17-The Enlightenment HOw did the new world view affect the way people thought about society and human relations

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France and their Parlements

Frances and their Parlements Montesquieu said they should be defenders of liberty Though he did not like uneducated poor people

Francois Marie Arouet (Voltaire)

Francois Marie Arouet (Voltaire) Most representative and most famous philosophe Son of middle class family Wrote more than 70 witty novels

Garbrielle-Emilie Le Tonnelier de Breteuil, Marquise du Chatelet

Garbrielle-Emilie Le Tonnelier de Breteuil, Marquise du Chatelet Rich woman who loved science Let Voltaire live with her and her husband Produced translations in French of NEwton's sythesis and others Said that womens limited role in science was due to inequality in education (she was not accepted into the Royal Academy of Sciences

JEan Jacques Rousseau

JEan Jacques Rousseau Women had a natural passificity to argue for their passive role in society

JOhann Gottfreid von HErder

JOhann Gottfreid von HErder Humans could not be classified into race based on skin color Humans could not

James BEattie

James BEattie Pointed out teh Europeans had started out as savage no white people MAny EUropean countries have achienves high level of civilization

Judaism'a use (why did people study it)

Judaism Used to define what a true religion shoud be like

Kant is not a

Kant is not a Revolutionist HE said in private lives PEople should obey all laws no matter what and should be punished for imnpertanant criticisms

Kant worte about what

Kant worte about what Anthropology Geography Logic Metaphisics Moral philosophy

LAte Enlightenment

LAte Enlightenment Swiss Jean-Jacques Rousseau Popular in salons due to intellect Thought philosophe friends and women were plotting against him Became an outsider in society

"Republic of letters

"Republic of letters Imaginary transnational realm of the well educated

1775, IDeas

1775 Educated elite had new ideas

After ACt of UNion in 1707 with ENgland, Scotland

After ACt of UNion in 1707 with ENgland, Scotland Freed fred from political crisis Vigorous intellectual growth in Scotland

Public Sphere

An idealized public space that came together to discuss important issues relating to society, economics, and politics

Baruch Spinoza

Baruch Spinoza Excommunicated by a large by the reltively large Jewish community of Amsterdam Mind and body united in one substance God and nature are one in the same

Comte de Buffon

Comte de Buffon HUmans originated with one speceies that then developed into distinct races due to climactic changes

David Hume

David Hume Argued religious sketicism HUman mind nothing but a bundle of impressions OUr reason cannot tell us about anything (including god) that could not be varified with a sense experiance

Denis Diderot and Jean le Rond d'Alembert

Denis Diderot and Jean le Rond d'Alembert Wrote the ENcyclopedia: the Rational dictionary the Sciences, Arts, and teh Crafts They went to find coauthors to compile information and works

Digerot made what concerning racism

Digerot MAde a scathin g critique of European arrogance and exploitation

Early career

Early career Arrested twice for insulting nobles Moved to ENlgand to avoid imprisonment


Effect MAny women renounced their ways and went back to just taking care of the children

Effect of general will, how did dictators take it

Effect Many dictators abused this by saying they alone had the right to represent general will Popular soveirnenty

England and Germany's type of Enlightenment

England and Germany Conservative Enlightenment Integrating the Scientific revolution and religious faith


Enlightenment Beyond classical antiquity and that intellectual progress was very possible

Essay concerning HUman UNderstanding

Essay concerning HUman UNderstanding Ideas are derived from experiance

Evidence common people are not immune to the philosophes

Evidence common people are not immune to the philosophes Book prices dropping Philosophical ideas publisized in cheap pamplets Illerate people could go to readings to learn about the enlightened way of thinking

Excitement of Scientific revolution gernerated

Excitement of Scientific revolution gernerated Skepticism Scientist questioned wether ideological conformity in religious matters was neccessary Is religious truth absolute MAny thought it was not

Goal of PHilosphes was to

Goal of PHilosphes was to reach a larger audiences of elites

Greater rights did not mean

Greater rights did not mean Equall rights Elite women subordinate to men


HOstesses Mediated publics freewheeling examination of Elightenment thought Created cultural realm free of religious dogma and political censorship Educated public could dabte issues and form invididual ideas

HOw about the common poor people???????

