16th- Century Northern Renaissance

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Pieter Bruegel the Elder Mad Meg

- All art is reflection of the time, especially this one a. Influence of Bosch -He was really a follower of Bosch, he loved the humour, the substance, the craziness of his paintings. b. Allegory of madness and folly -Meg is the large woman, to call a woman a Meg would be obnoxious, unfeminine, nag like a "bitch today" - She has managed to break down the gates of hell with a battalion of a bunch of bitchy, out of control, woman behind them and they are beating up the demons with their purses and frying pans c. Perception of women as capable of challenging the Devil - Because they're beating up the demons - A woman can beat up the devil and tie him to a pillow... it's a drawing, people think a group of woman together are so obnoxious so crazy a group of woman can beat up the devil.. Even tie the devil to a pillow d. Political metaphor -Mad meg shows a woman in power, out of control, so out of control that she can beat the devil, people think this a reference to the Habsburg queen who is ruling Dutch at the time, this is the end the apocalypse women are ruling the world and that's a horrendous situation. We got Mary Queen of Scots, Catherine de Medici, Margaret in Dutch, and Elizabeth in England.. Just a bunch of women in power and people thought that was crazy.

Pieter Bruegel the Elder

- Because he had a son with the same name that's why he's the elder - Works in the Dutch colonies, the Dutch during 16th C were all rebelling away from a foreign catholic overlord, I think England. - People of the time called him a clown, he made fun of serious issues. - He's a highly educated man, he was friends with people of the nobility the top

Pieter Bruegel the Elder The Wedding Dance

- Even though he wasn't, he loved to paint pictures of the lower classes, This is the peasant wedding dance, people who were working the land all day long - What does this mean? Well during this time there was the legacy of Martin Luther which really inspired the lower class, the peasants in many of these cities especially large one the peasants rebelled and people were afraid of peasants in a way, so maybe this picture is a plea for them to maintain their situation and enjoy the pleasures they get, like this wedding. Respect class structures in a better way. - Also among the upper middle class it became a popular past time to take a day off dress up as peasants and mingle with other simple folk, so in this painting you see some people dressed as city people - There's also the idea the peasants gave into everything in an antisocial way like they would just have sex wherever, low class animal appetites this class of people had. - So there's many controversies to what this painting meant. - If they let things slip it really wasn't their fault, it was just their nature like the Simpsons the Cartoon family. - The upper never mingled with the lower. a. Subjects are the peasants, empowered by the message of Protestantism. b. Unidealized perception of human beings in mundane and unheroic circumstances

Hieronymus Bosch Dutch Artist Death and the Miser

- Here in Washington D.C, only about 24 of Bosch's artworks are in the world. - This guy is on his deathbed, someone who had hoarded gold and silver and money all his life, death walks in through the door, the angel is holding him, but the devil is popping up under his bed offering him more money, so the guy is torn between going to heaven with the angel or going with the devil and getting more money and death is strolling in, he doesn't have a lot of time. - During this time, if you were hording money if you die very wealthy it's a sin, you should of been using that money to pay artists, or building churches, or hospitals, you need to be giving money to the church or for those in need, you were a Miser if you did this. So very different from today. a. Related to popular printed books Ars moriendi (Art of Dying);; texts offering advice on how to die well, according to the Christian faith in the middle ages -The Art of Dying, telling people how to die, when you die you want to do so in a graceful way, death in the Renaissance was a very public event on your deathbed people you knew come and say bye, so you need to do so peacefully because it's the last thing people will see from you. A lot of things you need to fight on your deathbed, you cannot be angry, lust, pride, etc. Do not do those things on your deathbed. So Bosch was inspired by this book.

Pieter Bruegel the Elder Hunters in the Snow

- I love this picture.. - He was also an excellent painter and was really good at science too. In this it's wether that people talked about. He gives us a scene of hunters in the snow, so the lower working class, the peasantry. They're a type rounded up, covered, rounded, drinking, in this they're heading toward a hillside and we're supposed to be looking at that, where the bird leads our eyes. This is a scene of snow! A new subject in the Renaissance, this period in time between 1350-1600, was a geological formation "a little ice age" This brought the first snow in Northern Europe, Greenland was Greenland because there was no snow on it.. So we see this new idea of white stuff falling from the sky the Dutch and Northern Europeans had gotten a lot of snow. And the trade, the seas around the lakes, froze! So they needed to create sleds, ice skates, and they invented this new idea of moving on ice. So here in the painting he's showing people skating on the ice, "the world goes on skates" so showing instability, ficile fait like ice skating ice skating is hard! "On thin ice" also was a saying of the time, you don't have much to support that statement, like the insecurity of life, like in ice skating and life you need someone to help you someone to teach you how to do it. This is The world going on skates. - He gives us this blue grey sky, this snow sky, he's painting whether not just what he sees. And in this time the interest in meteorology begins. a. Reflects interest in meteorology, the science of weather

