2019-2020 Elementary Science Quick Recall

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These scientists share many of the interests and duties of climatologists, but they're focused on shorter-term weather events. They can be on TV, as are Kentucky's Trent Okerson, Jay Cardosi, and Chris Bailey. They could work for the NWS. What type of scientist studies and predicts weather?


These prokaryotic organisms survive in low oxygen conditions by converting hydrogen and CO2 to CH4. What are these unicellular organisms that produce methane?


This piece of scientific equipment can be stereo, compound, electron, or polarizing. Among its parts are the eye piece, one or more lenses, and a slide. Identify this instrument for viewing objects too small to be seen by the unaided eye.


Lactose is a primary ingredient in this substance. It is produced by the mammary glands, and female mammals make it. Identify this substance that humans of all ages often drink, particularly when it comes from cows.


On this arthropod, the three body segments directly behind the head each have one pair of legs. They eat rotting plant material and protect themselves by curling up in a ball or secreting a stinky, poisonous liquid. What are these organisms that, despite their name, never have more than two hundred pairs of legs?


On this scale, reference minerals such as talc and diamond are used. It ranges from 1 to 10. Identify this scale of hardness.


This tooth class is responsible for crushing and grinding. Humans generally have three sets that erupt around ages six, twelve, and eighteen. "Wisdom teeth" are a nickname for the last set of what teeth found in the back of the mouth?


They are the smallest parts that a compound can be broken into. They cannot be broken apart by a physical change. Identify this term that names a collection of bound atoms.


They are the second largest phylum of animals, after the arthropods. Subgroups include the bivalves and cephalopods. What are these animals, many of which have shells, which include clams, snails, and squids?


This process occurs in various invertebrates when the animal outgrows its skin. What is this process that occurs when an insect sheds its exoskeleton?


This quantity is the focus of Newton's Second Law of Motion. Identify this quantity that is defined as the velocity of a particle times the mass of that particle.


These types of plants can be identified by the long parallel veins running down their leaves. What are these flowering plants that start with one seed-leaf and include orchids, lilies, and grasses?


An animal described by this term might eat both papaya and bush babies. Examples of these animals include catfish, ants, dogs, and humans. What is this term for animals that consume both plants and animals?


When this term describes a moon, it has features like the perigee and apogee. They are described by Kepler's laws. What is this term for the path that an object takes when revolving around a star or planet?


These are typically elliptical, with some more elongated than others -- for example, comets versus planets. They are described by the laws of Kepler. Identify this term for the paths that planets take in their revolution around a star.


This constellation's brightest stars are Betelgeuse and Rigel. Name this constellation, named for a hunter from Greek mythology, and known for it's distinctive belt.


Multiple answer and first and last names required. These two men collaborated on a double winged glider that could be controlled in every direction. Later, they added two propellers and an engine to that glider design. Name these brothers who, in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, achieved the first sustained airplane flight.


Currents in this specific layer of the Earth may be responsible for the planet's magnetic field. It is made of liquid nickel and iron, and lies below the mantle. Name this layer of the earth, the planet's second deepest layer.


In this type of chemical change, a substance loses electrons. The best-known example is rusting, in which iron loses electrons to another element. Identify this chemical change, in which electrons are lost and may combine with oxygen.


This area of the atmosphere is named for the compound O-3. It is a part of the larger stratosphere, and helps protect us from the sun's harmful rays. What is this layer of the atmosphere that has been decreasing in thickness?


These scientists might study Sue at the Field museum. Unlike zoologists, they study fossils, rather than living organisms. Who are these scientists that study prehistoric life, usually by way of fossils?


These scientists might be found at fossil digs, and often work with zoologists and botanists. You could find them employed by universities or natural history museums. What are these scientists, who study ancient forms of life?


This organism has two nuclei and lives in freshwater ponds. They have cilia that project from their cuticle which help them move through the water. What are these well-known protists?


One of these devices is named for Foucault. They are made of a rod and weight, which oscillate back and forth. Identify this type of device that swings rhythmically back and forth.


The tropical variety of these animals live in the Southern Hemisphere. They are known for their distinctive coats and for not being able to fly. Identify these birds that mostly live in Antarctica, and come in varieties such as King and Emperor.


Chrysanthemums, peonies and hostas are examples of this type of plant. As opposed to annual plants, what type of plant can come back year after year?


Planets move the fastest when they are at this point. What is this term for the closest point in an astronomical body's orbit around the sun?


This term represents a point in the orbit of a planet around the sun that is similar to the perigee of the moon around the earth. It is the opposite of the aphelion. What is this term for the closet point to the sun in an object's orbit?

PERIHELION [per-uh-HEE-lee-un, per-uh-HEEL-yun]

This type of plant tissue takes nutrients from leaves to the rest of the plant. What is this vascular tissue, which works in conjunction with the xylem?


This is an endothermic chemical process which uses sunlight to turn carbon dioxide and water into sugars. This process occurs in the chloroplasts in leaves, and its waste product is oxygen. What is this process that plants and some microorganisms use to make carbohydrates?


Examples of these changes known as changes of state include evaporation, condensation, and freezing. Other examples including cutting material or creating mixtures. What are these changes that do not change the chemical makeup of a substance?


Astronomers are often considered to be these scientists, and the "astro-" kind do more math-heavy research. They might be interested in the structure of atoms or the motion of objects. Identify this type of scientist, who studies the physical properties of the universe.


It is made up of the stigma, style, and ovary. What is this term for the female reproductive parts of plants?


This temporary organ in certain mammals gives the animals their name. Often when animals are born, this is expelled along with the baby. What is this connective organ that allows nutrients to pass from the mother to the fetus?


Members of this kingdom of life are known for producing their own food from sunlight and carbon dioxide. What are these organisms, which include ferns and trees?


Some scientists have referred to this body as a binary system with its moon Charon. It was the topic of a controversy about how to classify bodies of its type. Identify this large dwarf planet.


It is a serious and life-threatening disease. A virus that can affect the nervous system and cause muscle weakness, some polio cases can result in paralysis or death. There is no cure for this disease, but it is preventable through safe and effective vaccination.


This substance is transferred from the anther to the stigma. That movement of this substance can involve bees or other insects. Give the term for this reproductive substance used by many plants.


This reproductive process can be carried out by non-living things such as wind, or by living things such as insects. In this process, the male gametes of plants are carried from the anther to the pistil of another plant. What is this first stage of plant reproduction, which is` often carried out by bees?


One type of this energy is the gravitational kind. That energy is calculated as mass times height times gravity. Give the term for this type of energy, contrasted with the energy of motion.


A rare example of this weather event is graupel. This type of weather event typically takes place after condensation, and is an important part of the water cycle. Give this general meteorological term for hail, sleet, rain, and snow.


Examples of animals in this order include aye-ayes, a type of lemur. Several member species of this group walk on two feet, including the various gibbons. What is this grouping of animals, which includes gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans?


These biochemical compounds consist of one or more polypeptides folded into a three-dimensional shape. These compounds are essential to all cells and are vital for metabolism. What are these molecules built from amino acids and joined together with peptide bonds?


These subatomic particles, the discovery of which is credited to Rutherford, are similar in mass to the neutron. The number of these is equal to an element's atomic number. What are these positively charged subatomic particles?


These structures are used by some eukaryotic cells to move around and eat. They are temporary cytoplasm-filled parts of the cell wall that are able to change their form in order to move. What is the term for these parts of a cell that comes from the Greek roots for "false foot"?


