abnormal psy final

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The most appropriate motto for someone with generalized anxiety disorder is:

"Better safe than sorry."

_____ has been of some help in treating headaches, insomnia, asthma, diabetes, pain, certain vascular diseases, and the undesirable effects of certain cancer treatments.

Relaxation training

Current research on eating disorders is MOST consistent with which statement?

The rates of eating disorders are increasing in minority women and are approaching the rates found in non-Hispanic white American women.

Which procedure is NOT a form of neuroimaging?

a DEXA scan

An example of a sedative-hypnotic is:

a benzodiazepine.

What do you call a person who primarily prescribes medication but does not conduct psychotherapy?

a psychopharmacologist

Unlike the opioid drugs morphine and heroin, methadone is:

a synthetic drug.

Somatic complaints are very common in non-Western medical settings. This pattern MOST likely reflects:

a view that somatization is an appropriate way to handle emotions.

The so-called new wave of cognitive therapy differs from traditional cognitive therapy in that it emphasizes:

accepting problematic thoughts.

Which has NOT been linked to increased suicide risk among teenagers?

access to pro-suicide sites on the Internet

Linda had normal sexual functioning for many years. However, over time she began to have trouble becoming aroused, no matter what the situation. This type of dysfunction would be called:

acquired and generalized.

Which professions put one at GREATEST risk for an eating disorder?

actors and certain athletes

A pattern of anxiety, insomnia, depression, and flashbacks that begins shortly after a traumatic event and persists for less than a month is called:

acute stress disorder.

According to the chart in your textbook, teenagers say that the drug easiest for them to obtain is:


In the MOST common type of dissociative amnesia, a person loses memory for:

all events beginning with the trauma but within a limited period of time.

Cognitive-behavioral approaches used to treat social anxiety disorder aim to:

alter illogical thinking patterns and reduce avoidance behaviors.

According to Durkheim, suicides by people who give up their lives so a person they love may live would be classified as:

altruistic suicides.

Which statement is the BEST example of a claim that would be made by a developmental psychopathology theorist?

Depression is triggered by many factors that operate together in a developmental sequence.

_____ is(are) viewing problems and solutions in rigid either/or terms.

Dichotomous thinking

Which statement about distress is TRUE?

Distress is a subjective experience.

During a session, a clinician asks the patient to illustrate something; the clinician then focuses on where on the page the drawing is placed, the size of the drawing, and the parts the patient omitted. What test did the patient likely just take?


Which statement is NOT true about alcohol use and suicide?

Drinking alcohol increases suicidal thoughts in nondepressed individuals.

A student says, "The problem with single-subject experiments is that there is no control group, so you don't know if the treatment is effective." The BEST reply is:

If you use a reversal design, then participants serve as their own controls.

According to cognition-focused therapists, which is a factor in abnormal behavior?

Illogical thinking

Which statement is TRUE regarding the use of mindfulness-based therapy?

It has been used to treat a wide range of disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder.

How does Viagra work?

It increases blood flow into the penis.

Which of the following is an argument of critics of the evolutionary perspective?

It is difficult to research this perspective.

Which is the BEST example of the subpersonalities in dissociative identity disorder differing in preferences?

One subpersonality loves alternative rock music; another hates it but does love country music.

In science, the perspectives used to explain phenomena are known as which of the following?


Imagine that you just had a "close call" while driving, but now you feel your body returning to normal. Which part of your nervous system is controlling this return to normalcy?

Parasympathetic nervous system

What is an important characteristic of group therapy?

Participants have similar issues.

Which statement is MOST accurate about depersonalization disorder?

People experiencing depersonalization disorder remain connected to reality.

Psychodynamic therapies as a treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorders:

appear to work better when used in the short term rather than in traditional ways.

Shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, and a choking sensation are symptoms commonly associated with:


Antidepressants that are effective in treating obsessive-compulsive disorder:

increase serotonin activity in the brain.

Using past experiences to believe that one has no control over the reinforcements in one's life is called:

learned helplessness.

When Marigold sees her healthcare provider for treatment of an allergy, her healthcare provider tells her that her symptoms are factitious. Marigold will most likely:

leave the facility and immediately seek treatment from a different physician.

After a major earthquake, television coverage showed survivors shuffling confusedly through the ruined buildings. If such victims later could not remember the days immediately after the earthquake, the victims would be suffering from which type of amnesia?

localized amnesia

A state of breathless euphoria, or frenzied energy, in which individuals have an exaggerated belief in their own power, is characteristic of:


The number of diagnosed cases of dissociative identity disorder increased in the 1980s and 1990s. Some researchers are concerned about this trend, stating that:

many of the cases are unintentionally produced by clinicians.

A researcher's expectations about a study can affect its outcome. The type of research design used specifically to address this problem is a(n):

masked design.

Autoerotic asphyxia is a fatal side effect associated with:

masochistic practice.

Studies that are structured like experiments but that use groups that already exist instead of randomly assigning participants to control and experimental groups are called:

matched designs.

Suicide prevention centers:

may deliver services over the phone using paraprofessionals.

A clinically depressed individual who has been threatening suicide finally shows a diminishing of depressive symptoms. This person's risk of committing suicide:

may have increased, because the person may have the energy to act on the suicidal impulse.

According to current research, who do people distrust most?

members of Congress

Which of these is the usual goal of therapy for dissociative identity disorders?

merge the subpersonalities into a single identity

Based on the evidence about suicide rates, intervention strategies, to be most effective, should focus on:

middle-aged adults, as they have a fairly high suicide rate that is rising relatively rapidly.

With _____, a person pays attention to the feelings, thoughts, and sensations that are flowing through his or her mind but does so with detachment and objectivity and, most important, without judgment.

mindfulness meditation

The finding that many adolescents who attempt suicide know someone who has attempted suicide provides a case for which process in suicidal actions?


ECT has changed has changed over the years so that patients now receive:

muscle relaxants before the procedure.

A study of college men showed that they describe the ideal male as _____ and the ideal female as _____.

muscular; thin

What are brain circuits?

networks of brain structures that work together

A therapist who has created a new psychotherapy approach initiates this treatment with a client. The therapist conducts a case study and publishes the results. Which factor is MOST likely to be present in this study?

observer bias

A primary focus of the community mental health treatment approach to abnormality is:


According to the psychodynamic view, conversion disorder symptoms function to keep unacceptable thoughts and conflicts out of consciousness. This is called:

primary gain.

According to Thomas Szasz's views, the deviations that some call mental illness are really:

problems in living.

Group therapy is particularly useful in the treatment of avoidant personality disorder, mainly because group therapy:

provides practice in social interactions.

The disorder that is characterized by eating binges followed by a compensatory behavior such as forced vomiting is called:

bulimia nervosa.

The age group LEAST likely to commit suicide in the United States is:


Hilde Bruch's ego deficiency view of children with eating disorders involves:

children lacking control over their lives and misperceiving internal cues.

Imagine that a longitudinal study found that children raised by people with schizophrenia are more likely to commit crimes later. This result tells us that:

children of people with schizophrenia are at higher risk for criminal behavior.

The scarring of the liver caused by alcohol consumption is known as:


Because Gregory commonly injects heroin, he feels intense cravings when he sees hypodermic needles. This may be an example of:

classical conditioning.

A theorist who sees abnormality as a problem in living usually refers to those seeking help with problems in living as:


Which form of therapy helps clients recognize errors in logic and try out new interpretations of events?


If you are being encouraged to see the link between the way you interpret your experiences and the way you feel and to question the accuracy of your interpretations, you are probably receiving:

cognitive therapy.

The therapy found to be most effective for treating schizophrenia is:

drug therapy.

Which aspect of the definition of abnormality includes the inability to care for oneself and work productively?


What is the most common male sexual dysfunction?

early ejaculation

If, during intercourse, a woman repeatedly stimulates her male partner to the point when he almost reaches orgasm at which point the stimulation is stopped, he is probably being treated for:

early ejaculation.

Max experienced a dissociative fugue for two weeks. What is a common immediate reaction upon "waking" from this state?


If a person had his brain waves recorded to measure electrical activity, he MOST likely had a(n):

electroencephalogram (EEG).

A normal healthy man experiences:

erections during REM sleep.

Which medical condition is MORE common in people with bulimia than those with anorexia?

dental problems

Cocaine appears to produce its effects primarily through triggering the release of excessive amounts of _____ in the brain.


According to DSM-5, someone who initiates sexual contact with children is:

experiencing a paraphilia regardless of how troubled the individual may be.

Carly has posttraumatic stress disorder but refuses to talk about it. She is:

experiencing avoidance.

Jacquie developed PTSD after being held in captivity for years. She is upset by what she had to do to survive and perhaps even feels unworthy of surviving. This is an example of:

experiencing increased anger, anxiety, and guilt.

Trevor has posttraumatic stress disorder and reports symptoms of derealization. He is:

experiencing reduced responsiveness.

A researcher randomly assigned participants to two groups. Group A received the drug whenever they reported depressive symptoms to the experimenter; group B received no drugs at any point. In this study, group A was the:

experimental group.

The goal of scientific research is BEST described as seeking to:

explain relationships between variables.

Parents who want to decrease the likelihood that their young daughters will experience orgasmic disorder as adults should:

expose their daughters to positive attitudes about sex.

An obsessive-compulsive person who was told that everyone was required to wear shoes at all times in the house and that they were not to vacuum for a week would be receiving which type of therapy?

exposure and response prevention

Tom is a behavioral therapist for patients with bulimia. He treats one of his patients, David, by exposing him to situations that usually cause binge episodes and then preventing him from binge eating. This technique is called:

exposure and response prevention.

What is the BEST combination of treatments to treat obsessive-compulsive-related disorders?

exposure therapies and antidepressant drugs

What kind of therapy entails a combat veteran undergoing eye movement desensitization and reprocessing?

exposure therapy

A procedure used to treat social anxiety disorder that forces the client to face his or her dreaded social situation until the fear subsides is:

exposure therapy.

Changes in body image among African American women and among women in non-Westernized cultures support the idea that _____ has/have a strong influence on body image.

exposure to white U.S. culture

Binge drinking is defined as drinking at least _____ drinks on a single occasion.


To accomplish random assignment, one could assign participants to groups by:

flipping a coin to determine group assignment.

In the 1960s and 1970s, social upheaval and soul-searching in Western society gave rise to humanistic and existential therapies. The BEST explanation for this trend is that these theories:

focused on a positive message and living a meaningful life.

A therapist who is caring for someone with an illness anxiety disorder should expect to find which of the following?

frequent checking of the body for signs of illness

Transgender people who experience extreme distress over the incongruence of their gender identity and/or find themselves impaired by it in their social relationships, at work, or at school have:

gender dysphoria.

A person experiences wide-ranging and persistent feelings of worry and anxiety. This is most likely which disorder?

generalized anxiety disorder

GABA has been implicated in the etiology of:

generalized anxiety disorder.

In the early asylums, treatment for mental illness began with the intention to provide:

good care.

If a woman is 90 years old and healthy, what is the chance, expressed as a percentage, that she still masturbates at least occasionally?

greater than 20 percent

An example of an analogue experiment is:

having human participants live for a week in a simulated mental hospital to see how they respond.

A new test for anxiety shows consistent levels of anxiety across time for people, but very few people have taken the test and accurate norms do not exist. The test has:

high reliability but inadequate standardization.

A mental health practitioner attempts to learn about the behavior and emotional state of each client. This approach to abnormal psychology is called:


A physician who offers psychotherapy is called a:


Which model is MOST likely to suggest using free association to uncover unconscious processes?


The inability to move limbs in catatonic schizophrenia illustrates _____ symptoms of schizophrenia.


A person who copes well with a happy event in life is showing a positive:

stress response.

Which of these would NOT be considered a drug?


In the course of treatment for identity disorder, fusion is:

the merging of the final two or more subpersonalities.

A patient with a controlling mother is undergoing therapy. Soon, the patient begins seeking the therapist's approval for all types of decisions, rather than just making the decisions herself. This is an example of:


Individuals who have a strong sense that their gender identity is different from their birth anatomy are known as:


Cross-dressing is another term for:

transvestic disorder

Lady Gaga and other eccentrics are usually not considered to be experiencing a mental illness because:

they freely choose and enjoy their behavior.

A combat veteran says, "The therapist wants me to imagine scenes where I was in combat and imagine them like I was there. I don't want to do that! How can this possibly help me?" The BEST response is:

"Your therapist is suggesting an effective form of exposure called flooding."

Treatment for suicide attempters:

typically involves medical and psychological care.

The parents of those with schizoid personality disorder are MOST likely to have been:


If you recognize your worth as a person, Carl Rogers would say that you have developed:

unconditional self-regard.

The accidental discovery of drugs that increased serotonin and norepinephrine activity also led to effective treatments for what disorder?

unipolar depression

When beginning to speak with a client, a health care provider says "Do you want to share a bit about yourself and why you are here?" The clinician is MOST likely conducting a(n):

unstructured interview.

During a manic episode, Angie tells her partner that she is getting a tattoo. Her partner tells her that they don't have any extra money for a tattoo, explaining that they need the money for food. Which response would be typical in a manic episode in this situation?

Angie ignores her partner's response to her idea and gets a tattoo anyway.

Which statement is the MOST important reason for the decline in the use of electroconvulsive therapy since the 1950s?

Antidepressant drugs were developed.

What is a contributing factor that partly explains why African Americans have more health problems than non-Hispanic white Americans?

African Americans are more likely to live in poverty and face discrimination, which contributes to stress.

You are analyzing the suicide rates of African Americans, Asian Americans, and Hispanic Americans. The MOST accurate conclusion from the data is:

African Americans, Asian Americans, and Hispanic Americans have roughly equal suicide rates.

Marie comes from a supportive, loving family and has a stable socio-economic background. She has developed depression due to a serotonin deficiency. Anne has distant parents, failing grades, and insufficient funds for basic necessities and also develops depression. These two cases demonstrate what principle of developmental psychopathology?


Which statement BEST reflects the relationship between serotonin and the depression-related brain circuit and suicide?

Low levels of serotonin and poorer functioning of the depression-related brain circuit are related to high levels of aggression and impulsivity.

Which statement about the relationship between religion and suicide is MOST accurate?

The degree of a person's devoutness is a more important predictor of suicide than his or her specific religion.

Which statement MOST accurately describes the sympathetic nervous system pathway of the stress response?

The hypothalamus excites the sympathetic nervous system, which then excites body organs to release hormones, causing even more arousal.

Which statement MOST accurately describes the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal pathway of the stress response?

The hypothalamus stimulates the pituitary to produce a stress hormone that causes the adrenal gland to release corticosteroids.

Which statement BEST describes what is known about the relationship between neurotransmitters and unipolar depression?

The interaction between serotonin and norepinephrine is more influential than the activity of each of these neurotransmitters by itself.

How are the interpersonal theory of suicide and the sociocultural view of suicide different?

The interpersonal theory describes perceived burdensomeness as a factor in suicide.

Why do many people think that the estimates of the rates of suicide are inaccurate?

The stigma associated with suicide makes people hesitant to report it.

Despite having clear economic disadvantages, the health of Hispanic Americans is, on average, at least as good as, and often better than, that of both non-Hispanic white Americans and African Americans. What is one theory that explains this paradox?

The strong family support common in Hispanic American culture increases health resilience among members of this culture.

How are the features of the "baby blues" different from the symptoms of peripartum depression?

The symptoms of the "baby blues" are like those of peripartum depression but are less severe and persistent.

A patient with schizophrenia who is mute, statue-like, and fails to participate in the hospital routine is MOST likely experiencing:

Type II schizophrenia.

A clinician can include three kinds of information in making a diagnosis: a diagnostic category, a severity rating for the disorder, and additional information about possibly relevant psychosocial factors. According to DSM-5, a clinician is required to include:

a diagnostic category and a severity rating but not additional information.

Mason was a chronically ill child who was seen repeatedly in the emergency department for a number of ailments. After several visits, Mason was removed from his home and placed in foster care. While staying in foster care, Mason became quite healthy. In this case, one might suspect that the parent was experiencing:

a factitious disorder.

Someone who has Munchausen syndrome also, by definition, has:

a factitious disorder.

A family system that places an unhealthy importance on appearance might include which of the following?

a father who repeatedly jokes about his son's "scrawny" legs and tells him he should start lifting weights to "look more like a man"

The fact that very angry people are not significantly more suicidal than other people argues MOST strongly against which explanation for suicide?

a psychodynamic explanation

Which of these describes a compulsion?

a repetitive and rigid behavior or mental act that people feel they must perform

Beatrice is prescribed a medication for her anxiety. When she takes a small dose, she feels calmer. When she takes a larger dose, she can fall asleep without tossing and turning. This type of drug is called:

a sedative-hypnotic drug.

The biological treatment known as psychosurgery would MOST likely be used in the treatment of a patient with:

a severe disorder and who has not responded to any other therapies over years of treatment.

What kind of response inventory asks about how one would act with others in a variety of situations?

a social skills inventory

Zach is a resident in a psychiatric ward. He receives a plastic chip whenever he gets dressed on his own, speaks normally, and follows ward rules. He can then exchange the plastic chips he has earned for extra privileges, such as food, cigarettes, or time playing video games. This example illustrates the basic features of:

a token economy.

What is the BEST example of a motivational symptom of unipolar depression?

a woman who no longer goes out with friends and stays home alone for weeks

Which would be the MOST surprising example of suicide because it does not fit into the pattern that current research results have identified?

a woman who stabbed herself to death

Salina was terrified during the magnitude 7.2 earthquake that hit where she lived. For a couple of weeks after the event, she did not sleep well or feel comfortable inside a building. However, her fears gradually diminished and were completely gone within a month. Her reaction to the earthquake would MOST likely be diagnosed as a(n):

acute stress disorder.

If we ultimately find that people with unipolar depression have certain biochemical characteristics that predispose them to certain cognitive characteristics that are exacerbated by certain life stressors, then we will have evidence that:

an interaction between factors causes depression.

A bacterium and a virus are examples of:


Tanner is confused and usually thinks that he is a superhero. If his psychiatrist ordered medication, it would MOST likely be a(n):

antipsychotic drug.

Which personality disorder is marked by a general pattern of disregard for, and violation of, other people's rights?


Pierre, a 32-year-old male, feels terrible. He is sad, tired, and depressed, but he refuses to show it. This is consistent with the:

artifact theory.

At a suicide prevention center, you hear a counselor say, "Who can you think of who might be able to come over and stay with you for a few hours?" Which of the goals and techniques of suicide prevention does the quote BEST represent?

assessing and mobilizing the caller's resources

At a suicide prevention center, you hear a counselor say, "Do you have a gun? Is it loaded, and do you know how to use it?" Which one of the goals and techniques of suicide prevention do these questions BEST represent?

assessing suicide potential

Graduate school personnel review applying students' test scores, college grades, and relevant experience to determine who will be granted admission. This is similar to a clinician engaging in:


What is the immediate goal for all the treatment methods for bulimia nervosa?

assisting patients to eliminate their binge-purge patterns

A person is socially withdrawn, speaks in odd ways, has strange ideas, and expresses little emotion, but that person is not displaying full-blown schizophrenic symptoms. What phase of schizophrenia is this person in?

either prodromal or residual

Which research finding supports the idea that individuals may inherit a predisposition to posttraumatic stress disorder?

elevated cortisol levels in babies born to women who were pregnant during the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks

In one study, patients with asthma and arthritis who wrote down their thoughts and feelings about stressful events for a handful of days showed lasting improvements in their conditions. This is an example of the effectiveness of:

emotion expression.

Suicides that are carried out in bizarre ways for political reasons are MOST likely to trigger suicide thoughts in those with:

emotional problems.