Hieronymus Bosch Dutch Artist Ship of Fools

- Story::: Comes from another famous story the Ship of Fools. We know he was really in tone with the books of the time what people were reading but we really do not know much about him, he didn't keep letters or anything. In this ship there is no rudder, nobody is steering, people vomiting, monk and nun playing a game called bite the pancake kinda like bobbing for apples, a joker getting drunk, roast chicken on the mass, and it was just crazy. On the book page: A fool is guiding you like in Bosch's, but this ship of fools is the oldest plots for movies and stories, take a group of very different people and trap them together and they then figure each other out. Sebastian Brant was the one that wrote this book, in this book previously he writes a poem on every type of person calling them a fool and everyone is an idiot, so this ship is a metaphor of life. We are all idiots, we all trust people that could guide you the wrong way, we are all just clueless. a. Related to popular printed book Das Narrenschiff (Ship of Fools) a satirical text and popular motif in art criticizing the vices of the clergy -Allegory of Intemperance made by Bosch hanging at the Yale University, some professor at another, had a hunch, that this Allegory painting is the same width as the Ship of fools, she noticed that at the top of the Ship of Fools and the bottom was missing pieces and she was right, the paintings were supposed to go together, that Allegory is meant to be at the bottom of the Ship of Fools. -Interestingly enough when these two pieces are together ontop of eachother it's the same length as the Death of the Miser, and they tested the wood, it's the same tree and the same panel and they are all supposed to go together!

Hieronymus Bosch Dutch Artist Garden of Earthly Delights

- Today is in Spain, such a weird painting, she figured out what the meaning of the painting is. -So we have Adam and Eve on the left, Hell on the right, and then in the middle there's just a ton of people doing really weird stuff that is not in the bible, and this is not how people are living, so what's going on. -This painting is also, about science, it's not about weirdness, it's the science of early chemistry, which had a whole subject alchemy that went along with it. Alchemy had a religious, cult symbolic to it that is not in science, chemistry, today but was in alchemy. - Alchemy believed in distillation, of sick to healed, dirt to gold, thinking that using certain procedures you can make the change from the four elements to the fifth element, that when you bring all four perfectly together you can fix all diseases, all death, and return people to the garden of eden. -Idea of alchemy was to combine the four elements perfectly so that you can get the fifth one, by doing so you would combine opposite elements, like fire and water in the "lab" in conjunction. People link this conjunction like the marriage of Adam and Eve, marrying opposites, male and female, and you marry them. - Chemistry books, these Alchemy books of the time had pictures of Adam and Eve combining in marriage. -The back of the left painting; here is a metaphor of the whole process of transmutation, which was done in a lab, so when you distill something you purify it. Repeated process of ingredients marrying their opposites. So birds represent the vapors, the black from the steam coming from the condensing, and when the steam continues they turn into white birds. Black birds just keep going until they will come down and become white birds, even the little hut there was something that would be found in the common lab of the time. It's really a furnace where the steam will return. So someone who was familiar with a chemical lab would notice this right away. This is also the means by which you make medicines, you condense different objects. a. Merges Christian and scientific iconography b. The science of alchemy (chemistry) i. Based on the process and apparatus of distillation ii. Means of making medicines and artists' paints iii. Ultimate goal was to create the Elixir of Life by combining all four elements (earth, air, water, fire) into a 5th element that would heal on contact and return the human race to the Garden of Eden. iv. Left panel (Adam and Eve)= Conjunction (the action or an instance of two or more events or things occurring at the same point in time or space v. Center panel= multiplication ( the process of multiplying; to increase greatly in number or quantity) - Everyone in the middle is all beautiful, and this is what would happen when perfectly condensed, multiplication. You see some black and white people coming together romantically, this was not normal for the time, but it's showing the marrying of opposites. So the center panel is really showing what is happening in the flask in the lab, everything coming together. - Images like differing creatures coming together, animal, human, fruit, this is happening in the multiplication stage, different creatures coming together to make a perfect marriage of differences. - The middle like beaker thing is showing the same thing in a chemistry book, showing people coming together in the middle, in the most sexual part of the painting. - You also see these little round balls floating around in the middle painting, well how would you know if you condensed something perfectly, well you get these round balls. vi. Right panel (Hell) = Putrefaction (the process of decay or rotting in a body or other organic matter) - Then people must die, that's the same of making the chemical mixture so on the right shows putrefaction. This parallels Christian life cycle. Chemical book that shows this stage bringing the beaker to the flame, and burning the ingredients. Shows all these things happening, someone being eaten and pooped out, one guy is doomed to shit coins all the time, another must puke all eternity, one girl must be grouped by demons for all time. -Altar piece is a triptych, Shows the whole world in this round glass, the fourth stage of the chemistry book, when you take the ingredients and you flood them, you start all over again.

