7.Construction, drawings, schedules, specs.

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Name 9 Wood Joints

1. Half Lap 2.Finger Joint 3.Scarf 4.Rabet 5.Dado 6.Dovetail dado 7.Miter 8.Shoulder Miter 9.Splinted Miter

raw material for architectural woodwork is broadly classified as 2 types

1. Softwood refers to timber from evergreen trees, such as pine and fir. 2. Hardwood refers to timber from deciduous trees, such as oak and maple.

What are 3 TRIM Types

1. Standing trim: is an item of fixed length, such as a door or window casing, -installed with a single length of wood. 2.Running trim is an item of continuing length, such as a baseboard, chair rail, or cornice *"Standing and running trim" is the term usually applied to wood pieces custom fabricated in a mill shop and then installed at the job site. 3.Wood molding,, is a similar item but comes in standard profiles and sizes; it is ordered by number and installed as a finish carpentry item rather than a millwork item.

There are two basic types of wood paneling:

1. Stile and rail paneling, also called raised panel: composed of vertical pieces (stiles) and horizontal pieces (rails) enclosing a paneled area 2.Flush paneling has a flat, smooth surface with the edges butted together or joined with a reveal,

There are three ways panels can be assembled within a room to complete a project. There are three ways panels can be assembled within a room to complete a project.

1. The first, and least expensive, method is not matched or premanufactured. 2. The second method, called sequence match, uses panels of uniform width manufactured for a specific job and with the veneers arranged in sequence. 3. third, and most expensive, method is blueprint matching. Here, the panels are manufactured to precisely fit the room and line up with every obstruction so grain continuity is not interrupted

Door and Drawer Front Construction: four basic categories of door and drawer front construction:

1. flush, 2.flush overlay, 3.reveal overlay, 4.lipped overlay.

What are 4 types of substrates used for plastic laminate construction

1. particleboard, 2. medium-density fiberboard (MDF), 3. hardboard, 4.veneer core

There are five principal methods of cutting veneers

1.Plain slicing and quarter slicing- are accomplished in the same way as they are when cutting solid stock, except the resulting pieces are much thinner. Quarter slicing produces a more straight-grained pattern than plain slicing because the cutting knife strikes the growth rings at approximately a 90° angle. 2.rotary slicing, the log is mounted on a lathe and turned against a knife, which peels off a continuous layer of veneer. This produces a very pronounced grain pattern that is often undesirable in fine-quality wood finishes, although it does produce the most veneer with the least waste. 3.Half-round slicing is similar to rotary slicing, but the log is cut in half, and the veneer is cut slightly across the annular growth rings. This results in a pronounced grain pattern showing characteristics of both rotary-sliced and plain-sliced veneers. 4.Rift slicing is accomplished by quartering a log and cutting at a 15° angle to the growth rings. Like quarter slicing, it results in a straight-grained pattern and is commonly used with oak to eliminate the appearance of markings perpendicular to the direction of the grain. These markings in oak are caused by medullary rays, which are radial cells extending from the tree's center to its circumference.

Matching adjacent veneer leaves may be done in three ways, as

1.book matching, in which the veneers are sliced off the log and every other piece is turned over so that adjacent leaves form a symmetrical grain pattern. 2.slip matching, consecutive pieces are placed side by side and the same face sides are exposed. 3.Random matching places veneers in a random sequence, and veneers from different flitches may even be used.

architectural, American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Each size is given a letter designation

1.rchitectural and interior design drawings commonly use the architectural standard sizes, which begin with the size A, or 9 in × 12 in. Each sheet size larger is a multiple of that module; a B-size drawing, for example, is 12 in × 18 in, and a C-size drawing is 18 in × 24 in. 2. The ANSI standard is based on a module of 8.5 in × 11 in and is not commonly used. 3.. The ISO standard is based on a module of 210 mm × 297 mm (8.3 in × 11.7 in), and is not used in the United States.

If the veneers are book matched, there are three ways of matching veneers within a panel,

1.running match simply alternates book matched veneer pieces, regardless of their width or how many pieces must be used to complete a panel. 2.balance match utilizes veneer pieces trimmed to equal widths in each panel. 3.center match has an even number of veneer leaves of uniform width so that there is a veneer joint in the center of the panel.

Timber is manufactured into two forms for use in architectural woodwork:

1.solid-stock lumber: thick piece of lumber (generally 1/2 in (13 mm) or thicker) used alone to form some woodwork component. 2.veneer:is a thin piece of wood (usually less than 1/16 in (1.6 mm) thick) sliced from a log and glued to a backing of particleboard or plywood, normally 3/4 in (19 mm) thick.

When producing construction drawings for a house remodeling what type of plan would probably be necessary?

A demolition plan would not be necessary for this type of project.

What scale is typically used for an enlarged floor plan?

A scale of 1/2=1' (1:25) is typically used for this.

