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What is socialism?

"A system based on public ownership of the means of production and distribution of wealth". People have the power/governments work for the people More even distribution of wealth

What is the setting of the novel? Give the country and the city.

The novel is set in and around London, which is the main city of Airstrip One, a province of the country of Oceania.

What does Mr. Charrington show Winston while he is there?

The room upstairs

What are the chapters of Goldstein's book named after? Give an example of one.

The slogans repeated by the government, (War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength)

According to The Book, what is really going on with the war, and why?

The superstates are not really fighting with each other. The powers of each superstate are really warring against their own people to keep the structure of the society intact.

What is the telescreen and how is it used?

The telescreen is a large screen that sends and receives images and sounds at the same time. Telescreens are in all workplaces and homes. The Thought Police regularly monitor them.

What bothers Winston more than the thought that he might be a lunatic?

The thought that he might be wrong bothers him more.

Goldstein talks about what main topic in his book?

The three main powers (social classes) and how constant war is needed for them to uphold power.

According to O'Brien, what is in Room 101 in general? What is this for Winston in particular?

The worst thing in the world is in Room 101. For Winston, this is rats.

Describe what happens when Winston and Julia meet after they have been released. Include the verse that Winston hears.

They admit that they have betrayed each other and that they don't feel the same about each other anymore.

Emmanuel Goldstein is the enemy of Big Brother


Julia exclaims, " in this room, I'm going to be a women, not a party comrade!"


The main character thinks O'Brien is secretly the enemy of Big Brother


Winston owes Parsons $2 for a donation for Hate Week


Winston's friend, syme, works in the research department


the standard of living has increased by no more than 20% over the last year


Symbols in 1984

Urban decay (motif) Big Brother Paperweight/rhyme "The Place Where there is no Darkness" Red-armed prole woman Winston's diary

When O'Brien asks what Winston is prepared to do, how does Winston respond?

Winston agrees to do anything except leave Julia

Describe the meeting between O'Brien, Julia, and Winston at O'Brien's apartment.

Winston asks if Goldstein and the Brotherhood are real. O'Brien tells them it is, and that he is part of it. They say they want to join. O'Brien says they won't see any changes in their lifetime. He tells Winston how he will receive a copy of Goldstein's book.

What is the last question that Winston asks O'Brien in Chapter II? What is O'Brien's answer?

Winston asks, "What is Room 101." O'Brien answers that Winston already knows what is in Room 101, as everyone knows.

What important question does Winston keep asking the old man that he isn't answering?

Winston questions the past but the man never givers the answer Winston was looking for.

Winston wishes he would have pushed his wife off a cliff


Winston's "wife" was loyal to big brother


newspeak is the offical language of oceania


once a week, Winston works on making bomb fuses


one of the slogans of the party is "war is Peace"


syme says, "the proles are not human beings"


the aim of newspeak is to narow the range of thought


the main character works for the records department in the ministry of truth


What did O'Brien do to the telescreen

turn it off

Name of the daily demonstration of hatred towards all the enemies of the people of Oceania.

two minutes of hate

what does Winston write in the dust on the table


How many hours had Winston worked in 5 days?

90 hours

What bothers Winston the most, along with the sense of nightmare?

He is bothered because he does not clearly understand why the falsifications take place. He wonders if he is a lunatic.

Where is Winston after he is captured by the thought police?

He is in the Ministry of Love

How has Winston changed physically during his imprisonment? What does he do after he sees himself in the mirror?

He is now stooped over and very thin, and his skin looks gray. He is partly bald, covered with scars and wounds. After Winston looks in the mirror, he collapses on a small stool and cries.

For whom does Winston realize he is writing his diary? Why?

He is writing for O'Brien because he thinks O'Brien is on his side.

What is Winston thinking at the end of the novel?

He realizes that he has won the victory over himself. He now loves Big Brother.

What does Winston do the next time he visits the little shop? Why?

