2/3 Mineral Prospecting and Exploration FTB

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Magnetite rocks are formed by: A. Metasomatic process C. chemico-sedimentary E. chemical weathering B. magmatic differentiationD. contact metamorphism


Magnetite rocks are formed by: a. Metasomatic process c. chemico-sedimentary e. chemical weathering b. magmatic differentiation d. contact metamorphism


Method of blasting in coal mines where hollow cylinder are charged with liquid CO2 under a pressure of 2000 lb./ in.2 A) airdox B) cardox C) HercudetD) hydrox


Nearly horizontal hole drilled at the bottom of the face of a bench. A) snake holes B) glory hole C) blasthole D) gopher hole


The detonation of explosives to break rock. A) explosion B) blast C) throw D) yield


The distance of an explosive charge to the nearest free or open space. A) spacing B) blasthole distance C) burden D) bench


The following are the effects of blasting on rock except one. A) crushing B) vibration propagation C) cracking D) weathering


What is the most important factor that contributes mainly to quality of coal formation. A. type of vegetable matter where coal originates B. magnitude of heat and pressure C. the weight of external load D. the type of foreign matter components in coal E. the type of bacteria present


Which of the following sampling method is most applicable in sampling vein-type deposits? a. grab sampling c. coning and quartering e. channel sampling b. random sampling d. auger sampling


Which of the following subsurface sampling method that collects core samples from a core barrel attached to a diamond bit? a. churn drilling c. core drilling e. trenching b. auger boring d. test pitting


Which of the following valuation parameters is necessary in evaluating whether a mineral deposit is feasible to develop or not? a. ore reserve and applicable mining method b. environmental effects and expense during and after mining c. cost of establishing and maintaining social acceptability d. cost of establishing and maintaining social acceptability e. all of the above


Who among the group is the least to be considered in ore reserve estimation? a. metal price c. volume of the deposit e. depth of hole b. assay results d. location of drillholes


A method of collecting samples obtained from percussion drilling. a. flush-out c. suction e. driving split tubes b. bailing d. wash boring


A method of loading blasthole in which the explosive charge are separated by stemming or air cushion. A) deck loading B) column charging C) charge pouring D) explosive charging


Any known body of mineral occurrence with a potential to become an orebody worthwhile mining. a. Prospect c. Mineral Source e. Ore Reserve b. Mineral Deposit d. Mineral Property


Are naturally-occurring substances that have its corresponding physical and chemical properties. a. Ore c. Gangue e. Host Rock b. Mineral d. Country Rock


Are type of samples obtained from auger boring and churn drilling. a. rock chips` c. soil sample e. drill cuttings b. sludge`d. core sample


Aside from gouges and displacement, what is another identifying element of a faultline. a. Joint c. Luster e. Cleavage b. Slickenslides d. Streak


Aside from the core and drill cuttings, it is another form of sample obtained when doing drilling sampling. a. Sludge c. flush-out water e. filter cake b. Slurry d. drilling mud


Based on the result of the mineral exploration, the explored deposit was economically and technically evaluated and results showed the following: Mining & Milling Cost = $ 1.80/ton Overhead Expenses = $ 0.50/ton Miscellaneous Expenses = $ 0.30/ton Depreciation & Amortization = $ 0.45/ton Grade of the Ore = 0.70 % Cu Concentrator Recovery = 90% Return of Investment(ROI) before income taxes = $0.22/ton Market Price of Cu = $ 0.85/lb Compute the expected profit per ton of ore. a. $ 0.33/ton c. $ 8.63/ton e. $ 0.98/ton b. $ 0.45/ton d. $ 1.02/ton


