6.3 Indigenous Responses to State Expansion

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What happened when the British fought the Zulu? Who were the Zulu?

A well organized central state located on the south african coast of the indian ocean, the anglo-zulu war went in favor of zulus until the british defeated them and made their lands part of their colonies in south africa.

What did the cherokee assimilate to after the 1800s? What constitution did the Cherokee nation adopt? What was the Cherokee phoneix?

Assimilated to white settler culture, adopting colonial methods of farming, weaving and building. Cherokee Nation adopted a constitution based on the US constitution. The first native american newspaper in the united states.

Who were the aboriginal people? What did the british request to convicts and soldiers when sent to establish colonies? what was not respected? what occured instead?

Australias original oldest continous culture, The british instructed to treat the indigenous kindly but the colonial government did not recognize indigenous land ownership and were not protected by british laws so instead thousands of aboriginal people were kills as they tried to defend their territory and resources from european settlers.

What occured after the indian rebellion? Who did britain exile? what did it end? What occured as a result

Britain exiled the Mughal emperor for its involvement in the rebellion/ ended the mughal empire. The british government took a more active role in ruling india.

Who did the Treaty of Berlin free? What place did it place under the control of Austria-Hungary? After what was did the treaty of berlin occur?

Bulgaria, Romania, Montenegro. Placed Bosnia and Herzegovina under Austria Hungary Control. After the Russo-Turkish war.

Who controlled the philippines? What started the reform movement? Was there public education? What did Spain do?

Came under spanish control, no public education until 1863, wealthy filipinos sent their sons to europe, jose rizal started a reform movement (spain executed him of fear) nationalism ambitions and education now have them the ability to carry out their rebellions.

Samory Toure's War

Def: armed resistance waged against the French between 1883-1891, it was led by the ruler of the newly created kingdom of Guinea when the French tried to annex West Africa Sig: this is an example of direct resistance to European encroachment on African territory and over African people

wHat did the movements leaders education style consist of? What deep understanding resulted from that education?

European styled education, deep understanding of enlightenment ideals. (natural rights, soverieignty, nationalism)

By the time the treaty of paris was ratified what occured? Who won?

Hostilities had broken out and The Philippine American War began. The US was ultimately victorious, and the Philippines remained a US possession until 1946.

What was the Ghost Dance Movement? When did it fall? What did that makr?

It was a traditional religious revival that brought solace to the Native Americans who participated in it (ressurection of the dead that would drive out the whites) but made the government fear the possibility of an uprising. The movement fell at the 'wounded knee massacre' which marked the end of indian wars.

What was french intervention like in Mexico? (story question)

Mexican conservations originally conspired with the emperor Napoleon of france to overthrow the liberal government of Juarez. Mexico owned france money and napolen wanted to further imperialist ambitions so he offered maximillian (one of his noble) to be the emperor of mexico. They accepted and he was crowned for three years before mexicans forced the french to withdraw from Mexico and maximilian was executed, where then Juarez resumed presidency.

Did the assimilation save the Cherokee from white Americans? Why or Why not. In reaction what did congress pass, what occured to the natives?

No, After the discovery of gold Attempts to force the Cherokee of their land began. Passed the Indian Removal act, in turn the Cherokee and other southeast native American tribes were forced to relocate to what is now Oklahoma.

Western educated Africans shared identitiy and nationalism was known as? Why did African resistance to imperialism develop later than indian resistance?

Pan-Africanism, Eu powers had been in india much longer than they had been in Africa / british colonial gov in india was partly run by indians whereas colonial gov in africa were largely run by military officials from EU.

What did the treaty of Waitangi promise maori? What alarmed Maroi and what occured from that? What did Marois reluctance to the british do?

Promised to protect the property rights of the Maori, became alarmed by the British settlement patterns and the first of a series of Maori wars broke out. Bc reluctant to sell more land to settlers, the gov.t attempt to pressure the maori to sell land and ultimately became forceful.

Who made up the majority of the british armed forced in colonial india?

Sepoys (Indian soldiers under British employ)

What marked the beginning of the Philippine Revolution? What war broke out after that? Who won? What occured as of a result/what switch of power was done? What was the name of the treaty that ended the war

Several revolts broke out in provinces around manila, The spanish american war broke out after, which the American won. The Filipino revolutionaries returned and although freedom was expected, The treaty of paris simply ended the war and transferred control from spain to the united stated.

What was the only independent country remaining in Southeast Asia? Who controlled the rest of the Region?

Siam AKA Thailand, rest was controlled by spanish, dutch, british+french

What did a group of muslim intelllectuals do led by usman dan fodio? What did the Caliphate do?

Started a drive to purify Islam among the hausa tribes of the region. Created a caliphate in Sokoto. The Sokoto Caliphate established the slave trade as a means of economic growth when brit were trying to stop it.

Madhist Revolt

Sudanese Islamic cleric Muhammad Ahmad declared himself Madhi (restore the glory of islam), and led a resistance against the Egyptian rulers. Once Ahmad died, the resistance disintegrated.

What was the ottoman empire losing its hold on in european territory? What inspired the Balkans for independence?

The Balkan Penninsula, inspired by the french revolution ethnic nationalism spurred balkans fight for independence.

Who was victorious in the french and Indian war (War that took place in native american land french vs britain)? What did the British issue after?

The British were victorious over the french, and issed the proclamation of 1763. (the act of reserving all the land between appalachian mountains and the Mississippi river for native Americans, first time a European government had recognized the territorial rights of indigenous people.) The British colonist did not appreciate the interference, and soon after independence ovverran/displaced the native americans.

What occured to the Xhosa people? story time.

The british fought the native xhosa people, who did not want to be ruled by europeans. Local Xhosa were getting sick (maybe from disease caught from cattle of british settler) so in reaction they began to kill their carttle and destroy their crops thinking it would remove the british settler through spirits (Xhosa Cattle Killing movement) brought famine and death of thousands instead.

Before India won independent who took orders directly from the British government? What did it result in?

The british rag, (colonial gov.t) took its orders directly from the british gov.t, under the raj many indians attended british universities. The british educated indians established the indian national congress. (eventually evolved into self rule/independence)

What did the British do that infuriated the Hindu and Muslim sepoys? What did that result to? (half story)

The british used rifle cartridges that had been greased with fat of cow and pigs, both groups were convinced the british were trying to convert them into christianity. Resulted to the indian rebellion of 1857, (sepoy mutiny). Spread throughout cities in northern India. Rebellion was crushed by britain, but marked emergence of indian nationalism.

What was vietnams story that began with french colonialism for resistance?

The french tried to assert control by raiding the royal palace but the young emperor who ruled had been removed for safety, eventually he was captured and exiled to algeria wehre the resistance of the french continued under another.

how did some colonial elites use their education against imperialism? What did Anti-imperial resistance do?

Used education provided to drive out their conquerors. Anti imperialism often created new states.

Who was Tupac Amaru II? (story question)

a Peruvian Amerindian leader, descending from the last Inca ruler/had a formal jesuit education. Arrested/executed a colonial administrator which led to the last general indian revolt against spain. After the revolt spread, his family and him were captured and executed.

What is the Yaa Asantewaa War

a war between the Asante Empire and the British in 1900

What occured in response to European imperialism?

nationalist movements emerged throughout South America, Africa, and Asia.

Yaa Asantewaa

queen of the Asantes that led the fight against the British in the last Asante war, took power after the king was exiled

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