Clinically-trained examples of these scientists can perform therapies such as CBT and interpersonal therapy. Other types of these scientists include personality, social, and cognitive ones. Identify this type of scientist, like Sigmund Freud, who studies behavior and mental processes.


Specific types of these scientists include social, cognitive, and personality. They might study topics such as memory, twins, and stereotypes. Identify these scientists who are sometimes also healthcare providers, known for providing therapy.


This type of force has a simple machine named for it consisting of a rope around a wheel on an axle. It brings an object closer to one's initial position. What is this type of force, often contrasted with a push?


It is typically the combination of a wheel on an axle. Identify this simple machine used to raise up objects.


These three types of insects work together in colonies for a common purpose. One of the three is male, while the other two are female. Identify the three types of bees.

QUEEN, WORKER, DRONE (in any order)

A treatment for cancer sometimes used with chemotherapy is named for this term. It involves the giving off of heat in the form of electromagnetic waves. Give this term, which can refer to a form of heat transfer that can occur in empty space?


A member of the cypress family, this type of tree can be found in one of three species: dawn, coast, and sequoia. What type of tree, most commonly found in the forests of Northern California, is known for its great height, which makes it Earth's largest tree?


This process is used in sonar, and can happen to light or sound. It is a transformation of waves, but it isn't diffraction or refraction. Name this phenomenon, which can be used to see yourself in a mirror.


Types of this process include conjugation, budding, and binary fission. The sexual type of this process involves cells known as gametes. What is this process by which organisms produce offspring?


The primary organs of this system include tiny sacs called alveoli. It circulates oxygen throughout the body. Name this organ system, which includes the lungs.


These organelles are produced in the nucleolus. They distinguish the smooth and rough E-R. What are these cellular structures, responsible for producing proteins?


The largest of these animals are the capybara. They are known for large incisors, and other examples include beavers and squirrels. What is this order of mammals, which include mice and rats?


These plant parts come in fibrous and tap varieties. They take in nutrients and water from the ground. What are these plant parts, often eaten in the form of radishes and carrots?


Like sapphire, this gem is an example of Corundum. It is associated with being born in July. What is this red gemstone?


These animals belong to the order urodela and examples include newts. They are similar to lizards in appearance. What are these amphibians, that are neither frogs nor toads?


It is made up of tiny silicate crystals such as quartz or feldspar and is a compound word. What is this very common form of sedimentary rock?


Steps in this process include the hypothesis, experimentation, and observation. This process often leads to the generation of theories. What is this term for the general process used by scientists?


Examples of these rocks include limestone and coal. Under heat and pressure, they can become metamorphic rock. Identify this type of rock, formed when minerals and organic materials clump together.


Gymnosperms and angiosperms both produce these reproductive structures, which can be eaten from corn and sunflowers. They are often found within fruits. What are these basic sexual reproductive units of plants, which hold an immature plant?


Though these scientists often use the moment magnitude scale in measurements today, they once used a scale named for Charles Francis Richter. Give the term that refers to scientists who study Earth's elastic waves and earthquakes.


Individuals who study this branch of science might use the Richter scale. They might also study the causes and effects of tsunamis. Name this field of study, which focuses on earthquakes.


This branch of geophysics has discovered many details about Earth's interior. Ridges, trenches, and faults are particular areas of interest to scientists in this field. Give the word for the study of earthquakes.


They can be put together to form compound machines. Examples include wedges, inclined planes, and pulleys. What are these most basic of machines?


This body part may follow the prefixes "endo-" or "exo-." It protects vital organs and supports the body in movement and at rest. What is the collective name for all of a person's bones?


This organ includes layers such as the epidermis and dermis. It is technically the largest organ of the body. What is this organ, which envelops the human body and can be impacted by dryness and sunburn?


A wintry mix of ice and snow is referred to by this name in the UK and Canada. Ice pellets, different from graupel or freezing rain, are called this in the U.S. What is this form of icy precipitation, also contrasted with snow and hail?


Two-word answer. Its first part, known as the duodenum, connects to the stomach. This winding organ is nearly six meters long when stretched out. Identify this organ, that helps digest food, along with its large counterpart.


Many Native Americans died from this infectious disease when European settlers introduced it to North America. Before its eradication in 1980, it killed 30 percent of people who got it, and sometimes caused blindness and disfigurement. Identify this disease for which Edward Jenner created one of the world's first vaccines.


The Earth's magnetic field soaks up most of the effects of this phenomenon, which causes the Northern lights. The strength of these vary according to the activity on the surface of the Sun. What is the stream of charged particles shot out of the Sun?


In this state of matter, the energy in atoms is less than in the other states, and the atoms join to create a regular shape. A substance in this state can change directly to a gas through a process called sublimation. Name this state of matter that is seen with trees, rocks, and concrete blocks.


Heat causes objects in this state to change to liquid form. Objects in this phase of matter have less molecular energy than liquids or gases. What is this phase of matter, an example of which is ice?


One example of this sound occurring is the crack of a whip. Give this two-word term for a very loud noise that occurs when a moving object breaks the speed of sound.


Three-word answer required. This constant can be considered the speed limit in the universe. It is the "c" in Einstein's E equals mc squared equation. What constant is equal to nearly 300 million meters per second, or 186,000 miles per second?


Along with the brain, this structure makes up the central nervous system. It is surrounded by the vertebrae. Name this part of the nervous system that runs along the backbone.


Along with the brain, this stucture's cord makes up the central nervous system. It separates vertebrates from invertebrates. What is this part of the skeleton, that is segmented and supports the torso?


These stationary aquatic animals take in oxygen and food from their watery environment. As their many holes suggest, they are members of the phylum Porifera. Name these animals, which people once used for painting, mopping, and bathing.


These plant cells are important in alternation of generations, and have half the normal number of chromosomes. What are these asexual reproductive units of plants like ferns and mosses?


In the Southern Hemisphere, this season takes place between September and November. In the United States, it occurs after winter and is associated with the Groundhog Day tradition. Name this season, associated with the blooming of flowers.


These marine animals come in colossal and giant varieties, which dwell in the deep ocean. Along with octopuses, they are the best known cephalopods. What are these animals, sometimes eaten by humans as calamari?


This kind of mineral deposit often has a central tube as wide as a drop of water. That tube makes this deposit basically a stone straw. What type of mineral deposit is found hanging from the roof of a cave?


This structure is the counterpart to the pistil. This plant part is made up of the anther and filament. Identify this male plant part, where pollen is made.


These celestial bodies are formed out of nebulae. The closest one of these objects not to lie in our solar system is the Proxima Centauri. What is the name of these spheres of superhot gas which can be characterized as dwarf, giant, or neutron?


These echinoderms move by way of suction cup-like tube feet. A central disk gives rise to five spiny arms that can regenerate if they are broken off. What is this invertebrate that, despite its common name, is not a fish?


The "meri" version of this structure gives rise to new plant tissues. The trunk of a tree is a modified one of these. Identify this central stalk of a plant, from which the leaves emerge.


In humans, this organ connects to the esophagus and intestines. It contains gastric acid. What is this organ that digests food?


A Las Vegas hotel is named for this layer of the atmosphere. It includes multiple different temperature layers and is home to the ozone layer. What is this layer of the atmosphere that lies between the troposphere and mesosphere?


This type of cloud usually causes overcast skies and may cause light rain. What type of clouds are characterized as low, flat, and large, and tend to cover the entire sky?


There are two types of this kind of mining: area mining and contour mining. Companies in Appalachia use this kind of mining to reach coal near the surface. In what type of mining is the soil removed by giant machines?


