A & P SRU Lecture exam 1

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what 2 things must interact for a contraction w/in a myofilament

-actin -myosin

submental triangle boundaries: -anterior belly of __ & body of __ contents: -anterior __ vein & __ nodes

-digastric -mandible -jugular -lymph

explain the pia mater

-pious or tender mother -wraps the brain -goes in & out

carotid triangle boundaries : __, posterior belly of __ & superior belly of __ muscles

-sternocleidomastoid -digastric -omohyoid

explain the dura mater

-tough mother -thick leather like

the palatalossus tongue muscle is innervated by what cranial nerve

CN X vagus

hyoid bone is located around which vertebrae


what is the tip of the spinal cord called

conus medullaris

nasalis action: __ nostrils origin: __ insertion: __ of nose CN VII __

flaring maxilla cartilage facial

t or f the fluid in the semicircular canals tell your body what way you are moving &/or standing


for a direct lateral herniation, will it be the 1st disk or 2nd disk? is there an exception to this rule?

-1st -no

for a posterior herniation, will it be on the 1st disk or 2nd disk? Is there an exception to this rule?

-2nd -yes. L1/L2 will be 2nd because of cauda equina

what part is myotomes? what part are dermatomes? -may include overlapping regions innervated by more than 1 spinal nerve -may include overlapping regions by more than 1 spinal nerve but, each region typically has 1 primary nerve

-Dermatomes -Myotomes


-air passage only -continues with nasal cavity -closed off by soft palate (food doesn't go to nasal cavity)

the spine is supplied by what __ major arteries. what are they? What are they formed from?

-anterior spinal (1) -formed via union of vertebral arteries -posterior spinal (2) -branch of either the vertebral artery or inferior cerebellar artery

define the following dorsal ventral cephalic/rostral/cranial caudal proximal distal medial lateral intermediate superficial deep

-back -stomach -towards the head -towards the feet -near trunk, point of origin -further out on a limb -closer to center -further from center -between -closer to the surface -deeper in the body

standard anatomic position

-body erect -feet slightly apart -palms facing forward (thumbs away from body)

tendons attach muscle to __ ligaments attach bone to __

-bone -bone

oral (__) cavity -site of __ -oral cavity (__ canal) -teeth. salivary glands, tongue (__ organs)

-buccal -ingestion -alimentary -accessory

Jefferson fracture -fracture of the anterior & posterior arches of __ vertebrae -typically caused by an impact load to the back of the __, can damage vertebral artery -typically caused by shallow diving, blunt force trauma to the top of the __, & falls -fixed typically w/ fusion of __-__ vertebrae

-c1 -head -head -c1-c3

carotid triangle contents: -common __, branches of external __ -__, internal & external laryngeal nerves -__ nodes

-carotid -carotid -hypoglossal -lymph

viscera of the neck. alimentary. describe these

-digestive -pharynx -esophagus (posterior to trachea)

viscera of the neck. what are the 3 layers

-endocrine -respiratory -alimentary

phonation -vocalis muscles exert tension on vocal __ -laryngeal muscles change size & shape of __

-folds -larynx

6 categories of synovial joints & describe them

-hinge: ext. & flex. -pivot: rotation -saddle: 1 bone sits in another bone (mov in multiple directions but limited ROM) -condylar: ext, flex, add, abd -plane: slide against another thing -ball & socket: gives ROM in multiole directions but is least stable

what is the structure of a bone? what makes it flexible? what makes it rigid?

-hydroxyapatite & type 1 collagen -collagen -hydroxyapatite

describe the endosteum

-interior -lines trabeculae -osteogenic properties (bone regeneration)

CN X vagus what are the body regions associated with the branches? -branches: auricular -branches: pharyngeal, superior laryngeal, recurrent laryngeal (R), & cardiac -branches: cardiac, pulmonary, esophageal, & recurrent laryngeal (L) -branches: gastrointenstinal

-jugular fossa -neck -thorax -abdomen

viscera of the neck. respiratory. what 2 things make this up

-larynx -trachea (airway passage)

types of bones based on shape?

