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part of speech- noun Definition-emotional remoteness Ex.-Psychoanalysts must maintain their professional _________ and stay uninvolved with their patients' personal lives. Synonyms-aloofness; objectivity; distance; disengagement Antonyms: attachment, combination, connection, linkage, merger


Part of speech- Noun Definition- expression of approval Ex. In Hollywood, an "Oscar" is the highest _______ Synonyms- award; praise; honor; tribute Antonyms: insignificance, lowliness, mediocrity, unimportance


Part of speech- adjective Definition- able to see subtle differences (secondary meaning) Ex.- A superb interpreter of Picasso, she was sufficiently ________ to judge the most complex works of modern art. Synonyms- discerning; perceptive; astute Antonyms: uncritical, undiscriminating


Part of speech- adjective Definition- aggressive in verbal attack Ex.- Lexy was a master of ________ rhetoric; she should have worn a T-shirt with the slogan "Born to Debate" Synonyms- disputatious; combative; argumentative; controversial; quarrelsome. Antonyms: affable, amiable, amicable, benevolent, cordial, easygoing, friendly, genial, good-natured, good-tempered.


Part of speech- adjective Definition- appearing to be worth believing (but often not) Ex.- Your mother made you stay home from school because she needed you to program the VCR? I'm sorry, you'll have to come up with a more ________ excuse than that Synonyms- credible;believable; persuasive;specious Antonyms: implausible, improbable, unbelievable, unlikely, unreasonable


Part of speech- adjective Definition- attacking cherished traditions Ex.- Deeply ________, Jean Genet deliberately set out to shock conventional theatergoers with his radical plays Synonyms- irreverent;radical;unconventional;impious Antonyms: godly, religious


Part of speech- adjective Definition- based on assumptions or hypotheses Ex.- Suppose you are accepted by Harvard, Stanford, and Yale. Which one would you attend? Remember, this is only a ________ situation Synonyms- supposed;theoretical;speculative;uncertain Antonyms: calculated, confirmed, factual, measured, proved, proven, real, reliable, truthful


Part of speech- adjective Definition- causing doubt to arise; of doubtful quality Ex.- Many critics of the SAT contend that the test is of ________ worth: they doubt the test accurately predicts which students will succeed in college. Synonyms- questionable;doubtful Antonyms: certain, definite, doubtless, positive, reliable, sure, trustworthy, trusty, undoubtful


Part of speech- adjective Definition- composed of elements drawn from a variety of sources Ex.- The reviewers praised the new restaurant's ________ selection of dishes, which ranged from Asian stir-frys to French ragouts and stews Synonyms- assorted;diverse;heterogeneous Antonyms: incomprehensive, narrow, particular, specific, unvaried


Part of speech- adjective Definition- concerned with the practical worth or impact of something;dealing with facts Ex.- The coming trip to France should provide me with a ________ test of the value of my conversational French class Synonyms- practical;realistic Antonyms: idealistic, unreasonable


Part of speech- adjective Definition- dependent on unknown conditions or circumstances, and therefore dangerous Ex.- Saying the stock would be a ________ investment, Tom advised Michael against purchasing it Synonyms- insecure;unsafe;shaky;risky;dangerous Antonyms: certain, definite, firm, stable, strong, sure, undoubted


Part of speech- adjective Definition- deserving blame Ex.- Shocked by the viciousness of the bombing politicians of every party uniformly condemned the terrorists' ________deed. Synonyms- culpable;blameworthy;disgraceful;wicked Antonyms-creditable, good, kind, respectable


Part of speech- adjective Definition- excessively careful Ex.- Mother was a ________ housekeeper, unwilling to allow a single speck of dirt to mar her perfect home Synonyms- painstaking;scrupulous;fastidious Antonyms: careless, messy, sloppy, undetailed


Part of speech- adjective Definition- excessively wordy; more than needed Ex.- The bottle of wine I brought to Bob's party was certainly ________. How was I to know that he owned a winery? Synonyms- superfluous;unneeded;unnecessary Antonyms-concise, essential, single, singular


Part of speech- adjective Definition- following a system or method Ex.- Decide what you intend to do, and then, rather than taking shortcuts, be ________ in carrying out your plans Synonyms- systematic;orderly Antonyms: chaotic, disorganized


Part of speech- adjective Definition- fond or arguing Ex.- Convinced he knew more than his lawyers, Alan was a ________ client, always ready to argue about the best way to conduct the case Synonyms- argumentative; pugnacious; contentious Antonyms: agreeable, calm, peaceful


Part of speech- adjective Definition- having no significance Ex.- Brushing of Ali's apologies for having broken the wineglass, Tamara said, "Don't worry about it; it's ________." Synonyms- unimportant;insignificant;minor;trivial Antonyms: important, significant


Part of speech- adjective Definition- highly direct and decisive Ex.- Television writer Rod Serling once commented, "It is difficult to produce a television documentary that is both ________ and probing when every twelve minutes one is interrupted by twelve dancing rabbits singing about toilet paper" Synonyms- keen;cutting;acute;sharp Antonyms: incompetent, stupid


Part of speech- adjective Definition- inclined to talk excessively Ex.- Though our daughter barely says a word to use these days, put a cell phone in her hand and you'll see how ________ she can be: our phone bills are out of sight! Synonyms- wordy;chatty;talkative;chattering Antonyms: quiet, restrained, silent, subdued


Part of speech- adjective Definition- lacking a point or sense Ex.- There's no point to what you're saying. Why are you bothering to make such ________ remarks? Synonyms- silly;senseless;empty-headed Antonyms: bright, intelligent, smart


Part of speech- adjective Definition- lacking in spirit or energy Ex.- We had expected the young puppy to be lively and playful, and so his drooping head and ________ manner had us worried Synonyms- languid;spiritless;lethargic;enervated Antonyms: active, alert, attentive, energetic, lively, untired


Part of speech- adjective Definition- logically inconsistent Ex.- Towering over the nearby houses, the McMansion looked wholly ________ in this historic neighborhood of small Craftsman bungalows Synonyms- inappropriate;incompatible;not fitting;absurd Antonyms: compatible, congruous, consistent, corresponding, fitting, harmonious, matched, suitable, uniform


Part of speech- adjective Definition- marked by a lack of activity; temporarily quiet, as if sleeping Ex.- At fifty her long-________ ambition to write flared up once more; within a year she had completed the first of her great historical novels Synonyms- inactive; quiescent;lantent Antonyms: active, lively


Part of speech- adjective Definition- marked by harsh or discordant sound Ex.- Do orchestra students actually enjoy the _________ sounds they make when they are tuning up? How can they stand the racket they make Synonyms- dissonant; jarring; inharmonious Antonyms: quiet


Part of speech- adjective Definition- marked by stinginess and greed Ex.- The ________ old man greedily counted the gold coins he had hoarded over the years Synonyms- mean;tightfisted;penny-pinching;parsimonious Antonyms: generous, giving, liberal


Part of speech- adjective Definition- not essential Ex.- The scholarship covered his major expenses at college and some of his ________ expenses as well Synonyms- minor;secondary


Part of speech- adjective Definition- of the same nature or kind Ex.- Because the student body at their daughter's prep school was so ________, they decided to send her to a school that offered greater cultural diversity Synonyms- uniform;unvarying Antonyms: different, dissimilar, heterogenous


Part of speech- adjective Definition- overflowing with high spirits;showing excitement Ex.- Nothing could repress Amy's ________ nature; she was always bubbling over with enthusiasm Synonyms- exuberant;effervescent;buoyant;lively;high-spirited Antonyms: apathetic, disinterested, unenthusiastic


Part of speech- adjective Definition- positive in asserting one's opinion (especially when it's unwarranted) Ex.- Inflexible and ________, Doug was not a man to be troubled by doubts Synonyms- opinionated; arbitrary;dictatorial;doctrinal Antonyms: amenable, doubting, flexible, indecisive, manageable, obedient, questioning, skeptical, submissive


Part of speech- adjective Definition- pretending to be virtuous Ex.- It was ________ of Martha to compliment me about my poetry and then make fun of my verses behind my back Synonyms- insincere;two-faced;deceitful Antonyms: actual, authentic, forthright, honest, just, real, reliable, righteous, sincere, truthful, upright


Part of speech- adjective Definition- showing ill will Ex.- Jealous of Cinderella's beauty, her ________ stepsisters expressed their spite by forcing her to do menial tasks Synonyms- spiteful;hateful;malevolent Antonyms: benevolent, friendly, good, kind, likeable, sympathetic, thoughtful


Part of speech- adjective Definition- tending to include or take in all Ex.- The comedian turned down the invitation to join the club, joking that any organization that would admit him was too ________ Synonyms- comprehensive;all encompassing Antonyms: exclusive, incomprehensive, narrow


Part of speech- adjective Definition- tending to move or draw apart Ex.- After medical school, the two doctors took widely ________paths, one becoming a wealthy plastic surgeon, the other joining the nonprofit Doctors Without Borders Synonyms- differing;deviating;contrary Antonyms: agreeing, convergent, similar


Part of speech- adjective Definition- terse and to the point Ex.- While other girls might have gone on and on about how uncool Elton was, Liz summed him up in one ________ comment: "He's bogus" Synonyms- concise;succinct;pointed Antonyms: long-winded, verbose, wordy


Part of speech- adjective Definition- very heavy;awkward because of its heaviness;tedious and lacking fluency or grace Ex.- The elephant is ________, his trumpet call most thunderous. He cannot gallop, jump or trot. The reason is he weighs a lot Synonyms- weighty;massive;cumbersome;unwieldy;dull Antonyms: airy, buoyant, delicate, light, unburdensome


Part of speech- adjective Definition-done in a secretive or shifty manner Ex.-Noticing the ________ glance the customer gave the diamond bracelet on the counter, the jeweler wondered whether he had a potential shoplifter in the store. Synonyms-sneaky; secret; surreptitious Antonyms: aboveboard, forthright, honest, open, truthful


Part of speech- adjective Definition-governed by self-interest Ex.-A pragmatic politician, he was guided more by what was ________ than by what was right Synonyms-suitable; practical; politic; advantageous; profitable Antonyms: inappropriate, inexpedient, unbeneficial, unprofitable, unworthwhile


Part of speech- adjective;noun Definition-interested in money or gain Ex.- ________ motives inspired Andy's every deed: his first question was always, "What's in it for me?" Synonyms- venal;avaricious;greedy;monetary Antonyms: generous, unselfish


Part of speech- adverb Definition- in a manner exhibiting a lack of attention Ex.- Judy's great fear was that she might ________ omit a question on the exam and mismark her entire answer sheet Synonyms- unitentionally;negligently;carelessly


Part of speech- noun Definition- (1)final arrangement (2) temperamental makeup or mood Ex.- Dissatisfied with the disposition of his late mother's house; which had been left to his sister, Bart loudly cursed Lisa. He always had a nasty ________ Synonyms- (1) settlement; distribution (2) character; personality; temperament


Part of speech- noun Definition- (1)state of being worthy or noble;(2)perception of a difference Ex.- A holder of the Medal of Honor, George served with great ________ during World War II. However, he made a ________between World War II and Vietnam, which he believed was an immoral war Synonyms- (1) honor; prominence;approval;(2)differentiation;contrast


Part of speech- noun Definition- a teaching or belief, in general; a particular principle (religious, legal, etc.) being taught Ex.- He was so committed to the ________ of his faith that he was unable to evaluate them objectively Synonyms- dogma;policy Antonyms: disbelief, heterodoxy, skepticism, unbelief


Part of speech- noun Definition- arrangement by rank or standing; authoritarian body organized into ranks Ex.- To be low man on on the totem pole is to have a decidedly inferior place in the ________ Synonyms- pecking order;order;pyramid


Part of speech- noun Definition- condition of inequality Ex.- Their ________ in rank made no difference at all to the prince and Cinderella Synonyms- difference; dissimilarity; discrepancy Antonyms: alikeness, equality, likeness, sameness, similarity


Part of speech- noun Definition- deep regret for past misdeeds Ex.- After his mother's death, Minh felt ________ for all the times he had laughed at her broken English and old-fashioned ways Synonyms- self-reproach;penitence;guilt Antonyms-good conscience, happiness, remorselessness, satisfaction


Part of speech- noun Definition- double-dealing Ex.- When Tanya learned that Mark had been two-timing her, she was furious at his ________ Synonyms- deceit;deception;dishonesty;hypocrisy Antonyms: forthrightness, honesty, trustworthiness


Part of speech- noun Definition- excessive sense of self-importance;lack of consideration for others Ex.- "But enough of this chitchat about you and your little problems. Let's talk about what's really important:me! (How's that for ________) Synonyms- self-centeredness;egocentricity


Part of speech- noun Definition- extravagant statement (usually not meant to be taken literally) Ex.- As far as I'm concerned, Apple's claims about its new computers are pure ________; no machine is that good! Synonyms- exaggeration;overstatement Antonyms: understatement


Part of speech- noun Definition- implied comparison of one thing to another (without the use of like or as); figure of speech Ex.- Is and old-fashioned hairstyle an apt ________ for being out of step with the times and in need of change? Synonyms- symbol;image Antonyms: plain speech


Part of speech- noun Definition- one who actively attempts to further human welfare Ex.- In his role as ________ and public benefactor, John D. Rockefeller, Sr., donated millions to charity; as an individual however, he was a tight-fisted old man Synonyms- humanitarian;patron;donor Antonyms: antagonist, opponent, opposer


Part of speech- noun Definition- one who hates or mistrusts mankind Ex.- Max described himself as an equal opportunity ________: he hated babies (too fussy), children (too hyper), teenagers (too hormonal), young adults (too complacent), the middle-aged (too browbeaten), and seniors (too out of touch) Synonyms- cynic;loner Antonyms: humanitarian, philanthropist


Part of speech- noun Definition- opinion contrary to popular belief or to accepted religion Ex.- Galileo's assertion that the earth moved around the sun directly contradicted the religious teachings of his day; as a result; he was tried for ________ Synonyms- unorthodoxy;dissidence;nonconformity Antonyms: orthodoxy


Part of speech- noun Definition- preoccupations with physical comforts and things Ex.- By its nature, ________ is opposed to idealism, for where the ________ emphasizes the needs of the body, the idealist emphasizes the needs of the soul Synonyms- worldliness;pragmatism Antonyms: spiritualism


Part of speech- noun Definition- religious devotion Ex.- Saintly Mother Teresa was noted for her ________; radical organizer Mother Jones was not Synonyms- devoutness;religiousness;godliness Antonyms: impiety, irreverence


Part of speech- noun Definition- slight aversion or lack of willingness Ex.- Some mornings I feel a great ________ to get out of bed Synonyms- unwillingness; reluctance Antonyms: bent, desire, enthusiasm, incentive, inclination, leaning, willingness


Part of speech- noun Definition- someone who withdraws from society Ex.- Disappointed in love, Miss Emily because a ________; she shut herself away in her empty mansion and refused to see another living soul Synonyms- hermit; loner Antonyms-extrovert


Part of speech- noun Definition- systematic program or plan;regular course of training Ex.- Reggie prepared for the marathon by following a strict ________: he began every day with a brisk run to the Starbucks down the block Synonyms- routine; rule Antonyms-n/a


Part of speech- noun Definition- wrong name or incorrect designation Ex.- Morning sickness is a ________: it can hit you night or day Synonyms- misnaming


Part of speech- noun Definition-formal but distant manner; avoidance of intimacy Ex.-Although some girls were attracted by Mark's air of ________, Judy was put off by it, for she felt his aloofness indicated a lack of openness. Synonyms-self-restraint; aloofness; distance Antonyms-emptiness, nothing


Part of speech- noun/verb Definition- strong rebuke Ex.- Every time Ermenegarde made a mistake in class, she was terrified that she would receive a harsh ________ from Miss Minchin. Synonyms- scolding;reproof Antonyms-forgiveness, praise, reward


Part of speech- verb Definition- appease, often by making concessions Ex.- The store manager tried to ________ the angry customer, offering to replace the damaged merchandise or to give back her money right away Synonyms- pacify;conciliate;mollify Antonyms: agitate, upset, worry