Objects moving at speeds described by this term have Mach [mock] numbers of one or higher. They can cause a sonic boom. Give this ten-letter term that describes objects, like jet planes, that can travel faster than the speed of sound.


This mineral is also known as soapstone because it feels soapy or greasy. It is different from other minerals because it is very soft. Name the mineral that is ranked as the softest on the Mohs scale of hardness.


From the 1600s to the 1800s, some Italians thought this specific arachnid's bite could be cured by a dance. What large spider's venom did they try to counteract with a rapid, frenzied dance called the tarantella?


This piece of scientific equipment can examine ultraviolet rays, x-rays, or radio waves. Ones for examining visible light waves are usually refractive or reflective. What kind of object do astronomers use to get a closer look at stars and planets?


It can be a considered a measure of average heat over a given space. Scales to measure it include the Kelvin and Celsius scales. What is this property, often measured with a thermometer?


This disease is targeted in the DPT shot, along with diphtheria and pertussis. It is caused by bacteria, and can lead to gangrene. What is this disease, often associated with stepping on rusted metal?


This term refers to a general explanatory framework in science, and is contrasted with more specific laws. Give this term, examples of which include the ones of evolution and relativity.


The Malayan and Sumatran subspecies of this feline are critically endangered. Their Indochinese, Bengal, and Siberian counterparts are also endangered. Identify these carnivores noted for their striped coats.


Of the known moons in the solar system this is the only one with a substantial atmosphere. It is also the only known place besides Earth to have liquids in the form of rivers, lakes, and seas. What is the largest moon of Saturn?


The bumpy upper side of this organ is filled with papillae. Its smooth underside is attached to prevent it from being swallowed. Name this organ that plays primary roles in speaking and tasting.


This extreme weather phenomenon is measured 0 through 5 on the Enhanced Fujita scale. Winds over 200 miles per hour make one of these an EF-5. What do we call this weather event, which has a funnel?


These devices are used to either increase or decrease the strength of electricity. Name these devices that can often be found in cylinders on utility poles.


One example of this type of event with a prefix of "thigmo" is when plants climb by wrapping their tendrils around a surface. Another example of this type of event is when sunflowers turn to face the sun and this type has the "prefix photo." What is this biological phenomenon in which an organism grows or turns due to an environmental stimulus?


This layer of the atmosphere is where all weather occurs. Name this lowest layer of the atmosphere.


Looking at its image, it is easy to imagine this distant object being a snowman in space. It was photographed by the New Horizons spacecraft in 2019. Identify the nickname of this object located in the Kuiper Belt.


Although humans cannot see this type of radiation, they can see its effects through fluorescence. Most of it that reaches Earth from the Sun is absorbed by the ozone layer. What type of radiation is associated with sunburns and skin cancer?


These are the oldest-known life forms that still exist on Earth. These organisms are divided into three different kingdoms: Eubacteria, Archaebacteria, and Protista. What is the name for these organisms that have one cell?


Of the ice giants, it is the larger in volume but the smaller in mass. What is this second furthest planet from the sun?


Examples of these include the MRR and one for chickenpox. Identify these medical procedures that help prevent viral infections, usually given in shots.


This term refers to something that is measured in science. "Control" ones are components of an experiment that are kept constant. What is this term, which can be either independent and dependent?


This four-letter term can refer to vascular tissue in the leaves of plants. Give this term that can refer to passages for nutrient exchange in plants or for blood flow in animals.


It can be calculated as displacement divided by time. Give this term for speed with direction.


This planet is thought to have had a runaway greenhouse effect, perhaps explaining its very thick atmosphere. It is often called the sister planet of Earth. What is this second planet from our sun?


Technically, these are the basic units of electric potential. Batteries can be classified by these, with examples including batteries that have nine of these. What is this unit symbolized with a "V"?


The technical term for animals with this characteristic is homeothermic. Most animals with the ability are either mammals or birds. Give the term for organisms that maintain a relatively constant body temperature, regardless of environmental conditions.


Two-word answer please. This process connects waterways, land, and the atmosphere. What is the process by which a certain compound evaporates, condenses, and precipitates back toward Earth?


This unit is equal to one joule per second. It is named for the Scottish inventor of a revolutionary steam engine. What is this SI derived unit of power, perhaps best known in relation to lightbulbs?


This property is the opposite of frequency. It is greater for red light than it is for violet. Give this term for the distance from peak to peak of a wave.


This weather phenomenon is caused by differences of pressure in the Earth's atmosphere when air moves from high pressure to lower pressure areas. What is this weather event that is measured by direction using vanes and speed using anemometers?


This value is a counterpart to the heat index. It decreases as temperature goes down and air flow goes up. Identify this factor often reported in the winter, an adjustment to temperature for wind.


Animal phyla that are described by this informal term include the annelids and nematodes. They come in flat, round, and segmented varieties. What are these animals with tube-shaped bodies and no limbs?


The frequency of these waves are between UV and gamma rays. What is this type of electromagnetic radiation often used to take images of bones and teeth?


This plant tissue is one of two types used to transport substances that plants need to live. This tissue of vascular plants contains cells with thick, hard walls, and runs from the roots to the stems and leaves of the plant. What is this tissue that dies soon after it forms and becomes the wood in the middle of a tree?


It is also known as the vitellus. For chickens, they are typically yellow in color. Identify this nutrient rich portion of an egg.


This man received a Nobel Prize for discovering the photoelectric effect. His special theory of relativity explained the relationship between energy, mass, and the speed of light. Who was this brilliant physicist and developer of the equation E equals M C squared?


This scientist worked as a patent clerk in Switzerland, and he discovered the photoelectric effect. He also originated special and general theories of relativity. Who is this scientist, who devised the equation E equals MC squared?


This inventor made his fortune by manufacturing and inventing high explosives, particularly dynamite. He dedicated much of that money to a group of awards for people who improved humankind. Literature, economics, physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, and peace are all areas honored by awards named for what man?


This man invented a stove used to heat rooms, a musical instrument known as the glass harmonica, and bifocal eyeglasses. He mapped the Gulf Stream, and conducted experiments that led to the lightning rod's invention. Name this colonial American, who allegedly experimented with electricity using a key and a kite.


This man's namesake stove was a fireplace lined with metal that stood in the middle of a room. He also invented bifocals, the glass harmonica, and the lightning rod. Who was this Founding Father remembered for his experiments with electricity?


They are made up of a double layer of fatty molecules. Vesicles in a cell form from this structure. Name this structure that surrounds a cell.


In bacteria, chemicals in this structure separate different types of bacteria. In plants, they are made of cellulose. Identify this structure that provides extra support for a cell, around the membrane.


These substances are contrasted with mixtures, which are made through physical changes. Identify this term, which refers to two or more elements that have been chemically combined.


They are one of the only known mammals to have venom. Along with the echidnas, they make up the monotreme order. What are these semi-aquatic, duck-billed animals?


Her thesis was on typhoid fever, and she graduated from Geneva Medical College. Who was the first woman to be awarded a medical degree in the United States?


This one-time schoolteacher in Henderson, Kentucky, went blind in one eye after working at a French maternity ward. With her younger sister Emily, she established the New York Infirmary for Women and Children. Give the name of this first modern female physician in the United States.


In 1853, this woman became superintendent of London's Institution for the Care of Sick Gentlewomen. Nicknamed the "Lady with the Lamp," she founded a school associated with St. Thomas' Hospital. Name this woman, whose Crimean War experiences inspired her theories about modern nursing.