-long bone: longer than wider -irregular bone: don't conform to fit others -flat bone: not 100% flat, usually has a curve, smooth, protective -short bone: cube shaped (wrist/ankles)

digastric triangle boundaries: -__ -anterior & posterior belly of __ muscles

-mandible -digastric

chewing=__ -lateral pterygoid assisted by medial pterygoid= -posterior fibers of temporalis, deep part of masseter, & geniohyoid and digastric= -temporalis, masseter, medial pterygoid= -gravity & digastric, geniohyoid, & mylohyoid muscles=

-mastication -protrusion -retraction -elevation -depression

anterior triangle: anterior border- anterior __ line of the neck posterior border- __ border of sternocleidomastoid base: inferior border of __ and a line from the angle of the __ to the __ process apex: __

-median -anterior -mandible -mandible -mastoid -sternum

describe the periosteum

-most exterior part of bone -shiny/white -smooth -attachment point for muscle

esophagus gross structures features -__ tube -esophageal __: location of passage through diaphragm -__ orifice: location where esophagus joins __ -cardiac (gastroesophageal) sphincter: protects from __

-muscular -hiatus -cardial -stomach -reflex

organize these from smallest to largest and describe what they are made of sarcomere myofilament muscle fiber fascicle myofiber muscle

-myofilament: contains actin & myosin -sarcomere: contains myofilaments -myofiber: bundle of myofilaments containing many sarcomeres -muscle fiber: bundle of myofibrils -fascicle: bundle of muscle fibers -muscle: bundle of fascicles

what distribution is associated w/ dermatomes? with myotomes? -dysfunction= physical impairment -largely stacked in thorax and abdomen & wrap & run longitudinally to extremities

-myotomes -dermatomes

mastication & swallowing -pharyngeal-esophageal phase begins: -tongue blocks mouth, -soft palate & uvula raise, closing off the __ -larynx rises so that the epiglottis blocks trachea -upper esophageal sphincter relaxes; food enters esophagus


pharynx consist of what 3 things

-nasopharynx -oropharynx -laryngopharynx

the neurocranium Is separated from the viscerocranium by the __ plane (inferior margin of orbit to superior margin of __ canal

-orbitomeatal -auditory


-passage of food & air -continuous w/ esophagus


-passage of food & air -continuous w/ oral cavity -contains palatine & lingual tonsils

what cavity lies below the abdominal cavity? what does the ventral body cavity consist of? what are the cavities w/in the thoracic cavity? where is the verterbral cavity when body orientation is ventral?

-pelvic -thoracic & abdominopelvic -pleural & pericardial -top of the neck

larynx functions

-provide open airway -switches b/n opening trachea & esophagus -sound production

why can ROM of vertebral column be limited

-rods -thickness/elasticity/compressibility of IV joints -resistance of muscles

most of the blood supply to the spinal region comes from small branches that join A/P spinal arteries. What are they?

-segmental medullary arteries -artery of adamkiewicz (great anterior segmental medullary artery)

3 types of muscles & describe them

-skeletal: striated; moves bones -cardiac: striated; forms walls of heart -smooth: forms wall of most hollow organs

types of muscle controlled by autonomic nervous center

-smooth -cardiac

dural sinus

-space made b/n dural layers -fills w/ fluid & begins venous return

muscular triangle boundaries: -__, superior belly of __, midline from hyoid bone to __ notch contents: -larynx, __ gland, & __ nodes

-sternocleidomastoid -omohyoid -jugular -thyroid -lymph

muscles of the neck: cervical regions __: has 2 heads (__ & __) __: hyoid & related muscles __: __ __/__, __ scapulae, & __ __: descending __

-sternocleidomastoid -sternal -clavicular -anterior -lateral -splenius capitus/cervices -levator -scalenes -posterior -trapezius

infrahyoid muscles. what are the 4 muscles below the hyoid bone

-sternohyoid (superficial) -omohyoid (superficial) -thyrohyoid (deep) -sternothyroid (deep)

digastric triangle contents: -__ salivary gland & __ node -facial, submental, & __ vessels -__ & mylohyoid nerve

-submandibular -lymph -mylohyoid -hypoglossal

what are the muscles tested that would match the eye movements below -look laterally & upward -look laterally & downward -look laterally -look medially -look medially & upward -look medially & downward

-superior rectus -inferior rectus -lateral rectus -medial rectus -inferior oblique -superior oblique

6 functions of bone

-support -protection -anchorage -storage -hematopoiesis -hormone production

viscera of the neck. endocrine. describe this

-thyroid -parathyroid (located on thyroid) (hormone specific) metabolism related

larynx -continuous w/ __ -composed of __

-trachea -cartilage

motion sickness -conflicting information from vestibular system & __ system -alkaloid & many different neurotoxins cause a discrepancy b/n information -brains vomit center is activated by conflict in __ information -nausea & vomiting -evolutionary reflex (protective) because of effect of __

-visual -motion -neurotoxins

explain the arachnoid layer

-web-like -middle layer

what nerves exit above their vertebrae? which exit below?

1-7 of cervical exit above #8 of cervical and lower exit below

there are roughly ~__ pairs of nerves -__ cervical -__ thoracic -__ lumbar -__ sacral -__ coccygeal

31 8 12 5 5 1

There are ~__ vertebrae in the spine. How many vertebrae are there in each section of spine? (IE: how many in cervical, thoracic, etc.)

