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Which of the following would most likely confused for pericholecystic fluid?

focal fatty sparing adjacent to the gallbladder

What tumor is often termed the "stealth" lesion of the liver?

focal nodular hyperplasia

All of the following are a part of the portal triads except:

A branch of the hepatic vein

Which of the following would be most beneficial in analyzing the urinary bladder?

A distended bladder

Which of the following would be described as a small benign tumor that is composed of groups of inflammatory cells?


Which of the following would be least likely to have an anechoic appearance within the spleen?


Which of the following is most often associated with hyperthyroidism?

Graves disease

The testicular choriocarcinoma is associated with an elevation of what laboratory value?


What is the most common location for gastrinoma?


Which of the following would be the optimal technique used during a paracentesis?

Surgical asepsis

What is the most common malignancy of the urinary bladder?


Which of the following is best described as an airborne disease that is spread by bacteria released from an infected individual when that person coughs, sneezes, speaks or sings?


Patient who have cryptorchidism have an increased risk for:

Testicular malignancy

Which of the following is a true statement concerning the adrenal glands?

The left adrenal gland is located medial to the upper pole of the left kidney

Which of the following statements is not true concerning acute cholecystits?

The most common cause of acute cholecystitis is a gallstone that becomes lodged in the fundus

Which of the following is not a true statement concerning the nephroblastoma?

The nephroblastoma is a benign pediatric renal tumor

Which of the following statements is not true concerning the hepatic artery?

The normal high resistence flow pattern of the hepatic artery can be noted with doppler imaging

Which of the following statements is true of the infant hip

The smaller the alpha angle and the larger the beta angle, the more likely the infant is suffering from developmental dysplasia of the hip

Which of the following statements is not true of the angiomyolipoma?

They are malignant

All of the following are parts of the epididymis except:


Which part of the gallbladder is contiguous with the cystic duct?


This images is of the left kidney in a 4yr old female patient who presented with hematuria. Which of the following is most likely diagnosis?


Which of the following would be malignant pediatric mass?


Which of the following can be noted in this image of the LUQ


Which of the following is benign renal mass that often contains a stellate central scar?


How, from the following options, is testicular torsion that results in the death of a testicle treated?


Which of the following is the typical treatment for cryptochidism?


What structures provide blood flow to the adrenal glands?

Suprarenal branches of the inferior phrenic arteries

Which of the following measurements would be the minimum that the normal renal cortex should measure?


A patient present with clinical findings suspicious of acute cholecystitis. You suspect GB wall thickening. The GB wall should not exceed:


The kidneys initially develop within the pelvic and ascend into their normal position by as early as:

9 weeks gestation

A 44 yr old female patient present for a renal sono complaining of decreased renal function, hypertension, and several UTI's. Sonographically, both kidneys appear enlarged and there appears to be multiple cortical anechoic masses that have good through transmission bilaterally. Which of the following would most likely be the diagnosis?


Which of the following may also be referred to as adult polycystic kidney disease?


Which of the following would be least likely sequela of acute pyelonephritis?


For patients with intravenous therapy, the intravenous fluid bag should be placed:

Above the heart

What is the bowel-shaped surface of the pelvic where the head of femur normally rests?


Which of the following would be most likely associated with bacteriuria?

Acute pyelonephritis

Which of the following is an endocrine disorder that results from the hypofunction of the adrenal cortex, resulting in inadequate secretion of corticosteroids?

Addisons disease

The cancer of glandular origin that may be discovered in the pancreas and GI tract is referred to as:


Which of the following is most often associated with Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses?


What is the most common location of the pheochromocytoma?

Adrenal gland

Which hormone, produced by the adrenal gland, is responsible for regulating blood pressure by controlling the amount of sodium and water in the body?


Which of the following laboratory values is typically not elevated in the presence of acute cholecystitis?


What measurement would be most indicative of thyroid enlargement?

An isthmus that measures greater than 10mm

Which of the following hormones is produced by the adrenal cortex?


A patient present with a history of tuberous sclerosis. Which of the following renal masses is associated with tuberous sclerosis?


The "thyroid in the belly sign" is associated with:


While examining the LLQ for signs of diverticulitis, you suspect an area of bowel that is inflamed. Which of the following can you do to establish your suspicion?

Apply color doppler to the involved bowel segment

Which cystic renal disease can result form chronic hemodialysis?

Aquired renal cystic disease

Which of the following is associated with parasitic roundworm that can be found within the biliary tree of infected individuals?


