Abnormal Psych Exam 2

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False memory

Some event that never took place

Bipolar 1 vs Bipolar 2

1 - manic episodes, depressive episodes common but not required for diagnosis 2 - hypomanic episodes (less extreme), >1 major depressive episode required


1. Exposure to actual or threatened death, injury, or sexual violence 2. Intrusion symptoms --> memories, can't get it out of mind, dreams, flashbacks 3. Avoidance 4. Negative changes in cognition and mood 5. Changes in Arousal and Reactivity --> people with PTSD are physiologically and psychologically hyperactive Treatment 1. Establish relationship 2. Positive View of Symptoms --> Posttraumatic growth 3. From global thinking to problem solving --> re-engage with family instead of thinking the world is awful 4. Behavioral steps in thought and action --> go back to work, get back out there 5. Confront emotional barriers and distorted beliefs 6. Anticipate lapses


A deeply entrenched false belief not consistent with the client's intelligence or cultural background

Separation Anxiety Disorder

A disorder characterized by intense and inappropriate anxiety concerning leaving home or being left by the people close to them in their lives

Social Anxiety Disorder

A disorder characterized by intense fear of social situations in which the individual may be scrutinized by others Fear of being humiliated or embarrassed in front of others

Brief psychotic disorder

A disorder characterized by the sudden onset of psychotic symptoms that are limited to a period of less than one month Individual must experience one of four symptoms: --> Delusions, Hallucinations, Disorganized speech, Catatonic behavior


A disorder in which individuals pull out their hair in response to an increasing sense of tension or urge --> after they pull out their hair, they feel relief, pleasure, or gratification

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

A disorder in which the individual is preoccupied with the idea that a part of their body is ugly or defective


A false perception not corresponding to the objective stimuli present in the environment

Rapid cycling

A form of Bipolar Disorder involving 4 or more episodes within the previous year that meet the criteria for manic, hypomanic, or major depressive disorder In some individuals, the cycling may occur within 1 week or even 1 day


A form of psychosis experienced by an individual with unusual thinking, behavior, hallucinations, cognitive distortions For one month, 2 or more of (including either 1, 2, or 3): 1. Delusions 2. Hallucinations 3. Disorganized Speech 4. Disorganized or Catatonic Behavior 5. Negative symptoms --> diminished emotional expression, avolition (lack of initiative) Also impaired functioning (work, relations, self-care) Disturbance at least 6 months Not due to another disorder Not due to substances or medical condition ~1% of population Rare that person with psychosis is violent --> the one time they get violent is when they nave instructions to hurt or kill someone

Pedophilic disorder

A paraphilic disorder in which a person has repeated and intense sexual urges or fantasies about watching, touching, or engaging in sexual acts with children, and either acts on these urges or experiences clinically significant distress or impairment Aversive conditioning to stop it The Woodsman --> man has recently left jail for pedophilic behavior, and girl approaches him and he is struggling with urges to want to abuse her Hard to get them to trust clinician Grooming --> ingratiate the family, find kid who is in less fortunate family and take kid out, threaten child, make child feel loved

Hypomanic episode

A period of elated mood not as extreme as a manic episode A diagnosis of Bipolar II Disorder means that the individual has had one or more major depressive episodes and at least one hypomanic episode


A unusually elevated sad mood Essential element of depressive disorder

6. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Is the Addiction Model Appropriate for Treating Compulsive Sexual Behaviors?" Marty Klein (NO Argument) questions the credibility of treatment providers adhering to the sex addiction model, many of whom are often in recovery themselves. He refers to these self-proclaimed "sex experts" as: A) Addictionologists B) Pseudo-Sexologists C) SA 12-Steppers D) Rescue Fantasy Providers

A) Addictionologists

3. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Is 'Social Transitioning' a Beneficial Treatment for Transgender Children?" Olson & Durwood (YES Argument) introduce their TransYouth Project, which is: A) a longitudinal study that works to track gender development and mental health over time for two distinct demographics: transgender/gender dysphoric youth and gender nonconforming youth. B) a cross-sectional study that works to track gender development and mental health over time for two distinct demographics: transgender/gender dysphoric youth and gender nonconforming youth. C) a longitudinal study that tracks rates of "de-transitioning" among transgender adults who had socially transitioned in childhood and/or adolescence. D) a cross-sectional study to assess the effects of geographical location and political leanings on social stigma surrounding social transitioning in transgender youth.

A) a longitudinal study that works to track gender development and mental health over time for two distinct demographics: transgender/gender dysphoric youth and gender nonconforming youth.

1. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Is Marijuana a Viable Treatment Option for Psychiatric Disorders?" which of the following best describes the stance Will Hall (YES Argument) takes regarding the purported link between cannabis use and first-episode/early psychosis? A) Although there may be some validity to the concern that cannabis use may exacerbate psychotic symptoms in some individuals, it may very well be possible that psychotic individuals are simply drawn to altered states of consciousness to begin with and seek out cannabis to achieve such sensation. B) Early evidence that cannabidiol (CBD) has the potential to become an effective antipsychotic disproves the cannabis/early psychosis link altogether. C) Only cannabis with a low CBD:THC ratio taken during the prodromal phase of schizophrenia has the propensity to cause a psychotic break. D) Those reporting first-episode psychosis following cannabis use are in actuality experiencing a manic state brought on by psychoactive properties of marijuana.

A) Although there may be some validity to the concern that cannabis use may exacerbate psychotic symptoms in some individuals, it may very well be possible that psychotic individuals are simply drawn to altered states of consciousness to begin with and seek out cannabis to achieve such sensation.

6. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Is 'Social Transitioning' a Beneficial Treatment for Transgender Children?" Dreger (NO Argument) criticizes the Affirming Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity Act, which seeks to prohibit any clinical practice from seeking to change or direct the sexual orientation or gender identity of a patient under the age of 18. This legislation is more commonly referred to as: A) Bill 77 B) General Law XYT C) the UCSF Proposition D) the Anti-Conversion Guidelines

A) Bill 77

5. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Is Marijuana a Viable Treatment Option for Psychiatric Disorders?" Will Hall (YES Argument) endorses research that explores the medicinal value of this cannabis compound as a potential antipsychotic. A) Cannabidiol (CBD) B) Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) C) Cannabigerol (CBG) D) Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV)

A) Cannabidiol (CBD)

3. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Must Mentally Ill Murderers Have A Rational Understanding of Why They Are Being Sentenced to Death?", the American Psychological Association, American Psychiatric Association, and National Alliance on Mental Illness (YES Argument) disagree with the Fifth Circuit Court's interpretation of the Supreme Court case __________ when assessing Panetti's death sentence appeal and argue that ruling Panetti mentally competent for execution violates his _____ Amendment Right prohibiting cruel and unusual punishment. A) Ford v. Wainwright, Eighth B) Dusky v. United States, Fourteenth C) Godinez v. Moran, First D) McKaskle v. Wiggins, Sixth

A) Ford v. Wainwright, Eighth

8. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Is Marijuana a Viable Treatment Option for Psychiatric Disorders?" Will Hall (YES Argument) endorses research that explores the medicinal value of Cannabidiol (CBD) as: A) a potential alternative to antipsychotic medications, without the horrible side effects. B) a supplement to enhance the efficacy of antipsychotic medication. C) a stepping stone that increases tolerance to antipsychotic medications. D) an alleviator of the side-effects of antipsychotic medications, such as tardive dyskinesia.

A) a potential alternative to antipsychotic medications, without the horrible side effects.

3. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Is the Addiction Model Appropriate for Treating Compulsive Sexual Behaviors?" Marty Klein (NO Argument) uses the term "addictionologists" as a term to describe: A) individuals, often in recovery themselves, who erroneously portray themselves as "sex experts" that lack credibility both in their knowledge of human sexuality and experience diagnosing mental health conditions (i.e., differential diagnosis). B) substance abuse counselors who have attempted to overtake the field of sexology in order to push a socio-political agenda. C) individuals in the scientific community who present biased, skewed "evidence" to try and convince the public that the neurobiology behind sex addiction and drug addiction are essentially the same and that sex addicts deserve the same type of sympathy many drug abusers receive. D) overzealous doctors in addiction medicine who have been quick to mislabel various obsessive-compulsive behaviors as addictions in order to lure clients away from cognitive-behavioral therapists.

A) individuals, often in recovery themselves, who erroneously portray themselves as "sex experts" that lack credibility both in their knowledge of human sexuality and experience diagnosing mental health conditions (i.e., differential diagnosis).

3. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Should Memory-Dampening Drugs Be Used to Prevent and Treat Trauma in Combat Soldiers?", the President's Council on Bioethics (NO Arguments) calls into question the practicality of propranolol as a PTSD treatment option because: A) propranolol only appears to be effective when administered during or shortly after a traumatic event, likely before the development of PTSD. B) propranolol could be particularly detrimental to individuals suffering from the dissociative subtype of PTSD, as attempts to dissociate memories from the emotions attached to them could lead to other forms of psychopathology (e.g., Dissociative Identity Disorder). C) propranolol can only work as a preventive measure that needs to be administered prior to exposure to a potentially traumatic event. D) propranolol is not supported by empirical data, with its efficacy on par with placebos in various studies.

A) propranolol only appears to be effective when administered during or shortly after a traumatic event, likely before the development of PTSD.

3. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Does Pornogaphy Reduce the Incidence of Rape?" D'Amato (YES Argument) asserts that no scientific evidence exists suggesting pornography increases the probability of rape, a direct criticism of: A) the morally biased "political truth" spread by Reagan's Commission on Pornography, which erroneously claims that there is a causal relationship between pornography and subsequent sexual violence. B) the morally biased "political truth" spread by Nixon's Commission on Obscenity and Pornography, which erroneously claims that there is a causal relationship between pornography and subsequent sexual violence. C) a claim by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) that excessive pornography use can pave the way to engagement in crimes against children in susceptible individuals. D) the Women Against Pornography (WAP) movement, a radicalized group claiming that men are, by nature, sexual deviants and that pornography brings out their animalistic instincts.

A) the morally biased "political truth" spread by Reagan's Commission on Pornography, which erroneously claims that there is a causal relationship between pornography and subsequent sexual violence.

Sexual dysfunctions

An abnormality in an individual's sexual responsiveness or reactions along with feelings of significant distress or impairment

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

An anxiety disorder characterized by anxiety and worry that is not associated with a particular object, situation, or event but seems to be a constant feature of a person's day-to-day existence


An anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent obsessions or compulsions that are inordinately time consuming or that cause significant distress or impairment

Acute Stress Disorder

An anxiety disorder that develops after a traumatic event, and lasts for up to one month with symptoms such as depersonalization, numbing, dissociative amnesia, intense anxiety, hypervigilance, and impairment of everyday functioning If it lasts more than one month --> classified as PTSD

Dissociative Amnesia

An inability to remember important personal details or experiences; is usually associated with traumatic or very stressful events

Behavioral Medicine

Applies the growing body of scientific evidence regarding mind-body relationships to helping improve people's physical health by addressing its relationships to the psychological factors of stress, emotions, behavior patterns, and personality

1. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Is the Addiction Model Appropriate for Treating Compulsive Sexual Behaviors?" which of the following best describes the relationship Isaac Abel (YES Argument) presents between ΔFosB, dopamine, and porn addiction? A) Excessive viewing of pornography causes spikes in dopamine levels, leading to decreased concentrations of the chemical ΔFosB, which has been implicated in several neurophysiological and behavioral changes associated with addiction. B) Excessive viewing of pornography causes spikes in dopamine levels, leading to increased concentrations of the chemical ΔFosB, which has been implicated in several neurophysiological and behavioral changes associated with addiction. C) Genetically predisposed individuals with naturally elevated concentrations of ΔFosB are more likely due to develop a porn addiction due to decreased dopamine levels. D) Genetically predisposed individuals with naturally lowered concentrations of ΔFosB are less likely due to develop a porn addiction due to increased dopamine levels.

B) Excessive viewing of pornography causes spikes in dopamine levels, leading to increased concentrations of the chemical ΔFosB, which has been implicated in several neurophysiological and behavioral changes associated with addiction.

7. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Is Marijuana a Viable Treatment Option for Psychiatric Disorders?" Bernard Woodward (NO Argument) contests claims that cannabis can "cure" this psychological condition due to lack of large-scale controlled studies in humans and overreliance on translational data (i.e., results from animal studies). A) Schizophrenia B) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) C) Bipolar I D) Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

B) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

3. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Is Marijuana a Viable Treatment Option for Psychiatric Disorders?" Will Hall (YES Argument) would characterize the reception by leading mental health organizations, such as the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), to medical marijuana as: A) a clear indication that mental health providers outside the field of psychiatry are unsatisfied with the pharmaceutical industry (e.g., Big Pharma's psychotropic medications can only treat surface-level symptoms and have long-lasting side effects that cannabis could prevent.). B) a continuation of "War on Drugs" propaganda that demonizes cannabis based on unsound, fear-mongering claims (e.g., Approximately ⅓ of individuals with schizophrenia have comorbid cannabis use disorder). C) an endorsement for mind-body medicine that specializes in using cannabis to enhance hypoactive neurobiological systems implicated in psychopathology (e.g., Cannabis interacts with receptors in the endocannabinoid system to produce endorphin-like effects.). D) a precautionary measure to prevent excessive, simultaneous research exploring the use of illicit drugs or controlled substances to treat mental illness (e.g., With ketamine being explored as a treatment option for depression, and psychedelics as a treatment option for PTSD, it would be wise to hold off on cannabis-based studies until we have a clearer understanding of how other drugs affect psychopathology.).

B) a continuation of "War on Drugs" propaganda that demonizes cannabis based on unsound, fear-mongering claims (e.g., Approximately ⅓ of individuals with schizophrenia have comorbid cannabis use disorder).

1. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Does Pornogaphy Reduce the Incidence of Rape?" D'Amato (YES Argument) presents data on the relationship between the level of internet access and reported incidences of rape in attempt to demonstrate: A) a positive correlation between porn consumption and rape occurrence. B) a negative correlation between porn consumption and rape occurrence. C) A causal, parabolic relationship in which normal porn consumption reduces the incidence of rape while too little or too much porn consumption increases the chance an individual commits rape. D) a zero-order correlation between porn consumption and rape occurrence.

B) a negative correlation between porn consumption and rape occurrence.

1. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Is 'Social Transitioning' a Beneficial Treatment for Transgender Children?" Olson & Durwood (YES Argument) discuss the "80 percent statistic" to: A) illustrate the validity and reliability of empirical evidence supporting the notion that the greater majority of gender nonconforming youth do not self-identity as transgender at follow-up, and thus should not undergo social transitioning. B) cast doubt on studies arguing against social transitioning because they do not appropriately differentiate gender nonconforming and transgender youth and fail to accurately assess for gender dysphoria. C) provide support for social transitioning because the greater majority of transgender youth grow up to be transgender adults. D) argue that social transitioning is harmless because the majority of transgender youth do not pursue irreversible medical interventions they may later regret.

B) cast doubt on studies arguing against social transitioning because they do not appropriately differentiate gender nonconforming and transgender youth and fail to accurately assess for gender dysphoria.

6. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Must Mentally Ill Murderers Have A Rational Understanding of Why They Are Being Sentenced to Death?", Abbott et al. (NO Argument) reject Panetti's "rational understanding" in part because a convict's moral __________ at the time of an offense supersedes the "rational understanding" criteria in capital punishment protocol. A) relativism B) culpability C) incapacity D) inherence

B) culpability

1. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Should Memory-Dampening Drugs Be Used to Prevent and Treat Trauma in Combat Soldiers?", Donovan (YES Argument) and the President's Council on Bioethics (NO Argument) would agree that propranolol SHOULD NOT be administered to: A) individuals diagnosed with PTSD who wish to alleviate the painful emotion response associated with traumatic memories. B) military personnel prior to combat who wish to prevent any possibility of developing PTSD. C) individuals who have achieved some level of post-traumatic growth (PTG) but do not meet diagnostic criteria for PTSD. D) military personnel returning from combat who show early signs of PTSD.

B) military personnel prior to combat who wish to prevent any possibility of developing PTSD.

1. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Must Mentally Ill Murderers Have A Rational Understanding of Why They Are Being Sentenced to Death?",which two types of delusions do the American Psychological Association, American Psychiatric Association, and National Alliance on Mental Illness (YES Argument) argue are pertinent to why Scott Panetti, the defendant, is unable to have a "rational understanding" of why he has been sentenced to death? (Hint: Panetti was firmly convinced he was being executed for preaching the Gospel, despite evidence to the contrary explaining it was for the murders he committed.) A) reference & thought insertion B) persecutory & grandiose/grandeur C) auditory & visual D) cotard & control

B) persecutory & grandiose/grandeur

6. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Does Pornography Reduce the Incidence of Rape?" Darwin (NO Argument) challenges the notion that incidence of rape is on the decline, noting that occurrence of rape can be predicted by: A) the increased availability of free pornography. B) the overall trend in violent crime. C) increased interest in non-consensual fetishism (e.g., rape fantasies) D) a decrease in non-violent sexual crimes.

B) the overall trend in violent crime.

5. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Must Mentally Ill Murderers Have A Rational Understanding of Why They Are Being Sentenced to Death?" the American Psychological Association, American Psychiatric Association, and National Alliance on Mental Illness (YES Argument) argue that defendant Scott Panetti is unable to have a "rational understanding" of why he has been sentenced to death due to the severity of these psychopathological symptoms. (Hint: Panetti was firmly convinced he was being executed for preaching the Gospel, despite evidence to the contrary explaining it was for the murders he committed.) A) Auditory Hallucinations B) Trauma-Related Dissociative States C) Delusions of Persecution & Grandeur D) Visual Hallucinations

C) Delusions of Persecution & Grandeur

4. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Is Marijuana a Viable Treatment Option for Psychiatric Disorders?" Bernard Woodward (NO Argument) advocates treating patients with cannabis use disorder (CUD) with all of the following evidence-based treatments EXCEPT: A) Motivational Enhancement Therapy B) Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) C) Moderation Management/Moderated Intake D) Contingency Management

C) Moderation Management/Moderated Intake

4. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Does Pornogaphy Reduce the Incidence of Rape?" Darwin (NO Argument) criticizes the "porn up, rape down" association as self-justification for pornography use that exploits and objectifies women by "associating this vice with a decrease in an even worse exploitation and objectification of women: rape." Which defense mechanism does this this most closely resemble? A) Reaction Formation B) Displacement C) Rationalization D) Projection

