3-Project management Process Groups

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How does the role of the change control board relate to the authority granted to the PM?

- High Authority - brings forward changes only when significant - Low authority - very tight control. PM and CCB have frequent, regular meetings

Project charter characteristics

- Initial requirement; makes needs/expectations of stakeholders clear. - Acceptance formally authorizes the project - documents info such as needs, purpose, risks, summary schedule and budget

What is the Project Management Plan?

- PMP is a formal document that defines how a project team will execute, monitor, control and close a project - Brings together all the subplans - Fits in the Project Integration Management Knowledge Area as well as the Planning Process Group - The Develop Project Management Plan process is an iterative one, updated as things change - The PMPs complexity mirrors the project complexity

Which process related components do you need to consider for the PMP?


What are the benefits to capturing lessons learned?

1. Avoid making same mistakes 2. Identify negative situations and reinforce positive items 3. Organizational and individual knowledge increased 4. Tangible metrics can help set more realistic baselines for future efforts

Important elements of the project charter

1. Business need 2. Objectives and success criteria (obtained from SOW) 3. Project requirements (also from SOW) 4. Product scope description (also from SOW; describes product deliverable) 5. Milestones and deliverables schedule (abridged from SOW; provides checkpoints) 6. Summary budget (can get from business case) 7. Approval requirements (from SOW; describes quality obj from each deliverable and approval necessary) 8. Nominated project manager 9. Project sponsor approval (names who has authority to approve the charter; must understand purpose and resources required

Outputs of the Close Project/Phase Process

1. Completed product or service (NOT "verified deliverables" .... Test question) 2. Updates to organizational process assets 3. Signoff documents 4. Archived project files and deliverables

Three main activities in the Close Project Phaser

1. Conducting reviews 2. Verify acceptance of deliverables 3. Recording lessons learned.

Which process related components do you need to consider for the PMP?

1. Procedures to carry out work to meet objectives 2. Phases or life-cycle stages 3. Tailored project management processes

4 main inputs to the Project Management Plan

1. Project Charter 2. Outputs from planning processes from other knowledge areas (subsidiary plans) 3. Enterprise environmental factors 4. Organizational process assets

Where does the Develop Project Management Plan fall within the knowledge areas?

1. Project Integration Management knowledge area 2. Planning process groups

Inputs to the Closing Process

1. Project Management Plan 2. Accepted deliverables 3. Organizational processes assets

4 Main inputs to the Project Management Plan

1. Project charter 2. Outputs from planning processes from the other knowledge areas 3. Enterprise environmental factors 4. Organizational process assets

What are the objectives of the Monitoring and Controlling Process

1. Track progress 2. Review performance 3. Regulate and control variances 4. Change project management plan if required.

When are Change Log and Change Request Status updates done?

Any time a change is considered

Three activities of closure

1. Acceptance of deliverable 2. Administrative closure-ppwk, archiving, etc. mainly expert judgement 3. Assessing project success-comparing actual results w/those expected in the PMP

In human resource management area, what three areas are related to the Executing Process Group?

1. Acquiring the project team 2. Develop the project team 3. Manage the project team

Three areas in the executing process area related to Human Resource Management

1. Acquiring the project team 2. Develop the project team 3. Manage the project team

What are the options out of the Change Control Board?

1. Approve 2. Reject 3. Put on hold

What are the outputs of the Integrated Change Control Process?

1. Approved change requests 2. Change log 3. PMP updates 4. Project documentation

What are the main inputs to the Project Charter

1. Business case (justification/need) 2. Statement of work (SOW) 3. Any existing agreements or contracts 4. Organizational process assets 5. Enterprise environmental factors

Inputs to the Project Charter

1. Business case - justification/need (B) 2. SOW-stipulates high-level characteristics of product or service that must be delivered 3. Existing agreements/contracts (E) 4. Enterprise environmental factors (E) 5. Organization process assets (O) B-SOW-EEO

Elements of a project charter (9)

1. Business need 2. Measurable objectives and success criteria (obtained from SOW) 3. Project requirements (obtained from SOW) 4. Product Scope description- describes deliverable (obtained from SOW) 5. Milestones and deliverables schedule (abridged from SOW - provides "checkpoints") 6. Summary budget (typically from business case) 7. Approval requirements (from SOW. Describes deliverable quality objectives and approvals necessary) 8. Nominated Project Manager 9. Project sponsor approval (names who has authority to approve the charter)

What are the inputs to the Change Control Process?

1. Change requests - can come from any knowledge area or control process - Workable solutions to problems are send to the change control board which uses expert judgement to approve/reject 2. Organization process assets - Configuration management knowledge base - Change control procedures - Project files - scope, cost, schedule, quality baselines, risk registers, etc. 3. Project Management Plan 4. Work Performance reports 5. Enterprise environmental factors

What are four principals to updating project baselines?