Part of speech- verb Definition- arouse to action Ex.- In fiery speech, Mario ________ his fellow students to go out on strike to protest the university's anti affirmative action stand Synonyms- goad;motivate;provoke;inflame Antonyms: delay, deter, discourage, prohibit


Part of speech- verb Definition- attract and keep someone's interest Ex.- Bart and Lisa were _________ by their new babysitter's skill at juggling chainsaws Synonyms- enthrall; fascinate; charm; enchant; entrance Antonyms: disgust, disillusion, offend, repel, repulse


Part of speech- verb Definition- cause to break up or spread widely apart Ex.- The police fired tear gas into the crowd to ________ the protesters Synonyms- scatter; dissolve; dissipate Antonyms: arrange, assemble, collect, garner, gather


Part of speech- verb Definition- cause to grow calm or subside Ex- Tom and Jody tried to ________ their crying baby by offering him one toy after another Synonyms- mollify; pacify; placate; soothe Antonyms: aggravate, annoy, incite, irritate, provoke, tease


Part of speech- verb Definition- consign to an inferior position Ex.- After Ralph dropped his second tray of drinks that week, the manager swiftly ________ him to a minor post behind bar Synonyms- assign; delegate; banish Antonyms- promote, upgrade


Part of speech- verb Definition- create a detailed record; provide written evidence to support statements Ex.- She kept all the receipts from her business trip in order to ________ her expenses for the Internal Revenue Service Synonyms- record; detail; authenticate Antonyms: speech


Part of speech- verb Definition- drive away; create distaste in Ex.- At first the Beast's grotesque appearance ________ Beauty, but she came to love the tender hear hidden behind that beastly exterior. Synonyms- resist;discourage;disgust;revolt;nauseate Antonyms-attract, draw


Part of speech- verb Definition- give a detailed account Ex.- A born storyteller, my father loved to ________ anecdotes about his early years in NYC Synonyms- tell; narrate Antonyms: conceal, repress


Part of speech- verb Definition- give up resisting Ex.- Okay, I ________! I'll pick up my bedroom. Just quit nagging me! Synonyms- surrender; yield; submit Antonyms: defend, fight


Part of speech- verb Definition- give up voluntarily Ex.- Even though she knew she would be burned at the stake as a witch, Joan of Arc refused to ________ her belief that her voice came from god Synonyms- abandon;disown;repudiate Antonyms-allow, approve, condone


Part of speech- verb Definition- harshly criticize Ex.- The senator was __________ for inappropriate behavior to a member of Congress Synonyms- blame; rebuke; reprimand; scold Antonyms: approval, compliment, encouragement, endorsement, praise, ratification, recommendation, sanction


Part of speech- verb Definition- injure in a way that spoils perfection Ex.- Don't let spelling errors ________ your college essay: use Spell Check, for heaven's sake Synonyms- damage;spoil Antonyms: aid, heal, help


Part of speech- verb Definition- instruct in moral matters;benefit spiritually Ex.- Nothing is worse than a novel that seeks to ________ the reader; there is no place in literature for heavy-handed moralizing Synonyms- enlighten;inform;uplift


Part of speech- verb Definition- loiter or dawdle;continue to exist, although losing strength Ex.- Hoping to see Juliet pass by, Romeo ________ outside the Capulet house for hours. Though Mother made stuffed cabbage on Monday, the smell ________ around the house for days Synonyms- tarry;persist;remain Antonyms: go, hurry, leave, rush


Part of speech- verb Definition- make less intense or severe Ex.- Because solar energy can reduce greenhouse gases and provide increased energy efficiency conversion to the use of solar energy may help ________ the threat of global warming Synonyms- moderate;alleviate;appease Antonyms: aggravate, incite, increase, intensify, irritate, worsen


Part of speech- verb Definition- make something complete or perfect Ex.- The waiter recommended a glass of port to ________ the cheese Synonyms- match; crown; cap Antonyms:take away


Part of speech- verb Definition- persuade in the face of reluctance Ex.- Diane tried to _______ her father into letting her drive the family car Synonyms- coax; wheedle Antonyms: bully, force, repel


Part of speech- verb Definition- prove false; overthrow by means of evidence Ex.- The defense attorney found several respectable witnesses who were able to ________ the lies told by the prosecution's sole witness Synonyms- disprove;counter Antonyms- endorse, prove, ratify, sanction, support


Part of speech- verb Definition- recognize, possibly reluctantly the status or rights of Ex. Although Iris ________ that the Beatles' tunes sounded old-fashioned, she still preferred them to the gangsta rap that her brothers played Synonyms- admit; concede;grant Antonyms: forswear, ignore, refuse, renounce, repudiate


Part of speech- verb Definition- refuse to accept or consider Ex.- Because Tina believed in Tony's fidelity, she ________ the notion that he might be having an affair Synonyms- reject;discard;set aside Antonyms: accept, hold, keep, maintain, preserve, welcome


Part of speech- verb Definition- scatter (as in sowing seeds) Ex.- By their use of the Internet, propagandists have been able to ________ their pet doctrines to new audiences around the globe Synonyms- distribute; spread; broadcast; circulate Antonyms: collect, gather


Part of speech- verb Definition- set right Ex.- You had better ________ your accounting errors before the auditors arrive Synonyms- correct; remedy; fix Antonyms- damage, ruin, worsen


Part of speech- verb Definition- split into opposite extremes or camps Ex.- In this fiercely contested election year, illegal immigration is a hot-button issue that will further ________ the nation's electorate into opposing fractions Synonyms- divide; seperate Antonyms: depolarize


Part of speech- verb Definition- withhold agreement Ex.- In the recent Supreme Court decision, Justice Sotomayor ________ Synonyms- disagree Antonyms: agreement, approval, authorization, concurrence, endorsement, ratification, sanction


Part of speech- verb Definition-destroy completely Ex.-The tide wave ________ several island villages Synonyms-demolish; eradicate;wipe out Antonyms: amenable, gentle, submissive, susceptible, yielding


Part of speech- verb Definition-make unclear Ex.-At times he seemed purposely to ________ his meaning preferring mystery to clarify Synonyms-darken; conceal; block Antonyms: apparent, clear, explicit, obvious, perceptible, understood


Part of speech-Noun Definition-One recognized as a skillful Ex.-The abolitionist Frederick Douglass was a brilliant ________ whose speeches brought home to his audience the evils of slavery. Synonyms-spokesperson; declaimer; rhetorician Antonyms-writer, printer


Part of speech-adjective Definition- (1) evaporating rapidly; (2) tending to explode into violence or change unexpectedly Ex.-Acetone is an extremely volatile liquid: it evaporates instantly. The diva's temper was extremely ________: the only thing you could predict was that was that she would blow up. Synonyms-changeable; fickle; explosive; evanescent Antonyms: calm, firm, stable, steadfast


Part of speech-adjective Definition- (1) extremely severe; highly noxious (2) spitefully hostile Ex.-Laid up with a ________ case of measles, Vera blamed her doctors because her recovery took so long. In fact, she became quite ________ on the subject of the quality of medical care. Synonyms- (1) poisonous; toxic; destructive; (2) bitter Antonyms: harmless, healthy, nonpoisonous


Part of speech-adjective Definition- not real; causing an illusion. Ex.- Unfortunately, the costs of running the lemonade stand were so high that Tom's profits that Tom's profits proved ________. Synonyms- deceptive; misleading. Antonyms: genuine, real


Part of speech-adjective Definition- tending to talk easily or rapidly Ex.-Excessively ________ speakers from Logorrhea: they run off at the mouth a lot! Synonyms-fluent; glib; talkative Antonyms-close-mouthed, reserved, reticent, unfriendly, uninformative, unsociable


Part of speech-adjective Definition- unable to be moved or stopped Ex.-The "march of history" is thought as, in some sense, ________, likely to take its course despite our wishes or prayers, an inevitable process to which we all must adjust ourselves. Synonyms-relentless; unyielding; implacable Antonyms: flexible, lenient, merciful, remorseful, yielding


Part of speech-adjective Definition- very elevated in character;rising to an impressive height Ex.- Though Sonia Sotomayor's fellow students used to tease her about her ________ ambitions, she rose to hold one of the highest positions in the land Synonyms- noble;exalted;superior;towering Antonyms: below, beneath, low


Part of speech-adjective Definition-(1)made fit(by training, experience) to do a specific job;(2)limited in some manner (secondary meaning) Ex.-Was the candidate for tax collector a ________accountant? Unable to give the candidate full support, the mayor gave him only a ________ endorsement. Synonyms-(1)competent;capable;fit;(2)restricted; partial Antonyms: incapable, unable, unproficient, unqualified, unskilled, untalented


Part of speech-adjective Definition-(1)unreasonably persistent(in an opinion,etc,);(2)no easily controlled, cured, or removed Ex.-We tried to persuade Bob to give up smoking, but he was ________ and refused to change. Blackberry stickers are the most ________ weeds I know; once established in a yard, they are extremely hard to root out. Synonyms-stubborn; pigheaded; mulish; dogged Antonyms: agreeable, amenable, cooperative, flexible, helpful, submissive, willing, yielding


Part of speech-adjective Definition-Having several possible meanings, and therefore unclear Ex-Since both interpretations seemed possible, the judges could not decide which way to interpret a particularly ________ passage in the law. Synonyms-vague; uncertain; misleading. Antonyms: clear, definite, explicit, lucid


Part of speech-adjective Definition-able to withstand harsh conditions Ex.-We asked the gardening expert to recommend particularly ________ plants that could survive our harsh New England winters. Synonyms-tough; strong; robust Antonyms: feeble, infirm, invalid, sick, tender, unhealthy, weak


Part of speech-adjective Definition-accepting one's fate Ex.-________ to his downtrodden existence, the day laborer was too meek to protest his supervisor's bullying. Synonyms-unresisting; submissive; acquiescent Antonyms-intolerant


Part of speech-adjective Definition-advanced in development Ex.-Teachers thought Polly was ________, very gifted for her age, but her classmates agreed she was a smart aleck. Synonyms-gifted; smart; mature; advanced Antonyms-stupid


Part of speech-adjective Definition-brief and to the point; using few words Ex.-The classic cowboy hero is a ________ figure, someone generally described as the strong, silent type Synonyms-terse; curt; concise; pithy'; succinct Antonyms: long-winded, verbose, wordy


Part of speech-adjective Definition-capable of being done Ex.-Without additional funding, it may not be ________ to build a new stadium for the team on the city's highly developed West Side. Synonyms-practical; likely; realistic Antonyms: impossible, inconceivable, unfeasible, unlikely, unpractical, unreasonable


Part of speech-adjective Definition-caused or characterized by anger Ex.-Fuming, the ________ customer wrote a scorching letter of complaint to the manager of the store. Synonyms-furious; enraged; angry; infuriated Antonyms: calm, cheerful, happy, pleased


Part of speech-adjective Definition-causing injury or damage Ex.-Journalists wondered whether news of the senator's affair would prove __________ to his chances of being reelected. Synonyms-harmful; damaging Antonyms: advantageous, assisting, beneficial, helpful, profitable


Part of speech-adjective Definition-characterized by joking Ex.-Although Bill knew the boss had no sense of humor, he couldn't resist making one ________ remark. Synonyms-jesting; good-humored; facetious. Antonyms: serious, solemn


Part of speech-adjective Definition-clearly defined; leaving nothing implied Ex.-Don't just hint around that you're dissatisfied; be ________about what's bugging you. Synonyms-clear; definite; precise; unequivocal Antonyms: ambiguous, confused, equivocal, implicit, indefinite, obscure, unspecific, vague


Part of speech-adjective Definition-concerned with the persuasive use of language; pertaining to effective communication; used merely for style Ex.-Never try to answer a ________ question like "Is the Pope Catholic?"The speaker asks it only to make a point, not to elicit a reply, and if you respond,"Yes, he is," you will just sound foolish. Synonyms-oratorical; bombastic Antonyms-concise


Part of speech-adjective Definition-concise and to the point Ex.-There is a fine line between speech that is ________ and to the point and speech so abrupt that it verges on being rude. Synonyms-abrupt; pithy; clipped; curt Antonyms: lengthy, long-winded, prolix, wordy


Part of speech-adjective Definition-conscientious and exact; extremely thorough Ex.-Although Alfred is ________ is fulfilling his duties at work, he is less conscientious about meeting his obligations at home. Synonyms-principled; painstaking; meticulous Antonyms-careless, negligent, unscrupulous


Part of speech-adjective Definition-conspicuously bad Ex.-The governor's appointment of his brother-in-law to the State Supreme Court was a ________ violation of the state laws against nepotism (favoritism based on kinship). Synonyms-glaring; blatant; outrageous; egregious Antonyms: concealed, disguised, hidden, mild, moral, restrained, secret


Part of speech-adjective Definition-containing a mistake Ex-Reasoning from insufficient data, Sherlock Holmes found he had reached an entirely ________ conclusion. What an embarrassing mistake! Synonyms-wrong; incorrect; mistaken;invalid Antonyms: correct, right, true, valid


Part of speech-adjective Definition-corresponding in some respects; alike in quantity, effect, or value Ex.-Because so few Southern blacks could afford to pay the poll tax, imposing such a tax on prospective voters was ________ to denying black voters the right to vote. Synonyms-equivalent; synonymous Antonyms: different, opposite, polar, reverse


Part of speech-adjective Definition-dark and gloomy; depressing in nature Ex.-From, the doctor's grim expression, I could tell he had ________ news. Synonyms-dismal; grave; melancholy; drab Antonyms: cheerful, happy, joyful


Part of speech-adjective Definition-dealing fairly with everyone Ex.-According to the Constitution, legislative districts have to be roughly equal in size to guarantee that voters have an ________ share of power. " One person, one vote"-It's only fair. Synonyms-fair; just; impartial; evenhanded; unbiased Antonyms: biased, disproportionate, partial, prejudiced, unequitable, unfair, unjust, unreasonable


Part of speech-adjective Definition-demanding strict attention to meeting standards Ex.-Disliked by his superior officers, the officer candidate in An Officer and a Gentleman went through an extremely ________ training program. Synonyms-severe; harsh; exacting Antonyms-careless, faulty, inaccurate, lax, vague


Part of speech-adjective Definition-deserving blame Ex.-It was an honest mistake, a well-intentioned mistake, a mistake for which no one was _________, but it was a mistake all the same. Synonyms-blameworthy; reprehensible Antonyms: blameless, inculpable, innocent, not guilty, right


Part of speech-adjective Definition-difficult to please Ex.-Bobby was such a ________ eater that he would eat a sandwich only if his mother first cut off every scrap of crust. Synonyms-fussy; finicky; picky; particular; dainty Antonyms: indifferent, indiscriminating, uncareful, uncouth, uncritical, undemanding


Part of speech-adjective Definition-disagreeable to the ear; not in harmony Ex.-Nothing is quite so ________ as the sound of a middle school orchestra tuning up. Synonyms-inharmonious; conflicting; disagreeing; dissonant. Antonyms: agreeable, agreeing, concordant, cooperating, harmonious


Part of speech-adjective Definition-disinclined to effort; habitually lazy Ex.-Couch potatoes who lie back on their sofas watching television all day are by definition ________. Synonyms-lazy; idle; slothful;sluggish Antonyms: active, busy, diligent, energetic, enthusiastic, hard-working, industrious, intent


Part of speech-adjective Definition-disinclined to exert oneself; slow to react Ex.-After two nights without sleep, she felt ________ and incapable of exertion. Synonyms-lethargic; indolent; listless; slow; lazy Antonyms-active, alert, energetic, fast, lively, spirited


Part of speech-adjective Definition-disinclined to talk Ex.-The stereotypical cowboy is a ________ soul, answering lengthy questions with a terse "Yep" or "Nope." Synonyms-silent; laconic; reserved; uncommunicative Antonyms: communicative, fluent, talkative, wordy


Part of speech-adjective Definition-disorderly and boisterous; harsh and shrill Ex.-The ________ crowd of New Year's Eve revelers got progressively noisier as midnight drew near. Synonyms-rambunctious; rowdy; hoarse; rasping; strident; grating Antonyms-calm, quiet, soft, subdued


