A&P 2

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Place in order the sequence of events that occur as steroid hormones interact with target cells

1. hormones cross the cell membrane 2.hormones combine with receptors. 3.hormone-receptor complexes activate transcription of mRNA 4.In the cytoplasm, mRNA molecules guide synthesis of proteins

True of False: Enzymes that regulate the action of other enzymes by attaching phosphates to them are called protein kinases.


The blood levels of MOST hormones are regulated by _____ feedback systems.


The hormones secreted by the pancreas are somatostatin, _____, and ______.

-glucagon, and insulin

Dilation of respiratory aiways, release of adrenal cortex hormones, and promotion of inflammation are just some of the effects of a paracrine substance called _____ .


A group of compounds called ___ are derived from arachidonic acid and function to help regulate activity of regulating cells


What is the relationship between steroid hormones and cell membranes.

steroid hormones can diffuse easily through the cell membrane

How are steroid hormones transported to their target cells

bound to plasma proteins

Parathyroid hormone is secreted by the ___ glands


The glands indicated at the end of the arrows are ____ glands.


The gland located in the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone is the ____ gland. It is attached to the hypothalamus through the infundibulum


What hormones are produced by the thyroid gland?

-Thyroxine or tetraiodothyronine -calcitonin -triiodothyronine

What two stages occur during the stress response (general adaptation syndrome)?

-alarm stage -resistance stage

ACTH, FSH, GH, LH, PRL, TSH are produced by the ____ lobe of the pituitary gland, while ADH and oxytocin (OT) are released from the ____ lobe of the pituitary gland.

-anterior, posterior

Place the substances in order they occur during the production of epinephrine

1. Tyrosine 2.Dopa 3. Dopamine 4.Norepinephrine 5. Epinephrine

Steroids such as aldosterone, cortisol and certain sex hormones are produced by what gland?

Adrenal cortex

What hormone promotes the movement of glucose into cells and stimulates the formation of glycogen from glucose?


Where is the thymus located?

In the mediastinum

In negative feedback mechanism, if a hormone level is low, receptors sense the change and cause a(n) ____ in secretion of that hormone.


Chemical Signals called___travel through the blood and then to receptors located on their target cells.


Match the hormones of the adrenal cortex with their function

- Aldosterone: helps regulate concentration of extracellular electrolytes by conserving sodium ions and excreting potassium ions. -Cortisol: decreases protein synthesis, increases fatty acid release, and stimulates glucose synthesis from noncarbohydrates. -Adrenal androgens: Supplement sex hormones from the gonads; may be converted to estrogens in females.

Where is the adrenal medulla?

- At the core of the adrenal gland, superior to the kidney

What organs are components of the endocrine system because they produce hormones?

- Thymus - Pineal gland - Reproductive organs - Certain cells of the digestive tract, heart and kidneys

Identify the correct statements regarding nervous and endocrine system communication methods. Select all that apply

- cells of the nervous system communicate using chemical signals - cells of the nervous system communicate predominantly via electrical signals. -cells of the endocrine system communicate using chemical signals

When the days get shorter or longer it effects the production of the hormone ____ by the ____ gland.

- melatonin, pineal

What are the general functions of the adrenal hormones

- respond to stress -maintain blood sodium levels

What are some characteritics of the endocrine system?

-Aids in transporting substances through membranes -helps regulate water and electrolyte balance -regulates reproduction, development and growth -helps regulate metabolic processes

Match the stage of the stress response or general adaptation syndrome with their corresponding events.

-Alarm stage: "fight or flight response", increase blood glucose, glycerol, and fatty acids; increase of heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate; dilation of air passages; shift of blood from skin and digestive organs to the skeletal muscles; increase of epinephrine secretion. -Resistance stage: release of CRH from the hypothalamus causing increase ACTH and cortisol secretion; increased blood levels of amino acid and fatty acid release; formation of glucose from noncarbohydrates.

Match the hormones of the adrenal cortex with the factors regulating their secretion

-Aldosterone: electrolyte concentrations in body fluids -Cortisol: corticotropin- releasing hormone from hypothalamus and adrenocorticotropic hormone from anterior pituitary.

Match the pancreatic islet cells with their secretion

-Alpha: glucagon -Beta: Insulin -Delta: Somatostatin

Match the secretion to the correct gland

-Anterior lobe of pituitary: growth hormone, adrenocorticotropic hormone, luteinizing hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone -Posterior lobe of pituitary: antidiuretic hormone, oxytocin

Match the hormone with its effects

-Calcitonin: lowers blood calcium levels -parathyroid hormone: raises blood calcium levels

What are examples of steroid hormones?

-Cortisol -Aldosterone -Sex hormones

What are examples of amine hormones?

-Epinephrine -Norepinephrine

What hormones are produced by the anterior pituitary lobe (adenohypophysis)?


What are some examples of protein hormones?

-Gowth hormone (GH) -Parathyroid hormone

What are cellular responses to second messenger activation?

