Abnormal Psych Exams 5&6

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Certain professions are associated with increased risk for anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa. Which professional would be at GREATEST risk of developing one of these eating disorders?


Which statement is TRUE regarding the typical onset of binge eating disorder?

It occurs later in life than other eating disorders, often in the individual's twenties.

Lasting improvement for a person with anorexia nervosa depends on:

addressing underlying psychological problems.

According to Masters and Johnson, performance anxiety may result in a man:

adopting a spectator role during sexual activity.

The MOST common cognitive disturbance seen in individuals with anorexia nervosa is a:

distorted body image.

"It's all right to have sex with children as long as they agree." This is an example of the _____ often experienced by pedophiles.

distorted thinking

The most widely applied method of biofeedback uses a device called an _____, which provides feedback about the level of muscular tension in the body.


Family members are overinvolved in each other's lives but are affectionate and loyal. This description fits Salvador Minuchin's definition of an:

enmeshed family pattern.

The most common type of activity people perform when they want to relieve stress is engaging in:

entertainment, such as watching television, listening to music, or reading.

According to DSM-5, someone who initiates sexual contact with children is:

experiencing a paraphilia regardless of how troubled the individual may be.

Parents who want to decrease the likelihood that their young daughters will experience orgasmic disorder as adults should:

expose their daughters to positive attitudes about sex.

A person who intentionally produces or fakes physical symptoms simply out of a wish to be a patient might be diagnosed with a:

factitious disorder.

People with anorexia nervosa are motivated primarily by:


LaTisha experiences little sexual response to erotic cues and physical stimulation. She is MOST likely experiencing:

female sexual interest/arousal disorder.

A pattern of abnormalities, head and facial deformities, heart defects, and intellectual development disorder characterizes someone with:

fetal alcohol syndrome.

Psychodynamic therapies may not be very effective in the treatment of substance use disorders because:

finding the cause of a substance use disorder is less important than treating the use as an independent problem.

The word lanugo refers to:

fine silky body hair that develops in individuals with anorexia nervosa.

Intentionally feigning illness to achieve some external gain is described as:


The idea that both partners share the accountability for sexual dysfunction is known as:

mutual responsibility.

The belief that people with voyeurism are seeking to gain power over others by their actions is a _____ perspective.


A group of physical illnesses that seem to be caused or worsened by an interaction of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors is called:

psychological factors affecting other medical conditions.

People with alexithymia are NOT able to:

put descriptive labels on what they are feeling.

A therapist treating an individual with a conversion disorder works to reduce pleasurable outcomes associated with being sick, while increasing pleasurable outcomes associated with being well. This technique is called:


A man's sexual partner repeatedly stimulates him to erection and then allows the erection to subside without the man experiencing an ejaculation. The sexual technique is called the:

tease technique.

Regarding emotions, the pattern common in bulimia from pre-binge, through binge, to post-binge is BEST described in sequence as:

tension, powerlessness, shame.

Marijuana users in the 1960s were less likely to develop drug dependence than users starting around the year 2000. This trend MOST likely reflects that:

the THC content in marijuana has increased.

Most clinicians would agree that paraphilic activities should NOT be considered a disorder when:

the behavior is part of an otherwise typical sex life.

Which is a potential sign of a family system that places an unhealthy importance on appearance?

A father repeatedly jokes about his son's "scrawny" legs and tells him he should start lifting weights.

Which person would be MOST likely to develop alcoholism?

A lower-socioeconomic-class person living in a high-unemployment area

Which statement BEST describes someone with illness anxiety disorder?

A person misinterprets normal bodily functions and changes as signs of a serious health condition.

An exhibitionist exposes himself to another. Which response from the victim would be LEAST satisfying to the exhibitionist?

Ignoring the exhibitionist

In which situation is bulimia nervosa or anorexia nervosa MOST likely to begin?

After a period of intense dieting that has been successful and has earned praise from others

Which of the following drugs, when used at low levels, may raise the sex drive?


"Alcoholism is a disease. You are an alcoholic for life, and you must stop drinking." The treatment favored by the person/group being quoted MOST likely is:

Alcoholics Anonymous.

Which statement BEST describes Internet use disorder?

Although not an official diagnosis, systems of this pattern are similar to those seen in substance use disorder and gambling disorder.

Which problem is common in anorexia nervosa?


Which type of medication has been used to help reduce binges and vomiting in persons with bulimia nervosa?


Which characteristic is MOST consistent with anorexia nervosa?

Body size overestimation

What theory explains how the sight of a hypodermic needle can induce a "high" in a person who is dependent on heroin?

Classical conditioning

Which theory of conditioning has been used to help explain the origins of sexual masochism?

Classical conditioning

"Drug dependence may develop because one finds drug use rewarding when it reduces tension." A person with which view of substance abuse would MOST likely agree with this statement?


A woman is raped by someone who was intoxicated. How common is this?

Common; alcohol is a factor in more than one-third of all rapes.

Which medical condition is MORE common in people with bulimia than those with anorexia?