Adjunctive therapy to treat bipolar disorder commonly focuses on:

emphasizing the importance of taking the medication, even though the patients miss the creative and productive bursts they used to have.

Those who develop standard treatment guidelines for each disorder based on research findings and who then share that information with clinicians are promoting:

empirically supported treatment.

When treating religious patients, it is recommended that mental health professionals:

encourage clients to use spiritual resources that aid with coping.

The network of glands that releases hormones into the bloodstream is the _____ system.


People who are overweight and regularly binge eat without compensatory behaviors are experiencing:

binge-eating disorder.

A person who loses weight by forcing herself to vomit after meals or by using laxatives, and who otherwise fits the definition of anorexia, is experiencing:

binge-eating/purging-type anorexia nervosa.

The use of electrical signals from the body to train people to control physiological processes is called:

biofeedback training.

In terms of cognitive theories that explain generalized anxiety disorder, which of these theories has a good deal of research support?

both metacognitive theory and intolerance of uncertainty theory

Juan is currently experiencing a period of sadness that has resulted in almost total immobility. He sits in a chair all day and almost never moves. His wife has to assist him in getting into bed at night. Which type of major depression would he MOST likely be diagnosed with?


A person is diagnosed as having severe generalized anxiety disorder. Generalized anxiety disorder represents which part of the diagnosis?

categorical information

According to psychoanalysts, if a patient relives past repressed feelings, that patient is said to have experienced:


Which is NOT a common focus of psychotherapy, as part of adjunctive therapy, for bipolar disorder?

challenging clients' automatic thoughts

Individuals whose gender identity matches their assigned gender are called:


The perspective that religious views are defense mechanisms created by people to make life tolerable is MOST characteristic of:

classic Freudian psychotherapy.

Those MOST often in charge of treating abnormality in the Middle Ages in Europe were:


A client reports having infrequent, but extremely disturbing, tactile hallucinations. What is the MOST useful way to gather information about this person?

client self-monitoring

A theorist who sees abnormality as a problem in living usually refers to those seeking help with problems in living as:


The process of evaluating a person's progress after he or she has been in treatment is called a:

clinical assessment.

A person who works in a mental hospital analyzing various treatment protocols to see how multicultural factors impact success rates is MOST likely to be a:

clinical researcher.

The specialty that presently has the largest number of practitioners is:

clinical social work.

Françoise is depressed. Her therapist asks her about her daily experiences, focusing on how often people say nice things to her. Her therapist MOST likely has a:

cognitive-behavioral orientation.

Everyone has intrusive and unwanted thoughts. Most people ignore them. But some people blame themselves and expect terrible consequences, so they act in ways they hope will neutralize the thoughts. The type of theorist who would be MOST likely to agree with this position would be a:

cognitive-behavioral theorist.

Which group emphasizes the beliefs and expectations that lead someone with a social anxiety disorder to overestimate how bad a social interaction went?

cognitive-behavioral theorists

A therapist prescribes a client a drug that causes the patient to vomit every time he drinks alcohol. This therapist is MOST likely a(n):

cognitive-behavioral therapist.

Which therapy is an effective long-term, nonpharmacologic treatment for panic attack that involves teaching patients to interpret their physical sensations accurately?

cognitive-behavioral therapy

A patient with anorexia who says, "My self-worth is not dependent on my weight," has most likely received:

cognitive-behavioral therapy.

The therapy found to be most effective for treating phobias is:

cognitive-behavioral therapy.

While inflicting pain, perhaps unintentionally, on an animal or a person, a teenager may become sexually aroused and later turn out to be a sadist. The theory that BEST describes this example of the development of sadism is:


Compared with erectile disorder, early ejaculation is:

common among men of all ages.

A psychotherapist models appropriate social skills for a client with social anxiety disorder, then uses modeling for another client with a phobia for spiders. What the therapist is doing is:

common; modeling is often used in the treatment of these kinds of disorders.

A friend of yours says, "Yes, I support the right of people to commit suicide, especially if they are in a lot of pain or don't have long to live." In the United States, your friend's opinion is:

common; more than two-thirds of all Americans support the right to commit suicide under those circumstances.

Someone who fasts or exercises strenuously following a binge is engaging in:

compensatory behaviors.

SSRIs successfully treat paraphilias, MOST likely because of the similarity of the paraphilias to:

compulsive-like disorders.

If a new test for assessing anorexic tendencies produces scores comparable to those of other tests for assessing anorexic tendencies, then the new test has high:

concurrent validity.

When Marianela was a young child and watching TV with her mother, a mouse ran by. Her mother screamed, scaring her. Ever since then, Marianela has been afraid of mice. In this example, the mouse is the:

conditioned stimulus.

Factors other than the independent variable may also act on the dependent variable. If these factors vary systematically with the independent variable, they are called:


Cocaine abusers on an inpatient ward earn rewards—and eventual release from the program—if they produce periodic urine samples that are free of the drug. The program they are in is a form of:

contingency management.

The belief that the prefrontal cortex has a very important part to play in the development of depression is probably:

correct; unusually high activity in some parts and unusually low activity in other parts of the prefrontal cortex are associated with depression.

The degree to which events or characteristics vary with each other is described as:


The outer layer of the brain is the:


Parity laws for insurance coverage of mental health treatment mandate that:

coverage for mental and physical problems must be reimbursed equally.

A phobic person is taught to imagine the feared items as part of desensitization training. This is an example of the _____ technique.


Eduardo has a troublesome foot fetish. In therapy, he imagines a shoe and then immediately imagines an aversive stimulus. The behavioral approach being used is:

covert sensitization.

The MOST legitimate criticism of intelligence tests concerns their:

cultrual fairness

A society's _____ is(are) comprised of that society's history, values, institutions, habits, skills, technology, and arts.


The disorder marked by numerous periods of hypomanic symptoms and mild depressive symptoms is called:

cyclothymic disorder.

"Be loyal to your family" was what the child heard all the time while growing up, along with, "You shouldn't and can't do it on your own, so don't even try." A cognitive-behaviorist would say this kind of upbringing would be MOST likely to produce which of the personality disorders in the child when he or she reaches adulthood?

dependent personality disorder

According to the text, psychodynamic therapy seems especially well suited to treat:

dissociative amnesia.

People who are unable to recall important information about themselves, especially of an upsetting nature, are MOST likely experiencing:

dissociative amnesia.

An individual who formerly knew how to speak a foreign language and play a musical instrument can no longer remember how to do so as a result of a dissociative disorder. The dissociative disorder MOST likely present is:

dissociative identity.

The MOST common cognitive disturbance seen in individuals with anorexia nervosa is a:

distorted body image.

"It's all right to have sex with children as long as they agree." This is an example of the _____ often experienced by pedophiles.

distorted thinking

Morgan hears voices that others do not but she is not distressed by them. This illustrates that:

distress does not have to be present for a person's behavior to be considered abnormal.

Studies show that errors in diagnosis MOST commonly involve information gathered:

early in the assessment process and in a hospital setting.

Mason is receiving therapy for dissociative identity disorder. At which stage would family therapy MOST likely be included as part of therapy?

early on, when the therapist is trying to help the client recognize the nature of the disorder

A researcher spends 15 hours or more each day conducting experiments or doing library reading and recording observations on color-coded index cards. This person lives alone in the country but doesn't interfere with others' lives. The BEST description of the researcher's behavior is that it is:


Nikolai's grandmother has just baked cookies and is placing them on a cooling rack. Nikolai runs past, grabs some of the cookies, and runs away. This action MOST strongly suggests that the _____ is firmly in control of Nikolai.


A belief that unrelated events pertain to oneself in some important way is known as:

ideas of reference.

Clients who tend to see everything that occurs as either all right or all wrong, with nothing in between, need to focus on which phase of Beck's treatment for depression?

identifying negative thinking and biases

When dealing with a new client, the clinical practitioner's major focus is to gather which type of information?

idiographic information

The concordance rate for anorexia nervosa in identical twins is 70 percent. This means that:

if one identical twin has anorexia, there is a 70 percent chance that the other twin has anorexia too.

An exhibitionist exposes himself to another person. Which response from the victim would be LEAST satisfying to the exhibitionist?

ignoring the exhibitionist

The body's network of activities and cells that identify and destroy antigens and cancer cells is called the:

immune system.

One longitudinal study found that men who develop alcoholism were initially MORE:

impulsive as teenagers.

Based on a structured interview, Diagnostician A classifies an individual's personality disorder to be in the odd cluster. Based on another structured interview of the same type, Diagnostician B classifies an individual's personality disorder to be in the dramatic cluster. If what is described here is typical of what happens when that variety of structured interview is used, one would say the structured interview has:

low reliability.

A clinician has developed a new assessment tool. Clients write stories about their problems, and then two different judges independently evaluate the stories in terms of how logically they are written. Which UNIQUE reliability consideration applies to this type of assessment?

interrater reliability

If a panel of experts evaluates test results and clinical interviews with a client and all arrive at the same diagnosis, that diagnosis is said to have high:

interrater reliability

Neurochemically, both unipolar depression and bipolar disorder are associated with:

low serotonin activity.

Which is NOT one of the three categories of clinical assessment techniques used by mental health professionals?


The objective of the Human Genome Project was to:

map, or sequence, genes.

Surveys of highly successful therapists have reported that these therapists consistently try to promote self-mastery in their clients. From this finding, one can conclude that the technique of promoting self-mastery:

may help promote successful therapy outcomes in clients.

Bentley was driving over the same bridge he crossed every day on his way to work, but today nothing about the bridge or scenery felt familiar. What is this an example of?

jamais vu

Henry is drinking at a party. The first effects he experiences are changes in:


A primary prevention approach is expected to be MOST beneficial for mental health issues with:

known risk and protective factors.

David Rosenhan sent pseudopatients to a mental hospital, where they pretended to be disturbed. The results of this study led him to conclude that _____ greatly affects mental illness.


With mindfulness-based therapy techniques, clients would MOST likely be encouraged to:

let their thoughts flow, without judgment.

All of these are considered immediate stressors EXCEPT:

living in an abusive environment.

Which approach was LEAST likely to be used by an ancient Greek physician to treat someone believed to be suffering from an imbalance of the humors?


An older person retires and begins experiencing health problems. The person consequently loses contact with old friends and becomes unpleasant to be around. A cognitive-behaviorist would explain the resulting depression in terms of:

loss of positive social rewards.

An individual who has been diagnosed with a somatic symptom disorder would MOST likely first seek:

medical help.

Western health care professionals have only recently become aware of the effectiveness of _____ in relieving physical distress.


Luther experiences unshakable sadness. His friends have stopped trying to cheer him up because nothing works. An ancient Greek physician would have labeled his condition:


If a university had a first-year program designed to ease the transition from high school to college and to decrease the dropout rates, that program would have elements MOST similar to:

mental health prevention programs.

What does the process of covert sensitization for fetishism involve?

mentally pairing a fetish object with an aversive stimulus

Your worries are only thoughts. Don't try to stop them! Recognize that they're thoughts, and don't let them upset you so much. These statements MOST likely would come from someone using which form of therapy for generalized anxiety disorder?

mindfulness-based cognitive therapy

The idea that both partners share the accountability for sexual dysfunction is known as:

mutual responsibility.

Alexis has dissociative identity disorder. When one of her personalities, Jodi, is asked about another one, Tom, she claims ignorance. Tom has never heard of Jodi, either. This is called a:

mutually amnesic relationship.

What is the term for when all of the subpersonalities in a person with dissociative identity disorder are aware of one another?

mutually cognizant pattern

EMTs responding to an emergency call find a person who has injected an overdose of fentanyl, a synthetic opioid. The BEST opioid antagonist to use in this situation is:


A client is initially very resistant to therapy, cannot acknowledge weaknesses, and ignores feedback. MOST likely, the client is experiencing:

narcissistic personality disorder and will not make much progress in therapy.

Cal tends to fall asleep at the drop of a hat—while watching television, eating, and even driving. He would most likely be diagnosed with:


Hippocrates' contribution to the development of understanding mental illness was the view that such conditions were the result of:

natural causes.

A therapist's preferred method of assessing abnormal behavior is to watch clients in their everyday environments and record their activities and behaviors. This approach is known as:

naturalistic observation.

The five traits to be included in future revisions of the DSM-5 that utilize a dimensional approach in diagnosing personality disorders are:

negative affectivity, detachment, antagonism, disinhibition, psychoticism.

Cognitive-behavioral theorists explain depression in terms of a person's:

negative interpretation of events.

A group of diagnostic clinicians can't agree with each other on appropriate personality disorder diagnoses for several clients. In fact, it is obvious that, in many cases, they have made inaccurate diagnoses. Assuming they are competent clinicians, this situation would indicate that the DSM-5 categories for personality disorder are:

neither reliable nor valid.

Some individuals experience a normal interest in sex but choose not to engage in sexual relations. Such people would be diagnosed with:

no sexual dysfunction.

A person's levels of cortisol and norepinephrine are in the normal range. What is that person MOST likely experiencing?

no stress disorder

For teenagers, the highest suicide rates are found among:

non-Hispanic white Americans and American Indians.

Panic disorder appears to be related to abnormal activity of which neurotransmitter?


The abnormal activity of which neurotransmitter has been linked to traumatic events?


Unlike unipolar depression, bipolar depression is associated with high _____ activity.


If stress continues for an extended period of time, _____ give an inhibitory message to lymphocytes.

norepinephrine and corticosteroids

A U.S. teenager attempting suicide for the first time will MOST likely:

not succeed but may try again.

A present-day clinician uses terms like dementia and mental retardation for diagnostic categories. That clinician is using terms:

not used in DSM-5 but used in previous forms of the DSM.

A clinician's knowledge that a person about to be interviewed has already been diagnosed as having an anxiety disorder could lead to:

observer bias.

What are the persistent thoughts, ideas, impulses, or images that seem to invade a person's consciousness called?


Danique is never sure of the right thing to do. She married Anthony and has wondered for hours every day for years if that was the right decision. She is exhibiting:

obsessive doubts.

Because of similarities in presentation, people with illness anxiety disorder often receive the same kinds of treatments used to address symptoms of:

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The psychological disorder that anorexia nervosa MOST resembles is:

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

People with _____ are so preoccupied with order, perfection, and control that they lose all flexibility, openness, and efficiency.

obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

Family members are overinvolved in each other's lives but are affectionate and loyal. This description fits Salvador Minuchin's definition of an:

enmeshed family pattern.

What is the most common type of activity people perform when they want to relieve stress?

entertainment, such as watching television, listening to music, or reading

Stalkers sometimes have _____, which is/are defined as false belief(s) that they are loved by and are in a relationship with the object of their attention.

erotomanic delusions

When answering the telephone of a suicide hotline, the first step for the counselor is to:

establish a positive relationship.

Which finding would MOST STRONGLY support the assumption that learned helplessness is a potential cause of depression?

evidence from an experiment showing that when people are exposed to uncontrollable negative events, depressive symptoms follow

Therapies that have received clear research support are called:

evidence-based therapies.

A clinical psychologist says that she selects the best treatment for a client based on the current recommendations outlined in research studies. This clinical psychologist believes in using:

evidence-based treatment.

It is thought that people in prehistoric societies believed abnormal behavior resulted from:

evil spirits that invaded the body.

Erectile dysfunction occurs during the _____ phase of sexual arousal.


People with _____ keep picking at their skin, resulting in significant sores or wounds.

excoriation disorder

A person with hypertension would MOST likely:

exhibit no outward signs of disease.

If a person experienced anxiety or depression following a significant natural disaster, we would say that the person was:

exhibiting a typical reaction.

Humans are born with freedom, yet do not 'naturally' strive to reach their full growth potential. The psychologist who would MOST closely agree with this statement would be described as:


A therapist who believes people often hide from their responsibilities and therefore often feel alienated, depressed, and inauthentic would MOST likely be described as:


A person seeking help for a psychological abnormality is made to drink bitter herbal potions and then submit to a beating, in the hope that "evil spirits" will be driven from the person's body. This form of "therapy" is called:


To obtain the clearest and most accurate picture of the physical anatomy of the brain to aid in the diagnosis of a psychological disorder, the method of choice would be a(n):


You know, it really doesn't matter: One kind of psychotherapy is generally just about as good as any other. Someone who agrees with this statement is:

falling victim uniformity myth

Irene is schizophrenic. She and her family were struggling until they found other families with schizophrenic members who offered support, encouragement, and advice. Irene and her family are MOST likely be participating in:

family psychoeducational programs.

If a therapist advised you to pay attention to how you were communicating with family members and to change harmful patterns, the therapist would MOST likely to be practicing:

family therapy.

If relatives of a person with schizophrenia come to have more realistic expectations, reduce their guilt, and work on establishing better communication, they are probably receiving:

family therapy.

Critics of managed care programs for mental health services state that these programs:

favor treatments whose results are typically shorter lasting.

The primary motivating emotion a person with anorexia experiences is:


Therapists who often deliberately frustrate and challenge their clients, and who often use role-playing and a "here and now" orientation, are _____ therapists.


A new assessment tool does a good job of differentiating those people who later will be depressed and those people who will not be depressed. It also produces results similar to those of other tools for measuring depression. Therefore, the new assessment tool has:

good predictive validity and good concurrent validity.

Whenever Janice eats, her food always tastes incredibly sour. She believes someone is trying to poison her. Janice is most likely experiencing a(n) _____ hallucination.


Extreme emotions and the need to be the center of attention are characteristics of what kind of disorder?

histrionic disorder

Scarlett finds that she needs more than the 8 hours of sleep recommended for adults. If she gets less than 10 hours of sleep per night, she has difficulty concentrating, is forgetful, has problems driving, and cannot work effectively. Scarlett would most likely be diagnosed with:

hypersomnolence disorder.

Beyond its use in the control of pain, _____ has been used successfully to help treat such problems as skin diseases, asthma, insomnia, high blood pressure, warts, and other forms of infection.


The idea that children from single-parent families show more depression than those from two-parent families is a(n):


A theorist who believes that psychological factors are the primary causes of abnormal functioning adheres to the _____ perspective.


A torture victim who is subjected to threats of death, mock executions, and degradation is experiencing which type of torture?


Liam is known by others as a rebellious person who seems to have a complete disregard for rules and laws. He does what he wants, without regard for the consequences and without a sense of guilt. Some accuse him of being emotionally shallow. He would probably score high on the MMPI-2 scale called:

psychopathic deviate.

To study the effects of child-rearing styles in children, a researcher matches a group of 10 children raised using one parenting style a group of 10 similar children who have been raised using a different parenting style. All children chosen have similar characteristics, including age, sex, and race. This study design is an example of a(n):

quasi-experimental study.

If a therapist gave a client homework that required the client to challenge faulty assumptions and replace them with healthier ones, the therapist would be using:

rational-emotive therapy.

A man has cheated on his partner and he feels very guilty, but soon he begins to make excuses, saying that his partner has nagged him for years. The defense mechanism that BEST explains his behavior is:


A person knows he is being observed and changes his behavior to make a good impression. What is this known as?


Therapists who take a reinforcement approach while treating a conversion disorder would be MOST likely to focus on:

reducing the rewards available for displaying the disorder.

Lamar is having flashbacks. Which symptom of posttraumatic stress disorder does this represent?

reexperiencing the traumatic event

Avery, a 28-year-old woman, tells her therapist that she has an intense fear of snakes. She says she has been afraid of snakes since she was a child. Which additional criterion would suggest that Avery meets the diagnostic criteria for a specific phobia?

refusal to go to certain places where she believes snakes could be present, such as the lake

What is the most common long-term outcome of dieting to lose weight?

regaining the weight

Cora has just been prescribed lithium. In the initial period of its use, Cora should expect:

regular blood and laboratory test monitoring.