Part of speech-adjective Definition-done by stealth Ex.-Government agents have been known to use wiretapping and other ________ methods to spy on suspected terrorists. Synonyms-secret; furtive; sneaky; hidden Antonyms: aboveboard, authorized, honest, open


Part of speech-adjective Definition-dull and imaginative Ex.-Though the ad writers had come up with a wildly imaginative campaign to publicize the new product, the head office rejected it for more ________, ordinary approach. Synonyms- pedestrian; matter-of-fact; commonplace; ordinary Antonyms-exciting, fascinating, interesting


Part of speech-adjective Definition-easily deceived; overly ready to believe Ex.-________ people have only themselves to blame if they fall for con artists repeatedly. As the saying goes,"Fool me once. Fool me twice, shame on me." Synonyms-credulous; naive


Part of speech-adjective Definition-easily influenced; open to impression; having little resistance, as to a disease Ex.-Said the con man to the extremely ________ customer, "Buy this new miracle drug and you will no longer be ________to the common cold." Synonyms-impressionable; receptive Antonyms: resistant, resisting, unsusceptible


Part of speech-adjective Definition-excessively conversational in a rambling; roundabout Ex.-My Uncle Henry can out-talk any three people I know. He is the most ________ man in Cayuga County. Synonyms-loquacious; talkative; wordy; gabby Antonyms: mum, quiet, reserved, silent, still, untalkative


Part of speech-adjective Definition-excessively or elaborately decorated Ex.-With its elaborately carve, convoluted lines, furniture of the Baroque period was highly ________. Synonyms-lavish; sumptuous; opulent; ornamental; elaborate. Antonyms: plain, simple


Part of speech-adjective Definition-excessively pushy in offering one's services Ex.-After her long flight, Jill just wanted to nap, but the ________ bellboy was intent on showing her all the special features of the device suite. Synonyms-meddlesome; self-important; intrusive; overeager Antonyms: modest, shy, timid


Part of speech-adjective Definition-exhibiting courage Ex.-For her ________ conduct nursing the wounded during Crimean War and her many great contributions to the art of nursing, Florence Nightingale received the Royal Red Cross award from Queen Victoria. Synonyms-fearless; courageous; bold; undaunted Antonyms: cowardly, meek, timid


Part of speech-adjective Definition-existing from birth Ex.-The infant Mozart's parents quickly realized that their son had an ________ gift for music. Synonyms-inborn; native; natural; inherent Antonyms: acquired, extrinsic, learned


Part of speech-adjective Definition-firmly established by nature or habit Ex.-Katy's ________ love of justice moved her to champion the cause of anyone she considered unfairly treated by society Synonyms-intrinsic; built-in; inborn Antonyms: acquired, added, external, extrinsic, incidental, learned


Part of speech-adjective Definition-following a formula or set procedure Ex.-A good romantic comedy is ________-it follows the classic "boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy and girl realize they are meant for each other"-without being totally predictable. Synonyms-standard; unoriginal; stock


Part of speech-adjective Definition-foolishly bold; lacking caution Ex.-The devil-may-care stuntman took one too many ________ risks and landed in a hospital bed. Synonyms-rash; reckless; imprudent Antonyms: careful, cautious, discreet, thoughtful


Part of speech-adjective Definition-free from blame Ex.-Homer's conduct at the office party ________; even Marge didn't have anything bad to say about how he behaved. Synonyms-blameless; impeccable; faultless; unflawed. Antonyms: blameable, imperfect


Part of speech-adjective Definition-full of sudden, eccentric notions Ex.-The Beatles expressed themselves through capricious, flip humor and ________ displays of carefree abandon. Synonyms-fanciful; capricious; quirky Antonyms-behaving, reasonable, sensible


Part of speech-adjective Definition-generally accepted Ex.-A radical committed to social change, Reed had no patience with the conservative views ________ in the America of his day. Synonyms-widespread; prevailing; common Antonyms-isolated, limited, uncommon


Part of speech-adjective Definition-given freely; uncalled for Ex.-Quit making ________ comments about my driving; no one asked you for your opinion. Synonyms-unwarranted; unjustified Antonyms: costly, expensive


Part of speech-adjective Definition-giving way to someone or something that one is unable to resist Ex.-Crushed by his authoritarian father, Will had no defiance left in him; he was totally ________ in the face of authority. Synonyms-yielding; obedient; docile; meek; unassertive Antonyms: disobedient, fighting, intractable, resistant, unyielding


Part of speech-adjective Definition-habitually fussy and full of complaints Ex.-Even the most agreeable toddlers can begin to act ________ if they miss their nap. Synonyms-fretful; whining; petulant; peevish Antonyms-cheerful, easy-going, happy


Part of speech-adjective Definition-hard to grasp or capture Ex.-No matter how hard Tom tried to lure the trout into taking the bait, the fish was too ________ for him to catch. Synonyms-evasive; baffling Antonyms: attracting, confronting, encountering, enticing, facing, inviting


Part of speech-adjective Definition-hastily done Ex.-Because a ________ examination of the ruins indicates the possibility of arson, we believe the insurance agency should undertake a more thorough investigation of the fire's cause Synonyms-perfunctory; casual; superficial. Antonyms: complete, meticulous, painstaking, perfect, thorough, unhurried


Part of speech-adjective Definition-having a secret meaning Ex.-Thoroughly baffled by Holmes's ________ remarks Watson wondered whether Holmes was intentionally concealing his thoughts about the crime. Synonyms-mysterious; hidden; obscure Antonyms: clear, obvious, plain, seen, straightforward


Part of speech-adjective Definition-having an alarming character that threatens evil Ex.-Those clouds are ________ ; they suggest a severe storm is on its way. Synonyms-threatening;menacing; unpromising Antonyms: auspicious, happy, lucky, promising, propitious


Part of speech-adjective Definition-having an ill-humored position Ex.-Forced to take early retirement, Bill acted ________ for months; then, all of sudden, he shook off his sullen mood and was his usual cheerful staff. Synonyms-sullen; melancholy; glum; depressed Antonyms: cheerful, friendly, happy, light-hearted, optimistic, uplifted


Part of speech-adjective Definition-having depth(especially intellectual); coming from far below the surface Ex.-The BP oil spill has caused ________ damage to the entire Gulf Coast. Synonyms-deep; thoughtful; intense; extreme Antonyms-ignorant, stupid


Part of speech-adjective Definition-having little or no money. Ex.- Though Scrooge claimed he was too ________ to give money to charity, he easily could have afforded to be generous to those in need. Synonyms- impoverished; penniless; poor. Antonyms: moneyed, rich, wealthy


Part of speech-adjective Definition-having no flaws. Ex.- The uncrowned queen of the fashion industry, Diana was famous for her ________ taste. Synonyms-faultless; flawless; irreproachable; perfect Antonyms: blemished, corrupt, defective, flawed, imperfect, suspicious, wrong


Part of speech-adjective Definition-having no justification or grounds. Ex.-We could not understand Warren's ________ rudeness to his mother's guests. Synonyms-unjustified; groundless; baseless Antonyms: called-for, justifiable, reasonable, warranted


Part of speech-adjective Definition-having to do with transitory, everyday concerns; worldly as opposed to spiritual Ex.-Uninterested in philosophical or spiritual discussions, Tom talked only of ________ matters such as the daily weather forecast or the latest basketball results. Synonyms-ordinary; unimaginative; common place; seculer Antonyms: exciting, extraordinary, heavenly, supernatural, wonderful


Part of speech-adjective Definition-high in reputation Ex.-In Eminent Victorians, Lytton Strachey recounts the lives of four leading figures of the Victorian era, pointing out aspects of their characters that were not in keeping with their high reputations. Synonyms-famous; prominent; renowned; conspicuous Antonyms: disrespected, inferior, undistinguished, unimportant, unnotable


Part of speech-adjective Definition-highly productive Ex.-My editors must think I'm a ________ writer; they expect me to revise six books this semester. Synonyms-fertile; fruitful; inexhaustible Antonyms-barren, fruitless, impotent, unfruitful, unproductive


Part of speech-adjective Definition-idealistic but impractical Ex.-Simon's head is in the clouds; he constantly comes up with ________, unworkable schemes. Synonyms-unrealistic; impracticable; visionary; unpredictable Antonyms-practical


Part of speech-adjective Definition-in high spirits Ex.-Grinning from ear to ear, the downhill skier was clearly ________ by her Olympic victory. Synonyms-overjoyed; ecstatic; thrilled; jubliant Antonyms: depressed, down, sad, sorrowful, unhappy


Part of speech-adjective Definition-incapable of becoming tired Ex.-Although the effort of taking out the garbage left Wayne exhausted for the whole morning, when it came to partying, he was ________. Synonyms-tireless; untiring; inexhaustible; unflagging Antonyms: fatigued, tired, weary


Part of speech-adjective Definition-incapable of being reformed Ex.-Though Widow Douglas had hopes of reforming Huck, Miss Watson considered him ________and swore he would come to no good end. Synonyms-irredeemable; incurable; unruly; uncontrollable Antonyms: good, manageable, nice, obedient, reformable


Part of speech-adjective Definition-incapable of serving any useful purpose Ex.-It is ________ for me to try to get any studying done around here while my brother and his friends are throwing a Super Bowl party. Synonyms-useless; ineffectual; hopeless Antonyms: fruitful, hopeful, productive, profitable


Part of speech-adjective Definition-inclined to be silent Ex.-Compared to Jo, who was perfectly ready to chat with anyone about anything, Beth was ________ about what she considered personal matters. Synonyms-uncommunicative; reserved; tactiturn Antonyms-communicative, forward, unrestrained


Part of speech-adjective Definition-injurious to health Ex.-If you believe that smoking is ________ to your health(and the surgeon general certainly does), then quit! Synonyms-harmful; destructive; detrimental;damaging; pernicious Antonyms: aiding, assisting, helpful


Part of speech-adjective Definition-intended to teach or convey information Ex.-While Joan Walsh Anglund clearly gets across her message about the nature of friendship and the need to share and be flexible, her writing is not the least bit ________ or dogmatic. Synonyms-instructional; moralizing; edifying; preachy Antonyms:"imprecise,informal"


Part of speech-adjective Definition-intentionally misleading; open to more than one interpretation Ex.Rejecting the candidate's ________ comments on tax reform, the reporters pressed him to state clearly where he stood on the issue. Synonyms-ambiguous; unclear; evasive; shifty Antonyms: certain, clear, definite, determined, obvious, plain, sure, unequivocal, unquestionable


Part of speech-adjective Definition-invigorating and refreshing Ex.-Though some of the hikers found tramping through the snow tiring, Jeff found the walk on the cold, crisp day ________. Synonyms-enlivening; stimulating; heady Antonyms: agitating, boring, depressing, discouraging, upsetting, worrying


Part of speech-adjective Definition-involving argument Ex.-Violently disagreeing with the referee's ruling, Coach Ben became so ___________ that they threw him out of the game. Synonyms-controversial; quarrelsome; belligerent Antonyms: "calm, easy-going, laid-back"


Part of speech-adjective Definition-known only to the chosen few(and therefore mysterious) Ex.-Stories in The New Yorker often include ________ allusions to obscure people and events. Synonyms-obscure; secure; abstruse;cryptic; arcane Antonyms: common, familiar, known, obvious, public, unmysterious


Part of speech-adjective Definition-lacking energy Ex.-In class, Laura tried to stay alert and listen to the professor, but the stuffy room made her ________; she felt as if she was about to nod off. Synonyms-drowsy; sluggish; torpid; weary Antonyms: active, busy, energetic, lively, vital, vivacious


Part of speech-adjective Definition-lacking in flavor Ex.-Flat prose and flat ginger ale are equally ________; both lack sparkle. Synonyms-dull; bland; flavorless. Antonyms: exciting, exhilarating, interesting, pleasing


Part of speech-adjective Definition-lacking in originality Ex.-Although her early poetry was clearly _________ in nature, the critics thought she had promise and eventually would find her own voice. Synonyms-copied; imitative; unoriginal Antonyms: inventive, original, unborrowed, unique


Part of speech-adjective Definition-lacking in originality Ex.-He was just a hack screenwriter churning out ________remakes with story lines that were older that he was, and he was fifty-three. Synonyms-trite; tired; cliched; unoriginal Antonyms: fresh, new, original, uncommon


Part of speech-adjective Definition-lacking in seriousness Ex.-Although Nancy enjoyed Bill's ________, lighthearted companionship, she sometimes wondered whether he could ever be serious. Synonyms-inconsequential; trivial; thoughtless; lighthearted; giddy Antonyms: grave, mature, sensible, serious, solemn, thoughtful, wise


Part of speech-adjective Definition-lacking interest, care,or enthusiasm; not thorough. Ex.-Giving the tabletop only a ________ swipe with her dust cloth, Betty told herself she'd polish it thoroughly tomorrow. Synonyms-mechanical; automatic; unthinking; superficial; sketchy; indifferent Antonyms: careful, precise, thoughtful


Part of speech-adjective Definition-lacking power to move Ex.-"Get up, you lazybones." she cried to her husband. who lay in bed ________. Synonyms-still; immobile; sluggish Antonyms: active, alive, animated, lively, mobile, moving, working


Part of speech-adjective Definition-lacking proper seriousness Ex.-When Mark told Mona he loved her, she dismissed his earnest declaration with a ________ "Oh, you say that to all the girls!" Synonyms-impertinent; disrespectful Antonyms: courteous, respectful, reverent, serious


Part of speech-adjective Definition-lasting only a short time Ex.-The mayfly is an ________ creature; its adult life lasts little more than a day. Synonyms-short-lived; fleeting; transient Antonyms: enduring, eternal, everlasting, interminable, lasting, long, permanent, perpetual


Part of speech-adjective Definition-logically unsound Ex.-Paradoxically,________ reasoning does not always produce incorrect results; even though your logic may be flawed, the conclusion you reach may still be correct. Synonyms-false; mistaken; misleading Antonyms: correct, real, true, truthful


Part of speech-adjective Definition-loud and harsh Ex.-Whenever Sue was angry,she tried to avoid raising her voice because she had no wish to sound ________. Synonyms-shrill; raucous Antonyms: low, mild, moderate, soft


Part of speech-adjective Definition-making an exaggerated show, to attract attention; making unjustified claims Ex.-Because the excessively large new homes in the area struck us as ________ , we made fun of them, calling them, McMansions. Synonyms-ostentatious; showy; exaggerated; pompous Antonyms-humble, modest, unconceited


Part of speech-adjective Definition-mentally quick and observant Ex.-Although the movie star was no genius, she was sufficiently ________ to tell her true friends from the countless phonies who flattered her. Synonyms-perceptive; astute; sharp; insightful Antonyms: disregardful, neglectful, negligent, overlooking, undiscerning, undiscriminating


Part of speech-adjective Definition-more than required Ex.-Please try not to include so many ________ details in your report; the bare facts are all need. Synonyms-unnecessary; excessive; unessential; extra Antonyms: important, necessary, needed


Part of speech-adjective Definition-most complete; providing a final answer Ex.-Although many programming texts describe themselves as _________ guides to the subject, almost all of them leave out essential pieces of information. Synonyms-exhaustive; conclusive; authortative Antonyms: incomplete, inconclusive, inexact, interim, temporary, unreliable


Part of speech-adjective Definition-never before experienced or known Ex.-The producers claimed that New Moon's box-office success was ________, but the opening night sales for Pirates of the Caribbean 3 were at least as good. Synonyms-unparalleled; exceptional; extraordinary; novel Antonyms: known, unexceptional, unremarkable, usual


Part of speech-adjective Definition-not authorized by law. Ex.-It's wrong to be complicit in an action that's ________. If you are, it's very awful, since the action is unlawful. Synonyms-illegal; unlawful; criminal. Antonyms: blessed, good, legal, legitimate, licit, moral, noble, proper, right


Part of speech-adjective Definition-not belonging or pertinent to something Ex.-No wonder Ted can't think straight!His mind is so cluttered with ________ trivia that he can't concentrate on the essentials. Synonyms-superfluous; irrelevant; external Antonyms: appropriate, basic, essential, integral, necessary, needed, pertinent, relevant