C) Rationalization

5. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Is the Addiction Model Appropriate for Treating Compulsive Sexual Behaviors?" Isaac Abel (YES Argument) cites spikes in the neurotransmitter _______ for sexual addictions due to its implications in reward-seeking behaviors. A) serotonin B) glutamate C) dopamine D) GABA

C) dopamine

4. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Should Memory-Dampening Drugs Be Used to Prevent and Treat Trauma in Combat Soldiers?", Donovan (YES Argument) advocates for future research on the relationship between propranolol use and post-traumatic growth (PTG) in order to: A) determine the superiority of propranolol administration over psychotherapeutic techniques designed to promote PTG for the treatment of PTSD. B) demonstrate that PTG is impossible without adjunctive propranolol treatment. C) investigate the potential of propranolol as an agent capable of inducing PTG, particularly in severely impaired individuals with PTSD who have been unable to experience any PTG to date. D) elucidate whether or not PTG and PTSD can occur simultaneously in an individual.

C) investigate the potential of propranolol as an agent capable of inducing PTG, particularly in severely impaired individuals with PTSD who have been unable to experience any PTG to date.

2. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Is 'Social Transitioning' a Beneficial Treatment for Transgender Children?" Dreger (NO Argument) criticizes the Affirming Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity Act (Bill 77), a bill which seeks to: A) accommodate transgender youth by granting access to restrooms of their identified sex without parental supervision. B) allow medical interventions such as hormonal therapy for prepubescent, gender dysphoric youth with parental consent. C) prohibit any clinical practice from seeking to change or direct the sexual orientation or gender identity of a patient under the age of 18. D) provide "support groups" that pressure gender nonconforming youth without gender dysphoria to accept transgender identities.

C) prohibit any clinical practice from seeking to change or direct the sexual orientation or gender identity of a patient under the age of 18.

5. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Should Memory-Dampening Drugs Be Used to Prevent and Treat Trauma in Combat Soldiers?" the President's Council on Bioethics (NO Argument) calls into question the practicality of propranolol as a PTSD treatment option because: A) propranolol only appears to be effective for non-chronic conditions such as acute stress disorder. B) propranolol only appears to be effective after the psychophysiological changes associated with PTSD are fully developed, which can take up to a year following the onset of the disorder. C) propranolol only appears to be effective when administered during or shortly after a traumatic event, likely before the development of PTSD. D) propranolol does not attenuate the pathological cortisol response seen in PTSD due to a dysregulated HPA axis.

C) propranolol only appears to be effective when administered during or shortly after a traumatic event, likely before the development of PTSD.

4. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Is the Addiction Model Appropriate for Treating Compulsive Sexual Behaviors?" Marty Klein (NO Argument) denounces the application of the sex addiction model to treat sexually compulsive individuals because: A) sexually compulsive individuals should adhere more to a "moderation" approach to their problematic behavior(s) rather than complete abstinence. B) sexually compulsive individuals are not as hypersexual as sex addicts and do not require the same intensity and frequency of treatment. C) sexually compulsive individuals often have more serious psychopathology (e.g., psychosis, sociopathy) underlying their behavior(s) and require much more intensive, multifaceted treatment plans than any "12-step" protocol could offer. D) sexually compulsive individuals require punishment to truly reform from their offending behavior(s) while addicts do not.

C) sexually compulsive individuals often have more serious psychopathology (e.g., psychosis, sociopathy) underlying their behavior(s) and require much more intensive, multifaceted treatment plans than any "12-step" protocol could offer.

Major Depressive Disorder

Depressed mood Diminished pleasure Weight loss or gain, or appetite +/- Insomnia or Hypersomnia Agitation or retardation Fatigue Worthlessness or guilt Poor concentration or indecisiveness Suicidal thoughts or acts

5. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Is 'Social Transitioning' a Beneficial Treatment for Transgender Children?" Olson & Durwood (YES Argument) refute opposing research suggesting that the majority of transgender youth outgrow their gender dysphoria, a flawed claim dubbed the ________ in the scientific community. A) 95 percentile B) 3:1 rationale C) F-ratio D) 80-percent statistic

D) 80-percent statistic

6. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Is Marijuana a Viable Treatment Option for Psychiatric Disorders?" Bernard Woodward (NO Argument) warns that psychiatric patients with conduct and/or psychotic disorders have an increased risk for developing: A) Addiction B) Axis I Disorders C) Axis II Disorders D) All of the above

D) All of the above

2. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Is the Addiction Model Appropriate for Treating Compulsive Sexual Behaviors?" which of the following organizations does Isaac Abel (YES Argument) exalt for its revolutionizing "redefining" of addiction as a primary illness with the ultimate goal of reducing stigma surrounding various types of addiction? A) Sexaholics Anonymous (SA) B) American Association for Sex Addiction Therapy (AASAT) C) American Association of Sexality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) D) American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)