Based on the result of the mineral exploration, the explored deposit was economically and technically evaluated and results showed the following: Mining & Milling Cost = $ 1.80/ton Overhead Expenses = $ 0.50/ton Miscellaneous Expenses = $ 0.30/ton Depreciation & Amortization = $ 0.45/ton Grade of the Ore = 0.70 % Cu Concentrator Recovery = 90% Return of Investment(ROI) before income taxes = $0.22/ton Market Price of Cu = $ 0.85/lb Compute the expected profit per ton of ore. ans. $ 8.63/ton Using the above information, what is the cut-off grade of the copper ore: a. 0.21% Cu c. 0.34% Cu e. 0.19% Cu b. 0.25% Cu d. 0.22% Cu


Break even means: a. systematic sampling c. quota sampling e. accidental sampling b. incidental sampling d. purposive sampling


It measures the relative variations or deviation of sample values from the mean. This is also known as the coefficient of uniformity. a. sampling error c. mode e. high grading b. variation d. coefficient of variation


It refers to the representative portion of a universe/population or mineral mass/body. It can be an element or portion, unit or element. a. Matter c. Atom e. Isotope b. Sample d. Ion


A copper mine in Compostela Valley Province, Mindanao is proven to contain about 456,250,000 tons of chalcocite ores with an average grade of 0.8% Cu. The mine has an estimated operational life of 25 years. The processing technology has a recovery rate of 88%. The operating cost (mining & milling) of the mine is $15.00/ton; administrative cost of $10.00/ton; and the capital cost of equipment of $5.00/ton. The price of Cu metal in the world market is at $ 3.60/lb. Determine the daily production of the mine. a. 54,000 tons/day c. 50,000 tons/day e. 52,000 tons/day b. 48,000 tons/day d. 40,000 tons/day


A cylindrical chamber for receiving & retaining rock samples as diamond drilling progresses is called: a. core box c. drill pipe e. split tubes b. core barrel d. sample splitter


A detonation of an explosive charge at a time after its designed firing time. A) premature detonation B) flashover C) hangfireD) hercudet


A detonator which explodes after a pre-determined fraction of a second. A) delay detonator B) shunk C) delay D) primer


A ferruginous deposit filling the upper part of some mineral veins forming a superficial cover over masses of pyrite. It consist mainly of hydrated iron oxide and has resulted from removal of sulfur as well as copper and other sulfides originally present. a. Country Rock c. Outcrops e. Floats b. Gossans d. Exposures


A field activity conducted by geologist or engineer to trace, locate and record surficial geological information plotted on maps. a. Reconnaissance Mapping c. U/G Geologic Mapping e. None of the above b. Surface Geologic Mapping d. Field Traverse Mapping


A field activity to be conducted by a prospector in search for minerals based on field/library research. a. Induced Polarization c. Prospecting e. Geologic Mapping b. Geophysical Exploration d. Remote Sensing


A firing device that burns with the flash. A) safety fuse B) safety lighter C) squib D) shunt


A general term used in mineral sampling used to describe lens-like bodies of mineralization defined by grade and thickness parameters. a. gossans c. floats e. talus b. shoots d. anomaly


A geological structure found in between layers/bedding of different rock types. a. Fault c. Geologic Contact e. Fissure b. Bedding d. Fold


A geophysical exploration method ideal to detect gold and uranium ores. A. Gravity C. Electrical E. Seismic B. Magnetic D. Remote sensing


A main mineral found in limestone. A. Limonite C. Quartz E. Lime B. CalciteD. Calcium oxide


A mineralized zone having a more or less regular development in length, width, and depth to give it a tabular form and commonly inclined at considerably angle to the horizontal. A. Bonanza C. Dike E. Vein B. FloatD. Gossan


A most common mineral in the earth's crust. A. Water C. Quartz E. Gold B. Feldspar D. Olivine


A newly-opened mine was explored for its nickel/cobalt deposit in Nonoc Island,Surigao, Mindanao The exploration results showed that the mine had a total proven ore reserve of 123,590,000 metric tons of ore. What is the life of the mine in years if the daily production 15,000 MT/day? a. 20 years c. 23 years e. 25 years b. 21 yearsd. 24 years