33 7 C 12 T 5 L 5 S 4 Co

in a vertebrae, there are a total of __ processes. 4 articular process, 1 __ process, and 2 __ processes

7 spinous transverse

on a muscle...thin filament bands

I band: non overlapping thin region

the spinal cord runs down to which spot on the spine?

L1 & L2

What part(s) of the spine is considered primary? What part is considered secondary? What is lordosis associated with (Anterior or posterior)? What is kyphosis associated with?

Primary: Thoracic/Sacral Secondary: Cervical/Lumbar Lordosis: anterior (cervical/lumbar) (secondary) Kyphosis: posterior (thoracic/sacral) (primary)

on a muscle...thick filament bands

a band: entire length of thick region h band: non-overlapping thick region only

CN VI __ innervates __ of __ muscles controlling extrinsic __ movements (lateral rectus) eye moves in a __ direction exits skull via __ __ fissure

abducens 1/6 eye lateral superior orbital

in the semicircular ducts, there are 3 canals. describe them

anterior -moves in saggital place -"yes" motion posterior -coronal plane -"tilt" motion lateral -horizontal plane -"no" motion

subdivisions of triangles: anterior subdivisions of triangles: posterior

anterior -submandibular -submental -muscular -carotid posterior -occipital -subclavian (supraclavicular)

triangles of the neck anterior: __ cervical region (front of sternocleidomastoid) posterior: __ cervical region

anterior lateral

posterior triangle -anterior border -posterior border -base -apex

anterior: posterior border of sternocleidomastoid posterior: anterior border of trapezius base: clavicle apex: occipital bone

Axial v. Appendicular

axial- Head, neck, & trunk appendicular- Limbs

what do these 4 mean? bilateral unilateral ipsilateral contralateral

b-R & L u-1 side only I-same side as body c-opposite side of body

risorius action: draws angle of mouth __ origin: __ & __ (muscles) insertion: angle of __ CN VII __

backward masseter platysma mouth facial

describe the body, process, & size of the lumbar spine region

body: huge, kidney shaped process: S- short, thick, "hatchet"; T- long, thin size: small central canal to large body

describe the body, process, & size of the thoracic spine region

body: large heart shape process: S- long & angled; T- Long & straight size: large (foramen is smaller than body)

Describe the body, process, & size of the cervical spine region

body: rectangle process: S- bifid/small; T- short/absent size: small

bone v cartilage

bone -living -hard from ct cartilage -avascular CT -flexible

mastication & swallowing -__ phase: Upper esophageal sphincter is contracted & tongue presses against hard palate, forcing the food bolus into oropharynx


which of the 2 phases of mastication & swallowing is voluntary?


concentric v eccentric

c- mov due to muscle shortening e- relaxation of contraction

hangmans fracture -fracture of __-__ can crush the spinal cord -typically caused by judicial hangings, fall that result in striking chine on surfaces -surgery to fix pin placement, is a survivable injury


the __ __ is located after the vertebrae L1 & L2. This thing distributes __

cauda equina nerves

vertigo central v peripheral

central- injury to cns peripheral- problems w/ inner ear

the spinal cord is enlarged at 2 regions. what are they?

cervical lumbar

you can perform flexion the most in which region of the spine? you can perform rotation the most in which region of the spine? you can perform extension the most in which region of the spine?

cervical lumbar lumbar

what are the bones of the neck

cervical vertebrae clavicle manubrium of sternum hyoid

orbicularis occuli action: __ the eye; assist in __ transport & drainage origin: __ orbit insertion: __ ligament CN: VII __

closes tear medial palpebral

what is this? -no vertebral canal -typically 4 fuzed bones -articulates w/ S5 -no holes


when vibrations hit the stirrup, it opens the window border and creates waves in the fluid located in the __


compact bone v. spongy bone

compact -cells are close together -smooth/continuous -external - not many holes spongy -interior -honeycomb -trabeculae

buccinator (fish face) action: __ cheeks against teeth origin: __ & __ insertion: lips CN VII facial

compresses maxilla & mandible

-transport membrane -covers sclera (white of eye) and inside eyelid


the __ sac is the space made b/n the palpebral conjunctiva & bulbar conjunctiva. this space acts as a __ for fluid

conjunctival reservoir

what type is joint is described below -connects ribs to vertebral column


What does the cranial cavity consist of? What does the vertebral cavity consist of? What does the dorsal cavity consist of?

