3.01 Isolationism, Intervention, & Imperialism (US History)

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Pacific Islands - Midway, Samoa, Guam After the _______ War, U.S. expansionism into the P_______ began. Merchant ships sought places to refuel (GAS STATION -Sokka) Missionaries wished to spread C__________y around the globe. The United States began expanding in the Pacific with the occupation of the M________y Islands, located about 3,000 miles west of California. Just as merchants needed _______ to refuel their trading ships, the U.S. N____y needed safe h_________ abroad. The United States began working to gain control of strategic ______ in the Pacific in order to meet this need. Small islands that had been mostly ignored by imperial powers thus became more __________. Before long, the United States had established rights in Pacific island nations including the M__________ll (our big bully) Islands and G____m (think like guava but not... :D). U.S. traders and missionaries stopped in S________a (samosa with no s) en route to Australia. Rivalries among the United States, B_______n and G________y became heated in 1878 after S_______a gave the United States permission to build a m_________y base in P____o P____o. To settle this dispute—but without consulting the S___________s—the United States and G___________y d___________d up the islands. B_______n agreed to withdraw in return for the rights to other P________c islands. In 1899, this division was complete. The United States annexed its portion of Samoa.

Civil, Pacific, Christianity, Midway, ports,Navy, harbors, ports, valuable.useful, Guam Samoa, Britain, Germany, Samoa, military, Pago Pago, Samoans, Samoans, divided, Britain, Pacific

How Did New Political Ideas Contribute to Imperialism? By the 1890s, political support for isolationism was fading. President Grover ____________ was elected to a second term in 1892. His __________ policy was caught between ______________ and _____________. For example, he refused to allow the United States to become involved in the _________ Revolution. On the other hand, C___________ invoked the ___________ Doctrine in a dispute (argument/affair) between Venezuela and Great Britain. (involvement by a foreign power in the affairs of another nation, typically to achieve the stronger power's aims)

Cleveland, foreign, isolationism, intervention. intervention, Cuban, Cleveland, Monroe

Virgin Islands When the E___________ began colonizing the Americas, many countries targeted the V_______n Islands in the Caribbean Sea. The D_______h claimed the islands, divided them into _____________, and began to grow s_____cane there. The Virgin Islands were an important stop on the T__________ Trade routes that passed from E_______, Africa, and A_________s. After ___________ was abolished on the islands and the sugarcane plantations began to _______, the United States set its sights on the territory in the late 1800s. (the United States were like O.O I want to get it!) By 1917, the United States had bought the Islands from the D______h. At the beginning of U.S. occupation of the islands, the U.S. N____y(think Martin! XD) controlled the territory.

Europeans, Virgin, Dutch, plantations, sugar, Triangular, Europe, Africa, Americas, slavery, fail, Dutch, Navy

Venezuela Venezuela and G______ B_______ had long disputed the boundary separating Venezuela and British G_______a. After a 509-ounce g_____d nugget was found in the disputed territory, tensions rose. Both countries claimed the gold was discovered in their t_________y Eager to enforce the M________e Doctrine and to keep B_______n from gaining more land in the W__________n Hemisphere, President G_________ C___________d attempted to i_________e(or get involved). (or even interact) Eventually a neutral arbitrator(person) settled the dispute. But the message to the world that the United States would enforce the ___________ Doctrine was clear.

Great Britain, Guiana, gold, territory, Monroe, Britain, Western, Grover Cleveland, intervene, Monroe

How Did Economic Pressures Contribute to Imperialism? I__________________n changed the U.S. economy rapidly over three decades. Manufacturing allowed products to be made faster. It also allowed workers to make those products in greater quantities. These changes created a need for more ______ materials. Although the United States was rich in natural resources, it did not have everything its f__________ needed. E____________ nations had already colonized parts of A____ and A_______ for raw materials. The United States began to follow their lead. But the nation also looked closer to home, seeking out resources such as _______ in the C____________n and in H_______.(ohana means family... :D) I______________n brought about increased ________ as well. Americans could not buy all of the goods being produced in the United States. Thus, manufacturers sought new ____________(places where manufactured goods can be bought and sold) for their manufactured goods. L_____-developed nations did not have f__________ to make their own products, so they wanted to purchase items made in the United States. This need to develop new __________ became another motivation for Americans to look abroad. Finally, long-distance _______ usually took place over water. Merchants needed places to dock their ________ to refuel and perform m_______________e. Controlling _______ in the Pacific allowed American merchants to do this cheaply and efficiently.