-Inhibition of metabolic pathways. -Increased membrane permeability

Match the characteristics with the correct system

-Nervous system: cells are called neurons, duration of effect is brief unless activity continues, cells release neurontransmitters -Endocrine system: cells release hormones, effect may last for days even if secretion stops, cells form a gland

The adrenal cortex consists of epithelial layers divided in three regions. March the region name to its proper location.

-Outermost layer: Zona glomerulosa -Middle layer: Zona fasciculata -Innermost layer: Zona reticularis

Identify the major endocrine glands

-Pancreas -pituitary gland -Thyroid gland and parathyroid gland

What are ways that hormone levels are controlled?

-The hypothalamus stimulates glands to secrete a hormone -A gland secretes hormones when it detects that hormone levels are low

What are some characteristics of lipid-soluble hormones.

-They include steroid hormone. -They can diffuse into cells easily

What are some characteristics of lipid-soluble hormones?

-They include steroid hormones -They can diffuse into cells easily

What hormones are produced in the adrenal cortex?

-aldosterone -cortisol -sex hormones (androgens)

Which system uses chemicals released into the blood as a means of communication?

-endocrine system

The pancreas works as an ___ gland that secretes digestive juices into the pancreatic duct and as an ___ gland that releases hormones into blood.

-exocrine, endocrine

The pancreas works as an___ gland that secretes digestive juices into the pancreatic duct and as an ____ gland that releases hormones into blood.

-exocrine, endocrine

Which hormones are associated with the posterior pituitary gland?

-oxytocin -antidiuretic hormone

What are some effects of prostaglandins?

-relax smooth muscles in the airways of the lungs -help regulate blood pressure -promote inflammation

The target cells of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone are in what organ(s)?

-testes -ovaries

What are characteristics of endrocrine glands?

-they secrete hormones into the blood stream -they are ductless

What is the correct order of activation in a second messenger system using cAMP?

G protein; adenylate cyclase; cAMP; protein kinase

Changes in membrane permeability, activation of enzymes or stimulation of metabolic pathways are all examples of cellular responses to what hormones class?

Non-steroid based hormones via second messenger system

Amines, peptides, proteins and glycoproteins are classified as what type of hormone?

Nonsteroid hormones

What pituitary hormone triggers are release of thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland?


The hormone sensitivity of a target cell is determined by what factor

The presence and number of appropriate receptors

Insulin, a non-steroid hormone, binds with a cell membrane receptor causing activation of proteins inside the cell. What would you consider insulin an example of?

a first messenger

Insulin, a nonsteroid hormone, binds with a cell membrane receptor causing activation of proteins inside the cell. What would you consider insulin to be in this example?

a first messenger

The ____ glands are located atop each kidney.


The adrenal cortex is the target organ of____.

adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

The body's stress response begins with an immediate____ stage, followed by a long-term___stage.

alarm; resistance

Which adrenal cortical hormone(s) have various developmental and reproductive functions?


The hormones produced by the thyroid gland are: Thyroxine or tetraiodothronine (T4), Triiodothyronine (T3) and ____.


Steroid hormones are derived from the lipid called


The region of the adrenal gland indicated by the arrow in the figure is the adrenal ____.


The pancreatic hormone that stimulates an increase in blood glucose levels is____.


A cellular response to a nonsteroid hormone operating through a second messenger is_____ amplified.


Chemicals called____exert their effects by altering metabolic process. They may change the activity of an enzyme or alter the rate at which chemicals are transported through cell membranes.


The part of the brain called the ____ controls the stress response by initiating hormonal signals and neural signals, maintaining homeostasis.


Steroid hormones are ___ hormones.


Cells of the adrenal___ are connected to the sympathetic nervous system


Epinephrine and norepinephrine are synthesized in the portion of the adrenal gland called the adrenal ____.


Chemically, in the broadest sense, hormones are classified as ____ hormones or ____ hormones.

non-steroid steroid

Amines, peptides, and proteins are examples of____ hormones that bind to receptors in the target cell membranes


Amines, peptides, and proteins are examples of___hormones that bind to receptors in the target cell membranes.


Name the endocrine organ indicated in the figure.


The organ that lies posterior to the stomach and is attached to the small intestine is the____


Which endocrine organ also acts as an exocrine organ?


The gland that is made up of an anterior and posterior lobe is the ____ gland.


The hormone secreted by the parathyroid gland is an example of a ___ hormone.


The hormone secreted by the parathyroid gland is an example of a____ hormone.


What must be present for any type of hormone to be able to act on a target cell


A ___ messenger is a biochemical (i.e. cAMP) generated in response to the binding of a hormone to a cell-surface receptor. Its role is to induce changes by activating other enzymes.


Cyclic AMP (cAMP) molecules are ____ messengers that may by activated by nonsteroid hormones.


When activated by a hormone, some target cells produce____ which then induce the effects of the hormone stimulation within the cell.

second messenger

Prostaglandins are potent locally-actin paracrine substances that are present in ___ amounts


Aldosterone is a mineralocorticoid that causes the kidneys to conserve ____ ions and water, and to excrete ____ ions.


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