43, collocation- study and learning 3
5, who do we have to give our essays in to?
5 hand our essays in to, give our essays in to
7, who is give today's lecture on Shakespeare?
7, give a lecture on
8, who is do today's lecture on Shakespeare?
8, give a lecture on, do a lecture on
9, in which room is the translation class going to be held?
9 a class is held
2, in which month do students usually take their final exams in your country?
2, take an exam, sit an exam
3, in which month do students usually sit their final exams in your country
3, take an exam, sit an exam
4, who do we have to hand our essays in to?
4, hand our essays in to, give our essays in to
1, what homework to we have to do tonight?
1 do homework
10, have you done the first draft of your essay yet?
10 first draft, final draft
11, do you prefer exams or continuous assessment?
11 continuous assessment
12, do you always go to all your lectures?
12, go to the lectures, attend the lectures
13, does the college provide training in computer skills?
13 provide training, offer training, give trainingư
14 does the college offer training in computer skills?
14, offer training, provide training
15, when do we have to send in our university applications?
15 send in applications
16 when do we have to submit the application?
16 submit application
6, what do we need to do if we want to withdraw from the course?
6, withdraw the course, (leave the course)