He rents the room above the shop. He plans to use it for a private place for himself and Julia.

How does Winston say they can beat the Party?

He says if they can feel inside that staying human is worthwhile they will have beaten the Party.

What does Winston tell Julia the real betrayal will be when they are caught?

He says the real betrayal will be if they can be made to stop loving each other.

Describe the two people the main character sees just before the Two Minutes Hate.

He sees a girl of about age 27 who works in the Fiction Department. She looks like the ideal young Party member. Winston feels uneasy and hostile whenever he sees her. The other character is a man named O'Brien.

While Winston is reading Chapter 1 of The Book, he stops for a minute. Why does he stop reading?

He stopped reading to appreciate the fact that he was reading in comfort and safety, without feeling nervous, and with no telescreen watching him

What does Winston think this meeting with O'Brien means?

He thinks the meeting means that the conspiracy against The Party is real and he has reached it. He also thinks it will mean his death.

Which is not true about Winstons new job

He works in the ministry of love

Describe what happens when the girl with the dark hair falls on the floor.

Her arm is in a sling. She falls near Winston, and he helps her up. While he is helping her up she slips a note in Winston's hand.

While Winston is exercising himself in Crimestop, he calls out, "Julia! Julia! Julia, my love! Julia!" What does this show about him? What happens to him as a result? Include his conversation in the room with O'Brien.

His cries show that he is obeying the Party but he still hates the Party. He realizes that he will have to undergo reeducation all over again. O'Brien comes into the room and asks how Winston feels about Big Brother. Winston replies that he hates Big Brother. O'Brien orders Winston to be taken to Room 101. He tells Winston he must learn to love Big Brother.

What is Winston's greatest pleasure in his life, and why is it so?

His greatest pleasure is his work. He thinks he is good at the type of rewriting that he has to do

Who is Big Brother a representation of during WWII? Winston?

Hitler and Stalin Winston Churchill

What does the note from Julia say?

I love you

At the end of the book what is he awaiting news about on the telescreen

If Oceania will defeat Africa

what type of government does Orwell support

Real Socialism

Name of the three former party members who helped lead the revolution, but have now confessed to being a part of a plot to bring down big brother.

Rutherford Aaronson Jones

According to O'Brien, what are the three stages of Winston's reintegration?

Learning, understanding, and acceptance.

Name of the place convicted and released thoughtcriminals end up for a short duration before they are recaptured and executed.

Ministry of Love

Where is Winston as he is reading Goldstein's book?

Mr. Charrington's Room above the shop

Where does Winston take the book?

Mr. Charrington's room above the shop

_____ tells Winston that Inner Party members can turn off the telescreen for a period of time.


Who comes into the room next (3rd major character)? What does Winston discover about this person?

O'Brien comes in and Winston discovers that O'Brien is a Party member, not a member of the Brotherhood, and has betrayed him.

What does O'Brien know that surprises Winston?

O'Brien knows the last line of the rhyme that Mr. Charrington had started telling him.

What does Winston find out about The Book?

O'Brien wrote part of The Book.

Comrade _____ is a fictitious person whom Winston creates for a revised Times article.


Name of the soldier Winston creates to embody the admirable characteristics of all party members.


Describe the one time that Winston held real evidence of an act of falsification.

Once when he was in the Chestnut Tree Café, Winston saw three men who had been arrested, confessed, and reinstated in the Party. A little while later they were arrested. They confessed again and were killed. About five years later Winston found a newspaper article with photo of the men at a Party function. The date of the article was the same as the date the men said they were in Eurasia betraying the Party. Winston realized the confessions had to be false. He destroyed the newspaper article.

Literary Significance

One of the most influential political novels of our century Added vocabulary to our everyday speech Fascinating plot and vivid characters Although the year 1984 has passed, the questions Orwell leaves us with remain relevant today

What impression did the end of WWII have on Orwell

Orwell still left with questions. Personal experiences that he had led him to mistrust politics except for Socialism.

