A Streetcar Named Desire

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Translation for Belle Reve - The DuBois family home

"a beautiful dream" → dreams can be attainable → dreams can be destroyed → hard to let dreams go

Translation for Stanley Kowalski

- Stanley means Stone clearing - Kowalski means "common man" ○ common polish name → lower working class → ordinary

Translation for Stella Kowalski (DuBois - maiden name)

- Stella is Latin for star - Kowalski is a common polish name - DuBois means woods or forest (a magical place, where people fall in love)

Scene 1 Question: What does Blanche learn about Stanley before she meets him?

- Travels a lot - In the Military - Different cultures - He doesn't know she's coming

Scene 8 Question: What gift does Stanley give to Blanche for her Birthday? a. Why is it a cruel gift? b. How does Blanche respond? c. How does Stella respond?

A bus ticket back to Laurel a. Kicking her out b. She throws up c. She get's mad at Stanley

Scene 6 Question: Describe Blanche's and Mitch's mood as they come home from their date? Why do they feel this way?

Awkward and quiet (small talk) They don't have much in common.

"I don't want realism. I want magic! Yes, yes, magic. I try to give that to people. I do misrepresent things. I don't tell truths. I tell what ought to be truth."


"—you left! I stayed and struggled! You came to New Orleans and looked out for yourself. I stayed at Belle Reve and tried to hold it together."


Scene 1 Question: Describe the conversation between the two sisters. How does Blanche treat Stella? Why do you think she does this?

Blanche is mean/judgemental towards Stella and says these things in an effort to make herself feel better

Translation for Blanche DuBois

Blanche translates to White - purity, innocent - sounds: pretty, elegant, sophisticated, upper-class DuBois means "of the woods" - magical, illusions - lost, encounter danger

Scene 9 Question: What is the symbolism of the Mexican Woman at the door?


Scene 1 Question: What do the stage directions reveal about Stanley and Stella?

Different social classes, their relationship is based on lust rather than love

Scene 11 Question: Who rings the doorbell? a. Why are they at Stella and Stanley's apartment? b. How does Blanche react to them being there?

Doctor and nurse a. To take Blanche to the insane asylum b. Afraid

Scene 3 Question: Describe the poker players. How is Mitch different from the other men? a. What does Blanche expect of the poker players when she arrives? b. How does Stanley react?

Drunk, full of themselves (at their peak manliness). But Mitch lives/cares for his sick mother who worries about him being alone a. To get up and greet her b. They didn't plan on it

Scene 11 Question: How does Mitch seem to feel about Blanche? Explain. a. How does Blanche seem to feel about him when Mitch's name is mentioned?

Feels sorry for her, still cares about her a. It alarms her; she does not seem to know what is happening

Scene 4 Question: How does Blanche offer to "save" Stella? What is Stella's reaction?

Getting an old boyfriend (Shep Huntleigh) to give them money to move out and open a store. Stella thinks Blanche's idea is crazy

Scene 3 Question: What happens after Stella calls Stanley a drunk animal? a. How does Blanche react? b. What does Stella decide to do? c. Explain the following quotation, "What's the matter? What's happened?" What does this reveal? d. How does Stanley react when he realizes Stella left him? e. What does Stella decide to do? Why do you think he does this? f. How does Blanche react to this? Why do you think she reacts in this way?

He beats her a. Blanche starts screaming and primarily concerned about the baby b. She goes upstairs to stay with Eunice c. Stanley's anger and drunkenness caused him to blackout d. Upset, remorseful; tells her that she loves him and begs her to come back home e. She forgives Stanley, because she "loves" him f. She's upset and confused

Scene 1 Question: What do the stage directions on page 29 suggest about Stanley?

He believes that women are objects and finds himself to be more dominant to them

Scene 3 Question: Why does Stanley throw the radio out the window? How does this affect the others?

He doesn't like the fact that Mitch is ignoring the game to talk to Blanche, and he is losing the game. He starts to take his anger out on the others

Scene 2 Question: What does the opening conversation between Stanley and Stella reveal about their character?

He expects her to wait on him (cook, clean, etc.) He is in charge of of finances

Scene 9 Question: What is the symbolism of Mitch turning the light on and destroying the paper lantern? a. What does he realize?

He is done putting up with Blanches lies and the truth is out a. That she has been lying about her age

Scene 11 Question: The scene opens with another poker night. How has Stanley's luck changed since the first poker night? a. How is this game symbolic?

He is lucky that Blanch is leaving and that Stella does not believe Blanche about the rape a. He's gotten everything he wanted- won the war with Blanche

Scene 6 Question: How does Mitch respond to Blanche's secret about her past? a. What might Blanche have meant in her last line of this scene?

He is sweet and comforts her. He also suggests that they take care of each other a. She has hope for the future

Scene 2 Question: What secret does Stanley reveal? Why do you think he did this? a. How does Blanche react to the secret?