Which of the following would typically not be a cause of focal gallbladder wall thickening?


Which of the following congenital syndromes has a noted tendency to developing the hepatoblastoma?

Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome

Which of the following best described as the condition in which the patient lacks the normal posterior fixation of the testis and epididymis to the scrotal wall?

Bell clapper

What is transurethral resection of the prostate most often used to treat?

Benign prostatic hypertrophy

Hydroceles are most often located:

Between the two layers of tunica vaginalis

Which of the following is best described as a mass of various ingested materials that may cause intestinal obstructions?


Which of the following would typically not lead to compensatory hypertrophy?

Bilat renal agenesis

Which of the following would be the most likely sonographic manifestation of APKD?

Bilateral enlarged kidneys that contain numerous cortical renal cysts

A renal sono for a 7 day old patient in the ICU. The physician suspects ARPKD. Which of the following would be most likely sonographic appearance of the kidneys for this disorder?

Bilateral, enlarged, echogenic kidneys with a loss of corticomedullary differentiation

Which of the following infantile disorder can lead to cirrhosis and portal hypertension?

Biliary atresia

During the sonographic analysis of the urinary bladder in a 72 year old male patient, two anechoic outpouchings are noted within the bladder wall. What is most likely cause for these findings?

Bladder diverticuli

Hepatomas that invade the hepatic veins causing narrowing of the hepatic veins, with subsequent tumor invasion into the IVC can produce symptoms of:

Budd-Chiari Syndrome

Which of these secretes pre ejaculate fluid that lubricates the penile urethra prior to ejaculation?

Bulbourethral gland

Which of the following is the most common sonographic appearance of hepatic candidialsis?

Bulls eye lesion

Which of the following is located right lateral to the pancreatic head?

C-loop of the duodenum

A point of attachment of the cystic duct to the gallbladder marks the proximal margin of the:


Which of the following would be considered to be the most distal segment of the biliary tree?


Which of the following abdominal abnormalities is typically not associated with ascites?

Cavernous hemangioma

Which of the following would be considered the most common benign liver tumor?

Cavernous hemangioma

Which of the following is best described as an inflammation and infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue?


Which of the following abnormalities is more likely to be associated with pruritus?


A 29 yr old presents for a liver sono complaining of RUQ pain and fever. Her lab findings include evidence of leukocystosis and elevated bilirubin. She had a cholecystectomy 1 year earlier. Sonographically, the CBD appears enlarged, measuring 8mm at the porta hepatis. Also, the walls of the bile duct measure 6mm. Based on the clinical and sonographic findings, what is most likely the diagnosis?


A 31 yr old female presents for a RUQ sono. She is two-weeks post chlecystectomy. Her complaints include persistent RUQ pain and nausea. she also appears to be displaying signs of jaundice. Which of the following is most likely cause for these clinical findings?


A 35 yr old male presents following a cholecystecomy for gallstones. He complains of epigastric pain and nausea, and has an elevated bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase. Sonographically, the common duct measures 10mm at the level of the porta hepatic. Which of the following is the most likely cause of these sonographic and clinical features.


Which of the following is considered to be the most likely cause of obstructive jaundice?


Which of the following tumors would be associated with an elevation in human chorionic gonadotropin?


Which of the following would be most likely associated with hyperkalemia?

Chronic Renal failure

Which of the following is the most common cause of portal hypertension?


An emergency room patient presents to the sono department for an abdominal sono. You recognize that the patient has a distended abdomen with recognizable dilation of the superficial veins of the abdomen. Which of the following abnormalities should you suspect?

Cirrhosis and portal hypertension

The sonographic "double-duct" sign is described as:

Coexisting obstruction and dilation of the CBD and pancreatic duct

Which of the following would be best described as an extension of the renal cortex located between the renal pyramids?

Columns of Bertin

Which of the following is the most common location for a gallstone to become lodged and consequently cause obstructive jaundice?

Common bile duct segment near the ampulla of vater

The gastroduodenal artery is a branch of the:

Common hepatic artery

When viewing the celiac axis in the transverse scan plane, you note that there are two branches. What is the branch that travels toward the right side of the patient?

Common hepatic artery

The right and left hepatic ducts eventually unite to form which structures?

Common hepatic duct

Which of the following typically has a high resistant waveform pattern?

Common iliac artery

Which of the following techniques is used to sonographically identify bowel abnormalities?

Compression sonography

What syndrome is also referred to as primary hyperaldosteronism and results in high levels of aldosterone produced by the adrenal cortex?