According to Winston, how has the Party used the instinct of parenthood?

Parents are still encouraged to be fond of their children. However, the children are taught to spy on their parents, creating an arm of the Thought Police in every home.

Who is the second person brought into the cell and why? Who denounced him? How does he feel about the arrest?

Parsons is brought in for committing thoughtcrime. His daughter had denounced him for saying, "Down with Big Brother." He tells Winston he must have been guilty and was glad the Thought Police had stopped him before it went any further.

What does Julia bring to their meeting?

She brings luxuries that only the Inner Party members have: real coffee, sugar, and milk. She also brings and puts on makeup and perfume that she got from a prole store.

Why is Winston working such long hours?

The enemy has changed from Eurasia to Eastasia, so all of the literature has to be rewritten.

Who is looking at Winston during lunch? How does this affect him?

The girl with the dark hair is looking at him. Winston is afraid that she is a spy, if not a member of the Thought Police.

What is the heresy of heresies? Why is that terrifying to Winston?

The heresy of heresies is common sense. It is terrifying to Winston that the Party might be right in its ideas.

Describe the aim of Newspeak and how it works.

The main aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought. Newspeak is the only language that destroys words instead of adding new ones. The vocabulary continually gets smaller. When the Eleventh Edition of the Newspeak Dictionary is finished, every needed concept will be expressed by exactly one word. All meanings will be rigidly defined. It will become impossible to commit Thoughtcrime.

What do they have to drink at O'Brien's??


We see _____ tortured in Room 101 by O'Brien.


Finish this quote: I understand how...

but I don't understand why

The thought police could vaporize a person from existence for a crime


When Julia arrives, she puts on makeup and perfume


Winston is afraid of death


At the beginning of the novel, the main character thinks the thought police are knocking at his door.


Goldstein was said to have gone to the Chestnut Tree Cafe from time to time


He hates the girl because she is young, pretty, and sexless


Julia is 26 years old and lives with 30 other women


Key quotes in the book

"Thought crime does not entail death: thought crime is death." —pg 27 "Who controls the past ...controls the future: who controls the present controls the past." —pg 32 "If there was hope, it must lie in the proles.." - pg 60 "We are the dead".

Describe the brotherhood according to O'Brien.

-You will never know how many people are involved. -It's not like a normal organization (no meetings with everyone involved) -You will only know a few people at a time so if you are caught, the organization will still continue

What is the plan to get the book to Winston?

A man will come up and give Winston "his briefcase that he dropped" and the book will be inside

What does O'Brien give the person who left first? why?

A tablet to mask the scent of the wine so that nothing was suspicious to the lift operators.

Which of the following is true about Winston? A. He has a varicose ulcer B. He is a member of the thought police C. He dies by being blown up in a mine field D. He is secretly a woman

A. He has a varicose ulcer

In his diary, Winston defines freedom as _____. A.The ability to say that two plus two make four B. A place where the telescreens do not exist C. A world where the Thought Police are dead D. The promise of the future

A. The ability to say that two plus two makes four

Parson's daughter followed a guy because he wore different shoes


Who is brought into the cell with Winston and why does he think he is there?

Ampleforth is brought in. He thinks it was because he let the word "God" stay at the end of a sentence of a poem he was rewriting.

What happens to the rewritten news articles after Winston puts them into the pneumatic tube? Why is this significant?

An edition of the Times is reprinted to include the revisions. Then the original edition is destroyed. In this way, the past is always kept up to date with the present. All predictions made by the Party are always correct.

What month does Winston begin writing in his diary?