He reveals that Stella is pregnant in an effort to justify his suspicions about Blanche a. She was happy and excited for a "new beginning"

Scene 2 Question: Why is Stanley's suspicion concerning the loss of Belle Reve? a. What is the Napoleonic Code? b. What evidence does he give Stella about his suspicion? Do you agree?

He thinks that Blanche sold the house and kept the money for herself a. In a marriage, the husband and wife share everything b. The things in Blanche's trunk seem expensive

Scene 3 Question: How does Stanley show his dominating personality over Stella?

He yells at her, orders her to be quiet and hits her

Scene 3 Question: Stella introduces Blanche to Mitch. What is Blanche's immediate reaction to Mitch?

He's different from the other guys; he's polite (a gentleman)

Scene 3 Question: What are some of the lies that Blanche tells Mitch?

Her drinking, she says Stella's older than her, and that she's here to help Stella who has been feeling under the weather

Scene 9 Question: The doorbell rings. Blanche discovers it is Mitch. What does she do before she answers the door?

Hides the bottle and cleans herself up

Scene 3 Question: Explain the significance of Mitch's silver cigarette case? a. How does this connect with Blanche?

It is an inscription of a poem (Blanche's favorite) that a former lover gave him a. They have both lost a lover

Scene 9 Question: What do we learn about Varsouviana music? a. What always accompanies the music? What event does this music bring Blanche back to?

It's the same music that played when Blanche's husband killed himself. She hears a gunshot, then it stops

Scene 11 Question: What is Blanche's condition? a. How is Stella dealing with it?

Mentally unstable/ not in reality a. Sending her to an insane asylum

"You're not clean enough to bring in the house with my mother."


Scene 2 Question: What papers does Stanley find in Blanches trunk? a. What does Blanche say they are? b. What does she say about her husband?

Old love letters a. poems from her dead husband b. She had something to do with her husband's death- says she "hurt him"

Scene 1 Question: When Stanley, Mitch, and Steve return from bowling, what do they agree to do the next day?

Play poker at Stanley's house

Scene 5 Question: What has Stanley found out about Blanche's past in Laurel? a. How does Blanche react when confronted with this situation

Shaw allegedly met her at a hotel (known for prostitution) a. She is alarmed

Scene 2 Question: When Blanche comes out of the bathroom, what does she ask Stanley? a. Why do you think she does this? b. How does Stanley react?

She asks him how she looks a. She is insecure and is in constant need of reassurance b. He refuses to give her a compliment and tells her she looks "okay"

Scene 1 Question: What happened to Belle Reve? a. How does Blanche use this to make Stella feel guilty? b. What did Blanche experience at Belle Reve after Stella left?

She couldn't pay for it and lost it a. She claims that Stella left her to deal with everything (family deaths and bankruptcy) and only came for the funerals b. Her entire family died

Scene 3 Question: Why does Blanche ask Mitch to place the paper lantern over the light bulb? What does the lantern symbolize, and what does covering the light bulb symbolize?

She doesn't want him to see her face because she is insecure about her looks/ may be hiding something

Scene 1 Question: How is Blanche's drinking problem introduced?

She downs a tumbler of whiskey but then lies about not knowing where the liquir is when Stanley asks her if she wants some

Scene 8 Question: Why is Stanley anxiously awaiting Blanche's departure? a. What does the reveal about his relationship with Stella?

She has disrupted their lives and changed Stella. The sexual relationship have now is different from the lust they had before Blanche arrived because they lack privacy a. Their relationship is based on passion

Scene 9 Question: Why does Mitch refuse to marry Blanche now?

She has slept around so much that he feels as though he can't bring her home to his mother

Scene 1 Question: What do we learn about Blanche's love life? What happened?

She is a widow; her husband died long ago when he was young

Scene 10 Question: What is the symbolism of Blanche's "soiled and crumpled white satin evening gown"?

She is no longer pure/ her image of purity and her reputation are now "soiled"

Scene 11 Question: Explain the following quotation by Stella: "I couldn't believe her story and go on living with Stanley." a. What does this imply? b. What is Eunice's advice to Stella?

She is not allowing herself to believe Blanche, because she does not want to leave Stanley b. To not believe Blanche and send her away

Scene 1 Question: What does the author mean by "Blanche's appearance seemed incongruous to this setting"? What does this suggest about Blanche?

She is out of place, she believes that she's too good for lower class housing

Scene 6 Question: Describe Blanche's behavior with Mitch, Why is this behavior ironic?

She keeps her distance even though she had no problem kissing the paper boy/propositions him in French even though she makes it clear she doesn't want a sexual relationship

Scene 9 Question: What upsets Mitch the most about Blanche? How did he verify the truth about her history in Laurel?

She lied about her pureness. He asked the supply man that travels to Laurel and a merchant from Laurel.

Scene 8 Question: What does Stella say that angers Stanley? a. What is Stanley's reaction? Why?

She orders him around and calls him "disgusting" a. He gets mad - throws dishes on the floor

Scene 4 Question: How did Stella react to what Stanley did on their wedding night?

