A&P Exam 4

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The combination of plasma and formed elements is called

D. whole blood

Which common over the counter drug can decrease blood clotting and thus may be beneficial for preventing a heart attack?

E. aspirin

White blood cells that release histamine at the site of an injury are

E. basophils

The long plateau phase of the cardiac muscle action potential is due to

E. calcium channels remaining open

The function of red blood cells is to

E. carry oxygen to the cells and then carry away carbon dioxide

If the force of ventricular contraction increases, what will happen to end-systolic volume?

E. decrease

The _________ is the volume of blood in a ventricle at the beginning of systole.

E. end-diastole volume

A plasma protein essential for blood clotting is

E. fibrinogen

The structure that permits blood flow from the right atrium to the left atrium in the fetal circulation is the

E. foramen ovale

The percent fraction of formed elements relative to whole blood is

E. hematocrit

All of the following are true of neutrophils EXCEPT that they are

E. important in coagulation

During the beginning of ventricular systole when the muscle is contracting but not enough pressure has built up to open the semilunar valves the heart is said to be in

E. isovolumetric contraction

Blood returning to the heart from the pulmonary circuit first enters the

E. left atrium

Macrophages develop from

E. monocytes

The level of erythropoietin in the blood would rise due to all of the following EXCEPT

E. periods of fasting

Surgical removal of the stomach could cause

E. pernicious anemia

As a result of the long refractory period in the cardiac action potential, cardiac muscle CANNOT exhibit

E. tetany

People with type AB blood are considered the "universal recipient" for transfusions because

E. their blood lacks A or B antibodies.

Which of the following is TRUE regarding red blood cells?

A. They are anucleate

The most common blood type is

A. type O

Calculate cardiac output if the heart rate is 125 beats/minute, the end-diastolic volume is 130ml and the end-systolic volume is 40ml.

B. 11,250 ml/min

The clumping of red blood cells, when the specific antibody against the antigen on the cells is added, is called

C. agglutination

The first heart sound ("lub") is associated with

C. closing of the atrioventricular valves

Calculate the cardiac output of a patient with a heart rate of 100 beats/minute and a stroke volume of 75ml.

D. 7500 ml/min

During ventricular systole, the

D. AV valves are closed

Use Figure 20-2 (Cardiac Cycle) to answer the following question: What occurs at the circle labeled "5" on the graph?

D. Peak systolic pressure

Depolarization of the ventricles is represented on an elecrtrocardiogram by the

D. QRS complex

Use Figure 20-2 (Cardiac Cycle) to answer the following question: What occurs at the area labeled "B" on the graph?

D. Semilunar valve closes (p. 714)

The intrinsic pathway of coagulation is activated by the

D. activation of Factor XII by platelet factors

The most abundant proteins in blood plasma are

D. albumins

The phase of hemostasis that involved clotting of blood is called

D. coagulation

The structures responsible for distributing excitation to the contractile cells are

D. conducting cells

Eosinophils function in

D. destroying anti-body labeled antigens

Approximately 45 percent of blood volume is composed of the

D. formed elements

In the middle of the thoracic cavity is a region occupied by the heart, great vessels, thymus, esophagus, and trachea called the

D. mediastinum

When hemoglobin is saturated with oxygen atoms it is termed

D. oxyhemoglobin

Each of the following factors will increase cardiac output EXCEPT increased

D. parasympathetic stimulation

Blood leaves the right ventricle by passing through the

D. pulmonary valve

Cardiac output is increased by

D. sympathetic stimulation

The normal pacemaker of the heart is located in

D. the sinoatrial node

In case of hemorrhage, platelets are stored as a reserve in

D. the spleen

Which white blood cell is most effective against parasitic infections?

E. Eosinophils

In an emergency situation when you have no time to wait for cross-matched blood you could give a patient type __________ until the cross-match is available.

E. O negative

The common pathway of coagulation begins with the

E. activation of Factor X and production of prothombin activator

Type A blood has _________ antibodies in the blood plasma.

E. anti-B

The following are structural components of the conducting system of the heart. 1. Purkinje fibers 2. AV bundle 3. AV node 4. SA node 5. bundle branches The sequence in which excitation would move through this system is

A. 4, 3, 2, 5, 1

The property of heart muscle to contract in the absence of neural or hormonal stimulation is called

A. automaticity

The cusps (leaflets) of the atrioventricular valves attach directly to

A. chordae tendineae

All of the following are functions of blood EXCEPT

A. generating action potentials

An obstruction in blood flow to the kidneys would result in

A. increased erythropoiesis

Collectively, the conducting cells that carry the impulse from the SA node to the AV node is known as the

A. internodal pathway

Heart rate is controlled by neurons of the cardiovascular center located in the

A. medulla oblongata

Platelets are pinched off from giant multinucleated cells in the bone marrow called

A. megakaryocytes

Aged and damaged erythrocytes are broken down by macrophages in the

A. spleen, liver, and bone marrow.

The most abundant component of plasma is

A. water

Plasma composes about _________ percent of whole blood and water composes __________ percent of the plasma volume.

B. 55;92

Use Figure 20-2 (Cardiac Cycle) to answer the following question: What occurs at the circle labeled "7" on the graph?

B. Isovolumetric ventricular relaxation

_________ are large phagocytic white cells that spend most of their time outside the blood as fixed and free phagocytic cells

B. Monocytes

Use Figure 20-2 (Cardiac Cycle) to answer the following question: What occurs at "A" on the graph?

B. Semilunar valve opens

The bicuspid or mitral valve is located

B. between the left atrium and left ventricle

A slower-than-normal heart rate is called

B. bradycardia

The P wave of the electrocardiogram is a signal from

B. depolarization of the atria

The relaxation phase of the cardiac cycle is called

B. diastole

The __________ is the amount of blood in a ventricle after it has contracted and before it begins to refill.

B. end-systolic volume

White blood cells that are increased in allergic individuals are the

B. eosinophils

Red blood cell production is regulated by the hormone

B. erythropoietin

The atrioventricular valves permit blood flow

B. in one direction only

Each heme ring in hemoglobin encloses and atom of

B. iron

The blood cells involved in specific immunity are the

B. lymphocytes.

Tetanic muscle contractions don't occur in a normal cardiac muscle because

B. the refractory period lasts until the muscle relaxes

The hormone that stimulates platelet formation is

B. thrombopoietin

The first step of hemostasis is

B. vascular spasm

The T wave on an ECG tracing represents

B. ventricular repolarization

Use Figure 20-2 (Cardiac Cycle) to answer the following question: What occurs at the circle labeled "3" on the graph?

C. atrial systole (p. 714)

Mike encounters a bear while hiking. Although he is stunning, cunning, articulate, and a stand up kind of guy he gets scared for the first time in his life. This causes sympathetic activation. His heart will respond in all of the following ways EXCEPT

C. decreasing heart rate and contractility

Use Figure 20-2 (Cardiac Cycle) to answer the following question: What occurs at the circle labeled "4" on the graph?

C. isovolumetric ventricular contraction

The most numerous white blood cells in peripheral circulation are the

C. neutrophils

Most of the iron that is removed from degraded hemoglobin is

C. recycled to the red bone marrow

All the circulating red blood cells in an adult originate in the

C. red bone marrow

The extrinsic pathway of coagulation is initiated by the

C. release of tissue factor (Factor III) by damaged endothelium

The volume of blood ejected from each ventricle during a contraction is called the

C. stroke volume

A faster-than-normal heart rate is called

C. tachycardia

Which of the following statements about blood is FALSE

C. the normal pH of blood is 6.8 to 7.0

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