1. Change requests lead to baseline adjustments 2. Changes to one baseline affect other baselines 3. If baselines aren't adjusted, future monitoring and controlling will be skewed 4. Project baselines may be increased or decreased.

What activities fall within the Direct and Manage Work Process area (part of the Project Integration Management knowledge area?

1. Choose, train and manage project team 2. Establish and maintain communication channels 3. Manage risks and implement risk responses 4. Generate work performance information 5. Implement process improvements 6. Procure and manage resources NOTE: Testing is NOT part of this process

Two processes in the closing process group

1. Close Project/Phase process A. This is where most activities occur B. Unites activities from other groups C. Coordinates activities in the close procurements process D. Wraps up activities in the planning, executing and monitoring and controlling process groups. 2. Close Procurements A. Completing and closing procurement contracts.

What are two processes within the Closing Process Group?

1. Close project/phase process (part of Project Integration Management) a. This is where most activities happen for closing b. Unites activities from other groups c. Coordinates activities in the close procurements process d. Wraps up activities in the planning, executing and monitoring and controlling process groups 2. Close Procurements a. Completing and closing procurement contracts (under Project Procurement Management knowledge area)

What are the monitoring activities in the Monitor and Control Project Work process? (6)

1. Comparing actual with planned results 2. Adding up product defects 3. Reviewing progress reports 4. Calculating costs, dates and other estimates 5. Assessing implemented changes 6. Reporting project performance to stakeholders

What does the Closing Process do for the project

1. Confirms project status - helps you make sure project is really over and stakeholders agree on status; formalizes delivery of deliverables 2. Clarifies success/failures - debrief sponsors. Helps clarify what these are 3. Releases resources formally for other phases or projects 4. Completes project documentation

What actions can be taken to bring performance back into line?

1. Corrective action 2. Preventive action - Preventive maintenance and calibration controls - Management review of quality management - Employee training programs - Regular reviews 3. Defect repair

Planning Process Group

1. Determine scope (S) 2. refine objectives (O) 3. determine actions team must take to meet objectives (PMP) - key output is the Project Management Plan - Planning coordinated across the knowledge areas. - Planning takes place throughout a project. S-O-PMP

What are the principals of integrated change control?

1. Develop method to identify changes - Emails - Weekly phone calls - Research online sources 2. Address and manage changes promptly - Need to be able to 'fast track' changes if they occur 3. Document impact of changes - Issues log/change control log 4. Review and assess change requests - Main activities of change control - Must understand the factors that have led to the request - Should the change go ahead? Does it help/hurt? 5. Implement approved changes - but (test point) changes are implemented in the "Direct and Manage Process Work" phase 6. Adjust baselines when necessary - Few approved changes should affect project baseline - Gain sponsor approval - May change the PMP 7. Coordinate approved changes - Approved changes need to be coordinated/integrated across project

Project Integration Management processes (6)

1. Develop project charter 2. Develop Project Management Plan (PMP) 3. Direct and manage project work 4. Monitor and control project work 5. Perform Integrated Change control 6. Close project or phase

Project Integration Management Processes

1. Develop project charter 2. Develop project management plan 3. Direct and manage project work 4. Monitor and control project work 5. Perform integrated change control 6. Close project or phase

Tools and Techniques to Direct and Manage Work

1. Expert Knowledge. 2. Meetings 3. Information Systems

Tools and techniques in the Perform integrated change control process (3)

1. Expert judgement 2. Change control meetings 3. Change control tools

Tools and techniques to develop a PMP

1. Expert judgement 2. Facilitation techniques

Development techniques for Project Charter

1. Expert judgement (use as many as possible) 2. Focus groups, surveys 3. Facilitation (brain storming, conflict resolution, problem solving)

What are criteria that the Change Control Board look at?

1. Feasibility 2. Impact on scope?

Key enterprise environmental factors influencing the PMP

1. Government regulations and standards 2. Project Management information systems 3. Company infrastructure 4. Organizational Structure and Culture

What are configuration management activities?

1. Identifying characteristics of a product or service - Identifies "configuration items" 2. Controlling changes to those characteristics 3. Documenting and auditing

Project charter purpose and components

1. Initial requirements, makes needs/expectations of stakeholders clear. 2. Acceptance formally authorizes the project. 3. Includes Statement of Work, business case and agreements. - identifies business need. The "why"; can include a Cost Benefit Analysis. - How project fits w/in organization's strategic plan - Specifies what product or service the project is to create. - Agreements may be formal or informal 4. Enterprise environmental factors affect it.

3 elements to a PM process

1. Inputs 2. Tools and techniques 3. Outputs.

Types of customers for projects

1. Internal to your company or organization 2. External - buyer who has contracted something from your company/formal contract 3. Consumer - No contractual relationship; you are selling to the public. (A consumer is also an external customer)

How is the close project phase linked to other processes?