D) American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)

2. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Does Pornogaphy Reduce the Incidence of Rape?" Darwin (NO Argument) challenges the notion that incidence of rape is on the decline based on data gathered from ____________, while also noting that occurence of rape can be predicted based on: A) Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR); availability of pornography B) Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR); the overall trend in violent crime C) National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS); availability of pornography D) National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS); the overall trend in violent crime

D) National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS); the overall trend in violent crime

2. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Is Marijuana a Viable Treatment Option for Psychiatric Disorders?" Bernard Woodward (NO Argument) contests claims that cannabis can alleviate symptoms of this psychological condition due to lack of large-scale controlled studies in humans and overreliance on translational data (i.e., results from animal studies). A) Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) B) Bipolar I Disorder C) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) D) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

D) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

6. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Should Memory-Dampening Drugs Be Used to Prevent and Treat Trauma in Combat Soldiers?" Donovan (YES Argument) advocates for future research that investigates propranolol as an agent promoting positive psychological change, particularly: A) Radical Acceptance B) Cognitive Restructuring C) Adaptive Information Reprocessing D) Posttraumatic Growth

D) Posttraumatic Growth

2. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Should Memory-Dampening Drugs Be Used to Prevent and Treat Trauma in Combat Soldiers?", Donovan (YES Argument) characterizes the primary pharmacological action of propranolol as: A) an alpha-adrenergic receptor agonist that mimics the actions of cortisol to heighten the long-term stress response in an individual. B) a beta-adrenergic receptor agonist that mimics the actions of epinephrine/norepinephrine to heighten the short-term stress response (i.e., "fight or flight") in an individual. C) an alpha-adrenergic receptor antagonist that blocks the actions of cortisol to lower the long-term stress response in an individual while simultaneously weakening the neural connections associated with emotional, traumatic memories. D) a beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist that blocks the actions of epinephrine/norepinephrine to lower the short-term stress response (i.e., "fight or flight") in an individual while simultaneously weakening the neural connections associated with emotional, traumatic memories.

D) a beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist that blocks the actions of epinephrine/norepinephrine to lower the short-term stress response (i.e., "fight or flight") in an individual while simultaneously weakening the neural connections associated with emotional, traumatic memories.

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

Depressed mood or changes in mood, irritability, dysphoria, and anxiety during the premenstrual phase that subside after the menstrual period begins for most cycles of the preceding year

4. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Must Mentally Ill Murderers Have A Rational Understanding of Why They Are Being Sentenced to Death?", Abbott et al. (NO Argument) reject Panetti's "rational understanding" defense because: A) it promotes an execution-competence standard that is overinclusive, leaving very few homicide defendants eligible to receive the death penalty due to high rates of mental illness and delusional thinking among this population. B) it invites malingering and abuse by defendants seeking to avoid execution. C) a convict's moral culpability at the time of an offense supersedes the "rational understanding" standard in justifying capital punishment. D) all of the above.

D) all of the above.

4. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Is 'Social Transitioning' a Beneficial Treatment for Transgender Children?" Dreger (NO Argument) presents the case of Jess to: A) the benefits of gender-conversion therapy had in helping Jess realize she was not transgender. B) discuss the social contagion of "Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria," specifically in adolescent females. C) discuss an iatrogenic effect in which gender-affirming therapists are cementing transgender identities in gender nonconforming individuals. D) highlight the importance of allowing providers and support systems to actively assist an individual through his/her/their gender identity crisis in order to promote a healthy sense of self and assure the best course of action for the individual.

D) highlight the importance of allowing providers and support systems to actively assist an individual through his/her/their gender identity crisis in order to promote a healthy sense of self and assure the best course of action for the individual.

5. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Does Pornogaphy Reduce the Incidence of Rape?" D'Amato (YES Argument) presents data on the relationship between the level of internet access and reported incidences of rape in attempt to demonstrate a ______ correlation between porn consumption and rape occurrence. A) zero-order B) hyperbolic C) positive D) negative

D) negative

2. In the Taking Sides chapter entitled, "Must Mentally Ill Murderers Have A Rational Understanding of Why They Are Being Sentenced to Death?", what two major societal purposes does capital punishment serve, according to Abbott et al. (NO Argument)? A) vengeance & moral pacification B) restorative justice & cultural shock C) containment & ethical relativism D) retribution & deterrence

D) retribution & deterrence

Manic Episode

Elevated or irritable mood, excessive energy At least 3-4 of: --> Grandiosity --> Decreased sleep --> Talkative --> Racing Thoughts --> Distractibility --> Goal-directed, or agitated (angry at those in way) -->Costly or unwise activities