She is often called the founder of modern nursing. Identify this English reformer, who is often known as "The Lady with the Lamp."


This early twentieth century agricultural scientist worked to find uses for the sweet potato. It's not true that he created peanut butter, but it is true that he was born into slavery. Name this scientist, known for his service to Tuskegee Institute, and for devising multiple uses for peanuts.


This scientist coined the terms dominant and recessive, in describing genetics. A form of inheritance is named for him. Name this Austrian monk and scientist known for work on pea plants.


This insect species can suffer from Colony Collapse Disorder. Workers perform a waggle dance to let other colony members know the location of a good source of pollen or nectar. Identify these striped insects that construct hives from wax.


Some of her best known research subjects were given names such as David Greybeard and Frodo. Who is this anthropologist known for her research on Chimpanzees?


This scientist was an assistant of Tycho Brahe. Name this German astronomer, known for his laws of planetary motion.


His laws tell us about periods and the elliptical shape of orbits. Who is this astronomer, known for his laws of planetary motion?


This scientist sought to prove Nicolaus Copernicus' theory that the earth moves around the sun. Isaac Newton later used this man's discovery of a planet's oval-shaped orbit to form his law of universal gravitation. Name this German scientist known for his laws of planetary motion.


This scientist was originally an assistant to Tycho Brahe, who inspired much of his work. One of his laws states that planets have elliptical orbits. Name this astronomer known for his laws of planetary motion.


This man's invention virtually eradicated a disease that was once called infantile paralysis. He developed the first safe and successful vaccine against this virus, which millions of American children began receiving in 1955. Name the creator of the polio vaccine.


This scientist discovered that microbes play a role in disease and fermentation. A developer of vaccination, he successfully vaccinated sheep against anthrax. What man's namesake process slows down the spoilage of juice, eggs, and dairy products?


If you try to put the north type of this magnetic region against another north region, they will repel each other. However, the north magnetic type of this region and the south region of another magnet will attract each other. What name is given to each end of a magnet, where the magnetic field is strongest?


She is the only woman who has won two Nobel prizes. Along with her husband, she discovered several radioactive elements. Who is this Polish physicist, who did research with her husband Pierre?


It has been said that this man, in his most famous statement, should have said "A man" instead of just "man." In 1969, he made "one giant leap for mankind." On July 20, 1969, who stepped off the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle to become the first man to walk on the moon?


This commander of the Eagle lunar module was also command pilot of the Gemini 8 spacecraft. With Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin, he made up the crew of the Apollo 11 mission. Name the first person to walk on the moon, known for his, quote, "giant leap for mankind."


This is often referred to as Newton's law of inertia. What is this law of motion, which says that an object in motion tends to stay in motion and an object at rest tends to stay at rest?


This law states that F equals MA. Stated fully, that means that force equals mass times acceleration. What is this law of motion that falls between the laws of inertia and action and reaction?


This law comes from a set of three, the other two of which are often called the laws of inertia and acceleration. This law can be used to understand how rockets take off from the ground. Name this law, which says that every action has an opposite and equal reaction.


Before working as a biologist, this scientist wrote articles and radio scripts about sea life. She then published books like The Edge of the Sea, Under the Sea-Wind, and The Sea Around Us. Name this so-called "mother of the environmental movement," who warned of DDT's harmful effects in Silent Spring.


Much of this scientist's work discussed the damaging effects of DDT. This scientist was one of the most important early environmentalist figures. Who is this author of Silent Spring?


If you fail to use these, you may end up having to use an eye wash. They shouldn't be substituted with normal glasses. Name this type of protective eyewear, often used during chemistry experiments.


This former space shuttle mission specialist helped investigate the Columbia explosion in 2003. Two decades before, she participated in two missions aboard the space shuttle Challenger. Give the name of the first American woman in space.


This co-inventor of calculus used a prism to conclude that white light was made of all the visible colors. His three laws of motion are fundamental concepts in physics. Name this scientist credited with discovering gravity.


A type of radiation that comes from black holes is named for him. He wrote A Brief History of Time and is known for having ALS. Who is this scientist that died in 2018, known for using a computerized voice system?


This form of energy comes in packets known as photons. When it is bent, diffraction occurs, and it can also be reflected. What is this form of energy that comes from the sun, and gives energy to plants and solar panels?


These are the primary explanation for the process of continental drift. They meet at faults and come in both oceanic and continental types. What are these sections of the Earth's crust?


Recent missions to this body in space include an orbiter and the Parker probe. It uses fusion to create energy, and has a mass of more than 300,000 Earths. Name this astronomical body, the only star in our solar system.


This man is known for having feuds with Nikola Tesla. One of his most famous inventions was the phonograph. Name this inventor, known best for his light bulbs.


Minimum two-word answer, please. On August 21, 2017, this event was visible across the United States especially in the "path of totality" that touched fourteen U.S. states, including Kentucky. What was this event that required observers to wear special glasses to view safely?


They are usually called hurricanes or typhoons, depending on where they originate. Weaker versions of these are often called tropical storms. What are these rapidly rotating storms that form over large bodies of water and can be hundreds of miles wide?


This term can refer to the rainy season of tropical climates, as well as reversing wind patterns that cause changes in rainfall. What is this type of weather pattern characterized by consistent precipitation?


Insects, along with the primary body parts of the head and thorax, have this structure. Give this general term for the area of the body containing the stomach in humans and similar vertebrates.


This point is approximately equal to negative 273 degrees Celsius. A similar concept that actually can exist today is absolute cold. Identify this hypothetical temperature where all molecular motion stops.


The rate of change in this quantity is known as jerk. It is a subject of Newton's second law, where it is multiplied by mass to give force. Give the term for the change in velocity over a given time, the rate at which something speeds up or slows down, which has a namesake pedal on the floorboard of cars.


This type of force gives its name to the job done by the gas pedal of cars and other vehicles. What is this term for how much an object's motion speeds up or slows down?


This form of air pollution is the result of factories, cars, and power plants emitting toxic gases. It kills aquatic organisms that live in the lakes and streams it poisons, and it damages crops and trees. What is this corrosive precipitation that results when harmful gases mix with water in the atmosphere?


The green variety of these organisms are similar to plants. Another variety of these organisms are the cause of the so-called red tide. What are these microscopic, aquatic organisms?


In this type of material, the components are nearly always metals, as in bronze, which is made of copper and tin. One exception is steel, which is made of iron, a metal, and carbon, which is not a metal. Name this kind of material, a mixture of two or more elements that create a different kind of material.


The star referred to as Proxima is normally considered part of this star system. While once thought to be a single star, it is actually a binary pair. What is this closest star system to our own solar system?


This substance is made from fossilized tree resin. It sometimes preserves prehistoric insects or feathers. Name this material that is orange in color and often used in jewelry.


These plants come in summer and winter types, and examples include crabgrass, corn, and peas. They are often contrasted with perennials. What are these plants that complete their life cycle in a single year?


Insects may use these appendages as humidity sensors. Most are covered in olfactory receptors to detect odors in the air. Give the name for these paired structures on an insect's head.


In plant anatomy, this oval-shaped structure is found on the end of the stamen, the male reproductive part of a flower. Give the term that refers to the part of a flower that contains the pollen.


Though this type of substance is ineffective against viruses, it can be used to treat bacterial infections in both humans and pets. What do we call this type of substance, a common example of which is penicillin?


