired the committee of public safety

Napoleonic code

Legal unity provided for clear and complete decodification of french law Civil code, code of criminal procedure, a commercial code, and a penal code Resulted in strong central government and administrative unity Equality before the law, freedom of religion, state was secular in character, property rights, abolition of serfdom, gave women inheritance rights, but denied them equal status with men

John locke

Life, liberty, and property Limited government Inspired by the glorious revolution People are born with a blank slate (tabula rasa) Social contract General will of the people Power resides in the people Wrote second treatise on civil government and an essay concerning human understanding

Dutch war

Louis' war against william of orange French victories led Brandenburg, Spain, and the Holy Roman Empire to form a new coalition that forced Louis to end the Dutch War by making peace at Nimwegen in 1678

Concordat of 1801

Making peace with the church would help weaken its link to monarchist who sought restoration of the bourbons Religion would help people accept economic inequalities in French society Happened under Napoleon Made France a Catholic nation, but there was toleration of other groups Healed the religious division in France by giving the French Catholics free practice of their religion and Napoleon political power

The Cavalier Parliament (1660-1679)

Marked the development of the first political parties, the Tory and Whig parties. The Tories, made up of nobles, gentry, and the Anglicans, were conservatives who supported the monarchy over Parliament who wanted Anglicanism to be the state religion. The Whigs, mainly middle class and Puritan, favored Parliament and religious toleration. The Whig Parliament, elected in 1679, was suspicious of Charles II's absolutist and pro catholic tendencies and enacted the Habeas Corpus Act, which limited royal power by enabling judges to demand that prisoners be in court, requiring just cause for continued imprisonment, providing for speeding trials, and forbidding double jeopardy.

Abbe sieyes

Member of the clergy Recognized that the church isn't doing a good job of helping the third estate Writes a pamphlet called What is the Third Estate Says that third estate is everything and we need to be paying attention to them (which incites a lot of support from the commoners) Part of the tennis court oath Writes letters to napoleon and suggest to overthrow the government so that he and napoleon can become consul (even though napoleon later gets rid of him)

War of the second coalition

Napoleon's navy had been destroyed by england Napoleon was victorious in the war though The treaty of luneville ended the second coalition and resulted in austria's loss of its italian possessions Russia retreated from western europe when they saw their ambitions blocked by the british, and britain was again isolated


Napoleonic code Concordat of 1801 War of the 2nd coalition

Invasion of russia

Occured in june 1812 when the Russians withdrew from the continental system that was preventing Russia from trading with great britain and causing russian economic hardship The Russians destroyed all materials that could be foraged for napoleon's army and only attacked at strategic points His army took moscow, but due to the city being burned, his stretched supply lines, and the oncoming winter, he retreated This devastated napoleon's army and diminished his image

The 100 Days

On March 1, 1815 Napoleon was able to escape from his exile in Elba. He went to the south of France with a small group of less than 100 men and marched into Paris. From there he raised an army, defeated the Prussian army in Belgium, but then was defeated on June 18 in Waterloo. He was defeated by the Duke of Wellington and was imprisoned on the island of St. Helena. On May 5, 1821 Napoleon died on that island.

Parliamentary sovereignty

Principle stemming from the british constitution Gives parliament the supreme legislative power, having no legal limitation holds that the legislative body has absolute sovereignty and is supreme over all other government institutions, including executive or judicial bodies. It also holds that the legislative body may change or repeal any previous legislation and so it is not bound by written law (in some cases, even a constitution) or by precedent.

Frederick II

Prussia Frederick the great First servant of the state Millitary genius who made prussia a major power in europe Seen as the most successful of the enlightened absolutists Most successful at reform Argued against machiavelli Religious toleration, but still favored protestants

Congress of Vienna

Representative of the major powers in Europe came together to redraw the territorial lines. They also wanted to restore social and political orders that were in tact before the French Revolution and Napoleon. The primary goal was the rule of legitimacy, they just want to return the rightful rulers of Europe to their thrones and to restore the balance of power.

