A&P Ch. 9

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What are the right and left halves of the spinal cord connected by?


-Sympathetic nervous system controls the "fight or flight" response system. The body's alert system •The autonomic system is divided into two branches

-Sympathetic nervous system controls the "fight or flight" response system. The body's alert system •The autonomic system is divided into two branches

All spinal nerves are mixed nerves which means they carry both sensory and motor information.

All spinal nerves are mixed nerves which means they carry both sensory and motor information.

All of the control functions of the nervous system must be carried out by a group of cells called neurons.

All of the control functions of the nervous system must be carried out by a group of cells called neurons.

All of these chemical reactions that must take place inside a cell are collectively called the cells metabolism.

All of these chemical reactions that must take place inside a cell are collectively called the cells metabolism.

Arachnoid mater Middle layer is a wispy, delicate layer, resembling a spider web, composed of collagen and elastic fibers acting as a shock absorber and transporting dissolved gases and nutrients as well as chemical messengers and waste products.

Arachnoid mater Middle layer is a wispy, delicate layer, resembling a spider web, composed of collagen and elastic fibers acting as a shock absorber and transporting dissolved gases and nutrients as well as chemical messengers and waste products.

Astrocytes-often connected to capillaries and form part of the blood-brain barrier.

Astrocytes-often connected to capillaries and form part of the blood-brain barrier.

At that point where it leaves, is the synapse. (the hand-off) The neuron transmitting the signal is called the presynaptic neuron. The neuron receiving the signal is called the post synaptic neuron.

At that point where it leaves, is the synapse. (the hand-off) The neuron transmitting the signal is called the presynaptic neuron. The neuron receiving the signal is called the post synaptic neuron.

Autonomic (think automatic) system will kick in that fight or flight response via the sympathetic branch

Autonomic (think automatic) system will kick in that fight or flight response via the sympathetic branch

Autonomic- smooth/cardiac/glands Divided in to 2 branches

Autonomic- smooth/cardiac/glands Divided in to 2 branches

Axon-receives signals from the cell body.

Axon-receives signals from the cell body.

Dorsal horn involved in sensory functions

Dorsal horn involved in sensory functions

Because neurons are excitable cells, it makes sense that the way neurons send and receive signals is via tiny electrical currents. FYI- this is also one of the reasons electrocution can cause nervous system damage and even death; it literally shorts out the electrical pathways in the neurons.

Because neurons are excitable cells, it makes sense that the way neurons send and receive signals is via tiny electrical currents. FYI- this is also one of the reasons electrocution can cause nervous system damage and even death; it literally shorts out the electrical pathways in the neurons.

Between the arachnoid mater and the pia mater is the large subarachnoid space filled with C S F that acts as a fluid cushion.

Between the arachnoid mater and the pia mater is the large subarachnoid space filled with C S F that acts as a fluid cushion.

Botulism is a form of paralysis caused by toxins produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum.

Botulism is a form of paralysis caused by toxins produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum.

CSF functions to 1 protect brain and spinal cord from trauma 2 supply nutrients to nervous tissue 3 remove waste products from cerebral metabolism

CSF functions to 1 protect brain and spinal cord from trauma 2 supply nutrients to nervous tissue 3 remove waste products from cerebral metabolism

fluid is contained in the fill in the blank space between the arachnoid mater and pia mater.

Cerebrospinal Fluid & Subarachnoid Space

Cervical injury may result in quadriplegia, and if the diaphragm is paralyzed the individual can't breathe on their own. (paralysis in all 4 limbs)

Cervical injury may result in quadriplegia, and if the diaphragm is paralyzed the individual can't breathe on their own. (paralysis in all 4 limbs)

What synapse uses neurotransmitters to relay information?

Chemical synapse

Chemical synapses-Most synapses are chemical. Though they are more common they are more complicated than electrical synapses. Chemical synapses communicate using chemical messengers neurotransmitters to carry information.

Chemical synapses-Most synapses are chemical. Though they are more common they are more complicated than electrical synapses. Chemical synapses communicate using chemical messengers neurotransmitters to carry information.

Information from the environment is received by what part of a neuron?


Dendrites Receive information from the environment

Dendrites Receive information from the environment

Dorsal root, part of the spinal cord that carries sensory information.

Dorsal root, part of the spinal cord that carries sensory information.

Dura mater Outer layer is thick fibrous tissue

Dura mater Outer layer is thick fibrous tissue

Ependymal-do the job of epithelial cells by covering surfaces and lining cavities.

