4.4 Slide
"Competitors" owned by the same companies
- A partial refund to a consumer who has fulfilled certain requirements after purchasing a good or service - It is estimated that 40-60% of rebates never get redeemed
Skimming Price
- High price designed to emphasize the quality, image, or uniqueness of the product - Can also help to recoup initial manufacturing and startup costs
Advertising allowance
- Money that the manufacturer or service provider pays to a retailer to get the word out about a product - By helping the retailer pay its advertising costs, the company's advertising allowance gives the retailer an incentive to carry that product
Reductions in prices
- Quantity discount - Seasonal discount - Cash discount - Advertising allowance - Coupon - Rebate
Economic Utility
- Refers to usability (and perceived value) to the consumer - This helps to gauge the consumer's level of happiness with a product - Time utility - Place utility - Form utility - Possession utility - Information utility
A price increase will decrease total revenue
A price increase will increase total revenue
Penetration Price
A very low price designed to increase the quantity sold of a product by emphasizing the value
A voucher entitling the holder to a discount off a particular product or service
Possession Utility
Enhances value by allowing for easy use by consumer or transfer of ownership to consumer
Form Utility
Enhances value by creating more useful or desirable products out of raw materials or separate parts
Time Utility
Enhances value by having a product or service available to consumers during a certain time of day, week, month or year
Place Utility
Enhances value by placing products or services in easily accessible locations for consumers
Information Utility
Enhances value by supplying consumers with information
Cash discount
For paying in full up
Seasonal discount
Goods out of season
Quantity discount
Purchasing large amounts
Product life cycle
Refers to the stages through which a product or its category bypass