What is the term for veneers that form a mirror image?

Book Matching is used to describe this.

What does the acronym BIM represent?

Building information modeling is represented by this acronym.

Which of the following organizations would be the BEST resource for an interior designer looking for independent, third-party information on the sustainability of architectural woodwork materials?

BuildingGreen-is an independent publisher offering unbiased information on sustainable building design and product information. It publishes Environmental Building News, a monthly newsletter, and the GreenSpec Directory, which lists product information for sustainable materials. BuildingGreen also offers various online tools on its website.

What should be included on the reflected ceiling plan to refer to more detailed luminaire information?

Code # that refer to a luminaire schedule should be included on this plan.

What is sometimes shown on a furniture plan in addition to furniture and furniture keynotes?

Electrical and telephone outlets are sometimes shown on the interior designers drawings.

What are 2 ways to show partition types on a construction floor plan?

Flag notes and patterns can be used to show these on a construction floor plan.

What surfaces are typically shown on a finish schedule?

Floor, Base, Wall, Ceiling materials are typically shown on this schedule.

What are the 3 substrates for laminate

MDF-is made by breaking down wood fibers into very fine fluff and then mixing them with glue and compressing the mixture under high pressure. Laminate hardboard-has a smooth surface, but that can sometimes cause bonding problems. Veneer core-is subject to warpage and other problems; therefore, it is not recommended for interior applications.

on construction floor plan drawings which cardinal direction should be toward the top of the sheet?

North should be considered in this position when drawing floor plans.

This is the symbol for a wall telephone outlet.

On a construction drawing what does this symbol represent?

This is the symbol for aa supply air diffuser.

On a construction drawing what does this symbol represent?

This is the symbol for a duplex outlet on a ground fault circuit interpreter.

On a construction drawing, what does this symbol represent?

This is the symbol for a recessed fluorescent light.

On a construction drawing, what does this symbol represent?

This is the symbol for finish wood.

On a construction drawing, what does this symbol represent?

The line is used to indicate the center of an object.

On a construction drawing, what is this line used for?

construction floor plan: The drawing shows a partition type indication with an accompanying flag note. It would be used on a construction floor plan to graphically show the construction of the partition and to differentiate it from adjacent partitions of another construction type.

On what type of drawing would the symbol shown in the illustration be used?

Joints of paneling may be constructed in a number of ways depending on the finish appearance desired

Paneling is hung on a wall with either 1. wood cleats or 2. aluminum Z-clips,

What two materials have largely supplanted plywood in interior construction applications?

Particleboard and medium - density fiberboard have generally supplemented this material in interior construction applications

What scales are typically used for Interior design floor plans?

Scale of 1/8=1' &1/4=1' (1:100 & 1:50) Are typically used for these.

What is shown on the reflected ceiling plan that is also shown on the fire projection plan?

Sprinklers are shown on this plan as well as the fire projection plan.

What is another term for raised panel construction?

Stile and Rail paneling is another term for this type of construction.

What information is always shown on the electrical engineers lighting plan but not always on the interior designers reflected ceiling plan?

Switching is always found on one plan but not necessarily the other.

How can the interior designer verify that an outlet is a dedicated outlet?

The Interior Designer can look at the electrical engineers power plan to determine if this type of outlet is on a separate circuit.

The 5/4 oak trim will be difficult to install level. no shim space indicated below the 5/4 oak trim, so the metal stud top runner would have to be installed perfectly level, which is difficult with rough framing, so it would be difficult to install the oak trim level

The drawing shown is a sketch detail of a partial-height partition, which, in plan view, is part of a U-shaped enclosure that will be used to support and enclose a built-in stand-up work surface. What problem in construction does this detail indicate?

How is a finish plan different from a finish schedule?

The former consists of a separate floor plan notations including wall base and floor finishes. The latter consists of a tubular listing of finishes using room numbers to identify the rows of the schedule.

How would the interior designer determine what circuit a particular outlet is connected to?

The interior designer would look at the home run designations on the electrical engineers power plan to determine this.

Where should the interior designer go to verify what specific drawings are required to be submitted to the building department?

The local authority having jurisdiction (building development) can verify this requirement for required documents.

What are 4 most common schedule types of interior design projects?

The most common are for finishes doors kitchen equipment and millwork.

There may be a potential conflict with the existing overall dimension. When an existing space is subdivided, the designer is relying on information gathered through onsite measurement or record drawings. The existing overall dimension may or may not be exactly what is shown on the architectural drawings. By leaving what is known as an open dimension in the dimension string, the undimensioned space can accommodate any slight variation between the actual dimension and that shown on the architectural plans without the contractor raising questions. The open dimension should be the space that is the least important to have exactly as dimensioned.

The partial floor plan given shows the subdivision of one side of an existing building into five offices with the architectural dimensions given on the outside of the building. Why is office #305 not dimensioned?

