5.3 WWI: America's Road to War

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How many members of Congress voted for the United States to stay out of the war?

A total of 56 members of Congress voted that the US should stay out of the war.

True or false. United States loaned large amounts of money to both Great Britain and Germany, at the start of WWI, however, the United States refused to trade goods with either.

False. Along with trading goods, the United States loaned large amounts of money to both Great Britain and FRANCE (the Allied Powers) to assist in their war efforts.

True or false. Assisting the Allied Powers led to a decline in the US economy.

False. Assisting the Allied Powers led to a boom in the US economy. Industries were working hard to meet the demands for war supplies

On May 7, 1915, a German ______ torpedoed the British passenger ship the ______ near the coast of Ireland.

On May 7, 1915, a German U-BOAT torpedoed the British passenger ship the LUSITANIA near the coast of Ireland.

What caused the first revolution in Russia that took place in 1917?

Russians were upset with the food shortage and poor status of their country.

Soon after Wilson was elected president, what happened to prompt the United States to enter into WWI?

1.) Unrestricted Submarine Warfare. The Germans declared in January of 1917 that they would sink any Allied vessel without warning. This meant unrestricted submarine warfare was back on. 2.) The Zimmermann Telegram. In February of 1917, the British intercepted a telegram sent by German foreign minister Arthur Zimmermann that offered an alliance with Mexico if they declared war on the US. 3.) The US and Allies saw the Russia as a vulnerable country, and hoped that they could persuade the Russians to be a more democratic nation. In fact, this will be an argument used by Wilson and the US government to enter the war.

Why was staying neutral in the war a challenge?

As the war progressed, staying neutral was a challenge because the United States was already affiliated with the Allied Powers through language, customs, and traditions. Even President Wilson acknowledged that if Germany won the war, there would be a threat to democracy throughout the world.

List some of Germany's acts of unrestricted submarine warfare and discuss the outcomes of their actions?

Attacks - Germans attacked the British passenger boat the Lusitania and later on, a French ship called the Sussex.

How did the British blockade of German ports work? What did the British do with the supplies?

British blockade of German ports meant that any ship - even American ships - that attempted to enter German ports would be searched. Instead of letting the goods intended for the Germans pass, the British would take the supplies for themselves.

Who sent the Zimmermann telegram? What country intercepted the telegram? What country was the telegram intended for? What happened to the telegram?

German foreign minister Arthur Zimmermann sent the telegram. The British intercepted the telegram. The telegram was intended for Mexico. This telegram was published in newspapers throughout the world and angered the US.

How did Germany feel about the United States entering into WWI? What happened to diplomacy between the United States and Germany?

Germany was confident that even if the United States entered the war, they could defeat the Allies before the US made any difference. This upset Wilson and the US cut off all diplomatic ties with Germany.

What was President Wilson's slogan for his 1916 campaign?

In 1916, President Wilson's slogan for running was "He Kept Us Out of War." Wilson promised to keep the US out of war and won the presidency.

Why did the United States and the Allies see the Russia as a vulnerable country?

In 1917, Russia was experiencing a revolution. Russians overthrew the Russian monarchy led by Czar Nicholas II and set up a temporary government that supported the war. The issue was the temporary government was very weak.

When the United States realized they needed an army... fast. What did they do?

In May 18, 1917, Congress passed the Selective Service Act. This set up the first draft in the US and required males 21-30 to register.

What was Germany's response to the British blockade? What was President Wilson's response?

In response to the British blockade, Germany threatened to sink any vessel that entered or left the British ports. This is known as unrestricted submarine warfare. President Wilson warned the Germans not to do this (remember, the US was still neutral at this point), but the Germans ignored these warnings.

In response to these attacks by the German U-boats, the US Congress approved of a budget that included monies building up the ______.

In response to these attacks by the German U-boats, the US Congress approved of a budget that included money to build up the US NAVY - almost like as just in case we go to war policy.

Were women required to sign up for Selective Service? What were their roles during the war?

No, but just because women were not required to register did not mean that they weren't needed. Many took on non-combative roles, such as nurses, clerks, and radio operators.

On April 2, 1917, Wilson asked ______ to declare war against ______. ______ agreed and the United States officially joined the war on April 6, 1917 by declaring war on ______.

On April 2, 1917, Wilson asked CONGRESS to declare war against GERMANY. CONGRESS agreed and the United States officially joined the war on April 6, 1917 by declaring war on GERMANY.

Who was Jeannette Rankin?

One person was Jeannette Rankin, who was first women to serve as a representative in Congress.

What were the outcomes of Germany's acts of unrestricted submarine warfare?

Outraging Americans - Many people died including some Americans. The American people were outraged and some were now calling for the US to join the war. A Promise to End Unrestricted Submarine Warfare - Afraid that the US would join the war and help the Allies, they promised to warn ships and passenger ships before attacking.

Once the war began, President Woodrow Wilson declared that the United States would stay neutral and would not take sides. What was the primary reason why?

President Wilson recognized that this would be a difficult task since many Americans have family and/or cultural connections to the countries at war.

What is propaganda?

Propaganda is media that is created and designed to influence people's opinions.

Once the war began, how did countries in both the Allied and Central Powers use propaganda, to influence people's opinions about the War?

The Allied powers called the Germans barbarians for invading neutral Belgium. Propaganda created by the Central Powers did exist, however, because most of the US sympathized with Britain, Allied propaganda persuaded Americans.

True or false? Initially at the beginning of the war, the US traded and assisted both sides.

True. Initially at the beginning of the war, the US traded and assisted both sides.

True or false. Jeannette Rankin voted for the United States to stay out of WWI.

True. Jeannette Rankin voted for the United States to stay out of WWI.

Did other Americans want to fight in the war? Did they agree with President Wilson?

Wilson was not alone in this feeling - many Americans did not want to be involved in the war. Some argued that the US should not get involved because the reason that the countries are fighting are because of old hatreds amongst themselves, not the US.

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