Cognitive-behavioral theorists believe that compulsive behavior is:

reinforced because engaging in it reduces anxiety.

A therapist is treating a client with a conversion disorder. The therapist is working to reduce the pleasurable outcomes associated with being sick and increase the rewards associated with being well. What is this technique called?


Joshua is a recovering alcoholic. After treatment, he learned how to recognize situations that might cause him to drink and signs that he should stop drinking. What is this known as?

relapse-prevention training

A technique used to treat pedophiles is to have them identify the situations that trigger pedophilic fantasies and then learn to avoid the situations or cope with them more effectively. This technique is called:

relapse-prevention training.

The mood and thoughts of suicidal people are MOST often characterized as:

sad and hopeless.

Which is NOT related to a fuller recovery from schizophrenia?

schizophrenia developing during late adolescence

A professor's office is a mess; graded tests are in piles on the desk, overflowing bookshelves line the walls, and research materials from years ago occupy boxes on the floor where there is only a narrow pathway to walk. If the professor is experiencing a diagnosable disorder, it would MOST likely be in which category?

obsessive-compulsive-related disorders

"It seems to me that people with illness anxiety disorder simply model what they see others doing." A person with which theoretical view would be MOST likely to make this statement?

one with the cognitive-behavioral view

Juanita has dissociative identity disorder. Big Tony and Smart Alice are two personalities who are aware of all of the others. None of her other personalities is aware of the others. This would be called a:

one-way amnesic relationship.

In a case of dissociative identity disorder, Lorna is aware of the existence of Jerry and Chris, but Jerry and Chris are not aware of the existence of the other personalities. This form of subpersonality relationship is called:

one-way amnesic.

Mason's parents always pay special attention to him when he takes toys from his little sister. As such, he continues to steal her toys. This is an example of:

operant conditioning

When a child yells and threatens others, he or she is placed in a time-out, away from the group. During the time-out, no one interacts with the child. The child learns to interact with others without yelling. This is an example of behavior modification using:

operant conditioning.

When a young child yells and throws toys (i.e., throws a temper tantrum), the parents give the child a good deal of attention. Over time, the temper tantrums become more and more common. A behavioral psychologist would say that the temper tantrums result from:

operant conditioning.

The drug that, when misused, would MOST quickly result in dependence or addiction would be:


When Mathias did not get a job for which he applied, he was sure that everything was going wrong, that his life was completely off track. This thought is an example of:


A person is sweating, experiencing shortness of breath, choking, feeling dizzy, and afraid of dying. Assuming this event is not a heart attack, but rather an indicator of anxiety disorder, it is MOST likely a:

panic attack

Sebastian was outside the parking garage when, out of nowhere, he suddenly felt overwhelming fear. Sebastian noticed that his fear increased, he started to feel out of control, and the intensity of the feelings seemed to reach a peak and then pass within a few minutes. This is an example of a:

panic attack.

Every once in a while, Ona feels nervous to the point of terror. This feeling seems to come on suddenly and randomly. Her experience is an example of a(n):

panic disorder

The sociocultural model of abnormality focuses on all of these factors EXCEPT:

past traumatic experiences.

Which feature is NOT common in managed care programs?

patient choice in number of therapy sessions

The proper conclusion from research studies that show a relationship between devout religious people who see God as warm and caring and psychological health is that:

people who are more devout are also psychologically healthier.

Nicholas has an intense fear of dogs that won't go away. He avoids looking at pictures of dogs, and sometimes he can't even leave the house when neighbors are walking their dogs. This kind of fear would be classified as which kind of disorder?

phobic disorder

A "fake" pill used as the control condition in a drug study is a:


A researcher finds that individuals who report large numbers of "hassles" in their lives usually also report higher levels of stress. Those who report fewer hassles generally report lower levels of stress. The correlation between number of hassles and stress level is:


Which is NOT a type of major depressive disorder?


Although all of the following mental disorders are of concern for increased suicide risk, the LEAST likely to be linked to suicide is:

posttraumatic stress disorder.

After a student suicide, the school staff are educated about suicide, and increased student counseling sessions are made available. This is an example of:


In explaining why women are diagnosed with anxiety disorders and depression twice as often as men, multicultural therapists would focus on:

prejudice and discrimination faced by women.

The approach to therapy for mental illness in which a person pays a psychotherapist for services is called:

private psychotherapy.

The use of methadone in drug maintenance programs is controversial because methadone:

produces withdrawal that is sometimes more difficult than heroin withdrawal.

During an examination, a clinician administers a test in which clients create narratives after viewing a series of pictures that depict city skylines. This test is most likely a:

projective test.

A school's star athlete commits suicide. To prevent further student suicides, the school should:

provide postvention.

A flash flood hits a small Appalachian community. Those providing a critical incident stress debriefing intervention would:

provide short-term counseling services.

Ethan is consumed with concern that his house will burn down. Before he leaves, he makes sure that all his appliances are unplugged. He often has to go back home and check to make sure he did not leave any plugged in. Which MMPI-2 scale would he MOST likely score high on?

psychasthenia scale

A general term used for Freud's, Adler's, and Jung's theories is:


In general, object relations theorists follow the _____ perspective.


Some _____ therapists believe that people who are emotionally detached and who use power to form relationships may do so because of a lack of parental love.


The theoretical position that explains the origin of anxiety disorders as the overrun of defense mechanisms by neurotic or moral anxiety is the _____ approach.


Which theoretical model is supported by the finding that losses that happen early in life, such as the death of a father, are associated with depression later in life?


What kind of clinician would be MOST likely to say, "Tell me about any early losses you experienced," to a client?

psychodynamic clinician

Nari was taking the bar exam and was concerned that she didn't know the answers to many of the questions. She could see the answers of the person next to her and briefly considered copying his answers. She ultimately decided not to copy, knowing that doing so was wrong. The force that is in control in this example is the:


All the following are part of Beck's theory of depression EXCEPT:

symbolic loss.

Stress leads to increased activity by the:

sympathetic nervous system

In response to a threat, we perspire, breathe more quickly, get goosebumps, and feel nauseated. These responses are controlled by the:

sympathetic nervous system.

Messages moving from neuron to neuron must cross tiny spaces called:


Symptoms such as sadness, loss of appetite, and low energy cluster together to form a:


Someone who drinks alcohol and takes Valium is at risk of death because the substances create a(n):

synergistic effect.

Dylan is suffering from arachnophobia. His therapist first has him go through relaxation training, and then has him construct a fear hierarchy. Finally, the therapist has Dylan go through a phase of graded pairings of spiders and relaxation responses. This approach is called:

systematic desensitization.

Probably the WORST thing a person who has "partied hard" with alcohol could do right after drinking would be to:

take some barbiturates to fall asleep.

A heroin overdose is likely to occur in someone who:

takes heroin for a while, stops for a time, then starts again, taking the same amount he or she last took.

A positive psychologist would MOST likely focus on:

teaching coping skills that can be used to manage stress.

Assume that a recent local suicide attempt was clearly a case of modeling. The person who would MOST likely model another's suicide would be a(n):


A therapist videoconferences a client to conduct a session. This is an example of what kind of care?

telemental health

Regarding emotions, the pattern common in bulimia from pre-binge, through binge, to post-binge is BEST described in sequence as:

tension, powerlessness, shame.

Providing treatment as soon as it is needed so problems that are moderate or worse do not become long-term issues is called:

tertiary prevention.

Self-help programs use _____ as evidence for their effectiveness.


Which hormone can cause decreased sexual desire when present in low but not high levels?


According to Jerome Frank, all forms of therapy have three essential features: a sufferer who seeks relief, a trained and socially accepted healer, and a(n):

series of contacts between the sufferer and the healer.

Which of these are neurotransmitters associated with unipolar depression?

serotonin and norepinephrine

The avoidance theory of generalized anxiety disorder suggests that worrying:

serves to reduce bodily arousal.

The difference between bipolar I disorder and bipolar II disorder is the:

severity of the manic episodes.

From a psychological perspective, early ejaculation is usually the result of:

sexual inexperience.

A person with _____ is repeatedly and intensely sexually aroused by the act of being humiliated, beaten, or made to suffer.

sexual masochism disorder

The Middle Ages condition of mass madness referred to a large group of people who:

shared delusions and hallucinations.

If a client-centered therapist were treating a very anxious woman, the therapist would try to:

show unconditional positive regard for the client's statements.

Research studies evaluating how effective individual therapies are at treating particular disorders have commonly reported:

significant differences among therapies.

A common trigger seen in both adolescent suicides and suicides at other age levels is:

significant loss.

Compared with the number of patients hospitalized in U.S. mental hospitals in the 1950s, the number of hospitalized patients today is:

significantly less.

Treatments used to treat binge-eating disorder are typically:

similar to those used to treat bulimia nervosa.

To be classified as having male hypoactive sexual desire disorder, a man would have a reduced interest in sex and engage in little sexual activity, with these conditions lasting:

six months.

Based on studies of Miss America Pageant winners and Playboy models, future winners of the Miss America Pageant will likely be:

smaller than those in the past.

Which disorder is characterized by severe, persistent, and irrational anxiety about social or performance situations in which the person may face scrutiny by others and possibly feel embarrassment?

social anxiety disorder

Manuel is afraid of eating in public because he expects to be judged negatively and to feel humiliated. As a result, he makes up excuses when asked out to eat. His diagnosis would probably be:

social anxiety disorder.

Multicultural theorists would explain the higher levels of mental illness among poor people as MOST likely due to:

social factors leading to stress.

People with little sense of "belongingness," who live alone and experience frequent conflicts with others, and who believe they have limited social support are experiencing:

social isolation.

Several techniques, such as modeling and role-play, are combined to treat social anxiety disorder in:

social skills training

Which individual would be MOST likely to receive a diagnosis of factitious disorder?

someone who purposefully drinks gasoline and then seeks treatment for an unknown stomach ailment

Which depressed person would be the LEAST likely to be diagnosed with a mental disorder because of the specific circumstances present in his or her life?

someone whose community was recently destroyed by a hurricane

Current multicultural perspectives are MOST likely to focus on the:

special external pressures faced by members of a culture.

Internet use disorder MOST accurately refers to people who:

spend all or most of their waking hours online.

Laurent has three subpersonalities. Fiona emerges when Laurent is in an awkward social situation, Grace surfaces during sporting events, and Carlos appears when Laurent is angry. The therapist believes that the mood and conditions under which each subpersonality appears are critical to understanding this disorder, demonstrating a belief in:

state-dependent learning.

When clinicians assign a diagnosis, they are saying that the pattern of dysfunction is basically the same as one that has been displayed by many other people. This is MOST important because it means:

the clinician can better predict which treatments will be effective.

The clinical interview can be used as an assessment tool, but it is limited by:

the clinician's possible overreliance on first impressions.

A clinical interviewer is interested in stimuli that trigger abnormal responses, the resultant consequences, and the client's assumptions and interpretation. This is MOST indicative of which psychological orientation?

the cognitive-behavioral orientation

Increasingly concerned about my minor heartbeat irregularities, I think that my health is being threatened; more and more often I misinterpret my body's normal signals. Which viewpoint BEST explains my experiences?

the cognitive-behavioral viewpoint

What is the part of the brain MOST closely associated with the control of eating and body weight?

the hypothalamus

Suicide rates in the weeks after Kurt Cobain's suicide held steady, contrary to the modeling effect seen with other celebrity suicides. The text notes that a possible reason for this was:

the media coverage of the event, which included a "Don't do it!" message.

A professional health-care provider has evidence that a patient has intentionally faked her illness. To determine whether the patient is malingering or experiencing a factitious disorder, what must be examined?

the motivation the patient has for assuming the sick role

If a person taking lithium began experiencing nausea, vomiting, sluggishness, tremors, and seizures, one would suspect that:

the person is experiencing lithium intoxication.

Which example would you expect to negatively influence an adolescent girl's body image?

the photo manipulation of images that make women look thinner than they are in real life

The chief danger of LSD use is:

the possibility of very powerful, sometimes negative, reactions.

Which theoretical perspective suggests that the loss of loved ones and self-directed aggression causes suicide?

the psychodynamic perspective

What is the movement that has tried to find the common factors and strategies that "good" therapists use?

the rapprochement movement

Jonas has a sexual dysfunction. Which phase of the sexual response cycle would he NOT experience difficulty with?

the resolution phase

The assumption behind the use of projective tests as assessment tools is that:

the responses come from the client's unconscious.

Charlotte has low sexual desire. Her therapist thinks her reduced sex drive could have a sociocultural cause. Which of these would not be a possible explanation?

the use of pain medication

Compared with men, women are _____ to develop generalized anxiety disorder.

twice as likely

To receive a diagnosis of persistent depressive disorder with dysthymic syndrome, an individual must have experienced symptoms for at least:

two years.

A man diagnosed with unipolar depression exhibited his first diagnosable symptoms when he was about 40 years old. Among those experiencing unipolar depression, his case is:

uncommon; the average age of diagnosis is early adulthood and depression is more common in women.

Which is NOT a component of social anxiety disorder, according to research by cognitive theorists?

underestimating how badly a social event actually went

A clinical psychologist who is asked how he decides on the best treatment says "Simple: I make sure to read the most recent research studies in therapy and follow their advice." This clinical psychologist is:

unusual; most therapists base therapy decisions on something other than what they can read in research journals.

The spouse of an elderly individual in the United States has recently died; the individual was experiencing clinical depression before the spouse's death. The suicide risk for this individual is:

very high; both death of a spouse and depression are related to an elevated suicide risk.

At a workshop about dissociative identity disorder, a therapist says, "In my experience, once integration begins, the need for therapy is practically over; later dissociations just don't happen." This therapist's experience is:

very unusual; most successful therapies last well beyond the beginning of integration.

A phobic person is exposed to computer graphics that simulate real-world situations. This is an example of the _____ technique.

virtual reality

A feeling of detachment from oneself could be diagnosed as PTSD or depersonalization disorder. To determine which diagnosis BEST fits, one would consider:

which symptoms predominated.

Research on the relationship between religious beliefs and psychological health shows that people:

who are devout and see God as caring and helpful are the healthiest.

A participant observer experiencing overload would MOST likely say, "I simply can't:

write down all the important things I'm seeing."

The first time the patient reported vague chest pains to a 911 operator, local EMTs responded with obvious attention and concern. Over the next several months, the patient called 911 more and more often, receiving the same concerned care for the same symptoms. This pattern of patient response is MOST easily explained by which theoretical perspective?

the cognitive-behavioral perspective

Drug dependence may develop because one finds drug use rewarding when it reduces tension. A person with which view of substance abuse would MOST likely agree with this statement?

the cognitive-behavioral view

The three MOST common factors that contribute to a positive treatment outcome are client factors, therapist factors, and:

the client-therapist relationship.

A psychologist constructs a comprehensive view of what is causing and maintaining a person's abnormal behavior. This is referred to as:

the clinical picture.

A health care provider prescribes disulfiram (Antabuse) for a client with alcoholism. The drug causes severe vomiting if a person drinks alcohol while taking the drug. Why might this treatment be effective in preventing alcohol use even after the client stops taking the drug?

The client is classically conditioned to associate drinking with the negative experience of vomiting.

What does the client do when the modeling approach is used to treat a phobia?

The client observes the therapist confronting the feared object.

Which of these is the MOST accurate conclusion regarding the use of Viagra and related drugs to treat erectile disorders?

The drugs work approximately 75 percent of the time and are often given without first assessing what is causing the original problem.

Which of the following is NOT a weakness of the biological model of abnormal behavior?

The effectiveness of biological treatments cannot be objectively evaluated.

Why do some researchers believe mass psychogenic illnesses will increase and become more severe in the future?

The power of social media will increase.

Why is the psychodynamic model difficult to research?

The processes described in this model occur at an unconscious level.

Which statement is TRUE about the participation of women in the mental health professions?

The profession with the highest percentage of women practitioners is social work.

A researcher conducts an experiment on a rat. In the experiment, the researcher stimulates the rat's lateral hypothalamus. What is MOST likely to happen?

The rat will feel hungry.

If bipolar disorder is genetically linked, then which of the following research findings, if obtained, would be the least likely?

The rate of bipolar disorder has increased steadily over the past decade.

Why do people object to Viagra and similar drugs being voluntarily covered by health insurance companies but why do they fail to object to birth control pills not being covered unless mandated by law?

The reason may be the sexual double standard; sex is considered okay for men but not for women.

Which description BEST indicates how tricyclics work upon ingestion?

The reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin are blocked, norepinephrine or serotonin remains in the synapse longer; and there is increased stimulation of receiving neurons.

Which statement about unipolar depression is TRUE?

The vast majority of individuals with unipolar depression recover within 6 months, sometimes without treatment.

Which statement BEST describes the effectiveness of suicide prevention programs?

Their effectiveness is difficult to measure.

According to weight set point theory, which is a consequence of dieting below one's weight set point?

There is an increase in hunger.

Which conclusion could be drawn about the current theories of gender differences in relation to depression?

They all have some supporting evidence, but they all also have some research findings they cannot explain.

Why might some clinicians favor removing gender dysphoria from the DSM?

They believe the stigma of being transgender is what leads to distress.

Which of these describes conversion disorders in men?

They occur approximately half as often as they do in women.

What is the biggest difference between treatment outcomes for persons with agoraphobia and persons with specific phobias?

Treatment of agoraphobia brings less relief to individuals than do the highly successful treatments for specific phobias,

In what way did the experiments performed by Bernheim and Liébault provide support for the psychogenic perspective of abnormality?

Using hypnosis, they could produce artificial symptoms such as blindness in healthy subjects.

Which statement is TRUE regarding war veterans' risk of suicide once they return home?

War veterans are about twice as likely as nonveterans to commit suicide.

Which statement is NOT true regarding gender and suicide?

Women succeed at committing suicide more often than men do.

What do we know about the inheritance of PTSD?

Women who have high cortisol levels tend to have children with high cortisol levels.

How concerned should we be about victims of sexual assault and terror? Is there a very great risk that they will experience PTSD?

Yes, the risk is great; more than one-third of sexual assault victims and about half of terror victims experience PTSD.

Which individual is the one MOST likely to commit suicide?

a 40-year-old with low serotonin activity

Nate took a drug and a few minutes later felt calm. He then became drowsy and went to sleep. Nate MOST likely took:

a barbiturate.

A clinical diagnostician is dissatisfied with tests that cannot specify the type of brain damage or brain impairment that clients have. The BEST suggestion for that diagnostician would be to use:

a battery of neuropsychological tests

Which description BEST defines self-injury?

a behavioral pattern of mutilating oneself or causing oneself pain

A young man commits suicide. His father and uncle committed suicide at about his age as well. Which explanation of suicide MOST easily explains the young man's suicide?

a biological explanation

Samuel cannot leave for work without going back into his house and making sure that he has taken all of his writing materials. He does this several times before he allows himself to start the car and drive to work. He is frequently late for work because he is so unsure about remembering everything. Samuel is displaying:

a checking compulsion.

What kind of response inventory asks individuals to provide detailed information about their typical thoughts and assumptions?

a cognitive inventory

Which does NOT characterize stress disorders?

a compulsive need to engage in activities that remind one of the event

A theorist who views therapists as teachers of more functional behavior and thought is MOST likely to view abnormality as a(n):

a problem in living.

Which person is MOST likely to develop severe unipolar depression based on their demographic characteristics?

a teenage boy who lives in poverty

The developmental psychopathology perspective of depression can be characterized as:

a view that ties together many of the factors that are included in other theories.

Which person is MOST likely to be diagnosed with depression?

a woman from the United States who has lived in poverty all her life

During which period of life does frotteurism typically develop?