Which of the following is not part of the hate speech A. Emmanuel Goldstein B. it lasts five minutes C. Its propaganda D. It occurs daily

B, it lasts five minutes

Which of the following is a true statement about Mr. Charrington? A. He is O'Brien's father B. He is a member of the Thought Police C. He dies by being stabbed to death D.He poisons Winston's soup

B. He is a member of the thought police

After having a dream of seeing a girl in the Golden Country, Winston awakens with a word on his lips. What is that word? A. Julia B. Shakespeare C. O'Brien D. Blood

B. Shakespeare

When Winston reads Julia's note, what does he discover? A. She is a member of the Thought Police B. She is in love with him C. She is working for O'Brien D. She is Big Brother's daughter

B. She is in love with him

What does the caption on the posters say?


Who is the last person Winston loves when the book ends?

Big Brother

What does O'Brien tell Winston about Big Brother, the Party, and the Brotherhood?

Big Brother and the Party both exist. Winston will never know if the Brotherhood exists.

Explain the organization of the Party.

Big Brother is at the top, followed by members of the Inner Party. The Outer Party comes next, followed by the proles.

Explain the importance of Big Brother. Also describe the way his image looks.

Big Brother is the leader of the Party. He has black hair, a black mustache, and looks calm and powerful.

Winston falls in love with _____. A. O'Brien B. Tillotson C. Julia D. Jenny

C. Julia

Winston predicts that all of the following will be vaporized EXCEPT _____. A. Himself B. O'Brien C. Parsons D. Syme

C. Parsons

Julia is a member of _____. A. The Thought Police B. The Inner Party C. The Junior Anti-Sex League D. The BBA (Big Brother Association)

C. The Junior Anti-Sex League

Where is Winston at the end of the book?

Chestnut Tree Cafe


Complex/paradoxical Burly and imposing, wears glasses and adjusts them - "refined" Tormentor/savior

When he was young, Winston stole _____ from his sister. A. A bag of peanuts B.A lock of hair C. A computer system D. A piece of chocolate

D. A piece of chocolate

The current name of Britain is _____. A. Oceania B. Eastasia C. Ingsoc D. Airstrip One

D. Airstrip one

Which is not true about room 101? A. It is many meters below ground B. it is his worst fear C. It is bigger than most cells D. Julia is there

D. Julia is there

Parsons asks Winston if he has any spare _____. A. Money B. Victory gin C. Clothes D. Razor blades

D. Razor blades

At the climax of the Two Minutes Hate, Goldstein's face turns into _____. A. A picture of Winston B. The image of a garbage can C. The face of O'Brien D. The image of a sheep

D. The image of a sheep

Winston says that hope lies with _____. A. The Inner Party B. O'Brien C. The Junior Spies D. The proles

D. The proles

What does Winston discover about Mr. Charrington?

He is a member of the Thought Police.

Themes in 1984

Dangers of Totalitarianism The Attack on Privacy The Control of Language The Destruction of History The Attack on Sex The Value of Memory The Appreciation on the Past The Fallibility of the Human Mind

What is one of the things Winston shouts when he realizes what is in room 101

Do it to Julia, not me!

Summarize Julia's explanation of the meaning of the Party's sexual puritanism.

Doing without sex created a kind of hysteria in the people. When people are able to have sexual relationships they use up energy and are happy. Then they are not interested in the Party. So keeping sex away from the people enables the Party to create fear and hatred.

Explain the concept of doublethink.

Doublethink is the ability to have two opposite or contradictory thoughts at the same time, and accept both of them. People who practice doublethink are able to tell lies and believe them or forget about facts that they don't need. They deny objective reality while they are aware of that same reality.

Describe duckspeak

Duckspeak is the kind of speech that Newspeak aims to produce. It is a style of talking that sounds like the quacking of a duck, with the sounds coming from the larynx and as far removed as possible from thinking with the brain.

Other than Oceania, list the two remaining world superpowers in 1984.

East Asia and Eurasia

The full name of the enemy of the people of Oceania.

Emmanuel Goldstein

Explain the importance of Emmanuel Goldstein. Also describe the way his image looks.

