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All maintenance activities shall be coordinated with who prior to start and completion of work on any fuel system.

Fuels Service Center (FSC)

When fuel tanks are being prepared for cleaning or maintenance, who will remove fuel to the lowest point possible utilizing the installed pumping system or by gravity flow.

Fuels personnel

Storage tanks present what due to their large size.

Greater electrostatic hazards

Flow will be observed until the fuel level is at least how many feet above the opening of the downspout.

1 foot

Pumps installed for issuing gasoline from military service stations or organizational issue tanks must have flow restrictors installed to limit flow rates to maximum of how many gallons per minute.

10 gallons per minute

Ensure the product saver tank is capable of holding the saver line displacement plus an additional of how many gallons of liquid.

20 additional gallons of liquid

Ensure a hydrant system pumphouse/manifold vi- sual inspection is completed to verify the DP and ensure there are no leaks, weeps, or seeps within how many minutes from the start of a servicing operation, and at least once every how many hours thereafter while the system is being utilized.

20 minutes/1 hour

Begin filling at an initial rate not to exceed how many feet per second.

3 feet per second

The fuel velocity shall not exceed how many feet per second fuel flow through the piping until the liquid level is how many feet above the inlet level.

3 feet per second/1 foot

Ensure a hydrant system pumphouse/manifold vi- sual inspection is completed every how many hours when the system is not being utilized to verify there are no leaks, weeps, or seeps.

3 hours

A minimum waiting time of how many minutes after completion of fuel receipts, transfers, or movements is required before insertion of any object into storage tanks.

30 minutes

During the last amount of how many minutes of transfer, should the operators shall be present at the tanks.

30 minutes

Minor deviation in frequency of tank inspection because of nonavailability of tank cleaning personnel or a Bio-Environmental Engineer, receipt prob- lems, etc., are permitted for up to how many days.

45 days

Place danger signs at least how many feet from tank trucks/ cars prior to the beginning of off-loading operations.

50 feet

When practical, danger signs will be posted how many feet from dike areas, tank vents, low point drains, and lateral control pits.

50 feet

What strainers will be used on fillstand single point nozzles.

60 mesh strainers

What error in gauging can represent from a few to hundreds of gallons of fuel.

A 1/16" error

What form may be used provided the form does not take away from the intent of the AFTO Form 39.

A locally developed AFTO Form 39

For locations with more than one grade of aviation fuel, the use of what is mandatory.

A locking control system for bottom loading refueling units

Operation of the product saver tank system and water drain system will be constantly attended by who to prevent overfilling.

A qualified fuels operator and/or Water Fuel System Maintenance (WFSM) personnel

Who will be positioned on top of the vehicle to ensure refueling vehicle is not overfilled.

A refueling unit operator

All the internal combustion engines must conform to AS 488 or AS 924 and must be equipped with what.

A spark arresting exhaust system, shielded ignition system, and to- tally enclosed spark plug (aircraft engine type) with screw cap.

When gauging tanks, what will be applied to the lower 3" of the weighted bob

A thin coat of water-finding paste

Apply a what to the numbered side of the gauge tape approximately how many inches above and how many inches below the estimated product depth.

A thin fuel-finding paste/3" above and below

Training will be documented on the what or equivalent commercial document for contractor personnel.

AF Form 55

Any deficiency that presents potential hazards to the environment, or safety of operation and personnel will be considered adequate justification for placing the system out of service utilizing what form.

AF Form 979 (Danger Tag)

An approved waiver will be obtained from who prior to performing fuel top loading operations.

AFPET Current and Future Operations Division and the Base Safety Office

Periods exceeding 45 days must be coordinated with who as applicable and approved by who.

AFPET Current and Future Operations or NGB/A4RMF and approved by AFIMSC Fuels Engineer

Annotate the Controllers Log with discrepancies and ensure the Fuels Expediter or appointed individual annotates what form.

AFTO Form 39

Base fuel systems will be inspected using what form.

AFTO Form 39

Deficiencies will be recorded on what form.

AFTO Form 39

Only those items that affect fuel system operations, product quality, or safety will be recorded on what form.

AFTO Form 39

What form may be kept on file longer than 3 years if required to support more stringent environmental mandates.

AFTO Form 39

What form provides a monthly record of system inspections and maintenance actions.

AFTO Form 39

What shall not be used to remove product from underground tanks because of possible pump damage.

Aircraft refuelers

Controllers will acknowledge all alarms via what screen and dispatch a quali- fied operator to verify the alarm does not present the possibility of a system leak or malfunction.

Alarm Summary

Maintenance and operation of oil/water separators is the responsibility of who.


Specific operating procedures applicable to the installed fuels facility will be provided by the.


Who will provide procedures and checklists to ensure the 3 feet per second is maintained.


Residual fuel or sludge will be removed by the tank cleaning crew assigned by who.

BCE or contract

Upon completion, the entire operation will be transferred to who, who will remove any recoverable fuel IAW applicable directives.

BCE/Contract personnel

Adequate fire protection shall be provided and properly located as determined by the.

Base Fire Chief

No grounding/bonding is required for railroad tank cars if the spur tracks are what.

Bonded together/grounded or electrically isolated from the main line as determined by BCE Electric Shop personnel

If rubber containers are used, what is not required.


What refuelers are authorized for pumping under- ground tanks.


What will have a functional double locking device, safety wired with a minimal four strand wraps, or secured with nylon cable ties.

Cam and groove couplers (if required by TO on portable fuel systems, i.e. FSE)

Communication devices in hazardous areas must be suitable for use in what areas.

Class I, Division 1, Group D areas

If product is what, drain into a bowser or collection tank and con- tinue the product saver tank fill/drain process until the product becomes clear in appearance.