Part of speech-adjective Definition-not distinct; like a cloud Ex.-Phil and Adam tried to come up with a clear, intelligible business plan and not some vague, ________ proposal. Synonyms-hazy; indistinct; confused; cloudlike Antonyms: apparent, definite, obvious, plain


Part of speech-adjective Definition-not easily managed or controlled. Ex.-Charlie Brown's pal Pigpen was ________: he absolutely refused to take a bath. (Was Pigpen pigheaded?) Synonyms-stubborn; unyielding; unruly; obstinate. Antonyms: manageable


Part of speech-adjective Definition-not flowing; not advancing Ex.-Mosquitoes commonly breed in pools of ________ water. When the economy is ________, even college graduated struggle to find work. Synonyms-motionless; inactive; stale; dull Antonyms: moving


Part of speech-adjective Definition-not fresh or original Ex.-Boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy wins girl back-what a ________ plot! Synonyms-hackneyed; unoriginal; commonplace; tired; stale; pedestrian. Antonyms: desirable, important, impressive, original, pertinent, relevant, uncommon


Part of speech-adjective Definition-not genuine or authentic Ex.-Natasha's claim to be the lost heir of the Romanoffs was ________; the only thing Russian about her was the vodka she drank. Synonyms-false; counterfeit; forged; fake Antonyms: authentic, genuine, real, true


Part of speech-adjective Definition-not hidden from view; out in the open Ex.-Emma's ________ antagonism toward Jane uncomfortable; we wished she would make some effort to conceal her hostility. Synonyms-apparent; obvious; unconcealed; public Antonyms: concealed, hidden, private, secret


Part of speech-adjective Definition-not likely to harm or injure Ex.- An occasional glass of wine with dinner is relatively ________ and should have no ill effect on you Synonyms-harmless; inoffensive; insipid; innocent Antonyms: bad, damaging, destructive, harmful, hurtful, injurious


Part of speech-adjective Definition-not marked by making careful distinctions; choosing at random Ex.-Mother disapproved of Junior's ________ television viewing; she wished he'd be a little more discriminating in his choice of shows. Synonyms-haphazard; arbitrary; unselective Antonyms: chosen, critical, definite, discriminatory, methodical, particular, selective, specific, systematic


Part of speech-adjective Definition-not straightforward; departing from accepted conduct Ex.-The Joker's plan was so __________ that his underlings had a hard time following its shifts and dodges. Synonyms-roundabout;cunning Antonyms: artless, frank, honest, open, straightforward, trustworthy, truthful


Part of speech-adjective Definition-not subject to a duty or obligation Ex.-Do I have to pay taxes on my scholarship,or are scholarship awards ________ from taxation? Synonyms-excused; excepted Antonyms: accountable, answerable, liable, nonexempt, responsible


Part of speech-adjective Definition-not subject to change. Ex.-All things change over time; nothing is ________. Synonyms- unchangeable; changeless; static. Antonyms: alterable, changeable, flexible, mutable, variable


Part of speech-adjective Definition-not transparent Ex.-The ________ window shade kept the sunlight out of the room. Synonyms-impenetrable(to light); dark; obscure Antonyms: clear, lucid, translucent, transparent, unclouded


Part of speech-adjective Definition-occurring irregularly; recurring unpredictably. Ex.-Because his attendance in class had been at best ________, the teacher was tempted to flunk him. Synonyms-irregular; intermittent; random Antonyms: constant, continuous, dependable


Part of speech-adjective Definition-of very little significance Ex.-Why bother going to see a doctor for such a ________, childish complaint? Synonyms-unimportant; trivial; negligible; petty Antonyms: important, significant, useful, worthwhile


Part of speech-adjective Definition-on the surface; not through. Ex.-To revise a textbook properly, you must do more than make a few ________ changes to the manuscript. Synonyms-trivial; shallow; insignificant; external Antonyms: analytical, careful, deep, detailed, genuine, thorough


Part of speech-adjective Definition-overly concerned with small details, especially when teaching; tending to show off one's learning Ex.-Leavening her decisions with humorous down-to-earth anecdotes, Judge Judy made a pleasant contrast to the typical ________ legal scholar. Synonyms-didactic, nit-picking; academic; bookish Antonyms: imprecise, informal


Part of speech-adjective Definition-performed in an unimaginative manner. Ex.-Unintentionally boring, he turned out page after page of ________ prose. Synonyms-dull; monotonous; uninspired; prosaic; mediocre Antonyms: different, exceptional, extraordinary, interesting


Part of speech-adjective Definition-possessing great knowledge Ex.-Though his fellow students considered him a gifted scholar, Paul knew he would have to spend many years in serious study before he could consider himself truly ________. Synonyms-learned; scholarly; well educated Antonyms: common, ignorant, uncultured, uneducated


Part of speech-adjective Definition-possessing or showing strength Ex.-After pumping iron and taking karate for six months, the little old lady was so ________ that she could break a plank with her fist. Synonyms-strong; hardy. hearty; healthy Antonyms-flabby, infirm, soft, unhealthy, weak


Part of speech-adjective Definition-practical or workable; capable of maintaining life Ex.-The plan to build a new stadium, though lacking a few details, is ________ and stands a good change of winning popular support Synonyms-feasible; pracitcable Antonyms: impossible, unachievable, unpractical, unreasonable


Part of speech-adjective Definition-related to the surface or outer part; of minor importance. Ex.-Rather than live in the crowded city center, we chose to buy a house in one of the ________ suburbs ringing the metropolis. Synonyms-marginal; outer; external; superficial Antonyms: central, crucial, internal, major


Part of speech-adjective Definition-relating to visible traces left by something that no longer exists Ex.-The ostrich has ________ wings, appendix like, the silly thing. Why wings you ask, and so do. Wings or not, this bird can't fly. Synonyms-residual; primitive Antonyms: active, apparent, clear, live, manifest, obvious, open, public


Part of speech-adjective Definition-resourcefully inventive Ex.-Kit admired the ________ ways her iPod shuffled the songs on her playlist Synonyms-clever; imaginative Antonyms: awkward, dumb, ignorant, incompetent, inept, stupid


Part of speech-adjective Definition-resulting in an unexpected and poignantly incongruous or unwanted outcome Ex.-It is ________ that his success came when he least wanted it. Synonyms-unexpected; incongruous; sardonic Antonyms: sincere


Part of speech-adjective Definition-seeking the company of others Ex.-Typically' partygoers are ________;hermits are not. Synonyms-outgoing; sociable Antonyms: cold, cool, introverted, unfriendly, unhospitable, unsociable


Part of speech-adjective Definition-seemingly reasonable but incorrect; superficially plausible Ex.-This alleged crisis is no crisis at all. It is based on ________claims about financial institutions, on scare stories about impending economic ruin Synonyms-false; erroneous; misleading Antonyms: real, true, valid, credible


Part of speech-adjective Definition-serving as a model worthy of imitation Ex.-At commencement, the dean praised Ellen for her ________ behavior as class president. Synonyms-model; commendable; estimable; worthy Antonyms: erring, incorrect, unideal, wrong


Part of speech-adjective Definition-showing deep respect or adoration Ex.-Though I bow my head in church and recite my prayers, sometimes I don't feel particularly ________. Synonyms-respectful; worshipful; awed Antonyms-depraved, evil, immoral, irreligious, irreverent, sacrilegious, sinful, unholy, unsacred, vile, wicked


Part of speech-adjective Definition-showing extreme gloom or depression Ex.-Once cheerful and lighthearted, William became seriously ________ after breaking up with Jan. Synonyms-gloomy; dejected; downcast; discouraged Antonyms: cheerful, elated, happy, hopeful, spirited, up


Part of speech-adjective Definition-showing little or no change; lacking development. Ex.-Bob and Jane had been dating for months but things didn't seem to be going anywhere: their relationship was ________. Synonyms-still; stationary; motionless; unchanging Antonyms: active, changeable, continuous, mobile, moving, variable


Part of speech-adjective Definition-showing uncertainty; not fully developed Ex.-Unaccustomed to stranger, Bobby at first was ________ about approaching the new babysitter. Synonyms-hesitant; cautious; unsure; provisional Antonyms: certain, decisive, definite, final, sure


Part of speech-adjective Definition-shrewd in handling practical matters; showing wisdom Ex.-A miser hoards money not because he is ________ but because he is stingy. Synonyms-cautious; careful; provident; wise Antonyms-improper, imprudent, inadvisable, inappropriate, injudicious, uncorrect, unwise


Part of speech-adjective Definition-slavishly submissive Ex.-Constantly fawning on his employer, Uriah Heep was a ________ creature. Synonyms-fawning; subservient; abject; cringing Antonyms-commendable, exalted, excellent, magnificent, noble, proud, worthy


Part of speech-adjective Definition-spread out; both wordy and poorly organized Ex.-If you pay authors by the word, you're tempting them to produce ________ books instead of concise ones. Synonyms-rambling; verbose; dispersed Antonyms: compact, compressed, concentrated, confined, limited, restricted


Part of speech-adjective Definition-spread throughout every part Ex.-Despite airing her clothes for several hours, she could not rid the of the ________ odor of mothballs that clung to them. Synonyms-pervading; enveloping; widespread; omnipresent Antonyms: light, limited, narrow


Part of speech-adjective Definition-staying for a short time Ex.-Youth's beauty is ________; it quickly fades with age. Synonyms-momentary; temporary, fleeing Antonyms: enduring, lasting, permanent


Part of speech-adjective Definition-stubbornly persistent in resisting persuasion Ex.-Although defeat appeared inevitable, the general was ________ in his refusal to surrender Synonyms-stubborn; obstinate; unyielding Antonyms: amenable, gentle, submissive, susceptible, yielding


Part of speech-adjective Definition-taking liberties; excessively forward Ex.-Matilda thought it was some what ________ of the young man to have addressed her without first having been introduced. Perhaps manners were freer here in the New World. Synonyms-arrogant; overconfident; insolent Antonyms- demure, down-to-earth, humble, lowly, meek, unassertive, unpretentious; bashful, mousy (or mousey), retiring, shy, timid, timorous; diffident, self-doubting


Part of speech-adjective Definition-temporarily inactive; at rest Ex.-After the great eruption, fear of Mount Etna was great; people did not return to cultivate its rich hillside lands until the volcano had been ________ for a full two years. Synonyms-dormant; quiet; still Antonyms-active


Part of speech-adjective Definition-tinged with red; having an overly decorated literary style Ex.-If you go to Florida and get sunburned, your complexion will look ________; if you write flowery postcards about your trip, your prose will be ________ as well. Synonyms-reddish; ruddy; ornate; elaborate Antonyms: inelaborate, natural, plain, undecorated, unornate


Part of speech-adjective Definition-treating all aspects of a subject or topic Ex.-We have made an ________ study of all published SAT tests, and we are happy to share our research with you. Synonyms-thorough; comprehensive Antonyms:excluding, incomplete, unfinished


Part of speech-adjective Definition-trying to attract attention Ex.-The rich new student tried to attract friends by making ________ display of his wealth Synonyms-showy; pretentious Antonyms: modest, plain, quiet, reserved


Part of speech-adjective Definition-unmoved or unconcerned by Ex.-Because Ann felt no desire to marry, she was ________ to Carl's constant proposals. Synonyms-apathetic; detached; uninterested Antonyms: caring, compassionate, concerned, feeling, interested, involved, sympathetic


Part of speech-adjective Definition-using biting wit to attack folly Ex.-Through the comments of the characters in his cartoon strip Doonesbury, cartoonist Gary Trudeau makes fun of political corruption; his humor is ________. Synonyms-mocking; ironical; sardonic Antonyms-complimentary, laudatory, praising


Part of speech-adjective Definition-using or containing more words than needed Ex.-Someone mute cannot talk; someone ________ can hardly stop talking. Synonyms-long-winded; wordy talkative; redundant Antonyms: concise, succinct


Part of speech-adjective Definition-very destructive Ex.-Crack cocaine has had a ________ effect on urban society; it has destroyed families, turned children into drug dealers, and increased the spread of violent crime. Synonyms- damaging; devastation; deadly; insidious; harmful Antonyms: helpful, innocuous, kind, lovable, loving


Part of speech-adjective Definition-very generous in giving Ex.-The Annenberg Trust made a ________ gift that supported art programs in the public schools. Synonyms-bountiful; magnanimous; liberal; open handed Antonyms: careful, greedy, mean, selfish, stingy


Part of speech-adjective Definition-very wicked Ex.-The villain's crimes, though various, were one and all ________. Synonyms-evil; heinous; iniquitous; reprehensible Antonyms: good, honorable, respectable, virtuous, worthy


Part of speech-adjective Definition-violently agitated Ex.-Warned of ________ weather conditions ahead, the pilot told the passengers to fasten their seat belts. Synonyms-tumultuous; chaotic; unruly Antonyms: calm, mild, moderate, settled


Part of speech-adjective Definition-warmly friendly; sincerely felt Ex.-Our hosts greeted us at the airport with a ______ welcome and a hearty hug. Synonyms-gracious; affable; heartfelt Antonyms: aloof, cool, disagreeable, hostile, indifferent, inhospitable, uncordial, unfriendly, unpleasant, unsociable


Part of speech-adjective Definition-without definite purpose, plan, or aim Ex.-Although the sponsor of the raffle claimed all winners were chosen at ________, people had their suspicions when the grand prize went to the sponsor's brother-in-law. Synonyms-haphazard; accidental Antonyms-definite, methodical, particular, specific, systematic


Part of speech-adjective Definition-without wasted words; short and to the point. Ex.-Don't bore your audience with excess verbiage; be ________. Synonyms-brief; terse; compact; concise Antonyms: lengthy, long-winded, wordy


Part of speech-adjective Definition- of no particular importance. Ex.- Though Kit said it was wholly ________ whether she had a birthday party or not, we knew she really wanted us to throw her a party. Synonyms- unimportant; irrelevant; insignificant. Antonyms: essential, important, material, meaningful, relevant, substantial


Part of speech-adjective/noun Definition-committed to a particular party or cause Ex.-On certain issues of principle, the senator refused to take a ________ stand, but let conscience. Synonyms-one-sided; prejudiced; factional; sectarian; biased Antonyms: disinterested


Part of speech-adjective/noun Definition-marked by or including sleepiness Ex.-Because John once had fallen asleep reading War and Peace he thought that all Russian novels were ________. Synonyms-sleep-causing; dull; monotonous Antonyms: awake, conscious, exciting, invigorating, stimulating


Part of speech-adjective/noun Definition-occupying a lower rank Ex.-Bishop Proudie's wife expected all the ________ clergy to behave with great deference to the wife of their superior. Synonyms-inferior; lesser Antonyms: chief, important, major, necessary, superior, vital


Part of speech-adjective; also a noun. Definition-characterized by traveling from place to place. Ex.-During the Civil War, my great-grandfather, an ________tailor, followed the Union Army from Pennsylvania to Virginia as he made uniforms for the troops. Synonyms-traveling; roving; wandering. Antonyms: permanent, settled


Part of speech-adjective; also noun Definition-pertaining to a province; lacking urban sophistication; limited in outlook Ex.-As provincial governor, Sir Henry administered the queen's law in his remote corner of Canada. Out of touch with London news, he soon became sadly ________, interested only in local affairs. Synonyms-parochial; unsophisticated; narrow Antonyms-citified, liberal, metropolitan, modern


Part of speech-adjective; also noun Definition-reckless with money Ex.-Don't be so ________ spending my money; when you've earned some money of your own, you can waste it as much as you want. Synonyms-wasteful; extravagant; spendthrift Antonyms-careful, thrifty


Part of speech-adjective; also verb Definition-occurring or produced in abundance Ex.-Her wealthy suitors wooed her with ________ gifts. In fact. they ________ lavish gifts upon her. Synonyms-generous; openhanded; extravagant; profuse Antonyms: lacking, rare, scarce, sparse


Part of speech-noun Definition- Inconsistency; disagreement between facts or claims; difference Ex.-Looking for any inconsistencies in the testimony that might exonerate his client, the defense pounced on a ________ between the two witnesses' versions of what had occurred Synonyms-Inconsistency; difference; divergence. Antonyms: commend, credit, honor, praise