An example of this type of matter is the positron which is like an electron but with a positive charge. There is noticeably less of this type of matter than normal matter in the universe. What is this type of matter that is identical to normal matter but has the opposite charge?


The commander of this space mission remarked upon making contact with the lunar surface that "the Eagle has landed". Shortly before Buzz Aldrin exited the spacecraft during this mission, Neil Armstrong delivered the famous words: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Identify this 1969 NASA mission that landed the first people on the moon.


Animals in this class have two body parts, a cephalothorax and abdomen. Examples include harvestmen, mites, and scorpions. Identify this class of animals, often with eight legs, that include the various spiders.


Examples of these animals include the harvestmen and mites. They typically have an abdomen and a cephalothorax. What are these eight-legged arthropods, which includes the spiders?


They are thought to be the oldest domain of life on Earth. Originally, they were thought to be types of bacteria. Identify these organisms, unicellular lifeforms that sometimes live in extreme environments.

ARCHAEA [are-KAY-uh]

This is the name for the body's thickest blood vessels. Except for the pulmonary ones, they carry oxygenated blood away from the heart. Name these counterparts of the capillaries and veins.


This animal phylum has the most species. Their bodies are segmented and they have exoskeletons. What is this animal phylum that includes arachnids and insects?


The largest of these is a dwarf planet named Ceres. Many can be found in the scattered disk. What are these objects in space, which give their name to a belt between Mars and Jupiter?


This field of science includes cosmology, and is often considered a branch of physics. Individuals who study this field might use devices named after James Webb, Kepler, or Hubble. What is the branch of science that studies the planets, stars, and other objects in space?


Latin, scientific name, please. This class of animals is thought to have descended from the theropod dinosaurs. They are known for a unique mode of transportation, shared by insects and bats. Identify this group of animals, which includes the kiwis, emus, and penguins.

AVES [AY-veez]

Examples of these organisms include blue-green algae and E. coli. They are unicellular and prokaryotic. Identify these organisms, some of which are present in yogurt, and others of which cause strep throat.


This product comes in a variety of forms, including single, double, round, half-round, or flat, with a range of gauges. It made it possible to enclose pastureland in the West. What is this product that consists of two strands of metal twisted together, with prickly protusions at spaced out intervals?


These animals are members of the order Chiroptera. They use echolocation, but are not blind. Name these flying mammals.


This term refers to any device that can create electrical energy directly from chemical energy. Each type of this device will have an anode and a cathode. Identify the type of device that can power an electric car or a flashlight.


Unlike a flask, this piece of lab equipment has straight, not sloping, sides. It has a flat bottom and a lip around the top, and may also have a spout for easy pouring. Name this glass object for storing, mixing, and heating liquids in a science lab.


Words found before the name of this large mammal include "spectacled," "sun," "moon," and "sloth." Found on four continents, they are carnivores who generally reside in forests, but can also live in grasslands. What are these ursids, including the panda and grizzly?


This order of insects contains more species than any other. Their front wings are hardened and are used to protect another pair of wings that may or may not help the insect fly. The weevil, scarab, and ladybug are all what kind of insect?


Two-word answer please. It is the primary means of reproduction for most prokaryotes and is similar to mitosis. What is this type of asexual reproduction where an organism makes a clone of itself?


Subtypes of these scientists include mycologists, botanists, and zoologists. They might study cells, ecosystems, or evolution. Who are these scientists that study life?


These creatures are also known as Aves, and are regarded by some scientists as the only surviving dinosaurs. Examples include kiwis and condors. What are these warm-blooded animals, most of which fly?


Sagittarius A-star is the location of a super massive one, at the center of our galaxy. They are thought to be surrounded by a disk of matter and light. What are these high mass objects in space, from which not even light can escape?


This index is a ratio of weight to height squared. Some argue that body fat percentage is a better marker of health than this value. What is this health index, which is used to diagnose obesity?


Two-word answer required. At this temperature, the vapor pressure of a liquid equals the external pressure surrounding the liquid. At this temperature, bubbles will form in the liquid, rising to the surface. What two-word name refers to this temperature, which is 100 degrees Celsius for water?


Scientists in this discipline might study angiosperms and gymnosperms. Organisms they study typically use photosynthesis for energy. Who are these scientists that study plant life?


This scientific field appears in the name of an Australian bay. Famous scientists in this branch of biology included Carolus Linnaeus and George Washington Carver. Name the study of plants.


Subparts of this organ include its namesake stem, as well as the cerebellum. Along with the spinal cord, it makes up the central nervous system. Identify this organ inside the skull, which allows you to think and experience emotions.


This organ is divided into lobes, such as the frontal and temporal. It connects to the spinal cord at its namesake stem. Name this organ, located in the skull, which allows us to think.


This lab device is named for a scientist who heated up elements to see what colors they gave off when burned. Name this device used to produce a flame, found in many science laboratories, and named after a German chemist.


This tissue is made of mostly undifferentiated cells, and gives rise to tissues such as the phloem and xylem. What is this plant tissue that comes in unifacial and vascular types?


Fish whose skeletons are made primarily of this substance are known as Chondrichthyes. Those fish include rays and sharks. What is this type of tissue, which makes up much of the human nose and ears?


The invention of the microscope and Robert Hooke's observations helped lead to the basis of this scientific theory. What is this theory that explains what all living organisms are made of?


They contain organelles and are surrounded by a membrane. They come in prokaryotic and eukaryotic types, based on whether they have a nucleus. Identify these basic units of life.


On this scale, absolute zero is negative 273 degrees. At negative 40 degrees, this scale and the Fahrenheit scale are equivalent. What is this temperature scale used throughout most of the earth?


This force causes objects to travel in a curved path around a central point. It is different than the similarly named fictitious centrifugal force. What is this force associated with circular motion?


Recognized by black tear-like lines upon its face and hundreds of black spots across its long, slender body, this large cat's sprints have been measured as fast as 71 miles per hour. What is Earth's fastest land animal?


These organelles may be a modified version of cyanobacteria. They are the location of photosynthesis and are found in most plant cells. What are these organelles, which are green in color and contain a similarly named pigment?


Human cells contain 23 pairs of these thread-like structures. What parts of a cell carry genetic and hereditary information?


Words to describe this earth science concept could include tropical, temperate, or polar. It is contrasted with the shorter-term concept of weather. Give this term for the long-range patterns of temperature and precipitation in a given area.


These bodies are an aerosol, made up of tiny water droplets and ice crystals suspended in the air. Types of them include cirrus and nimbus. Identify these objects in the sky that lead to precipitation.


Forms of this substance include anthracite and bituminous. Identify this energy source, mined throughout much of West Virginia and eastern Kentucky.


Many animals with this type of temperature regulation will spend time basking in the sun. Reptiles and amphibians are this type of animal. Give this term for animals that do not regulate their own temperature.


This punctuation mark can come between independent clauses when the second clause illustrates or explains the first. It can also introduce a list, separate biblical chapters and verses, and appear in ratios. What is this punctuation for separating hours from minutes?


Cones in our eyes are reactive based on this property. It is determined by frequency and wavelength, and can be described by terms like primary and secondary. What is this property that comes in varieties such as red, green, and blue?


These reactions all start with oxygen, heat, and some fuel source. Give this scientific term for reactions that involve burning or explosion.


The long-period variety of these are thought to come from the Oort Cloud. These bodies orbit the sun in highly elongated orbits. Identify these astronomical bodies, examples of which include Hale-Bopp and Halley's.


An example of this type of heat transfer would include burning yourself from touching a hot pan. What is this type of heat transfer that occurs when two objects make physical contact with each other?


