A&P 2: Chapter 19 Quiz Questions

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A. An allergic reaction

A person with an increased eosinophil count might be suffering from A. an allergic reaction. B. a viral infection. C. an acute bacterial infection. D. a chronic bacterial infection. E. a head cold.

B. Has anti-A antibodies

A person with type B blood A. has antigen A. B. has anti-A antibodies . C. will have a transfusion reaction if given type B blood. D. has anti-B antibodies. E. can receive type A blood.

C. Type O blood

A person with type O blood should receive a blood transfusion from a donor with A. type A blood. B. type B blood. C. type O blood. D. type AB blood. E. any type of blood.

A. Protection

A white blood cell engulfing a bacterium is an example of blood functioning in A. protection. B. elimination. C. maintenance. D. transportation. E. communication

C. Myeloblasts

Neutrophils of the blood are derived from a population of stem cells called A. lymphoblasts. B. proerythroblasts. C. myeloblasts. D. megakaryoblasts. E. monoblasts.

B. Is the liquid matrix of the blood

Plasma A. is one of the formed elements. B. is the liquid matrix of the blood. C. transports waste products but not nutrients. D. accounts for less than half of the blood volume. E. is serum plus formed elements.

D. Prevent sensitization of the mother

RhoGam injections are given to A. desensitize the fetus. B. activate fetal Rh antigens. C. protect the father. D. prevent sensitization of the mother. E. change the mother's blood type.

D. The percentage of RBCs in a given volume of blood

The hematocrit is A. an estimate of blood flow/hour. B. the number of WBCs per mm3. C. the amount of hemoglobin by weight in the blood. D. the percentage of RBCs in a given volume of blood. E. the number of RBCs in the body.

A. Neutrophil

The most numerous of the leukocytes is the A. neutrophil. B. basophil. C. eosinophil. D. lymphocyte. E. monocyte.

C. Leukocytes

The only formed elements that possess a nucleus when mature are the A. thrombocytes. B. erythrocytes. C. leukocytes. D. platelets. E. RBCs.

D. Fibrinogen

The plasma component that forms fibrin in a blood clot is A. sodium. B. albumin. C. globulin. D. fibrinogen. E. fibrinolysis.

D. 55%

The total blood volume is ____ plasma. A. 50% B. 90% C. 75% D. 55%

C. Has both A and B antigens on the red blood cells

Type AB blood A. has no antigens on the red cells. B. has O antigens on the red cells. C. has both A and B antigens on the red cells. D. has both A and B antibodies on the red cells. E. has both A and B antibodies in the plasma.

D. The erythrocytes agglutinate

When a person is transfused with the wrong blood type, A. the white cells clot. B. hemorrhaging occurs. C. fibrinogen is activated. D. the erythrocytes agglutinate. E. they bleed to death.

D. The global portion of the molecule is broken down into amino acids

When erythrocytes are destroyed, which of the following events occurs? A. Urine output increases. B. Iron is secreted into the bile. C. Heme is transported by transferrin to the liver. D. The globin portion of the molecule is broken down into amino acids. E. Bile is manufactured by the gall bladder.

B. Oxygen-carrying capacity

When large quantities of blood are lost, erythrocytes must be replaced to restore A. the body's ability to fight infection. B. oxygen-carrying capacity. C. thrombin levels. D. normal blood pH. E. iron levels.

A. Agglutination of erythrocytes occurs

When the antigens on erythrocytes bind with antibodies in the plasma, A. agglutination of erythrocytes occurs. B. hemolysis of leukocytes may occur. C. the antibodies dissolve. D. the blood group changes. E. coagulation occurs.

B. Megakaryoblast

A deficiency of which of the following stem cells would result in a marked increase in the clotting time of blood? A. lymphoblast B. megakaryoblast C. monoblast D. myeloblast E. proerythroblast

E. Give rise to all formed elements in the blood

Hemocytoblast stem cells A. are specialized cells. B. are found in yellow bone marrow. C. form branches of trees. D. are abundant in the plasma. E. give rise to all formed elements in the blood.

B. Transports oxygen in the blood

Hemoglobin A. gives white blood cells their color. B. transports oxygen in the blood. C. is normally found in both the plasma and erythrocytes. D. catalyzes the reaction that forms carbonic acid. E. is only used once then decomposed.

A. A disorder of the clotting process

If your son is diagnosed with hemophilia, he would have A. a disorder of the clotting process. B. an infection of the blood. C. an increased erythrocyte count. D. a type of cancer affecting white blood cells. E. an antigen-antibody reaction.

A. Bone marrow; blood vessels; spleen

In adults, red blood cells are made in one place, spend most of their lifespan in another, and most are finally destroyed in yet another place. Which choice lists these locations in the correct chronological order? A. bone marrow; blood vessels; spleen B. bone marrow; spleen; blood vessels C. spleen; blood vessels; spleen D. blood vessels; spleen; bone marrow E. spleen; blood vessels; bone marrow

A. Antibodies from the mother cross the placenta and affect the fetus

In hemolytic disease of the newborn, A. antibodies from the mother cross the placenta and affect the fetus. B. hemolysis of white blood cells may occur. C. fibrin is hydrolyzed. D. the mother frequently dies during childbirth. E. antibodies from the fetus cross the placenta and affect the mother.

