7E concept check

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Answer the following question using the appropriate counting​ technique, which may be either arrangements with​ repetition, permutations, or combinations. Be sure to explain why this counting technique applies to the problem. How many different three​-digit codes can be formed using digits 0 through​ 9?

Arrangements with repetitions because there are r selections from a group of n choices and choices can be repeated.

Answer the following question using the appropriate counting​ technique, which may be either arrangements with​ repetition, permutations, or combinations. Be sure to explain why this counting technique applies to the problem. How many different three​-digit codes can be formed using digits 0 through​ 9?

Arrangements with repetitions because there are r selections from a group of n choices and choices can be repeated. 10^3 = 1000 possible codes

Answer the following question using the appropriate counting​ technique, which may be either arrangements with​ repetition, permutations, or combinations. Be sure to explain why this counting technique applies to the problem. How many different telephone numbers of the form ​aaa-bbb-cccc can be formed if the area code aaa cannot contain 7 and the prefix bbb cannot contain 1​?

Arrangements with repetitions because there are r selections from a group of n choices and choices can be repeated. There are 5,314,410,000 different telephone numbers.

Answer the following question using arrangements with​ repetition, permutations, or combinations. Be sure to explain why the particular counting technique applies to the problem. A dog shelter is giving away 12 different​ dogs, but you have room for only 55 of them. How many different dog families could you​ have?

Combinations should be used because no item may be selected more than once and the order does not matter. 12 C 5 = 792

Answer the following question using arrangements with​ repetition, permutations, or combinations. Be sure to explain why the particular counting technique applies to the problem. The President must assign ambassadors to threethree different foreign embassies. From a pool of eleveneleven ​candidates, how many different diplomatic teams can she​ form?

Permutations should be used because no item may be selected more than once and the order matters. 11 P 3 = 990

Find the probability of the given event. Choosing seven numbers that match seven randomly selected balls when the balls are numbered 1 through 37.

Therefore, the probability of choosing seven numbers that match seven randomly selected balls when the balls are numbered 1 through 37 is: 37 C 7 = 10295472 1 = -------------- 10295472

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