Conn Syndrome

Which of the following results from high levels of aldosterone secretion by the adrenal cortex?

Conn Syndrome

What is the hash in the image indicating?

Corpus spongiosum

Which of the following would be least likely to contribute to a false-positive diagnosis of hydronephrosis?

Cortical renal cyst

What hormone of the adrenal gland provides an inflammatory response?


In the patient who presents with painless jaundice, which of the following clinical findings is most worrisome for pancreatic adenocarcinoma?

Courvoisier GB

An enlarged, palpable GB caused by pancreatic head mass describes

Courvoisier gallbladder

What is an autoimmune disorder characterized by periods of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract?

Crohns Disease

Which of the following is best described as having two kidneys fused on one side of the body?

Crossed fused ectopia

The spleen removes irregular red blood cells from the bloodstream through a process referred to as:


The spiral valves of Heister may produce posterior shadowing. They are located in the:

Cystic duct

The form of ascites that may be associated with cancer is referred to as:


Which of the following would typically not be a structure noted during a sonographic examination of the epigastric region?

Duct of Santorini

Which of the following is typically not a clinical finding in a patient who has portal vein thrombosis?

Decreased LFT

What is a pavlik harness used to treat?

Developmental dysplasia of the infant hip

Which of the following would be considered the most common cause of CRF?

Diabetes mellitus

What is the structure that is surgically interrupted to prevent the transport of sperm from the testicles?

Ductus deferens

Which of the following would be considered the most common congenital anomaly of the urinary tract?

Duplicated collecting system

what is most likely echogenicity of the serosal layer of bowel?


What imaging technique evaluates the relative stiffness of a mass or a structure?


Which of the following clinical findings is not suggestive of a hydatid liver cyst?

Elevation in AFP

A diabetic patient presents for a GB sono with a history of RUQ pain. Upon sonographic interrogation, reverberation artifact is noted in the nondependent wall of the GB. The patient does not have a positive murphy sign. what is the most likely diagnosis?

Emphysematous cholecystitis

Which of the following is associated with "champagne" sign?

Emphysematous cholecystitis

Which of the following renal infections is found most often in the diabetic or immunocompromised patient?

Emphysematous pyelonephritis

Which of the following would most likely not sonographically appear as small echogenic kidneys?

Emphysematous pyelonephritis

which of the following is associated with bacterial formation and gas production within the renal parenchyma?

Emphysematous pyelonephritis

Which of the following best describes the sonographic appearance of diffuse acute pancreatitis?

Enlarged and hypoechoic

Which of the following best describe the sonographic "shotgun" sign or "parallel tube" sign?

Enlargement of the common duct to the size of the portal vein

Which of the following clinical findings is not consistent with the diagnosis of ADPKD


Which hormone is not produced by the adrenal cortex?


Which of the following hormones may actually cause a cavernous hemangioma of the liver to increase in size?


A 34 yr old obese, asymptomatic male patient presents to the sonography department with a history of elevated LFT's. Sonographically, the liver appears diffusely echogenic, and the borders of the vessels are difficult to visualize. Which of the following would most like be the diagnosis

Fatty infiltration

Which of the following statements is not true concerning fatty infiltration of the liver

Fatty liver is an irreversible disorder characterized by deposits of fat within the hepatocytes

Which of the following groups of signs and symptoms establish Charcot triad and may be noted with cholangitis?

Fever, RUQ pain and jaundice

What sonographically identifiable abnormality will occur to the coronary vein with portal hypertension?

Flow will be toward the esophagus, and the vessel will measure greater than 6mm

The narrowest part of the sound beam is:


Which of the following would most likely cause pain and be discovered in the dorsal aspect of the hand?

Ganglion cyst

Which of the following tumors is associated with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome?


What is the arrow in the image indicating?

Gastrodeuodenal artery

Which of the following is described as the fibrous covering of the liver?

Glisson capsule

What hormone does the alpha cells of the pancreas produce?


Which of the following is a hormone, produced by the pancreas, which promotes the release of glucose by the liver?


Which of the following would best be described as the gallbladder variant in which there is an outpouching of gallbladder neck?

Hartmann's pouch

Which of the following tumors consist of a group of small blood vessels


What is the inherited disease characterized by disproportionate absorption of dietary iron?


What is an inflammatory vascular disease seen mostly in children that is associated with ARF, vasculitis and purple spots on the skin?

Henoch-Schonlein purpura

Which of the following hepatic masses would most likely produce dirty shadowing or ring down artifact?