A. Is needed to produce hemoglobin

Iron A. is needed to produce hemoglobin. B. is a plasma coagulation factor. C. is the binding site for carbon dioxide on the hemoglobin molecule. D. prevents carbon monoxide from binding to hemoglobin. E. interferes with the normal function of hemoglobin.

C. Contain hemoglobin in the cytoplasm

Mature erythrocytes A. have a centrally located nucleus. B. are actually just cellular fragments. C. contain hemoglobin in their cytoplasm. D. mature from cells called megakaryocytes. E. do not contain protein.

B. The lower oxygen concentration seen at higher altitudes

Mr. Smith moved from a low altitude to a high altitude and experienced an increase in RBCs. Which of the following caused this increase? A. the lower temperature present at higher altitudes B. the lower oxygen concentration seen at higher altitudes C. the increased metabolic rate seen at higher altitudes D. the increased CO2 retention that occurs at high altitudes E. He exercised more.

C. They clump together

Agglutination of red blood cells means A. they rupture. B. they form a clot. C. they clump together. D. they lose their nucleus. E. they bump into each other.

E. May build up in the circulation and cause jaundice

Bilirubin A. is found in white blood cells. B. may be reused in erythropoiesis. C. is formed from the globin groups of hemoglobin. D. is made from bile. E. may build up in the circulation and cause jaundice.

C. Connective

Blood is a type of _________ tissue. A. epithelial B. glandular C. connective D. areolar

B. Regulation of osmotic pressure

Functions of plasma proteins include A. body temperature regulation. B. regulation of osmotic pressure. C. transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide. D. serving as a source of energy for metabolism.

A. Is a product of the kidney

Erythropoietin A. is a product of the kidney. B. inhibits the production of erythrocytes. C. is produced in response to increased blood pressure. D. is found both in the plasma and inside red blood cells. E. is produced by the red bone marrow.

C. Plasma, RBCs, WBCs

For a person whose hematocrit is 45%, in which choice below are the components of blood correctly ranked in order of decreasing percent volume? A. WBCs, plasma, RBCs B. RBCs, WBCs, plasma C. plasma, RBCs, WBCs D. plasma, WBCs, RBCs E. WBCs, RBCs, plasma

C. Platelets - phagocytize bacteria

Which blood component is NOT correctly matched with its function? A. erythrocytes - transport oxygen B. leukocytes - protect against disease C. platelets - phagocytize bacteria D. plasma proteins - maintain blood osmotic pressure; involved in clotting E. monocytes - become macrophages

B. Reticulocyte

Which of the following cell types is an immature red blood cell? A. erythrocyte B. reticulocyte C. thrombocyte D. monocyte E. leukocyte

C. Lymphocytes - become macrophages

Which of the following cell types is incorrectly matched with its description? A. neutrophils - most numerous WBCs B. basophils - release histamine C. lymphocytes - become macrophages D. monocytes - largest of the WBCs E. eosinophils - attack worm parasites

C. Plasma volume can change drastically

Which of the following is NOT true of plasma? A. Plasma is about 91% water. B. Plasma is a colloid. C. Plasma volume can change drastically.

D. Nucleus is centrally located

Which of the following phrases is least likely to be used in describing erythrocytes? A. biconcave cells B. cells can change shape C. cytoplasm contains hemoglobin D. nucleus is centrally located E. main role is transporting blood gases

C. Leukocytes are the largest of the formed elements

Which of the following statements regarding leukocytes is TRUE? A. Leukocytes have no nucleus. B. Leukocytes play a role in oxygen transport. C. Leukocytes are the largest of the formed elements. D. Leukocytes are only fragments of cells. E. There is only one kind of leukocyte.

B. Increased erythropoietin levels

Which of the following would lead to increased erythropoiesis? A. increased environmental O2 levels B. increased erythropoietin levels C. increased blood pH D. increased blood pressure E. increased CO2 levels

C. Globulin - transport and immunity

Which plasma protein is correctly matched to its function? A. fibrinogen - transport of fatty acids B. albumin - helps to fight infection C. globulin - transport and immunity D. globulin - blood clotting

D. Neurotransmitters

Which type of material is NOT transported by the blood? A. blood gases B. nutrients C. lactic acid D. neurotransmitters E. hormones

A. An Rh-negative woman is carrying an Rh-positive fetus

Why would a person have anti-Rh antibodies present in their blood? A. They are Rh-positive and were exposed to Rh-negative blood. B. An Rh-negative woman is carrying an Rh-positive fetus. C. An Rh-positive woman is carrying an Rh-negative fetus. D. A person can not have anti-Rh antibodies in their blood.

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