This process naturally occurs because fluids generally expand when they are heated. Atmospheric currents caused by this process can create clouds and thunderstorms. Identify the process by which heat is transferred by air and water.


This relative of the sea anemone is a stationary aquatic animal. Its hollow body, called a polyp, has a mouth surrounded by tentacles. Identify this animal, which can join with others of its species to form reefs.


These members of the class Anthozoa form colonies from their individual polyps. They are members of the phylum Cnidaria. What are these colorful animals that often form reefs?


In astronomy, this six-letter term refers to the Sun's outermost region of atmosphere. Identify this solar region formed of very hot gas that surrounds the sun and can be seen by the naked eye during a total solar eclipse.


This spherical infectious agent, a close relative of SARS, causes fever and acute respiratory symptoms. As of early February 2020, it had infected more than 30,000 people globally. Name this infectious agent, thought to have originated in Wuhan, China.


A more specific type of this cloud includes the word "nimbus." They are contrasted with cirrus and stratus clouds. What are these puffy clouds?


This material includes the cytosol as well as the organelles. It is bound by a membrane layer. What is this term for the contents of a cell?

CYTOPLASM [SIGH-tuh-pla-zum] (Accept PROTOPLASM)

This machine is used to separate particles suspended in a liquid according to particle size and density, viscosity of the medium, and rotor spee

Centrifuge machine

This two-word quantity might explain why the universe is expanding faster and faster. Along with dark matter, it is thought to make up 95 percent of the matter and energy in the universe. What is this proposed quantity, thought to be pushing galaxies apart from one another?


This property can be calculated as mass per unit volume. It does not depend on the amount of a substance present. What is this term that refers to how tightly packed the particles of a substance are?


At this temperature, condensation can occur. This temperature is characterized by the presence of humidity, and can raise the heat index. Name this two-word weather phrase, named for a substance that forms in the air once this temperature is reached.


This chronic disease involves faulty regulation of insulin. It comes in types one and two. Name this health condition, marked by problems with blood sugar, and often associated with obesity.


One of the most famous colored one of these came from India, and was once known as the French Blue. It has a crystal structure and can be measured in carats. Identify this valuable gemstone, produced from carbon under high temperatures and pressures.


This type of light transformation occurs when light bends around an object. Name this phenomenon that is contrasted with reflection and refraction.


This body system's solid organs are the liver, gall bladder, and pancreas. The rest of it consists of a tract that begins at the mouth and ends at the anus. The intestines and stomach are part of what system charged with breaking down food into energy?


This quantity makes up part of a vector. It is usually shown by an arrow. Name this quantity that shows where the magnitude of a vector is moving, examples of which are east or west.


This three-syllable term can be defined as change in position. It is often shorter than distance. What is this term for the total distance and direction from an object's start point to where it ends up?


Speed is equal to this value, divided by time. It is similar to displacement, and cannot be negative. What is this measure of how far an object travels?


This molecule is made of four types of nucleotides: adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine. It is a double helix shape, which is like a ladder twisted into a spiral with each step of the ladder being a pair of nucleotides. What is the molecule that contains the genetic code of organisms?


This force is overcome by thrust. It refers to the forces that act in opposition to an object moving in fluid. Identify this term, often associated with forces of air on an airplane.


This compound word is the common name for the body part technically called the tympanic membrane. The first part of the word names the organs whose parts include the hammer, anvil, stirrup, and lobe. What is this compound word, whose second half is a percussion instrument?


They belong to the family Tachyglossidae, and they come in four different species. Along with the platypus, they make up the monotremes. Identify these egg-laying mammals, known for their spikes.


Animals that begin in this form include reptiles, amphibians, and insects. The word names the first stage in both complete and incomplete metamorphosis. Give the name for a shelled reproductive body that birds lay in nests.


These particles give their name to the phenomenon that powers our cities and homes. What are these negatively charged subatomic particles?


Along with the reproductive system, the ovaries and testes are also part of this organ system. Its other components include the pancreas, thyroid, and adrenal and pituitary glands. Identify this system of organs and the hormones they secrete.


This structure can be made of bone or cartilage, and is found in vertebrates. Parts of it can include human structures such as the femur. What is this type of internal support system, contrasted with the types of skeletons found in many insects?


Specific fields in this scientific career include chemical, mechanical, electrical, materials, and civil. It requires a working knowledge of many math, physics, and chemistry concepts. What is this practical application of pure scientific knowledge, which often improves a product or creates new things?


Amylase, found in saliva breaks down starch into smaller molecules, and is this type of protein molecule. ATP synthase and DNA polymerase are other examples of this type of protein molecule. What is the term for a protein molecule in cells that works as a biological catalyst?


This process occurs when surface materials on Earth are moved to another location. It can occur by way of wind or water. What is this term, often contrasted with weathering?


This activity is performed by certain insects, small mammals, snails, and reptiles. It always occurs during a hot, dry season of the year. Name this period of inactivity, the counterpart of hibernation.


Unlike boiling, which takes place throughout a liquid, this process just takes place on a liquid's surface. It can be considered the opposite of condensation, and is an example of a physical change. Identify this change of state, which involves the transformation from liquid to gas.


Plants classified this way include the conifers, as well as flowering plants in tropical climates. Specific examples include pines and spruces. Identify these plants that retain their leaves all year round.


This long-term process occurs through the process of natural selection. It was described in Darwin's On the Origin of Species. Name this process by which organisms change over time.


These structures are often made of chitin and are contrasted with the "endo" types. What is this term for a skeleton on the outside of an animal, as seen in stink bugs, crabs and lobsters?


These members of the integumentary system protect the eyes from debris and dust. Give the name for these sensory hairs that some people coat with mascara.


These plants are vascular, but do not produce seeds or flowers. They are often found in areas with high heat and moisture, and are common houseplants. What are these plants that contain fronds?


These types of plants live in moist and shady areas, forests, rock crevices, bogs, and swamps. They have complex leaves called megaphylls and differ from mosses because they are vascular. What are these plants which might have fiddleheads that uncoil and expand into fronds?


This appendage may be caudal, anal, pelvic, pectoral, or dorsal. They are often paired, and may resemble wings or paddles. Identify these organs that allow fish to balance and steer as they swim.


This animal's six species are the James's, Chilean, Andean, Greater, Lesser, and American. They are wading birds that tip their heads upside down to filter water through their beaks. Name these animals, whose diet of krill, algae, and shrimp give them their pink coloring.


These weather disasters occur in low-lying areas, and happen in fewer than six hours. Give this term for very rapid flooding.


These animals are members of the order Diptera. The "fruit" version of these are often used in science experiments. Name this type of winged insects.

FLIES (Accept FLY)

In colonial days, this rock was used to create a spark that would fire a pistol or musket. A type of quartz, this rock was often used by early humans to make many tools. Identify this rock that is used to start a fire when it is struck against steel so a spark hits tinder.


This rock is an example of chert, which is a type of quartz. Give the name of this rock, which is often associated with weapons and starting fires.


These structures are colorful features found in angiosperm plants. They usually consist of a collection of petals and give rise to fruit. What are these plant parts, examples of which include roses and lilies?


This term refers to suspended water droplets or ice crystals near the Earth's surface. It is common in dreary cities such as London and Seattle. What is this weather phenomenon, which can combine with smoke to form smog?


In the International System, this vector quantity is measured in newtons. It can be tension, spring, or applied. Name this quantity that is defined as any action that changes or maintains the motion of a body.