Matthias Grunewald, Isenheim Altarpiece German Artist

- Was made for a hospital in the little French town, and today it's in the same place it was intended to be, a hospital that is now a museum. - This seems to be "anti-classical", we want people to be stirred emotionally by the art in Germany, even if that means messing with the proportions and making it look unreal. - Shows the crucifixion of Christ. And a priest being hit by a plague, still many different plagues going on in the 16th C. - Really three different panels you can open up, so several paintings in one depending on the season you are looking at it. - The hospital was built to look like a church that it is in. Hospitals before the modern day were very, very different. Today when you go to the hospital you expect to be released, but during this time you only went to a hospital if you were hopeless, terminal, and you would go if you had nowhere else to be, no one who loves you to take care of you. The Church ran these hospitals as a charitable way, this was a place you went to die, if you lived though it was a miracle and you were supposed to stay and help others in the hospital. So the paintings in here were supposed to bring the patient's hope. -This painting was hung in a hospital that specialized in the disease known as, "St. Anthony's fire" 1. Polyptych painted for a monastic hospital 2. Spiritual intensity and emotional subjectivity achieved by distortion and color 3. Employed in the healing of "St. Anthony's fire," now known as ergotism (poisoning produced by eating food affected by ergot, typically resulting in headache, vomiting, diarrhea, and gangrene of the fingers and toes) -This painting was hung in a hospital that specialized in the disease known as, "St. Anthony's fire", it's like your fingers and toes were on fire all the time and eventually the limbs would turn black and had to be cut off. So lots of amputees walking around without arms, etc. We know this today to be ergotism, which resulted in eating the mold on the wheat. People would also get hallucinations, because people would bake this mold in the bread and when they do that it makes a kind of LSD. 4. Jesus represented as deformed by disease and as an amputee in the lower predella (a step or platform on which an altarpiece is placed; typically forms an appendage to the altarpiece -Jesus on the cross would of looked like someone affected by "St. Anthony's Fire" or perhaps cypselus. So when patients look at this painting they see Christ suffering like they were, and he was suffering more than you because he was crucified, so if he can do it you can do it. - He paints this in a way to really exaggerate the pain jesus is going through, he contorts the hands and the nail and the feet so that you get a gut reaction and makes sure you know how much he is suffering. - At the bottom, is the burial of Christ, you could take the bottom apart and open it up so that to get the bread and wine for church and you take it off and he looks like an amputee like the patients. - Open it up, we have the risen Christ, the beautiful Jesus, he's glowing, blends into the sunlight, this is the optimistic view to the suffering sick patients, this is what is before you, you have this to look forward to. - He becomes a master of color, he's allowing the colors to blend into eachother, colors flowing into each other and nobody has done this before him. - Open again, and you get the third opening devoted to the Saint Anthony, on the side showing his life, and St. Anthony was in charge of ergotism, he could help you with an illness or strike you down with it. - (Her favorite panel in all art history) St. Anthony, Grunewald, Isenheim Altar: the panel, the legend is that he is such a good guy always praising God, but everyday demons come up from hell and attack jim every single day of his life to torture him. He lived to be 89, so every day he was tortured by the Demons but he never complained and his faith never alternated, on the 89th birthday God came to him and St. Anthony was wondering where he had been all his life, God said he was watching him everyday and knew what was happening and told him to keep up the good work, and St. Anthony lived to be 115, so it really went with the patients they're suffering too on God's watch, but if they pass this test they are facing they will be able to make it through okay. Also the picture's colors is amazing, and the figures are like what the patients see with their hallucinations. And the guy in the corner leaning out toward the viewer looks like he's suffering a lot and the patients can coincide with that.

