Solution and water temperatures while cleaning glassware shall not exceed what.
130° F
What will only be performed when no other options are available.
API gravity
What term is usually used to indicate water which settled out of fuel or which coalesced into large droplets for removal from the system.
Free water
What is generally classified as chemical, microbial, or material.
Fuel contamination
What is the most common solid contaminant.
All re-samples or samples taken while investigat- ing high particulates and/or contamination of any kind shall be taken from where.
The single point nozzle as fuel is being recirculated through the bottom loader.
Leave minimum pressure on the hose and using a clean fuel funnel proceed cautiously to obtain what from the over-the-wing nozzle.
1 gallon sample
If less than one foot is received, a minimum of how many hours settling time is required after receipt.
1 hour
This is to be accomplished by draining approximately how many gallons, stop for how many seconds, drain another 1/3 gallon, stop for 5 seconds, and finally drain the remaining 1/3 gallon.
1/3 gallon & 5 seconds
If this sample fails, soak hose for how long and discard fuel from hose into suitable container. (over-the-wing hose)
10 hours
Samples taken under flow conditions shall require a minimum of how many psi at the sampling point to permit proper flow through the in-line sampler.
10 psi
For each flush, the container shall be closed and shaken for how long and product replaced for the next flush.
10 seconds
Due to variances in chemical properties and additive packages, defuel quantities shall not exceed what percentage of the return tank inventory.
The use of a Teflon or Tygon hose equipped with a male fitting and a what gauge steel or iron internal-bond wire may also be used.
10-25 gauge steel
Exposure to what will cause 3rd degree burn to unprotected skin.
130° F water
After all filter element changes, rotate a minimum of how many gallons of fuel through the filter separator and sample the filter separator
2,000 gallons
Flush the hose with at least how much of fuel using a reclaimable fuel bowser. (over-the-wing adapter)
250 gallons
Drums shall not be stacked more than how many high.
Pressurize the hose with fuel and soak for how long. (over-the-wing hose)
3 hours
Pressurize the hose with fuel and soak hose for how long. (over-the-wing adapter)
3 hours
How do you rinse glassware.
3 times with tape water One final time with distilled or demineralized water
For tanks less than 84,000 gallons, a minimum of how much settling time is required after receipt.
30 minutes
Sample containers (one gallon: metal epoxy lined cans or PVC Coated Safety Bottles) consistently utilized for gravimetric analysis (bottle method) are considered clean after the how many times petroleum ether rinse which occurs during previous gravimetric analysis.
4 times
For temporary and auxiliary locations where a fuels laboratory is not available, substitute color and particle assessment method where bottle method is required, and submit a minimum of two 1 gallon samples representative of fuel being serviced to aircraft every how many days.
45 days
How much time (at a minimum) is required after receipts to allow for accurate inventory and settling of water and particulate matter prior to product issue.
8 hours
Settling time for ground fuel tanks greater than how many gallons is 1 hour per foot of fuel received.
84,000 gallons
Drums may only be sampled using what.
A drum thief or hose
For Tank Trucks (TT) or Tank Cars (TC) with a common discharge manifold, prior to receipt hose connection, draw what sample.
A one quart sample
Where it is difficult to use the in-line sampler, what may be used.
A wire-shielded sample extension hose
Who's approval is required before receiving new product into storage tanks containing JPTS in hold status, and pending laboratory analysis.
Ensure area laboratory submissions are identified in what or on what form as unknown particulate contamination from base level analysis.
AFTAT or on an AFTO 475
Exceptions to this requirement applies to limited quantity samples, such as.
Aircraft crash/incident samples or sump drain samples
What is obtained by submerging a closed sampler to a point near the draw-off level, opening and raising the sampler at a rate which will ensure the sampler is nearly full when emerging from the liquid.
All-Level Sample
Determine the level of water in storage tanks by using what.
An installed ATG equipment or by gauge and plumb bob
Take samples where.
At ground level from the tank discharge line at the inlet side of downstream filtration equipment.
Aviation fuel in Type I and II hydrant systems and pipelines from bulk storage to operating storage or truck fillstands shall be displaced when.
At least every 30 days
When access is restricted, do not draw samples from gauge/sampling hatches on tanks containing what.
Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) equipment
What shall not be used to defuel product collection tanks, pits, or to recover reclaimable, recyclable, or waste petroleum products.
Aviation refuel/defuel vehicles
What is the most common types of strainers.
Basket & cone strainers
What sample is taken from the lowest point of the tank contents.
Bottom sample
Microbial contamination is most effectively controlled how.
By keeping water out of fuel
When converting a C-300/301 or R-11 from one product to another: C-300/301: Fill with how many gallons of the product to loaded, drain, and fill to capacity. R-11: Fill with many gallons and rotate through the bottom loader of the product to loaded, drain, and fill to capacity.
C-300/301: 500 gallons R-11: 1000 gallons
What results from mixing two different types of hydrocarbon fuels or mixing other chemicals with fuel.
Chemical contamination
Do not take samples through the storage tank what.
Clean-out line
What is a single sample consisting of representative samples from more than one storage container.f
Composite Sample
What is a sample taken from a line through which product is flowing containing a representative average of the stream.
Continuous sample
What is in solution with fuel and is always present to some extent.
Dissolved water
What samples are usually taken to check for water, sludge, or scale.
Drain and bottom samples
What samples are taken from a drain line.