According to Masters and Johnson, performance anxiety may result in a man:

adopting a spectator role during sexual activity.

Which of the following is the phobia MOST often associated with panic disorder?


What kind of response inventory asks about one's level of anxiety, depression, or anger?

an affective inventory

Which individual would MOST clearly fit into the biosocial theory of the development of borderline personality disorder?

an individual who has difficulty controlling internal emotions and parents who mislabel those emotions

Compared with people with anorexia nervosa, MOST people with bulimia:

are of a more normal weight.

A compulsion to keep placing certain items (such as clothing, books, or foods) in perfect order in accordance with strict rules is a:

balance compulsion.

William takes two drugs at the same time and experiences antagonistic effects. William most likely took which combination of drugs?barbiturates and cocaine

barbiturates and cocaine

If the psychodynamic explanation for suicide is correct, then suicide rates should:

be lower among those persons who experienced symbolic loss as children.

Which medications work primarily by enhancing the effectiveness of GABA?


Statistically speaking, which eating disorder is a male most likely to develop?

binge-eating disorder

In a research setting, a drug is given to a person. The drug causes that person to hyperventilate and experience a rapid heart rate. This is a(n):

biological challenge test.

Hippocrates believed that treatment for mental disorders should involve:

bringing the four body humors back into balance.

How can exercise can help alleviate depression?

by producing social interactions

Individuals experiencing dissociative amnesia sometimes are given sodium amobarbital or sodium pentobarbital because those drugs:

calm people and reduce their inhibitions.

A major limitation of treating generalized anxiety disorder with antipsychotic medication is that these medications:

can produce serious side effects.

What are the chief sources of data used to support the psychodynamic theories of dissociative identity disorder?

case studies

A psychologist does a study of an individual that involves history-taking, tests, and interviews of associates. A clear picture is then constructed of this individual so that her behavior is better understood. This study is a(n):

case study

DSM-5, like its predecessor, DSM-IV-TR, identifies 10 personality disorders utilizing a:

categorical approach.

Kanaye has an erratic sleep cycle each month, regardless of what actions he takes. A typical cycle follows: Week 1: falls asleep around 6:00 P.M. and wakes around 2:00 A.M. Week 2: goes to sleep around 10:00 P.M. and wakes around 6:00 A.M. Week 3: cannot fall asleep until around 2:00 A.M., and then wakes around 10:00 A.M. Week 4: unable to fall asleep until 6:00 A.M. and wakes around 3:00 A.M. The appropriate diagnosis in this case is:

circadian rhythm disorder.

Mario felt awake and alive as though he could conquer the world. He MOST likely used:


Colton has dissociative identity disorder. Fat Freddy and Carmen are two personalities who are aware of all of the others but do not interact with them. Fat Freddy and Carmen would be described as:


A therapist describes a patient who believes her personal worth is tied to each task she performs. She draws negative conclusions from very little evidence, amplifies minor mistakes into major character flaws, and suffers from repetitive thoughts that remind her of her flaws. You conclude that the therapist holds which theoretical orientation?


A client with autism is being simultaneously treated by a psychiatrist and a psychologist. This represents a:

combined approach

What is thought to be the cause of vaginismus, the involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles?

conditioning of a fear response

The group of hormones that are referred to as "stress hormones" are:


When a person is under stress, the HPA pathway releases:


Commonly accepted features of abnormality include deviance, distress, dysfunction, and:


One way a clinician might try to reduce observer drift would be to:

decrease the lengths of the observation periods.

Chronic and excessive use of benzodiazepines may cause:

decreased production of GABA.

In the twenty-first century in the United States, the number of diagnosed cases per year of dissociative identity disorder has:


According to Freud, a generalized anxiety disorder is MOST likely to result when:

defense mechanisms are too weak to cope with anxiety.

The paradigm, or model, adopted by people in the Middle Ages to explain abnormal behavior was the _____ model.


An individual has been diagnosed with a dissociative disorder. However, the individual has very good recall of previous life events and has a strong sense of self. The MOST likely diagnosis for this individual is:

depersonalization disorder.

A newly developed drug causes users to lose some muscle control and slur their words. The drug also results in a slowing of central nervous system activity. MOST likely this drug is a:


Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is used MOST often in the treatment of:


When a person feels that the external world is removed, mechanical, distorted, or even dead, he or she is experiencing:


The most commonly occurring sleeplessness-produced problem is:

difficulty concentrating.

Which event in the 1950s led to improvements in biological treatments for mental disorders?

discovery of psychotropic medications

Physicians in the early 1900s tried all of the following medical (biological) treatments for mental illness, EXCEPT:

electroconvulsive therapy

Studies that determine the incidence and prevalence of a disorder in a particular population are called:

epidemiological studies.

People experiencing dyspareunia:

experience pain during sex.

A campus newspaper publishes an Exam Anxiety test that newspaper staffers put together one evening just before their publishing deadline. Despite its hasty construction, the test MOST likely has:

face validity.

When people with gender dysphoria take hormones, it is in an attempt to:

facilitate their living as the other gender.

Gestalt therapy is similar to mindfulness techniques in its emphasis on:

focusing on the here and now.

The perceptual distortions that some drugs produce are called:


The individual MOST at risk of suicide is someone who:

has become increasingly introverted and has adopted an overall more pessimistic outlook.

Women tolerate alcohol less well than men because they:

have less of a stomach enzyme that breaks down alcohol.

A person was recently diagnosed with social anxiety disorder. A BEST guess is that the person is in _____ school and is _____ likely than average to have a close relative with social anxiety disorder.

high; more

The _____ operates in accord with the pleasure principle.


In a scientific experiment, the variable that is manipulated or controlled by the experimenter is called the:

independent variable

GABA acts by:

inhibiting neuronal firing in the brain.

Detoxification procedures may involve any of the following EXCEPT:

initially increasing the substance dose to make the substance aversive.

Difficulty falling asleep or maintaining sleep is called:


Melanie has been out with friends and using drugs. Despite being obviously uncoordinated and under the influence, she wants to drive her car. Her condition is an example of:


Symptoms of vaginismus always include:

involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles.

A person who believes that everything is a disaster and nothing good will ever happen again when things are not the way he or she would like them to be is displaying:

irrational assumptions.

A person engages in multiple online discussions with a large number of friends on Facebook. She is very open about herself and shares her thoughts and opinions freely. Based on related research, we would expect this person to have a _____ number of offline friends and to _____ share information with them.

large; openly

A person experiencing a panic disorder is MOST likely to also have a fear of:

leaving home

With its emphasis on abstract human values and responsibility, the humanistic-existential model does all of the following EXCEPT:

lend itself easily to research.

Compared with a migraine headache, the pain associated with a muscle contraction headache is typically:

less severe.

A researcher finds a strong positive correlation between ratings of life stress and symptoms of depression. The researcher may therefore be confident that:

life stress and depression are related.

Depression is more common in women because they experience more taxing life situations, such as poverty and menial jobs, than men. This is the:

life stress theory.

Which of these is the most likely trigger for relapse for people with bulimia and for people with anorexia?

life stresses

Dominic has never been able to achieve or maintain an erection for sexual intercourse, which means he would MOST likely be diagnosed with _____ erectile dysfunction.


According to the intolerance of uncertainty theory, individuals with generalized anxiety disorder are:

likely to have difficulty tolerating the knowledge that a negative event may occur.

Research indicates that the students MOST likely to binge drink:

live in a sorority or fraternity house.

Cluster suicides may involve high suicide rates among teenagers who:

live on certain American Indian reservations.

Two people of the same gender consume the same amount of alcohol in the same amount of time. Nevertheless, one of them sobers up substantially sooner than the other. MOST likely, this difference is due to differences in:

liver function; some people's livers metabolize alcohol faster than others' livers.

The textbook authors describe the treatment of mental illness in the early 1600s as a forerunner to community mental health programs because:

local residents provided housing, food, and companionship to the mentally ill.

What is the most common type of dissociative amnesia?

localized amnesia

Biological researchers have found a link between suicide and:

low activity levels of serotonin.

A study of informed consent forms showed that:

many research participants don't understand them.

A researcher reports that a drug directly stimulates a reward center in the brain rather than acting through indirect stimulation of a reward center. The drug the researcher is studying could be any of the following drugs EXCEPT:


What is key to our sense of identity?


Which of these is a side effect of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)?

memory loss

Brooklyn learns to turn on the TV by watching her older brother turn it on. This form of learning is called:


A woman has just been diagnosed with postpartum depression. MOST likely, she will:

neither progress to postpartum psychosis nor physically harm her child.

A person attempts to eliminate unwanted thoughts by thinking or behaving in ways that put matters right internally. They are trying to ____ the thoughts.


Where would one be MOST likely to see the sentence, "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"?

on a pro-anorexia Web site

In the United States today, one is MOST likely to find a severely ill mental patient:

on the street or in jail.

Which of these is a feature of Alcoholics Anonymous?

peer support

Which of the following is the LEAST common predictor of suicide?

physical illness

People in an occupation with a particularly high rate of suicide are:

police officers.

Those MOST at risk of becoming a victim of a pedophile are:

prepubescent girls.

After Caroline's plane crashed but she survived, her mother came to stay with her. Her friends visited often and went to lunch and dinner with Caroline occasionally. This situation probably contributed to Caroline's coping ability after the accident. Which of these factors was present for Caroline?

presence of social support

A community program works to lower the poverty rate. What kind of principle of mental health care is exhibited by this approach?


A clinician wishes to begin a drug abuse prevention campaign in a community. The most important thing the clinician can do is to:

provide a consistent message across the media about drug abuse.

If a biological explanation for suicide is valid, then which activity ought to lower the possibility of a person attempting suicide?

raising the person's serotonin level

Teaching people to relax their muscles at will is a form of:

relaxation training.

Ruminative responses are defined as:

repeatedly mentally dwelling on one's mood without acting to change it.

If a clinician wanted to know more detailed information about a person's functioning in a specific area, the clinician would use a:

response inventory.

People with _____ personality disorder display a range of interpersonal problems marked by extreme discomfort in close relationships, very odd patterns of thinking and perceiving, and behavioral eccentricities.


A person who systematically gathers information so as to describe, predict, and explain abnormality is called a clinical:


Which has been proposed as a possible cause of dissociative disorders?


The levels of _____ are low in many people with depression as well as in those with eating disorders.


Topher often goes to urgent care for a wide variety of physical symptoms. However, no matter what his symptoms are, the healthcare providers never observe physical evidence that explains why the symptoms occur. Topher likely has a:

somatic symptom disorder.

Research shows that danger to self or others is found in:

some cases of abnormal functioning.

An important factor to consider when prescribing drugs for the treatment of abnormality would be that:

some people do not benefit from drug treatments.

After a person completes a successful ECT treatment of depression, current research suggests:

some type of continuation or maintenance therapy is needed.

For which individual is recovery from anorexia MOST likely?

someone who is a teenager rather than a young adult

Which individual is MOST at risk for suicide?

someone who was diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer

A clinician follows predetermined steps while administering a clinical assessment tool, then measures the results against a norm. This is an example of:


The statement, "This is awful, but I guess I can deal with it like I do everything else," represents one person's:

stress response.

Having to walk the dog several times a day when it is raining is an example of a:


Case studies are useful for:

studying unusual problems

Which structure is a distinct part of the depression-related brain circuit?

subgenual cingulate

Lydia smokes two packs of cigarettes a day, drinks heavily, and eats poorly. Her lifestyle ultimately contributes to shortening her life. Shneidman would classify her death as a(n):

subintentional death.

A college professor's work performance has recently deteriorated, and his colleagues find him difficult to talk to. If this is due to a problem with drugs, the best description of this professor's behavior would be:

substance use disorder.

DSM-5 includes gambling disorder as an addictive disorder, along with substance use disorders. This change is considered important because it:

suggests that people may become addicted to behaviors, not just substances.

Which statement is TRUE regarding suicide as a mental disorder?

suicidal behavior is not classified as a mental disorder in DSM-5, but it represents psychological dysfunction.

According to Freud's psychodynamic theory, the part of the personality that operates by the morality principle is the:


Researchers have found that when an identical twin has unipolar depression, there is a 38 percent chance that the other twin has already had or will eventually have the same disorder. A fraternal twin is only 20 percent likely to have the same disorder. This finding:

supports the idea that people may inherit a predisposition for developing unipolar depression.

What is the MOST common outcome for individuals treated for anorexia nervosa?

sustained restoration of weight and medical improvements

A client who has been talking calmly and rationally suddenly begins whining and complaining like a spoiled child. If that client suffers from true dissociative identity disorder, the client just experienced:


Unconsciously interpreting the loss of a valued object as the loss of a loved one is referred to as _____ loss.


Studies report that most therapists are MOST likely to learn about the latest information on the treatment of psychological disorders from:

talking with professional colleagues.

Which explanation of phobias states the belief that human beings, as a species, have a predisposition to develop certain fears?

the behavioral-evolutionary explanation

The strongest evidence for the cause of bipolar disorders BEST supports which theoretical perspective?

the biological perspective

Which of the following is a particular strength of the clinical interview process?

the chance to get a general sense of the client

Munchausen syndrome by proxy is MOST likely to adversely affect the physical well-being of:

the child of the person experiencing it.

In females, the labia swells during which phase of the sexual response cycle?

the desire phase

Which perspective assumes that the likelihood of depression is increased by the presence of several factors and the sequence in which they unfold?

the developmental psychopathology perspective

Which is likely to be useful in distinguishing conversion or somatic symptom disorders from true medical problems?

the failure of a condition to develop as expected

You would expect to see the biggest impact of lithium on which part of the neuron?

the firing of the receiving neuron

Quent recently quit using heroin. He won't eat, has a high fever, and has been vomiting frequently. Quent is MOST likely how far along in the withdrawal process?

the first two to three days

Most sex therapists are uneasy about the recent reliance on drug treatments for sexual disorders because:

the integrated approach to therapy might be ignored.

The incidence of HIV-positive cases on campus tells you:

the number of new HIV-positive cases measured in a time period.

If schizophrenia depended solely on genetic make-up, then compared to rates of schizophrenia in siblings in general, fraternal twins should have:

the same concordance rate for schizophrenia.

When Kelly was in a passenger plane, he watched as all four engines quit at once and then saw the plane explode. From 5,000 feet in the air, he landed, severely injured, in deep snow in a heavily wooded area. When he regained consciousness several weeks later, he had a stress reaction that lasted for years, and he could never fly again. The factor that probably MOST contributed to his extreme posttraumatic stress reaction was:

the severity of the trauma.

The term sensate focus refers to the technique in which:

the sexual relationship is rebuilt, concentrating on pleasure.

Which theoretical orientation would support the finding that Westerners experience more psychological symptoms of depression than do others around the world?

the sociocultural theoretical orientation

Lucy is considering taking an antidepressant that increases levels of serotonin and improves brain function for symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. She could expect that:

this medication would lead to short-term relief, but relapse would occur if she stopped taking it.

A stimulating current is sent through a patient's prefrontal cortex in:

transcranial magnetic stimulation

The brain stimulation technique that uses an electromagnetic coil placed on or above a person's head to send electrical current into certain areas of the brain is called:

transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).

All of the following are current trends in sex therapy EXCEPT:

treating only those without other serious psychological problems.

Andy, who is dependent on alcohol, is experiencing delirium tremens. This reaction is:

uncommon, starting w/in 3 days after one stops drinking

Bulimia is always characterized by:

uncontrollable overeating.

Which is NOT a treatment for female orgasmic disorder?

using the squeeze technique

A woman who is inserting dilators into her vagina in a nondemand manner is probably being treated for:


Among the biological treatments for depression, which one uses an implanted pulse generator?

vagus nerve stimulation

One strength of intelligence tests is their:

very high reliability and fairly high validity.

Deviant behavior is behavior that:

violates the society's norms.

Which of these was NOT one of Philippe Pinel's reforms at La Bicêtre?

weekly feasts tailored to each patient's diet

When would religious rituals and superstitious behavior (such as not stepping on cracks) be considered compulsive behaviors?

when they interfere with daily function and cause distress

One limitation of the sociocultural approach to understanding generalized anxiety disorders is that it cannot explain:

why everyone who experiences danger doesn't experience generalized anxiety.

A person who experiences which incident is at the GREATEST risk of developing posttraumatic stress disorder?

witnessing a friend die from being shot point-blank

An example of a meta-worry is demonstrated by someone who:

worries about worrying.

A high school student asks you, "What's the big deal about using pot at school, anyway? It's not going to hurt me." You want to correct this misconception. The MOST accurate reply you can give is:

"Being high makes it harder for you to remember what you just learned, even if you try to concentrate."

Compared with a therapist with a psychodynamic view, what would a therapist with a cognitive-behavioral view be most likely to ask someone whom he or she suspected might have a somatic symptom disorder?

"Has any friend of yours had similar symptoms recently?"

Which phrase would one be MOST likely to hear in a self-help group? "You'll figure this out on your own." "The therapist will tell us what to do." "Try this. It worked for me." "Let's talk about our dreams."

"Try this. It worked for me."

A friend says, "If we could just eliminate combat traumas, we could eliminate a great deal of posttraumatic stress disorder." The BEST response is:

"Yes. However, civilian trauma causes many more cases of PTSD than combat trauma does."

Which correlation coefficient is of the highest magnitude?


Around the world, _____ deaths occur by suicide each year.

1 million

Which statement about clinical interviews is TRUE? 1. Research shows that most clients speak objectively about their own behavior. 2. Clinicians' biases can influence how they interpret the information obtained from clinical interviews. 3. Clinicians agree that the clinical interview is the most useful clinical assessment tool. 4. Clients share more details with clinicians who are viewed as cool and distant.

2. Clinicians' biases can influence how they interpret the information obtained from clinical interviews

What percentage of all adults experience an episode of severe depression at some point in their lives?

20 percent

Which is the BEST example of a broad social anxiety? 1. unwillingness to eat in front of others 2. fear of public speaking 3. apprehension about being evaluated by others 4. anxiety about walking in front of others

3. apprehension about being evaluated by others

On average, patients receiving therapy for a psychological problem improve more than do what percent of people with similar problems who do not receive treatment?

75 percent

According to surveys, how many transgender people in the United States have reported that they have been harassed or attacked at school, at work, or in their communities as a result of being transgender?

80 to 90 percent

Which would be MOST indicative of a person with muscle dysmorphia?

A man is muscular but does not see himself as being muscular, so he continues to strive for a perfect body.

If one assumes that the frequency of text messaging is positively correlated with psychological problems, then what would be the predicted relationship between the number of text messages people send and their self-reported levels of stress, unhappiness, and anxiety?

As one increases, the others also increase.

If stress levels and physical health are negatively correlated, which of the following can the researcher conclude?

As stress increases, health decreases.

Mindfulness has been shown to be associated with improvements in which of the following?

Autonomic nervous system functioning

_____ is a field that combines psychological and physical interventions to treat or prevent medical problems.

Behavioral medicine

Some researchers have manipulated the behaviors and thoughts of study participants to create clinical-like symptoms. Which conclusion can be drawn from this finding?

Behaviors and thoughts may influence the development of psychological disorders.

According to a 2018 report (Prochaska & Norcross), the dominant approach used by clinical psychologists is:


When I was a child, I loved to go swimming in a lake near my house. However, one afternoon I was bitten on the foot by something in the water. Since that time, I've never been able to swim in a lake. A therapist who assumes this describes a phobia acquired from classical conditioning MOST likely favors which model of abnormality?


Which model emphasizes the importance of conditioning in determining human actions?


Which of the following is an ACCURATE conclusion from extensive studies of the effectiveness of various forms of treatment?

Cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal, and biological treatments are all effective treatments.

Which evidence is the MOST problematic for the psychodynamic explanations of depression?

Depression affects people whose childhood needs were met and who did not suffer a loss early in life.

What has research on evoked potential with people with dissociative identity disorder revealed?

Different subpersonalities show different brain response patterns.

Gambling disorder is a manifestation of the previously desirable behavior of being a risk taker. This statement aligns MOST closely with the beliefs of which type of theorist?

Evolutionary theorist

Benzodiazepines are believed to be effective in treating generalized anxiety disorder because they mimic the effect of what neurotransmitter at certain receptor sites in the brain?


Alcohol binds to receptors on neurons that normally receive:


Although Gio has always taken good care of his health and well-being, over the past month he has been feeling a lot of pressure at work. He finds himself scrambling trying to meet a deadline that is fast approaching. Which change in his behavior may indirectly affect his immune system?

Gio is not getting enough sleep because he is so busy working.

Toward the end of the Middle Ages, cities began to flourish. How did this help foster a shift away from demonology?

Government officials took over care of the mentally ill.

Which statement is TRUE regarding gender differences in heavy drinkers?

Heavy drinking is at least twice as likely in men as it is in women.

When treating anorexia nervosa, what is the first step that should be taken?

Help the person start to regain the lost weight.

When we try to establish how abnormality develops, we need to consider how individuals deal with the meaning of life and with the value they find in living. A psychologist from which background would agree MOST strongly with this statement?


Which statement reflects the MOST common obsessive thought?

If I touch that doorknob, I will be dirty and contaminated.

Which group BEST reflects those who may benefit from couple therapy?

Individuals who are in a long-term relationship

Which statement is TRUE about factitious disorders?

Individuals with factitious disorder are not trying to achieve some external gain by faking illness.

What is one of the main problems in determining whether one's depression is endogenous or reactive?

It is unclear whether exposure to a stressor was a contributing factor or if it was a coincidence.

Most often, conversion disorders begin during which life phases?

Late childhood and young adulthood

A person wonders how likely he is to qualify for a DSM diagnosis in his lifetime. Assuming that this person is "typical," the MOST accurate answer (based on survey results) would be:

Likely; almost half of all people will at some point qualify for a DSM diagnosis.

What statement BEST explains why eating disorders are less common in males than in females?

Males are more likely to achieve weight loss through exercise than through dieting.

Which statement BEST describes why treatment outcomes vary in clients?

Many factors, both on the client side and on the clinician side, can affect therapy outcomes.

Which statement is TRUE regarding children who attempt suicide?

Many have a clear understanding of what death is.

Which statement BEST reflects the impact of deinstitutionalization?

Many people with severe disturbances are in jail or on the street.

Which statement is TRUE for women experiencing peripartum depression in relation to psychotherapy for depression?

Many women with peripartum depression find self-help support groups particularly helpful.

Your friend has been restless all day and suddenly insists that the two of you go to the casino. You know your friend has been to the casino multiple times in the past two weeks and that he also has an important research paper he should be working on. However, he relentlessly pursues the idea of going to the casino. Does your friend qualify for the diagnosis of gambling disorder?

Maybe; the restlessness and prioritizing of gambling over other responsibilities could be signs of gambling disorder.

One of the subpersonalities of a person receiving treatment for dissociative identity disorder has just become a "protector." How far along in therapy has the person probably progressed?

Moderately far; a protector usually emerges before subpersonality integration.

Which statement provides the MOST persuasive argument against a psychodynamic explanation for dissociative identity disorder?

Most abused children do not develop the disorder.

Which statement BEST describes treatment for narcissistic personality disorder?

No form of therapy is clearly better than the others.

Arvind is feeling overwhelmed at work and has been having anxiety episodes for a few weeks. Acting on the advice of a friend, Arvind takes a vacation and subsequently feels less distress. Is this an example of therapy?

No, there is no trained healer in this scenario.

A client has body dysmorphic disorder and is considering plastic surgery. Is this a recommended treatment for this client?

No. Often, people who have plastic surgery for body dysmorphic disorder actually feel worse afterward.

Which statement about the successes of suicide prevention programs is MOST accurate?

Of those individuals who call suicide prevention centers, fewer commit suicide than those who don't call who are in a similar risk group.

A pattern of anxiety, insomnia, depression, and flashbacks that persists for years after a traumatic event BEST describes:


Which of these was Philippe Pinel's argument for his asylum reform?

Patients were people with illnesses that should be treated with sympathy.

Which statement about the current use of projective techniques by clinicians is TRUE?

Projective tests, when used, serve as a secondary source of insight about clients.

Which of the following exemplify secondary prevention?

Providing routine mental health screenings, followed by immediate intervention as needed

Which statement concerning psychological treatments for physical disorders is MOST accurate?

Psychological interventions are often most helpful when they are combined.

Drugs that alleviate the symptoms of mental dysfunction by affecting the brain are called:


A teenager has recently developed signs of bulimia nervosa. She has been binge eating alone in her room and vomits immediately afterward to try to control her weight. Why will this not result in sustainable weight loss?

Purging increases hunger, which decreases metabolism and triggers more frequent binges.

_____, often in combination with medication, has been widely used in the treatment of high blood pressure.

Relaxation training

_____ are equally helpful in the treatment of high blood pressure, headaches, and asthma.

Relaxation training and biofeedback training

Which statement is NOT true regarding specific phobias?

Repeated exposure to the object causes a gradual fear response.

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) designed a new neuroscience-focused classification tool as an alternative to DSM-5. This tool is called the:

Research Domain Criteria (RDoC).

What do ECT, vagus nerve stimulation, and transcranial magnetic stimulation have in common?

Research on their use suggests that brain stimulation is effective in treating severe forms of depression.

Which statement BEST describes an effective therapy for treating borderline personality disorder?

Research suggests that dialectical behavior therapy is the most effective.

A psychologist believes that her client has a generalized anxiety disorder due to a lack of unconditional positive regard as a child and as a result has developed conditions of worth. The psychologist is following which theory?

Rogers' client-centered theory

Theoretically, why do SSRIs help treat early ejaculation?

SSRIs reduce arousal and orgasm and help men delay ejaculation.

Which statement is TRUE regarding the reliability of DSM-5? 1. Research studies have consistently shown very high reliability across all diagnoses. 2. Reliability is highest for newer diagnoses that were not included in DSM-I. 3. Reliability is highest for diagnoses that have been included since DSM-I. 4. Some research studies have reported better reliability with DSM-5 over earlier versions, but other studies have not.

Some research studies have reported better reliability with DSM-5 over earlier versions, but other studies have not.

Based on current data, how likely is it that a person who attempts suicide has left behind a suicide note?

Somewhat common; some people leave behind a note, but many do not.

Which statement would a family systems theorist MOST likely agree with?

"What an individual views as abnormal behavior in public may be the only way to effectively interact with family members."

Shayla stopped taking her regular amount of cocaine after using it for months. She will probably experience:

"crashing"—headaches, depressed feelings, and dizziness.

How does an MRI make a picture of the brain?

It relies on the magnetic properties of the atoms in the cells scanned.

Which statement is TRUE regarding electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)?

It sends brief electrical currents through the brain, stimulating a seizure.

What is a known effect of GLP-1?

It suppresses appetite.

Which statement is TRUE regarding the models of abnormality?

None of the models are complete within themselves.

How do death darers primarily differ from those in Shneidman's other categories of people who attempt suicide?

They are ambivalent about their deaths.

Which of the following is a valid critique of the use of response inventories?

They are not well tested.

Which statement distinguishes a quasi-experimental study from a "pure experiment"?

The quasi-experiment does not allow for manipulation of the independent variable.

What is libido?

The sexual energy of the id

What was the driving idea behind the eugenic sterilization of the mentally ill?

They should not be allowed to pass on their defective genes.

A woman who is particularly threatened by any display of her own anger becomes unable to speak when she is most angry with her husband, thereby keeping the anger out of her awareness. According to psychodynamic theorists, she is achieving _____ from her illness.

primary gain

A woman constantly avoids crowded streets and buildings, and she is very reluctant to leave home, even with a friend. Recently, she has started experiencing sudden, extreme fear every time she enters a crowded street. MOST likely, this woman would be diagnosed with:

agoraphobia and panic disorder.

Brody no longer enjoys his usual hobbies, talking to his friends, or even playing with his dog. In fact, Brody didn't even care when he learned that he was up for a promotion at work. This BEST describes someone with:


A person commits suicide in response to a social environment that fails to provide stable structures to support and give meaning to life. According to Durkheim, this represents an:

anomic suicide.

If a person's primary symptom was excessive worry, the psychotropic drug MOST likely to be prescribed for that person would be an:

antianxiety medication.

The drug treatment that is MOST effective in treating panic disorders is a(n):

antidepressant drug

Jena is experiencing sadness, lack of energy, and low self-worth. The condition is chronic and severe. If her psychiatrist prescribed medication, it would likely be a(n):

antidepressant drug.

Which of these is a foreign invader of the body?


Which is NOT considered an odd personality disorder?

antisocial personality disorder

Eldon occasionally has a racing heartbeat. When this happens, he panics and thinks he is going to die. Gradually, he has developed panic attacks if he even thinks that his heart is beating strongly. Eldon apparently has a high degree of:

anxiety sensitivity

Research on the cognitive explanation for the development of generalized anxiety shows that people with generalized anxiety symptoms:

are more likely to have fast and strong physical reactions to stress.

The statement that men and women are equally prone to depression, but clinicians often fail to detect depressive symptoms in men, reflects the _____ theory.


In DSM-5, Asperger's syndrome is classified under which new category?

autism spectrum disorder

Adrian recently graduated from college and has started a new job in his field of study. He has very long work hours and gets little sleep. He quit exercising and is not eating a balanced diet. If he develops a psychophysiological disorder, it will be because of:

behavioral changes.

A person displaying sadness, lack of energy, headaches, and feelings of low self-worth is showing all of the following types of symptoms EXCEPT:

behavioral symptoms.

Death ignorers primarily differ from other categories of people who attempt suicide in that they:

believe death will not end their existence.

Cognitive-behavioral theorists have found that people who develop obsessive-compulsive disorder also:

believe their thoughts are capable of causing harm to themselves or others.

Similarities between bulimia and anorexia include which of these:

both tend to begin after a period of dieting among people afraid of becoming obese.

Theory focused on the behaviors people exhibit and the thoughts they have is usually described as:


If a person's bodily symptoms affect his or her voluntary motor and sensory functions, but the symptoms are inconsistent with any known medical disease, this condition is referred to as:

conversion disorder.

Josiah is a cellist preparing for his audition at Julliard, a world-renowned music school. The night before his audition, Josiah suffers an abrupt paralysis in his right arm. He has no known medical conditions that are associated with this symptom. This description MOST closely aligns with:

conversion disorder.

What is a case manager's primary goal when treating schizophrenia?

coordinating services

You are a therapist using self-instruction training. Your client says, "When the pain comes, I just pause and keep focusing on what I need to do." This is an example of a:

coping self-statement.

Gertrude is a college student. Her roommate notices that she frequently displays symptoms of depression at home but seldom does so at work or during class. In this case, clinical observations of this person at work would lack:

cross-situational validity.

According to the DSM-5, a pattern diagnosed as a personality disorder must deviate substantially from the norms and expectations of the individual's:


Of the following disorders, psychotherapy plays a more central role in:

cyclothymic disorder.

Overabundance of _____ can lead to chronic inflammation throughout the body, contributing to heart disease, stroke, and other illnesses.


How does the DSM-5 label the group of physical illnesses that seem to be caused or worsened by an interaction of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors?

psychological factors affecting other medical conditions

A researcher conducts studies to better understand how exposure to stress affects the immune system. This researcher is practicing in the field of:


What kind of depression is unipolar?

depression that occurs without periods of mania

Exhibitionists engage in that type of behavior because they:

desire a shock reaction from their victim.

A clinician administers a test to a group of participants who are typical of a larger population and records their scores. The clinician plans to measure future test results of the larger population against those scores. The clinician is:

developing the norms.

Deciding that a client's psychological problems represent a particular disorder is called:


Nate has borderline personality disorder. He goes to weekly individual and group therapy skills-building sessions that will last for around a year. The sessions place special emphasis on dealing with self-harm and/or suicide. Nate is receiving:

dialectical behavior therapy.

Studies examining the effectiveness of gender-sensitive programs for treating substance abuse have shown that substance abusers of different genders have:

different physical and psychological reactions to drugs.

Assessment tools such as a depression severity rating scale are used to provide which kind of information for making a diagnosis?


The _____ approach to personality disorders assumes that personality disorders should be classified by the severity of personality traits rather than by the presence or absence of specific traits.


People with _____ typically do not eventually recover without receiving treatment.

dissociative identity disorder

Which diagnosis would a person experiencing multiple personalities MOST accurately be diagnosed with?

dissociative identity disorder

Research indicates that the MOST important neurotransmitter in the reward circuit of the brain is probably:


College students who drink so much that it interferes with their lives, health, and academic careers are often not diagnosed as engaging in abnormal behavior because:

drinking is considered part of college culture.

Recently, the dopamine hypothesis for schizophrenia has been challenged because it has been discovered that:

effective new drugs suggest abnormal neurotransmitter activity of serotonin, glutamate, and GABA, as well as dopamine.

Studies that seek to avoid the uniformity myth focus on the:

effectiveness of specific treatment approaches.

Greshka spilled iced coffee on her shirt while sitting in the park. She had another shirt with her and wanted to change right then and there. However, she went to the restroom to change instead. The force that is in control in this example is the:


Juan is an atheist, does what he wants, and is alienated from others. He feels life isn't worth living and kills himself. According to Emile Durkheim, Juan would be classified as an:

egoistic suicide.

What is a visual image called that is retained so vividly that one can continue to scan it for more information?

eidetic recall

Hospitalized patients with mental illness who show symptom improvement while taking medications are likely to be discharged. Studies have shown that many of these patients:

fail to make lasting recoveries.

If Ransom has hypoactive sexual desire disorder, he experiences all of these EXCEPT:

finding sexual activity repulsive.

Which is NOT a characteristic of eccentrics noted by researchers in the field?

having a diagnosable mental illness

One hundred psychiatric patients were randomly assigned to one of two groups. Group A received a new drug in pill form. Group B was given an identical-looking placebo pill. A panel of psychiatrists, who did not know which pill each participant received, evaluated all participants for level of agitation. In this study, experimenter bias was reduced by:

having researchers who didn't know who got which pill.

Both psychodynamic theorists and cognitive-behavioral theorists believe that in conversion disorder, the symptoms that appear:

help the person avoid unpleasant situations.

A person taking a polygraph test is suspected of lying when measures of physiological variables such as heart rate and perspiration are:

higher for test questions than for control questions.

Where do muscle contraction headaches typically produce pain?

in the front or back of the head or in the back of the neck

Which of these is NOT a symptom of female sexual interest/arousal disorder?

inadequate lubrication during sexual activity

A person with schizophrenia who laughs when told sad news and screams in situations that most people see as warm and tender is experiencing:

inappropriate affect.

A woman in a middle-level manager's job is repeatedly not promoted, no matter how hard she tries, even though she seems as qualified as the men who are promoted. If she develops depression because of her work experiences, the theory that BEST explains the onset of her depression is:

lack of control theory.

Which is NOT a disadvantage of taking benzodiazepines?

lack of sleep, increased anxiety, and passivity

Clinton smokes some cannabis at noon. When should the effects wear off?

later that afternoon, most likely by 6 P.M.

Exposure and response prevention as treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder:

leads to improvement that often continues indefinitely.

A clinician asks a client to interpret inkblots for a personality assessment. A possible reason for the clinician to do this is to:

learn about unconscious conflicts in the client.

While treating a client, a clinician asks "Do you know where you are?" and "What is your name?" The clinician is probably conducting a(n):

mental status exam.

Compared with the original DSM, which was published in 1952, DSM-5 has:

more than five times as many diagnostic categories.

A diagnostic criterion for posttraumatic stress disorder is the presence of significant distress or impairment for:

more than one month.

DSM-5 is the classification system for abnormal behaviors that is:

most widely used in the United States.

A person experiencing mania goes out with friends, looking for adventure. In addition, the individual talks loudly, runs rather than walks, and gives away a lot of money to random people on the street. These symptoms are primarily:

motivational and behavioral.

Immigration trends and differences in birth rates among minority groups in the United States have caused psychological treatment to become more:


The currently accepted view of eating disorders is that the cause is:


An orgasm is a release of sexual tension through:

muscle contraction.

Lithium appears to affect:

neurons' second messengers.

A person says, "I'll try to see only the positive side of things, then everything will be OK." From a cognitive-behavioral perspective, this person is _____ obsessive thoughts.


The stated and unstated rules for proper conduct that a society establishes are referred to as:


An example of torture through deprivation is:

not allowing the person to bathe.

Patients with anorexia receive a gradually increasing diet over the course of several weeks. The form of therapy they are receiving is:

nutritional rehabilitation.

The motivation to form relationships with others is a central theme of:

object relations theory.

Disorders that involve particular patterns of repetitive and excessive behavior that greatly disrupt a person's life and can cause shame are called:

obsessive-compulsive-related disorders.

A 13-year-old makes notable errors in accuracy on the Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test. This finding suggests:

organic brain impairment.

The finding that syphilis causes general paresis is important because it supports the idea that:

organic factors can cause mental illness.

Psychoanalysis was developed as a form of:

outpatient therapy

You are making a presentation on the dangers of cocaine use. Which factor should you list as the MOST important consideration?

overdose effects

People suffering from anorexia nervosa tend to:

overestimate their body size.

A person who experiences unpredictable panic attacks combined with dysfunctional behavior and thoughts is probably experiencing:

panic disorder.

Which is a goal of acceptance and commitment therapy?

To lessen the power of thoughts

"Let's try to figure out where clients fall on several key personality traits, rather than using a dichotomous classification system." Someone saying this would MOST likely favor which approach to classifying personality disorders?

a dimensional approach

Which of the following suicides would NOT be expected to contribute to the social contagion effect?

a disliked celebrity

An assessor misinterprets a cultural response about spiritualism as pathological delusion. Who is MOST at risk for making this misinterpretation?

a dominant-culture assessor

Having a background in medicine, but also a grudge against the profession, puts a person at risk for:

a factitious disorder.

Which description is LEAST likely to characterize the behavior of someone experiencing anorexia nervosa?

a hesitancy to think about food

Family pedigree, twin, and gene studies have been used to look for a predisposition for unipolar depression. These studies have found:

a higher than chance rate of depression among the families of depressed patients.

Phobic and generalized anxiety disorders arise when people stop looking at themselves honestly and with acceptance and instead deny and distort their true thoughts, emotions, and behavior. Which kind of theorist would offer the preceding explanation for anxiety disorders?

a humanistic theorist

Which is an example of a case study?

a long-term study of a clinical client

Which person would be MOST likely to develop alcoholism?

a lower-socioeconomic-class person living in a high-unemployment area

Reese is distrustful of others and reacts quickly to perceived threats. Even though he has no evidence, he is sure his wife is unfaithful. He finds it almost impossible to forgive those he thinks have wronged him. Reese displays the characteristics of:

paranoid personality disorder.

Susan deliberately overdoses on pills in an attempt at suicide but her attempt at suicide does not succeed. This suicide attempt is called a:


Natural experiments are considered quasi-experiments because:

participants are selected by accident rather than based on the researcher's design.

Studies of diagnostic conclusions made by clinicians show that clinicians:

pay too much attention to certain sources of information.

Memory problems that do not interfere with daily living are referred to as:

peculiarities of memory.

