2. Relaxation Massage Questions

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Why should you avoid massage if the client has a high temperature/fever?

Because a massage would release even more unwelcomed toxins into the system to be fought off

List four benefits of friction massage?

1. Breaking down the knots and nodules 2. Eliminate any accumulated waste products 3. Break down fatty tissues (benefit obesity) 4. Break down scar tissue

What four main errors should be avoided when using effleurage?

1. Do not lose contact with the receiver 2. Relax the hands and flow (no jerky movements) 3. Use the whole hand and not just the fingertips 4. No pressure whatsoever on the downwards stroke

What are the requirements for draping?

1. Ensure the privacy and dignity of the client 2. The client may chose to be fully draped or clothed 3. The female client's breasts are not undraped unless specified by referral 4. The genitals, perineum and anus are never undraped

List four benefits of petrissage movements?

1. Helps eliminate accumulated waste products 2. Increases blood supply to specific muscles 3. Helps break down and remove fatty deposits 4. Prevents stiffness after exercise

List four benefits of effleurage?

1. Helps speed up venous return and improve circulation (stimulates circulation of small veins IN muscles and large veins BETWEEN muscles) 2. Increase lymphatic fluid flow 3. Immediate sense of well-being and relaxation 4. Stress and strain can be relieved 5. Tension headache are dispelled 6. Patterns of insomnia can be broken

List five situations considered to be contraindications to effleurage, petrissage, friction and tapotement massage movements?

1. High Temperature/Fevers 2. Infections and Skin Conditions 3. Thrombo-Phlebitis and other Conditions 4. Advanced Varicose Veins (DVT) 5. Pregnancy

List two benefits of the four percussion strokes of Tapotement movement?

1. Improved circulation 2. Improved muscle tone o flabby and fleshy muscle areas

What are the aims of a stimulating massage?

1. Improves circulation, relieves congestion 2. Stimulates lymph flow 3. Eliminates waste 4. Improves muscle tone by increasing blood and nutrients 5. Encourages excretion of waste via kidneys

What two main errors should be avoided when using petrissage during a massage session?

1. Make sure to use the whole hand 2. Pick up the muscle and not the skin

What four main errors should be avoided when using Tapotement?

1. Make sure when you are cupping that the hands are really cupped (avoid slapping) 2. When hacking, do not tense the wrists or fingers 3. Keep the hands relaxed and loose with movements coming from the wrist and elbows (elbows should be tucked in to prevent shoulder fatigue) 4. Not to be performed over the kidney area, or varicose veins

If referral to another health care provider is necessary what eight standards of practice do massage professionals need to bide by?

1. Not work with any individual who has a specific disease without supervision 2. Be adequately educated and understand physiologic effects of the specific massage 3. Not make false claims about the potential benefits of the massage techniques 4. Acknowledge the importance and individuality of the client 5. Work only with the informed consent of a client 6. Display respect for the client by keeping agreements, being on time, draping properly and customising the massage 7. Provide a safe, comfortable and clean environment 8. Maintain clear and honest communication with clients and keep clients communications confidential

What are the aims of a soothing massage?

1. Relaxation 2. Sooth nervous system 3. Relaxes muscle tone 4. Removes tension

What are the three reasons for effleurage proceeding all other movements?

1. Relaxing effect 2. Enables the person to become accustomed to the therapists hands 3. For the therapist to establish correct amount of pressure

What are the aims of a therapeutic massage?

1. Repair tissue damage in broken bones 2. Reduce oedema, damaged ligaments and tendons 3. Improve circulation and nutrition of joints 4. Eliminate harmful deposits 5. Lessens inflammation and swelling 6. Prevents adhesions by stretching connective tissue 7. Reduces danger of fibrosis

In compliance with the principles of the code of ethics what five standards of practice do massage professionals need to perform?

1. Respect all clients, colleagues and health professionals 2. Perform only services for which they are qualified 3. Respect the scope of the practice of other health care and service professionals 4. Resect all ethical health care practitioners and work with them 5. Acknowledge the limitations of their personal skills

There are eight recommendations for what makes a good massage. Try to list them all.

1. Therapists desire to want to help the client 2. Understanding of the mind and body and to respect your client's needs and feelings 3. The room should be warmed or cooled before massage to ensure the comfort of the client 4. Cleanliness and comfort of both the client and masseur are important 5. Electric light should not be bright 6. Scented vegetable massage oil is desired 7. A massage table of the correct height and width is important 8. Soft relaxing music

What two main errors should be avoided when using friction movements?

1. Work deeper and deeper into the tissue GRADUALLY 2. Do not hunch your shoulders

Describe hacking (Tapotement technique)

Achieved with the edge of the hands (ulna side) which are held with the palms facing each other. The hands are flicked rhythmically up and down in rapid succession.

Which basic movement of massage could be used to create a soothing massage?


What are the four basic movements of massage?

Effleurage Friction Petrissage Tapotement

What basic movement of massage could be used to create a therapeutic massage?

Effleurage and Friction

T/F: If referral to another health care provider is necessary, it can be done without the informed consent of the client?

False: If referral to another health care provider is necessary, it will be done with the informed consent of the client.

What is the general description of Tapotement movements?

Fine, quick vibratory movements performed with the fingers of one or both hands

Compared to effleurage, what affect does Tapotement (plucking, cupping, pummelling and hacking) have?

It has the opposite effects - ie. not so much based on relaxation but more on stimulation

Describe how to do effleurage massage and what kinds of stokes are included?

It is a movement mainly done with the flat of the hand, with the fingertips close together and turning upwards. Usually strokes are slow and rhythmic with no break in between, usually made towards the heart.

What is a benefit of cupping over the upper and middle back area?

It loosens mucus in the lungs, aiding in expectoration.

Why should you avoid massage if the client has advanced varicose veins?

It may lead to further inflammation and put the client in great pain.

Describe friction movements? How are they completed by the therapist?

Make use of the balls of the thumb. The muscle is moved against the bone by small circular movements.

With effleurage, what should the client experience in terms of movement from the therapist?

One continuous movement but with a variation of pressure, which is on the upward stroke.

What should you do if a client is pregnant?

Only apply light massage to the abdominal area and lower back.

Describe cupping (Tapotement technique)

Performed with the palms facing downwards, forming a hollow curve. Should sound hollow like a horse trotting.

Which basic movement of massage could be used to create a stimulating massage?

Petrissage and Tapotement

Describe the movement Petrissage and what is it commonly known as?

Petrissage is applied with the balls of the thumb and/or fingers. The hand does not slide over the skin but securely traps the muscle so that there may be a steady grinding type motion. Also known as kneading.

Why should you avoid massage if the client has Thrombo-Phlebitis?

Phlebitis is inflammation of the vein. If a thrombus forms in the vein, massage may cause it to move resulting in fatality.

What are the four types of percussion strokes in tapotement movements?

Plucking, cupping, pummelling and hacking

Describe plucking (Tapotement technique)

Requires tissue to be raised gently using the fingers and thumbs.

What other term is commonly used to describe effleurage?


When is a good time to use Cupping or Hacking in a massage session and why?

Use these moves at the end of a massage to wake the person or to break down congestion in muscle tissue.

When doing friction movements what can you do to achieve penetration into the deeper tissues?

Use your body weight

Describe pummelling (Tapotement technique)

Using a closed fist

Why should you avoid massage if the client has a infection or skin condition? And what should you do if they have conditions such as eczema?

You should avoid it because you do not want to spread the condition or transfer it to yourself. Conditions such as eczema are not infections and are okay to massage.

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