Hepatic abscess

Which of the following statements is not true concerning the hepatocellular adenoma?

Hepatic adenomas cause RUQ pain

Which of the following would be most likely caused by drinking parasitic contaminated water?

Hepatic amebic abscess

What hepatic abnormality may be discovered in the immunocompromised patient?

Hepatic candidiasis

Which of the following liver tumors would be most likely result of abdominal surgery or trauma

Hepatic hematoma

Which of the following is considered both intersegmental and interlobar?

Hepatic veins

Which of the following statements is not true concerning the hepatic veins?

Hepatic veins have monophasic blood flow pattern

Which of the following would not be a common cause of common bile duct obstruction?


Which of the following is a disease that is typically spread through fecal-oral route?

Hepatitis A

Which of the following is associated with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome?


What is the most common primary form of liver cancer?

Hepatocellular carcinoma

Which of the following clinical findings would be least likely for the patient presenting with long standing cirrhosis?


Which of the following is demonstrated in the image?

Hepatopetal flow

The patient is seen in the image had general abdominal pain. This image was a transverse of the lower pole of the kidneys in the midline. Which of the following is demonstrated?

Horseshoe kidneys

Which of the following is not typically a clinical feature of Conn syndrome?


Which of the following is associated with echinococcus granulosus?

Hydatid liver cyst

With color doppler analysis, abnormal bowel will often produce evidence of:


Which of the following is best described as the intravenous administration of nutrients and vitamins?


Which of the following would not be a feature of a simple cyst


Which of the following is not typical sonographic finding consistent with Grave disease?

Hypoemic flow

Which of the following clinical findings is not consistent with ARF?


Which of the following may also be referred to as greenfield filter?

IVC filter

Which of the following is not a rule of surgical asepsis?

If the sterility of an object is questionable, it is still considered sterile unless proven otherwise

A rectus sheath hematoma is associated with all of the following except:

Increased hematocrit

Which of the following would be least likely clinical feature of a patient with a history of blunt trauma to the kidney?

Increased hematocrit

What is the most common benign childhood liver tumor?

Infantile hemangioendothelioma

Mycotic aneurysms are associated with:


Which of the following is a branch of the thryocervical trunk of the subclavian artery?

Inferior thryroid artery

Which of the following abdominal hernias would not be located within the midline of the abdomen?

Inguinal hernia

A 13 yr old african america boy presents to the sonography department with a history of sickle cell crisis. What would be the most likely sonographic manifestation of sickle cell crisis?

Initial splenomegaly

What hormone does the beta cells of the pancreas produce?


Which of the following is a hormone, produced by the pancreas, which stimulates the body to use up glucose to produce energy?


Which small segments of the renal arteries travel between the renal pyramids?


Which of the following is not a typical sono feature of a benign thyroid nodule?

Internal microcalcification

The patient is 1 yr old male patient who complained of intermittent, severe abdominal pain and vomiting. He also had red currant jelly stool. Which of the following is most likely indicating?


what does the thryoid use to create its hormones


What is the function of somatostatin?

It restrains insulin and glucose levels

What is the arrow in the images indicating?

Junctional parenchymal defect

Which of the following would be least likely to sonographically appear as an enlarged kidney?

Junctional parenchymal defect

Which of the following is a childhood disease associated with gallbladder hydrops and vasculitis?

Kawaski disease

What is the most common location of the oncocytoma?


Which of the following malignant biliary masses is most likely found at the junction of the right and left hepatic ducts

Klatskin tumor

an 85 yr old male patient presents with RUQ sono. He is complaining of pruritus, unexplained weight loss, abdominal pain. Sonographically, dilated intrahepatic ducts are noted and appear to abruptly terminate at the level of a hypoechoic mass. Which of the following is most likely present based on this patient's clinical and sono findings?

Klatskin tumor

The specialized macrophages within the liver that engulf pathogens and damaged cells are the:

Kupffer cells

Transducers have materials within them that, when electronically stimulated, produce ultrasound waves. These materials are most likely some form of:

Lead Zirconate titanate

A 48yr old with history of cirrhosis is to be evaluated for sonographic signs of portal hypertension. Which of the following should be anaylzed carefully?

Left portal vein

The aorta, the largest artery in the body, originates at the:

Left ventricle of the heart

Which of the following would be a clinical finding consistent with acute pyelonephritis?


Shortly after birth, the ductus venosus collapses and becomes the:

Ligamentum venosum

What structure is located at the anterior border of the caudate lobe?

