4.0-4.5 First Global Age Review

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Agricultural practices in the Americas changed with the introduction of new animals and plants through the Columbian Exchange. Which of the following changed indigenous agricultural practices the most?

Horses and cattle

Why were horses so important to the Comanche Empire? Choose the best answer.

Horses became the main focus of trade for the Comanches because they could carry people and goods so much faster and farther.

What Incan system did the Spanish adopt in an effort to fuel their mercantilist economic system?

Mita, a structured labor system

Jan Coen was an accountant, military leader, and major force in Dutch trading. He changed the goals of the Dutch East India Company from straightforward trade to what?

Monopoly on the shipping and production of spices through military force

Which of the following was the result of mass cultivation of cash crops in the Americas?

More monoculture

Slavery was an economic endeavor, but those running the system rationalized it with which of the following? Choose the best answer.

Religion and science

Which of the following describes the formation of the Aztec Empire?

Several independent city states in the region came together, both through alliance and conquest.

After Europeans first arrived in the Americas, there was one American resource they traded more and more of with China, as a way to buy luxury items for Europeans. What was that American resource?


What economic challenge did the Spanish Empire face due to their massive import of silver from the Americas between the 16th and 18th centuries?

Skyrocketing inflation

How were the Mongols involved with the spread of the Black Death?

The Mongols opened up trade paths, which brought infected fleas on rats to Europe.

What was the Mongol policy about religious freedom?

The Mongols were tolerant of different religions.

How did the Spanish colonizers relate to the Comanche?

The Spanish saw the Comanche as a problem.

What was one outcome of the Western European trading fairs, which were designed to make trade go more efficiently?

The formation of early companies

What is one reason indigenous peoples were forced to work in the mines of South America, as opposed to African slaves who worked the plantations to the north?

The indigenous people were adapted to high altitudes.

Who were considered the hidden victims in the Transatlantic Slave Trade that are often overlooked and not discussed?

The individuals and families left behind

What aspect of the Dutch East India Company's operations was unique and unlike that of its competitors, the British East India Company?

The initial capital invested was seen as long-term investment.

In the Philippines, what made the capital of the tiny state of Tondo - later the huge city of Manila - so profitable for the Spanish conquistadors who captured the region in the late sixteenth century?

The location was a perfect place to trade with the Chinese.

For North Americans in Era 5, what was one of the many advantages of living - and organizing networks of exchange - along river valleys and basins?

The soil was great for farming.

Prior to the Columbian Exchange, what was predominantly used for long-distance transportation by indigenous Americans?

Their feet

How did Afro-Euroasian diseases such as cholera, malaria, and smallpox affect indigenous communities in the Americas?

These diseases were extremely deadly to indigenous Americans, and as a result their population was severely reduced.

As he conquered different societies, Genghis Khan included lower classes into his community and promoted people to positions of power based on merit. What did these two factors help him do?

These two factors helped promote his religion to people of all classes.

How did joint-stock companies provide a solution for the high risk associated with international trade (and eventually colonialism)?

They allowed investors to share the risk.

How did the Mongol Empire affect trade and exchange across Eurasia?

They created a huge, safe, integrated trade zone that made it easier to trade.

What role did joint-stock companies play in colonization during the Age of Exploration and after?

They funded colonizing projects and performed colonial administration on the behalf of European governments.

What do the Comanche and the Mongols have in common?

They were both nomadic societies.

What best explains why Ghanaian laborers dropped goods off of canoes?

They were resisting colonial power by diverting resources.

The Dutch East India Company was seen as practically a country but without any of the responsibilities of government nor accountability to the people it governed. What then was its main goal?

To make money

What crop did Europeans "discover" in the Americas that became both popular and destructive in Afro-Eurasia?


While Europeans brought multiple diseases to the Americas, what disease was brought back to Europe from the Americas?

Venereal Syphilis

After the abolition of the slave trade, what kind of transatlantic migration became predominant?