1. It uses accepted deliverables from the Validate Scope process as inputs 2. The PMP, created through other processes, is an input to the Close Project phase.

What does Project Integration Management do?

1. Manage stakeholder engagement 2. Manage resource allocation (originally in PMP, but changes along the way) 3. Balance competing needs 3a. W/in scope, quality, budget, schedule 3b. Not static 4. Finds compromises and alternatives when needs change. 4a. Between stakeholders, so work can be executed, approved, closed... 4b. Finds alternatives to processes that are not working.

Tools and Techniques for Closing Process

1. Meetings 2. Expert judgement 3. Analytical techniques

Under project integration management, Monitoring and Controlling, what 2 processes?

1. Monitor and control project work 2. Perform integrated change control

What sort of documents can be included in a Project Charter?

1. Needs; purpose 2. Budget 3. Risks 4. Summary Schedule

What are barriers to Lessons Learned?

1. Negative data frequently not captured (embarrassment, culture) 2. Strong facilitator often needed to draw out bad lessons 3. Fear outside competitor might get details

What are the inputs to the Monitor and Control Work Process? (7)

1. PMP 2. Schedule forecasts 3. Cost forecasts 4. Validated changes 5. Work performance info - Current status - Accomplishments - Activities - Issues 6. Enterprise environmental factors 7. Organizational process assets

What are the inputs to the Direct and Manage Work process (4)

1. PMP - tells team how to work to produce deliverables 2. Approved change requests 3. Enterprise environmental factors - Company structure/culture - Infrastructure - Human resource admin - Stakeholder risk tolerance - Project management IT 4. Organizational process assets - Plans, guidelines, policies and procedures

Outputs of the Monitor and Control Project Work process (4)

1. PMP updates and subsidiary project baselines 2. Change requests 3. Work performance reports (NOTE: TEST QUESTION - NOT Work Performance Data 4. Project documents updates

What control measures discussion should be included in the PMP?

1. Perform configuration management (very important part) - Describes plans and systems to do this - usually from organizational process assets and expert judgement 2. Control project changes - Formalize change control processes that will be used. - Approvals and document control 3. Monitor and manage issues (key component) - identifying corrective actions - Outlining communication techniques with stakeholders

What are the controlling activities in the Monitor and Control Project Work process? (4)

1. Preparing change requests 2. Taking corrective action 3. Adjusting project baseline 4. Executing risk response plans

What are the Outputs of the Direct and Manage Work process?

1. Project deliverables 2. Work performance data - keeps track of how the project is progressing - Factors like costs, status of deliverables and scheduling 3. Change requests - can be corrective, preventive or update documentation - May expand or shrink scope - Change schedule or cost - Offered by team members as they see issues 4. Project management plan updates 5. Project documents updates

What are the outputs of the Direct and Manage Work Process? (5)

1. Project deliverables 2. Work performance data 3. Change requests 4. PMP updates 5. Project documents updates

Subsidiary plans in a Project Management Plan

1. Schedule 2. Cost 3. Quality 4. Scope 5. Communications 6. Stakeholder engagement 7, Procurement 8. Risk 9. Process improvement

What are three different baselines found in a PMP?

1. Scope baseline - Project scope statement - Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 2. Cost baseline 3. Schedule baseline - Estimate duration of activities - Often includes a Gantt chart

Different types of baselines found in a PMP

1. Scope baseline - project scope statement, work-breakdown structure; help ensure you meet project objectives 2. Cost baseline - essential part; help you control and manage costs 3. Schedule baseline - estimate durations of activities; often with Gantt chart

What are the steps to the Monitoring and Controlling cycle? (4)

1. Setting performance standards-minimum expectations for a project 2. Observing performance-formal or informal 3. Comparing actual with planned performance 4. Taking actions to correct deviations

Key Organizational Process assets inputting into the PMP

1. Standardized guidelines and processes 2. Project management plan templates 3. Change control procedures 4. Project files from previous projects 5. Historical info 6. Configuration management

What are two main ways to use Lessons Learned?

1. Summative (look in the past to evaluate performance) - Evaluating performance - Determining if objectives were met - Ensuring regulatory compliance - Performing earned value analysis 2. Formative (Look forward to apply changes) - Improving performance - Strategic planning - Continuity and succession planning

What are the objectives of the Monitoring and Controlling processes?

1. Track progress 2. Review performance 3. Regulate and control variances 4. Change project management plan if required.

How are projects assessed?

1. Typically analytic techniques are used here 2. Typically a group of stakeholders do this evaluation 3. Should answer questions such as: - Was quality acceptable - Was their adequate communication amongst the team -How well did the PM team perform? - What revisions were added to the project - Was the documentation well presented and informative?

Under Scope management, in Monitoring and Controlling, what two processes?

