A&P Chapter 7

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Facial Bones

14 bones of which only the mandible and vomer are unpaired.


Bone inferior to the lumbar vertebrae that articulates with the hip bones.

Occipital Bone

Bone that forms most of the skull's posterior wall and base.


Bone that protect the brain and is the site of attachment for head and neck muscles.


The body's most complex bony structure.


The largest, strongest bone of the face (jawbone).

Ethmoid Bone

The most deep of the skull bones; lies between the sphenoid and nasal bones.


The nasal cavity is constructed of bone and _________ cartilage.

Hyoid Bone

The only bone of the body that does not articulate directly with another bone.

Axial Skeleton

80 bones segregated into three regions.

Coronal Suture

Articulation between the parietal bones and the frontal bones anteriorly.

Squamous Suture

Articulation where the parietal and temporal bones meet.

Lambdoid Suture

Articulation where the parietal bones meet the occipital bones posteriorly.

Sagittal Suture

Articulation where the right and left parietal bones meet superiorly.

Frontal Bone

Bone that forms the anterior portion of the cranium; articulates poeteriorly with the parietal bones via the coronal suture.

Ethmoid Bone

Bone whose major markings include the cribriform plate, crista galli, perpendicular plate, nasal conchae, and the ethmoid sinuses.

Occipital Bone

Bone whose major markings include the posterior cranial fossa, foramen magnum, occipital condyles, and the hypglossal canal.

Sphenoid Bone

Bone whose major markings include the sella turcica, hypophyseal fossa, and the pterygoid processes.

Frontal Bone

Bone whose major markings include the supraorbital margins, the anterior cranial fossa, and the frontal sinuses.

Temporal Bone

Bone whose major markings include the zygomatic, styloid, and mastoid processes, and the mandibular and middle cranial fossae.

Sphenoid Bone

Bone whose major openings include the foramina rotundum, ovale, and spinosum; the optic canals; and the superior orbital fissure.

Temporal Bone

Bone whose major openings include the stylomastoid and jugular foramina, the external and internal auditory meatuses, and the carotid canal.

Facial Keystone

Bones that articulate with all other facial bones except the mandible.

Lacrimal Bones

Bones that contribute to the medial walls of the orbit and contain a deep groove called the lacrimal fossa that houses the lacrimal sac.

Temporal Bones

Bones that form the inferolateral aspects of the skull and parts of the cranial floor.

Facial Bones

Bones that supply the framework of the face, the sense organs, and the teeth; provide the openings for the passage of air and food; anchor the facial muscles of expression.

Maxillary Bones

Bones whose major markings include palatine, frontal, and zygomatic processes, the alveolar margins, inferior orbital fissure, and the maxillary sinuses.


Bones whose major markings include the coronoid process, mandibular condyle, the alveolar margin, and the mandibular and mental foramina.


Bony cavities in which the eyes are firmly encased and cushioned by fatty tissue.

Sphenoid Bone

Butterfly-shaped bone that spans the width of the middle cranial fossa.

Zygomatic Bones

Irregulary shaped bones (cheekbones) that form the prominences of the cheeks and the inferolateral margins of the orbits.

2 Parietal, 2 Temporal, Frontal, Occipital, Sphenoid, and Ethmoid

List the 8 cranial bones.

Maxillary Bones

Medially fused bones that make up the upper jaw and the central portion of the facial skeleton.

Paranasal Sinuses

Mucosa-lined, air-filled sacs found in five skull bones: the frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid, and paired maxillary bones.

Squamous, Tympanic, Mastoid, and Petrous

Name the four regions of the temporal bones.

Coronal, Sagittal, Lambdoid, and Squamous

Name the four sutures that mark the articulations of the parietal bones.

Frontal, Sphenoid, Zygomatic, Maxilla, Palatine, Lacrimal, and Ethmoid

Name the seven bones that form orbits.

Skull, Vertebral Column, and Bony Thorax

Name the three regions of the axial skeleton.

Inferior Nasal Conchae

Paired, curved bones in the nasal cavity that form part of the lateral walls of the nasal cavity.


Plow-shaped bone that forms part of the nasal septum.


Section of the nasal cavity formed by palatine process of the maxillae and palatine bones.


Section of the nasal cavity formed by the cribriform plate of the ethmoid.

Lateral Walls

Section of the nasal cavity formed by the superior and middle conchae of the ethmoid, the perpendicular plate of the palatine, and the inferior nasal conchae.

Thoracic Vertebrae

The 12 bones of the torso.

Lumbar Vertebrae

The 5 bones of the lower back.

Cervical Vertebrae

The 7 bones of the neck.

Nasal Cavity ; Orbits

The ethmoid bone forms most of the bony area between the _______ ________ and the _________.

Neck ; Larynx

The hyoid bone is the attachment point for _____ muscles that raise and lower the _______ during swallowing and speech.

Cranium and Facial

The skull is formed by the ________ and _______ bones.

All other cranial bones

The sphenoid bone forms the central wedge that articulates with:


The vertebral column is formed from ___ irregular bones connected in such a way that a flexible curved structure results.

Nasal Bones

Thin, medially fused bones that form the bridge of the nose.

Wormian Bones

Tiny, irregulary shaped bones that appear within sutures.

Palatine Bones

Two bone plates that form portions of the hard palate, the posterolateral walls of the nasal cavity, and a small part of the orbits.

Lightens the skull and enhances the resonance of the voice

What is the function of paranasal sinuses?

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