A significant change in the type of care offered now compared to the era when Sigmund Freud was practicing is that:

people are more likely to receive treatment for problems in living.

An initial negative consequence of the somatogenic perspective on abnormality was that:

people used the perspective as a foundation for eugenic sterilization.

Use of projective tests has decreased in the past few decades because projective tests often have:

poor validity

Kevin sees huge, iridescent butterflies covering the floors. He also hears soft harp music at all hours, when no one is playing a harp or any music. The presence of these behaviors illustrates _____ symptoms of schizophrenia.


A psychologist focuses on optimism, wisdom, happiness, and interpersonal skills. This psychologist is MOST likely a:

positive psychologist.

What is one of society's most negative social conditions that may set the stage for psychophysiological disorders?


If a person wants a career focused on detecting, assessing, and treating abnormal patterns of functioning, that person should consider becoming a clinical:


A test is constructed to identify people who will develop schizophrenia. Of the 100 people the test identifies, 93 show signs that they will develop schizophrenia within five years. The test may be said to have high:

predictive validity.

Apparently, people develop phobias more readily to things such as spiders and the dark than they do to objects such as computers and radios. This observation supports the idea of:


A client is hooked up to an apparatus that measures galvanic skin response and blood pressure, after which the client verbally answers a series of questions. This is a(n):

psychophysiological test.

A medical researcher develops a drug that decreases symptoms of depression and other mood disorders. This drug would be classified as:


Agoraphobia is the fear of:

public places.

Not all participants are the same. What do researchers use to reduce the possibility that preexisting differences between groups are responsible for observed differences after experimental manipulation?

random assignment

What appears to be the key factor in determining the types of food that are likely to be eaten in a binge?

rapidity through soft texture

Blake and Campbell are in sex therapy. Currently, they are working to eliminate the spectator role. What will the therapist likely advise them to do?

refrain from having intercourse and focus on other body pleasuring instead

You are asked to speak before a local elementary school's Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) about suicide attempts by the very young. You should mention that suicide attempts by the very young often occur when they have:

run away from home.

The MOST common fetish is:


Which psychodynamic method has been shown to significantly reduce the levels of anxiety, worry, and social difficulty of patients with generalized anxiety disorder?

short-term psychodynamic therapy

A patient sees a therapist to help her address her eating disorder. The therapist focuses only on issues specifically related to this problem. This therapy is BEST described as:

short-term psychodynamic therapy.

What kind of disorders include insomnia and narcolepsy?

sleep-wake disorders

In treating erectile disorder, the tease technique involves:

stimulating the penis but stopping stimulation once erection occurs.

What activates the HPA pathway?

stressful events

Suicide education programs typically focus on:

students and teachers.

Serena believes that she can smell colors and taste music after taking LSD. This effect is known as:


Suicide is the _____ most common cause of death in the United States.


Which theoretical position explains the origin of phobias as due to classical conditioning?

the behavioral position

If people with unipolar depression were found to have lower levels of norepinephrine, such a finding would support which perspective?

the biological perspective

One especially good reason to use a form of group therapy in the treatment of dependent personality disorder is that:

the group members can model appropriate behaviors and the expression of feelings to one another.

According to the psychodynamic perspective, if someone keeps obsessing about immoral sexual behavior and repeatedly scrubs his or her face and hands in response to those thoughts:

the immoral images represent id impulses.

As part of desensitization training, a phobic person is taken to a snake-handling convention to confront snakes. This is an example of what kind of technique?

the in vivo technique

What is anxiety sensitivity?

the inability to assess bodily sensations accurately

Which is the BEST example of baseline data in a single-subject design?

the level of behavior before treatment begins

A psychologist was interested in the effect of hunger on psychological disturbances. The psychologist deprived half of a group of healthy volunteers of food for one day and fed the other half normally. The next day, all participants took the MMPI-2. What was the independent variable?

the level of food deprivation

Which brain area is rich in neurons and uses norepinephrine?

the locus coeruleus

Correlation coefficients indicate the:

the magnitude and direction of the relationship between variables

Which is an aspect of the experimental approach?

the manipulation of a variable by the researcher

A retrospective analysis is exemplified when:

therapists who had patients who committed suicide are interviewed to gain information on suicide.

If someone asked you about the effectiveness of psychological debriefing following a disaster, you would be correct (based on the research) in saying that:

there is little evidence that debriefing works.

Research suggests that people continue to use tobacco despite its health risks because:

they are addicted to nicotine.

People with which eating disorder are MOST likely to be obese?

those with binge-eating disorder

People who experience obsessions have:

thoughts that are intrusive and foreign to them.

Studies indicate that LGBTQ teenagers are _____ times more likely to have suicidal thoughts and to attempt suicide.


How much more likely is dissociative identity disorder to be diagnosed in a woman compared with a man?

three times more likely

What is the purpose of an antagonist drug?

to block or change the effect of an addictive drug

Mendon began by taking one amphetamine a day to control his appetite. After a month or so, the one pill did not work as well but two pills did. This is an example of:


Researchers were searching for drugs to treat schizophrenia when they came across imipramine, which alleviated the symptoms of depression, although it was not effective against schizophrenia. It became the first of a class of drugs, all sharing a similar molecular structure, called:


Freud believed that all functioning, normal and abnormal, originates from:

unconscious psychological processes.

What age group is the largest group of sexters?

young adults

How long must depression last to be classified as a major depressive episode?

2 weeks

Which test is NOT a projective test? 1. Rorschach test 2. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) 3. Draw-a-Person test 4. Thematic Apperception Test

2. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

Which statement is TRUE regarding people experiencing mania?

They want excitement and companionship.

About how many suicides are committed annually in the United States?


Approximately how many mental disorders does the DSM-5 list?


A client has been experiencing uncontrolled anxiety. His symptoms include edginess, sleep changes, fatigue, and significant distress. To meet the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for generalized anxiety disorder, these symptoms must be present for at least how many months?

6 months

Which example BEST describes conditions of worth?

A boy believes that he is deserving of love only when he earns good grades.

Which statement BEST describes someone with illness anxiety disorder?

A person misinterprets normal bodily functions and changes as signs of a serious health condition.

Which finding would argue AGAINST the idea that low sexual desire in women is caused by societal treatment of women?

A sexually restrictive history is equally common among women with and without low sexual desire.

Which statement is NOT true about anorexia nervosa?

About 35 percent of people who experience anorexia nervosa are male.

Researchers have examined the relationship between the sleep people need and the sleep people get. Based on their findings, which statement is generally TRUE?

Across all age groups, people generally get less sleep than they need.

Which statement BEST describes the long-term effects of exposure to stress during childhood?

Children who are repeatedly exposed to manageable stress tend to be more resilient as adults.

Which statement best represents the evidence supporting the usefulness of client-centered therapy for those with generalized anxiety disorder versus for those with the same condition who receive placebo therapy?

Client-centered therapy is only sometimes superior to placebo therapy.

Which statement is TRUE about drug and cognitive treatments for panic disorder?

Cognitive treatments have proved to be at least as effective as medications, if not more so.

Ashley is a pole-vaulter who is ready for her event. Nevertheless, just before the track meet begins, she thinks, "I can't do this! I'm going to mess up and then it won't be a perfect run!" Which type of theorist would focus on the athlete's illogical thinking process as a key factor in her subsequent poor performance?


What is one important way obsessions and compulsions are related?

Compulsions are often a response to obsessions.

Which statement is NOT an appropriate criticism of the sociocultural model?

Cultural factors might create a climate favorable for the development of certain disorders.

How do death seekers differ from death darers?

Death seekers intend to end their lives with their action.

A patient in an alcohol rehabilitation center tells you a detailed story about growing up in the mountains of Tennessee. Later, you find out that the person had never even visited Tennessee. A day later you visit the patient again, and the patient does not recognize you. This patient is MOST likely suffering from:

Korsakoff's syndrome.

Priyanka took a drug 90 minutes ago. Now she sits alone quietly, intently looking at individual blades of grass that are a brilliant purple and intensely listening to the sap running in a nearby tree. The person MOST likely took the drug:


How does binge-eating disorder differ from bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa?

People with binge-eating disorder tend to develop the disorder later in life, typically in their twenties.

Which behavioral assumption has the LEAST amount of research to support it?

Phobias are primarily acquired through classical conditioning in humans.

What is the most famous characteristic of Bethlehem Hospital, founded in London in 1547?

Popularly called "Bedlam," it came to represent deplorable conditions for patients.

Generally speaking, what are the outcomes of gender reassignment surgery?

The outcomes are positive.

People with _____ are said to be consistently angry, cynical, driven, impatient, competitive, and ambitious.

Type A personality style

People with _____ interact with the world in a way that produces continual stress and often leads to coronary heart disease.

Type A personality style

People with _____ are thought to be more relaxed, less aggressive, and less concerned about time.

Type B personality style

Which is NOT a question that therapy outcome studies seek to answer?

Which therapies are effective for all clients?

The study of sexuality that led to a revolution in the treatment of sexual dysfunction was done by:

William Masters and Virginia Johnson.

Which statement BEST reflects the gender differences seen in unipolar depression?

Women are at least twice as likely as men to have unipolar depression, but prevalence among boys and girls is similar.

Which statement accurately describes the demographic differences in developing a stress disorder?

Women are more likely than men to develop a stress disorder.

Which child is MOST likely to develop a stress disorder later in life after experiencing a trauma?

a child who lives alone with a single mother who is working multiple jobs

Compared with African Americans, non-Hispanic white Americans are:

about as likely to be diagnosed with depression but less likely to have recurrent episodes.

Commonly observed triggers for suicide include all of the following EXCEPT:

being in therapy.

Which of the following is a legal stimulant?


Which model of abnormality focuses on learning and the thinking that underlies behavior?


The group of participants that is NOT exposed to the independent variable under investigation (in an experiment) is called the:

control group.

Compared with women, men who attempt suicide tend to:

use more violent methods.

Which of these would a qualified sex therapist be LEAST likely to say to a client?

"Focus on your performance as if you were a spectator."

Priscilla is twenty-three years old and usually has a fairly high sex drive. Recently, she has experienced an unexpected drop in sex drive, although she doesn't have any new medical problems. What would be an important question to ask her before recommending psychotherapy?

"Have you recently started taking birth control pills?"

A person with bulimia nervosa just binge ate a large assortment of desserts. If the person were to verbalize his or her feelings immediately after the binge, what would the person MOST likely say?

"I can't believe I just did that. I'm disgusting and hopeless."

A friend of yours says, "A 15-year-old high school student accused of shooting several classmates received a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder." Your accurate reply would be:

"No, the student is too young for that diagnosis."

A friends asks, "What works best to keep suicidal people from following through?" The BEST answer to this question is:

"Try cognitive-behavioral therapy."

Which description BEST represents someone with bulimia nervosa?

A woman regularly tells herself that she is going to eat a small healthy meal but then commonly finds herself eating an entire pizza, a carton of ice cream, and a box of doughnuts at one sitting. She immediately feels shame and guilt and then forces herself to throw it all up.

What group is MOST at risk for suicide?

American Indian males

Which group is MOST likely to experience cluster suicides?

American Indians

Which statement regarding suicide is TRUE?

American Indians have the highest suicide rate of any racial group in the United States.

Which statement BEST describes Internet use disorder?

Although not an official diagnosis, systems of this pattern are similar to those seen in substance use disorder and gambling disorder.

Which statement is the BEST response about a scientific opinion on the use of polygraphic evidence?

Although they are used widely, polygraph results are not particularly reliable.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (presently DSM-5) was developed by the:

American Psychiatric Association.

Which conclusion does research on hypnosis and hypnotic amnesia support?

Dissociative disorders are similar to behaviors seen in hypnotic amnesia.

Which is NOT a goal of group therapy?

Analyzing dreams

Which statement is accurate?

Anorexic behavior recurs in about one-third of recovered patients.

What type of drug is alprazolam (Xanax)?


_____ has been of some help in the treatment of heartbeat irregularities, asthma, high blood pressure, stuttering, and pain.

Biofeedback training

_____ is common with dissociative fugue.

Fleeing to a new location

Which statement is FALSE regarding the use of ECT and drug therapies for treating depression?

ECT is likely to be prescribed first, and if it doesn't work, then drugs are prescribed.

What is the BEST treatment approach for a person with an eating disorder?

First focus on changing the person's eating habits and then identify and treat any underlying causes.

Destiny was taking a tricyclic to treat her unipolar depression. Upon resolution of her depressive symptoms, Destiny immediately stopped taking her tricyclic. How likely is it that she will experience a relapse?

High; the relapse rate in this situation is approximately 50 percent.

The relatively positive health picture for Hispanic Americans in the face of clear economic disadvantage is called the:

Hispanic Health Paradox.

Which question does the use of statistical analyses in research help answer?

How likely is it that the study's findings occurred by chance?

A therapist who describes her client as someone who has yet to fulfill his or her full potential, rather than as someone with a disorder, is MOST likely what kind of theorist?


What happens when an electrical impulse reaches a neuron's ending?

Neurotransmitters are released.

A patient has social anxiety disorder. Which is an example of a biological treatment for this condition?

Prescribing an antidepressant medication such as paroxetine

Which statement BEST describes the prevalence of alcoholism in non-Hispanic white American men, African American men, and Hispanic American men?

Prevalence rates for non-Hispanic white Americans and Hispanic Americans are similar and slightly higher than the rates seen in African Americans.

Which statement BEST reflects the current care for people with less severe disturbances?

Private insurance companies are likely to cover outpatient treatment.

A friend says to you, "I know someone who is a combat veteran who was just diagnosed with PTSD. Do you think therapy will help this person?" Which is the BEST answer you can give based on current research?

Probably. About two-thirds of those receiving therapy for PTSD eventually show improvement."

Resistance and transference are terms most likely used by which model?


Understanding a person's unconscious processes is critical in explaining abnormality. Which model of abnormality does this quote MOST closely represent?


ChaeWoo has been participating in weekly therapy for several years. Over time, he begins to understand how events in his early life have impacted how he functions now. What form of psychotherapy is ChaeWoo receiving?

Psychodynamic therapy

Downward drift is BEST reflected in which statement?

Schizophrenia causes people to fall into poverty and social disruption.

A theorist who believes that the multicultural perspective is the correct way to think about abnormality comes from which paradigm?


One of the nutraceuticals shown to be frequently helpful in treating unipolar depression is:

St. John's wort.

_____ is when information is best recalled under the same conditions that it was learned.

State-dependent learning

A friend has done some heavy drinking and asks you what to do to "sober up" as quickly as possible. The response that is MOST appropriate is:

Stop drinking.

According to DSM-5, all of the following are considered symptoms of a manic episode EXCEPT:

Suicidal idealization

Suicide prevention, substance abuse treatment, and eating disorder clinics are MOST similar to which kind of market?

Sweet Cupcakes, a store that specializes in only one type of food

Which statement BEST describes the effect of technology on mental health?

Technology provides new triggers for abnormal behaviors.

Failure to treat many people with severe disturbances appropriately is MOST often a problem with which level of prevention?


A common cardiovascular effect of anorexia is a slow heart rate (bradycardia). Which explanation BEST describes why this is true?

The body is trying to conserve energy.

Which of the following is NOT influenced by the paradigm to which an investigator subscribes?

The definition of abnormal behavior

John was feeling suicidal and received crisis intervention from a counselor. Because the center provided only short-term crisis intervention services, to best help John, the counselor referred him to:

a treatment center that offers long-term therapy.

A person who is having suicidal thoughts and can see no reason for living BEST fits which definition of abnormality?


Despite popular misconceptions, most people with psychological problems are not:


The model of abnormality that examines the effects of society and culture is the _____ model.


Researchers using a longitudinal study design observe:

the same group of individuals on many occasions over a long period of time.

What is the MOST common biological cause of erectile failure in men?

vascular problems

A blood alcohol concentration of _____ percent typically produces the symptoms of intoxication.


The peak age range for the development of anorexia nervosa is:

14 to 20.

What is the average length of time for the treatment of major depressive disorder using electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)?

2 to 4 weeks

About how many unsuccessful suicide attempts occur annually in the United States?


In which racial group is a woman's risk of being raped the greatest, relative to the group's percentage of the population?

African Americans

_____ are protein molecules that recognize and bind to antigens, mark them for destruction, and prevent them from causing infection.


A researcher is considering whether to gather online data from Facebook users without informing the users that their data are being used. In terms of research ethics, which question is the MOST relevant?

Are Facebook postings considered "public behavior"?

What produces antibodies?


With regard to assessing the effectiveness of the various models of abnormality, which model BEST lends itself to laboratory testing?


What is the major ethical concern with research on Facebook users?

Facebook users don't always know they are being studied.

How does fear differ from anxiety?

Fear is a response to a specific threat, whereas anxiety is more general.

What was Philippe Pinel's main contribution to the care of patients who had severe mental illnesses?

He treated patients with sympathy and kindness.

Which model of abnormality MOST closely aligns with positive psychology?


Which thought is consistent with the thinking of someone who has social anxiety disorder?

I can't go on that business lunch with my boss. I'd spill food on myself and look like an idiot.

A friend tells you that she's been diagnosed with gambling disorder. She asks you which kind of therapy works best. Based on current research, your BEST response is:

I'd suggest cognitive-behavioral therapies, biological therapies, and self-help groups.

A therapist identifies a biological factor in a patient with depression. What is that factor?

Low activity of serotonin

_____ is a technique of turning one's concentration inward, achieving a slightly changed state of consciousness, and temporarily ignoring all stressors.


A client is searching for the BEST treatment for borderline personality disorder. Will drug treatment be effective if it is the only intervention the client receives?

No. Drugs should be used along with psychotherapy, if used at all.

Which is the BEST example of the subpersonalities in dissociative identity disorder differing in identifying features?

One personality is a woman and another is a man.

Which statement is NOT a reason that demonology dominated views of abnormality in Europe in the Middle Ages?

Overall health during this period was slowly improving.

A woman with anorexia has lanugo. What has happened?

She has grown fine silky hair on her body.

How likely is someone with undiagnosed conversion disorder to seek psychotherapy initially?

Somewhat likely, but a small majority of people with conversion disorder still seek medical therapy first.

A person asks, "What's the MOST effective treatment for social anxiety disorder?" What is the BEST research-based answer?

The best psychotherapy eliminates symptoms as fast as, and longer than, the best drug therapy.

DSM-5 added premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) as a diagnosis for certain women who repeatedly experience clinically significant depressive and related symptoms during the week before menstruation. Why has this been an ongoing controversy?

The diagnosis pathologizes severe cases of premenstrual syndrome.

At a suicide prevention center, you hear a counselor say, "Can you tell me what you think are the most important factors that are making you feel hopeless right now? If you could change three things about your life, what would they be?" Which of the goals and techniques of suicide prevention do these questions BEST represent?

Understanding and clarifying the problem

Martin Seligman developed a theory based on the idea that depression results from:

a belief that one has no control over the events in one's life.

Thomas hides away in his room and consumes several cartons of ice cream and a couple of boxes of doughnuts in a span of thirty minutes. He felt unable to stop eating until everything was gone, then was overwhelmed with shame at the amount he had consumed. He then goes back to what he was doing before. Thomas most likely has:

a binge-eating disorder.

Which of the following is a symptom commonly associated with an ulcer?

a burning sensation in the stomach

If neurotransmitters are linked to depression, which of these would be LEAST likely to be observed in a study?

a near-zero correlation between certain neurotransmitter levels and the number or severity of depressive symptoms a person reports

The top two leading causes of death among teenagers are:

accidents and suicide.

Under a psychologist's instruction, Grace's mother records the number of times Grace hits her brother at home, and what happens immediately before the hitting. In this situation, Grace's mother is:

acting as a participant observer.

