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The vertebral column of most people contains __________ cervical vertebrae, __________ thoracic vertebrae, and __________ lumbar vertebrae.


What is the interosseous membrane of the leg?

A ligament that holds the tibia and fibula together along their shafts

What is the most precise description of a false rib?

A rib that connects indirectly to the sternum by coastal cartilage, or has no connection to the sternum

Which of the following is NOT a function of the bones?


Which of the following structures is formed by parts of the ilium, ischium, and pubis?


Which of the following is NOT true of the bones of the hand?

All 5 digits of the hand contain 3 phalanges.

Which of the following is NOT an alternate name for the hip bone?

All of these are alternate names for the hip bone.

Which of the following is NOT a function of the thoracic cage?

All of these are functions of the thoracic cage.

Which of the following is NOT included in the thoracic cage?

All of these are included in the thoracic cage.

What is the name of the structure that supports the teeth on both the maxilla and the mandible?

Alveolar process

What is the correct explanation of the joint movement called protraction?

Anterior movement of a part of the body in the transverse plane

Which portion of the ilium articulates with the sacrum to form the sacroiliac joint?

Auricular surface

Which of the following is NOT true of the cartilage of the adult skeleton?

Costal cartilage, articular cartilage, and intervertebral discs are all composed of fibrocartilage.

A freely movable joint is classified as a


Which of the following is NOT a structural classification of joints?

Diarthrotic joint

Which of the following is classified as a cranial bone?


Which of the following bones contains the cribriform plate, which is involved in olfaction (smell), and the perpendicular plate, which forms the majority of the nasal septum?

Ethmoid bone

All synovial joints contain at least 1 meniscus.


Which of the following is NOT true of ossification?

Intramembranous ossification involves bone formation from hyaline cartilage models.

Which of the following is NOT true of the knee joint?

It contains a condylar joint between the patellar surface of the femur and the patella.

Which of the following is NOT true of joint movements?

Most joints are flexed and abducted when the body is in anatomical position.

Which of the following is NOT true of the anatomy of the sacrum?

Nothing passes through the sacral foramina; they are membrane-covered openings.

Which of the following structures is NOT found on the femur?

Obturator foramen

Which category of bone markings consists of bone parts that serve as attachment sites for tendons and ligaments


Which of the following features is found on both the radius and the ulna?

Styloid process

An intervertebral disc is composed of fibrocartilage, and is slightly moveable; this type of joint is classified as a


Articulations are bone markings that occur where bones fit together in a joint.


Which two skull bones form the zygomatic arch?

Temporal and zygomatic bones

Which of the following is NOT true of the pectoral girdle?

The clavicles meet along their medial borders above the sternum.

Which of the following is NOT true of the bones of the lower limb?

The lower limb contains 8 tarsals, just like the upper limb contains 8 carpals.

Which bones are connected by the squamous suture?

The parietal and temporal bones

Which of the following is NOT true of the differences between the male and female pelves?

The pelvis is heavier, and contains thicker bones in the female.

Which of the following is NOT true of the structure of long bones?

The periosteum surrounds the entire bone, even where there is articular cartilage.

Which of the following contain red bone marrow in the adult skeleton?

The proximal epiphyses of the femurs

Which of the following is NOT true of the curvatures of the vertebral column?

The thoracic and sacral curvatures are convex on the anterior side and concave on the posterior side.

There are 7 tarsals in each foot, and 8 carpals in each hand, but the upper limb and the lower limb contain the same number of bones. How can this be explained?

The upper limb has no counterpart for the patella.

Which of the following is NOT true of the auditory ossicles?

They are located within the sphenoid bone.

What is the significance of the occipital condyles?

They articulate with the first cervical vertebra, to allow head movements with respect to the neck.

What is the function of osteoclasts in bone tissue?

They dissolve bone to release calcium salts into the blood.

The inferior portion of the sternum is called the

Xiphoid process

Which of the following structures is NOT found in a synovial joint?

all of these structures are found in synovial joints.

Which type of synovial joint is multiaxial?


Which vertebrae contain transverse foramina?

cervical vertebrae only

.The __________ vertebrae have the largest vertebral foramina, while the __________ vertebrae have the largest size.

cervical; lumbar

All of the following are part of the axial skeleton except the


The humerus articulates with all of the following bones except the


Which bone of the pectoral girdle or upper limb is S-shaped?


The inorganic portion of the bone matrix consists of all of the following except

collagen fibers

What type of synovial joints are metacarpophalangeal joints?


A rounded bone process that functions as an articulation in a joint is called a ______


Which of the following is NOT a feature of the humerus?

coronoid process

Which of the following joints contain(s) exactly 3 bones?

elbow to knee

Anatomically, the forearm represents the region from the

elbow to the wrist

Which of the following structures would NOT be found in the long bones of a mature adult?

epiphyseal plates

Moving the parts of a joint farther apart, so the angle between them increases, is called


the surfaces of ribs that articulate with vertebrae are called


A bone is considered to be a tissue of the skeletal system.


By the time a person reaches adulthood, all of his/her red bone marrow has been converted to yellow bone marrow


Chicken bones soaked in vinegar or hydrochloric acid overnight become flexible, because the acid dissolves the collagen fibers.