Emmanuel Goldstein is the Enemy of the People. He had been a leading member of the Party but then turned traitor. All crimes against the Party are attributed to his teaching. His image is shown on the telescreen and on posters to create hatred among Party members. He looks Jewish with fuzzy white hair and a goatee beard. His nose is long and thin. He wears glasses. He supposedly commands an army of conspirators called The Brotherhood.

What does INGSOC stand for

English Socialism

Who is Oceania at war with at the end of the book?


What is facecrime? Give an example.

Facecrime is having the wrong look on one's face. One's features are always to be under control. To show surprise or disbelief when a war victory is announced is a facecrime.

The main character lives at Victory Square Apartments

False Victory Mansion

Syme is working on the 15th edition of the Newspeak Dictionary

False, 11th

Winston's wife who he is sperated from, is named Julia

False, Kathrine

Winston and Julia meet above the shop of Mr.Parsons

False, Mr. Charrington

Winston thinks Syme will be vaporized because he wants to rebel

False, because he is too smart

The main character unconsciously writes "down with the brotherhood" in his diary

False, down with big brother

Winston looks out the window and sees children playing

False, prole women

The only double beds nowadays are in the Inner Party houses

False, proles

Winston is terrified of the bed bugs they find in the room

False, rat

the main character was at the three minutes of hate when he saw the girl and O'Brein

False, two minutes

What two things about the grammar of Newspeak are peculiar?

First, the parts of speech are almost completely interchangeable. Any word can be made negative by using the affix un-. Words can be strengthened by using the affixes plus- or doubleplus-. Affixes including ante-, post-, up-, and down- can be used. Second, the language is very regular, with all inflections following the same rule.

Who wrote 1984

George Orwell

What were some of the inspirations for the book?

Great parallels between the text and Stalin's history. Clearly the inspiration for Big Brother. Russian Socialist Revolution (1917)

What does happens when Winston goes to the antique shop, and who does he see when he comes out.

He buys an old paperweight that has a piece of coral in it. Then Mr. Charrington shows him the room above the shop. Winston realizes there is no telescreen. Mr. Charrington tells Winston the part of an old nursery rhyme. When he leaves the shop he sees the girl from the Fiction Department. He thinks she is following him.

What emotions does Winston feel at first when the girl puts her arms around him? What emotion didn't he feel?

He feels incredulity and pride. He does not feel any physical desire.

Why hasn't Winston opened the book yet?

He has been working all week and has had no time

Name of the political ideology of The Party (or their political philosophy).


Finish this quote: If there is hope...

It lies with the proles

What does Winston finally give up in room 101


What is the girl's name?


Who is Winston reading "The Book" to?


Who went to O'Brien's with Winston?


_____ is 26 years old and a member of the Junior Anti-Sex League.


Who will leave O'Brien's first? Why?

Julia, to make it less suspicious (rather than Winston and Julia leaving together)

Name of the coalition of women who make a vow of celibacy (demonstrated by a red sash around their waist.

Junior anti-sex leauge

Name of the coalition of children encouraged to denounce inappropriate actions of adults.

Junior spies

what was similar to the thought police in Stalin's rule

KGB- which was crucial to retaining Stalin's power just like the thought police

Winston Smith

Late 30s, lonely, in poor health, separated Alienated by his awareness/intellectual Rebels - diary/Julia Sexually frustrated Needs to understand the past Afraid of rats Is broken in the end

What does the girl tell Winston about her attitude toward the party?

She hates the Party. She says the Party wants to stop people from having fun, so she breaks the rules whenever she can. She has no interest in Party doctrine. However, she always acts interested in the Party and participates in many activities.

Winston asks the girl what attracted her to him. What is her answer?

She says there is something in his face that shows he does not belong. She knew right away that Winston was against the Party.

What crime does the main character commit? How does he do this? What is the punishment?

Smith commits Thought crime when he opens the diary and when he writes "DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER" in it. The punishment is vaporization.

What is Syme's observation about Winston's appreciation of Newspeak?

Syme says that Winston does not really appreciate Newspeak, even though his written articles are good enough. Syme thinks Winston still thinks in and prefers Oldspeak.