Faking bad Reporting that one has a physical or psychological abnormality for some alternative goal Hillside Strangler (Kenneth Bianci) --> raped and murdered women, faked had psychotic issues, brought in psychologist who found he was faking it

"Lost in the Mall" research

False Memory Syndrome --> therapists would cause client to believe that as a child they had been sexually abused, creates image in client's mind Researcher tells students with young siblings to ask them about that time when they got lost in the mall when they were younger --> kids say "Oh yeah, I remember that" but it had never really happened

Cognitive distortions

Faulty interpretations that keep alive the cycle of negative thoughts and emotions Used to reinforce negative thinking or emotions Overgeneralizing, selective abstraction, excessive responsibility, assuming temporal causality, making excessive self-references, catastrophizing, dichotomous thinking

Jeffrey Dahmer's motivations

Found young men, drugged them, killed them, had sex with their dead bodies, cut them up and ate them --> tried to pour acid into brains to create living zombies, saved skeletons, preserved body parts 1. Sexually sadism 2. Dissociative states 3. Variant of OCD Wants total control over someone Cannabilized victims because it made them feel a part of him and was sexually exciting

Gender Identity Disorder vs. Gender Dysphoria

Gender Dysphoria --> marked incongruence between their experienced or expressed gender and the one they were assigned at birth Was previously Gender Identity Disorder Trans people don't want to be labeled as disordered, but are ok being labeled as having a dysphoria (distress over gender) because for insurance company to pay for surgeries there needs to be some diagnosable condition

Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria

Gender dysphoria is observed to begin suddenly during or after puberty in an adolescent or young adult who would not have met criteria for gender dysphoria in childhood

Command hallucinations

Hallucinations in the form of commands Can be innocuous or can be to cause harm to self or others

Dissociative Identity Disorder

Identity disruption --> 2+ personality states (Multiple Personalities) Discontinuity in sense of self, with changes in --> Affect --> Behavior --> Consciousness --> Memory (might not remember other personalities) --> Perception --> Cognition --> Sensory-motor functioning Gaps in recall of events, personal info, and/or traumatic events Distresser impairment Fred doesn't have this, has Dissociative condition Goal is to try to integrate personalities back together

Gender Dysphoria (adults)

Incongruence between experienced/expressed gender and assigned gender (6 months) Distress or impairment 1. Incongruence with primary or secondary sex characteristics 2. Desire to be rid of these characteristics 3. Desire for characteristics of the other gender 4. Desire to be other gender 5. Desire to be treated as other gender (or alternative gender) 6. Conviction that one has typical feelings and reactions of other gender

Panic Disorder

Individual experiences periods of intense physical discomfort known as panic attacks on a recurrent basis


Induced in a patient by a clinician's activity, manner, or therapy If therapist gives names to other personalities --> instills belief that there are multiple personalities

Paraphilic disorders

Intense and persistent sexual interest other than genital stimulation or fondling with mature, consenting partners Distress, impairment, or harm (at least 6 months) Sexual Masochism and Sexual Sadism Disorders


Intense anxiety triggered by the real or anticipated exposure to situations in which they may not be able to get help should they become incapacitated Not fearful of the situations themselves, but of the possibility that they can't get help or escape if they have panic-like symptoms or other embarrassing or incapacitating symptoms when in those situations

Fetishistic Disorder

Intense sexually arousing urges, fantasies, or behavior that involve the use of nonliving, unusual objects and that cause distress or impairment in life functioning Vore fetish -->sexually aroused by idea of being consumed by big creature

Major Depressive Episode

Kindling --> more an individual has episodes, more likely they will have more episodes

Prodromal phase

Lead up to schizophrenic behavior Not showering, secluded, peculiarity in behavior, peculiarity in thinking and talking Excessive religiosity --> quote religious texts, signs Not psychotic yet, but odd behavior Symptoms are not very strong and might be indicative of other disorders, which is why it is hard to diagnose schizophrenia during the prodromal phase John Salvey --> committed 2 murders at abortion clinics in Brookline, clear he had schizophrenia Prodromal stage --> filthy apartment, bad hygiene, maggots, deterioration of health, onset of excessive religiosity

Sensate focus

Method of treating sexual disfunction in which the interaction is not intended to lead to orgasm, but to experience pleasurable sensations in the phases prior to orgasm

Bipolar Disorder

Most worrisome mood disorder because person comes out of depressive state into excited, manic state --> suicide Manic episodes and Depressive episodes

Sex reassignment procedures

Now called Gender Confirmation 1st set of surgeries --> Mastectomy (breasts) 2nd set of surgeries --> Hysterectomy (Uterus) 3rd set of surgeries --> Phalloplasty (took skin from forearm and abdomen to construct penis and scrotum)

