Ab Psych Final

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70. The majority of criminals institutionalized for psychological treatment in the US are there because

prison officials decided they needed treatment

68. The current trend in legislation and treatment regarding people who commit sex crimes and are also mentally ill is to

require both punishment for the crime and treatment

27. Your daughter is more likely than your son to be diagnosed with

separation anxiety disorder

85. Which of the following is the best example of mental health parity?

your insurance cover medical and mental illnesses equally

5. Which of the following statements regarding the relationship between psychological abuse and other forms of abuse and neglect is most accurate?

A child who experiences any form of abuse most likely also experiences psychological abuse

82. Imagine that you are a therapist working on the border between the US and Mexico, but don't speak spanish. What is proper ethical behavior for you?

Acknowledge your limitations and seek further training

50. In order to control occasional pain and inflammation, a person uses an over-the-counter drug containing ibuprofen. Interestingly, recent research shows that person also may be reducing the risk of contracting which disease

Alzheimer's disease

60. Suffering from a psychophysiological disorder - such as headaches, alcoholism and substance abuse - might make one eligible for an insanity defense under

Durham test

23. A child's distracting behaviors occur only in school settings, and include failure to follow instructions and finish work, answering questions before they have been completed, and a lot of seat squirming and fidgeting. Could ADHD be a diagnosis of this child?

No; the child's symptoms occur in only one setting

75. If you are involuntarily committed, you have the right to request that your records periodically be reviewed in order to determine if it is safe to release you. This request is possible because of:

O'connor v donaldson

21. My seven year old needs to get help for conduct disorder. What do you recommend? Of the following alternatives your best answer is?

Parents management training should work best

77. Compared to past years, these days:

Some psychologists are able to prescribe psychiatric medication

84. A landmark California court case, Tarasoff v Regents of the University of California, dramatically affected the right to confidentiality between client and therapist. This case led to the conclusion that

a therapist must break the obligation of confidentiality if there is a clear danger to a specific identifiable person

56. A person who has been criminally committed has been

accused of a crime and sent to a psychiatric institution for mental health treatment

73. If you received two-physician certificates, you would have

been involuntarily committed

2. A particular concern among children and adolescents would be


43. An individual has just been diagnosed with mild neurocognitive disorder. We know for sure that the person

can still function independently

11. Childhood patterns of behavior that are diagnosed as bipolar disorder differ from adult patterns in that:

children display rage and aggression rather than mania

55. Defendants who are actively hallucinating and experiencing delusions during the time of their trials are most likely to be

committed for treatment until they improve enough to defend themselves

36. Children with persistent difficulty acquiring using, or comprehending spoken or written language may be diagnosed with

communication disorder

13. Critics believe that bipolar disorder has become a catch-all diagnosis for children who display uncontrolled rage. DSM-5 addressed this concern by:

creating a new disorder, called disruptive mood dysregulation

42. An 80 yo hospitalized individual is recovering from surgery but no has gotten an infection. Over the course of a few days, the person shows increasing confusion and consistently misinterprets what others are trying to communicate. The most probable diagnosis for this condition would be


87. You are treating another therapist for a disorder. What is the therapist you are treating most likely to exhibit?

depression or anxiety

83. A therapist who broke confidentiality with a patient without the patient's consent because of fears that the person would harm someone else was acting according to the ethical principal of

duty to protect

22. Among the goals of parent-child interaction therapy, are all of the following except:

encouraging parents to not change how they act with their child

3. You read a case study about a 10-yo girl from a poor background who was sexually abuse. this case is:

fairly common; girls, regardless of their socioeconomic group, are the most common victims of sexual abuse

32. A child with autism is laughing but sees another child crying. When asked what the other child is feeling, the child with autism is most likely to say

happiness, because of minblindness

8. Behavioral and somatic symptoms rather than cognitive ones, such as clinginess, sleep difficulties, and stomach pain are more characteristic of anxiety disorders:

in children rather than in adults

59. I can't help myself, I had to do it. would likely be a successful insanity defense

in fewer than half of the states in the US

67. In the case of Foucha v. Louisiana, the Supreme court ruled that the only acceptable basis for determining the release of hospitalized offenders is whether they are still