Explain what is in the A vocabulary of Newspeak

The A vocabulary is the words needed for everyday life, such as eating, drinking, working, getting dressed, and riding in vehicles. There are not as many words as there are in current-day English. Each word expresses a simple thought involving a concrete object or physical action.

Explain what is in the B vocabulary of Newspeak. Give examples.

The B vocabulary contains words that are used for political purposes. These words force a certain mental attitude on people. These words are all compound words. Miniluv, Minitrue, Minipeaceful, Oldthinkers, and unbellyfeel are some examples.

Explain what is in the C vocabulary of Newspeak. Who uses this part of the language? For what is there no word? Why?

The C vocabulary has scientific and technical words. Only scientific or technical workers use it, but they only know the words for their own specialty. There is no word for "science" because the meaning is covered by the word Ingsoc.

Name each of the Ministries

The Ministry of Truth The Ministry of Peace The Ministry of Love The Ministry of Plenty,

What is the Party's policy on marriage, divorce, and children?

The Party approves all marriages. If the couple seem physically attracted to one another, the Party does not allow the marriage to take place. The only reason for sexual intercourse is to create a child. Divorce is not allowed. Separation is encouraged if there are no children.

What is the Party belief about the proles?

The Party sees the proles as natural inferiors who must be kept in subjection. They should not have strong political feelings. They do not need to be indoctrinated in Party ideology. They only need enough patriotism to make them accept whatever the Party offers.

What is the final, most essential command of the Party?

The Party tells people to reject the evidence of their eyes and ears.

Winston learns why the Party seeks power. What is the reason?

The Party wants power just to have power.

What is the aim of the Party with regard to male-female relationships and sex?

The Party wants to prevent men and women from forming relationships and loyalties that it might not be able to control. It wants to remove all pleasure from the sexual act.

Name of the Newspaper of Oceania. Winstonʼs job is to falsify the history of this newspaper.

The Times

According to The Book, what is the aim of modern warfare?

The aim of modern war is to use up products but not raise the standard of living.

Finish this quote: Oranges and lemons say...

The bells of St. Clements

Describe the scene with the cage. Tell what is in the cage.

The cage is a kind of face mask that has two rats in it. O'Brien tells Winston he will put the mask on Winston's face unless Winston does what is required of him.

How is the current government different than any previous governments? What invention enables it to be like this?

The current government is able to watch all the citizens all the time because of the invention of the two-way telescreen. Previous governments were not able to watch the citizens all of the time.

What is the number of the room where the guards take some of the prisoners? How do many of them react to this?

They are taken to Room 101. Many of them react with fear.

While Winston and Julia are in the room, he says, "We are the dead," and Julia repeats the phrase. What happens next?

They hear another voice say, "We are the dead." The voice is coming from behind the picture, as there is a hidden telescreen. The Thought Police come into the room and captured them.

What do Winston and Julia realize about their relationship?

They know it cannot last

Describe the meeting between Winston and O'Brien

They meet in a hallway in the Ministry. O'Brien compliments Winston on his writing. He mentions Syme's work but not his name. This reference seems to Winston to be a signal or code word that he and O'Brien are accomplices in thoughtcrime. O'Brien offers to loan Winston a copy of the Eleventh Edition of the Newspeak dictionary and gives Winston his address in full view of a telescreen.

Describe Julia and Winston's meeting in Victory Square.

They stand next to each other and watch a parade of prisoners go by. They do not look at each other. The girl gives Winston directions for a place to meet the following Sunday. They manage to hold hands for about ten seconds.

What is the one thing that Winston and Julia know they will never do together?

They will never have a child together.

. Describe thoughtcrime and give an example.

Thoughtcrime is thinking anything against the Party. Orwell describes it as "the essential crime that contained all others in itself." Thoughtcrime could not be concealed forever. Eventually the Thought Police would get whoever committed thoughtcrime. Winston committed an act of thoughtcrime when he wrote in his diary.