Voluntary migration

Other than trade, what is the most common way diseases traveled prior to the sixteenth century?


What negative effects on the American ecosystem were directly caused by the introduction of European crops and animals?

Whole habitats and indigenous plant species were killed off or badly damaged.

In the years following the tragic Black Death, what was one of the more positive results?

Workers were more highly valued because they were in short supply.

In 1348, an observer named Abu Hafs Umar ibn al-Wari wrote of the plague: "...it has been current for fifteen years." To a historian, what is this an example of?

A primary source

How did Europeans directly contribute to the deaths of millions of indigenous Americans?

They introduced disease.

How did sugar plantations negatively affect indigenous populations in America?

They introduced new disease and displaced indigenous people.

In Era 5, what protected the Aztec Empire's central authority from its people rebelling?

They ruled by fear and maintained a rigid social hierarchy.

How did plantation owners keep costs low and profits high?

They utilized enslavement at the expense of freedom.

What appeal did the Americas have for Spanish aristocrats?

Agricultural profits and the promise of gold

Which of the following best describes a "tributary empire" such as the Aztec?

An empire where surrounding states pay tribute (a form of taxation) to the empire to maintain their alliance

How did Mongol migration patterns affect their production and distribution?

As pastoralists, they were more likely to share the few resources they had, rather than trade with others.

In what way was the rise of Islam related to the global network of trade known as the Silk Road?

Baghdad was an intellectual hub, and because it was connected to the Silk Road, knowledge that accumulated there was easily spread by merchants along the trading network.

Why does the relationship between capitalism and slavery have meaning today?

Because there is still debate over whether there should be reparations and whether capitalism should be credited with liberating people.

What new way of dealing with money did European banks develop - based on technology from Asia - that helped merchants move money over long distances?

Bills of exchange

What change in the Chinese economy in the 16th century altered the production of goods and hurt both Chinese and Spanish economies?

Changes in how taxes were paid

How did the Transatlantic Slave Trade affect Ghana's court systems?

Courts could send felons to be sold into slavery.

Archaeologists have found Mesopotamian tablets that have financial contracts carved into them describing how much barley must be paid back. What financial innovation does this demonstrate?

Credit and interest

Oldulah Equiano referred to the white men on the ship as which of the following?


Which of the following best describes an outcome of the Columbian Exchange?

Decreased economic activity

What was an effect of the Atlantic slave trade on Africa?

Demographic shifts

Why would historians describe the Black Death, the Great Dying, and the Atlantic slaving system as "demographic events"?

Each event significantly changed the number of people living in certain regions.

In an effort to control the production of spices, the Dutch attempted to remove the indigenous people of Banda island and replace them with slaves and indentured servants. What would this be called?

Ethnic cleansing

The Dutch East India Company was unique from other trading companies in that it was sponsored by the Dutch government. What benefits did the company reap from this?

Financial and military backup as well as no competition

What rights did free people of African descent have that enslaved individuals did not?

Free individuals were not forced laborers.

What were Ghanaians options when trying to avoid enslavement?

Ghanaians could run away from their homes or become slave traders themselves.

How did governments oppress free individuals of African descent?

Governments passed laws that limited the freedoms and rights of those with African descent.

What were some of the environmental benefits of the epidemics in the Americas post-European migration?

Growing forests and repopulation of hunted animals

What aspect of the slave trade aligned heavily with the goals of capitalism?

Higher profits

What two empires in the Americas came to an end once the Columbian Exchange began?

Inca and Aztec

Fibonacci travelled and gathered mathematical knowledge, like fractions, decimals and a zero-based numeral system that revolutionized European economic systems. Where did this knowledge originate?

India and the Middle East

Why were the diseases introduced from migrating Europeans so deadly to indigenous communities?

Indigenous communities lacked immunity to unfamiliar diseases.

What is the name and likely purpose of this pre-Columbian artifact made up of strings and knots?

It is a quipu, used by Incas as a form of record-keeping.

What was the devshirme system?

