322- Chapter 11- Daily Operations and Safety

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This term is defined as reducing the level or intensity. -Depreciate -Discrepancy -Initiative -De-escalating

De-escalating- De-escalating is defined as reducing the level or intensity; bringing down a person's anger or elevated emotions.

Patient sign-in sheets or schedules are used to account for patients. This is part of what critical element of an emergency response plan? -Methods to report a fire and other emergencies -Evacuation policy and procedure -Critical shutdown procedures -Rescue and medical duties -Emergency escape/exit routes and procedures

Evacuation policy and procedure- Patient sign-in sheets or schedules are used to account for patients. This is part of the evacuation policy and procedure critical element of an emergency response plan.

An example of a man-made emergency event is a communicable disease, which is considered a biological hazard.

False- Biological hazards (e.g., food borne illnesses and communicable disease) are natural emergency events.

Companies that use automated inventory control systems hand count their inventory at least twice a year.

False- Many businesses that use automated inventory control systems hand count their inventory at least once a year. Usually this is done around the close of the business year.

Buying cycle is defined as the point at which low inventory requires the product to be ordered.

False- Reorder point—Point at which low inventory requires the product to be ordered.

What is not considered a natural event? -Tsunami -Fire -Volcano -Tornado -Foodborne illness

Fire- A fire is considered a human caused, accidental event.

What is the main reason for acute back injuries? -Reaching, twisting, or bending when lifting -Lifting items too heavy for the back to support -Bad body mechanics when lifting -Poor footing or constrained posture

Lifting items too heavy for the back to support- Back injuries are one of the most common injuries. They can result from microtrauma related to repetitive activity over time or from one traumatic experience. Reasons for back injuries include the following:· Improper lifting or lifting items too heavy for the back to support· Reaching, twisting, or bending when lifting· Bad body mechanics when lifting, pushing, pulling, or carrying items· Poor footing or constrained posture

This type of evacuation involves moving one or more people out of immediate danger. -Shelter-in-place evacuation -Local evacuation -Horizontal evacuation -Vertical evacuation -Building evacuation

Local evacuation- Local evacuation involves moving one or more people out of immediate danger (e.g., evacuate a patient out of an exam room where a chemical spill occurred).

For equipment inventory, which of the following should be kept at a central location, available to all users? -Maintenance log -Service provider contact information -Warranty information -Operations manual

Operations manual- The owner's or operation manual and warranty information should be kept at a central location and available to users.

What is the correct order of steps to take when a large fire occurs? -Activate, extinguish, evacuate, confine -Rescue, evacuate, activate, confine -Confine, rescue, extinguish, activate -Rescue, activate, confirm, extinguish -Rescue, activate, confine, evacuate

Rescue, activate, confine, evacuate- Rescue: Rescue individuals threatened by the fire. Activate: Activate the alarm if you discover the fire, or respond if you hear the alarm. Confine: Confine the fire by closing doors and fire doors to slow the spread of the fire. Extinguish: Extinguish only the small fires; otherwise evacuate individuals from the area.

____________ is money owed by a company to other companies for services and goods. -Accounts billable -Accounts payable -Purchase orders -Packing slips

Accounts payable- Accounts payable is money owed by a company to other companies for services and goods; pertains to paying the facility's bills.

How often should the crash cart be inventoried? -Weekly -After each use -Monthly -Twice a year -After each use and monthly

After each use and monthly- The crash cart and other emergency supplies need to be inventoried monthly and after each use.

What is involved with cleaning up the reception area? -Disinfect toys -Neatly arrange the magazine -Remove garbage and unsolicited advertisement -All are correct

All are correct- Clean up the reception area (neatly arrange the magazines, disinfect toys, and remove garbage and unsolicited advertisements). Turn off the lights, television, stereo, and other devices.

What is a strategy to secure the environment? -Physical barriers -Bright, effective lighting and accessible exits -Closed-circuit video -Secure work area for those working alone -All are correct

All are correct- Physical barriers (e.g., locked doors, enclosures, bullet-proof windows, security guards); bright, effective lighting and accessible exits; closed-circuit video (inside and outside of the building); de-escalating areas for patients and visitors; and secure work area for those working alone.

How can the medical assistant prevent fires? -Ensure power strips are not overloaded. -Turn off equipment that appears to be overheating or malfunctioning. -Follow manufacturers' guidelines when storing potentially flammable chemicals. -Check electrical cords for cracks or fraying. -All are correct

All are correct- The medical assistant can help prevent injuries and fires in a number of ways:· Check electrical cords and plugs for cracks, fraying, or other damage.· Ensure power strips are not overloaded.· Turn off equipment that appears to be overheating or malfunctioning.· Store potentially flammable chemicals and supplies according to the manufacturers' guidelines.· Keep combustibles (e.g., paper, cardboard, cloth, flammable chemicals) away from heat sources.

What is part of the inventory procedure? -Using the supply inventory form, identify how the supply should be counted. -Compare the reorder point number to the stock available number. -Count the number of items in stock. -All are correct

All are correct- Using the supply inventory list, inventory the supplies in the department. Identify how the supply should be counted (e.g., individually, by the box), and count the number of items in stock. Add the number in the appropriate row under the "Stock Available" header. Compare the reorder point number to the stock available number. If the stock available number is at or below the reorder point, indicate that the item needs to be reordered by checking the appropriate column.