What are the three slogans of the Party?


In the Afterword, what point about doublethink is made?

When doublethink is used successfully, the person thinks the opposite of the truth.

Winston is at lunch when the message on the telescreen relates the good news about increases in production, including that the chocolate ration has been raised to twenty grams a week. What is Winston thinking as he hears this message?

Winston remembers that the previous day the chocolate ration had been decreased to twenty grams. He wonders how all the people manage to believe the lie. He wonders if he is the only person with a memory. Winston wonders if life has always been the way it is now, and why he feels that some things are intolerable. He thinks he must have an ancestral memory that things had once been different.

What is Winston's answer when O'Brien asks, "Can you think of a single degradation that has not happened to you?" How does O'Brien respond?

Winston replies that he has not betrayed Julia. O'Brien agrees.

Winston thinks that what he does is not forgery. What does he think it is?

Winston thinks it is the substitution of one piece of nonsense for another. The material has no connection with the real world.


Young, beautiful, sensual Devious - plans trysts and pretends well Small scale rebellion Not intellectual Longs to be feminine O'Brien says she gives up easily Loses her sensuality at the end

what does Winston refer to the memory with his mother as

a false memory

What does Winston buy while he is at Mr. Charrington's store ?

a glass paperweight

What does Winston refer to as the only thing that is "cheap and plentiful"? A. Victory sugar B. Victory coffee C. Synthetic gin D. Green leaf tea

c. Synthetic gin


a typically orthodox man. His imprisonment at the end reinforces the injustice of the system

Name of the ruggedly handsome, black mustachioʼd figure whose face is plastered all over Oceania.

big brother

There is an announcement from the Ministry of plenty that the quota for ___ has been overfulfilled


O'Brien says he will meet Winston in "the place where there is no _____."


Term given to the mental capacity to instantly change from one way of thinking to Another.


Julia currently works in the pornsec of the fiction department


Julia tells Winston to always go home the same way he came


Winston was with a prostitute 3 months ago


Julia had her first love affair when she was 21 years old

false, 16

The uniform of the party is red overalls

false, blue

Syme asks Winston if he has any Victory gin

false, razor blades

Julia says they shouldn't come back to the spot in the country for a week

false,1- 2 months

What does Winston have a memory about toward the end of the book

his mom

What does O'Brien ask that they both Julia and Winston say no to?

leaving each other

What is the name of the slits in the walls that incinerate any changed historical documents altered by the Party.

memory hole

What is the name of the device that broadcasts and receives information located all over Oceania?


Parson's daughter is using ear trumpets to spy on others


Name of the forced calisthenics Winston wakes up to everyday.

physical jerks

at the end of the book what is Winston NOT doing?

planing to rebel

What does Winston remember doing with his mom at the end of the novel?

play snakes and ladders

The largest, yet most powerless group of citizens in Oceania.


What is Winston afraid of


According to Julia "if you kept the small rules, you could break the big ones"



represents the Party's unwillingness to allow unique minds to exist. He is vaporized.

Complete the quotation: "War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is _____."


In the room above Mr. Charrington's shop, there is a hidden _____ behind the picture of St. Clement's.


Syme is on the adjective section of the dictionary


Who does Winston see while leaving Charrington's? What does Winston think of doing to her?

the dark haired girl (Julia), kill her

What do they toast to (the first time) at O'Brien's?

the health of Emmanuel Goldstein

Where does Winston go after he talks to the old man in the pub?

the junk shop (Mr. Charrington's)

Where does Winston talk to the old man?

the pub/bar

What does not happen when Winston and Julia see each other

they rebel

Name given to the secret military patrol responsible for capturing thoughtcriminals.

thought police

This is the brand name of all goods produced by the party (including gin, coffee, and cigarettes),


which color in chess always wins


When was 1984 Written and what was Orwell dying from

written in 1949 and he was dying of tuberculosis

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