cranial- skull & brain vertebral- spinal cord dorsal- cranial & vertebral

what type of joint is described below -connects to your head -atlas (c1) & axis (c2) -atlantooccipital joint is b/n atlas & occipital lobe (nodding/sideways head tilt) -atlantoaxial joints is b/n C1 & C2) (head turn side-side)


dermatomes v myotomes

d- area of skin supplied by a single spinal nerve (sensory) m- group of muscles innervated by a single spinal nerve (motor)

describe these layers of the spinal meninges: dura arachnoid pia

d- thick exterior layer a- has holes; spiderweb like; encloses CSF p- thinnest & most interior; covers roots of spinal cord

depressor anguili oris (frown) action: __ angle of mouth origin: __ insertion: __ of mouth CN VII __

depress mandible angle facial

pterygoids lateral action: __ & __ mandible origin: __ insertion: __ CN __ (trigeminal nerve)

depress protrude sphenoid mandible v3

What separates the thoracic cavity ( heart & lungs) from the abdominal cavity (digestive viscera)?


suprahyoid muscles 4 muscles located above the hyoid bone. what are they

digastric stylohyoid (superficial) mylohyoid geniohyoid (deep)

the dorsal/ventral roots give off rootles. what is the pathway associated with the dorsal? ventral?

dorsal- sensory (afferent) ventral- motor (efferent)

-ducts of sublingual gland -parotid gland -submandibular gland

ducts: salivates parotid- salivates superior, post/super to masseter submandibular- salivates inferior (linguial frenulum)

pterygoids medial action: __ & __ mandible origin: __ insertion __ CN __ (trigeminal nerve)

elevate protrudes sphenoid mandible v3

levator palpebrae superior action: __ upper eye origin: __ bone (__ wing) insertion: __ eyelid CN: III __

elevates sphenoid lesser upper oculomotor

levator anguli oris action: __ angle of mouth origin: __ insertion: __ of mouth CN VII __

elevation maxilla angle facial

levator labii superioris alleque nasalis (elvis lip) action: __ of upper lip origin: __ bone insertion: __ __ CN VII __

elevation nasal upper lip facial

zygomaticus minor action: __ of upper lip origin: __ bone insertion: upper angle of __ CN VII __

elevation zygomatic mouth facial

types of CT covering: describe them -endomysium -perimysium -epimysium -fascia

endomysium: around single muscle fiber perimysium: around a facicle epimysium: covers entire skeletal muscle fascia: on the outside of the epimysium

__ dysphagia: results from the body of the esophagus, lower esophageal sphincter, or cardia of the stomach, usually due to mechanical causes or motility problems


extrinsic muscles of tongue vs intrinsic muscles of the tongue

extrinsic- protrusion & up/down mov intrinsic- curling, twisting, shapes

nerve & eye damage = blind in that __


-provide shade -prevents sweat from running into eyes -gives visual cues


-highly innervated w/ nerves -triggers blink response


on the eye, the palpebral conjunctiva is located on the __ while the bublar conjunctiva is located on the __. (sclera= white portion)

eyelid eye

the palpebral fissure is the gap b/n the __


CN VII __ brachial motor nerve: Innervates all muscles involved in __ __ What are the 5 branches (nerves) and the associated muscles involved with this

facial facial expression temporal nerve= frontalis zygomatic nerve= orbicularis occuli buccal nerve= buccinator & orbicularis oris mandibular nerve= orbicularis oris cervical nerve=platysma

CN VII __ brachial motor: visceral motor: special sensory: general sensory: describe the 4 above

facial facial expression lacrimation (tears) & salivation taste; anterior 2/3 tongue sensory in ears

CN X __ visceral motor nerve __ innervation of pharynx, larynx, & abdominal viscera

facial parasympathetic

CN X __ brachial motor nerve 3 major branches -__ (muscles of pharynx & soft palate) -__ __ (cricothyroid & superior cardiac nerve) -__ __ (other muscles of the larynx)

facial pharyngeal superior laryngeal recurrent laryngeal

CN VII __ brachial motor nerve which is the primary and which is the secondary exit for this CN (stylomastoid foramen vs internal acoustic meatus)

facial primary= internal acoustic meatus secondary= stylomastoid foramen

CN VII __ general sensory nerve -enters cranium via __ foramen -innervation for __ regions of the __ ear -primary exit= __ __

facial stylomastoid cutaneous external internal acoustic

false vs true vocal cord

false: stabilization tissue true: actual sound made

thick sheets of dura mater separate cerebral & cerebellar structures falx cerebri falx cerebelii tentorium cerebelli

falx cerebri: separates L/R cerebral hemispheres falx cerebelli: seperates L/R cerebellar hemispheres tentorium cerebelli: separates cerebrum from cerebellum