Ligamentum venosum

Which structure is not used to separate the right and left lobes of the liver?

Ligamentum venosum

A transducer with small rectangular elements that are lined up side by side and firing in a straight line as a:

Linear array transducer

Which of the following is an enzyme, produced by the pancreas, which aids in the digestion of fats?


Which of the following is not located lateral to the thyroid gland?

Longus colli muscle

Which muscles are located posterior to each thryoid lobe?

Longus colli muscles

Which of the following forms of metastatic liver disease would most like appear as a "target" or "bulls eye" lesion?

Lung mets

Which of the following is considered to be the most common malignancy of the spleen?


Patients who undergo long term use of hemodialysis have an increased risk of developing all of the following except:

MCDK disease

Which vessel supplies the liver with 70% of its total blood supply?


What abnormality is diagnosed sonographically by identifying an abnormal relationship between the SMA and SMV?

Malrotation of the midgut

What segment of the liver may also be referred to as the quadrate lobe?

Medial segment of the left lobe

What is the central portion of the chest that contains the heart, thymus gland, part of the trachea, esophagus, and many lymph nodes?


A hyperfunctioning adrenal adenoma may be associated with all of the following except:

Mirizzi Syndrome

Which of the following is described as a clinical condition in which the patient presents with jaundice, pain, and fever secondary to a lodged stone in the cystic duct?

Mirizzi syndrome

Normal flow within the MPV is said to be:

Monophasic and hepatopetal

A thyroglossal duct cyst is often discovered

Near the hyoid bone

Pancreatic mucinous cystadenocarcinoma is most often discovered in the:

Pancreatic body and tail

Which of the following would be considered the most common form of thyroid cancer?

Papillary carcinoma

Which of the following locations of renal cyst would originate in the renal parenchyma and protrude into the renal sinus?


Which of the following is not a true statement concerning the parathyroid glands?

Parathyroid glands serve as calcitonin regulators for the body

Which of the following would be the most likely location of prostatic cancer?

Peripheral zone

Which prostatic zone is the largest?

Peripheral zone

Which of the following would most likely be discovered on the adrenal gland?


What is the typically benign adrenal tumor that consists of chromaffin cells?


Which of the following terms is defined as peripancreatic fluid collection that results from the inflammation of the pancreas?


Which of the following would best be described as the GB varient in which the fundus is folded onto itself?

Phrygian cap

What is the most common parotid gland mass?

Pleomorphic adenoma

A 64 yr old patient with shortness of breath and epigastric pain has an abdominal US. Sonographically, the abdomen appears normal. However, superior to the liver, just above the diaphragm, a triangular appearing anechoic collection is noted. Which of the following is most likely the findings?

Pleural effusion

Which of the following is often noted in conjunction with lung consolidation?

Pleural effusion

What are the arrows in the image indicating in this liver sonogram?


Which of the following is not associated with Klinefelter syndrome?


Which of the following is not a typical cause of acute pancreatitis?

Porcelian GB

Which of the following would be best described as the calcification of all or part of the GB wall?

Porcelian Gb

What structure is located posterior to the pancreatic neck

Portal confluence

Which of the following would be most likely associated with a patent paraumbilical vein?

Portal hypertension

Which of the following is not a true statement concerning varicoceles?

Primary varicoceles are most often found on the right side

Which of the following is not a function of the kidneys?

Produce insulin and glucagon

Which of the following is the endocrine function of the testicles?

Production of testosterone

Tuberous sclerosis is associated with all the following except:

Prune Belly Syndrome

Which of the following is caused by megacystis and results in a lack of or abnormally formed abdominal wall?

Prune belly syndrome

What is the inflammation of the breast that is related to pregnancy?

Puerperal Mastitis

Which of the following is defined as inflammation of the kidney?


What specialized tissue of the spleen contains red blood cells and macrophages?

Red pulp

Sharp pain in the lower back that radiates into the groin that is typically associated with the passage of a urinary stone through the ureter is referred to as:

Renal Colic

Which of the following is typically not associated with prune belly syndrome?

Renal artery stenosis

the image if of the lower pole of the left kidney in a 65 year old male patient with a history of smoking, hematuria, and weight loss. Which of the following is most likely indicated?

Renal cell carcinoma

Which of the following is not located within the renal sinus?

Renal pyramids

What enzyme produced by the kidneys helps regulate blood pressure?


What structure can be used to separate the right lobe into the anterior and posterior segment?