Ependymal-do the job of epithelial cells by covering surfaces and lining cavities.

Epidural injections given to alleviate pain

Epidural injections given to alleviate pain

Everything outside the brain and spinal cord is part of the peripheral nervous system (P N S).

Everything outside the brain and spinal cord is part of the peripheral nervous system (P N S).

Neurons can carry an electrical charge at rest. Because of this, they are called what kind of cells?


What is the name of the connections between cells that have electrical synapses?

Gap junctions

Gap junctions allow current to pass directly from one cell to the next. So in electrical synapses, with the presence of gap junctions allow signals to be transmitted directly between cells.

Gap junctions allow current to pass directly from one cell to the next. So in electrical synapses, with the presence of gap junctions allow signals to be transmitted directly between cells.

Guillain-Barré Syndrome Patients develop weakness and ascending paralysis.

Guillain-Barré Syndrome Patients develop weakness and ascending paralysis.

What condition may be indicated by "ascending paralysis after an infection"?

Guillain-Barré syndrome

What term identifies the gray matter on the interior of the spinal cord?


What is the name of neurons that carry information between sensory and motor neurons?


Interneurons: communication between neurons (association neurons)

Interneurons: communication between neurons (association neurons)

What is the blood brain barrier?

It is a semipermeable network that protects the brain from foreign substances in the blood that may injure the brain, protects the brain from hormones and neurotransmitters in the rest of the body. Maintains a constant environment for the brain.

Lateral horn dealing with autonomic functions

Lateral horn dealing with autonomic functions

What are sodium channels on muscles in the neuromuscular junction that open or close when a molecule binds to a receptor that is part of the channel, like a key fitting into a lock?

Ligand gated

Medications that interfere with neurotransmitter release can create more desired effects. In this case- serotonin, a chemical neurotransmitter responsible for mood and sleep is increased

Medications that interfere with neurotransmitter release can create more desired effects. In this case- serotonin, a chemical neurotransmitter responsible for mood and sleep is increased

Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord.

Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord.

Microglia, can attack microbes and remove debris

Microglia, can attack microbes and remove debris

A spinal nerve is what specific type of nerve?

Mixed nerve

Motor neurons: output carries out response

Motor neurons: output carries out response

Multiple sclerosis (M S) is a disorder of the myelin in the C N S

Multiple sclerosis (M S) is a disorder of the myelin in the C N S

Myasthenia Gravis - Autoimmune disorder where immune system attacks and destroys acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular junction.

Myasthenia Gravis - Autoimmune disorder where immune system attacks and destroys acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular junction.

Myasthenia Gravis usually presents with a fluctuating muscle weakness starting in the facial/eye muscle.

Myasthenia Gravis usually presents with a fluctuating muscle weakness starting in the facial/eye muscle.

Myelin is a lipid and protein insulation, or sheath formed by the oligodendrocytes in the CNS. The presence of myelin helps to conduct impulses more rapidly along the neuron

Myelin is a lipid and protein insulation, or sheath formed by the oligodendrocytes in the CNS. The presence of myelin helps to conduct impulses more rapidly along the neuron

Myelin is made in the Schwann cells for the PNS

Myelin is made in the Schwann cells for the PNS

Nerves that arise from the plexuses have both sensory and motor functions.

Nerves that arise from the plexuses have both sensory and motor functions.

Neuron body-generates and sends signals to other cells and performs the basic metabolic process of the cell.

Neuron body-generates and sends signals to other cells and performs the basic metabolic process of the cell.

Neurons are excitable cells. They do their jobs by carrying tiny electrical currents caused by changes in cell permeability to certain ions.

Neurons are excitable cells. They do their jobs by carrying tiny electrical currents caused by changes in cell permeability to certain ions.

Neurons that monitor the environment are sensory neurons

Neurons that monitor the environment are sensory neurons

Multiple sclerosis is often associated with a decrease in what neuroglia?


Oligodendrocytes-hold nerve fibers together and make myelin in the CNS.

Oligodendrocytes-hold nerve fibers together and make myelin in the CNS.

PNS broken in to 2 sides. Input/sensory receives info and decides what to do next. Output/motor makes that decision happen. Output/motor system further divided in to 2 branches

PNS broken in to 2 sides. Input/sensory receives info and decides what to do next. Output/motor makes that decision happen. Output/motor system further divided in to 2 branches

•The autonomic system is divided into two branches -Parasympathetic system deals with normal body functioning. "Resting and digesting"

Parasympathetic system deals with normal body functioning. "Resting and digesting" •The autonomic system is divided into two branches

The motor system of what portion of the nervous system is responsible for carrying out orders from the brain to the muscles and glands.