Congress of vienna

September 1814- june 1815 Reps of the major powers of Europe met to redraw territorial lines and to restore the social and political order before the revolution and napoleon The rule of legitimacy was one goal Another was to return the rightful rulers of europe to their throne The other was a return to a balance of power that would guarantee peace Metternich of austria, castlereagh of great britain, and talleyrand of france (created the first big 3)


Supported by the paris mobs Battled for control of the national convention One of the most known political clubs formed by the deputies of the third estate Advocated for a republic Influenced by rousseau and the enlightenment Very radical Maximilian Robespierre was the leader

The Enlightenment

The Enlightenment was the first time a secular world view was accepted by many. Religion is starting to be left at home and people are becoming more accepting. Society is also transferring more into natural laws and reason, and if you can not prove it people will have a hard time believing in it. Deism was the religion of the Enlightenment and it came out of Issac Newton. The idea of Deism is that god is a clockmaker and he intricately put together the world but god doesn't regulate it natural laws does. The Scientific Method is now being used throughout society and they believed if you apply it to anything it will work. Bacon and Decartes inductive and deductive reasoning put together the Scientific Method. Many other Enlightenment thinkers included Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau, Montesquieu, and many more.

Seven Years War

The Seven Years War was fought in 1756-1763 between Britain and its allies of Prussia against France and its allies of Austria and Russia. This was the first war that Europeans fought on multiple continents. Austria had been allies with Britain but abandoned them for France and Russia. There were no territorial changes in Europe, and Britain gained control of France's overseas colonies. That battle was known as the French and Indian War in America. After the Seven Years war both Russia and Prussia came out as powerful forces.

Battle at Waterloo

The battle in which Napoleon was defeated The 100 days began when Napoleon managed to escape from exile and made it to France with a small group of 100 men He raised an army, defeated a Prussian army at Belgium, but then was defeated on June 18 at this battle He was imprisoned on the island of St Helena in the south Atlantic and died there in 1821

Nine years war (war of the league of augsburg)

The creation of the league of augsburg (spain, the HRE< the united provinces, sweden, and england), led to this war 8 years Brough economic depression and famine to france Treaty of ryswick ended the war, forcing louis to give up most of his conquests in the empire


The idea that knowledge and sense are deprived from the senses. These senses include sight and hearing. This idea gave much credit to artists and musicians and entered a time in which they had bigger effects in daily life and were held to a higher standard.


The idea that reason is the sole source of knowledge. This idea was very popular especially among the followers of the enlightenment. Reason started to be held to a higher standard and later it would be used as a way to challenge religion. Churches were turned into temples of reason in some drastic cases. This created a divide between enlightened thinkers and believers in Reason and followers of the church.

The Novel

The invention of ___ changed the means of entertainment as now stories were written to show romance or tell a story with no greater purpose. Before this almost all writing was done to inform people or it was to spread a new political idea or challenge a current one.

Declaration of the rights of man and citizen

The new constitution that the national assembly wrote that gave all citizens free expression of thoughts and opinions and gave them equality before the law

Metamorphosis of insects of surinam plate 55 by Maria Merian

This artwork displays that the style and purpose of art had shifted during the enlightenment. Maria Merian, a woman, spent time painting detailed pictures of scientific topics, specifically biology.

The Coronation of Napoleon by Jacques Louis David

This painting is done in a very neoclassical style and shows the coronation of napoleon. There is a lot of gold and even a priest of some kind with crosses decorated everywhere. Everyone is dressed very traditionally and ultimately it shows the irony as it is as if Napoleon is being coronated as a new King.

The Tennis Court Oath by Jacques Louis David

This painting of the tennis court oath shows the men all swearing to one in the middle that they will not stop meeting until a new constitution was established. It is done in a very neoclassical style and is extremely realistic. It is very crowded and dramatic as to represent the idea of the revolution. People are up in the windows while a gust of wind goes through representing change. All the colors are dull except the clothes on the people possibly symbolizing how they are the focus and hope/future of the nation.

Louis XIV and Colbert Visit the Academy of Sciences by Henri Testelin

This piece of art depicts Louis XIV visiting an academy. It shows him being shown around and next to a table full of books. The purpose of this artwork was to show the people that Louis XIV was enlightened and very knowledgeable, or at least that was the aim of the painting.

The Three Estates

This was a political cartoon which depicted the unfair treatment of the third estate as the clergy and nobility rely on the third estate but treat them poorly and give them no assistance.

Baroque Musical Style

This was revolutionary in the music world as ___ musical style was on of the first time it was popular to mix instruments and vocal such as opera. Up until this most music was solely instrumental. It also created a variety of other musical styles.