1. Validate scope 2. Control scope

Initiating Process Group

1. gain formal authorization to start a new project or project phase 2. Develop a project Charter - clarify the purpose of a project. 3. Determine who has interest in a project (stakeholders) ad create stakeholder register

Definition of a Project Management Process

A set of interrelated activities for achieving a pre-specified result that meets project objects. They all don't have to be applied to every project and many are interrelated

What is the key input to the Close Project or Phase process?

Accepted deliverables from the Validate Scope process PMP outline of what the project was to deliver.

What is a configuration management system and what does it do?

An all-encompassing system of procedures, software, policies used to control versions of the product and its components. - Prevents version-related errors - The larger the project is, more errors possible, this reduces risk of errors - Establishes process that allows only approved changes to go forward. - Subset of the configuration management process

How does Change Control process affect Monitor and Control Work? (need to understand this better)

Change requests are gathered, reviewed and may be approved Those that are approved are validated in the Control Quality process They then go to the Monitor and Control project work as inputs

What are examples of performance standards?

DERIVED FROM PROJECT PLANNING Project scope statement Work breakdown structure-divides project into smaller managelable components Work packages-groups of activities defined by the WBS Cost estimates and budgets Project schedule Quality standards Requirements documentation.

To be used as inputs to the Close process, deliverables need to progress to a certain point:

Direct and manage work (Carry out the work) Perform quality control Validate scope - product reviewed by team/stakeholder Perform integrated change control Accepted deliverable (where it is now an input to the close phase process)

What is the function of the Project Management Plan

Documents how a project will be executed, managed and monitored. Brings all subsidiary plans together.

What are tools and techniques to develop project charter?

Expert Judgement, experts, focus groups, surveys Facilitation (brainstorming, conflict resolution, problem solving) Experts make sure your charter is reliable, which is important as rest of project hinges on it.

Tools and Techniques to determine if work performance variances are significant

Expert judgement Analytical techniques Project management information system Meetings

Direct and Manage Work Process

Falls under Project Integration Management and contains: 1. directing the creation of deliverables 2. generating work performance data 3. creating change requests 4. generating updates to the project management plan 5. updating project documents

What is the objective of the Closing process group?

Finalize all activities and formerly close the project or phase.

Key Enterprise Environmental Factors in the Project Management Plan

Government regs/standards Project management information systems Company infrastructure Organizational structure and culture

Executing Process Group

Involves 6 of 10 knowledge areas 1. Integration management 2. Project quality 3. Human resources 4. Communications 5. Procurement 6. Stakeholder management

When are baseline updates done?

Only when Project Scope is affected

When are Forecast Updates done?

Only when project scope is affected

Main input to the Direct and Manage Project Work process

Project Management Plan

What are different types of Information Systems for Direct and Manage Work process?

Project management program Collaboration software Knowledge management software Accounting program Configuration management system

What info from subsidiary plans is included in the PMP?


Outputs of the Monitor and Control Project Work process?

Requests Work performance reports PMP updates Project documents updates

How are lessons learned captured?

Research Benchmarking tools Observation First hand knowledge

What are examples of observing performance

Review meetings Reports Letters conversations

What are examples of work performance measurements?

Scope Time Cost Quality

Who are members of the Change Control Board

Stakeholders, managers, technical experts, project team members and others

Organizational Process Assets that can input to the PMP

Standardized guidelines and porlicies Project management plan templates Change control procedures Project files from previous projects Historical info Configuration management

What is the purpose of the SOW

Stipulates high level characteristics of product or service that must be delivered Indicates relationship between business need and project result Considers organization's strategic plan



Relationship between project management processes and project management process groups

There are 47 PM processes organized within the 5 PM process groups.

What do Project Management Information Systems allow the team to do?

They enable the PM to update the PMP Publish team tasks Allow team members to receive and view tasks Inform team about tasks

What does Project Integration Management do?

Ties all the processes together 1. Helps manage stakeholder engagement 2. Manage resource allocation (initially outlined in PMP, but changes along the way) 3. Helps balance competing needs of objectives and Knowledge Areas 4. Finds compromises and alternative when needs change

What are the goals and 2 main activities of the monitor and control project work process

aims to review, and regulate the progress of a project. This makes potential problems or setbacks easier to identify, and ensures a project stays on track to meet its objectives Two distinct activities 1. Monitoring-gathers info on project performance. Helps you detect trends by identifying and deviations from, or risks to, the project plan. 2. Controlling- Taking corrective actions against problems you discover in monitoring

What are the objectives of the Closing Process

finalize all activities and formerly close the project or phase 1. Conducting phase or project end reviews-ensures all requirements are met, deliverables completed, performance complies, no quality issues; may be reported to stakeholders 2. Verifying acceptance of deliverables-important to ensure 3. Recording lessons learned-impacts of process changes, results of controlled measures; realization of identified risks

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