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The T-tubules

An action potential interest the depths of a mess of fiber by the way ————-


As a calcium ions flood the sarcoplasmic they will blind to the ———— of the thin filaments


Caused by a stimulus a quick cycle of contraction and relaxation is called a —————


Single muscle contraction requires energy to do work muscles help maintain our body —————

Finely controlled

Smaller motor units with you or muscle fibers partner on produce ———- muscle contractions


The absence of ————— would prevent the myosin head from detaching from the thin filament

Cross bridge

The attachment of the myosin head and then film it forms a ————-between the two filaments


When the frequency is progressively higher the muscle does not have time to ————

Which of the following is a true statement regarding muscle strength and conditioning check all that apply

1 weightlifting does not increase the number of muscle fibers in a particular muscle exercise 2. blood capillaries densely density will increase in slow twitch fibers in response to training for a marathon 3. long-term resistance training will increase the number of Myofibrils in a particular muscle exercise 4. a muscle fiber become too large mitosis causes them to divide into 2


And example of a large motor unit would be in the ———— muscles


And example of a small motor unit would be in the ————- muscles


Areas of sarcolemma are electrically excited causing ———— potentials in all directions from the neuromuscular junction


Cassie am I on (Ca2+) bind to ———- which is bound to the thin filaments


Each myosin pro Tien has a guy popular had that extends outward from the myosin filament


Finally the muscle fiber returns to its resting ——————


First a wave of action potential spreads from the end plate in all directions reaching the T tubules then the —————-

ACh receptor

Gated ion channel that is activated by a ACH

Sodium ions

In response to this binding ———— move into the muscle fiber causing the membrane potential to rise


Large motor units with more muscle fibers partner on produce ———— contractions of muscle


Since I single twitch cannot produce you spell muscle movement ————- is necessary

synaptic vesicles

Store ACh in the motor neuron

Sarcoplasmic reticulum

Stores calcium inside the muscle cell

Nervous stimuli

Summation is the addition of a multiple twitches achieved from rapid succession of ————-

Saroplasmic reticulum

Terminal cisternae are a structural feature of the organelle called the the ————-

Action potentials

The Ions excite the sarcolemma and initiate a wave voltage changes called ——————

Electrically excitable

When an ion channel opens in a muscle cells plasma membrane ions flew across the membrane altering potential because the sales are ———————


—————- Is the process in which action potential and the nerve axon lead to action potentials in the muscle fiber


—————- Is the step in which the muscle fiber develops tension and may be shorten


——————— Move back into position blocking active site and no more contractions can occur


The thick and thin filaments are in line with each other by ———— filament composed of a pro Tien called Titian


The tropomyosin molecule of the thin filament changes shape and exposes active sites for ———-heads to bind and begin the contraction


The ————stroke then pushes the myosin head forward moving the thin filaments across

T tubules

These voltage changes spread in all directions and passed down into the ———— exciting the muscle

Synaptic cleft, sarcolemma

This Nero transmitter diffusers across the ————— before binding to receptors of the —————-

Each actin filament is composed of

Two strands of Acton molecules wrapped together


Using ————- or valve muscles control the passage of contents from one body cavity or lumen to another

T tubule

In a muscle fiber the blank is adjacent to the terminal cisternae name so the action potential can stimulate calcium ion channels


Once more ATP bind myosin head forward-moving and hydrolyze another ATP called the ———- stroke

Motor unit

One motor neuron and all of the muscle fiber supplied by it is called a —————-


The specific name for a muscle fibers plasma membrane is the —————


A quick cycle of contraction and relaxation of the muscle is called a —————


A thin filaments consist of two intertwined chains of Actin molecules smaller filamentous ————- molecules and troponnin


Membrane potential is measured in the —————-

Polarized , anions

A cell membrane is ————- when there is a higher concentration of cations on one side and a higher concentration a —————- on the other