Industrialization, raw, factories, European, Asia, Africa, sugar, Caribbean, Hawaii, Industrialization, trade, markets, less, factories, markets, trade, ships, maintenance, ports

For the next several decades, the United States tended to follow a policy of i______________m Americans concentrated on expanding their nation w__________ across the continent. This expansion was based on the concept of ____________ Destiny—the belief that God wanted the United States to reach from the A________c to the Pacific. (think of aang's pet for the first type of ocean lol) This focus on expansionism (policy of growing a nation's physical territory or political influence) took up much of the country's efforts. The United States took little part in foreign affairs for much of the 1800s. Committed to the policy of isolationism, the U.S. declined to intervene in an independence movement in __________ when asked to do so by foreign leaders. The U.S. also chose to limit its involvement in the ______________ fight for independence in 1849. Although the U.S. worked to have ____________ leaders freed from prison, it did not offer any other form of support or formally recognize an independent _______________ The U.S. had chosen not to involve itself in the political affairs of distant countries.

Isolationism, westward, Manifest, Atlantic, Poland, Hungarian, Hungarian, Hungary,

Japan Americans wanted to begin trading with J________ to grow their profitable Pacific t______e. Japan also offered a place for f____________n in the commercial whaling industry to refuel. But for two centuries, Japan had ___________ itself from the rest of the world. It limited outside influence by restricting t______e with all but a few Dutch and Chinese traders. Japan also prohibited foreigners from ___________ the country. This changed on March 31, 1854, when U.S. Commodore Matthew P______ landed in Japan. -Aware that it would be unable to defend itself and perhaps fearing war, Japan agreed to a t________y of friendship.

Japan, trade, fishermen, isolated, trade, entering/going, Perry, treaty

Hawaii M_______________s and whalers were the first Americans to stop on the Hawaiian Islands. Some eventually settled there. American settlers also began growing _______ and selling it to the __________ __________. Sugar became Hawaii's most important export. In 1875, the United States and Hawaii agreed to give the United States favored-n______ status. This allowed Hawaiian sugar to be imported to the United States without ________. In 1887, the United States pressured the Hawaiian government to allow the United States to establish a _______ base at __________ Harbor in exchange for renewing this agreement. This agreement ended when Congress passed the M_________y Tariff of 1890. Congress was under pressure by the U.S. s_______r growers, so, in return, they revoked/took away Hawaii's special privilege and forced Hawaiian sugar growers to compete with U.S. and C______n sugar producers. As a result, Hawaii faced a severe economic depression. To get around this t_____f, planters in Hawaii plotted to make Hawaii a territory of the __________ __________. Hawaii became a U.S. territory in 1900.

Missionaries, sugar, United States, nation, tariffs, naval, Pearl, McKinley, sugar, Cuban, tariff, United States

By the late 1800s, the United States had grown well beyond its colonial roots. As the nation expanded, it worked to establish itself as the leading power in the Americas. In 1823, ____________ James ___________ had issued the ___________ Doctrine. ( statement issued by ___________ James __________ stating that the Western Hemisphere was off limits to further European intervention) This statement declared that the W_________ Hemisphere was off limits from further E__________ intervention. Instead, Monroe stated, the United States considered the Americas as its own ___________ of influence. ( an area or region over which a country has significant cultural, economic, military, or political influence an area or region over which a country has significant cultural, economic, military, or political influence) This meant that the United States could intervene in the affairs of other American n_________s, but E____________ nations could not do so without facing U.S. military action.

President, Monroe, Monroe, President, Monroe, Western, European, sphere, nations, European

How Did New Political Ideas Contribute to Imperialism? By 1902, President Theodore ____________ was leading an imperialist nation. Roosevelt had fought in the Spanish-American War, which was the nation's first major imperialist conflict. Later, as president, he used U.S. power to help the country's interests abroad, particularly in ________ America. In doing so, the United States took its role in the Western Hemisphere to a new level. President Theodore ______________ believed in what has become known as the "_____ ______ Policy." (foreign policy under Theodore ____________ that used U.S. power to police foreign nations, particularly those in _______ America) The R____________ C__________y is a policy put forth by R___________ stating the United States would ____________(or involved) in Latin America on behalf of foreign powers if Latin American nations did not meet their agreements. The R____________ C__________y stated that the United States would ______________(or get involved) in Latin America on behalf of E___________ nations. This would occur only if Latin American countries failed to repay financial d_____. Roosevelt applied this in the D___________ Republic. In 1905, he installed a U.S. financial director there to solve that nation's debt problems.