Drain sample
Do not sample or gauge storage tanks during what operation or within how many minutes after product receipt to allow static charges to dissipate.
During filling operations or within 30 minutes
For TT/TC without a common discharge manifold (i.e., individual compartments), samples must be taken from where.
Each compartment prior to receipt hose connection
What are treated to repel water, but will not coalesce water from fuel.
What is free water suspended, in fuel as ex- tremely small droplets.
Entrained water
What is removed by the coalescing action of filter separators.
Entrained water
When contamination downstream of aircraft servicing filter separators exceeds what or greater than what, the servicing equipment shall be taken out of service and investigative action performed.
Exceeds 0.5 mg/L or when free water is greater than 10 ppm
What may have adverse effects on materials and components throughout the supply chain and aircraft systems.
Excessive amounts of FAME in jet fuel
Who is responsible for product quality, product recovery, hydrant flushing, bowser control and Differential Pressure (DP) monitoring to enable the delivery of on-specification product.
What refers to a micronic filter vessel containing 1 or more filter elements.
What remove very fine particles from fuel.
What are difficult to detect without the sampling and testing.
Fine particles
Only sample containers used for shipment to an AFPET area lab for specification testing (Receipt Correlation/Aircraft Servicing Quality Surveillance) or new first-time use containers shall be what.
Flushed three times with 10 to 20% of the product being sampled.
What is not dissolved in the fuel.
Free water
If cleaned, clean with what not exceeding how many degrees and dry thorough
Hot fresh water, 135°F (57° C)
The preferred method for sampling an underground tank is what, between the pump and filter separator during flow.
In-line sample
When sampling mobile equipment with what, the mobile equipment must be bonded through the sampler to the 1 gallon recovery can.
In-line sampler
What is the In & Out for Jet A-1.
In: 50-450 Out: 50-450
What is the In & Out for JP8.
In: 50-600 Out:50-700
One-time defuels are not authorized on what fuel grade.
What tanks shall have a full interior epoxy polyamide coating or equivalent coating system per the UFGS for tank interior/exterior coatings.
What will be loaded only in aluminum, stainless steel equipment, or equipment lined with approved epoxy coating.
What sample is taken from the middle of the lower third of the tank contents.
Lower sample
What consists of water, sediment, and other materials.
Material contamination
What results from growth of bacteria and/or fungi in water deposits within fuel systems.
Microbial contamination
What sample is taken from the middle of the tank contents.
Middle sample
ANG units shall route the DLA Form 1960 Disposition Request to who.
NGB/A4RMF staff
Samples taken for visual analysis will be how much.
One quart
The quantity of dissolved water in fuel is small and is measured in what.
Parts per million
Tank product saver tank operations shall be performed when. *When the 8-hour settling time requirement cannot be met*
Prior to receipt, after receipt and prior to issue
What appears as dust, powder, grains, flakes, and stains.
What is the elapsed time the product remains undisturbed or unagitated in a storage tank.
Settling time
All storage tanks shall be programmed for what during the out-of-service American Petroleum Institute (API) 653 tank inspection.
Side Stream Filtration system, ATG and Water Probe installation
Replace all copper weighted beakers (or beakers containing brass, lead, zinc or cobalt) with what.
Stainless Steel Weighted Beakers
What are metal screens installed at selective points in base receiving and dispensing systems for the removal of large solid contaminants.
Who will determine proper disposal procedures for water/FSII concentrations.
The Environmental Coordinator, in coordination with the Base Civil Engineer
Who may authorize the FMT to deviate from the settling time requirement (not applicable to JPTS) when mission parameters prevent an 8-hour settling time.
The amount of dissolved water that can be in fuel depends upon what.
The temperature of the fuel and it's chemical composition
What sample is taken from 6 inches below the surface of the tank contents.
Top sample
What is obtained as a core sample or spot sample from a specific point in a container.
Tube or Thief sample
An all-level sample from a drum can be taken with samplers.
Tube or Thief samplers
Do not use yellow metal samplers with what kind of fuel.
Turbine engine fuels
What sample is taken from the middle of the upper third of the tank contents.
Upper sample
Obtain samples for particulate matter using the what setting with what sampler.
Using the flush setting on the in-line sampler or a straight hose
What will not contain stem packing materials such as graphite.
Valves used in sampling lines
What shall not be maintained in tanks for gauging purposes.
Water bottoms
For locations WITHOUT an operational ATG or a water probe installed in the sump of INACTIVE tanks, operations will be performed when.
Water removal systems shall be operated at a minimum of weekly
For locations WITHOUT an operational ATG or a water probe installed in the sump of RECEIVING tanks, operations will be performed when.
Water removal systems shall be operated before and after receiving operations
For locations WITHOUT an operational ATG or a water probe installed in the sump of ACTIVE tanks, operations will be performed when.
Water removal systems shall be operated on a daily basis prior to any product movement
For locations WITH operational ATG and Water Probe installed in the sump, product recovery/saver operations shall be performed when.
Weekly or more often when there is an indication of water in the sumps
If excessive or abnormal particulate matter is obtained forward the material to who for analysis, and notify AFPET Current Operations.
Wright Patterson Area Laboratory
What metals and metal alloys that have a negative impact on thermal stability shall not be used.
• Copper • Cadmium • Iron • Cobalt • Zinc • Brass • Bronze • Lead