A positive ore reserve is synonymous to: a. Measured Ore c. Possible Ore e. Indicative Ore b. Probable Ore d. Inferred Ore


A quarry blasting method wherein succession of charges are fired in a borehole to open up a chamber A) chambering B) ditching C) krigging D) capping


A rock samples obtained from diamond drilling exploration. a. Rock Chips c. Core e. Muck b. Drill Cutting d. Boulder


A sampling method to further determine the mining and metallurgical properties of the deposit such as: ore grade, rock hardness & strength, grain size of mineral, etc. a. cut sampling c. channel sampling e. muck sampling b. bulk sampling d. grab sampling


A sampling tool used to collect alluvial soils containing mineral fragments. a. casing c. core barrel e. bailer b. thin-walled sampler d. split spoon sampler


A sampling tool used to collect rock chips samples obtained from percussion drilling. a. casing c. core barrel e. bailer b. thin-walled sampler d. split spoon sampler


A slot cut in a coal or soft rock face by a mechanical cutter to provide a free space for blasting. A) kerf B) snakehole C) sub cut D) undercut


A type of ore reserve which contain sufficient technical and economic studies that have been out to justify extraction at the time of determination and under specified conditions. a. Measure Ore Reserve c. Probable Ore Reserve e. Inferred Ore Reserve b. Indicative Ore Reserved. Proven Ore Reserve


A wall rock, usually vertical, either naturally formed or formed by blasting. A) strike B) plane C) face D) outcrop


Aerial photo geologic mapping is an activity of what exploration technique: a. Prospecting c. Drilling Exploration e. Mineral Exploration b. Geophysical Exploration d. Geochemical Exploration


An act of enriching or improvising that is introducing or removing values from) the samples for test purposes either intentionally or accidentally. a. Salting c. High-grading e. assaying b. Upgrading d. coning & quartering


An exploration drilling method where drilling is performed by "raising and dropping" of the chisel-type bit. A. Rotary drilling C. Percussion drilling E. Diamond core drilling B. Rotary-percussionD. Churn drilling


An explosive made by mixing sulfuric acid , nitric acid and glycerin. A) nitrocellulose B) nitroglycerin C) TNT D) nitrostarch


An overbreak control in which a series of very closely spaced uncharged holes are drilled at the perimeter. A) line drilling B) preshearing C) cushion blasting D) presplitting


Holes adjacent to the cutholes in a heading round. A) rib holes B) relievers C) lifters D) stope holes


In core drilling, what is name of the drill accessory that collect rocks core samples at the bottom of the hole during drilling operation? a. Drill Casing c. Drill Rod e. Core Barrel b. Split spoon sampler d. Suction Hose


In diamond drilling, the very fine and slimey samples that are brought up to the surface by drilling water and collected in settling basins. a. chip samples c. core samples e. flush-out samples b. drill cuttings d. sludge sample


In mineral exploration drilling, what is the maximum depth of holes considered shallow. A. 150 meters C. 100 meters E. 300 meters B. 200 metersD. 500 meters


In sampling, the number or size of sample depends upon the nature of the deposit. In general it require fewer samples compared to heterogenous deposits. a. homogeneous deposit c. Ore e. gangue b. irregular deposit d. mineral


Inert materials placed after the explosive charge used to confine explosive materials. A) drill cuttings B) sand C) stemming D) fuel


It consists of chips or pulverized rock produced by the action of the bit during drilling. a. Core c. Sludge e. Drill Residue b. Drilling cuttings d. Slurry


It is a direct search for surface indication of an ore mineralization. a. Mineral Exploration c. Fossicking e. Geologic Mapping b. Geophysical Exploration d. Remote Sensing


It is a geologic modeling method applicable for bedded deposit such as coal, phosphate, sulfur, limestone, oil shale and tar sand. a. block model b. geologic model c. cross-sectional model d. gridded model e. none of the above


It is a geologic modeling method applicable for porphyry copper, uranium and gold deposit. a. block model b. geologic model c. cross-sectional model d. gridded model e. none of the above