Each bone consists of either compact or spongy bone, but not both.


The 2 hip bones, sacrum, and coccyx form the pelvic girdle.


The axial skeleton contains more bones than the appendicular skeleton


The bones of the pectoral girdle are part of the axial skeleton.


The carpals are not included in the anatomical description of the hand.


The four vertebrae of the coccyx fuse into 1 bone by the age of about 18.


The number of carpals in the wrists is equal to the number of tarsals in the ankles.


The only structural type of joint that contains synovial fluid in a joint cavity is a cartilaginous joint.


The patellar surface, which articulates with the patella, is found on the tibia.


The skull is part of the appendicular skeleton.


The superior, middle, and inferior nasal conchae are all found on the ethmoid bone.


The vertebral column extends from the first cervical vertebra (C1) to the fifth lumbar vertebra (L5).


he heads of the radius and ulna are found on the proximal end of their respective bones.


What type of tissue are intervertebral discs composed of?


Sutures and gomphoses consist of dense connective tissue, and are immovable; therefore they can be classified as

fibrous synarthroses

Some of the large cranial bones, which have wide surfaces, and are sometimes curved, are classified as __________ bones.


Which of the following bone markings is in the category of openings?


The vertebral arteries, accessory nerve, and the connections between the brainstem and spinal cord are all transmitted through the _____

foramen magnum

The supraorbital foramen is found on the __________, while the infraorbital foramen is found on the __________.

frontal bone; maxilla

Which of the following parts of the scapula articulates with another bone?

glenoid cavity

Which of the following is the most distal part of the ulna?


Anatomically, the thigh is considered to be the region from the

hip to knee

A single bone in the neck region, which supports the tongue, is the ______


Which of the following bones does not articulate with any other bone, but is attached to muscles of the tongue and larynx?

hyoid bone

Which of the following is NOT true of the ulnar notch?

it is closer to the humerus than to the wrist.

A small chamber occupied by an osteocyte is called a(n) __


On the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae, which structures are thin plates that form the posterior portion of the vertebral foramen?


All of the following structures are found on the tibia except the

lateral malleolus.

Concentric, interstitial, and circumferential lamellae all consist of ________

layers of matrix

Looking at a radiograph of the hand, it can be seen that the metacarpals and phalanges are classified as __________ bones.


The coronoid process, mental foramen, and ramus are all found on the


All of the following bones are part of the eye orbit except the

nasal bone

Which of the following structures is the weakest portion of the femur, and is a common site of fracture in a "broken hip"?


Which of the following structures forms the point of the elbow?

olecranon process

Movement of the thumb so that it comes in contact with another finger of the same hand is called


The area that the baby's head passes through during the birth process is the _______

pelvic inlet

Which of the following is the most anterior portion of the hip bone?


The distal end of the humerus articulates with the

radius and ulna

What unique feature do thoracic vertebrae contain?

rib facets

The thoracic cage consists of the

ribs and sternum.

Some people develop bones in areas of compression in the hand or foot; these extra bones are classified as __________ bones.


Which of the following joints is/are capable of circumduction?

shoulder to hip

A cavity in a bone, especially in a bone of the skull, is called a ____


Inversion and eversion are special movements of the

sole of the foot at the ankle joint.

A depression in a bone, shaped like a narrow groove, is called a ______


Which of the following tarsals articulates with the distal end of the tibia, and allows the foot to pivot up and down?


The appendicular skeleton consists of

the bones of the upper and lower limbs, and the bones that connect them to the axial skeleton.

Which of the following is a pivot joint?

the joint between the dens and atlas

All of the following bones contain paranasal sinuses except

the mandible

The distal attachment site for the patellar tendon is the

tibial tuberosity.

The lateral projections on cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae are called

transverse processes.

All of the following are in the proximal row of carpals except the


the trochlear notch of the ulna articulates with the __________ of the humerus.


An epiphyseal plate of a long bone is an example of a temporary joint.


Before fusion of the sacrum and coccyx, most children have 33 separate bones in the vertebral column


Medial and lateral excursion are special joint movements that involve the mandible.


Often when a person with osteoporosis "falls and breaks a hip," the fall actually occurs as a result of the hip fracture


Osteons are only found in compact bone.


The bones and muscles of the lower limb have more stable joints than those of the upper limb


The bones that connect the upper and lower limbs to the axial skeleton are those of the pectoral and pelvic girdles.


The femur is the longest and strongest bone of the entire skeleton.


The intertubercular sulcus of the humerus is a passageway for a tendon of the Biceps brachii muscle.


The sella turcica (Turkish saddle) is an important depression in the sphenoid bone, which provides bony protection for the pituitary gland.


The skull consists of 8 cranial bones and 14 facial bones.


The thoracic cage and vertebral column are part of the axial skeleton.


The two vertebrae that articulate to allow pivoting of the head are atlas and axis.


There are five pairs of false ribs in the human skeleton.


When the olecranon fossa of the humerus articulates with the olecranon process of the ulna, it allows a person to straighten the arm at the elbow.


most adults have 206 bones, but the number at birth is close to 275.


The ribs are attached posteriorly to the _____


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