What is considered proper body mechanics? -When lifting and carrying heavy items, keep the item directly in front of you to avoid rotating your spine. -Keep your movements smooth. -When reaching for an object, your feet should face the object. -Prevent reaching and straining to get an object. -All are correct

All are correct- When lifting and carrying heavy items, keep the item directly in front of you to avoid rotating your spine. Keep your movements smooth. Jerky or uncoordinated movements increase the risk for injury. When reaching for an object, your feet should face the object. Twisting or turning with a heavy load can cause injury. Prevent reaching and straining to get an object. Clear away barriers, and utilize a firm and level surface (e.g., a step stool) to get close to the object. Avoid standing on tiptoes.

When comparing prices from two different companies, what must be considered? -Shipping and handling charges -Quality and amount of product must be the same -Quantity discounts or price breaks for buying a certain amount -All are correct -Shipping and handling charges and quantity discounts or price breaks for buying a certain amount

All are correct- When you compare prices, consider the following:· Shipping and handling charges· Quality and amount (e.g., 10 per box), as these must be the same among products· Quantity discounts or price breaks for buying a certain amount

What duties should be performed in anticipation of the day at the provider's office? -Turn on the lights in all examination rooms. -Make sure each room is fully stocked with supplies. -Turn on all equipment that will be used throughout the day and make sure it is in working condition -All are correct.

All are correct.- Many duties should be performed to prepare for a day of seeing patients, including turning on the lights in the facility, making sure the rooms are stocked, and turning on equipment that will be used throughout the day.

To check the condition of administrative or clinical equipment certain actions should be taken to ensure they are in working order and won't cause injury to staff or patients. What actions should be taken? -Check electrical cords on equipment for damage -Address any suspected overheating issues -Investigate any unusual noise or change in performance -Clean and maintain equipment routinely in accordance with the operation manual -All of the above should be performed

All of the above should be performed- The medical assistant is responsible for monitoring equipment safety and proper functioning. Routine maintenance helps to ensure the best performance of the equipment. Potential issues should not be overlooked. Actions should be taken to prevent injury to staff or patients and costly damage to the equipment. The medical assistant should do the following:• Check electrical cords on equipment for damage• Address any suspected overheating issues• Investigate any unusual noise or change in performance• Clean and maintain equipment routinely in accordance with the operation manual

An order placed for an item that is temporarily out of stock and will be sent at a later time. -Backordered -Front-ordered -On hold -Circumvented

Backordered- Backordered is an order placed for an item that is temporarily out of stock and will be sent at a later time.

Inventory management involves tracking inventory and identifying the quantity of product to purchase. The goal of inventory management is to have adequate supplies on hand to use in the healthcare facility, yet not have too much stock that will expire or take a long time to use. -Both statements are true. -Both statements are false. -The first statement is true; the second is false. -The first statement is false; the second is true.

Both statements are true.- Inventory management involves ordering, tracking inventory, and identifying the quantity of product to purchase. The goal of inventory management is to have adequate supplies on hand to use in the healthcare facility, yet not have too much stock that will expire or take a long time to use.

What is not a typical payment method for healthcare supply purchases? -Credit card -Debit card -Check -Money order -A line of credit

Debit card- Payment terms may vary among vendors. Payment methods may include credit card, check, money order, or a line of credit.

A lack of similarity between what is stated and what is found; for instance, the computer inventory count is different than the physical count. -Error -Discrepancy -Outsource -Circumvention

Discrepancy- A discrepancy is a lack of similarity between what is stated and what is found; for instance, the computer inventory count is different than the physical count.

What is not a critical element of an emergency response plan? -Methods to report a fire and other emergencies -Evacuation policy and procedure -Critical shutdown procedures -Hazards in the workplace -Rescue and medical duties

Hazards in the workplace- Critical element of an emergency response plan includes: methods to report a fire and other emergencies, evacuation policy and procedure, critical shutdown procedures, emergency escape/exit routes and procedure, rescue and medical duties, and who to contact for additional information.

For practices that do not use e-prescribing, where should extra prescription pads be stored? -In the exam room -In the provider's pocket -In a locked cabinet -Any are correct

In a locked cabinet- For practices that do not use e-prescribing, prescription pads should not remain in exam rooms. The provider should keep a pad in his or her pocket, and the extra prescription pads should be stored in a locked cabinet. Prescription pads should never be accessible to patients, as some might take the pads and try to forge a prescription, which is illegal.

What are billing statements that list the amount owed for goods or services purchased? -Packing slips -Backorders -Invoices -Purchase orders

Invoices- Invoices are billing statements that list the amount owed for goods or services purchased.

What must be done when vaccines are stored in a refrigerator? -The ideal temperature for refrigerated vaccines is 10°F to 36°F. -Store vaccines on the top shelf and door. -Food must be placed below the vaccines. -Make sure the door is closed. -All are correct

Make sure the door is closed.- The ideal temperature for refrigerated vaccines is 36°F to 46°F. Do not store vaccines next to the wall, top shelf, door, or floor of the refrigerator. Do not put food or beverages in the vaccine storage refrigerator. Make sure the door is closed.