Individual specification sections of the CSI Master format system are divided into 3 parts. what board subjects do these 3 parts cover?

The sections are divided into 3 parts: PART 1: General PART 2: Products PART 3: Execution

What is the standard format for dimensioning on interior design drawings when SI units are used?

The standard format for this is to omit the suffix abbreviation when indicating a value in millimeters (mm) but to include the suffix abbreviation when indicating a value in meters (m)

What is the standard format for dimensioning on interior design drawings?

The standard format for this to indicate feet & inches in the form XX'-XX"

When reviewing the mechanical engineer's plan to identify the location of HVAC controls in the finished space, what symbol should the interior designer look for?

The thermostat is the primary HVAC system control in the finished space, and is represented by a circle with the letter T in it. The interior designer would be concerned with this to coordinate its position with an elevation of the interior space.

In addition to location, a typical construction floor plan shows what 2 pieces of information for partitions?

The thickness and type of partition are shown on this drawing.

What 3 safety factors must be considered when selecting construction materials and detailing?

These 3 factors are: 1. structural 2. fire 3.Human contact

Why are enlarged floor plans used?

These are used to show construction elements, dimensions and other annotations that could not be shown on a small scale plan.

What are string dimensions used on an interior design drawing?

These are used when two or more lengths in a row must be demonstrated.

What is an open dimension and why is it used?

This an unndimensioned distance in a string dimension on a floor plan. it is used to accomodate any slight variation caused by the distance being established by other dimensions or existing construction.

What is the purpose of blocking when shown on a wood work detail?

This construction element is placed in a partition cavity to provide for secure attachment of woodwork to the partition.

What does a reflected ceiling plan show?

This drawing type shows all items that are part of the ceiling, elements that touch the ceiling, and elements that penetrate the ceiling.

What building code information is typically required on the cover sheet of a set of interior design drawings?

This information typically includes the occupancy category or categories, the construction type the area of the interior space, the occupant load, and weather the building is sprinkled.

What is the project manual?

This is a bound book that contains: 1. Technical construction specifications 2.Contract Form 3.General and supplementary conditions of the contract 4.bidding requirements 5.Supplemental Bid Forms

In regard to electrical drawings, what is a home run?

This is a graphic element on an electrical drawing that uses arrowheads to indicate that the line joining lights or power outlets is connected to a particular circuit breaker in a particular electrical panel box.

What is a schedule?

This is a presentation of information in tubular format with rows and columns of data.

What is a key plan?

This is a very small scale plan of a large building used on a floor plan sheet. It shows by shaded area which part of the larger building is drawn on that particular sheet.

What is a site plan?

This is an overhead view of a building showing the roof of the building and surrounding site and development.

What is poche?

This is the graphic shading (either patterned or solid black) used to fill in walls on a plan or to indicate material types in a section.

On a construction drawing what does this symbol represent, and what annotations are placed with it?

This is the symbol for a spot elevation used on a floor plan. The name of the floor is placed above the line and the elevation is placed below the line.

What are 5 causes of building movement that must be considered when detailing.

This may be caused by: 1. dead-load deflection 2.Lateral loading from wind or seismic activity 3.water absorption 4.Live load deflection 5.Temperature changes

For a large commercial remodeling project where is a demolition plan usually placed in the drawing set?

This plan is placed before the construction plan for large commercial remodeling projects.

At what scale should the reflected ceiling plan be shown?

This plan should be drawn at the same scale as the construction floor plan.

What is a match line?

This term is used to describe where 2 portions of a large floor plan drawn on 2 sheets would be joined if combined on 1 large sheet.

What does a section detail show in addition to the circuit plane?

This type of detail drawing also shows a partial elevation in that it indicates what is beyond the main view of the plane.

In regard to construction drawings, what does an elevation show?

This type of drawing shows vertical dimensions and the configurations and finishes of wall surfaces.

What is running trim?

This type of molding is installed end to end.

For a project with an irregular plan and multiple wall finishes, what is the BEST method to describe finishes on the construction drawings?

Use a finish plan with codes referenced to a legend and draw elevations when required.

This is a symbol for a concrete column.

What does this symbol represent on a floor plan?

This is an elevation reference symbol. The top number is the detail number, and the bottom number indicates the sheet on which the elevation is drawn.

What is this symbol and what do the numbers mean?

This is a section cut symbol an it indicates the plane of a section perpendicular to the view where it is drawn. The arrow indicates the direction of the view.

What is this symbol and what is it used for?

This is the symbol for a drawing title. The top number is the sequential drawing number on the sheet and the bottom number indicates the sheet it is on. The drawing title is placed above the line and the and the drawing scale is placed below the line.