family of disorders that involve difficulty in swallowing

3 types of joints & describe them

fibrous: united by fibrous tissue & nearly immovable cartilaginous: partially movable synovial:fluid filled areas for nourishment & lubrication (most common)

what is the extension of the spinal cord that anchors it to the end of the conus medullaris to sacral region

filum terminale

chorda tympani -exits petrotympanic __ -innervates __ glands on floor of __ cavity

fissure secretory oral

the lacrimal caruncle houses additional __ so your eyes do not dry up or stick


tinnitus is caused by a change in __


3 type of papillae

fungiform foliate vallate

the external ear is a __ for sound


CN IX __ -brachial motor: stylopharyngeus muscle elevates the __ when we swallow -visceral motor: parasympathetics of __ gland (salivation) -visceral sensory: __ & __ of carotids & sinuses (bp/O2) -general sensory: pain/temp of __ ear, inner surface of tympanic membrane, posterior 1/3 of tongue, & upper pharynx

glossopharyngeal pharynx parotid baroreceptors chemoreceptors external

greater petrosal nerve -exits via __ petrosal foramen -innervates __ glands & mucous glands in __ & oral cavities

greater lacrimal nasal

CN VII __ visceral motor nerves (2 branches) (secondary to internal acoustic) what are they

greater petrosal nerve chorda tympani

2 major types of cells in a taste bud

gustatory epithelial basal epithelial

hard v soft pallet. what do they do

hard- tongue pushes food up against & grinds food soft- lifts & closes off food to nasopharynx

the cochlea is for __ while the semicircular canals are for __

hearing balance

Should the fibrous capsule break, the nucleus pulposus will slip out causing a __ __. Should the nucleus pulposus break out further up the spine, it will hit the __ __ and if it break lower down the spine, it can hit the __.

herniated disk spina cord nerves

the __ bone does not articulate with other bones


all muscles of the tongue are innervated by __ nerve except plataglossus which is innervated by cranial root of __ nerve

hypoglossal accessory

CN XII __ somatic motor nerve -exits via the __ canal -innervates all muscles of the __ except the palataglossus

hypoglossal hypoglossal tongue

normal function of the trochlear nerve

inward rotation w/ downward lateral rotation

isotonic contraction v isometric contraction

isotonic: shorten the muscle & contracts (curling a weight) isometric: muscle contracts but does not move (carrying the bucket)

location of interaction b/n 2 or more structures may be mobile or immobile


-tears are produced by __ gland -tears are transported via __ ducts of __ gland -tears drain into the lacrimal __ (opening) -tears drain from the opening to the __ duct (canal)

lacrimal excretory lacrimal punctum nasolacrimal

adams apple

laryngeal prominence

scoliosis is a __ curvature in the spine


what is the muscles that controls eye lid elevation & is part of the occulomotor

levatore palpebrae

cn II optic enters nerve via optic canal so we can see __


attachment under tongue that prevents tongue from sliding posteriorly

linguinal frenulum

depressor labii inferioris action: depression of __ __ origin: __ insertion: __ __ CN VII facial

lower mandible lower lip

mentalis action: protrudes __ __; elevates & wrinkles chin to create a __ face origin: __ insertion: skin of __ CN VII __

lower lip pouting mandible chin facial

temporalis muscle action: elevate __ origin: __ bone insertion: __ (upper part) CN v3 (__ nerve)

mandible temporal mandible trigeminal

masseter muscle action: elevate __ origin: __ __ insertion: __ (lower part) CN v3 (__ nerve)

mandible zygomatic arch mandible trigeminal

procerus action: draws down __ eyebrows. wrinkles the skin of the nose to form a __ look origin: __ bone insertion: skin b/n __ CN VII __

medial stern nasal eyebrows facial

What portions of the spine are moveable & not fused together? What parts of the spine are not moveable & are fused?

moveable: cervical, thoracic, & lumbar non moveable: sacrum & coccyx

list the 1st. 2nd, & 3rd degree & associated nerves of the muscles of the eye medial rectus lateral rectus superior rectus inferior rectus superior oblique inferior oblique

mr- 1:add. 2:na 3: na lr- 1:abd 2:na 3:na sr- 1:up. gaze 2: intorsion 3:add ir- 1:down gaze 2:extorsion 3:add so- 1:intorsion 2:down gaze 3:abd io- 1:extorsion 2:up gaze 3: abd

hyoid bone -site for __ attachment -provides a stable point & keeps the __ open

muscle airway

why does the body of the spine get more thicker the further down the body?

must support more weight

the cranium is aka __ and houses the brain


the anulus fibrosis forms a capsule & holds things. What is the squishy shock absorber that lies in the capsule?