61. If a man walked in on his wife in bed with his best friend and killed both of them in a fit of passions, that man may be eligible for an insanity defense under the

irresistible impulse test

63. In response to a recommendation by the APA regarding insanity pleas, current federal practice is most like the

m'naghten rule

69. When nonwhite defendants, compared to white defendants, are evaluated for competence to stand trial:

nonwhite defendants are more likely to be found incompetent to stand trial

57. Which of the following people would never have to stand trial for a crime he or she might have committed

one judged not guilty by reason of insanity

35. Which one of the following people would most correctly be diagnosed with intellectual developmental disorder

one with an IQ of 69 having problems coping with life

6. For which of the following anxiety disorders would you expect the childhood pattern to most similar to the adult pattern?


30. Individuals with autism spectrum disorder may react with tantrums if an object is moved to a different part of the room. This is known as

preservation of sameness

51. According to recent research, should patients with Alzheimer's disease be encourage to repeat activities daily that they enjoyed doing when they were younger

probably, they would tend to be happier, even after forgetting they did the activity

29. When a child with autism spectrum disorder says You want a drink what he really means is that he wants a drink. He is displaying

pronomial reversal

9. Imagine a child who is afraid of the school resource officer and his or her gun. The child cries every morning and fakes illness to avoid school. The best diagnosis for this child is

school refusal

31. A person who has difficulty with interpersonal interactions but is otherwise high functioning and would have been diagnosed with Asperger's disorder in the past, will now, in DSM-5 be diagnosed with

social communication disorder

4. Imagine that you heard an "expert" on TV talking about child abuse. Which of these statements would make you most likely to doubt the credibility of the expert?

substantially more girls than boys are physically abused

44. Grandpa is 88 yo and there's no sign of neurocognitive disorder. says a friend, your most accurate reply is

that wonderful - about half of people that age do have signs of neurocognitive disorder

52. Of the following, which is the most likely to lead to hospitalization for an alzheimer's patient

the caretaker being overwhelmed

76. Which of the following is an example of the way patients' rights might interfere with patients' recover (that is, an example of a time when patients' rights are not good for the patients)?

the right to refuse medication may limit the patient's recovery

65. You are a forensic psychologist testifying about the sanity of someone. The question that is hardest for you to be sure of answering correctly is

was the defendant sane at the time of the crime?

25. Elimination disorders are diagnosed when which of the following criteria has been met?

The children have reached an age at which they are expected to control their bodily functions

16. A child has repeatedly engaged in shoplifting and in hitting neighborhood pets with rocks. The child frequently is aggressive and has engaged in an increasing number of fights. The most appropriate diagnosis for this child is

conduct disorder

86. The preference insurance companies show for short-term mental health services, by default, favors

drug treatment over talk therapies

64. Which of the following potential headlines is most accurate?

in the US fewer than 1 in 400 criminals is found not guilty by reason of insanity

41. Among the elderly, schizophrenia is

less common than among younger individuals, but there are fewer new cases per year

24. Compared to white american children, african american and hispanic american children with similar levels of activity and attention problems are

less likely to be assessed for ADHD, and less likely to be diagnosed with ADHD

38. A child grows up in a poor and nonstimulating environment, which puts the child at greatest risk for which level of intellectual developmental disorder?