Myosin , Acton filaments

A confirmational change to troponin-tropomyosin reveals binding sites for ————- located on the ——————


A nerve signal rise at the Synapse and stimulate synaptic vesicles to release ————- into the synaptic cleft


A single ———- molecule consist of two intertwined polypeptides forming a twisted filamentous tail and a double globular head


A twitch can last as little as seven —————-


A ———- filament consist of 2 to 500 meiosis and molecules bundle together with the heads projecting outward is a helical array


Acetylcholine disassociate from it's ————and no new molecule of acetylcholine are released

gated ion channels

Acetylcholine receptors function as —————-


Acetylcholine stimulates ————— on gated ion channels in the sarcolemma

Which two molecules linked together to form a cross bridge during muscle contraction choose to answers from the list below

Actin , myosin

Terminal cisternae

Action potential causing voltage gated calcium ion channels to open in the blank of the Sarcoplasmic reticulum


Active transport pumps in the SR move ———- back into the cisternae


Add an even higher frequency the muscle exhibit a state of continual contraction called —————

Complete sentence with the correct word then direct a sentence into correct order

Complete sentence with the correct word then direct a sentence into correct order


Muscle functions in ————- of the head neck and limbs as well as propulsion of the contents through the digestive track


Muscles are so function and ———— by preventing unwanted movement as in maintaining posture

Acetylcholine (ACh)

Neurotransmitter released at the neuromuscular junction

Place a single word into each sentence and then arrange the sentence into a logical paragraph order to describe the process of excitation

Place a single word into each sentence and then arrange the sentence into a logical paragraph order to describe the process of excitation

Place a single word into each sentence to make it correct and then arrange a sentence into logical paragraph order describe the process of excitation contraction canceling

Place a single word into each sentence to make it correct and then arrange a sentence into logical paragraph order describe the process of excitation contraction canceling


Relaxation begins when nerve signals quit stimulating the axon terminal for releasing —————


The connective tissue that surrounds each muscle fiber is called the ————-

Membrane potential

The difference in charge created by the ECF ions and the ICF ions is called the ——————


The head extends to an expose ———- side on the thin filament


The muscle will eventually fatigue and the muscle ———— will then decline


The myosin had messed have a ———molecule down to it to initiate the process

No nucleotide

The myosin head is bound to blank when it is in the low energy confirmation and it's bound to the thin filament


The myosin head is bound to ——— when it is in the low energy confirmation and it's not bound to that then filament

No nucleotide

The myosin head is bound to ————- during the power stroke

ADP and Pi

The myosin head is bound to ————- when it is extended high energy confirmation


The nerve signals stimulates the release of—————- into a synaptic cleft


The process begins with a Nerve signal reaching the ——————

Active transport

The pump mechanism that maintains the resting membrane potential is an example of ——————


With moderately frequent stimulation muscle relaxes fully between contraction but successive twitches are stronger a phenomenon known as ————


By absorbing a large share of one's ———-muscles play in important role in blood sugar control

Terminal cisternae

Calcium channels in the ———- open and release calcium ions into the cytoskeleton


Carry the electrical signal (action potential) deep into the muscle cell

Click and drag each event into the appropriate category based on whether it would be associated with contraction or no contraction

Click and drag each event into the appropriate category based on whether it would be associated with contraction or no contraction contraction 1) Active transport of Ca2+ into the sarcoplasmic reticulum 2) A mutation to tropin to prevent it from binding to Ca 2+ 3)A mutation to tropomyosin that prevents it from binding troponin 4) And inhibitor a voltage gated Na+ channels contraction 1) Release of acetylcholine 2) A mutation to tropomyosin that prevents it from binding actin 3) Presence of an organophosphate pesticide that inhibits acetylcholinesterase


Excitation contraction coupling refers to the events that link the action potentials on the sarcolemma to activation of the ————-


Excitation of a ———— membrane opens calcium channels into adjacent terminal cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum

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