nucleus pulposus

the posterior structures of the skull are aka __ __

occipital aspect

which of the cranial nerves innervates 1 muscle controlling eye lid elevation


CN III __ has a somatic motor function. -innervates __ muscles controlling __ movements -inferior __: moves eye inferiorly -medial __: moves eye adductionly -inferior oblique: __ & __ of the eye -superior __: moves eye superiorly

oculomotor 4/6 eye rectus rectus elevation rotation rectus

CN III __ has a visceral motor function innervations: - __ muscles (lens curvature) -constrictor __ muscles functions: -__ light reflex -__ reflex

oculomotor ciliary pupillae pupillary accomodation

CN III: __ exits skull via __ __ fissure

oculomotor superior orbital

olfactory pathway -collections of ORC axons form __ nerve -olfactory axons form CN __ -travel through __ plate into olfactory bulbs

olfactory I cribiform

what is the order of the cranial nerves (12)

olfactory optic oculomotor trochlear trigeminal abducends facial auditory/vestibulocochlear glossopharyngeal vagus spinal accessory hypoglossal

CN I: __ special sensory __ enters skull via __ __

olfactory smell cribiform plate

identify which cn are sensory, motor, or both

olfactory- sensory optic- sensory oculomotor- motor trochlear-motor trigeminal-both abducends-motor facial-both auditory/vestibulocochlear-sensory glossopharyngeal-both vagus-both spinal accessory-motor hypoglossal-motor

CN II: __ special sensory __ enters skull via __ __ (back wall of orbit)

optic vision optic canal

what is the striation pattern due to on muscles

organization of fibers

muscles are attached at 2 points: origin & insertion. Describe these 2 things

origin -remains fixed during contraction -more proximal insertion -moved during contraction -more distal

__ dysphagia: results from abnormalities of muscle, nerves, or structures of the oral cavity, pharynx, & upper esophageal sphincter


vertigo most common form is caused by __ that break free from membrane & enters semicircular canals


4 muscles of extrinsic tongue muscles

palatoglossus styloglossus hypoglossus genoglossus

categorize these fascicle types into either parallel or pennate styles circular multipennate convergent fusiform bipennate unipennate parallel

parallel: circular convergent fusiform parallel pennate: multipennate (3 or more attachments) bipennate (2 attachments) unipennate (1 attachment)

Dscribe these fascicle styles parallel style pennate style

parallel: -insertion on tendon where fibers run parallel -shorten more in length but arnt as strong pennate: -muscle fibers that run oblique to the tendon -wont shorten as much but have more strength

dura mater has 2 layers. what are they

periosteum (most exterior) meningeal (creates meninges)

what is the pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube

pressure valve that prevents tympanic from rupturing

muscle actions: Describe them prime mover (agonist) antagonist synergist fixator

prime mover (agonist): main muscle for mov antagonist: opposes prime mover. as prime relaxes, antagonist will contract synergist: assisting muscle for more strength; helps prime mover fixator: gives stability to movement

what is the function of the spinal meninges


orbicularis oris action: __ lips & __ mouth origin: __ & __; corner of __ insertion: lips CN VII facial

puckers closes mandible maxilla mouth

describe the red v yellow marrow/medulla

red -more in youth -rbc production yellow -more in older individuals -more associated with fat

organize these in the correct pattern and identify what carries what (sensory v motor) root rami nerve rootlet

rootlet- carries either sensory or motor root- carries either sensory or motor nerve- carries both stimulus rami- carries both stimulus

subjective tinnitus= objective tinnitus=

s (common)= hear ringing o (rare)= hear bone, blood, & muscle

Explain the following forms of oculomotor opthalmoplegia: -strabismus -diplopia -ptosis -pupillary dilation -abducted eye position -paralysis of accomodation

s- eye points out & down d- double vision pt- eye lid droop pu-no dilation abd- eye points outward par- no lens shape change

CN VI abducens describe the nerve lesions -strabismus -diplopia -abduction deficits

s-eyes in 2 different directions d-double vision a-cannot laterally move the eye

scalp laceration s c a l p __= profuse bleeding of scalp laceration

s-skin c-connective tissue a-aponeurosis l-loose connective tissue p-periosteal bone aponeurosis

what is this? -typically 5 fused vertebrae -triangle shape -articulates w/ L5 & ilium


describe the 3 anatomical planes

sagittal- runs vertical, dividing the body so you can see anterior & posterior coronal (frontal)- cuts the body so you can see both sides (both arms, both lungs, etc.) transverse (horizontal)- divides into superior v inferior so you can see all directions