Part of speech-noun Definition- state of being placed side by side or close together Ex.- The museum curator placed the Eskimo-carved wooden totem pole in ________ with two contemporary stone masks from Africa, creating a stunning effect. Synonyms-proximity; adjacency; abutment


Part of speech-noun Definition-(1)verdict that someone is guilty of a crime;(2)strongly held belief Ex.-Even her conviction for murder did not shake Peter's ________ that Harriet was innocent of the crime. Synonyms-(1)guilty sentence;condemnation;(2)opinion; persuasion Antonyms: overturning


Part of speech-noun Definition-A very large number Ex.-________ of mosquitoes from the marshes invaded our campground at twilight. Synonyms-multitude; swarm; host Antonyms: calculable, limited, measurable


Part of speech-noun Definition-Indirect or hinted reference Ex-When Amanda said to the ticket scalper, "One hundred bucks?What do you want, a pound of flesh?" she was making an __________ to Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice. Synonyms-mention; citation; reference. Antonyms: reality


Part of speech-noun Definition-abundant quantity; lavish expenditure Ex.-Along the Mendocino coast, where there is enough moisture, wildflowers flourish in great ________. Synonyms-abundance; excess; plenty Antonyms-dearth, deficiency, inadequacy, lack


Part of speech-noun Definition-active ill will (generally mutual) Ex.-From the start, the twins appeared yo hate one another. No one could account for their ________. Synonyms-hatred; hostility; antagonism Antonyms: affinity, fellowship, friendship, good will, kindness, love


Part of speech-noun Definition-active physical or mental strength Ex.-Although he was over seventy years old, Jack had the ________of a man in his prime. Synonyms-energy; force; vitality; drive Antonyms: enervation, idleness, inactivity, lethargy, weakness


Part of speech-noun Definition-appropriateness in behavior; orderliness and good taste in manners Ex.-Even the best-mannered students have trouble behaving with proper ________ on the last day of school. Synonyms-propriety;correctness; politeness Antonyms: bad behavior, bad manners, impoliteness, indecency, rudeness


Part of speech-noun Definition-belief that things will turn out badly; tendency to expect the worst Ex.-Considering how well you've done in class so far, you have no real reason for ________ about your final grade. Synonyms-gloominess; gloom; negativity; despondency; cynicism Antonyms: confidence, optimism, trust


Part of speech-noun Definition-carefulness in spending money or using resources Ex.-In these economically hard times, anyone who doesn't learn to practice ________ risks bankruptcy. Synonyms-economy; thrift; prudence Antonyms: generosity, lavishness, wastefulness


Part of speech-noun Definition-choice of two unsatisfactory alternatives Ex.-"Here am I brought to a very pretty ________ I must commit murder or commit matrimony."George Farquhar Synonyms-predicament; problem Antonyms: miracle, solution, wonder


Part of speech-noun Definition-close and critical examination Ex.-At evening block inspection, the recruits' bunk room, washroom, and gear came under the inspecting officer's close ________. Synonyms-:examination, inspection, survey, study, persual Antonyms-disregard, ignorance, neglect, negligence


Part of speech-noun Definition-commitment to moral and ethical principles; state of being whole. Ex.-Lincoln, whose personal ________ has inspired millions, fought a civil war to maintain the ________ of the Republic, that these United States might remain undivided for all time. Synonyms-uprightness; honesty; wholeness Antonyms: corruption, disgrace, dishonesty, dishonor


Part of speech-noun Definition-courteous regard for another's wish; respect owed to a superior Ex.-In _________ to the minister's request, please do not take photographs during the wedding service. Synonyms-honor; esteem Antonyms: disobedience, impoliteness, noncompliance


Part of speech-noun Definition-crafty or cunning deception to achieve a goal Ex.Othello's false friend lago uses considerable ________ to trick Othello into believing that Desdemona has been unfaithful to him. Synonyms-deceit; duplicity; wiliness; cunning Antonyms: artlessness, frankness, honesty, naivety, openness, sincerity


Part of speech-noun Definition-decisive factor Ex.-What _________ did you use when you selected this essay as the prize winner? Synonyms-standard; benchmark; measure Antonyms: change, conjecture, fancy, guess, possibility, probability

exploit (1)

Part of speech-noun Definition-deed or action, particularly a brave deed Ex.-Raoul Wallenberg won fame for his ________ in rescuing Jews from Hitler's forces. Synonyms-feat; adventure


Part of speech-noun Definition-departure from the main subject Ex.-Nobody minded when Professor Renoir's lectures wandered away from their official theme; his ________ were always more fascinating than the topic of the day. Synonyms-divergence; aside; detour Antonyms: directness, straightness


Part of speech-noun Definition-disdain toward persons supposedly lower in rank or status Ex.-When Elizabeth realized that Darcy considered himself too good to dance with his inferiors, she took great offense at his ________. Synonyms-arrogance; pride Antonyms: humility, meekness


Part of speech-noun Definition-expression of praise, often on the occasion of someone's death Ex.-Instead of delivering a spoken ________ at Genny's memorial service, Jef sang a song he had written in her memory. Synonyms-tribute; commendation Antonyms: calumny, condemnation, criticism


Part of speech-noun Definition-extended forceful speech, generally critical in nature Ex.-The cigar smoker went into a bitter ________, denouncing the anti smoking forces that had succeeded in banning smoking from most restaurants and planes. Synonyms-harangue; rant; outburst; diatribe Antonyms: calm, harmony, peace


Part of speech-noun Definition-extreme corruption Ex.-The _________ of Caligula's behavior came to sicken even those who had willingly participated in his earlier comparatively innocent orgies. Synonyms-wickedness; immorality; decadence Antonyms: good, honor, justice, morality, nobility, purity, uprightness, virtue


Part of speech-noun Definition-extreme devotion to a belief or cause Ex.-According to philosopher George Santayana, ________ can be defined as "redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim" fanatics go beyond normal standards of behavior in their obsession with their cause. Synonyms-extremism; zeal; fervor Antonyms: disinterest, impartiality, unenthusiasm


Part of speech-noun Definition-extreme wealth Ex.-The glitter and ________ of the ballroom took Cinderella's breath away. Synonyms-lavishness; luxury; richness; abundance


Part of speech-noun Definition-feeling or state of weariness or listlessness Ex.-After a massage and a long soak in the hot tub, I gave in to my growing ________ and lay down for a nap. Synonyms-lethargy; tiredness; languor Antonyms: excitement, interest, pleasure


Part of speech-noun Definition-firmness of purpose Ex.-How dare you question my ________ to take us skydiving? Of course I haven't changed my mind! Synonyms-determination; resolution; steadfastness Antonyms-indecision, question, wavering


Part of speech-noun Definition-firmness of purpose; formal expression of opinion; separation into elements Ex.-Nothing could shake Philip's ________ that his children would get the best education that money could buy. Synonyms-determination; resolve; purposefulness Antonyms-irresolution


Part of speech-noun Definition-forceful and persuasive speech Ex.-The crowds were stirred by Martin Luther King's ________. Synonyms- expressiveness' articulateness; fluency Antonyms:dullness, inarticulateness


Part of speech-noun Definition-former occupant of a position or office now held by another Ex.-Commentators who predicted that the new Supreme Court justice would be less liberal than her ________ so far have been proved wrong. Synonyms-antecedent; forerunner; precursor Antonyms-derivative, descendant, successor


Part of speech-noun Definition-fundamental reason of justification(not always reasonable) Ex.-Her need to have someplace to hang her earring collection was Dora's ________ for piercing fifteen holes in each ear. Synonyms-logic; basis; grounds; explanation Antonyms-ambiguity, nonsense, vagueness


Part of speech-noun Definition-great commotion and confusion Ex.-Lydia running off with a soldier! Mother fainting at the new! The Bennet household was in ________. Synonyms-chaos; disorder; uproar; tumult Antonyms: calm, harmony, order, peace


Part of speech-noun Definition-humorous imitation (of a serious literary or musical work, a person, an event) Ex.-The show Forbidden Broadway presents ________ spoofing that year's new productions playing on Broadway. Synonyms-spoof; takeoff; lampoon; travesty; caricature Antonyms: reality, truth


Part of speech-noun Definition-individual trait, usually odd in nature. Ex.- One of Richard Nixon's little ________ was a liking for ketchup for his cottage cheese. Synonyms- eccentricity; peculiarity; quirk.


Part of speech-noun Definition-individual who sacrifices principles for expediency by taking advantage of "opportunities" Ex.-Joe is such a greedy ________ that he tripled the price of bottled water at his store as soon as the earthquake struck. Synonyms-money-grubber; speculator


Part of speech-noun Definition-influence that curbs or brings under control Ex.-Control yourself, young lady! Show some ________! Synonyms-self-discipline; self-control; command; limitation Antonyms-agitation, arousal, wildness


Part of speech-noun Definition-introduction of something new Ex.-Although Richard liked to keep up with the latest technological ________, he didn't always abandon tried-and-true techniques in favor of something new. Synonyms-novelty; change. Antonyms: custom, habit, old, old hat, rut, tradition


Part of speech-noun Definition-lack of concern Ex.-Cool, calm, and collected, James Bond shows remarkable ________ in the face of danger. Synonyms-composure; indifference; insouciance; disinterest


Part of speech-noun Definition-lack of confidence Ex.-Can people who are naturally inclined to ________ get over their shyness to become fast-talking, successful television personalities? Synonyms-shyness; reserve; unassertiveness Antonyms: boldness, confidence


Part of speech-noun Definition-lack of proper seriousness Ex.-Stop giggling and wriggling around in the pew; such ________ is improper in church. Synonyms- frivolity; lightheartedness; flippancy Antonyms: gravity, seriousness


Part of speech-noun Definition-lasting resentment Ex.-Thirty years after the war, she could not let go of the past but was still consumed with ________ against the enemy. Synonyms-bitterness; hatred Antonyms-kindness, love, respect, sympathy


Part of speech-noun Definition-logical consistency; quality of sticking together Ex.-To keep the show going from season to season, the producers of Lost added plot points and characters until the story lost its original ___________ ; in fact it became in________. Synonyms-consistency, intelligibility; logic Antonyms: disagreement, incoherence, incongruity, nonsense, unintelligibility


Part of speech-noun Definition-lowering in rank or dignity Ex.-Some secretaries object to fetching the boss a cup of coffee because they feel that being asked to do such nonprofessional tasks is __________, and they refuse to put up with that sort of degradation. Synonyms-debasement; degeneration; deterioration; decline; humiliation. Antonyms: admiration, approval, elevation, honor, promotion, upgrade


Part of speech-noun Definition-mild expression in place of an unpleasant one Ex.-The Nazis did not refer to their slaughter of the Jews as genocide; instead, they used a ________, calling it "the final solution." Synonyms-circumlocution; misrepresentation


Part of speech-noun Definition-model of perfection. Ex.-"I'm always teasing Margot about being a ________ of virtue these days, and she hates it. Maybe it'll teach her not be such a goody-goody." (Anne Frank) Synonyms-pattern; ideal; exemplar. Antonyms: renegade


Part of speech-noun Definition-narrow provincial point of view Ex.-British ________ in proverbial: there is nothing like living on an island, once the center of empire to encourage the island-dwellers in a sense of their superiority to "all those foreigners out there." Synonyms-narrow-mindedness; provinciality.


Part of speech-noun Definition-nervous apprehension Ex.-As she entered the office of the dean of admission, Sharon felt some ________ about how her interview would go. Synonyms-fear; anxiety; uneasiness Antonyms: calm, contentment, happiness


Part of speech-noun Definition-observable facts; subjects of scientific investigation Ex.-Among the most beautiful natural ________, Auroras also known as the northern and southern lights are natural light displays in the sky. Synonyms-facts; events; aspects; wonders. Antonyms: normality, regularity


Part of speech-noun Definition-one opposed to war or any other form of violence. Ex.-Shooting his way through the jungle, Rambo was clearly not a ________. Synonyms-peacemaker; dove; antimilitarist antonyms: warmonger


Part of speech-noun Definition-one who advocates or argues for something Ex.-In the Senate, ________ of the universal health care measure lobbied to gain additional support for the controversial legislation. Synonyms-supporter; advocate; champion; adherpros Antonyms-enemy, foe, opponent


Part of speech-noun Definition-one who believes that pleasure is the sole aim in life Ex.-A thoroughgoing ________, he considered only his own pleasure, ignoring any claims his family had on his money or time Synonyms- pleasure seeker; epicurean; sensualist Antonyms: ascetic


Part of speech-noun Definition-one who expects things to turn out for the best; person who looks on the bright side Ex.-The pessimist says the glass is half empty; the ________says the glass is half full. Synonyms-positive thinker; idealist; romantic


Part of speech-noun Definition-particular variety of art or literature Ex.-Both a short story writer and a poet, Langston Hughes proved himself equally skilled in either ________. synonyms-type; sort; kind; variety


Part of speech-noun Definition-passionate intensity of feeling; earnestness of emotion Ex.-At the protest rally, the students cheered the strikers and booed the dean with equal ________. Synonyms-passion; enthusiasm, eagerness; zeal Antonyms: apathy, coolness, discouragement


Part of speech-noun Definition-perfect example or embodiment Ex.-As he sang, "I am the very model of a modern Major-General," in the pirates of Penzance, Major-General Stanley proclaimed himself the ________ of an officer and a gentleman. Synonyms-personification; embodiment;quintessence;model


Part of speech-noun Definition-person who excessive religious or political fervor Ex.-Though Glenn was devout, he was no ________: he never tried to force his beliefs on his friends. Synonyms-fanatic; militant Antonyms: moderate


Part of speech-noun Definition-person who suspends judgement until the evidence supporting a point of view has been examined Ex.-I am a ________ about the proposed new health plan; I want some proof that it can work. Synonyms-doubter; disbeliever; cynic Antonyms-believer, devotee, disciple


Part of speech-noun Definition-political and social disorder; state of being without governing body or leader Ex-Denying that she advocated total _______, Katya maintained she wished only to change our government, not to destroy it utterly.. Synonyms-disorder; chaos; lawlessness Antonyms: lawfulness, order, rule


Part of speech-noun Definition-positive statement Ex-Despite Tom's ___________ of innocence, Aunt Polly suspected he had eaten the pie. Synonyms- assertion; avowal; declaration Antonyms: denial, negation, nullification, veto


Part of speech-noun Definition-puzzling or unexplainable situation or event Ex.-" What do women want?" asked Dr. Sigmund Freud. Their behavior was an ________ to him. Synonyms-puzzle; mystery; riddle


Part of speech-noun Definition-quality of being unsophisticated Ex.-Touched by the ________ of sweet, convent trained Cosette, Marius pledges himself to protect her innocence. Synonyms-artlessness; simplicity; innocence; ingeniousness Antonyms: experience, leeriness, skepticism, sophistication


Part of speech-noun Definition-rapid increase in numbers Ex.-Times of economic hardship inevitably encourage the ________ of countless get-rich-quick schemes. Synonyms-spread; multiplication; propagation; increase Antonyms-abatement, decrease, diminishment, lessening, reduction, stagnation, underdevelopment.


Part of speech-noun Definition-reduction in size Ex.-Old Jack was as sharp at eighty as he had been at fifty; increasing age had led to no ________ of his mental acuity. Synonyms-decrease;lessening Antonyms: development, enlargement, expansion, growth, increase


Part of speech-noun Definition-response with contrary evidence; reply pointing out flaws in opponent's argument Ex.-The defense lawyer confidently listened to the prosecutor sum up his case , sure that she could answer his arguments in her ________. Synonyms-refutation; disproof; denial Antonyms-establish, demonstrate, and to show the existence or truth of by evidence.