What is this symbol, what do the numbers indicate, and what other annotation are placed with the symbols?

architect's scale

When an architect's scale is used, the measurement and subsequent dimension is read in feet and inches, not feet and decimal fractions

Which finish material for woodwork provides the hardest, must durable surface?

When used as a finish material for wood work polyester has 3 characteristics.

What distinguishes reveal overlay cabinetry from other types of cabinetry?

With this type of cabinet construction, the edges of adjacent drawer and door fronts are separated ( rather than being very close together) to distinctly show the face frame behind.

Shim spaces allow

accurately built construction elements to fit within an opening that may not be perfectly square so it can be leveled. also used to provide enough clearance to slide the element into the opening. The shaded area in the illustration indicates the margin of error for placing the hot spot marker. The interior window assembly, including the glazing and frame, would be assembled in the woodworking shop and brought to the job site as a unit. The blocking indicated below the window assembly would follow the line of the structural floor. If there are variations in the floor slab, or variations in the thickness of the blocking members, the top of this blocking will likely not be level. Placing the finished glazed portion directly on the blocking will skew the window assembly and put it out of level.

Symbol for fire damper in a duct when used on a mechanical plan?

also the symbol for a floor telephone outlet when used on an electrical or telephone plan

The three methods, in increasing order of scale

are methods of matching adjacent pieces of veneer and veneer panels in a room that affect the final appearance of the job. 1.matching between adjacent veneer leaves, 2.matching veneers within a panel, and 3. matching panels within a room.

What kind of scale is best used to measure the size of a drawn feature in feet and decimal fractions of a foot?

engineer's scale When a feature is measured with an engineer's scale, which uses scales such as 1″ = 40′ or 1″ = 100′, the measurement is read in feet, tenths of a foot, and hundredths of a foot. Civil engineers use scales of this type, or their CAD equivalent, to mark dimensions when drafting.

scribe piece

is an oversized piece of plastic laminate or wood that can be trimmed in the field to follow any minor irregularities of the wall. The installer may also create a template from thin hardboard or cardboard after the base cabinets have been placed.

Architectural woodwork

is custom, shop-fabricated millwork built primarily of lumber and used for interior finish construction and specialty furnishings. It includes 1.cabinetry, 2.paneling, 3.custom doors and frames, 4.shelving, 5.custom furniture, 6. special interior trim

finish carpentry

is woodwork completed on the job site.

How to install veneer

must be glued to rigid panels for installation.

Where on the construction drawings is it MOST appropriate to indicate that corridors conform to surface requirements for accessible routes?

on the detail sections The types of surfaces used in corridors, as well as minor changes in elevation such as those that may occur at thresholds and changes of material, usually must meet surface requirements for accessibility. Conformance to these requirements is best shown on the construction drawings' detail sections.

The method of constructing a fire-rated partition is typically indicated in the

partition details The partition details would indicate the method of constructing a fire-rated partition. The details include the framing, type, and thickness of gypsum wallboard or other construction, as well as how the partition's edges and other penetrations are sealed.

An interior designer is providing complete space planning and furniture, fixtures, and equipment (FF&E) specification services for a large law firm. The location of electrical, telephone, and communication outlets for the space is BEST shown on the

power/communications plan In this case, it is best to use separate power/telephone plans and furniture plans. There would then be sufficient space to dimension and annotate the outlets on one plan and sufficient space for furniture locations and annotations on the furniture plan.

Modular casework consists of

prefabricated cabinets that are selected from a manufacturer's standard product line.

Layering of drawings

refers to the system of placing particular information on separate layers (or levels) in a CAD system. Layering allows information to be shown or hidden so that several drawings can be developed from one computer file of information.

When completing a set of construction drawings for a restaurant kitchen, an interior designer should include an enlarged floor plan in order to

show all kitchen equipment and reference notes A commercial kitchen contains a complex collection of equipment, work surfaces, and plumbing. A standard ¼ in scale plan drawing probably would not be large enough to show all the equipment, dimensions, and annotation required, so a large-scale plan is typically necessary to communicate this information.

What are the 4 Cabinets types?

sides and bottom: 3/4 in thick panel product while the back is usually constructed with a 1/4 in 2. upper cabinets: cabinet is not as deep as a base cabinet and some design and detailing consideration must be given 3. open-front storage units, 4. freestanding fixtures, and similar components.

Three grades of millwork have been established by:

standardized in Architectural Woodwork Standards 1. premium, gives the highest level 2.custom, most common grade 3. economy. defines the minimum level of quality, materials, and workmanship.

When a project includes both fixed partition walls and a full-height moveable partition system, on what plan should the moveable partition system be shown?

the construction floor plan A moveable partition plan is not necessary and is not a typical type of interior design drawing. A furniture plan would show cubicles and other moveable equipment but not moveable partitions.

Because all wood products shrink and swell with changes in air moisture content, all wood construction should be detailed to allow

this movement to take place without putting undue stress on the wood joints.

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