For which of the following products must a physician authorize the order and provide a copy of his or her DEA registration? -Sterile solutions -Medications -Needles -Narcotics

Narcotics- If the medical assistant is ordering narcotics, the physician must authorize the order and provide a copy of his or her drug enforcement administration (DEA) registration. In some states, ordering sterile solutions (e.g., IV bags, normal saline vials), medications, and needles requires the provider's license number.

What is not considered evacuation priorities? -People in immediate danger -People located on the same floor as the emergency -Staff -Nonambulatory people -Ambulatory people

Staff- Staff must help with evacuations. Priorities include: people in immediate danger, people located on the same floor as the emergency, people on the floor above and below the emergency, people on the rest of the floors, ambulatory people, and nonambulatory people.

When using a typical fire extinguisher, what is not a step? -Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire. -Sweep the nozzle from side to side of the fire. -Sweep the nozzle from the top to the base of the fire. -Pull the pin. -Squeeze the handle to release the extinguisher agent.

Sweep the nozzle from the top to the base of the fire.- Pull: Pull the pin. Aim: Aim the nozzle or hose at the base of the fire. Squeeze: Squeeze the handle to release the extinguishing agent. Sweep: Sweep the nozzle or hose from side to side at the base of the fire until the fire is out.

Who is responsible for quality-control tests on equipment at the beginning of the day? -The provider -The administrative medical assistant -The supervisor -The clinical medical assistant

The clinical medical assistant- The clinical medical assistant must perform quality-control tests on laboratory equipment.

What is the purpose of routine maintenance of clinical and administrative equipment? -To identify when the equipment needs to be replaced -For infection control purposes -To fulfill the warranty guidelines until the equipment no longer works -To help to ensure the best performance of the equipment

To help to ensure the best performance of the equipment- The medical assistant is responsible for monitoring equipment safety and proper functioning. Routine maintenance helps to ensure the best performance of the equipment. Potential issues should not be overlooked.

Poor footing, bad body mechanics when lifting, and improper lift can cause back injuries.

True- Reasons for back injuries include the following:· Improper lifting or lifting items too heavy for the back to support· Reaching, twisting, or bending when lifting· Bad body mechanics when lifting, pushing, pulling, or carrying items· Poor footing or constrained posture

Purchase order numbers are used as a reference by both the vendor and the healthcare facility if questions come up.

True- Some medical facilities use purchase order (PO) numbers, giving each order a unique reference number. This PO number should be included on the order sheets, added to the online information, or provided during the phone order. Vendors add the PO number to the order's documentation (i.e., packing slip and statement). This way both parties can use it as a reference if questions come up. The healthcare facility uses the purchase order number to track the order.

Routine maintenance helps to ensure the best performance of the equipment. This action should be performed on a regular basis.

True- The medical assistant is responsible for monitoring equipment safety and proper functioning. Routine maintenance helps to ensure the best performance of the equipment. Potential issues should not be overlooked. Actions should be taken to prevent injury to staff or patients and costly damage to the equipment.

This type of evacuation involves evacuating people who are located on the floors above and below the situation. -Shelter-in-place evacuation -Local evacuation -Horizontal evacuation -Vertical evacuation -Building evacuation

Vertical evacuation- Vertical evacuation involves evacuating people who are located on the floors above and below the situation.

Inventories of computer hardware, calculators, and copiers for tax purposes are: -deducted as a practice expense for the year in which they are purchased. -depreciated over 2 years. -depreciated over 5 years. -depreciated over 7 years.

depreciated over 5 years.- Computer hardware, calculators, and copiers are considered larger office equipment and depreciate over 5 years. Small equipment (e.g., thermometers, glucose monitors) is deducted as a practice expense for the year in which it is purchased. Office furniture (e.g., desks, files, safes, exam tables) depreciates over 7 years.

When new stock is added, it should be placed: -at the front. -in the middle. -in the back. -wherever it will fit.

in the back.- New stock should be placed at the back so that older stock is used first or before expiration dates.

Common items that criminals look for in healthcare facilities include: -checkbooks. -narcotics and cash. -checks and over-the-counter meds. -over-the-counter meds and cash.

narcotics and cash.- Medical facilities can be a target for those wanting to steal money, narcotic medications, and prescription pads.

When a medical assistant unpacks an order that arrives, the _______ should be compared to the items in the package. -purchase order -invoice -copy of the order form -packing slip

packing slip- When an order arrives, remove the packing slip from the box. Compare the items in the package to the packing slip.

The reorder point for an item is calculated based on: -the number used per day. -the number of days it takes to order and receive the product. -the number in current inventory. -the number used per day and the number of days it takes to order and receive the product. -All are correct

the number used per day and the number of days it takes to order and receive the product.- The reorder point for an item can be calculated based on the number used per day and the number of days it takes to order and receive the product. The reorder point for medical and administrative supplies can be different for each item due to the usage rate and the time it takes to receive the item after it is ordered.

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