Part of speech-noun Definition-selected passage(written or musical) Ex.-The cinematic equivalent of an ________ from a novel is a film clip. Synonyms-extract;selection Antonyms: insert, whole


Part of speech-noun Definition-seriousness or critical nature Ex.-We could tell we were in serious trouble from the ________ of the principal's expression. Synonyms-severity; solemnity Antonyms: frivolity, inconsequentiality, levity, silliness, unimportance


Part of speech-noun Definition-shade of difference in meaning or in color Ex.-Jody gazed at the Monet landscape for an hour, appreciating every subtle ________ of color in the painting. Synonyms-gradation; nicety; subtlety; distinction


Part of speech-noun Definition-smallness of quantity or number Ex.-They closed the restaurant because the ________ of customers made running it a losing proposition. Synonyms-scarcity; lack; dearth; scantiness Antonyms: abundance, affluence, plenty


Part of speech-noun Definition-someone or something that precedes another Ex.-Was Monday's 5.4 earthquake an aftershock of last week's 7.2 Baja earthquake, or was it the ________ of an even more powerful earthquake still to come? Synonyms-forerunner; predecessor; herald Antonyms-sequel


Part of speech-noun Definition-someone who eats too much Ex.-Did you really eat a dozen hot dogs? You are such a ________! Synonyms-pig; hog; gourmand; chowhound


Part of speech-noun Definition-something apparently contradictory in nature; statement that looks false, but is actually correct. Ex.-In Legally Blonde, Elle Woods presents a bit of a ________, for she is at one and the same time a bubble-headed sorority girl and a keen-witted law school student. Synonyms-puzzle; contradiction Antonyms: Plausible, possible, feasible, thesis


Part of speech-noun Definition-something new Ex.-Inflight WIFI connections are no longer a ________ most airlines now offer Internet access on their planes for a fee. Synonyms-newness; innovation; freshness


Part of speech-noun Definition-something that discourages Ex.-Does the threat of capital punishment serve as a __________to potential killers? Synonyms-curb; disincentive; restraint; check Antonyms: catalyst, encouragement, incentive


Part of speech-noun Definition-something very intricate or winding in structure; place made up of twisting passages and blind alleys Ex.-Hiding from Indian Joe, Tom and Becky soon lost themselves in the ________ of secret underground caves. Synonyms-maze; warren; tangle


Part of speech-noun Definition-state of being close Ex.-Blind people sometimes develop a compensatory ability to sense the ________ of objects around them Synonyms-nearness; closeness; immediacy Antonyms-distance, remoteness


Part of speech-noun Definition-state of being forgotten Ex.-After a decade of popularity, Hurston's works had fallen into ________; no one bothered to read her novels and short stories any more. Synonyms-obscurity; unawareness; forgetfulness Antonyms: awareness, consciousness, understanding


Part of speech-noun Definition-state of being removed from social contact Ex.-One moment she loved being surrounded by crowds; the next, she sought ________. Synonyms-isolation; solitude; privacy; separation Antonyms-open, public


Part of speech-noun Definition-state of bold or contemptuous disregard for others Ex.- Kissed on the cheek by a perfect stranger, Lady Catherine exclaimed, "Of all the nerve! Young man, I should have you horsewhipped for your ________" Synonyms- insolence;rudeness;cockiness;impertinence; nerve


Part of speech-noun Definition-state of having a bad reputation Ex.-"Any publicity is good publicity,"said the starlet. "If I can't have a good reputation. I'll settle for ________." Synonyms-ill fame;disrepute; infamy


Part of speech-noun Definition-state of perplexity Ex.-When both Harvard and Stanford accepted Laura, she was in a ________ as to which school she should attend. Synonyms-dilemma; predicament Antonyms:advantage, certainty, solution


Part of speech-noun Definition-steadiness of effort; persistent hard work Ex.-Greatly impressed by the part-time worker's ________. her employer offered her a full-time job. Synonyms-industry; assiduousness Antonyms: inactivity, indifference, laziness, lethargy, neglect


Part of speech-noun Definition-stubborn determination to reach a goal, and unwillingness to admit defeat Ex.-Jean Valjean could not believe the ________ of Inspector Javert. All Valijean had done was to steal a loaf of bread, and nonetheless the inspector had pursed him doggedly for twenty years! Synonyms-persistence; doggedness; stubbornness; resolve Antonyms: indifference, irresolution, slackness, weakness


Part of speech-noun Definition-tendency to believe too easily Ex.-Con artists take advantage of the _________ of inexperienced Internet users to gain access to their credit card information. Synonyms-gullibility; naivete Antonyms: incredulity


Part of speech-noun Definition-tendency to regard something favorably Ex.-Although Georgia O' Keeffe painted many subjects over the years, she had a definite ________ for painting flowers. Synonyms-partiality; preference; inclinations Antonyms-dislike


Part of speech-noun Definition-the quality of always having the same form or manner Ex.-After a while, the ________ of television sitcoms becomes boring. Synonyms-sameness;monotony; standardization Antonyms: changeableness, variation


Part of speech-noun Definition-unrestrained vigor and joy Ex.-I was bowled over by the ________ of Amy's welcome. What an enthusiastic greeting! Synonyms-enthusiasm; liveliness;energy; lavishness; abundance Antonyms: discouragement, lifelessness


Part of speech-noun Definition-creature that seizes and devours another; person who robs or exploits others Ex.-Not just cats, but a wide variety of ________ - owls, hawks,weasles, foxes- catch mice for dinner. Synonyms-hunter; killer'; carnivore Antonyms-prey


Part of speech-noun; also adjective Definition-person celebrated for wisdom Ex.-Hearing tales of mysterious Master of All Knowledge who lived in the hills of Tibet , Sandy was possessed with a burning desire to consult the legendary ________. Synonyms-pundit; savant; guru Antonyms-dumbo, dumdum, simpleton


Part of speech-unable to be put into words Ex.-Looking down at her newborn daughter, Ruth felt such ________ joy that, for the first time in her adult life , she had no words to convey what was in her heart. Synonyms-unutterable; indescribable; inexpressible Antonyms: definable, describable, utterable


Part of speech-verb Definition- (1) clear from blame; (2) provide justification Ex.-The lawyer's goal was to ________ her client and prove him innocent of all charges. The critics' uniformly poor reviews ________ my opinion that Prince of Persia is a lousy movie. Synonyms-exonerate; exculpate; justify; defend Antonyms: accuse, blame, convict, punish, sentence


Part of speech-verb Definition- (1) provide support for; (2) act superior toward; (3) be a customer of. Ex.-Penniless artists hope to find some wealthy art lover who will ________ them. If a waiter ________ me, talking down to me because he thought I knew nothing about gourmet dining, I'd refuse to ________ his restaurant Synonyms-(1) assist; foster; (2)condescend; snub; (3) frequent; shop at. Antonyms: boycott


Part of speech-verb Definition- destroy confidence in;hurt the reputation of Ex.- Political campaigns are growing increasingly negative as candidates try to ________ one another. Synonyms-defame;detract from; disgrace; disbelieve Antonyms: commend, credit, honor, praise


Part of speech-verb Definition- put into effect; carry out Ex.-The ballet master wanted to see how well Margret could ________ a pirouette. Synonyms-perform; implement;accomplish; complete Antonyms: abandon, disregard, fail, forget, ignore, leave, miss, neglect, shirk


Part of speech-verb Definition- sneer at Ex.- A doting mother, Emma was more likely to praise her son's childish finger paintings than ________ them Synonyms- belittle; ridicule; mock Antonyms: approve, commend, compliment, flatter, laud, praise, sanction


Part of speech-verb Definition-(1)reduce in size;(2)become affected by (a disease) Ex.-Warm metal expands; cold metal ________. When Michael served in the Peace Corps in Malaysia, he contracted malaria. Synonyms-(1)compress; shrink(2) incur; be afflicted with Antonyms: disagreement, misunderstanding


Part of speech-verb Definition-Become accustomed to something unpleasant or unwelcome. Ex.-Although Cinderella was ________ to the drudgery of her menial tasks, she still flinched when her stepsisters hurled at her. Synonyms-harden; habituate.


Part of speech-verb Definition-Turn upside down or inside out. Ex.-If you ________ your body in a handstand, the blood will rush to your head. Synonyms-upset; overturn.


Part of speech-verb Definition-approve formally Ex.-Because of the lack of a quorum, Congress failed to ________measures that had been passed by the Senate, including the Freedom of Information Act. Synonyms-confirm; corroborate Antonyms-deny, disaffirm, disagree, renounce, revoke, veto


Part of speech-verb Definition-argue earnestly; struggle in rivalry Ex.-Sociologist Harry Edwards _________ that some colleges exploit young African-American athletes, supporting them as athletes but failing to support them as students. Synonyms-assert; compete Antonyms: abandon, desert, give up, leave, retreat


Part of speech-verb Definition-attempt to equal or outdo Ex.-In a brief essay, describe a person you admire, someone whose virtues and achievements you would like to ________. Synonyms-imitate; copy; rival


Part of speech-verb Definition-cancel out; deny the truth of Ex.-A sudden surge of adrenalin can ________ the effects of fatigue; there's nothing like a good shock to wake you up. Synonyms-nullify; invalidate; rule out Antonyms: allow, approve, permit


Part of speech-verb Definition-cause delay in progress or movement. Ex.-The special prosecutor determined that the attorney general, though inept, had not intentionally set out to ________ the progress of the investigation. Synonyms- hinder; block; delay; obstruct; thwart. Antonyms: advance, aid, assist, facilitate, forward, help, support


Part of speech-verb Definition-charge with a crime Ex.-If the grand jury ________ the suspect, he will go to trial. Synonyms-incriminate; inculpate Antonyms: absolve, acquit, exonerate


Part of speech-verb Definition-chip away at Ex.-The recent corruption scandals have ________ many people's faith in the city government. Synonyms-weaken; sap; undercut; damage Antonyms: strengthen


Part of speech-verb Definition-clear from blame Ex.-DNA evidence has been used to ________ suspects falsely accused of crimes. Synonyms-exculpate; acquit Antonyms: accuse, blame, charge, condemn, incarcerate, incriminate, sentence


Part of speech-verb Definition-come between in order to prevent or alter; occur between (events, periods of time) Ex.- If two good friends get into a fight, don't try to ________: if you do, they may gang up on you. Synonyms-interfere; intrude; happen. Antonyms: ignore, leave alone


Part of speech-verb Definition-draw out(a response or reaction) Ex.-The photographer made funny faces in an attempt to ________ a smile from his shy subject. Synonyms-extract; evoke ;obtain Antonyms: cover, hide, keep, repress, supress


Part of speech-verb Definition-establish by evidence or proof Ex.-These endorsements written by satisfied customers ________ our claim that Barron's SAT is the best SAT-prep book on the market. Synonyms-verify; support; support; affirm; corroborate Antonyms: break, disprove


Part of speech-verb Definition-expand or work out something in detail. Ex.-Tell me more. Please ________ on your reasons for wanting to attend Harvard. Synonyms-amplify; develop; enlarge. Antonyms: general, normal, plain, regular, simple, uncomplicated, unelaborate, uninvolved, usual


Part of speech-verb Definition-expose as false or exaggerated Ex.-Pointing out that the candidate had consistently voted against strengthening antipollution legislation, the reporters ________ his claim that he was a fervent environmentalist Synonyms-discredit; ridicule; lampoon. Antonyms: prove, uphold


Part of speech-verb Definition-express sorrow Ex.-People all over the world ________ the loss of so many lives on 9/11 Synonyms-mourn; grieve; bewail Antonyms: celebrate, compliment, laud, praise


Part of speech-verb Definition-express strong disapproval of Ex.- The founder of the Children's Defense Fund, Mariam Wright Edelman, strongly _______ the lack of financial aid and moral support for children in America today. Synonyms-critcize; condemn Antonyms: applaud, compliment, exalt, laud, praise


Part of speech-verb Definition-express strong disapproval of; protest against; belittle Ex.-Because she was a firm believer in old-fashioned courtesy, Miss Post __________ the modern tendency to address new acquaintances by their first names. Synonyms-protest; belittle Antonyms: approve, build up, commend, compliment, endorse, laud, praise


Part of speech-verb Definition-form in one's mind(a plan, method, or invention) Ex.-How clever the joker was, to _________ such a cunning, devious plan! Synonyms-invent; think up Antonyms: borrow


Part of speech-verb Definition-formally discuss a subject at some length; hold a conversation Ex.-In extemporaneous speaking events (known to high school debaters as "Extemp"), competitors must ________ on a subject with only thirty minutes to prepare their speech. Synonyms-converse;debate;talk Antonyms: quiet, silence


Part of speech-verb Definition-give pleasure to Ex.-Lori's parents were ________ by her successful performance on the SAT. Synonyms-please; satisfy; fulfill Antonyms: annoy, disappoint, disturb, frustrate, offend, pain, upset


Part of speech-verb Definition-give praise to Ex.-World leaders ________ the heroic efforts of the rescue workers after the Haitian earthquake. Synonyms-extol; acclaim; glorify Antonyms: blame, castigate, criticize


Part of speech-verb Definition-give support to Ex.-Everyone waited to see which one of the rival candidates for the city council the mayor would ________. Synonyms-approve; back;champion; sponsor Antonyms: censure, disapprove, oppose, protest, reject, repel, unauthorize


Part of speech-verb Definition-go beyond the powers of Ex.-The legendary athlete Jim Thorpe,who ________ all his competitors at the 1912 Olympic Games, made a name for himself in baseball, football, and track. Synonyms-exceed; outdo; transcend Antonyms: fail, fall behind, lose


Part of speech-verb Definition-help bring about; make less difficult Ex.-Rest and proper nourishment should ________ the patient's recovery. Synonyms-ease; aid; assist Antonyms: block, check, delay, detain, hinder, prohibit, stop


Part of speech-verb Definition-hesitate in making a choice Ex.-Uncertain which suitor she ought to accept, the princess ________, first favoring on, then the other. Synonyms-waver; oscillate; fluctuate Antonyms: remain, stay


Part of speech-verb Definition-honor the memory of Ex.-The statue of the Minute Man __________ the valiant soldiers who fought in the Revolutionary War Synonyms-remember; celebrate Antonyms: dishonor, forget, neglect


Part of speech-verb Definition-incite to an action Ex.-Rumors of police corruption led the mayor to ________ an investigation into the department's activities Synonyms-provoke; stir up; foment; encourage; urge; start. Antonyms: halt, prevent, stop


Part of speech-verb Definition-increase or intensify the severity of Ex.-When acacias are in bloom, the increase of pollen in the air ________ Richard's hay fever. Synonyms-worsen; embitter; aggravate Antonyms: aid, calm, comfort, help, soothe


Part of speech-verb Definition-interfere with Ex.-The new mother didn't realize how much the effort of caring for an infant would ________ her ability to keep an immaculate house. Synonyms-hinder; obstruct; impede Antonyms: aid, allow, assist, encourage, expedite, help, permit, promote


Part of speech-verb Definition-keep from happening; exclude the possibility Ex.-The fact that the band was already booked to play in Hollywood on New Year's Eve ________ their accepting the New Year's Eve gig in London Synonyms-prevent; rule out Antonyms: allow, permit, support


Part of speech-verb Definition-laugh at scornfully Ex.- The reviewers unanimously ________ Hwang's new play, mocking its pretentious dialogue, flat characters, and simpleminded plot. Synonyms-ridicule; mock; scoff Antonyms: commend, compliment, flatter, praise, revere


Part of speech-verb Definition-live through; keep; give support to; bear up under Ex.-Stuart sustained such heavy loses in the stock market that he could no longer ________ his jet-setting lifestyle. Synonyms-experience; maintain; nourish; support Antonyms: discontinue, halt, stop


Part of speech-verb Definition-make fearful Ex.-Bullies loved to ________ Clark Kent. Little did they know that, despite his timid appearance, Clark was actually Superman in disguise. Synonyms-frighten; scare; daunt; overawe. Antonyms: assist, encourage, help


Part of speech-verb Definition-make known; cause to be seen Ex.-Although competitors offered him bribes, Scott refused to ________ any information about his company's new product. Synonyms-reveal; divulge Antonyms: conceal, hide, secrete, withhold


Part of speech-verb Definition-make larger or more numerous Ex.-Armies augment their forces by calling up reinforcements ;teachers __________ their salaries by taking second jobs Synonyms-supplement;enlarge;increase;add to Antonyms: decrease, degrade