It was a system for conscripting boys to become enslaved soldiers.

There are many well-known, massive trade routes throughout history. In what way was the Columbian Exchange a "first"?

It was the first sustained connection of the Americas and Afro-Eurasia.

Of the material provided for this lesson, what is an example of a primary source indicating that a particular religious prejudice was made worse during the Black Death.

Jewish people were falsely accused of deliberately spreading the disease, and many were executed as a result.

What were lorries, and how did they help Ghanaians control trade?

Lorries were trucks that Ghanaians used to direct trade instead of the British-built railways.

The goods exchanged along the Silk Road in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries were mostly of what type?

Luxury items

With the Columbian Exchange, people, things, and ideas moved along expanded ___________, mixing together to create new knowledge systems. What is the best word to fill the blank?


Which of the following answers describes the most significant feature of what we call "the first global age"? Choose the best answer.

New exposure to ideas from far around the world

In addition to tribute, what was one unusual but effective way that the Inca required a contribution from its people, similar to a tax?

People were required to work as laborers on construction or other projects for a portion of each year.

With the rise in demand for cash crops, what kind of farming became increasingly popular during the Columbian Exchange?

Plantation farming

In the centuries following the start of the Columbian Exchange, why did the Atlantic slave trade grow and thrive as much as it did?

Plantations growing sugar, cotton, and other crops made huge profits on the backs of unpaid slave laborers.

After the Columbian Exchange, what American plant became a staple crop in Afro-Eurasia?


When discussing the importance of sugar, tobacco, and silver in this era, all three of our frames matter. But which frame would a good historian find most relevant when discussing these goods?

Production and Distribution

What effect did the bubonic plague have on Christianity throughout most of Europe?

Proof that the church could not prevent mass deaths probably led to ideas that shaped the Protestant Reformation.

Plantation owners staffed their fields with enslaved individuals from Africa. These slaves were viewed as which of the following?


Why did Europeans enslave millions of Africans?

Slavery was a critical part of the European economy.

What does historian J.H. Hexter mean when he says most historians are either "lumpers" or "splitters".

Some historians lump together all the information from a period of time to paint one broad picture, while others split things up to look at them separately.

Who or what was ultimately responsible for bringing the Inca and Aztec empires to an end?

Spanish conquistadors

Which groups of crops are examples of cash crops?

Sugar, tobacco, and cotton

Which crop is called the "the poor person's staple" in China, but was not a native plant in Asia despite the belief it was?

Sweet Potatoes

While on the slave ship to the plantations, John Riland, the son of a plantation owner, kept a journal. Which of the following sentiments did he express toward enslaved people?


Why is the Silk Road exchange network relevant when discussing the fourteenth century's devastating bubonic plague?

Thanks to the people, rats, and fleas moving along the Silk Road, the disease spread faster and farther than it would have otherwise.

For much of the early twentieth century, what did almost all historians believe about the relationship between capitalism and slavery?

That slavery was vanquished by capitalism.

What aspect of the early American economy supports the argument that enslaved labor was an inefficient system for the owners of businesses?

That the industrial north was more productive than the south.

How did the Atlantic Slave Trade economically impact Ghana?

The Atlantic Slave Trade hurt Ghana's economy.

What was one unique aspect of Comanche leadership?

The Comanche had many leaders who were democratically elected.

What was the purpose of the Comanche alliance with the Kiowa?

The Comanche needed support in fighting off the Spanish.

What is one reason that Dutch interest rates were significantly lower than that of the British?

The Dutch had a long history of individual investment.

Which of the following statements most accurately identifies these societies with their regions?

The Incas of South America, the Aztecs of Mesoamerica, and the Oasisans of North America.

In what way can the period of peace known as the Pax Mongolia be linked to the spread of the Black Death?

The Mongol Empire worked hard to increase trade over vast distances, and the disease spread along trade routes.

Which ethnic group ruled the major political states in Asia around 1300?

The Mongols

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