This term refers to any action that will change the motion of an object. The action is sometimes said to do work on an object. Give this property, which is equal to mass times acceleration according to Newton.


Two-word answer, please. These resources get their name because they are created from decomposing plant and animal matter. Give this term for non-renewable resources such oil and natural gas.


This term refers to the separation or cracking of a material such as a bone or a rock into multiple pieces while under stress. Give this two-syllable term, which is often used to describe such a break in materials like rocks and bones.


Two word answer please. When this form of precipitation forms, it begins as snow in the cold upper atmosphere, but melts in a layer of warm air and falls like rain. What precipitation refreezes as it touches freezing cold surfaces such as a road or bridge?


This force means the engine in a gas-powered car works at only 20 percent of efficiency. However, this force can be beneficial, as when it keeps you from falling down when you are walking. What kind of force creates resistance when one solid object slides or rolls over another solid object?


This process causes a thin layer of ice to form on surfaces, with temperatures below freezing. Identify this weather phenomenon that can be bad news for plants if it occurs in spring.


This man's observations of a swinging chandelier helped him discover the law of the pendulum. Using an improved telescope, he provided evidence to support Copernicus's heliocentric theory. Identify this discoverer of Jupiter's four largest moons.

GALILEO GALILEI (Accept first, last, or both)

This type of electromagnetic radiation is caused by a type of radioactive decay, and is contrasted with alpha and beta decay. When humans are exposed to it, it can lead to birth defects and severe illness. Identify this highest frequency form of electromagnetic radiation.


If these substances are heated further, they could lead to the formation of a plasma. The right-most column of the periodic table is known as the "noble" ones of these. What is this state of matter, in which hydrogen and helium naturally exist on Earth?


This word refers to the largest class of mollusks. Many animals in this group have large, coiled shells to protect their soft bodies. Identify this class to which slugs and snails belong.

GASTROPOD [GAS-truh-pod] (Accept GASTROPODA [gas-TRAH-puh-duh])

These scientists might work with geographers, but focus on physical aspects of the land. They may study sedimentary and metamorphic substances. Identify these scientists, who study rocks and other components that make up the earth.


Be specific with a two-word answer. This animal is either the largest or second largest living invertebrate. It is a mollusk with a siphon, beak, and two eyes each ten inches in diameter. Identify this half-ton marine animal with eight arms and two feeding tentacles.


Some fish propel themselves forward by shooting a stream of water through these organs. They are tiny filaments full of blood vessels, and have openings that are covered by a smooth flap. Name these structures that let fish breathe the oxygen dissolved in water.


Most of the known species of this genus of trees are known through fossils. Their leaves are fan shaped and were used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine. What is this genus of trees that has one living species that is native to China?


This mammal's closest living relative is the okapi. They have black tongues, two short horns, and light brown coats with reddish brown spots. What are these East African natives, the tallest living animals?


This phenomenon is leading to the melting of the polar ice caps. It is caused by the greenhouse effect and made worse by fossil fuels. Give the term used to refer to the recent increase in average temperatures throughout the Earth.


This molecule has a chemical formula of C 6 H 12 O 6. Name this simplest form of sugar, which can be seen in human blood sugar.


This substance is often broken down from more complex sugars like sucrose. Identify this simple form of sugar which circulates in our blood.


Vesicles can be found budding off from these organelles. Somewhat like the ER, they are known for their folded membranes. Name this organelle that serves as a packaging and organizing center of the cell.


These rounded instruments are usually marked with milliliter lines. What are these glass containers used to measure the volume of liquids?


It is a coarse-grained, igneous rock. What is this type of rock often used in countertops?


Because of this force, an object falls six times as fast on Earth as it would on the Moon. It is this downward force that gives an object its weight. Name this force, which works as an attraction between all matter.


This effect is believed to have occurred on Venus, leading to its very hot temperatures. What is this effect that has contributed to global warming on Earth, and is named for a kind of indoor garden that traps heat inside?


It is frequently measured using the Mohs scale. What is this property of substances that is high for diamond and low for talc?


In an adult human, this pear-shaped organ is slightly larger than a fist. Its four chambers—two atria and two ventricles—help regulate the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. Identify the primary organ of the circulatory system.


This term refers to the amount of molecular motion in a substance. Temperature represents an average of this property. Identify this term that, when used informally, refers to how cold or hot something is.


Gravitational potential energy is equal to this quantity times gravity, times mass. When compared to sea level, this quantity is called altitude. Give this term used for the distance from the bottom to the top of an object.


Animals in this dietary category include the camel, deer, rhino, and horse. Their mouthparts are adapted for rasping and grinding rather than tearing. Give the word for an animal that only eats plants.


Despite a common misconception, bears don't engage in this activity in the true sense of the word. Animals that do this lower their body temperature, live off stored fat, and barely breathe. What is this period of inactivity that animals like squirrels and groundhogs undergo during the winter?


These substances are chemical messengers produced by the endocrine system. Ones that are associated with stress include cortisol and adrenaline. What are these substances, which include estrogen and testosterone?


These storms are measured using the Saffir-Simpson Scale. They are often named, and examples have included Andrew and Katrina. What are these tropical storms, which originate in the Atlantic?


One variety of this element is used in the process of deuterium burning, and makes helium. It is by far the most common element in the universe. Identify this element with atomic number 1 and symbol H.


This step of the scientific method is a proposed answer to an unexplained phenomenon. What part of the scientific method is a testable explanation for what you observed?


These rocks can be divided into intrusive and extrusive varieties. Examples include basalt and obsidian. What are these rocks formed through volcanic activity?


This body system can be weakened by AIDS, or in the case of allergies, can be overactive. It turns against the body in disorders like inflammatory bowel disease and certain types of arthritis. The lymph nodes and white blood cells are part of what system that helps the body fight infection?


This mating practice increases the risk of harmful recessive genes being passed to the offspring. Farmers might use it to get cows that produce more milk or sheep that grow thicker wool. What word refers to the mating of individuals who are closely related by ancestry?


This simple machine is used for moving heavy objects. The principle of this machine is used by screws and bolts. Identify this simple machine that consists of a sloping surface.


In some laboratories, scientists grow microorganisms in this apparatus, which they have fitted out with flask- or culture dish-holding racks. Different models can control the light, humidity, oxygen level, and temperature of the area inside them. What is this object also used to protect eggs and premature human infants?


It is the topic of Newton's first law of motion. Identify this tendency of objects to resist change in motion.


The frequencies of these waves are too low for humans to see, but many night vision goggles rely on this type of light. They are often associated with heat. Identify this type of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths just longer than red light.


This type of object does not allow for the free flow of electrons. They are often contrasted with conductors. What is this term referring to objects that do not easily transfer heat or electricity?


During the life cycle of a cell, this developmental phase is where most of the time is spent. It follows cytokinesis and happens before prophase. Identify this phase of cell division that occurs in between active mitosis.


This informal group of animals have no notochord. Examples include comb jellies, sponges, and arthropods. Identify this type of animal, named for their lack of a backbone.


This area overlaps the thermosphere, as well as the exosphere and mesosphere. It gets its name and key property because of the effects of solar radiation. What is this layer of the atmosphere named for its concentration of charged particles?


This part of the eye controls how much light gets to the retina. They can be hazel, brown, blue, or green. What is this colored part of the eye that surrounds the pupil?


The cheapest and most often used metal is this element, which has atomic number 26. It is also necessary for the prevention of anemia. Name this element that is also noted for its magnetic properties.