Part of speech-verb Definition-make more attractive or effective Ex.-You can ________ your chances of being admitted to the college of your choice by learning to write well. Synonyms-increase; improve; intensify; magnify Antonyms: decrease, fix, lower, minimize, reduce, worsen


Part of speech-verb Definition-make more bearable Ex-When Johnny came down with bad case of poison oak, the doctor recommended calamine lotion to _________ the itching. Synonyms-relieve; lessen; mitigate; ease; lighten. Antonyms: aggravate, heighten, increase, intensify, magnify


Part of speech-verb Definition-make more beautiful; make a story more interesting by adding(generally fictitious)details Ex.-The costume designer ________ the leading lady's ball gown with yards and yards of ribbon and lace. The producer ________ his account of his Hollywood years with a list of all the starlets who had been madly in love with him. Synonyms-adorn; ornament; decorate; beautify Antonyms: deface, disfigure, mar, simplify, spoil, uglify


Part of speech-verb Definition-make something last; preserve from extinction. Ex.-Some critics attack The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn because they believe the book ________ a false image of African-Americans. Synonyms-maintain; continue; keep alive Antonyms: cease, halt, prevent, stop


Part of speech-verb Definition-make the subject of ridicule Ex.-The satirical Website The Onion ________ anything, no matter how sensitive the subject. Atypical headline:"Lucky Dead Students Gets Own Page In Yearbook." Synonyms-satirize; parody; ridicule Antonyms: applaud, approve, praise, support

exploit (2)

Part of speech-verb Definition-make use of, sometimes unjustly Ex.-Cesar Chavez fought attempts to ________ migrant farm workers in California. Synonyms-misuse; manipulate; utilize


Part of speech-verb Definition-make worse Ex.-Drinking alcohol can ________ your ability to drive safely; if you're going to drink, don't drink. Synonyms- injure; hurt; damage. Antonyms: cherish, defend, help, preserve, protect, respect


Part of speech-verb Definition-make(an act or contract)void Ex.-Thanks to the adoption of new economy measures, with a savings of $140 million, the school board was able to ________the layoffs of 540 teachers. Synonyms-cancel; repeal; void; retract; revoke Antonyms-allow, approve, permit


Part of speech-verb Definition-mention one by one Ex.-Huck hung his head in shame as Miss Watson________ his many faults. Synonyms-spell out; itemize; detail; name; count Antonyms: not count


Part of speech-verb Definition-minimize the significance of Ex.-Be prepared to ________ what he has to say about his ex-wife; he is still very bitter about the divorce. Synonyms-disregard; ignore Antonyms: increase, mark-up, premium, rise


Part of speech-verb Definition-moderate in intensity Ex.-The airline customer service agent tried to ________ the angry passenger by offering her a seat in first class. Synonyms-placate; soothe; appease; pacify Antonyms: agitate, depress, exasperate, harass, incite, provoke, trouble, upset, worry


Part of speech-verb Definition-move or act hesitantly or unsteadily Ex.-When told to dive off the high board, Walter did not ________ but immediately launched into a smooth swan dive. Synonyms-hesitate; waver; stumble; totter; stammer Antonyms: continue, speak smoothly


Part of speech-verb Definition-move someone to do something by persuasion Ex.-After their quarrel, Tina said nothing could ________ her to talk to Tony again. Synonyms-persuade; convince; bring about; stimulate Antonyms: discourage, halt, hinder, prevent


Part of speech-verb Definition-overwhelm Ex.-This semester I am ________ with work; you should see the piles of paperwork flooding my desk. Synonyms-flood; submerge Antonyms: underwhelm


Part of speech-verb Definition-praise highly Ex.-The president ________ the astronauts, whom he called the pioneers of the Space Age. Synonyms-glorify; laud; exalt' eulogize Antonyms: blame, criticize


Part of speech-verb Definition-proclaim as evil Ex.-The reform candidates __________ the corrupt city officials for having betrayed the public's trust. Synonyms-condemn; criticize; excuse Antonyms: approve, commend, compliment, praise


Part of speech-verb Definition-put an end to Ex.-Miss Minchin's demeanor was so stern and forbidding that she could any unrest among her students with one intimidating glance. Synonyms-overwhelm; extinguish; subdue; suppress; quiet Antonyms: succeed, win


Part of speech-verb Definition-put into effect Ex.-The mayor was unwilling to ________ the plan until she was sure it had the governor's backing. Synonyms-execute; accomplish; perform; carry out.


Part of speech-verb Definition-raise in rank or dignity Ex.-Queen Elizabeth ________ the rock star Mick Jagger ti the rank of knighthood; he's known as Sir Mick Jagger. Synonyms-praise; acclaim; elevate Antonyms: castigate, condemn, criticize, debase, denounce, humiliate


Part of speech-verb Definition-refuse to have anything to do with; reject the authority of Ex.-On separating from Tony, Tina announced that she would ________ all debts acquired by her soon-to-be ex-husband Synonyms-disown; disavow Antonyms-admit, approve


Part of speech-verb Definition-regard with esteem Ex.-In Tibet today, the common people still ________ their traditional spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama. Synonyms-revere; worship; idolize Antonyms: abhor, condemn, despise, detest, dislike, execrate, hate, scorn


Part of speech-verb Definition-regret strongly; express grief over Ex.- Although the advice columnist _________ the high rate of divorce nowadays, she realized that not every marriage could be saved. Synonyms-disapprove; lament Antonyms: approve, be happy, delight, praise, rejoice, revel


Part of speech-verb Definition-release from a difficulty Ex.-Icebreakers were needed to ________ the trapped whales from the icy floes that closed them in. Synonyms-disentangle; free; extract; remove Antonyms: entangle, involve


Part of speech-verb Definition-replace another, especially by force. Ex.-In early Anglo-Saxon times, one tribe would drive out and ________ another until that tribe was driven out in turn by a third. Synonyms-displace; unseat; supersede; oust Antonyms-add, include


Part of speech-verb Definition-represent using words or a picture Ex.-Some newspaper accounts __________ the movie star as a reclusive prime donna; others portrayed her as a sensitive artist harassed by the media. Synonyms-portray; describe Antonyms: confuse, distort, mix up


Part of speech-verb Definition-retract a previous statement; openly confess error Ex.-Those who can, keep true to their faith. Those who can't ________. Hoping to make Joan of Arc ________ her sworn testimony, her English captors tried to convince her that her visions had been sent by the devil Synonyms- disclaim;disavow;renounce;repudiate Antonyms-confirm, emphasize, recapitulate


Part of speech-verb Definition-sap the strength of Ex.-Michael's severe bout of the flu ________ him so much that for a week he was too tired to go back to work. Synonyms-weaken; enfeeble; enervate Antonyms: complete, meticulous, painstaking, perfect, thorough, unhurried


Part of speech-verb Definition-scold, generally in a gentle manner Ex.-Though Aunt Bea at times had to ________ Opie for inattention in church, she believed he was at heart a God-fearing lad. Synonyms-correct; censure; rebuke Antonyms-applaud, approve, commend, compliment, extol, flatter, laud, praise


Part of speech-verb Definition-seize another's power, rank or authority Ex.-"Judicial activism" is the alleged tendency of some judges to ________ the power of elected legislatures by making the law rather than merely interpreting it. Synonyms-take; commandeer; appropriate Antonyms: give in, relinquish, surrender


Part of speech-verb Definition-serves as an example of Ex.-For a generation of balletgoers, Mikhail Baryshinkov, the pride of the Russian ballet, ________ the ideal of masculine grace. Synonyms-embody; illustrate; demonstrate; represent


Part of speech-verb Definition-set forth in detail Ex.-Using only a few descriptive phrases, Austen manages to _________ the character of Mr. Collins so deftly that we can predict his every move. Synonyms-describe; outline; portray; depict; sketch Antonyms: "be inside,center"


Part of speech-verb Definition-settle; sink to the bottom Ex.-The doctor assured Johnny's parents that their son's fever would eventually ________. Synonyms-decrease; dwindle; abate; lessen Antonyms: grow, increase, rise


Part of speech-verb Definition-speed up the progress of (a process); accomplish with promptness Ex.-We paid an extra $3.95 to Amazon to have them ________ the shipping of our order. Synonyms-hasten;dispatch Antonyms: block, cease, check, delay, halt, hinder, slow, stop


Part of speech-verb Definition-spend foolishly Ex.-If you ________ on your allowance on video games and manga, you won't have enough money to buy the new bike you want. Synonyms-waste;dissipate; throw away. Antonyms: hoard, save, set aside


Part of speech-verb Definition-support and encourage(growth,development) Ex.-The Head Start program attempts to ________ prekindergarten children so that they will do well when they enter elementary school. Synonyms-nourish; educate; foster; protect; cultivate Antonyms: deprivation, ignorance, neglect, starvation


Part of speech-verb Definition-support with evidence Ex.-Though Huck was quite willing to _________ Tom's story, Aunt Polly knew better than to believe either of them. Synonyms-confirm, substantiate, back up Antonyms: contradict, deny, disallow, disclaim, refute, reject


Part of speech-verb Definition-take back; draw back Ex-When I saw how Fred and his fraternity brothers had trashed the frat house, I decided to ________ my offer to let them use our summer cottage over spring break. Synonyms-withdraw; disavow Antonyms-corroborate, emphasize, reaffirm, repeat


Part of speech-verb Definition-tend to meet or come together Ex.-In 1995, African-American men from all over the United States ____________ on Washington, DC, to take part in the historic Million Man March. Synonyms-congregate; approach; unite Antonyms: disagreement, misunderstanding


Part of speech-verb Definition-throw light upon; make clear Ex.-According to Sherlock Homes, the very point that appears to complicate a case is, when duly considered and scientifically handled, the one that is most likely to ________ it. Synonyms-explain; clarify Antonyms: be vague, confuse, distract, make ambiguous, mix up, mystify, obscure


Part of speech-verb Definition-view with scorn or contempt Ex.-The bookish student ________ fashion models for their apparent lack of intellectual interest. Synonyms-scorn; despise; disparage. Antonyms: admiration, esteem, favor, like, love, praise, respect


Part of speech-verb Definition-wander aimlessly (physically or verbally) Ex.-Listening to the teacher ________, Judy wondered whether he'd ever get to his point. Synonyms-amble; stroll; meander;digress Antonyms-be direct, stay


Part of speech-verb; also adjective Definition-treat in an unworthy manner Ex.-Tourists are urged not to ________ the sanctity of holy places by wearing tank tops and other immodest garb. Synonyms-violate; desecrate: defile Antonyms-clean, moral, sacred


Part of speech-verb; also noun Definition-make valid; give consent to Ex.-Nothing will convince me to ________ the engagement of my daughter to such a worthless young man. Synonyms-approve; ratify Antonyms-disapproval, prevention, refusal, veto


Part of speech-verb; also noun Definition-speak wildly, noisily,or grandiloquently;scold forcefully Ex.-When he heard I'd totaled the family car, Dad began to ________at me like a total madman. Synonyms-rave; clamor; carry on; storm; declaim Antonyms-calm, quiet


Part of speech- Verb Definition: Grow less in intensity or degree Ex. Rather than leave immediately and be drenched, they waited for the storm to ________ Synonyms: subside; moderate; decrease antonyms: increase


Part of speech- adjective Definition- able to be reached Ex. We asked our guide wheter the ruins were _______ on foot Synonyms- approachable; obtainable Antonyms: inaccessible, limited, restricted


Part of speech- adjective Definition- barren and lacking in warmth Ex.- The frigid, inhospitable Aleutian Islands are bleak military outposts. It's no wonder that soldiers assigned there have a ________ attitude toward their posting Synonyms- cheerless; dreary; dismal; bare; depressing Antonyms: appealing, bright, comfortable, nice, pleasant, sunny


Part of speech- adjective Definition- bitter in words or manner Ex. It was a very negative campaign; the rival candidates attacked each other using highly _________ terms Synonyms- hostile; bitter; unfriendly; spiteful Antonyms: kind, kindly, peaceable


Part of speech- adjective Definition- characteristic of an earlier or more primitive time Ex- The foreign student spoke in correct but rather ________ English, for he had learned it from studying the English classics, not from everyday conversation Synonyms- antiquated; ancient; outdated Antonyms: current, modern, new, present, young


Part of speech- adjective Definition- characterized by careful, persistent attention (to a task) Ex- John was _________ in compiling the bibliography for his term paper; he worked at the task for weeks before he was satisfied Synonyms- diligent; industrious; hardworking; persevering Antonyms: lazy, neglectful, negligent


Part of speech- adjective Definition- characterized by intensity of feeling Ex- Katya's _________ enthusiasm inspired her fellow protesters to make even greater efforts on behalf of the cause Synonyms- intense; passionate; zealous Antonyms: current, modern, new, present, young


Part of speech- adjective Definition- completely covering (a field or subject) Ex.- We will spend the final two weeks of school on a _________ review of everything we covered in class this semester Synonyms- inclusive; complete; thorough Antonyms: exclusive, incomprehensive, particular, selective, specific


Part of speech- adjective Definition- covering a great deal in a few words Ex.- When you send a message on Twitter, be _________: a tweet cannot be more than 140 characters long Synonyms- brief; terse; succinct Antonyms: expansive, lengthy, long, long-winded, redundant, repetitive, wordy


Part of speech- adjective Definition- dealing with or capable of appreciating the beautiful Ex. The beauty of Tiffany's stained glass appealed to Esther's __________ sense Synonyms- artistic Antonyms:displeasing, ugly, unattractive


Part of speech- adjective Definition- deliberately planned (to achieve a goal, accomplish a purpose) Ex.- Lexy's choice of clothing to wear to the debate tournament was carefully __________ to impress the judges Synonyms- intended; considered; deliberate; premediated


Part of speech- adjective Definition- difficult to understand Ex. Baffled by the ________ philosophical texts assigned in class, Dave asked Lexy to explain Kant's Critique of Pure Reason Synonyms- obscure; profound; incomprehensible; esoteric antonyms: clear, concrete, easy,lucid, obvious


Part of speech- adjective Definition- disposed to do good Ex.- Mr. Goodman was a _________ employer who made sure that each of his employees receiver a turkey at Thanksgiving Synonyms- generous; charitable; kindly Antonyms: greedy, malevolent, mean, selfish, spiteful, unkind


Part of speech- adjective Definition- easy to talk to; warmly friendly Ex- Accustomed to cold, impersonal supervisors, Nicholas was amazed at how _______ his new manager was Synonyms- genial; sociable; easygoing; approachable Antonyms: complaining, disdainful, grouchy, grumbling, impolite, miserable, reserved, surly, unfriendly


Part of speech- adjective Definition- expressing oneself clearly Ex- Her __________ PowerPoint presentation was so effective that the company immediately adopted her proposal Synonyms- clear; distinct; lucid; eloquent Antonyms:misrepresented, unclear, unintelligible


Part of speech- adjective Definition- gaining goodwill by acting in a pleasing manner Ex.- Tina was still angry despite Tony's soft and __________ words Synonyms- reconciling; soothing; appeasing; mollifying Antonyms: antagonistic, fighting, refusing, stubborn


Part of speech- adjective Definition- gentle in disposition; not malignant Ex.- Although her __________ smile and gentle bearing made Miss Marple seem to be a sweet little old lady, in reality she was a tough-minded, shrewd observer of human nature Synonyms- kindly; gracious; favorable; benevolent Antonyms: greedy, malevolent, mean, selfish, spiteful, unkind


Part of speech- adjective Definition- having skill or resourcefulness in coping with situations Ex.I had to admire the _________ excuses that Dexter found to get out of doing any chores he disliked Synonyms- skillful; clever; resourceful; adept Antonyms: awkward, clumsy, dense, inept, stupid, unskilled


Part of speech- adjective Definition- impulsive and unpredictable Ex.- The winter storm was ________: it changed course unpredictably. Jen was _________, too: she changed boyfriends almost as often as she changed clothes Synonyms- erratic; fickle; changeable; inconstant Antonyms: constant, dependable, sensible, staid, steadfast, steady


Part of speech- adjective Definition- not concrete Ex.To John, who had never missed a meal, hunger was an _________ concept, one he understood only in theory Synonyms- theoretical; conceptual; intangible; academic antonyms: actual, concrete