A person who witnessed a horrible car accident and then became unusually anxious and depressed for three weeks is probably experiencing:

acute stress disorder.

How do pro-Ana websites view anorexia?

as a lifestyle

A weakened respiratory system may be a contributing factor in some cases of:


Research has shown that, compared with other cognitive-behavioral techniques, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for substance use disorder is:

at least as effective and sometimes more effective.

A theorist who takes an evolutionary perspective on abnormal behavior would MOST likely agree that:

at one time what is now often labeled abnormal behavior actually helped humans survive.

The major disadvantage of using forced tube-feeding for patients with eating disorders who refuse to eat is that the patients may:

become distrustful of the medical establishment and uncooperative with further treatment.

Immediately preceding the onset of an eating disorder in a woman, one would MOST likely find that she had:

been successful in losing weight and had been praised by family.

Giving in to a child's refusal to comply with a parental request may inadvertently reinforce stubborn and defiant behavior, setting the scene for the development of antisocial personality disorder. This is most like a _____ view.


Talking rapidly, dressing flamboyantly, and getting involved in dangerous activities are _____ symptoms of mania.


Focusing on the addition of positive activities to the life of a patient with depression is a behavioral technique known as:

behavioral activation.

The earliest antipsychotic drugs were discovered accidentally by researchers who were looking for:

better antihistamines to treat allergies.

If a clinician is particularly interested in a client's family medical history, that clinician's orientation is MOST likely:


Which model of abnormality cites physical processes as being the key to behavior?


Someone who experiences four or more alternations between mild mania and major depression within a one-year time span would be classified as having:

bipolar II rapid cycling.

What is the first step in treating people with dissociative identity disorder?

bond with the primary personality

The inability to accurately interpret one's internal biological, emotional, or physiological states is characteristic of both:

borderline personality disorder and eating disorders.

The lack of multicultural research is of special concern with regard to:

borderline personality disorder.

When it comes to understanding mental disorders and medical problems, most researchers believe that:

both are often best understood when sociocultural, psychological, and biological factors are all taken into consideration.

The second phase of Beck's cognitive therapy is to get the client to:

challenge automatic thoughts.

Carlotta is attacked in the street and her young daughter is kidnapped. Eventually, the police find her daughter and return her to her mother. However, Carlotta is unable to recall events that have occurred since the attack. She is even unable to retain new information; she remembers what happened before the attack but cannot remember new and ongoing experiences. This is a classic example of:

continuous amnesia.

A person who has a disorder in which she is translating conflicts and anxiety into physical symptoms is said to have a _____ disorder.


What is the leading global cause of death, resulting in 17 million deaths worldwide each year?

coronary heart disease

Which brain structure or region is NOT part of the brain circuits involved in unipolar depression?

corpus callosum

Nora is ambivalent about her intent to die and deliberately swims in shark-infested waters. Shneidman would call Nora a:

death darer.

Cecil and Andrea are teenagers who made a love pact, jumping off a cliff to be with each other for eternity. Cecil and Andrea are examples of what Shneidman refers to as:

death ignorers.

According to Shneidman, people who commit suicide with clarity and commitment, yet who believe that they are simply facilitating a process that is already under way, are called:

death initiators.

Damage to the prefrontal cortex would likely cause which symptom to be observed?

deficits in planning, self-control, and decision making

A man has been taught to masturbate almost to orgasm, and then to insert his penis for intercourse. He is being treated for:

delayed ejaculation.

Which of the following is NOT a commonly accepted feature of abnormality?


In the Middle Ages, the model of mental illness that MOST people believed in was the:

demonology model.

The antenna-like extensions located at one end of the neuron are called:


A patient's initial reaction to being told she has a sexually transmitted infection (STI) is to insist that the nurse made a mistake with the test. The defense mechanism that BEST explains this behavior is:


Medications that treat _____ are the MOST helpful in the treatment of bulimia.


The risk of negative side effects for people who take MAO inhibitors can be mitigated by making changes in which aspect of life?


If researchers find that many people with eating disorders also have symptoms of depression, they know that:

eating disorders and depression are somehow related.

According to Freud's psychodynamic theory, the part of the personality that guides us to know when we can and cannot express our impulses is the:


If a mother seems excessively involved in her child's life such that the two do not seem to be independent people, their relationship is said to be:


In a very crowded department store during the Christmas rush, a woman suddenly feels a stranger rubbing his genital area against her thigh. He continues until the crowd begins to break up, and then he moves away. The MOST likely diagnosis for this man is:


Retrospective analysis involves:

gathering information about a suicide victim's past.

When a dangerous situation is recognized, what brain structure releases neurotransmitters to trigger the firing of neurons and the release of chemicals throughout the body?


For people to decide about participating in psychological research, they must be given full knowledge of the nature of the study and of their rights. This principle is called:

informed consent.

A couple therapist who focuses on acceptance and positive change where possible is using _____ therapy.

integrative behavioral

In evaluating lie-detection methods, researchers have noted that magnetic resonance imaging:

is better than polygraphs at detecting lies.

The individual MOST at risk for suicide is the person who:

is depressed and dependent on alcohol.

An individual with Munchausen syndrome by proxy usually:

is emotionally needy.

Someone who intentionally feigns an illness to receive external gain is described as someone who:

is malingering.

Your aunt says, "I know I'm depressed, and I think and worry about my depression constantly; however, I never actually do anything about it." She is:

making ruminative responses.

What mental disorders have been found to contribute to the greatest number of suicides?

mood disorders

Which action would a clinician who is using naturalistic observation be MOST likely to take?

observe parent-child interactions in the family's home

The way a person generally responds to life reflects that person's:

personality style.

Historically, peripartum depression has been labeled:

postpartum depression.

What factor is thought to account for variations in suicide rates among different countries?

religious affiliation and beliefs

Humanists would say that an individual who cares about others and who is spontaneous, courageous, and independent is:


DSM-5 recommends a diagnosis of paraphilia only when associated behaviors, fantasies, or urges last at least:

six months.

Which theoretical orientation is MOST helpful in understanding the origin of gender identity disorder?

the biological orientation

The main difference between schizophrenia and schizophreniform disorder is:

the duration of symptoms.

The age group MOST likely to commit suicide in the United States is:

the elderly.

In males, the penis becomes erect during which phase of the sexual response cycle?

the excitement phase

Which brain areas have been implicated in obsessive-compulsive symptoms?

the orbitofrontal cortex and the caudate nuclei

Despite American Indians having the overall highest suicide rate, why might the suicide rate among elderly American Indians be low?

the value the culture places on the elderly

What is the primary source of sexual excitement for sexual sadists?

the victim's suffering

The self-actualization motive plays an important part in human functioning, according to:


Which disorder is NOT listed in DSM-5 but might be in future DSM editions, following additional study?


According to DSM-5, the cut-off point for diagnosing early ejaculation is within _____ of initiating sexual activity.

1 minute

Which statement about deviant behavior is TRUE? 1. What is defined as deviant can change over time. 2. What is considered deviant behavior is the same across all cultures. 3.Deviant behavior is a precursor to psychologically abnormal behavior. 4. People who engage in deviant behavior are always unaware that their behavior is deviant.

1. What is defined as deviant can change over time.

Which is NOT a concern associated with DSM-5? 1. lack of input from clinical advisors 2. weak field research 3. gender bias 4. racial bias

1. lack of input from clinical advisors

Modern studies suggest that the average number of subpersonalities in cases of dissociative identity disorder is about _____ for women and about _____ for men.

15; 8

What is the average age of onset of unipolar depression?


Which statement about rape is MOST accurate? 1. Most rape victims do not know their attackers. 2. Most rape victims are younger than age 35. 3. About equal numbers of men and women are raped. 4. About 1 in 10 women are raped in their lifetime.

2. Most rape victims are younger than age 35.

Research has found that if a person's life change units (LCUs) total more than _____ over the course of a year, that individual is particularly likely to develop serious health problems.

300 LCUs

Which statement is MOST accurate? 1. Anxiety is caused by deficient levels of GABA throughout the brain. 2. Long-term anxiety contributes to poor GABA reception. 3. High GABA reception causes long-term anxiety. 4. Low GABA levels can increase activity in the fear circuit, leading to increased anxiety.

4. Low GABA levels can increase activity in the fear circuit, leading to increased anxiety.

Which individual would be MOST likely to be classified as exhibiting dysfunctional behavior? 1. a person who experiences grief immediately after losing her job and then her house 2. a person who is nervous about shopping alone for weeks after being attacked by a mugger 3. a person who always washes his hands immediately after returning home from grocery shopping 4. a person who engages in multiple checking rituals each day and consequently is unable to hold down a job

4. a person who engages in multiple checking rituals each day and consequently is unable to hold down a job

Researchers have shown that in a typical year in the United States, approximately _____ percent of people with psychological disorders receive clinical treatment.


About what percentage of people who commit suicide use alcohol just before the act?

70 percent

Which behavior pattern is NOT listed in DSM-5 as an obsessive-compulsive-related disorder?


Irina, who has a husband who abuses alcohol, goes to meetings with other people in similar situations as a coping mechanism. She probably attends meetings of:


_____ theory focuses on observable and conscious behaviors, whereas _____ theory focuses on unconscious processes.

Cognitive-behavioral; psychodynamic

_____ is a treatment in which tiny holes are drilled into the skull through which electrodes are implanted into the brain.

Deep brain stimulation

According to the text, intelligence must be measured indirectly. What might be a reason for this?

Intelligence is an inferred quality.

Why do some researchers believe dissociative identity disorder is culture-bound?

It is rare or nonexistent in certain countries.

Isaac had finally had enough of his inability to walk. He went to therapy and eventually addressed a traumatic car crash from his past. Over time, he began to walk again. According to his psychodynamic therapist, why did these positive changes occur?

Isaac became conscious of and resolved his underlying fears, thereby eliminating the need to convert anxiety into physical symptoms.

Which statement is TRUE regarding the prevalence of bipolar disorder?

It affects millions of people in the United States, between 1 and 2.6 percent of all adults.

Which statement about the use of antidepressants to treat panic disorders is MOST accurate?

It appears that all antidepressant drugs that restore norepinephrine help prevent or reduce panic symptoms.

What is the MOST common outcome of gender dysphoria in childhood?

It disappears by adolescence or adulthood.

Calvin is starting cognitive-behavioral treatment to treat his binge-eating disorder. His brother, Li, tells Calvin that he believes gastric bypass surgery would be more helpful and faster than psychotherapy. Why would this approach NOT be recommended?

It does not address the underlying cognitive issues that compel someone to binge eat.

Which statement describes a limitation of the case study?

It does not provide a basis for generalization.

One of the characters on a popular TV show is discussing another character who is severely obese. She says, "I don't know how someone could let themselves become that fat." Why is this type of commentary so harmful?

It fosters a sense of shame in those who are overweight or obese.

Which statement BEST defines treatment?

It is a procedure designed to change abnormal behavior into more normal behavior.

Which statement BEST supports the idea that teenagers who attempt suicide are more uncertain about killing themselves than elderly people are?

Less than 1 percent of teenagers succeed at suicide.

When Logan was 5 years old, he was playing with a stuffed bunny when a burglar broke into his home. Now, as an adult, Logan is terrified of rabbits. Why do cognitive-behavioral theorists believe Logan dreads rabbits, even though he should know they are harmless?

Logan never got close enough to rabbits to learn they are actually harmless.

Akshay has been experiencing erectile disorder. His therapist thinks the disorder has a sociocultural cause. What could be the cause of Akshay's erectile disorder?

Loss of a job

Which of the following tests is a personality inventory?


The test that reports the person's results on clinical scales such as "hypochondriasis" and "psychopathic deviate" is the:

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI).

What is the general relationship between gender and somatic symptom disorder?

More women than men are diagnosed with both the somatization pattern and predominant pain pattern forms of somatic symptom disorder.

What is a factor that might inhibit the use of effective assessment tools?

Most assessment tools are expensive to administer and evaluate.

Which statement is NOT usually true of those persons with body dysmorphic disorder?

Most disorder-specific behaviors would be considered normal for a teenager.

Which statement is accurate regarding antisocial personality disorder?

Most who have it are not treated, and most who are treated are not helped much.

Charley brings her young daughter into the emergency room with internal bleeding. The attending physician later concludes that Charley caused the symptoms in her daughter intentionally, wanting to gain attention and praise for her devoted care of her sick child. If this assessment is correct, the appropriate diagnosis is:

Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

Which of the following accurately describes a problem with animal studies of depression?

One cannot be sure that depression-like symptoms in laboratory animals reflect human depression.

Which of these is NOT consistent with the most common pattern of schizophrenia?

Women develop the disorder earlier and more severely than men.

Which statement about the long-term effects of rape on women is MOST accurate?

Rape victims are significantly more likely to abuse alcohol or drugs.

The healthcare provider is examining a woman in the emergency department who is complaining of having bloody diarrhea. The healthcare provider discovers that the woman is inducing her own condition by taking laxatives and anticoagulant medication. When asked why, the woman notes "I like being a patient here." What is the best explanation for the woman's behavior?

She has a factitious disorder.

Seraphina is able to orgasm from masturbation or manual stimulation, but she cannot reach orgasm during sexual intercourse. Which is TRUE about Seraphina?

She has no sexual disorder.

Darla thinks she has bad luck. She repeatedly says, "Bad things just happen to me. It doesn't matter what I do. If it can go wrong, it will. And it always does." How does this thinking relate to the development of stress disorders?

She is more susceptible to a stress disorder.

Bailey is sexually assertive and comfortable with masturbation. Which is TRUE about Bailey?

She will likely have orgasms more regularly.

Sonia has a Type A personality style, while Liz has a Type B personality style. They are both running for class president. How would you expect their campaigns to differ?

Sonia will be more competitive, and Liz will be more relaxed.

Which statement MOST accurately reflects the connections among stress, immune function, and unipolar depression?

Stress disrupts immune functioning, which may then produce unipolar depression.

Which statement BEST reflects our understanding of hysterical disorders?

The causes of hysterical disorders are poorly understood, with no theory predominant in aiding understanding.

Which thought would likely be MOST arousing to a voyeur in the act of secretly watching a couple have sex?

The people would be humiliated if they knew I was watching.

Why are people who go to strip clubs generally NOT considered to be voyeurs?

The performers are consenting to being seen by the audience.

In 2017, the Calorie Control Council reported that the average Thanksgiving meal consists of more than 3,000 calories, yet this is not considered a binge-eating episode. Why not?

The person did not experience a loss of control while eating or feel shame afterward.

Which BEST describes someone experiencing derealization?

The person feels as if the world has changed and become strange or surreal.

Which BEST describes someone with depersonalization?

The person feels detached from his or her own body.

A person with bipolar disorder is taking a commonly used drug to stabilize mood in the manic episodes. What else might also happen as a result of taking this drug?

The person might experience at least partial relief from depressive episodes.

According to the principles of operant conditioning, if others consistently ignore a person's appropriate response to their social cues, what will happen?

The person will stop attending to social cues.

What is the relationship between the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) and DSM-5?

The two publications do not include identical lists of psychological disorders; for those disorders listed in both, the DSM-5 descriptions and diagnostic criteria are often more detailed.

How can therapists use correlational research findings in their practice?

Therapists can determine which related conditions are likely and assess for early signs of their presence.

Which statement is the MOST accurate conclusion about the current state of abnormal psychology in the United States?

There is no single definition of abnormality or theoretical understanding of mental illness causes.

A person who has anorexia nervosa has dry, rough, cracked skin and may develop lanugo. Why would you not expect to see these symptoms in someone with binge-eating disorder?

These symptoms result from nutritional deficiencies caused by starvation.

According to psychoanalysis, which statement is TRUE of psychological conflicts?

They are only a problem when they reach consciousness.

According to psychoanalytic theory, which statement is TRUE about dreams?

They are tied to experiences early in life.

What do acute and posttraumatic stress disorder have in common with dissociative disorders?

They are triggered by traumatic events.

Which of the following is a personality change that often accompanies dissociative fugues?

They become more outgoing.

What is the main criticism of the cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic explanations for the maintenance of hysterical disorders?

They cannot explain how the gains can outweigh the pain of the disorder.

What happens when someone experiences doubling?

They feel as if their mind is floating above them.

How do sodium amobarbital and sodium pentobarbital work in the treatment of dissociative amnesia?

They free people from their inhibitions, thus allowing them to recall unpleasant events.

MAO inhibitors are biochemical agents that alleviate depressive symptoms in approximately half of the clinically depressed patients who take them. What is the mechanism of action of these drugs?

They interfere with the destruction of serotonin and norepinephrine.

Which statement is TRUE regarding dissociative disorders?

They involve major changes in memory.

How did the perception of patients with psychological problems change during the spread of moral treatment?

They were seen as potentially productive human beings who deserved care.

What is the significance of the 1940s study by Keys et al. in which healthy individuals placed on a semistarvation diet developed a preoccupation with food?

This study supports the idea that a preoccupation with food is a result of starvation.

Which statement about the various viewpoints of clinical psychology is TRUE?

Various perspectives coexist, and they often conflict and compete with one another.

Which statement BEST represents current knowledge about mass murderers?

We really don't know what causes mass murderers to act or how to treat them.

As part of his treatment, a client with avoidant personality disorder must increase the number of social contacts he makes per day. The person, at the least, must greet others with the sentence, "Hello, how are you doing?" MOST likely, the therapist has which theoretical background?

a cognitive-behavioral background

Christopher was diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder. He tells his therapist that he has trouble figuring out how others feel, and that as a child he had problems with learning language. These findings would make the MOST sense to a theorist with which background?

a cognitive-behavioral background

Growing up, Bernardo would sometimes get headaches. Whenever he got a headache, his mother let him stay home from school. Now, as an adult, his headaches have become more frequent. His head pounds any time he is required to do something he would rather not do. What kind of theoretical explanation for conversion symptoms is this?

a cognitive-behavioral explanation

If one receives a good deal of attention for unusual behaviors, is it any surprise those behaviors are strengthened? This question would MOST likely be asked by what type of theorist?

a cognitive-behavioral theorist

Xavier has erectile disorder and asks his physician why this is happening to him. His physician is likely to tell him that most cases of erectile disorder are caused by:

a combination of psychosocial and physical causes.

Studies relating rates of diagnosis of schizophrenia to poverty and race show:

a connection between diagnosis of schizophrenia and both race and poverty.

What is a likely long-term consequence of anorexia?

a continuing concern about weight and appearance

Rosita swings between periods of bottomless depression and high-flying enthusiasm. She never hits the middle. Her physician is MOST likely to recommend treatment with:

a mood-stabilizing drug.

In DSM-5, gambling disorder is considered a(n):

addictive disorder.

Lasting improvement for a person with anorexia nervosa depends on:

addressing underlying psychological problems.

During which period of life does pedophilia typically develop?


Depersonalization disorder is most common among:

adolescents and young adults

In order to identify when in a sexual encounter anxiety about sex first arose, Joonhee is imagining sexual scenes. What therapeutic technique is Joonhee engaging in?

affectual awareness

When was it recognized that acute stress during combat could result in psychological symptoms after combat?

after the Vietnam War

Brandon spent a few weeks in the psychiatric ward of a hospital; once he improved he was released. After his release, a therapist makes sure that he takes his medication and monitors how well he is adjusting to living back in the community. This example illustrates the features of:


In research on suicide, abnormal serotonin levels and a dysfunctional depression-related brain circuit seem MOST related to:


Which of these has the HIGHEST risk of causing organ damage and long-lasting mental change?


During combat, Carlos died when he intentionally stepped in front of a bullet that was intended for one of the soldiers for whom he was responsible. Durkheim would call this an example of:

altruistic suicide.