This element, along with nickel, makes up the heaviest elements that stars can make through fusion. It has an atomic number of 26 and symbol F-e. What is this element, which is reinforced with carbon to form steel?


Examples of these include Carbon 12 and 14. They have the same atomic number, but differ in atomic mass. What is this term for varieties of an element that differ in their number of neutrons?


This relative of the coral and sea anemone has a mouth and stomach in the middle of its body. They also have tentacles lined with stinging cells that they can use on prey, or even on humans. Name these aquatic invertebrates that resemble bells or umbrellas.


Two word answer please. This weather occurrence forms the boundaries between air masses with different temperatures. What are these "rivers of air" whose winds flow from west to east and impact weather by their location?


This planet is more than three hundred times as massive as Earth. The planet's surface is very violent, with hurricane-like storms in its atmosphere. What planet, known for its large storm called the Great Red Spot, is the largest in our solar system?


Roller coasters convert gravitational potential energy into this type of energy. It can be calculated as one-half times mass times speed squared. What is this energy of motion?


This quantity of energy can be calculated as one-half mass times velocity. It is considered the energy of motion. Identify this type of energy, contrasted with potential energy.


Equal to one nautical mile per hour, this unit measures speed at sea. What is this unit of measurement, often used in navigation to describe how fast a ship is moving on water?


Special names for animals in this stage include grub, maggot, and caterpillar. Insects in this stage are immature and wingless, and often resemble worms. What is this metamorphic stage between egg and pupa?


Gordon Gould received patents for this kind of device, but only after a long court fight. In this device, atoms or molecules emit light at a particular wavelength. The light is then amplified. Name this device that produces a thin beam of light that can be used in pointers and scanners.


This material is contrasted with magma, and often comes out of volcanoes. Identify this term for the solidified material above the Earth's surface that was once molten.


It has an atomic number of 82 and was once found in gasoline and paint. Identify this element with symbol Pb.


The term frond refers to large compound versions of these or the ones found in ferns. What are these plant parts that take in light, and are the main site of photosynthesis?


Types of these cells include monocytes and macrophages. They combine with plasma and red blood cells to make up the blood. Name these blood cells, involved in immune function.


Units of this type of radiation are referred to as photons. It comes in visible, infrared, and other varieties. What is this term for electromagnetic radiation, which is generated by things like stars and lamp bulbs?


This type of rock is made up of mostly calcium carbonate. It is an example of a sedimentary rock. What is this type of rock, the main component of most caves?


These substances can take on the shape of their container. Their molecular energy is between that found in gases and solids. What is this phase of matter, represented by room temperature water?


This unit, usually used for liquids, is equal in volume to 1000 cubic centimeters. Identify this metric base unit for volume, two of which are found in a standard size of soda bottle.


Among the conditions associated with this organ are hepatitis and jaundice. It helps clean the blood and makes certain enzymes, as well as a substance called bile. What is the human body's largest and heaviest internal organ?


Organs with these features include the kidneys, liver, lungs, and brain. One definition for it is, quote, "a roundish projection or division." Give this name for a body part that also makes up the bottom of the ear.


As described in The Book of Exodus, these insects were the eighth of ten plagues sent to Egypt. These insects are known for traveling in large numbers for long distances in a very destructive swarming phase. Name these short-horned grasshoppers, of which the 17-year cicada is an example.


Two word answer please. When this astronomy event happens the Moon appears to be a reddish color. What event occurs when the Moon passes through the Earth's shadow?


These lobed organs rest atop the diaphragm. They connect to the trachea through bronchial tubes that branch into bronchioles and tiny sacs called alveoli. Give the name of humans' primary respiratory organs.


The tiny air sacs on these body organs are known as the alveoli. Diseases related to smoking, like emphysema, occur here. Identify these main organs of the respiratory system in humans, responsible for controlling our breath.


This rock sometimes includes suspended crystals, as well as pieces of unmelted rock. It is usually in the form of a silicate liquid. Name this molten rock that becomes lava when it is ejected from a volcano.


The only animals in this class that don't bear live young are the monotremes. They have hair and are named for the milk glands with which mothers nurse their young. Identify this biological class to which humans belong.


This layer of the Earth makes up most of the asthenosphere. It contains convection currents, on which the plates of the crust float. Name this layer of the Earth, which surrounds the outer core.


Perhaps the finest type of this rock is mined at Carrara, Italy. It is a granular type of metamorphic rock, highly prized by sculptors. Name this rock, which was used in the Lincoln Memorial, and is often used for kitchen countertops.


First and last name answer required. As of 2021, this scientist is the only person to have won Nobel Prizes for both chemistry and physics. With Henri Becquerel, she studied the radioactive properties of uranium. Identify this co-discoverer of radium and polonium.


In one of Newton's laws, force is equal to this quantity, times acceleration. When multiplied by gravity, it is the same as weight. Give this term for the amount of a substance present.


Specialties of this scientific branch include epidemiology, pharmacology, and pathology. Name this science, which researches, treats, and prevents diseases in humans.


Fittingly, the name of this prehistoric creature comes from the Greek for "giant tooth." Fossils of this massive, aquatic animal suggest some may have been more than 58 feet long. Give the name of this extinct megatooth shark, the largest sea creature to ever live on our planet.


This word can refer to a lens with a crescent-shaped section. It also names cartilage in the knee joint that cushions the bottom of the femur and the top of the tibia. Identify this word, which additionally names a curved upper section in a column of liquid.


This is the only planet with less volume than Ganymede, though it is more than twice as massive. It is named for the Roman messenger god. Identify this smallest planet in the solar system, and closest to the Sun.


Its components are anabolism and catabolism. Someone who has a slow one of these might be more prone to gaining weight. Give this term for an organism's ability to break down food into nutrients.


Examples of this type of rock include slate and marble. Identify this type of rock, created when other rocks are transformed under heat and pressure.


This process is likely regulated by molting and juvenile hormones. Depending on the number and types of stages, it is either complete or incomplete. What word names the process by which many animals pass from egg to adult?


This relative of the beluga whale lives in the frigid waters of the Arctic. They have mottled grey bodies and two teeth that, in females, usually fail to develop. Identify this mammal nicknamed the "unicorn of the sea" because of its large spiral tusk.


Icy bodies like Pluto are often described for being further away than this planet. Its largest moon is Triton. Identify this furthest planet from the sun.


The basic components of this organ system are either sensory or motor. Depending on their function and location in the body, they are part of the central or peripheral branches of this system. The spinal cord and brain are the most important components of which bodily system?


They weigh approximately the same as protons, which are also located in the nucleus. Added to the protons, they give atomic weight. What are these subatomic particles with no charge?


All elements have at least one of these particles, with the exception of the most common isotope of hydrogen, which has none. These subatomic particles are found in the nucleus of atoms. Identify these particles, which have no positive or negative charge.


About four-fifths of the earth's atmosphere is composed of this odorless, tasteless gas. It is used to inflate high-performance racing tires. What is this element with symbol N?`


This substance has a similar name and makeup to the cytoplasm. It contains the chromosomes and nucleolus. What is this term for the contents of the nucleus in a cell?


In eukaryotic cells, this is where the DNA is housed. This term also refers to the part of an atom that contains neutrons and protons. Give this term for the control center of the eukaryotic cell, found in a central location.


As opposed to normal larvae, this stage of organism typically resembles the adult form. The name of this life stage comes from nature spirits in Greek mythology. What is this middle stage of incomplete metamorphosis?


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