Schizophrenia research at UMass

People with schizophrenia have issue with personal space Researchers at UMass are trying to create necklaces to measure personal space --> quantify the amount of real-world social interactions and physical distance from others to see how well therapy and medications are working

Factitious Disorder

Person is making themself sick, or making someone else sick Most severe case is when parent is doing this to child For attention, sympathy, and support from healthcare providers Most extreme case parent murders child


Person loses capacity to think for themself Gives over control and definition of personality to someone else Stockholm Syndrome --> when hostages start to identify with their captors --> Patty Hearst (daughter of billionaire) kidnapped by SLA (hippies) who demand money to go to poor for her release. One day she is seen at a bank robbery and caught. Argument in court was that she had been brainwashed so it wasn't really her

Positive vs. negative symptoms

Positive symptoms --> The symptoms of schizophrenia that are exaggerations or distortions of normal thoughts, emotions, and behavior --> Includes: Delusions, Hallucinations, Disorganized speech, Catatonic behavior Negative symptoms --> The symptoms of schizophrenia that involve functioning below the level of normal behavior --> Includes: Restricted affect (a narrowing of the range of outward expressions of emotions), Avolition (a lack of initiative, either not wanting to take any action or lacking the energy and will to take action), and Asociality (a lack of interest in social relationships, including an inability to empathize and form close relationships with others)

Darkness Visible - William Styron

Styron wanted to kill himself even though he was multi-millionaire Walking with 2 other world-renowned celebrities and talked about how they had suicidal thoughts, weren't happy Save when wife said she's gonna put him in hospital --> felt relief

Dr. Richard Bavensi

President of American University Had pushed out of his memory the experiences of his mother sexually abusing him with other men Repression --> activation of behavior Became a different person in this state, asked parents on phone if they had sex with their kids in bed

Problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping

Problem-focused coping --> Attempt to reduce stress by acting to change whatever it is that makes the situation stressful Emotion-focused coping --> You don't change the situation, but instead change the way you feel about it

Hypersexual Disorders

Recurrent and intense urges and behavior involving seemingly uncontrollable masturbation, sex with others, pornography, cybersex, etc. Omitted from DSM-5 because said it was "pathologizing normal sexual behavior" One client sent to Halgin because was masturbating so much his penis was bleeding

Excoriation Disorder

Recurrent picking at one's own skin

Frotteuristic Disorders

Rubbing up against other people, unknowing

Neurodevelopmental hypothesis

Schizophrenia is a disorder of development that arises during the years of adolescence or early adulthood due to alterations in the genetic control of brain maturation The genetic vulnerability these individuals inherit becomes evident if they are exposed to certain risks during early brain development These risks can occur during the prenatal period, during, or shortly after birth

Transvestic Disorder

Sexual arousal from cross-dressing Only disorder if individual feels stress about it


The World Professional Association for Transgender Health Standards of Care --> recommends at least one year of psychotherapy before surgery Present yourself to world as male, change name legally Next step, hormones (Testosterone) Comprehensive Medical Workup to see if really ready to get surgeries

Conversion Disorder

The individual experiences a change in a bodily function not due to an underlying medical condition Ex. Difficulty walking, becoming paralyzed, inability to see, hear

Illness Anxiety Disorder

The misinterpretation of normal bodily functions as symptoms of serious illness


The representations of an individual's sexual fantasies and preferred practices

IPSRT: Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy

Theory: Interpersonal stress affects circadian rhythms, routines, and moods Therapy: Insight about disorder, stabilize routines and sleep/wake cycle, attend to relationship issues (and take medications)

Panic-control Therapy

Treatment that consists of cognitive restructuring, exposure to bodily cues associated with panic attacks, and breathing retraining


Used to stable out those with Bipolar Disorder Less highs and lows But manic person doesn't want it because they want the highs

SSRI black box warnings

Warn of an increased risk of suicidal ideation and behavior in teens and young adults on these drugs to treat Major Depressive Disorder

Shattered Assumptions

We go through life with certain expectations and assumptions about our existence --> when we go through trauma, these expectations and assumptions are shattered Assumptions that are shattered when traumatized: 1) The world is benevolent --> become more cynical with trauma 2) The world is meaningful --> lose assumption that things happen for a good reason 3) The self is worthy --> lose sense of being self-worthy, believe you're being punished and are stupid for engaging in activity that lead to trauma Compassion Fatigue --> when hearing a lot of difficult patients, it can be difficult to handle Treatment -- patient is carrying bottle they will always carry because can't erase experience, every so often the cap will become loose, but learning strategies to tighten it


watching others undress or engage in sexual behavior without them knowing

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