She says she was "thrilled" by it

Scene 10 Question: What lie does Blanche tell Stanley about Mitch? Why does she do this?

She says that Mitch begged her forgiveness, but she broke up with him because they are too different

Scene 4 Question: Describe the conversation Stanley overhears between Blanche and Stella. a. What was Stanley's reaction? b. How does Stella respond when Stanley enters the room? Why?

She says that he's not one of us (social classes) and that he has no humanity a. He pretends to know nothing b. She embraces him

Scene 1 Question: How does Blanche react to Stella and Stanely's home? Why does she act this way?

She tells her that it is small, "horrible" and could be the setting of a Poe story. She's grown up privileged, so she looks down on this place

Scene 10 Question: How has Blanche fallen victim to her own illusions?

She thinks Shep Huntleigh has called and asked her to go on a cruise with him

Scene 7 Question: What news does Stanley reveal about Blanche? a. What is the Flamingo Hotel? b. What did Blanche do at the Flamingo Hotel? c. Why did Blanche leave her job? d. How does Stella react to this news?

She told Mitch she was an old fashioned, moral lady even though she's the complete opposite a. Second-class hotel b. Prostitution/ promiscuous behavior c. Got fired after it was revealed that she was sleeping with a student d. She's completely shocked and in denial

Scene 9 Question: What is Blanche like when scene 9 begins?

She's been drinking

Scene 1 Question: When Stella arrives home, Blanche tells her to turn off the overhead light. Why does she say this?

She's insecure/ maybe hiding something

Scene 5 Question: What does Blanche's letter to Shep Huntleigh reveal about her?

She's lying to him about what she's been doing

Scene 1 Question: Describe Blanche's body language on page 18. What does this suggest?

She's proper and culture shocked/ does not fit in her surroundings

"What do you think you are? A pair of queens? Remember what Huey Long said—"Every man is a king!" And I'm the king around here, so don't forget it!"


Scene 6 Question: What does Blanche tell Mitch about life with Stanley? a. What is Mitch's reaction?

Stanley and Blanche don't like each other, she feels uncomfortable around him a. He is surprised

"I'm not in anything I want to get out of."


Scene 4 Question: How is Blanche's understanding of desire different from Stella's?

Stella = Lust Blanche = Love

Scene 4 Question: Contrast Blanche and Stella's appearances the morning after the fight. a. How does this reflect their varying attitudes towards Stanley's violence?

Stella is calm and angelic while Blanche is the complete opposite a. Stella normalized it which made Blanche upset and confused

Scene 2 Question: What news do we find out about Stella? Why do you think she doesn't want Blanche to know?

Stella's pregnant, and is worried that the news could upset Blanche

Scene 8 Question: What happens at the end of the scene?

Tells Stanley to take her to the hospital because she is in labor

Scene 9 Question: How does Blanche justify her sleeping around?

Tells herself and others that she is heartbroken and lonely

Scene 3 Question: How does Stella view her husband Stanley in relation to the other men?

That his career is going somewhere, unlike the others

Scene 1 Question: What reason does Blanche give for her arrival in New Orleans?

The Superintendent has given her a leave of absence from teaching because she was on the verge of a mental breakdown

Scene 1 Question: What is Belle Reve?

The plantation that Stella and Blanche grew up on

Scene 6 Question: What does Blanche tell Mitch about her past? a. How does this incident in Blanche's past affect her present life?

The story of how her husband died and the reason a. She's emotionally damaged, she's lonley but also has trust issues

Scene 7 Question: What is the irony of the song Blanche sings in the bathtub?

The theme of the song is being a phony

Change and the Characters

These two character represent the two different outlooks and change in society: **Blanche - romantic old-fashioned, traditionalist and elitist views **Stanley - new America, American dream, anyone can succeed if they work hard. **Stella is a hybrid character: one who was of the old traditions, but has moved with the times as a result of her marriage to Stanley.

Why is Blanched dressed in a "red satin robe" in a few of the scenes?

This costume contrasts with her usual soft, pastel costumes. Her personality is also a series of contrasts

Scene 3 Question: What do the comments made by Mitch, at the end of the scene, tell us about the relationship of Stanley and Stella?

This is normal for Stanley and Stella

Scene 5 Question: Why does the teenager come to the apartment? a. What happens between Blanche and him? b. What do we learn about Blanche from this encounter?

To collect money for the newspaper a. She flirts with him and then kisses him b. She is desperate and lonely and looking for the love she had with her young husband

Scene 5 Question: What does Blanche hope for in a relationship with Mitch?

To earn his respect and for him to marry her

Scene 7 Question: How does Stanley destroy Blanche's plans for her future? a. What are Stanley's plans for Blanche?

Told Mitch everything he had heard a. To send her back to Laurel

Scene 11 Question: Cite evidence that Blanche seems to be obsessed with purity.

the unwashed grapes, shampoo and hair, church bells

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