Roosevelt, Latin, Roosevelt, Big Stick, Roosevelt, Latin, Roosevelt, Corollary, Roosevelt, intervene, European, debts, Dominican

How Did New Political Ideas Contribute to Imperialism? R_____________ was also an enthusiastic supporter of the ideas of both T________ and M________. During his presidency, Roosevelt sent the "_______W_____e Fleet" of U.S. _______ battleships around the world. This show of American power demonstrated the "big stick" to the world under peaceful conditions. William Howard _____ succeeded ___________ as president. T____ developed _________ diplomacy. (f________ policy under William Howard T____ that used U.S. economic power to try to shape international _________) This policy used economic measures to try to achieve U.S. goals abroad. However, _______ diplomacy was less successful than _____ _________ diplomacy. For example, Taft was unsuccessful in resolving conflicts in Nicaragua(shoutout to Analisse and her fam) and China.

Roosevelt, Turner, Mahan, Great, White, Navy, Taft, Roosevelt, Taft, dollar, foreign, Taft, affairs/problems, dollar, big stick

Alaska Secretary of State William H. __________ signed the t______y to purchase Alaska from R_______a for $7.2 million in 1867. Many Americans thought buying Alaska was a _________. Alaska was barren and covered with ice. They called it names such as "Seward's Folly" and the "Polar Garden." The ___________ agreed. They had decided to sell Alaska because they did not think it was profitable. But the purchase grew the nation by about 600,000 square miles—about twice the size of Texas—for only about two cents an acre. Despite low expectations, Alaska was rich with _________ resources such as lumber, gold, copper, and other metals. O___ and natural gas were discovered in Alaska, which continues to fuel battles between conservationists and energy and mining interests. The discovery of _______ in Alaska in the 1890s led to a gold rush. It also encouraged the development of Seattle as a major port.

Seward, treaty, Russia, mistake, Russians, natural, Oil, gold

What Ideas Contributed to Imperialism? This idea, called _________'s Thesis, influenced U.S. leaders and thinkers of __________'s time by encouraging the belief that the nation's identity itself relied on _____________ (An idea advanced by historian Frederick Jackson __________ that argued that Americans should seek a new frontier, one in foreign lands, because this would help Americans maintain their inventive and energetic spirits) Other justifications for imperialism appeared in Alfred T. __________ "The Influence of ______ Power Upon History". Published in 1890, this book argued that a strong ______ was vital to the long-term success of great powers. _________ pointed out that government could encourage the development of _____-based industries by building its _____ power. _________ also argued that a strong ______ could ensure safe __________ of goods. The best way for the U.S. government to do this, he declared, was to control ________ on distant shores. This prevented external sea threats from coming even remotely close to the nation.

Turner's, Turner's, expansion, Turner, Mahan, Sea, navy, Mahan, sea, sea, Mahan, navy, shipping, ports

What Ideas Contributed to Imperialism? (define: im·pe·ri·al·ism: a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.) Speaking at the 1893 Chicago World's Fair, historian Frederick Jackson __________ introduced a new idea. His speech shaped U.S. interaction with the world for years to come. Turner believed that the d__________ of life on the frontier kept individual Americans inventive and energetic. Turner argued that Americans must seek a _____ frontier, one found in __________ lands. This meant that the United States could intervene in the affairs of other n________ in the Americas, but E__________ nations could not do so without facing U.S. __________ action.

Turner, difficulties, new, foreign, nations, European, military

China In the mid-1800s, China opened its ports to _______ with the United States and E_________e. However, China's leaders were unable to keep foreign powers from taking over its territory. (they weren't _________ enough) In 1895, J_______n attacked China, taking over a large C_________e peninsula(land)C______a was severely weakened, and the E___________ powers took advantage. In the late 1890s, E_________ powers carved out spheres of influence in China. These gave European nations favorable-________ status. Many U.S. business and government leaders worried that they were not given _________ access/trade, so the United States proposed an ________ Door Policy with C______a. This policy allowed all nations to trade freely in C______. But European governments realized that the policy would greatly benefit the United States and take away the power that European nations had accumulated. Thus, they were reluctant to accept this policy. (they didn't want to) In 1899, a group of Chinese martial artists led the _________ Rebellion. This violent uprising against __________ influence in China was put down two months later. By then, however, more than 200 foreigners had been killed. Not wanting another bloody rebellion, E__________ powers then accepted the __________ Door Policy. The policy respected China's borders and vowed to maintain its independence.

trade, Europe, strong, Japan, Chinese, China, European, European, trade, equal, Open, China, China, Boxer, foreign, European, Open

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