I. Ideas A. Society

1. Feudal system still perpetrated, with the Holy Roman Emperor and kings serving the pope, though the wealthy middle class exerted strong influence. -Amazingly the Church is split, there is the Protestant church and the old Catholic church this was possible by reformers who were in the church

I. Ideas B. Religious protest and reform

1. The Modern Devotion, a movement that stressed lay piety, anticlericalism, mysticism, and the revival of Classical texts

Adam and Eve, Engraving, by Durer

-Again, another engraving more expensive made for richer and more liberal people. This is Adam and Eve and the fall of man. -Shows the beginning of the bible that eve is convinced by Satan in the form of a snake, to take this forbidden fruit, give it to Adam to have him taste and he does that and all hell comes loose, they're kicked out of the garden. But this is the point of the story before all that happens. It's the time when she takes the fruit and the audience kinda wants to tell her not to do it, the point where they still have a choice. He signs it in Latin "Durer from the North made this in 1504" so he was advertising himself and where to find him. -These two figures of Adam and Eve are from and derived exactly from Roman sculptures, so again he's using antique sculptures and all in Italy would recognize the representation of these sculptures in this cut. -At the bottom in between them there is a cat, sleeping, probably purring, has his tail curved around Eve's ankle and just a foot from him is this mouse and the tail of the mouse looks to be under the foot of Adam. A normal cat would not just be sleeping with a mouse right in front of it's face, Mabel would just eat it right now. So what this shows is as soon as Adam eats the apple, the foot of Adam will get off of the mouses tail, and the cat will wake up and eat the mouse and it will be the first murder, the minute Adam eats the fruit. a. Influence of antique sculpture b. Signed and dated with the artist's monogram c. Dense chiaroscuro and textures, achieved by virtuosic hatching

Melancholia I, Durer, Engraving

-Another engraving; shows an angel sort of with "writer's block" and this bat across the sky gives the title of the art work. -Melancholia was one of the four human types people were divided into in the science of the Renaissance; 4 human types decided by what temp and hydration your body was. Ruled by Earth, Air, Fire, and Water which was believed to be what everything on earth was composed of, and everyone's body had a balance or in-balance of this types. The Mechanic was ruled by earth which is dry and cold. People with mostly water were cold and wet, Fire hot and dry. -If you were red head you would be made of fire so the doctor would advise you to eat cold and wet things to strive for a balance in your body. -Melancholic type the body was dried and cold due to too much thinking, you will be sad, cold dry personality and this is associated with scholars, and artists tended to be melancholic because they thought so much about their work they dried up, and so this became associated with a high level of genius, became the temperament associated with artistic genius. Everything in this print related to scholarly things, like the shape of geometry, and of the planet Saturn which is thought to control the thought of Melancholic. a. Statement of artistic genius embodied in the melancholic personality

Four Holy Men, Durer, Oil on panel

-Durer knows all about the four temperaments, he knows all about what doctors will prescribe so he's showing a real involvement in the scientific involvement of the time. a. Response to Protestantism -So this painting, was done for his hometown when they were taking a vote to go with Luther or the Pope. -These four holy men seemed to be Luther's favorite authors and so the vote must of been for Luther. So Durer painted this saying he's for Luther too so you can hang this in city hall to celebrate this new faith led by Martin Luther. b. John the Evangelist, Peter, Paul, and Mark -The four holy men, (was Luther's favorite) -These four represented the four temperaments. C. Embody physical and personality characteristics of the four temperaments (choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic; an ancient medical interpretation of the humors, which suggests that four bodily fluids (yellow bile, blood, black bile, phlegm) determine one's behavior and bodily make-up) -John : air, warm wet youthful, good combination of water and warmth so hair. -Peter is the oldest and is associated with phlegm, the phlegmatic.. Too much water so he doesn't have any hair. -Mark is earth he's all dark, and he has the most hair so it's the grass of the body, kinda curly and like kinda "hard" -Paul is fire, choleric with red skin and bulging veins.. Doesn't have water in him so he doesn't have hair i. Sanguine ii. Phlegmatic iii. Choleric iv. Melancholic -So he's very much aware of the science of this time. Four Temperaments: choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic; an ancient medical interpretation of the humors, which suggests that four bodily fluids (yellow bile, blood, black bile, phlegm) determine one's behavior and bodily make-up

II. German Art A. Albrecht Durer (Self-Portrait, 1500)

-From Germany, in his self portrait he is presenting himself forwardly and he looks at though he's imitating Christ and he does this on purpose, he's straightforward and he's saying to us that he, with his divine talent, is christ-like or receives his genius directly from God beyond the rest of us. -He signs all of his paintings and all of his prints. AD is how he signs it. 1. Pioneering printmaker and entrepreneur -Learned printmaking in his uncle's shop. Really intelligent, real Renaissance man, unafraid of failure, he followed his own ideas which was to run with this mass produce print medium, he thought they had great possibilities.

