23.3 Composed of Cartilages, Ligaments, and Muscles, the Larynx produces sound.

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What causes sounds production ?

1. Air passes through the open glottis 2. Vibrates its vocal folds which produces sound waves.

Speech is produced by: (1): sound production at the larynx (2): Modification of sound by other structures

1. Phonation 2. Articulation

Ligaments of the larynx include the (1) and (2) which extend between the thyroid cartilage and arytenoid cartilages. They are covered by folds of laryngeal epithelium that project into glottis

1. Vestibular ligaments 2. Vocal ligaments

The Larynx contains 3 pairs of smaller hyaline cartilages which are?

1. arytenoid cartilages 2. corniculate cartilages 3. cuneiform cartilages

What are the three large, unpaired cartilages that form the larynx?

1. thyroid cartilage 2. cricoid cartilage 3. epiglottis

The larynx is a cartilaginous structure that surrounds and protects the glottis which is a narrow opening. The glottis is the vocal apparatus (voice box) of the larynx. The larynx begins at level of vertebra (1) or (2) and ends at the level of vertebra (3) Essentially a cylinder, the Larynx has incomplete cartilaginous walls that are stabilized by ligaments and skeletal muscles.

C4, or C5 and ends at C6

The intrinsic muscle do what?

Control vocal folds Open and close glottis

The (1) and (2) cartilages function in opening and closing the glottis and production of sound.

Corniculate and Arytenoid

The thyroid cartilage sits superior to the ___ ___, another hyaline cartilage. The posterior portion of the ___ ___ is greatly expanded, providing support in the absence of the Thyroid cartilage. Ligaments attach the inferior surface of the ___ ___ to the first tracheal cartilage. The superior surface of the __ ___ articulates with the small, paired arytenoid cartilages.

Cricoid cartilage

Elongated, curved ____ cartilages lie within folds of tissue (aryepiglottic folds) that extend between the lateral surface of each Arytenoid cartilage and the epiglottis.

Cuneiform Cartilages

During swallowing the Larynx is elevated and the ___ folds back over the glottis. Which prevents entry of food and liquids into the respiratory tract.


The _____ projects superior to the glottis and forms a lid over it. The ____ is complex of elastic cartilage. It has ligamentous attachments to anterior and superior borders of the thyroid cartilage and they hyoid bone. During swallowing the Larynx is elevated and the ____ does what?

Epiglottis Epiglottis folds back over the glottis, preventing both solid and liquids from entering the respiratory tract.

The Cricoid and Thyroid cartilages protect the ____ and the entrance to the ____. Their broad surfaces provide sites for the attachment of important laryngeal muscles and ligaments.

Glottis & Trachea

The thyroid and cricoid cartilages support and protect the?

Glottis, and entrance to trachea.

The _____ ________ : The Larynx is associated with 2 sets of muscles. 1. muscles of neck and pharynx which portion and stabilize the larynx. 2. smaller intrinsic muscles that control tension in the glottal vocal folds or open and close the glottis.

Laryngeal Musculature

Inhaled air leaves the Pharynx and enters the ? through a narrow opening of the glottis. The Glottis is the vocal apparatus, or voice box of the ?.


At puberty, the ____ of males enlarges much more than dose that of females. The vocal cords of males are thicker and longer. They produce a lower tone than those of an adult female.


Amplification and resonance take place within your ____, ____, ____, & ____ sinuses. The combination gives you the particular and distinctive sound of your voice. That sound changes when you have a sinus infection and your nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses are filled with mucus rather than air.

Pharynx, oral cavity, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses. (all part of the upper respiratory system)

Sound production at the larynx is called _____, which is one part of speech production. Clear speech also requires ____, the modification of those sounds by other structures, such as the tongue, teeth, and lips to form words.

Phonation articulation

The ___ is the largest of the laryngeal cartilage. It is made up of mostly hyaline cartilage. It forms anterior and lateral walls of the larynx. The anterior surface is called laryngeal prominence, or adam's apple. Ligaments attach to hyoid bone, epiglottis, and laryngeal cartilages.

Thyroid cartilage

Identify the paired and unpaired cartilages of the larynx.

Unpaired: 1. thyroid cartilage 2. cricoid cartilage 3. epiglottis Paired: 1. arytenoid cartilages 2. corniculate cartilages 3. uniform cartilages

The __ ___ help prevent foreign objects from entering the open glottis. They also protect the more inferior, delicate vocal folds of the glottis.

Vestibular folds

Sound is varied by tension on the vocal folds. Vocal folds involved with sound are known as (1). Voluntary muscles (portion arytenoid cartilage relative to thyroid cartilage)

Vocal cords

The vestibular ligaments lie within vestibular folds, which protect delicate ?

Vocal folds

The Vestibular folds are fairly inelastic and lie laterally to the glottis. The glottis is made up of the ___ ___ and the space between them, called the rims glottides.

Vocal folds.

When the tension in your vocal folds increases, what happens to the pitch of your voice?

Voice is raised

When you swallow, both sets of the laryngeal muscles work together to prevent food and drink from entering the glottis. Food is crushed and chewed into a pasty mass, known as a ___, before being swallowed. Muscles of the neck and pharynx then elevate the larynx, bending the epiglottis over the glottis, so that the bolus can glide across the epiglottis rather than falling to the larynx. While this movement is under way the glottis is closed. food or liquids that touch the vestibular folds or glottis trigger the coughing reflex.


An infection or inflammation of the larynx is know as ____. it common affects the vibrational qualities of the vocal folds.


The final production of distinct worlds depends further on voluntary movements of your ___, ___, and ____.

tongue, lips, and cheeks

what are the highly elastic vocal folds of the glottis better known as?

vocal cods

The vocal folds are highly elastic, because they vocal ligaments consist of elastic tissue. The vocal folds are involved with the production of sound. For this reason they are known as the

vocal cords.

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