Ensure grade, quantity, and seal numbers (if applicable) agree with what form.

DD Form 250, Bill of Lading, or contractor delivery ticket

What couplers will be used for bottom loading of ground fuels.

Dry-break couplers

Pumps may be driven by what.

Electric motors, air, or internal combustion engines

Monitor system flow rates and tank levels during operation with who.

FMD operate

Where one grade of AV- GAS and one grade of jet fuel is handled at the base, who will assure a positive control method is in effect to prevent commingling of fuel.


Who may authorize refueler engines to remain running during fillstand operations in extreme cold temperatures in order to prevent restarting issues.


Who must be familiar with tank inspection and cleaning requirements.


Who must have strict written procedures defining when the system override can be used and identifying the appropriate approval authority.


Who must physically test the servicing controls to ensure products cannot be commingled.


Who will determine the specific type of coupler used for each product.


Who will inform the Squadron Commander, AFPET Current and Future Operations Division or NGB/A4RMF as applicable, and affected agencies of any deficiency which compromises accomplishment of the mission.


Who will report all deficiencies to the BCE.


The completed AFTO Form 39 will be re- tained by who for a period of how many years IAW AFI 33-322, Records Management Program.

FMT/3 years

Who will coordinate with who to ensure leak detection systems are in place that comply with federal, state, and local environmental requirements.

FMT/BCE and the Base Environmental Manager

Perform water removal via product saver operations, on what fuel tanks only.

For aviation fuel tanks only

When will the 2-inch dry break type coupler will be used.

For unleaded Mogas

Receiving simultaneously into multiple (i.e. mani- fold) storage tanks is not authorized, unless all tanks are equipped with what.

Independent high level alarms and high level automatic shutoff valves

What should change illumination to red when unit is filled.

Intelli-trol® Main Status Indicator

Verify the what, is turned on and operating by verifying the LED lights.

Intellicheck 2

The use of what for pumping petroleum products is prohibited.

Internal combustion engine driven reciprocating or open-diaphragm pumps (Mud Hog)

These signs should be what and visible to approaching personnel.

Low profile

What used to support both vehicle fleets and tank truck loading operations are required to have separate installed pumps for tank truck load- ing operations.

Military service station tanks

A1B trailers and skid POD tanks are examples of what.

Mobile organizational tanks

What is authorized provided the servicing equipment has an automatic pressure control valve with a deadman control or a pit con- trol valve with a deadman control at the hydrant outlet.

Multiple refueling (hot or cold)

Danger signs for bulk fuel storage areas will be worded what.


When practical, danger signs will be posted 50 feet from dike areas, tank vents, low point drains, and lateral control pits. Signs will be worded what.


Signs are not required when.

Off-loading at the base service station or within posted secured areas

What are real property.

Oil/water separators

In the circumstances where the base is closed, i.e. holidays, weather or natural disasters, inspections will be accomplished when.

On the first day it is operated

What must be performed during the physi- cal calendar period: weekly every seven days, monthly every 31 days, quarterly every 92 days, semiannually 180 days and annually 365 days.

Operational inspections

What are exempt from bottom loading requirements.

Organization tanks

Failure to observe visual flow indicators could result in what.

Over heating and damage to off-loading pumps

Upon completion of an operation, monitor what, to ensure system is counting down to close the Back Pressure Control Valve (BPCV).

Pumphouse Startup Status

When checking Scully Intellitrol Status, what should be on.

Red (Non-Permissive) Main Indicator Light, Standby Light (when VIP is active) and Dynacheck Indicator should be on

Viewing Scully Intellitrol at fillstand what should be lighted.

Red Main Status Indicator should change illumination from Red to Green (Permissive). Main Status Indicator, Vehicle Identification Authorized and Communication Vehicle indicators should be lighted

Who will maintain constant visual and verbal contact with fillstand operator.

Refueling vehicle operator

In order to maintain quality control of the system, what from a tank will not be removed through the manifold/transfer lines.

Residual fuel or sludge

If two grades of diesel are handled, the couplers will be what; i.e., diesel fuel unit will have a male fitting with a female fitting on the fill-stand.


What will be programmed with the appropriate corresponding grade and refueling unit TIM number.

Scully Intellitrol systems on ground product fillstands

What operations from the same tank are not authorized.

Simultaneous issue and receipt operations

What are used to manually gauge tanks and are graduated into inches and sixteenth of an inch.

Tape and bobs

A steam jet, hot water, or hot cloth may be used to what.

Thaw frozen valves

Where more than one grade of jet fuel is handled at a base, what may be used and a lock control system for the refueler bottom loader control is required.

The 3" dry break coupler

What includes a hydrocarbon detection system in the pump house.

The HEMI system

What is the point at which the fuel finding paste changes colors, or dissolves, and washes off the tape and the water finding paste changes color.

The cut

Who will direct refueler operator in positioning the vehicle to prevent stress on components during the fuel transfer.

The storage operator

Unlock what valves to allow flow into product saver tank.

The water draw-off valve and position valves

When training controllers, bases utilizing what type of pump houses with the HEMI in the Fuels Service Center will use the approved lesson plan maintained on AFPET's Sharepoint page.

Type III, IV

What pump houses at bases where the FSC is equipped with the FuelsManager® Defense (FMD) Hydrant Equipment Monitoring Interface (HEMI) installed in the pump house, and an operable PUMP ON indicator light and emergency shutoff switch in the FSC do not need to be manned while the system is in automatic mode.

Type III, IV, V

What are not used to determine fuel quality.

Visual flow indicators

What will be installed on off-loading headers.

Visual flow indicators

Product saver tank systems can remain full of fuel upon completion of water draining operations when.

When preventing lines from freezing and becoming inoperative at northern tier locations

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