The Anglican Church (Holbein, Portrait of Henry VII)

-In England things are also getting touchy thanks to King Henry VIII (Watch the Tutors) -Portrait of him at the age 49, and he just fills the painting filled with jewels. -He started out as a good Catholic prince, but he wanted to divorce his first wife because he wanted her to give him a son, he tried to ask the pope to null the marriage and act like it never existed and the Pope refused to allow Henry to do that. So Henry, said I'm the King I do not need to listen to the Pope I'll invent my own religion and not listen to him, so he became the head of the Anglican Church-- the Catholic church just lost another state under reform and protest. a. Established by King Henry VIII of England in 1526 as a response to the Pope's refusal to grant a divorce from his first wife Catherine of Aragon, Five more wives would follow. b. English sovereigns are heads of both Church and State. Armada portrait of Elizabeth I. -Elizabeth I was the only living baby of King Henry 8th, she was from Anne Boleyn the second wife who was murdered. She was fantastic she really established the trade for England.


-North decided to throw themselves into technology while all this splitting from the church was happening. 1. Advances made without the censorship of the Catholic Church 2. Optical lenses and the telescope 3. Rediscovery of paper and the printing press

Hans Baldung, Witches Sabbath German Artist

-One of Durer's students and also a master print, woodcutter, engraving. 1. Inspired by popular printed book, Malleus Maleficarum (Hammer of Witches), a tool for the persecution of women as witches - Showing this because it portrays the idea of witchcraft which started during this time. The idea was that these woman followed Satan not God, this is happening in the 16th C when women are starting to want jobs, education, and they don't necessarily should have to get married. All started "bad news" idea of women was when Eve took the apple. Witchcraft was invented by the Catholic church to marginalize women who weren't following the roles they are supposed to do. -Shows the inventions of witchcraft, that they can fly through the air, they meet in groups of woman at night to have sex with the devil, they have cats which were really demon animals. -People were afraid of the influences of the Devil, and woman were the daughters of Eve and if not supervised could wreak havoc. -The book, Malleus Maleficarum, "Hammer of Witches" was made by two priests, one was the illegitimate son of the Pope. This books tells people how you can judge a witch. One of the ways to tell they are a witch= sour someone's breast milk, kill you by mind, control the weather, ruin all your crops just by looking at them. One way you can tell is to tie her hands and feet together and throw her into the river, if she sinks then she is not a witch, if she floats than she is a witch and you can kill her. Either way.. She dies. -Happens as a response as women wanting more power, millions of women in the 16 and 17th C were killed as being suspected as witches. 2. Chiaroscuro woodcut (woodcut prints using two or more blocks printed in different colors) -This woodcut is made up of three different colors. Prints the same piece of paper three times so he can get three different colors.

Desiderius Erasmus

-One of the reformers who brought about Protestant religion, he was a monk, scholar, and writer a. Humanist scholar and monk b. Best known word, In Praise of Folly, is a satiric learned oration attacking a wide range of human foibles. - -Wrote this in Latin, and he takes every type of human being known and he makes a poem up about them in which he calls them all idiots, insane, and self centered, and he does this with a great deal of comedy; he's calling all these assumptions into questions.

Rediscovery of paper and the printing press (a machine for printing text or pictures from type or plates) We credit this discovery to the guy from Germany.

-Reinvented paper! The idea of something cheap you could write and paint on gave rise to the concept of mass production of books and they would need to make the printing press to do this. a. The mass production of books advanced literacy and made books and reading accessible to all. -People were able to actually buy books, which increased literacy and dispersing ideas and it really influenced art in such a major way. Really changed society people could read and think and that just led to so many advances, protests, and reform. b. Artists employed the new medium of printing to mass-produce images and disperse them throughout Europe, becoming artistic entrepreneurs. -Artists were not bound to one patron, You could mass produce your designs and ideas on paper and become well known instantly and gain a lot of money.