Enlightened Absolutists

Three of the main Enlightened Absolutists were Frederick the Great of Prussia, Catherine the Great of Russia, and Joseph II of Austria. Enlightened Absolutism was when the monarchies were still concerned with despotism or absolute monarchy but still used rationality and concern of social problems. Frederick the Great and Voltaire were close friends and this made him a lover of philosophy. He tried modernizing the Prussian state during his reign. Catherine the Great of Russia had created an era of prosperity for the Russian Empire. She was one of the biggest patrons, for example she bought Diderot's library. Joseph II of Austria believed in the ideals of the Enlightenment just like Catherine and Frederick. Although he wanted to make his subjects happy and this caused him to run into trouble with other nations later on.

French revolution

Uprising in france against the french monarchy 1789-1799 It started with the storming of the Bastille Causes: the influence of enlightenment ideals, conflict over the reform of the tax system, the rising price of wheat, and louis XVI's ineffectiveness as a ruler Effects: resulted in the establishment of france as a republic, increased french nationalism, set a precedent for a democratic french government, end of the old regime, and an execution of the monarchy

Jacques Louis David

Very famous French artist. His main style was neoclassicism and much of his art depicted greater political meaning. Some famous works were Tennis court oath and oath of the horatii.


Very prominent thinker in the enlightenment. Co Founded the encyclopedia. Very reason based and extremely anti-king and anti-religion saying, "Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."

Guerilla war in Spain

When Napoleon tried to tighten his control over Spain by replacing the Spanish king with one of his brothers, the Spanish waged a costly Guerilla war that was aided by Britain Form of warfare in which a small group used different military tactics to dominate a larger, less mobile army

August decrees

When the national assembly abolished feudalism and manorialism One of the central events of the french revolution had been to abolish feudalism August 4, 1789

National Assembly

When the third estate got locked out the Estates General meeting they went to the nearest tennis court and signed the Tennis Court Oath. In this oath they swore they would not adjourn until they gave France a constitution, because their goal was to create a constitutional monarchy. From there they were formed as the National Assembly, and Louis XVI had to recognize them as a law making body. When there was a grain shortage because an aristocratic plot that led to a massive peasant revolt the National Assembly responded with the Decrees of August 4th. This abolished the feudal system and included feudal dues, nobles hunting rights, and tax exemptions.

Marie Antoinette

Wife of louis XVI Queen of France Unpopular because of her inability to produce a male heir Extravagant lifestyle Executed along with her husband

Sans culottes

Working class French citizens who had experienced hardships Important to the economy of France Main goal was to overcome social inequality and have food available to all citizens Mob rule Used the paris commune for politics Very effective group that advocated revolution

Jean Paul Marat

Writer of Friend of the People ( a newspaper) Helped to incite the women's march on versailles Had a skin disease that left him in a medicinal tub for a good portion of the day Murdered by charlotte cardet (who thought the violence would end if he was dead, but it didn't) Status of him were put all throughout paris to commemorate him Painting of his death by David (neoclassical style)

John Locke

Wrote in his Two Treatises on Civil Government that in the state of nature, before governments existed, humans lacked protection. Governments once instituted, replace individual action with the rule of law. The social contract, the agreement between a fair government and responsible individuals, is not unconditional. If government oversteps its role in protecting the life, liberty, and property of its citizens, the people have the right to abolish and replace it. Believes in any representative government: constitutional monarchy, democracy or republic. Believes in religious toleration by the state

Enlightened Absolutism

___ played a huge role in the expansion of art. Many of them wanted to depict their lives in art and just like previous generations of monarchs, would commision artwork.

Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

__________________ was passed on August 26, 1789. In this document freedom of speech, thought, religion were promised. Along with that taxes could be imposed but it has to be approved by the government. This document was only talking about men not women, but it shows how men are equal. This does away with the problems and shows how there is no more third estate. This declaration took the name of the constitutional blueprint for France and influenced American constitutional ideas.

Estates General

______________convened in 1789, which was the first time since 1614. Each estate had one vote each, which means each estate had an equal impact. This was unfair to the third estate because they made up most of the population but their vote still counted the same amount as the Clergy and the Nobility. When the Estates General convened the first and second estate locked the third estate out of the meeting. From there the third Estate went to the nearest tennis court and signed the Tennis Court Oath.

War of Spanish Succession

____________was caused because the French Bourdon succession to the throne of Spain. This succession would have altered the balance of power in Europe. Charles II did not have a son and after his death Phillip was chosen to gain the land. Since Phillip was related to Louis XIV that would make France too powerful.

Triangle Trade

________was the three way system of trade between Africa, Europe, and the Americas. Africa would send slaves to America, America sent raw material to Europe, such as tobacco, vanilla, and potatoes, and Europe would send materials like guns to Africa. This system formed a new Atlantic Economy between the three continents.

