8. The Berlin Blockade (Cold War)

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1) What is a cause of the Berlin Blockade?

1) January 1947: Britain and the USA join their two zones together into Bi-zonia (two zones).

What are the results of the Berlin Blockade and Air Lift?

1) Turman is shown to be a 'goodie' because of his peaceful response to an aggressive Soviet action 2) It was a huge propaganda coup for the West and humiliated Stalin 3) Creation of West Germany, formal recognition of West Germany. 4) NATO is set up 1949

2) What is a cause of the Berlin Blockade?

2) December 1947: London Conference: America, Britain and France meet to discuss Germany's future. Russia is not present.

4) What is a cause of the Berlin Blockade?

4) March 1948: The USA offers Marshall Aid. Stalin forbids Cominform countries to take part.

6) What is a cause of the Berlin Blockade?

6) 1 June 1948: America, Britain and France announce they wanted to create a new country of West Germany.

Why was Stalin Suspicious?

He had not been consulted about the - Deutsche Mark, new Currency - The Bi-zones - Free Elections

What is the Berlin Blockade?

It's seen as the cause of the final break-up of the Grand Alliance. The Berlin Blockade was an attempt in 1948 by the Soviet Union to limit the ability of France, Great Britain and the United States to travel to their sectors of Berlin, which lay within Russian-occupied East Germany. Eventually, the western powers instituted an airlift that lasted nearly a year and delivered much-needed supplies and relief to West Berlin. Coming just three years after the end of World War II, the blockade was the first major clash of the Cold War and foreshadowed future conflict over the city of Berlin.

What are the causes of the Berlin Blockade? Overview

1) USA and the USSR had different Aims for what they wanted to do to Germany. The Soviet Union wants Germany to be crippled so it no longer is a threat to Russia. Whilst the other Allies wanted an independent Germany * Allies were supposed to have unlimited access to West Berlin. 2) 1947, the British and the American zones were combined together (bi-zone), then was combined with the French Zone. This worries Russia. 3) 23 June they introduced a new currency into 'Bizonia' and western Berlin- Deutsche Mark. People in eastern Europe began to change all their money into the new western currency, which they thought was worth more. The next day the Russians stopped all road and rail traffic into Berlin.

3) What is a cause of the Berlin Blockade?

3) January 1948: Russia starts to stop western literature being sold in the Soviet zone.

5) What is a cause of the Berlin Blockade?

5) April 1948: Russia imposes a partial blockade of west Berlin - Allied transport into the city has to apply for a permit and is inspected.

7) What is a cause of the Berlin Blockade?

7) 23 June 1948: America, Britain and France introduce a new currency, Deutsche Mark, - this causes economic chaos in the Russian zone as everyone tries to get rid of their old money and change to the new currency.

What are the consequences of the Berlin Blockade?

Results of the Berlin Crisis of 1948: 1) Germany was divided into the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) and the Democratic Republic of Germany (East Germany) until 1990. The Iron Curtain became permanent. 2) The Cold War broke out into open confrontation, and the two superpowers began an Arms Race. 3) In 1949, the Allies set up the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) as a military alliance to resist Soviet Russia.

What was the Berlin Air-Lift?

They introduced a new currency, which they said would help trade. The next day, Stalin cut off all rail and road links to west Berlin - the Berlin Blockade. The west saw this as an attempt to starve Berlin into surrender, so they decided to supply west Berlin by air. T he Berlin Blockade lasted 318 days (10 months). During this time, 275,000 planes transported 1.5 million tons of supplies and a plane landed every three minutes at Berlin's Templehof airport. 90-second intervals. On 12 May 1949, Stalin abandoned the blockade.

Why bother with the Berlin Air-Lift?

Truman was determined to show Stalin he would not give up on Berlin . Berlin was a test case, couldn't give up and encourage Stalin. No Appeasment West Berlin was to be a 'symbol of freedom behind the iron curtain'

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