1st & 2nd Creation Account

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Links to theme of creation & salvation-

Assured Israel God controls all events. God will renew them as he renews creation.

The Book of Psalms

Creation is offered as reason for praising God's greatness.

Creation Of Eve-

Dignity of women & their equability with men 1. Etiology of marriage • Leave parents • Become one body • Mirrors Gods relationship • Men and women=Equal & complementary

2nd Creation account- Has a more down to earth style.

Down to earth style God= Anthropomorphic (With human qualities) Author=Yahwist (J)

The book of Genesis,,

Genesis (contains the creation accounts) is one of five books in the Bible known as the Pentateuch, or the Torah ("Law") by the Jewish people.

Divine Revelation -

God's self-communication to human beings


-1st three chapters are foundational because they reveal important truths about creation... Its origin & end in God. Its origin & end in god. Its order & goodness. The vocation of man Drama of sin & hope of salvation. Creation is the foundation of all Gods saving Plans.

Truths of 2nd Account

-Equality & differences between man & woman willed by god. God, Humans, creation all in harmony. Adam & Eve born in state of original Holiness and Original Justice.

Original Holiness & Justice

-The state of man & woman before sin - From their friendship with god, flowed the happiness of their existence in paradise"

Creation in Isaiah-

-Written to comfort & encourage people in captivity in Babylonia. Collection of poems by Isaiah and disciples.

Christ entrusted the Apostles with the authority to interpret God's word authentically. This authoritative office of the Church is what we call the Magisterium.


Divine Revelation is made available to us in Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture


Only when sin is the cause, do humans feel guilty. No shame no hiding no fear.


Taken all together Scripture reveals that creation is the work of the whole Trinity— Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Though philosophy and other religions grasp some part of the truth, God has entrusted the full truth to the Church in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Portrayal Of God

God as potter Loving God-Breathes life Close to humankind Compassionate-Gives companionship

2 Accounts:

Together, the 2 reveal that Yahweh, the inspiring sole creator of the universe (story 1) Is intimately convened with man & woman he made the jewels of his creation (story 2).

The New Testament

Jesus Christ, the Word of God, is the agent of creation.

Scripture was formed by


Original Holiness & Justice

Involved inner harmony of the human person, harmony between man & woman & between our 1st parents & creation As long as 1st humans remained in intimacy w/god they wouldn't have to suffer or die.

2nd account

Like the first creation account, the point is not to describe what God looks like but to reveal important religious and theological truths: Equality and differences between man and woman are willed by God. God created human beings in harmony with themselves and all creation, that is, in a state of Original Holiness and Original Justice.

Religious and theological truths of the 1st creation account

1. There is only one god 2. God planned creation 3. God Created an ordered and good world out of nothing 4. God creates an in his image, male and female 5. God gave humans a place of honor in creation-Stewards of what he created 6. God blessed the Sabbath and made it holy.

4 Stages of Composition of Pentateuch

Stage 1- Moses-Exodus of Israelites from Egypt Stage 2- Laws-speeches, stories of human origin. Patriarchs most passed orally, some recorded Stage 3- Collecting of sources & gathering it into one narrative. Stage 4- Ezra bring traditions together into the Pentateuch


The author praises Wisdom for its role assisting God in the work of creation.

The Second Creation Account

The second creation account was written by the Yahwist, who portrays God as anthropomorphic, that is, with human qualities

Salvation History.

The story of God's saving activity in human history begins at the creation of the world and reaches its fulfillment in our Lord's Passion, Death, and Resurrection. We call this story salvation history.

Differences between the accounts

Together the two creation accounts convey the truth that God, the almighty creator of the universe, is intimately concerned with the human beings he created.


With human qualities

The first creation account adapts traditional stories and symbols of ancient myths to convey the Chosen People's belief in one, true God—


Natural Condition

• No shame • Intimacy & total openness w/God and each other • Sin brings shame & hiding

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