Peripheral nervous system

Permeability is what the cells allow in and out it.

Permeability is what the cells allow in and out it.

Pia mater Innermost layer, fused to the neural tissue, containing blood vessels that serve the brain and spinal cord

Pia mater Innermost layer, fused to the neural tissue, containing blood vessels that serve the brain and spinal cord

WHAT is an involuntary, protective movement that is generated without the brain.


Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (S S R I s) are good examples. These medications prevent the clean up of the neurotransmitter serotonin from synapses, thus increasing the effects of serotonin on the receiving cell.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (S S R I s) are good examples. These medications prevent the clean up of the neurotransmitter serotonin from synapses, thus increasing the effects of serotonin on the receiving cell.

Sensory neurons are also known as input neurons

Sensory neurons are also known as input neurons

Sensory neurons: input brings in info

Sensory neurons: input brings in info

Startle- causes you to jump at loud sounds

Startle- causes you to jump at loud sounds

Synapse is where the terminal and the receiving cell meet.

Synapse is where the terminal and the receiving cell meet.

Synapses are basically the way neurons talk to one another. Synapses are referred to as gaps, they are the places where information is transmitted from one neuron to another.

Synapses are basically the way neurons talk to one another. Synapses are referred to as gaps, they are the places where information is transmitted from one neuron to another.

What is the small gap between the axon terminal and receiving cell called?

Synaptic cleft

The amazing thing about reflexes is that they can often occur without the brain, involving only your spinal cord.

The amazing thing about reflexes is that they can often occur without the brain, involving only your spinal cord.

The brain and spinal cord comprise the central nervous system (C N S) which controls the total nervous system.

The brain and spinal cord comprise the central nervous system (C N S) which controls the total nervous system.

The chemical synapse Step 3: The neurotransmitter travels across the synapse and binds with the receptor site of the postsynaptic cell. Step 4: The impulse continues down the dendrite.

The chemical synapse Step 3: The neurotransmitter travels across the synapse and binds with the receptor site of the postsynaptic cell. Step 4: The impulse continues down the dendrite.

The chemical synapse. Step 1: The impulse travels down the axon. Step 2: Vesicles are stimulated to release neurotransmitter (exocytosis). Step 3: The neurotransmitter travels across the synapse and binds with the receptor site of the postsynaptic cell. Step 4: The impulse continues down the dendrite.

The chemical synapse. Step 1: The impulse travels down the axon. Step 2: Vesicles are stimulated to release neurotransmitter (exocytosis).

The commissures, gray and white, connect left and right halves of the cord so the two sides of the C N S can communicate

The commissures, gray and white, connect left and right halves of the cord so the two sides of the C N S can communicate

The control systems of your body are the nervous and endocrine systems which receive help from your special senses

The control systems of your body are the nervous and endocrine systems which receive help from your special senses

The glial cells in contrast do all the support work for the nervous system

The glial cells in contrast do all the support work for the nervous system

The interior of the spinal cord is then divided into a series of sections of white matter columns and gray matter horns.

The interior of the spinal cord is then divided into a series of sections of white matter columns and gray matter horns.

The meninges are a protective covering of both the brain and spinal cord. They help to set up layers that act as cushioning and shock absorbers.

The meninges are a protective covering of both the brain and spinal cord. They help to set up layers that act as cushioning and shock absorbers.

The patellar reflex if this reflex is abnormal, there could be an abnormality within the muscles, nerves, or the spinal cord. doc hitting knee

The patellar reflex if this reflex is abnormal, there could be an abnormality within the muscles, nerves, or the spinal cord. doc hitting knee

The spinal cord has 31 segments, each with a pair of spinal nerves. The spinal nerves are a part of the peripheral nervous system.

The spinal cord has 31 segments, each with a pair of spinal nerves. The spinal nerves are a part of the peripheral nervous system.

The tracts going toward the brain carry sensory information to the brain. The tracts coming from the brain toward the spinal cord carry motor information from the brain.

The tracts going toward the brain carry sensory information to the brain. The tracts coming from the brain toward the spinal cord carry motor information from the brain.

These tiny electrical currents can be all-or-none responses (action potentials), can change depending on the size of the stimulus (graded potentials), can travel down axons (impulse conduction), or can be used to transmit information from one cell to another (synaptic transmission).