It is a method of ore reserve estimation that involves the application of mathematics of random functions to the reconnaissance of mineral deposits. a. Kriging c. Triangular Method e. Area method b. Geostatisticsd. Inverse Distance Weighting


It is a mixture of 90 % nitroglycerin and 10 % guncotton. A) gelatin B) nitrocellulose C) nitrostarch D) gun powder


It is a statistical method of ore reserve estimation. a. Polygon method c. triangular method e. area method b. cross-sectional method d. Inverse distance weighting


It is an indirect sampling method ideal for gold and silver ores. a. spectrometer c. down-the-hole logging e. heavy media separation b. hole probing d. neutron activation analyzer


It is sampling technique usually done at established or grid points where rock chips, sediments, water, mud, etc. are collected for analysis. a. bulk sampling c. muck sampling e. channel sampling b. grid sampling d. geochemical sampling


It is simplest method of all ore reserve estimation involving of only a geologic interpretation of the shape of the ore and averaging the grades with that shape a. triangular method c. polygon method e. inverse distance weighting b. area method d. kriging


It is the distance between rows of blastholes parallel to the major free face. A) burden B) spacing C) blast rows D) subgrade


PNOC Coal Corporation plan to mine its 3000-acre coal prospect located in Imelda, Zamboanga del Sur. The deposits consist of bituminous coal ideal as fuel for the newly commissioned 200-MW Mindanao Coal Power Plant in Misamis Oriental. Drilling results conducted showed that the coal seam has an average thickness of about 72 inches. The company intend to mine the coal by "Longwall method" . If the mining recovery factor is about 83%, determine the total tonnage of the coal in-place. a. 26,394,498 MT c. 23,234,003 MT e. 21,194,321 MT b. 22,504,123 MTd. 25,124,111 MT


PNOC Coal Corporation plan to mine its 3000-acre coal prospect located in Imelda, Zamboanga del Sur. The deposits consist of bituminous coal ideal as fuel for the newly commissioned 200-MW Mindanao Coal Power Plant in Misamis Oriental. Drilling results conducted showed that the coal seam has an average thickness of about 72 inches. The company intend to mine the coal by "Longwall method" . If the mining recovery factor is about 83%, determine the total tonnage of the coal in-place. ans. 26,394,498 MT Using the problem above, compute for the clean recoverable coal if the designed processing/washing method has a recovery rate of 90%. a. 23,511,100 MT c. 23,677,800 MT e. 23,755,048 MT. b. 23,612,200 MT d. 23,500,000 MT


PNOC Coal Corporation plan to mine its 3000-acre coal prospect located in Imelda, Zamboanga del Sur. The deposits consist of bituminous coal ideal as fuel for the newly commissioned 200-MW Mindanao Coal Power Plant in Misamis Oriental. Drilling results conducted showed that the coal seam has an average thickness of about 72 inches. The company intend to mine the coal by "Longwall method" . If the mining recovery factor is about 83%, determine the total tonnage of the coal in-place. ans. 26,394,498 MT Using the problem above, compute for the clean recoverable coal if the designed processing/washing method has a recovery rate of 90%. ans. 23,755,048 MT. Again in the above problem, determine the total revenues of clean coal if the buying price is P2,500.00/MT. a. P50,387,500,000.00 c. P 59,387,620,500.00 e. P 52,074,500,000.00 b. P 51,188,800,000.00 d. P 59,176,612,300.00


Phosphate rocks are formed by: A. dissolution of carbonaceous components in limestone with decaying plant remains B. chemical reaction with bodies of dead animals C. weathering of coralline limestone bodies near shorelines D. reaction of carbonaceous components in limestone with bird or bat manure E. incomplete oxidation of decaying organic matter


Portion of blasthole which remain in the face after blasting. A) misfire B) overbreak C) bootlegD) burden


Produces least poisonous fumes than any high explosives. A) PETN B) nitroglycerin C) blasting gelatin D) gelatin dynamites