area between z discs is called what


the __ is the contractile unit of muscle made of myofilaments


what is the epricranial aponeurosis

sheet like set of CT that provides connections for muscle

6 types of modalities 3 motor: somatic motor (SM) brachial motor (BM) visceral motor (VM) 3 sensory: visceral sensory (VS) general sensory (GS) special sensation (SS)

sm- innervates voluntary skeletal muscles derived from sometimes bm- innervates muscles derived from the brachial arches (mastication, swallowing, & throat & neck) vm- innervates glands & smooth muscle (autonomic) vs-autonomic sensation necessary for reflexes (not pain) gs- somatic sensation from skin & mucous membranes (pain, temp, touch, etc.) ss- transmission of unique sensations (olfaction, audition, vision, balance)

anosmia is the lack of the ability to __


CN XI __ __ brachial/somatic motor nerve -exits via __ __ -innervates: __ & __

spinal accessory jugular foramen trapezius sternocleidomastoid

what is a sheath around the spinal cord & nerve roots

spinal meninges

what muscles consist of the erector spinae

spinalis longissimus iliocostalis

the digastric muscle forms lower border of __ & upper border of __

submandibular submental

general flow of deoxygenated blood -__ veins -__ sinuses -__ vein -exit cranium via __ foramen

superficial dural jugular jugular

5 muscles of intrinsic tongue muscles

superior longitudinal verticular transverse inferior longitudinal septum

t or f CN X vagus all components of the nerve exit the jugular foramen


t or f a lesion b/n the ear to nerve results in being deaf in 1 ear a lesion in the brain results in hearing less noise


t or f all components of CN IX glossopharyngeal travel through the jugular foramen


t or f artery of adamkiewics (great anterior segmental medullary artery) supplies a large portion of the spine


t or f basilar artery that runs through foramen magnum is made up from posterior vertebral arteries (2 of them)


t or f both a rootlet and root have only 1 specific type of information (motor v sensory)


t or f both inferior oblique & superior rectus= elevation


t or f dural sinus is separation of dura sheets that will unite


t or f dysphagia is common in geriatric population & higher incidence in stroke populations or other neurological conditions


t or f it is very rare to have a slipped thoracic disk


t or f muscles can only pull; they never push


t or f nerve roots in spinal region are served by radicular arteries for blood supply


t or f nerve roots increase length closer to inferior end of vertebral column


t or f nerves & blood vessels go through the sacral foramin


t or f salicylates (asprin) active cochlear NMDA receptors, triggering the "ringing" sensation


t or f segmental medullary arteries come from the aorta


t or f skeletal muscle & cardiac muscle are categorized as striated


t or f smooth muscles is controlled by autonomic nervous system and has no striations


t or f tears go across the eye inferiorly due to gravity. on the way across the eye, they fall into the sac. when we blink, we move the tears over to the lacrimal punctum


t or f the 3 bones of the ear (ossicles) are the smallest bones in the body


t or f the dura layer of spinal meninges forms the filum terminale


t or f the eyelash triggers a blink reflex


t or f the foramen magnum is the largest foramen


t or f the ligamentum flava resist separation of vertebral laminae by stopping abrupt flexion of vertebral column


t or f the nasal cavity is all respiratory epithelium except for the olfactory mucosa


t or f the posterior rami carries nerve fibers to synovial joints in vertebral column, deep muscle in back, & overlying skin while the anterior rami carries nerve fibers to the remaining area


t or f the sternum and hips, even in adults, have more red marrow than yellow


t or f the vertebra notch gives passage to vessels and contains spinal ganglia


t or f tropomyosin blocks the binding site so the head of the myosin can not attach to actin, causing no contraction to occur


t or f vertigo can trigger a nystagmus (eye flickering) due to vestibule-ocular reflex


t or f w/ spinal accessory nerve lesions, they clinically manifest as muscle weakness. IE: shoulder drop & difficulty w/ rotating head, especially w/ resistance



t or f bones completely fuzed at age 20-30

-produce oily substance -lubrication -prevents adherence of eyelashes

tarsal gland

CN IX __ special sensory __ (posterior __ of tongue)

taste 1/3

CN VII facial special sensory= __ -enters cranium via petrotympanic __ (secondary to internal acoustic) -innervates from hard & soft palate & anterior __ of the tongue

taste fissure 2/3

gustation -primary sense organ of taste is __ __ -each papillae are taste buds which there are ~10,000 taste __ -taste buds are located in the side walls of __

taste buds cells papillae

tension v load

tension: a level of force by a muscle on an object load: force on the muscle by an object

tensor tympani muscle vs stapedius muscle

tensor- dampens sound by holding malleus in place stapedius-stabilizes stirrups

what is this -ringing in the ears -caused by noise induced auditory damage & ototoxic drugs -damaged hair cells move randomly causing depolarization