These tiny electrical currents can be all-or-none responses (action potentials), can change depending on the size of the stimulus (graded potentials), can travel down axons (impulse conduction), or can be used to transmit information from one cell to another (synaptic transmission).

Thoracic spinal cord damage and lower causes paraplegia. Patients can move their arms. (paralysis in both legs)

Thoracic spinal cord damage and lower causes paraplegia. Patients can move their arms. (paralysis in both legs)

Unlike tissue in other systems the nervous system contains no epithelium, connective tissue, or muscle tissue. Nervous tissue is made up of 2 different types of cells: neuroglia and neurons

Unlike tissue in other systems the nervous system contains no epithelium, connective tissue, or muscle tissue. Nervous tissue is made up of 2 different types of cells: neuroglia and neurons

Ventral horn involved in motor function

Ventral horn involved in motor function

Vestibular- keeps you upright

Vestibular- keeps you upright

What is a neuromuscular junction? A chemical synapse between a motor neuron and a muscle cell. nerve to muscle communication causing muscle contraction.

What is a neuromuscular junction? A chemical synapse between a motor neuron and a muscle cell. nerve to muscle communication causing muscle contraction.

What should you know about electrical synapses? Electrical synapses are fewer in number than chemical synapses. They do not depend on the release of neurotransmitter molecules to pass their signal the way that chemical synapses do. Signaling in electrical synapses is virtually instantaneous.

What should you know about electrical synapses? Electrical synapses are fewer in number than chemical synapses. They do not depend on the release of neurotransmitter molecules to pass their signal the way that chemical synapses do. Signaling in electrical synapses is virtually instantaneous.

Withdrawal- activated for example, when you touch a hot stove

Withdrawal- activated for example, when you touch a hot stove

Your C N S is surrounded by a three-layered membrane system: dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater, collectively known as the meninges

Your C N S is surrounded by a three-layered membrane system: dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater, collectively known as the meninges

ascending pathways carry sensory information

ascending pathways carry sensory information

The brain and spinal cord are part of the

central nervous system

carpal tunnel syndrome As a result of the inflammation, the median nerve is compressed producing tingling sensations or numbness of the palm and first three fingers.

carpal tunnel syndrome As a result of the inflammation, the median nerve is compressed producing tingling sensations or numbness of the palm and first three fingers.

dendrite. The are usually highly branched and receive info from the environment

dendrite - They are usually highly branched and receive info from the environment

When sodium ions rush into a cell that has been stimulated, the process is termed


dorsal root, with the embedded dorsal root ganglion, a collection of sensory neurons, carries sensory information while the ventral root is motor.

dorsal root, with the embedded dorsal root ganglion, a collection of sensory neurons, carries sensory information while the ventral root is motor.

What concept is used to describe how the size of a stimulus determines the excitement of the cell?

graded potential

The _________________ cells of the central nervous system attack microbes and remove debris.


Spinal nerves carry what kind of information?


The ventral root of the spinal cord is


What autoimmune disorder attacks and destroys acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular junctions?

myasthenia gravis

nervous system is made up of two types of cells: neurons, which send, receive, and process information, and neuroglia, which support the neurons.

nervous system is made up of two types of cells: neurons, which send, receive, and process information, and neuroglia, which support the neurons.

neurons send, receive, process info and perform control functions. Neurons are classified by structure and function

neurons send, receive, process info and perform control functions. Neurons are classified by structure and function

The stimulation to release __________________ occurs when calcium enters an axon terminal.


The _____________________ are cells in the central nervous system responsible for making myelin.


A spinal injury at T3 would cause:

paralysis from the chest down.

A person will be paralyzed and unable to breathe on their own if there is an injury above the _______________ nerve.


The ascending spinal tracts carry fill in the blank information to the brain.


The input side of your nervous system is known as:


sensory neurons also known as input neurons

sensory neurons also known as input neurons

somatic nervous system controls skeletal muscle and mostly voluntary movements. Somatic-skeletal/voluntary

somatic nervous system controls skeletal muscle and mostly voluntary movements. Somatic-skeletal/voluntary

•C N S has four types of glial cells- or neuroglia

•C N S has four types of glial cells- or neuroglia

•In the P N S, there are two types of glial cells -Schwann cells: Make myelin for the P N S -Satellite cells: Support cells

•In the P N S, there are two types of glial cells -Schwann cells: Make myelin for the P N S -Satellite cells: Support cells

•somatic nervous system readies your skeletal muscles to get you out of there.

•somatic nervous system readies your skeletal muscles to get you out of there.

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