HOw about the common people??????? Philosophes thought it was a waste of time and resource to teach them about philosophical specualtion Thought people were like child ren and they were parents

HOw did he try to reconsile absolutist manarchical authoriy

HOw did he try to reconsile absolutist manarchical authoriy with Public sphere Enlightened absolutism They tried to balance two extreme governments

HOw did they avoid there works being burned

HOw did they avoid there works being burned Wrote in manuscript form Novels, plays, historys, dictionary, etc Filled with satire and double meanings

Voltaire was a _________, not a _________________ Explain his reasoning why.

He was a Reformer, not a revolutionary in socail and political matters HUmans are hardly ever fit to govern themselves

How was the rest of society affected

How was the rest of society affected Lendig libraries Coffeehouses (MEccas of philosophical discussion Public Sphere

INfluenced romantic movement

INfluenced romantic movement Like Montesquieu Rousseau said they had to have rigid division in gender roles Women passive Any active role in society was considered unnatural and corrupting ro politics and society REjected Salons and Parisian women

Ideas of making

Ideas of making Sevants and masters equal was an absurd impossible idea at the time

Immanuel Kant

Immanuel Kant Professor in east prussia and greatest german philospher of his day

Louis 14th death

Louis 14th death Tied knot betwen scientific revolution and a new outlook on life Progress of the human mind MEdievil and reformation thinkers Abstract concepts of sin and salvation

Monarchs Voltaire said were enlightened

Monarchs Voltaire said were enlightened Louis XIV Frederick the Great


Montesquieu The PErsian letters Socail satire LEtters between Persian travelers Usbek and Rica, See European's customs in a Unique way Critizes exsisting practivces and beliefs


Nothing accepted by faith alone

OVerall affect of Salons

OVerall Critally thinking and questioning became fasionable and was thought to lead to enlightened public opinion

Of Natural Characters

Of Natural Characters Hume wrote it All races are inferior to whites according to Hume The were the "only" ones with civilzation that was advanced

On the different Races of man

On the different Races of man 4 human races Kant Closest decendants of original race were white inhabitants According to Kant CLosest descendants of the original race were the white inhabitants of N Germany

Scientific racism did what

Scientific racism did what Ligitimate and justify thremendous growth of slavery INferior races fit for slavery

Only equality according to Voltaire is

Only equality according to Voltaire is Law protects everyone equally

OVerall effect

Overall affect Science and INdustrial arts exaulted Religion and immorality questioned Criticism of Out of date social institutions, intolerance, and legal injustice


Paris Salons Regualr socail gatherings held by Aprisian women in their homes, where philosophes and their followers met to discuss literature, science, and philosophy Salonnieres


Philosophes A group of French intellectuals who proclaimed that they were bringing the light of knowledge to their fellow creatures in the Age of Enlightenment

Philosophical and Religious positions of VOltaire

Philosophical and Religious positions of VOltaire INdirectly challenged the Catholic Church and Christian theology He believed in god, but said god made an orderly system and just let it run mechanically REjected all religious intolerance as he thought it led to bad behavior and persecution

Pierre Bayle

Pierre Bayle A French Huguenot that depised Louis 14th Historical and Critical Dictionary NOthing could be known without doubt Examined religious beliefs and persecuations in the past Human beliefs are varied and oftern mistaken Popular in netherlands and England and Even France eventually

Race and the Enlightenment What were philosphes veiw on different races Cause of fasicnation

Race and the Enlightenment What were philosphes veiw on different races Cause of fasicnation Urdge to classify nature unleashed by insisntens by the scientific revolution to classify nature unleashed by the scientific revolutions insistance on careful empirical observation


Rationalism A secular, critical way of thinking in which nothing was to be accepted on faith, and everything was submitted to reason

Reaction to Encyclopedias

Reaction to Encyclopedias French governemnt and Catholics hated it at first Knowledge should result in happiness and result in progress

Reading revolution

Reading revolution The Transition in Europe from a society where literacy consisted of patriachal and communal readings of religious texts to a society where literacy was commonplace and reasing material was broad and diverse. People reading more alone and are prompted to question their readings Conversation, discussion and debate Critical role in Enlightenment

What did her works emphasize?