what are the 3 large superficial muscles of the neck

trapezius sternocleidomastoid platysma

what are the CN's associated with the 3 superficial muscles of the neck

trapezius: cn xi sternocleidomastoid: cn xi platysma: cn vii

CN V __ general sensory is for the __ brachial motor is for __

trigeminal face mastication

CN V __ general sensory of v3 includes: -transmits __ -transmits __ -transmits __ info from: __ region, side of head & scalp, __ jaw, teeth, anterior __ of tongue enters skull via __ __

trigeminal pain temperature proprioception buccal lower 2/3 foramen ovale

CN V __ general sensory for v1 includes: -transmits __ -transmits __ -transmits __ info. from the eye, cornea, __, frontal __, & __ sinus exits skull via superior __ fissure

trigeminal pain temperature proprioception forehead sinus ethmoid orbital

CN V __ general sensory of v2 includes: -transmits __ -transmits __ -transmits __ info from maxilla & overlying skin, __ cavity, palate, nasopharynx, __ of ant. & middle cranial fossae enters cranium via __ __

trigeminal pain temperature proprioception nasal meninges foramen rotundum

CN V __ brachial motor: pairs w/ sensory __ to form __ nerve. overall movement of __ in all directions

trigeminal v3 mandibular jaw

CN IV __ innervates 1/6 muscles controlling __ movements (superior __) exits skull via __ __ fissure

trochlear eye oblique superior orbital

when sound enters the ear and travels to the middle ear, it hits the ear drum (__ membrane) that vibrates 3 bones in order. what are the 3 bones?

tympanic malleus (hammer) incus (anvil) stapes (stirrup)

if the body is in a prone position, the face is down but the palms are facing...


levator labii superioris action: elevation of __ __ origin: lower orbit (__ & __) (2 bones) insertion: __ __ CN VII __

upper lip maxilla zygomatic upper lip facial

facial nerve lesions explain the loss of function for the upper motor neuron (above nucleus) vs lower motor neuron (below nucleus)

upper: lose lower portion of face (nose & lower) lower: lose the entire half of face

hypoglossal nerve lesions upper motor neuron lesion v lower motor neuron lesion

upper: tongue deviates away from side of lesion lower: tongue deviates toward side of lesion (flaccid paralysis & atrophy)

zygomaticus major action: draws angle of mouth __ & __ origin: __ bone insertion: __ angle of mouth CN VII __

upward outward zygomatic upper facial

CN V __ these bone regions are associated with which area (v1, 2, or 3) lacrimal frontal nasociliary meningeal branch


opothalmic maxillary mandibular

v1 v2 v3

CN __ these bone regions are associated with what area (v1, 2, or 3) zygomatic infraorbital pterygopalatine meningeal branch


CN V __ what are these bone regions associated with (v1,2, or 3) buccal auriculotemporal lingual inferior alveolar meningeal branch


CN X __ general sensory nerve pain/temp/touch from: larynx, pharynx, external ear, external auditory canal, external surface of tympanic membrane, meninges of posterior cranial fossa


CN X __ visceral sensory nerve __ sensation for: larynx, trachea, esophagus, thoracic, & abdominal viscera, stretch receptors in aortic arch & chemoreceptors in aortic bodies

vagus autonomic

why is cavernous sinus the danger area

venous connections are in this area & damage to them or infections can reach the brain

IV disc lie between 2 bodies of __ and makes them flexible


what type of joint is described below? -runs posterior & anterior side of the vertebrae body -helps support fibrosus -includes supraspinous ligament & interspinous ligament -zygapophysial joints (facet)

vertebral arch

the anulus fibrosus & nucleus pulposus is part of what type of joints?

vertebral bodies (iv joints)

__ -sudden feeling of movement (spinning/swaying, worse when head moves, nausea, vomiting, & sweating)


nasal cavity -area posterior to __ -largest volume of nasal cavity contained w/in the __ -__ wall contains folds known as nasal conchae or __ __ -lined w/ __ epithelium

vestibule skull lateral nasal turbinate respiratory

CN VIII __ (auditory) special sensory __ & __ -enters cranium via __ __ meatus -innervation from __ & semicircular __ -the cochlea transmits & processes sound

vestibulocochlear hearing balance internal acoustic cochlea canals

the face, aka __ controls the muscles & features


corrugator supercillui action: __ forehead (__ movement) (confusion) origin: __ region insertion: skin of __ eyebrow CN VII __

wrinkle inferomedial supraorbital medial facial

on a muscle...z line & m line?

z line: discs, anchoring point for actin m line: protein line in center of h band

what muscle makes you smile

zygomatic major

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