Abeka 9th Grade Grammar Test 10

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the verb phrase that is past emphatic is: been watching does read did desire do want

did desire

I will need (fewer or less) citations in this essay than in the research paper


Sonia will help Susan to prepare for the party. The verb tense in this sentence is?


You should (of or have) brought your umbrella


The verb phrase that is present perfect progressive is: have been wanting did scream had barked is growling

have been wanting

The lioness fed (her or his) hungry cubs the meat


The choir (sings or ssing) carols at the mall every Christmas.


Your essay is the (longest or longest of all the essays turned in)

longest of all the essays turned in

Of the two friends, Kathy is (more or most) punctual


Words that introduce adverb clauses are called?

subordinating conjunctions

Conjunctions that join words, phrases or clauses of equal grammatical rank are?


Mother started making the chocolate cake.

Ger/ N

I heard (that or where) a hurricane is forming in the Atlantic


Jasmine cannot life the box (without or unless) someone helps her.


The book that she wrote is availabe at the library.


As long as you return the books on time, you may continue to borrow from the library.


Identify italicized as N, Adj, or Adv Since everyone is present, we will begin the meeting.


(Because or Being that) she has her own car, she is willing to drive


(Do or Does) someone have an extra pencil that I can use


(His or Him) playing the cello opened many opportunities for him


Millicent read the book about when the Battle of Brittain took place.


What camilla wants most is to be missionary.


Her voice quavering, the elderly lady told the story from when she was a little girl .

Nom/ None

Having finished his essay, Bill began studying for his quiz.

Participle/ Adj

Did you go through the tunnel to get here?

Prep/ Adv

A word that shows how a noun or pronoun is related to other words in the sentence is?


(She or Her) gave me the book to read


(Being that or Since) he is from Boston, he has a noticeable accent


(That or Those) types of flowers grow well in tropical climates


In the first blank identify italicized as: transitive or intransitive, in the second blank identify each transitive verb as active or passive She left in her locker at school the book that she was reading for English Class

Transitive, active

Neal (accepted or excepted) the nomination for class president


The clause that answers the question why is


The money from the bake sale last semester (amounted up or amounted) several hundred dollars.


He is taller than (anyone else or anyone) in his family

anyone else

God promises that His mercies (are or is) new every morning


Cleveland, Ohio was (as far as or all the farther) we were able to drive today.

as far as

It looks (as if or like) I will be able to volunteer at the community center.

as if

Are there any chores left to do (beside or besides) taking out the trash


Is anyone bringing cupcakes (beside or besides) me?


The football sailed (between or among) the goal posts


In the first blank identify italicized as Preoposition, gerund, participle, infinitive, or nominative absolute. In the second blank identify each phrase as N, Adj, or Adv. Lynn wants to make a quilt

infinitative/ N

An exclamatory word not grammatically related to other words in the sentence is


Open the door, the cat wants to come (in or into) the house


Please do not come (in or into) the auditorium when the band is practicing.


The orchestra played well at the concert.


Be sure (to or and) thanks Mrs. Gillis for the gift she sent.


During my checkup, my teeth were cleaned by the dental technician.

transitive, passive

The Tragedy of Othello, the Moore of Venice was written by William Shakespeare in 1603?

transitive, passive

We were taken by taxi to the airport

transitive, passive

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