Wrote works praising england and promoting scientific progress Praised newton as the greatest man Mixed glorification of science and reason with appeal for better instututions and individuals

What exsisting practices and beliefs>

Relationship between man and women was hightly represetative of overall society abd political system -Women oppressed in the so called Eastern Political tyranny -Despotism must ultimately causes it leads to rebellion -Persian observation on constant cheating anibg French wives -Poked at European socail and political customs


Renaissance Worldly matters inspired by classical past


Rococo A popular style in Europe in teh eighteenth century, known for its soft pastels, ornate interiors, sentimental portraits, and starry-eyed lovers protected by hovering cupids -This devolop ment by women went hand in hand withemergence of a polite society and taming of tough military-like nobles

General will

Sacred, absolute, reflects the common interests of all people Not neccessarily will of majority May be authentic, long term needs of the people interpreted by a far seeing minority

Other two goals of enlightenment?

Scientific method To explain laws of human society and nature Prgress This could lead to a better society with better people


Sensationalism The idea that all human that all human ideas or thoughts were produced as a result of sensory impressions Justified bacons emphasis on obervation and experimentation

Some philopphoes said waht about women's rights?

Some philopphoes said Education rights and better rights in general for women -Position of a society is based ont he integration of women -Idndicate a societies level of civilization and decency

Strengths of the PHilosophes

Strengths of the PHilosophes Number Dedication Organization They all had a common goal

THe INfluence of PHilosophes Louis XIV died in 1717

THe INfluence of PHilosophes Louis XIV died in 1717 New ideas were assembled People held on to their governments

Tabula rasa-

Tabula rasa- Human mind is a blank slate when born Environement writes on it with experiance

The Enlightenmnet happened where

The Enlightenmnet Italy, Spain, Greece, Balkans, Poland, Hungary, and Russia

The European enlightenment

The European enlightenment Came inbetween the publishing of NEwton's Principia and

The Scottish Enlightenment

The Scottish Enlightenment Emphasis on pragmatic and scientific reasoning Why First public education system in Europe

The Social contract

The Social contract Political theory by Rousseau General will and Popular soverignty

The Spirit of LAw

The Spirit of LAw Applied the critical method to the problem of teh problem of government Forms of governemnt shaped by history, geography, and customs Liberty and prevent tyranny is important Separation and balance of powers


The influential intellectual and cultural movement of the late 17th and 18th centuries tha intoduced a new worldview based on the use of reason, the scientific method, and progress. Methods of natural science could be used to understand all aspects of life

The system of nature

The system of nature Carl von Linne Nature organized into god given heirarchy People had HUmans investigated in different groups to find the origin of race

The term race

The term race Used to designate biologically distinct groups of humans Not based on nationalities Thinkers place their own race on top Africans at the botom Whites were considered to be biologically superior

Theme of Encyclopedias

Theme of Encyclopedias People learning to think critically and objectively about everything

Types of books people read

Types of books people read Religious and devotional books declined HIstory and law remained the same Science and art florished

What else causes questioning

What else causes questioning Growing literature on places that are non-European People had many different customs and beliefs Truth and morality is relative rather than absolute

What is he commited to

What is he commited to Individual freedom, like other thinkers Unlike them he Attack attacked rationalism and civilization as destroying Warm feeling should correct cold intellect Goodness of people and the innocents of children should be protected from this kind of society

What is the Enlightenment

What is the Enlightenment Pamplet published in 1784 Sapere Aude (dare to know) HAve courage to use your own understanding Enlightenment would follow if serious thinkers were granted the freedom to exersise their reason publically in print

What practice increased in the late 17th early 18th century

What practice increased in the late 17th early 18th century Production and consumption of books incfreased significantly People read many types of books

Where did the ENlightenment reach its highest developement why

Where did the ENlightenment reach its highest developement why France Why French international language of educated classes France wealthiest and most populace country at the time INtellectuals not as strongly restrained by catholic church as in east and east central Europe

Who helped popularize these ideas

Who helped popularize these ideas David Hume Immanuel Kant

Who was invited

Who was invited INtellectual, economic, and socail elites

Why was he interested in history and politics

Why was he interested in history and politics He was A French noble was Montesquieu scared of royal absoltism under Louis XIV


Women Women gained informal power in absolutist system and had more access to teh king than first ministers

Women also had an affect on

Women also had an affect on Artistic taste

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