Right hepatic vein

The typical position for scanning the spleen is:

Right lateral decub

What vessel travels posterior to the IVC?

Right renal artery

Enlargement of the hepatic veins may be associated with:

Right sided heart failure

Which peritoneal cavity space is located just inferior and adjacent to the diaphragm?

Right subphrenic space

What is the complication of acute cholecystitis characterized by pus accumulation within the GB?

Suppurative cholecystitis

While scanning the epigastric region to visualize the pancreas in the transverse scan plane, you visualize a round vascular structure posterior to the splenic vein and anterior to the aorta, just left of the midline. Which of the following would this structures most likely be?


What is the inflammatory disease that results in scar tissue development in multiple organs, including the liver, lungs and spleen?


Which of the following would typically not be a predisposing condition or risk factor that would increase the likelihood of developing cholelithiasis


A 33 yr old male presents for a testicular ultrasound with a history of painless enlargement. Sonographically, a 3cm hypoechoic intratesticular mass is noted within the right testicle. Which of the following would be the most likely diagnosis?


Which of the following would not be a typical sonographic feature of cirrhosis

Shruken caudate lobe

What artifact simulates false echoes that could resemble sludge or debris in the urinary bladder and is caused by compression of 3D to 2D images?

Slice thickness artifact

Which of the following is an enzyme, produced by the pancreas, which neutrilizes stomach acids?

Sodium Bicarbonate

Which of the following testicular lesions is typically benign?


Which of the following would not be an element of the endocrine system?


What is the typical location of an accessory spleen?

Splenic hilum

Which of the following vessels can be used to mark the posterior border of the pancreatic tail and body?

Splenic vein

Which of the following would not be a typical clinical finding of a patient with pancreatic adenocarcinoma?


What is the term for the ectopic implantation of splenic tissue following splenic rupture?


Which of the following is best described as a renal stone that completely fills and takes on the shape of the renal pelvis?

Staghorn calculus

What muscle extends from the temporal bone to the clavicle?

Sternocleidomastoid muscle

Which of the following is not a function of the liver?

Storage of bile

The main portal vein is created by the union of the:

Superior mesenteric vein and splenic vein

What is the first branch of the external carotid artery?

Superior thyroid artery

Which of the following tests is conducted to investigate for a torn achilles tendon?


What is the most abundant hormone produced by the thyroid?


What is the responsibility of the red pulp of the spleen?

To produce phagocytes

What is the most common cause of acute scrotal pain in prepubertal boys?

Torsion of the appendix testis

Which of the following is another name for benign ascites?

Transduate Ascites

Proteinuria would be least likely associated with:


patients who have von hippel-lindau syndrome have a propensity to develop all of the following except:

Tuberous sclerosis

The outermost layer of the wall of the abdominal aorta is referred to as the:

Tunica adventitia

What is the name of the dense fibrous of tissue closely applied to each testicle?

Tunica albunginea

What structure divides the scrotum internally?

Tunica dartos

Which of the following is the most common cause of congenital hydronephrosis in infants and children?

Ureteropelvic junction obstruction

Sonographically, cystitis is diagnosed when:

Urinary bladder wall is thickened

What system has the primary function of maintaining chemical and water balance, regulating blood pressure, and filtering waste products from the blood?

Urinary system

During a sonographic examination of the urinary tract, you note that the ureter and renal collecting system is dilated on the right side. The urinary bladder appears normal. Which of the following would be the most likely location that an obstruction has occurred?

Uterovesicular junction

Which of the following is subureteral teflon injection (STING) used to treat?

Vesicoureteral reflux disease

Which of the following is best described as a hereditary disease that leads to the development of cysts within the pancreas and other organs

Von Hippel-Lindau disease

Which of the following is not another name for an accessory spleen?

Wandering spleen

Which of the following is not considered a common clinical feature associated with metastatic liver disease?

Weight gain

A 3 yr old female patient presents to the sono department for a renal sono with a history of a palpable abdominal mass, abdominal pain, hematuria, fever and hypertension. The sono reveals a large, solid, mostly echogenic mass that contains dispersed anechoic and hypoechoic regions. Based on these findings, which of the following is most likely the diagnosis?

Wilms tumor

Which of the following is not a zone of the adrenal cortex?

Zona matriculata

What is considered to be the primary reason why tissue heats as sound is attenuated in the human body?