Part of speech- adjective Definition- practicing self-denial Ex- The wealthy, self-indulgent young man felt oddly drawn to the strict, _________ lifestyle practiced by members of some monastic orders Synonyms- austere; abstinent; self-denying Antonyms- gluttonous, greedy, hungry


Part of speech- adjective Definition- sharply bitter in taste or odor Ex. A pistol shot rang out; the _______ odor of burnt gunpowder filled the room Synonyms- pungent; sharp; harsh; bitter Antonyms: delicious, savory, sweet


Part of speech- adjective Definition- sparing in eating and drinking Ex. Vegans are _________: they neither use nor consume animal products, abstaining from eating eggs and meat Synonyms- temperate; restrained; moderate antonyms:self-indulgent


Part of speech- adjective Definition-Emotionally or physically distant Ex-Shy by nature. she remained _______ while the rest of the group chattered away. Synonyms-standoffish; detached; reserved; remote Antonyms: concerned, friendly, sociable


Part of speech- adjective Definition-determined by impulse or whim; capricious Ex- Baseball is a game of __________ calls; umpires constantly make decisions that to someone sitting in the bleachers make no sense Synonyms- capricious; unreasonable; tyrannical Antonyms: circumspect, rational, reasonable, reasoned, supported


Part of speech- adjective Definition-highly critical Ex.- We live in a morally _________ climate, one that does not readily tolerate weirdness, willfulness, or imperfection Synonyms- disapproving; overcritical; faultfinding Antonyms: complimentary, encouraging, flattering, laudatory, praising


Part of speech- noun Definition- active ill will Ex- Martha showed her _________ toward her classmates by sending them hate messages on Formspring and Twitter Synonyms- hatred; hostility; enmity Antonyms: good will, love


Part of speech- noun Definition- active resistance Ex- Barry showed his ________ toward his new stepmother by ignoring her whenever she tried talking to him Synonyms- resentment; opposition; hostility Antonyms: accord, agreement, harmony, rapport, sympathy, understanding


Part of speech- noun Definition- agreement arrived at by a group as a whole Ex.- Every time the garden club members had nearly reached a ___________ about what to plant, Mistress Mary, quite contrary, disagreed Synonyms- concord; unanimity Antonyms: disagreement


Part of speech- noun Definition- conformity in fulfilling requirements; readiness to yield Ex.- The architect realized that his design for the new school had to be in _________ with the local building code Synonyms- obedience; accordance; acquiescence Antonyms: defiance, denial, disagreement, disobedience, dissension, dissent, fight, nonconformity, refusal, veto


Part of speech- noun Definition- deep-seated dislike Ex- Like most Boston Red Sox fans, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck feel a strong _________ towards the New York Yankees, Boston's bitter rivals Synonyms- hatred; enmity; aversion Antonyms: admiration, appreciation, approval, esteem, honor, like, liking, love, rapport, regard, respect, sympathy


Part of speech- noun Definition- embarrassed awkwardness; repression of feelings Ex.- When the boys first met their new stepmother, they felt some ___________, but eventually they lost that initial awkwardness and talked with her comfortably Synonyms- limitation; restriction; embarrassment Antonyms: aggression


Part of speech- noun Definition- excessive admiration Ex. The conceited movie start relished the ________ he received from his groupies Synonyms- idolization; hero worship; flattery Antonyms: abuse, criticism


Part of speech- noun Definition- fear of future evil Ex- Despite the __________ many people feel about black bears, these bears are generally more afraid of humans than humans are of them Synonyms- anxiety; trepidation; dread; nervousness Antonyms: calmness, ease


Part of speech- noun Definition- force negatively affecting one's well-being Ex. Dirt- poor and out of work, he did not give up but continued struggling to overcome ________ Synonyms- misfortune; hardship; affliction; poverty Antonyms: aid, encouragement, favor, fortune, good luck, help, prosperity


Part of speech- noun Definition- great fire Ex.- In the ________ that followed the 1906 earthquake, much of San Francisco went up in flames Synonyms- inferno; blaze Antonyms: demilitarization, demobilization, disarmament; pacification; cease-fire, truce; calm, peacefulness, tranquillity (or tranquility)


Part of speech- noun Definition- lack of concern, especially about things that others find important Ex- A firm believer in democratic government, she could not understand the __________ of people who never bothered to vote Synonyms- indifference; impassiveness Antonyms: care, concern, feeling, interest, passion, sensitivity, sympathy, warmth


Part of speech- noun Definition- mental calmness Ex.- Even at the latest crisis at work could not shake Nancy's ____________ Synonyms- equanimity: serenity: self-possesion Antonyms: agitation, arousal, discomposure, excitement, perturbedness, upset


Part of speech- noun Definition- one who resits or opposes Ex. The young wrestler struggled to defeat his terrible ______ Synonyms- opponent; enemy Antonyms: ally, assistant, backer, friend, helper, helpmate, supporter


Part of speech- noun Definition- open honestly Ex.- When Terri asked Tom how she looked, she was hoping for compliments, not for __________ Synonyms- frankness; openness; truthfulness Antonyms: artifice, deception, falsehood, guile, lying


Part of speech- noun Definition- position of dominance; controlling influence Ex- Leaders of religious cults maintain _________ over their followers by methods that can verge on brainwashing Synonyms- domination; power; superiority Antonyms: inferiority, subordination, weakness


Part of speech- noun Definition- satisfaction with one's person, possessions, or accomplishments Ex.- You may be in first place right now, but your competitors are catching up fast. This is no time for _________ Synonyms- smugness; self-satisfaction Antonyms:"aggravation, annoyance, bother, botheration, distress, exasperation, irritation, torment, torture"


Part of speech- noun Definition- short account of a supposedly interesting or amusing incident Ex- The boss prefaced his speech by telling a pointless ______ about an encounter he'd had with former President Bush Synonyms- story; tale; yarn Antonyms: non-fiction, truth


Part of speech- noun Definition- shortness of expression Ex.- When you place a phone call from an airplane, _______ is essential; you are charged for every minutes Synonyms- briefness; conciseness; succinctness; terseness Antonyms: lengthiness, longevity, permanence


Part of speech- noun Definition- someone who follows a leader or supports a cause Ex. As news of the scandal spread, the senator's one-time _______ quickly deserted him Synonyms- supporter; follower; advocate; believer


Part of speech- noun Definition- something not easily classified or that deviates from the norm Ex- Most birds can fly. The ostrich, which cannot fly, is therefore an __________ Synonyms- irregularity; abnormality Antonyms: conformity, normality, regularity, standard, usual, usualness


Part of speech- noun Definition- something taken for granted; act of taking possession Ex- The young princess made the foolish ________ that the regent would not object to her taking the reins of power Synonyms- supposition; hypothesis; presupposition Antonyms: doubt, unexpected


Part of speech- noun Definition- something that causes an event or change to occur Ex.- Jean-Michel Cousteau, one of world's leading ocean explorers, hopes that the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster will become a ________ for political, industrial, and environmental change Synonyms- Impetus; spur; stimulus Antonyms: block, blockage, preventer, prevention


Part of speech- noun Definition- throw into confusion or bewilder Ex.- No mystery could ________ Sherlock Homes for long. He easily solved even the most mystifying case Synonyms- confuse; puzzle; mystify Antonyms: clarify, clear up, enlighten, explain, make clear, relate


Part of speech- verb Definition- acknowledge something to be true; grant as a privilege Ex.- Despite all the evidence Monica had assembled, Mark refused to _________ that she was right Synonyms-admit; yield Antonyms: contradict, disacknowledge, disagree, dispute, dissent, fight, refuse, reject, repudiate


Part of speech- verb Definition- agree without protesting Ex. Although she appeared to _______ to her employer's suggestions, I could tell she had reservations about the changes he wanted made Synonyms- assent; comply; submit Antonyms: disagree, dissent, object, protest


Part of speech- verb Definition- announce with great approval Ex. Announcing the Olympic Games, the sports casters ______ every American victory and grumbled about every American defeat Synonyms- applaud; appraise Antonyms: beratement, criticism, disapproval, jeering, vituperation


Part of speech- verb Definition- deduce by guessing Ex.- Although there was no official count, the organizers ________ that more than 10,000 marchers took part in the March for Peace Synonyms- speculate; surmise; guess Antonyms: fact, proof, reality, truth


Part of speech- verb Definition- express agreement with an opinion; happen together Ex.- Justice Sotomayor wrote a minority opinion because she did not ________ with the reasoning of her fellow justices Synonyms- agree; assent; coincide Antonyms: argue, differ, disagree, disapprove, dispute, object, oppose, reject


Part of speech- verb Definition- lessen in intensity, or put an end to Ex- Jilted by Jane, Dick tried to ________ his broken heart by eating ice cream. Several gallons later, he had ________ his hunger but not his pain Synonyms- ease; satisfy; soothe; relieve Antonyms: exacerbate, upset


Part of speech- verb Definition- reduce (a text) in length Ex. Because Websters dictionary had grown so large and unwiedly, the publishers decided to _______ it and bring out a condensed version Synonyms- condense; shorten; digest antonyms: lengthen


Part of speech- verb Definition- shore up using an external support Ex.-The attorney came up with several far-fetched arguments in a vain attempt to _________ his weak case Synonyms-support; reinforce; prop up; bolster; strengthen. Antonyms: lengthiness, longevity, permanence


Part of speech- verb Definition- speak in favor of Ex. Seeking the end of slavery; the abolitionists ________ freedom for the slaves Synonyms- support; urge; recommend Antonyms: antagonist, assailant, enemy, opposition, protestor


Part of speech- verb Definition- support or prop up Ex.- The debaters accumulated huge file boxes full of evidence to __________ their arguments Synonyms- reinforce; strengthen Antonyms: hinder, not support, obstruct, prevent, undermine


Part of speech- verb Definition- take possession of for one's own use (possibly without the authority or right to do so) Ex- The ranch owners __________ the lands that had originally been set aside for the Indians' use Synonyms- acquire; annex Antonyms: improper, unbecoming, unfitting, unseemly, unsuitable, unsuited


Part of speech- verb Definition- to cause someone or something to seem less Ex.- Barry constantly ________ people, making them feel insignificant and small Synonyms- disparage; slight; deprecate; put down Antonyms: build up, exaggerate, praise, value


Part of speech- verb Definition- treat as if harmless or unimportant Ex.- Unlike Widow Douglas, who __________ Huck's minor offenses, Miss Watson did nothing but scold him for his misdeeds Synonyms- overlooked; forgive; excuse; pardon; disregard Antonyms: censure, condemn, forbid, not allow, prevent


Part of speech-adjective Definition-Unselfishly concerned for the well-being of others Ex-By providing college scholarships for economically disadvantaged youths, Eugene Lang performed a truly ______ deed. Synonyms-unselfish; philanthropic; selfless. Antonyms: selfish, unsacrificing


Part of speech-adjective Definition-characterized by shrewdness and clear-sightedness Ex.-Shrewdly purchasing valuable plots of land for small sums, John Jacob Astor gained a reputation as an _______ investor. Synonyms-shrewd;perceptive;sharp;wise;clever Antonyms: asinine, idiotic, ignorant, imbecile, obtuse, shallow, stupid, thick, unintelligent


Part of speech-adjective Definition-forbiddingly stern; severely simple and unornamented Ex.-The headmaster's __________ demeanor tended to scare off the more timid students, who never visited his study willingly. Synonyms-strict;severe;stern;plain;stark Antonyms: bland, calm, gentle, meek, mild


Part of speech-adjective Definition-lacking originality Ex.-With its worn-out dialogue and predictable plot, the sitcom struck me as numbingly _________. Synonyms-hackneyed; commonplace; trite,timeworn; cliched Antonyms: fresh, new, original


Part of speech-adjective Definition-lacking shape or definition Ex-As long as we have decided on our itinerary, we shall send you a copy, right now, our plans are still __________ Synonyms-formless; shapeless; vague; nebulous Antonyms: definite, distinct, distinctive, shaped, shapely


Part of speech-adjective Definition-not controlled or governed by outside forces Ex.-Although the University of California at Berkeley is just one part of the state university system, in many ways,Cal Berkeley is ____________, for it runs several programs that are not subject to outside control. Synonyms-independent; self-governing Antonyms: dependent, subject


Part of speech-adjective Definition-pertaining to conversational or common speech Ex.- Some of the newer, less formal passages on the SAT have a ___________ tone that is intended to make them more appealing to students. Synonyms-familiar; informal; conversational Antonyms: correct, formal, standard, stilted


Part of speech-adjective Definition-showing a likeness or similarity Ex-There's an old saying that watching government in action is __________ to watching sausage being made. Neither process is pretty. Synonyms-comparable; similar equivalent. Antonyms: different, dissimilar, distinct, diverse, opposite, unlike


Part of speech-adjective Definition-strongly appealing to reason; well argued Ex.- Katya presented her case with such _________ arguments that the jury had to decide in favor of her client. Synonyms-convincing; persuasive; logical; sound Antonyms: impotent, ineffective, invalid, weak


Part of speech-noun Definition -phrase dulled in meaning by repetition; trite theme; person who acts in wholly predictable ways Ex-In writing your SAT essay, avoid using _______ like " sadder but wiser" and "old as the hills." Synonyms-chestnut; formula; platitude Antonyms: coinage, nuance


Part of speech-noun Definition-cheerful readiness to respond Ex. Eager to get away to the mountains, Phil and Dave packed up their ski gear and climbed into the van with _________ Synonyms-eagerness; promptness; enthusiasm Antonyms: apathy, aversion, disinclination, dullness, indifference, reluctance, slowness, unwillingness


Part of speech-noun Definition-something out of place chronologically, not in its proper historical period Ex-In Back to the Future, when Marty McFly is transported into the past, his skateboard is an __________. So is his Calvin Klein underwear. Synonyms-incongruity Antonyms: current, modern, new, new-fangled, popular, up-to-date


Part of speech-noun Definition-source of harm or ruin Ex.-Lucy's little brother was the ________ of her existence; his sole aim in life seemed to be to make her totally miserable. Synonyms-blight; curse;nuisance Antonyms: advantage, blessing, fortune, good luck


Part of speech-noun Definition-state of having conflicting emotional attitudes Ex-Torn between loving her parents one minute and having them the next, she was confused by the ________ of her feelings. Synonyms-indecision, uncertainty Antonyms: certainty, decisiveness


Part of speech-noun Definition-tendency to keep together Ex.-A firm believer in the maxim "Divide and conquer," the evil emperor, by means of lies and trickery, sought to disrupt the __________ of the federation of free worlds. Synonyms-unity; union; solidity Antonyms: erraticism, incongruity, inconsistency, inconstancy, irregularity, variation


Part of speech-noun Definition-use of force to compel someone to obey; threat of violence or reprisal Ex.-The inquisitor used both physical psychological _________ to force Joan of Arc to deny that God had sent visions to her. Synonyms-force; compulsion; bullying Antonyms: allow, let, permit; argue, convince, induce, move, persuade, prevail (on or upon), satisfy, talk (into), win (over)


Part of speech-verb Definition-explain by pointing out a cause Ex.The author __________ Mozart's success in music to the encouragement he received from his father. Synonyms-ascribe;credit (to) explain Antonyms: democratic, lenient, lax.


Part of speech-verb Definition-gather or put together Ex.-We __________ a list of the words most frequently used on SAT examinations. Synonyms-assemble; accumulate; amass; collect Antonyms: disassemble, disperse, scatter, separate


Part of speech-verb Definition-give a false impression Ex.-His coarse. hard-bitten exterior his inner ________ sensitivity. Synonyms-contradict, disagree with Antonyms: attest, prove


Part of speech-verb Definition-waste away Ex.-After three months in a cast, your calf muscles are bound to _________, you'll need physical therapy to get back in shape. Synonyms-wither;shrivel;degenerate Antonyms: development, flourish, germination, growth, improvement, ripening, strength, strengthening


Part of speech-verb Definition-work together Ex.-Mystery writers Jonathan and Faye Kellerman generally write alone; occasionally, however, they __________ on a novel. Synonyms-cooperate; abet Antonyms: disagree, divorce, part

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