378 EXAM
Examples of business operation issues for codes of conduct in the meetings and events industry include
A and B
Scheduling events with consideration for religious festivals and holy days has the following benefits:
A and B
Examples of faith-based dietary requirements include:
A and B only
The what dimension of the event ecosystem
A and C
The Hamlet decision refers to
B and C
The circular economy is a term referring to
a closed-loop approach that mimics natural systems
The term decision point refers to
a point in time where a decision must be made based on evaluation of alternatives and a balance between people, planet, and profit
Labor practice considerations for the meetings and events industry include
all of the others
The Copenhagen Sustainable Meetings Protocol:
all of the others
What is suitcasing?
business is solicited by non exhibitors at or around the convention center or by exhibitors and sponsors in non designated areas
An organization offering or accepting undisclosed commissions is an example of which of the following categories?
buying influence or engaging in conflicts of interest
Social return on investment:
calculates the monetary value of social impact by measuring inputs, outputs, outcomes, and impact
The overlap between environmental protection and economic efficiency is referred to as:
The overlap between environmental protection and social justice is referred to as:
environmental justice
Which of the following is true when sourcing food and beverage?
event professionals should look at what it is, how it was grown, and how it was transported before making a decision
Gift exchanges are never acceptable between buyers and suppliers.
Shared value and existing meetings industry ROI methodology are incompatible.
The Volunteer Functions Inventory is a tool for scheduling volunteer roles at a meeting or event.
The sustainability hierarchy ranks event venues according to the triple bottom line.
Shared value:
is a new form of business model that seeks to achieve economic prosperity over the long term through the creation of value and a positive contribution to broader social issues
What is meant by the geographic context?
issues specific to the meeting or event destination, such as a shortage of water
The elements of the MAUDE framework for socially responsible events are:
meaningful, aligned, unique skills, destination specific, and engaging
Inspiring post-event sustainable behavior is an example of?
meetings and events as catalysts
Reducing an event's carbon footprint is an example of?
meetings and events as conservers
Organizing a tree-planting project for an event is an example of?
meetings and events as creators
What are the four broad areas of meetings and events industry ethical dilemmas?
planner/supplier relationships, employer/employee relationships, attendee issues and the impact on society and the environment
Cluster CSR:
refers to the banding together of organizations to benefit their businesses and address issues important to the market and to society
The how dimension of the event ecosystem
refers to the sustainability aspects of service providers for meetings and events
The term systems view means
the process of understanding how specific event elements relate to one another
What is the expression "giving back" used to represent?
transactional CSR
What is the expression "changing society" used to represent?
transformational CSR
What is the expression "building bridges" used to represent?
transitional CSR
CSR initiatives can broadly be categorized as internal business process improvements and external outreach programs.
Commissions should be disclosed.
In the where dimension of the ecosystem model, the first decision to be made is whether or not to use technology.
Strategic corporate social responsibility is an idea that links organizational strategy and objectives with the needs of the community for the benefit of both.
The GBS Codex Principles are a collection of widely endorsed conduct guidelines.
The fourth pillar of sustainability is culture.
The three elements of the framework for strategic CSR initiatives for meetings and events are: identification; design and implementation; and extension and legacy.
The why dimension of the event ecosystem is a decision about how events are driven by organizational needs and objectives.
Your supplier selection policies have the potential to influence ethical behavior.