A 29 yr old male patient presents for a GB sono with a history of leukocytosis, RUQ pain, nausea, vomitting. An Analysis of the RUQ reveals a GB wall that measures 7mm, a 10mm echogenic nonmobile, shadowing structure within the neck of the GB and a positive murphys sign. These findings are most indicative of:

acute cholecystitis

Which of the following is caused by the leakage of pancreatic enzymes from the acinar cells into the parenchyma of the organ?

acute pancreatitis

With mild pancreatitis, the pancreas will most likely appear sonographically:


You are peforming a portable sono on an unconscious patient with limited clinical history in the ER. You do not visualize a GB. Which of the following would not be the cause of nonvisualization of the GB


A 48 yr old obese female patient present to the sonography department for an abdominal sonogram with a history of hypertension and hyperglycemia. Incidentally noted is a hypoechoic mass located between the upper pole of the right kidney and the IVC. Which of the following would most like be the diagnosis?

adrenal adenoma

An abdominal sono is ordered on a 1 day old baby who has a history of hypotension and low hematocrit. Sonographically, a heterogeneous mass is noted in the are of the left adrenal gland. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for these findings?

adrenal hemorrhage

Which of the following is associated with congenital adrenal hyperplasia and testicular masses?

adrenal rests

Which of the following may also be referred to as a renal hamartoma?


What structure releases adrenocorticosteroid hormone?

anterior pituitary gland

The main lobar fissure can be used to separate the:

anterior segment of the right lobe from the medial segment of the left lobe

At the level of the porta hepatis, the hepatic artery is typically located:

anterior to the MPV and posterior to the CBD

Which small segments of the renal arteries are located at the base of the pyramids?


What is the range of normal resistive index of the hepatic artery?

between .5 and .8

Which of the following would not be consistent with life?

bilateral renal agensis

During the sono analysis of the urinary bladder in a 72 yr old, two anechoic outpouchings are noted within the bladder wall. What is the most likely cause for these findings?

bladder diverticuli

Which of the following hormones of the thryoid is responsible for removing calcium from the blood for storage in the bones?


The first main visceral branch of the abdominal aorta, just below the diaphragm is the:

celiac artery

Cancer of the biliary tree is termed:


A RUQ is ordered for a 4 day old newborn female patient. She has signs of jaundice, irritability suggesting abdominal pain and fever. The sono findings include a fusiform cystic mass in the area of the porta hepatis and biliary dilation is noted. Which of the following is most like diagnosis?

choledochal cyst

A 58 yr old male patient presents for an abdominal US with a history of an elevation of AST, ALT, lactate dehydrogenase, bilirubin. He also has jaundice and complains of fatigue and weight less. Sonographically, there is ascites within the abdomen and right lobe of the liver appears small and echogenic. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?


Which of the following describes information that should be gathered prior to a sono. Including the patients signs and symptoms, pertinent illnesses, past surgeries lab findings and results of other tests

clinical history

What artifact is a type of reverberation artifact caused by a number of small, highly reflective interfaces, such as gas bubbles, and is also seen in the presence of adenomyomatosis?

comet-tail artifact

Which of the following is a branch of the right hepatic artery?

cystic artery

Which of the following is not typically a sonographic feature of portal hypertension?

decreased size of SMV

Which of the following would typically not be a sono feature of hepatitis?

echogenic, shrunken liver

Which of the following would typically not be a clinical feature of choledocholithiasis?

elevated creatinine

What is another name for suppurative cholecystits?

empyema of the gallbladder

What is the condition described as the return of the spleens hematopoietic function in cases of severe anemia?

extramedullary hematopoiesis

Which of the following is a milk-filled breast cyst that may be painful?


Which of the following is considered to be the most common form of biliary tract cancer?

gallbladder carcinoma

Which of the following is considered an islet cell tumor of the pancreas?


Which of the following would typically be considered a benign abdominal mass?


Which of the following is not a cancer of the testicles?


Which of the following parts of the pancreas is located right lateral to superior mesenteric vein and anterior to the IVC?


A 12 yr old boy presents to the sono department for an abdominal sonogram after falling off his bike. He is complaining of LUQ pain. Which of the following lab values would be most helpful to assess before performing the sonogram?