15. A child will not obey his mother. When threatened with punishment he swears, throws things, and threatens to break everything in the house. His outbreaks seem to be restricted to his parents, but he is almost completely unmanageable. This is an example of

oppositional defiant disorder

14. Boys and girls have about the same percentage change of being diagnosed with:

oppositional defiant disorder if they are postpuberty

37. A child who has difficulty putting puzzles together, playing ball, or who writes at a level well below that of others his or her age may be diagnosed with

a developmental coordination disorder

39. Among the older old, those who are over 95 years of age, the most common concern is:

a fear of losing mental abilities

81. If Dr. Phil were a psychologist, would he be ethically allowed to offer advice to people on television?

yes, as long as he bases his advice on appropriate psychological practice

48. Lucille experiences severe mood, personality, and bodily movement changes. Most likely she has:

Huntington's disease

19. You see a video on youTube designed to support young people who are gay and have experienced bullying. It is probably part of a program called

It gets better

58. I'm sorry I did that. I didn't know it was wrong. is the most consistent with the

M'naghten rule

34. Based on the most current research, we can conclude that

MMR vaccinations are not related to the development of autism

72. In the past, people with mental disorders were less likely than those without mental disorders to commit violent or dangerous acts. Why do we think that is?

Many more were hospitalized in the past than are now

18. Carl is a terrible bully. He is a very agrressive and repeatedly takes advantage of others. He will say anything to get his way or stay out of trouble. Recently he was arrested for vandalism and ended up getting probation. He will most likely be labeled as displaying

juvenile delinquency

80. If a psychologist wanted to write a newspaper column on mental health issues in the community, the psychologist would need to do which of the following in order to comply with professional ethical standards?

The psychologist would need to make sure the advice was based on sound research

74. The Wyatt v. Stickney decision forced state hospitals to provide

adequate treatment

62. If a person with paranoid schizophrenia commits murder and either is not able to understand that murder is wrong or is not able to control his or her actions and follow the law, that person would most likely be eligible for an insanity defense

all the answers are true

46. A person who has an excess of plaques due to Alzheimer's would be likely to have

cell breakdown and death

47. Among the proposed causes of Alzheimer's are all of the following except

concussion or other brain injury

78. Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding the relationship between eyewitness testimony and how it is used in the legal system

confident witnesses are more likely to be believed, but are probably no more accurate

26. From which of the following pair of disorders is a child most likely to recover by adulthood?

enuresis and encopresis

53. If someone asked you about the effectiveness of treatment for alzheimer's disease, you would have to say

even the best treatments have limited success

66. The reason that offenders are being released from mental hospitals earlier and earlier is the result of:

the increasing effectiveness of drug therapy

7. They typical child may not realize that the thoughts and beliefs of others are different from theirs or be able to anticipate future negative events. Therefore:

the symptoms of childhood anxiety tend to be different from adult symptoms

12. The main concern over the rise in diagnosis of bipolar disorder in children, and in particular, the treatment of biploar disorder in children is:

the use of adult medications

79. All of the following are characteristics of a serial murdered except:

they have empathy for their victims

1. Surveys show that __________ is a common experience for close to half of all children in the United States


54. A forensic psychologist would be likely to do all of the following except

write legislation to regulate the practice of psychology in the courts

33. A person diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder listens to a piano piece a ta concert. Later at home, the person plays thepiano piece without themusic and without making a mistake. This behavior is best describes as

savant skill

28. Assume that you are alone in a room with a child suffering form a disorder. If you didn't know what the child's diagnosis was, what behavior of the child's might start to convince you that the disorder is autism spectrum disorder

the child is not responsive to other people

17. Which of the following is a qualified criminal justice professor most likely to say?

The crimes that juvenile boys and girls commit are different

45. With alzheimer's, physical health usually

declines less rapidly than mental health

71. A person who had a serious mental illness and was in need of treatment could, nevertheless, not be civilly committed unless that person was also

a danger either to themselves or to others

40. A person who abuses alcohol frequently often drinks alone, blacks out occasionally, and falls a lot. These characteristics are:

over twice as common in young alcohol abusers as they are in elderly alcohol abusers

20. An intervention in which parent sand their children who have been diagnosed with conduct disorder learn to do behavior therapy-targeting and rewarding desired behavior-is called

parent management training

49. An individual suffering from a neurological disorder shows no evidence of infection or poisoning, but experience tremors, rigidity, and unsteadiness. The most probably diagnosis is

parkinson's disease

10. Results from TADS best support which of the following conclusions

treatment that works for one category of people may not be effective for another category of people

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