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Albrecht Durer, woodcut

-Whole series of woodcuts that imitate the last parts of the Bible, the Apocalypse which they thought would come in the 1500. -When the year 1500 came, people thought maybe God would give us half the millennium, that 1500 might actually be the time the Bible was attending to warn us of, lots of people were very much afraid, waiting for the end to happen. -Durer saw this and thought he could make money off of this, so he wanted to make a series of woodcuts in which the high points of the end of the Bible describing the end of the world. He borrowed money from anyone he knew, he put himself in a great amount of debt, just thinking this would sell, he did not have a patron. He understood and sought the feelings of the people and thought there would be a market for this. And they were a huge success, people wanted these and it made him famous they spreaded all over Europe. -This one has the 4 horsemen plague, famine, death, warfare and they are conquering and riding over everyone, and he's only using black or white as his composition, he has to use lines for his light and his shadow. This was a new medium and he did it so incredibly. He was optically ingenious artist. He even knows when to do lack of lines to give the clouds a 3d likeness to them. -These woodcuts were a great success, people could buy these and they did. a. Dynamic movement and subtle chiaroscuro b. One of a series made in response to fears of the millennium in 1500

Two Print Media that Prevailed:

1. Woodcut: removes sections of the wood that will not appear in the final design. Produces cruder lines, but more copies. -did this in elementary/ middle school. 2. Engraving: Made by incising lines onto a metal surface, filling them with ink, wiping the plate, then printing. Lines are more delicate and allow denser hatching (in drawing or graphics, shaded areas made with intersecting sets of parallel lines) -These lines sink into the metal; scratching into metal allows more thinner and delicate lines and many more. But the problems is they would ware out, and were bought by the wealthier people and were more expensive.

Hieronymus Bosch Dutch Artist

Netherlands, but the Netherlands coming from the Protestant Reformation, the wealthy middle class, people questioning the Church and showing people choosing between Catholic or Protestant. Bosch takes this and wants to show it in his art.

The Protestant Reformation

a. Begun by Martin Luther in 1517, who wrote the Ninety-Five Theses (Martin Luther's ninety-five critiques of the Catholic Church, which primary focus on the selling of indulgences and other abuses of the clergy; a catalyst of the Protestant Reformation) in criticism of the Church (Cranach, Portrait of Luther) -Martin Luther really brought the reform around. He led the official split of the church, in which half of former Catholics followed him and called themselves "Protesters" some called Lutheran, which is still a kind of religion today. Today there's many different kinds of Christian religion but during this time there was only one, Catholic, and it was illegal to think you could practice other religions. Martin Luther was sceptical of the church, he was seeing Pope's marrying and they weren't supposed to. And he hated the idea of paying off sins, you could just pay off any sins you wanted, the more money you paid the chances your sins would be forgiven and this gave the church intense amounts of money but Luther thinks this is an outrageous scheme, so wrong, we need to live poorly humbly like Jesus wants us to. The people who are paying for this is Northern people, they never have even seen the Pope or even Rome. -Luther does not think you pay for sins, you just do not commit them. (Catholic church you pray to the saint and they are the ones that talk to God) Luther believed you should be praying directly to God not to the saints. (Which would really lose money for the Catholic church because you need to pay for praying to different saints) -Luther also believed they should be speaking the language of the people so they can understand it, not Latin nobody knows Latin. Also he believes that the priests should marry so that they can understand the problems of the people. He thinks that you shouldn't just eat fish on friday, you can eat meat if you want. So he was really an advocate of the people. And people loved these ideas. -The Pope did not love these ideas. The Pope called Martin Luther to Rome and he was telling him he needs to apologize and needs to take everything back or I will excommunicate you from the church, and if I did that you're going straight to Hell, which is an even worse thing than being killed. But, Luther says no way, and I think what I'm saying makes perfect sense and people are believing me. Pope sent assassination squad to kill him back home, so Luther went into hiding with friends and changed his looks and he became kind of a martyr. Got to the point that people of North declared themselves against the Pope and to Luther, Catholic is pissed off, people need to all be Catholic or else the final judgement will not happen so this is a huge problem, half of the Catholics are splitting off. b. Began in Germany, followed by other Northern European countries. Followers were called "Protestants" (protesters). c. Response to perceived abuses perpetrated by the Roman Catholic church, the practice of selling indulgences (forgiveness of sins), saintly intermediaries between the individual and God, and the use of Latin as the exclusive language of Christian worship

Knight, Death, and the Devil, Engraving by Durer

a. Erasmus, Handbook for the Christian Knight, which warns of the perils of time, death, and the devil for Christians, armed by Christ and accompanied by faith. -This is the thinking behind this craft, the Christian Knight, we are all Christian Knights fighting sins. Faith shown through the dog. Armed against sin and with the devil on one side and death on the other you just need to go through life head down eyes straight ahead and don't be swayed by the things around you.

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