A 22 year old patient presents to the sono department for a renal sono with a history of a recent motor vehicle collision, hematuria, and flank pain. Sonographically, a complex, mostly cystic mass is noted in the upper pole of the right kidney. Which of the following would be most likely explanation for this sonographic finding?

hemorrhagic renal cyst

What is the most common vascular complication of a liver transplant?

hepatic artery thrombosis

What is the condition in which a patient becomes confused or suffers intermittent loss of consciousness secondary to overexposure of the brain to toxic chemicals that the liver would normally remove from the body?

hepatic encephalopathy

What is another name for fatty liver disease?

hepatic steatosis

Hepatoma is another name for:

hepatocellular carcinoma

What is the most transrectal sonographic appearance of the seminal vesicles?

hypechoic structures between the bladder and the prostate

A 40 yr old female long time smoker presents to the sono department for a renal sonogram with a palpable left upper quadrant mass, weight loss, and gross hematuria. A heterogeneous mass is noted in the upper pole of the left kidney. Which of the following is most likely diagnosis?


Normal bowel wall thickness should measure:

less than 5mm

The left portal vein divides into:

medial and lateral branches

Which of following structure contains the rete testis

mediastinum testes

Which of the following is a malignant pediatric tumor that may also be referred to as a wilms tumor?


Which of the following is not a renal tumor?


Which of the following hormones are produced by the adrenal medulla?


Which of the following would be considered the most common form of pancreatic malginancy?

pancreatic adenocarcinoma

Which of the following is considered an endocrine organ or structure?

parathyroid gland

A renal sono is ordered on a newborn male patient with a history of UTI. The sonogram reveals an anechoic tube that extends from the umbilicus to the apex of the urinary bladder. Which of the following is most likely diagnosis?

patent urachus

Which of the following abnormalities is associated with the development of abdominal varicosities in the area of the splenic hilum, renal hilum, and gastroesophageal junction?

portal hypertension

Which of the following is the most common cause splenomegaly?

portal hypertension

Which of the following causes dilation of the bladder, ureters, both kidneys and is found exclusively in male newborns?

posterior urethral valves

Which of the following would not be considered personal protective equipment?

probe cover

a 24 yr old patient presents for a renal sono with a history of leukocytosis, pyuria, fever and flank pain. Sonographically, hydronephrosis is noted within the left kidney. Within the dilated collecting system, there is evidence of dependent, layering, low level echoes. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for these sonographic findings?


Universal or standard precautions apply to all of the following except:


Hypernephroma is another name for:

renal cell carcinoma

Which of the following is considered the most common renal mass?

renal cyst

A renal sono is ordered on a 6month old in the CCU with a history of fever, chillds, and long term indwelling catheter use. Sonographically, several echogenic, mobile, non shadowing structures are noted within the dilated right renal collecting system. Which of the following is most likely the diagnosis.

renal fungal disease

TCC of the kidney is most often located in the:

renal pelvis

Which of the following is the collecting place for urine before it enters the ureter?

renal pelvis

Which of the following contains the renal collecting system?

renal sinus

A 44 yr old female hemophiliac patient presents for an abdominal sono for abdominal pain. Her lab findings include a drop in hematocrit. Sonographically, a complex appearing mass noted within left psoas muscle. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for the mass?

retroperitoneal hematoma

Which of the following is not true of the salivary glands?

salivary glands are endocrine glands

What is a sialothiasis?

salivary stone

What two structures form the ejaculatory ducts?

seminal vescles and ductus deferens

Which of the following would not be typical sonographic feature of cirrhosis

shrunken caudate lobe

Which of the following is an enzyme, produced by the pancreas, which neutralizes stomach acids?

sodium bicarbonate

Which of the following would not be included in an adequately obtained clinical history of a patient who is presenting to the sono department for her first gb sono?

sonographic measurement of the GB wall thickness

What is another name for the left colic flexure?

splenic flexure

Which vessel joins with the SMV posterior to the pancreatic neck to form the portal vein?

splenic vein

What effect would sickle cell anemia crisis most likely have on the spleen?


Which of the following would be considered the most common splenic abnormality


Which of the following statements is not true concerning portal hypertension?

the hepatic artery decreases its blood supply to liver secondary to obstruction

Which of the following is not included in standard precautions

the use of surgical asepsis during all sonographic examiniations

Which of the following may be used to reduce the amount of ascites in the abdomen?

therapeutic paracentesis

Which of the following is true of neonatal adrenal glands?

they may spontaneously hemorrhage in stressed neonates

Normal flow within the hepatic veins is considered:


What pancreatic enzyme is responsible for digesting proteins?


What is another name for the tunica externa?

tunica adventitia

Which of the following would not be considered an intrinsic cause of hydronephrosis?

uterine leiomyoma

Which of the following is also referred to as the pancreaticduodenectomy?

whipple procedure

What specialized tissue of the spleen produces lymphocytes to aid in the immune response?

white pulp

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