Tenor in mineral exploration means: a. volume c. grade e. assay b. shape`d. dip


Rock which is thrown an excessive distance from the blast site. A) muck B) fly rock C) throwD) heave


Sagitarrius Mines reported to the Mines & Geosciences Bureau (MGB) for its Affidavit of Annual Work Obligation (AAWO) for the year 2009 the following mineral reserves of its Tampakan Copper-Gold Project in South Cotabato as follows: Positive Ore Reserves 100 Million MT at 55 % CuFeS2 Probable Ore Reserves 300 Million MT at 45% CuFeS2 Possible Ore Reserves 300 Million MT at 40% CuFeS2 Based on the traditional and conventional valuation method, calculate the total ore reserve of Sagitarrius Mines of its Tampakan Project a. 400 million at 46% CuFeS2 d. 100 million at 55% CuFeS2 b. 300 million at 46% CuFeS2 e. 500 million at 65% CuFeS2 c. 700 million at 44% CuFeS2


The head on pressure created by the detonation proceeding down the explosive column. A) borehole pressure B) detonation head C) deck pressure D) detonation pressure


The isopach method of ore reserve estimation relies mainly in: a. specific gravity c. contour e. density b. drillholes d. statistical data


The lowest grade of the ore that will meet the over-all mining cost. a. Cut-off Grade c. Milling Grade e. Assay Grade b. Break-even ratio d. Low Grade


The main explosive charge in a detonator. A) base charge B) delay element C) initiator D) primer


The most common gold ores. A. Gold-quartz C. Placer gold E. Free-gold B. Pyritic ores D. Gold associated w/ copper


The most reliable samples ideal for evaluating the geological, grade & volume of mineral reserves. a. rock chips c. drill cuttings e. core b. sludge d. flush out samples


The ratio of the volume of a material in its solid state to that when broken. A) swell factor B) powder factor C) volume ratio D) weight ratio


The rock which is broken by blasting outside the intended area of line of break. A) back break B) bootleg C) under breakD) misfire


The two (2) types of dump/stockpile sampling are: a. stratified & random sampling b. trenching & test pitting c. channeling & trenching d. test pitting & grabbing e. none of the above


What type of geophysical exploration method that uses the density of rocks in identifying the type of ore buried beneath the surface. A. Seismic C. Electrical E. Gravity B. MagneticD. Remote sensing


When a sediments changes/transform into sedimentary rocks, it undergoes the process of: a. Weathering and erosion c. Solidification e. Melting b. Cementation and compaction d. Sedimentation


When can be a gangue minerals become an "ore" ? a. Increase of volume of the deposit b. Increase in price of the metal in local and world market c. Increase in grade of the ore d. Selection of an ideal mining method and ore processing e. High production capacity


When feldspar underwent weathering, it changes into: a. Olivine c. Plagioclase e. Kaolin b. Quartz d. Hornblende


When igneous rock weathers by mechanical weathering process, it will transform into: a. Clay c. Silt e. Sand b. Mud d. Gravel


When metamorphic rocks changes to sedimentary rocks, what are factors involved: a. heat and pressure c. temperature and pressure e. water pressure b. external load d. tectonic and volcanic movements


Which of the following does not belong to the group? a. bulk sampling c. muck sampling e. trench sampling b. grid sampling d. geochemical sampling


Which of the following is not a non-probability sampling? a. systematic sampling c. quota sampling e. accidental sampling b. incidental sampling d. purposive sampling


Which of the following is not a probability sampling? a. simple random sampling c. systematic sampling e. statistical sampling b. multi-stage sampling d. purposive sampling

Positive Ore

_____ means that 4 sides of the vein been exposed

Probable Ore

_____ means that the reserves are estimated with a degree of certainty sufficient to indicate occurrence of the resource.

Possible Ore

_____ means that the reserves has low degree of certainty insufficient to indicate its occurrence.

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