The Middle Passage

______was the second part of the three part trade between Europe, Africa, and the Americas. During this part African slaves traveled across the Atlantic Ocean. When the slaves got out of the Middle Passage they were sold for labor to work on farms or plantations. During the trip of the Middle passage many got sick and would die because they did not have ventilation, they did not have bathrooms, and many diseases were spread.


a movement of intellectuals in Europe where reason and individualism were held to a higher standard then tradition and religion. Rationalism was an important feature of the enlightenment. Many rulers began to become enlightened, called enlightened despots. They championed reforms over smaller things. This also caused a shift away from religious based art and toward art depicting other subjects.


also known as "late-baroque" this style became very popular during the enlightenment. It was more architectural but did have some painting applications. It used white and pastel colors along with asymmetry and twisting curves to create a dramatic, changing, and surprising style.

Joseph II

austria Most radical, least effective Greatest on toleration Co ruler with his mother maria theresa for the first 10 years Religious toleration (included private worship for jews) Multi ethnic empire After he died, his successor undid a lot of his reforms

Antoine Watteau

famous enlightenment painter whose claim to fame was creating new art involving older less popular themes like color and movement.

Absolute Monarchs

monarchs gathered the wealth and power of the state to themselves, and had absolute rule over the people, or at least attempted to

Thermidorian reaction

reaction after the execution of maximilian robespierre in july 1794; last of the violence and terror during the french revolution

Estates general

represetnative institution in france that had no met for 175 years before king Louis XVI convened it in 1789 to deal with the financial crisis. Jacques Necker encouraged Louis to call this meeting, but it turned out to be a disaster They needed approval to impose a tax on the general public The three estates Third estate was not happy and they wanted to become something, especially since they were such a large part of the population

Catherine the great

russia German who succeeded to the throne after the murder of her husband Patron of many of the french pilosophes Tried to dismiss the pugachev rebellion (uprising of peasants and farmers) but later took it much more seriously and ended her enlightened reforms Continued territorial expansion by annexing both polish and dottoman land The least ambitious, but the best patron Purchased diderot's library and then paid him to be her librarian Light on reform, heavy on patronage


similar to the renaissance, this is the revival of classic art in Europe. It involved very greco-roman styles notably in the statues. It had a lot to do with ultra realism and was especially popular in the enlightenment.

Reign of terror

ten month period of oppression to late 1793 to mid 1794 organized by robespierre and the committee of public safety to supress any enemies of the revolution; it ended with the xecution of robespierre

Radical Phase

the main group was the Jacobin club and they were very radical. The group was split up into two, you have the Montagnards and the Girondins, and out of the two the Montagnards were more radical. Both groups agreed they don't want a monarchy but the Girodins wanted to fight Austria and the Montagnards wanted to focus on internal goals. Another group was the Sans-Culottes and they were the Paris commune who said their jobs were to protect the rights of Paris and the job of man. In 1793 the Committee of Public Safety started the Reign of Terror during the Radical Phase and over 20,000 people were executed.

War of the spanish succession

triggered by the death of childless Charles I his will designated Louis XIV's grandson as his successor, but the grand alliance (england, the united provinces, and austria hungary) tried to prevent it


wa small town lawyer who moved to Paris as a member of the Estates-General. He was known as the leader of the bloodiest portion of the French Revolution, and he had set out to build a republic of virtue. He also become obsessed with purifying the body political of all corrupt. The Reign of Terror began when he came into power. He would accuse most people of going against the government and would execute them all by using the guillotine.

The Continental System

was Napoleon's way of stopping trade between Great Britain and continental Europe. Britain always opposed the upset of the European balance of power. Napoleon decided to start economic warfare instead of launching an actual invasion. Since Napoleon couldn't overcome British supremacy he closed the ports of the Continent to British commerce. This ended up failing and caused inflation in his empire.

Code Napoleon

was the uniform legal system that Napoleon replaced the medieval law system with. Geographically France was a very large colony, and many of the different provinces of France had many different lifestyles. He wanted everyone in the provinces to join together under one set of laws, his laws, so it is more united. He had a criminal procedure and a business operation, and all of this resulted in a strong central government.

Concordat of 1801

was when the papacy reannounced their claims over Church property that were taken away during the French Revolution. This allowed Napoleon to nominate bishops. In return of the Concordat priests who resisted the Civil constitution of the clergy would be replaced by those who had swore an oath to the state. The pope had given claims to the Church lands, that means the citizens who gained the lands had to pledge their loyalty to Napoleon's government.

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