Who is MOST likely to experience a psychophysiological disorder?

an African American male

What would a person have if a biochemical imbalance were the cause of that person's depression?

an abnormality in the activity of certain neurotransmitters, especially serotonin and norepinephrine

Someone who studies the _____ model of abnormality focuses on how values and choices affect behavior.


The "high" produced by using narcotics is due to the drug:

attaching to sites normally receptive to endorphins.

Defects in the _____ system are thought to contribute to the development of psychophysiological disorders.

autonomic nervous

The _____ is the extensive network of nerve fibers that connect the central nervous system to all the other organs of the body.

autonomic nervous system

Which does NOT belong with the others?

aversion therapy

To treat her alcohol abuse, Danielle receives just enough of a drug that produces temporary paralysis when she tries to drink alcohol. Presumably, sufficient pairings of paralysis and alcohol will reduce Danielle's desire for alcohol. This procedure is called:

aversion therapy.

Wanda is a student who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Often, she sits, staring at the blank page where she should be completing homework assignments, unable to make herself write anything; she just doesn't seem to care. What symptom is she displaying?


Studies reporting abnormalities in the basal ganglia of individuals with bipolar disorder provide the strongest support for which cause of bipolar disorder?

brain structure

Mood-stabilizing drugs have been found to increase the production of:

brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).

After eating three burgers, a large order of fries, and two vanilla milkshakes, Winfrey goes to the gym to "work it off." She runs for 90 minutes on the treadmill, spends an hour cycling, and gets on the rowing machine for another hour. After her workout, she refuses to eat anything for 48 hours. She repeats this pattern a few days later. Based on this information, which diagnosis would be MOST fitting?

bulimia nervosa

A person who is isolated and lacks social support or intimacy is more likely to:

develop depression when under stress.

The _____ states that a person with a biological predisposition for schizophrenia will develop it if he or she subsequently experiences significant life stressors or other negative events.

diathesis-stress model

A research study on a group of children with autism will compare treatment delivered by parents at home to treatment delivered by teachers at school. If the study finds that the treatment delivered at school is more effective, which item is the BEST example of a confounding variable?

differences between the parents and teachers

Members of a family operate very independently of one another. In this family, the children are also discouraged from asking for advice or seeking support. According to family systems theory, this family is characterized by:


According to Seligman's research, dogs that were initially exposed to inescapable electric shocks learned to _____ when given the opportunity to avoid subsequent escapable shocks.

do nothing

In preparation for a study of the effectiveness of an antipsychotic drug, an assistant puts all drugs into capsules of the same color and codes them. The assistant will have no part in administering the drug. Neither the subjects nor the experimenter will know who receives which drug. This is an example of a:

double-masked design.

Jake is lying in bed and suddenly feels as though he is floating above his body. This is called:


If the state-dependent learning explanation of dissociative disorders is correct, when would a subpersonality be MOST likely to present?

during a time of stress

Four adults have experienced a stressful event. The individual at greatest risk for developing a physical illness is the person who recently:

experienced the death of a spouse.

Subjecting a person to a situation that causes the individual anxiety as a means of eliminating future anxiety is called:

exposure therapy.

A study showed a positive correlation, among adolescent girls, between the time spent on Facebook and the likelihood of experiencing an eating disorder. This result showed that:

exposure to social media might be related to an increase in eating disorders.

Evidence suggests that restricted affect among those with schizophrenia may reflect the inability to _____ emotions, not the inability to _____ them.

express; feel

Nora admits that she's had episodes of uncontrollable eating once or twice a week for the past few months. During these episodes, she feels compelled to eat everything in sight. Afterward, she always vomits so that she won't gain weight. Which other factor would have to be present to meet the diagnostic criteria for bulimia nervosa?

extreme concern with one's body shape and weight

Ophelia is a college-aged woman with a history of dieting. Over the past few months, she has drastically reduced how much food she consumes. She views her constant hunger pain as a positive sign that she is maintaining control over her eating. Even though her weight is now below average, Ophelia still views herself as overweight. As her health care provider, you suspect possible anorexia nervosa. Which other sign or symptoms would be present with anorexia nervosa?

fear of becoming overweight

Which is an example of a specific social anxiety?

fear of public speaking

Those who suffer from chronic insomnia may:

feel as if they are constantly awake.

Which of the following is NOT a physical symptom of depression?

feeling sad and dejected

Research indicates that suicides by people with schizophrenia occur in response to:

feelings of demoralization.

The BEST example of malingering is a person who:

feigns an illness to achieve some external gain, such as financial compensation.

Research has revealed that a woman's lack of orgasm can sometimes be linked to all the following EXCEPT:

female inadequacies.

LaTisha experiences little sexual response to erotic cues and physical stimulation. She is MOST likely experiencing:

female sexual interest/arousal disorder.

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can damage the developing embryo and fetus, resulting in:

fetal alcohol syndrome.

What is the term for the use of and attraction to inanimate objects as a preferred method of achieving sexual excitement?


The collective reactions generated by the sympathetic nervous system pathway and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) pathway are termed the:

fight-or-flight response.

Psychodynamic therapies may not be very effective in the treatment of substance use disorders because:

finding the cause of a substance use disorder is less important than treating the use as an independent problem.

When talking with a potentially suicidal individual on a suicide hotline, the final step for the counselor is to:

formulate a plan.

At a suicide prevention center, you hear a counselor say, "Will you promise me that you will call again if you ever feel like killing yourself?" Which one of the goals and techniques of suicide prevention does this question BEST represent?

formulating a plan

Jie has had a feeling of being on edge for several days now. She can't think of a reason for why she feels this way. This feeling is called:

free-floating anxiety.

Gwen is held up at knifepoint, and her young son is kidnapped. Her son is eventually found and returned to her. However, Gwen is unable to recall events that occurred since the attack, although she remembers some new experiences; worse still, she finds that she is forgetting events that occurred even before the attack. This is a classic example of:

generalized amnesia.

According to the developmental psychopathology view, substance use disorders typically begin with:

genetically inherited predispositions.

If genetics plays a strong role in the development of cocaine abuse, we would expect to find the lowest concordance rates for cocaine abuse among:

genetically unrelated pairs of people.

Which factor does NOT contribute to the high suicide rate among the elderly?

geographical location

During a therapy session, a client is told to pretend the therapist is her parent and to tell her "parent" why she is angry. This therapist is MOST likely a(n) _____ therapist.


As a political protest, two activists leap from a bridge in a highly publicized double suicide. Those MOST at risk for modeling these suicides are people who:

have a history of emotional problems.

According to sociocultural theorists, generalized anxiety disorder is LEAST likely to develop in people who:

have a lot of free time to think about their problems.

A 12-year-old middle-school European American girl from a middle-class socioeconomic background has been diagnosed with bipolar I disorder. Which characteristic is MOST unusual for those with bipolar I disorder diagnosis?

her age

The complete remission rate for those diagnosed with schizophrenia is:

higher in developing countries than in developed countries, possibly because of better family and social support.

The _____ model proposes that humans must have an accurate self-awareness and live meaningful lives to be psychologically well adjusted.


Darcy is at a friend's dinner party. She's captured the attendees' attention for most of the evening by telling jokes and dramatized stories, but everyone's attention turns away from her when someone else announces her pregnancy. Darcy bursts into dramatic and effusive congratulations to draw back some attention, but she grows angry when the other woman stays the center of attention. Finally, Darcy loudly lies that she had been pregnant and miscarried, and that hearing about someone else's pregnancy is extremely hurtful. Darcy is exhibiting characteristics of:

histrionic personality disorder.

Tomas killed himself in a way that is being described as an altruistic suicide. He is MOST likely to have lived in a country that:

honors those who kill themselves for a higher good.

Anna is pessimistic and believes that her life will never get better and her problems will only get worse. She is experiencing:


Biochemical explanations for bipolar disorder focus on all of the following EXCEPT:

hormonal functioning.

Abnormal chemical activity in the body's endocrine system relates to the release of:


For those who hold the somatogenic view of mental illness, the best treatment setting for those with mental disorders would be a:


A benefit of adjunctive psychotherapy for bipolar disorder is that:

hospitalizations are reduced.

People with severe mental illnesses are LESS likely to be _____ than they were 50 years ago.

hospitalized in mental institutions

A feminist therapist would MOST likely focus on:

how prejudice and discrimination impact women.

"That's all right. You are doing your best. Don't worry. I'm here for you." A therapist who would say this as a primary part of the therapy process would MOST probably be following the _____ tradition.


A therapist listens carefully to a client's words and then attempts to show accurate empathy and genuineness. The hope is that the client will engage in self-examination with acceptance and honesty. MOST likely, this therapist is a _____ therapist.


Among other questions, a clinical interviewer asks, "How do you feel about yourself today? How do you feel about what's going on in your life?" MOST likely, the clinical interviewer's orientation is:


Unipolar depression and bipolar disorder share all the following characteristics EXCEPT:

inappropriate rises in mood.

Female sexual interest/arousal disorder differs from male hypoactive sexual desire disorder MOST notably in that it:

includes difficulties in both the desire and arousal stages of the sexual response cycle.

Research suggests that one negative effect of adolescents using social media sites is that these sites may:

increase peer pressure and social anxiety.

In the United States, over the past several decades, the typical duration of sexual intercourse has:

increased, as has the distress of those suffering from early ejaculation.

A young woman believes that everything negative that happens to her is her own fault, that she ruins everything, and that she always will. The therapist diagnoses her as suffering from a learned helplessness-induced depression because she attributes negative events in her life to:

internal, global, stable factors.

Freud believed that the three central forces that shape the personality were:

instinctual needs, rational thinking, and moral standards.

Your romantic partner of four years ends the relationship suddenly and cuts off all contact. You immediately focus all of your energy on the financial implications of your partner's departure and ways to save money. The defense mechanism that BEST explains your behavior is:


Which category of clinical tests tends to have the BEST standardization, reliability, and validity?

intelligence tests

The statement "My girlfriend broke up with me because I am worthless" BEST reflects a(n):

internal attribution.

Which sociocultural theory does NOT attempt to explain the link between gender and depression?

interpersonal conflict theory

A couple has been married for almost 50 years, and then one of them dies. The probability that the surviving spouse will commit suicide:

is much higher than normal.

A self-help group differs from group therapy in that the self-help group:

is not led by a professional clinician.

To measure tendencies toward depression, an assessment tool asks individuals to record all the times they feel sad. However, individuals report wide variations in the number of sad episodes from day to day. This assessment tool has:

low test-retest reliability and high face validity.

Bartrop and colleagues compared the immune systems of 26 people whose spouses had died 8 weeks earlier with those of 26 matched control-group participants whose spouses had not died. The blood samples revealed that _____ was much lower in the bereaved people than in the controls.

lymphocyte functioning

What helps the body identify and destroy antigens and cancer cells?


The white blood cells that circulate through the lymph system and bloodstream are referred to as:


Women with female sexual interest/arousal disorder have difficulty with:

maintaining proper lubrication.

A person who is recovering from unipolar depression continues to take a tricyclic for several months after most symptoms are gone. What kind of therapy is this?


A belief of many early cognitive-behavioral therapists, and one that continues to be influential today, is that generalized anxiety disorder is induced by:

maladaptive assumptions.

The cognitive explanation for panic disorders is that people who have them:

misinterpret bodily sensations.

A person is being treated for a social anxiety disorder. A therapist watches the person act out a social scene, points out what she did correctly and incorrectly, and praises her for what she did well. Which behavioral technique did the therapist NOT use?


Drew is terrified of the snakes that his 8-year-old son brings home as pets. During his therapy, his therapist demonstrated how to handle snakes. This is a form of therapy based on:


What term describes the behaviors of people who attempt suicide after observing or reading about someone else who has done so?


Davon watched his father recoil from a snake in fear. Now he is afraid of snakes. This apparent acquisition of fear of snakes is an example of:


When a rash of suicides occurs in the aftermath of a celebrity's suicide or a case that has been highly publicized by the media, behavioral theorists believe it is attributable to:


The goal of cognitive-behavioral therapy is BEST described as:

modifying the client's negative behavior and dysfunctional ways of thinking.

Compared with covert exposure therapy for combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder, virtual reality exposure therapy has been shown to be:

more effective.

According to the family stress model, parents of those diagnosed with schizophrenia display all these EXCEPT:

more empathy.

Compared with adults who commit suicide, teenagers who commit suicide are:

more impulsive and have poorer problem-solving skills.

A young woman who is very concerned about being attractive to others, is more sexually experienced, and has relatively few obsessive qualities is:

more likely to be experiencing bulimia than anorexia.

A woman experiences recurrent thoughts of suicide, great sadness, and sleep disturbances. These symptoms began a week after she gave birth and have lasted more than 6 months. This woman is experiencing:

peripartum depression.

Quincy knows that her family is planning to kill her and sell her prized piano. She's heard them talking about her, and they've tried to tell her that she isn't feeling well when Quincy knows she's in perfect health. Quincy has known for years that everyone hates her piano and wants to get rid of it. Quincy is MOST likely suffering from delusions of:


The authors of DSM-5 have designed their own dimensional approach in diagnosing personality disorders for possible inclusion in future revisions of the DSM. The idea is that individuals whose traits significantly impair their functioning should receive a diagnosis of:

personality disorder—trait specified.

During a session, Willow is given several sheets of paper. The questions describe a variety of situations to gauge how she thinks and what she would do in different situations. Willow must then go through and check "True," "False," or "Cannot say" for each question. Willow is MOST likely taking a:

personality inventory.

Kelsey feels stressed because of her responsibilities as a mother. Even so, she tends to be optimistic, engages in constructive coping, and is resilient. The likelihood of her developing a psychophysiological disorder is slim due to:

personality style.

The biological understanding of generalized anxiety is supported by the finding that:

relatives of people with generalized anxiety are more likely to have it than nonrelatives are.

Relaxation training differs from mediation in that:

relaxation focuses on the body, whereas meditation focuses on turning one's concentration inward.

The first step in systematic desensitization treatment is:

relaxation training.

A goal of behavior-focused therapy is to:

replace problematic behaviors with more appropriate ones.

People with a reluctance to express discomfort or hostility have a:

repressive coping style.

After medical school, a psychiatrist receives three to four years of training in the treatment of abnormal mental functioning; this training is called a(n):


According to the developmental psychopathology perspective, moderate and manageable adversities that occur during childhood may make a person more _____ when faced with stressful events during adulthood.


During a meeting, Shonda's manager asks her to free associate about her coworker's performance. Shonda responds by changing the subject. A psychodynamic therapist would consider this an example of:


A person who has paraphilia:

responds sexually to a socially inappropriate object or situation.

The substances that relay the original message from the receptor site to the firing mechanism of the neuron are:

second messengers.

A man received kindness and sympathy from his wife when he was mute. What kind of gains is he receiving from his behavior?


Rowena was terrified to testify in court and face the person who was accused of robbing her. One morning shortly before she was scheduled to appear, she awoke blind. This is an example of:

secondary gain.

Most second-generation antidepressants are:

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

A client diagnosed with schizophrenia has begun to exhibit new symptoms, often saying, "They tell me I'm crazy, so I must be crazy." This MOST likely is an example of:

self-fulfilling prophecy.

A child in an extremely abusive family situation often seems to become deaf to the verbal abuse and insensitive to the physical abuse, as if the child simply wasn't there experiencing the abuse. One explanation for this behavior is:


The process of teaching people to identify and eventually rid themselves of unpleasant thoughts that emerge during pain episodes is called:

self-instruction training.

Dani has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She has a very supportive husband, caring children, and several friends who will provide support for her during her recovery. Lori also has been diagnosed with breast cancer, but she does not have a family or any close friends. Because of the differences in _____, Dani is more likely to have a successful recovery.

social support

Juanita often feels lonely and does not have many close friends. She also has poor immune functioning and tends to get sick often. This may be due to the factor of:

social support.

A theorist who believes that someone who is labeled a hard worker will, in fact, become a hard worker is MOST likely a _____ theorist.


The _____ model of abnormality pays particular attention to the client's family structure, societal norms, and the client's roles in society.


The type of clinician who would be MOST likely to say, "Tell me about the quality of mutual support you receive from your marriage," is a:

sociocultural clinician.

The MOST well-developed understanding of the causes of suicide come from the:

sociocultural model.

A clinician who looks at the influence of race, living conditions, marital status, and roles on the development of depression would MOST likely subscribe to which theoretical orientation?

sociocultural theoretical orientation

A clinician is particularly interested in a client's family background and community influences. The clinician's orientation is MOST likely:


A patient with a heart condition complains of adhesions from his postoperative scar, leg cramps, and joint stiffness. He seems to be hurting all over, but no medical reason can be found to explain the symptoms. The BEST diagnosis for this disorder is:

somatic symptom disorder (predominant pain pattern).

What is the disorder with a wide range of vague, long-lasting, and disturbing physical symptoms without a medical cause?

somatic symptom disorder (somatization pattern)

According to Martin Seligman's theory, which person would be MOST likely to develop learned helplessness?

someone who experienced uncontrollable negative events and then a controllable negative event

A woman who has just given birth is anxious, has trouble sleeping, and feels sad. These symptoms diminish over the next couple of weeks. What she has experienced is MOST likely:

the "baby blues," something experienced by more than half of new mothers.

During a session, a client views several photos that depict people in different social scenarios. As the client views the pictures, the clinician asks the client to fabricate a story to explain what is happening in each picture. The patient is taking:

the Thematic Apperception Test.

Which of the following is a major similarity between the work of Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck?

the belief that maladaptive thoughts cause anxiety

Family pedigree, twin, and gene studies have been used to look for a predisposition for unipolar depression. These studies are indicative of which theoretical framework?

the biological framework

Assume a researcher finds that overuse of a drug reduces the body's production of neurotransmitters. Thus, if an abuser of this drug stops taking the drug, withdrawal symptoms occur until the brain begins producing normal levels of neurotransmitters again. Such a finding would most directly support which view of the cause of substance use disorders?

the biological view

Someone interested in how social change, poverty, and race affect the risk for generalized anxiety disorders probably supports which perspective?

the sociocultural perspective

Researchers have found that substance use disorders are more common among some religious groups than others, and generally are more common among some groups than among others. Together, these findings provide the MOST support for which view of substance use disorders?

the sociocultural view

All of these structures are part of a brain circuit that is linked to schizophrenia EXCEPT:

the superior colliculus.

What are the two most influential cognitive explanations for unipolar depression?

the theory of negative thinking and the theory of learned helplessness

A friend asks you, "What's the name of that Tom Hanks movie where a pirate takes over his ship and says, 'I'm the captain now'?" You remember the movie and know you know the title, but you can't think of it in the moment. This is an example of:

the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon.

Many researchers believe that one reason for higher rates of posttraumatic stress disorder in women is:

the types of trauma they experience.

Idrina, who is fifteen, has a negative perception of her body. She is most likely dissatisfied with her:


A frequent drug user finds that larger doses of a drug are necessary to produce the same "high" that much lower doses once produced. That drug user is developing:


According to cognitive theorists, the underlying distortion in eating disorders is related to:

too much concern with eating, shape, and weight.

The prevalence of sexual dysfunction in older men seen at a clinic tells you the:

total number of older men with sexual dysfunction at the clinic.

Before grading papers, a professor puts on rubber gloves. During class and in interactions with students, the professor painstakingly avoids any contact with the hands of students. The professor is exhibiting a(n):

touching compulsion.

The ancient operation in which a stone instrument was used to cut away a circular section of the skull is called:


The scientific name for hair-pulling disorder is:


People with low incomes are _____ as likely as people with higher incomes to experience one of the stress disorders.


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