Dental problems

William, a 20-year-old who is having his first sexual relationship, has gone to see a sex therapist about a sexual dysfunction problem. What is William MOST likely suffering from?

Early ejaculation

A therapist is treating a young woman with bulimia nervosa. Which treatment approach would the therapist use to break the binge-purge cycle seen with this condition?

Exposure and response prevention

A college-aged woman with a history of dieting has significantly reduced her food intake. She views her constant hunger pains as a positive sign that she is maintaining control over her eating. Her weight has dropped sharply below average, but she still thinks she is overweight. You suspect possible anorexia nervosa. Which other sign or symptoms would be present with anorexia nervosa?

Fear of becoming overweight

What is a typical response for a person who just indulged in a binge episode?

Feeling guilty

What is the term for the use of and attraction to inanimate objects as a preferred method of achieving sexual excitement?


Which method of ingesting a substance produces the fastest effect on the brain?


How does Viagra work?

It increases blood flow into the penis.

What statement BEST describes modern sex therapy?

It is short term and instructive.

Which characteristic is very common in individuals with anorexia nervosa but significantly less common in those who have bulimia nervosa or binge eating?

Loss of menstrual periods

If a therapist thought that eating disorders were BEST explained by an interaction of sociocultural, psychological, and biological factors, that therapist would be taking which type of perspective?


Which type of eating disorder is found almost exclusively in men?

Muscle dysmorphia

Which psychological problem is often associated with anorexia nervosa?

Obsessive-compulsive patterns

What is the most immediate danger of heroin use?


According to Hilde Bruch, which is an example of ineffective parenting that could make children prone to eating disorders?

Parents feed anxious children and comfort tired ones.

A teenager has recently developed signs of bulimia nervosa. She has been binge eating alone in her room and vomits immediately afterward to try to control her weight. Why will this not result in sustainable weight loss?

Purging increases hunger, which decreases metabolism and triggers more frequent binges.

_____ are equally helpful in the treatment of high blood pressure, headaches, and asthma.

Relaxation training and biofeedback training

The _____ assigns numerical values to the stress that most people experience at some time in their lives.

Social Readjustment Rating Scale

Which person would be MOST likely to cut out sweets, then eliminate more and more types of foods, but not engage in forced vomiting?

Someone experiencing restricting-type anorexia nervosa

Generally speaking, what are the outcomes of gender reassignment surgery?

The outcomes are positive.

What is the primary source of sexual excitement for sexual sadists?

The victim's suffering

Why does the textbook's author describe dieters who have fallen to a weight below their set point as being engaged in a "battle against themselves"?

Their brains are working against them to get them back to their "set point."

Which of the following has been identified as a problem in designing and evaluating treatment methods for substance abuse?

There is no standard definition of treatment success.

Which statement about women with bulimia nervosa is accurate?

They generally maintain their normal weight, with some fluctuations.

An individual goes to a casino two weekends every year. While there, she usually loses several thousand dollars gambling. Between casino visits, she neither gambles nor thinks much about gambling. Which statement is the MOST accurate assessment of this behavior?

This behavior is not a gambling disorder.

People with which eating disorder are MOST likely to be obese?

Those with binge eating disorder

People with _____ are said to be consistently angry, cynical, driven, impatient, competitive, and ambitious.

Type A personality style

People with _____ are thought to be more relaxed, less aggressive, and less concerned about time.

Type B personality style

A revolution in the treatment of sexual dysfunctions occurred with the publication of the landmark book Human Sexual Inadequacy, which was written by:

William Masters and Virginia Johnson.

A man does not have any penile erections during sleep. This indicates:

a biologically based erectile dysfunction.

If a person were looking at a photograph of herself and adjusting the size until she thought the picture looked like herself, she would MOST likely be participating in an assessment of her:

accuracy in estimating body size.

The traditional psychophysiological disorder most commonly associated with intense feelings of anger and the presence of bacteria is:

an ulcer.

A modern explanation of why many people with anorexia continually have food-related thoughts and dreams is that such thoughts and dreams:

are the result of food deprivation.

Research shows that sexual dysfunctions among homosexual couples:

are the same as those seen in heterosexual couples.

The "high" produced by using narcotics is due to the drug:

attaching to sites normally receptive to endorphins.

Oversensitivity of the _____ can cause a person to respond to mildly stressful events as if they were significant events.

autonomic nervous system

A client being treated for alcohol abuse receives just enough of a drug called curare to produce temporary paralysis whenever that client takes a drink of beer. Presumably, sufficient pairings of paralysis and alcohol will reduce the client's desire for alcohol. This procedure is called:

aversion therapy.

If a physician wanted to relieve a patient's anxiety with a treatment that carries a lesser risk of drowsiness, overdose, and slowed breathing, the physician should prescribe:


A person who loses weight by forcing herself to vomit after meals or by using laxatives and who otherwise fits the definition of anorexia is experiencing:

binge eating/purging-type anorexia nervosa.

Participants who have just completed a very-low-calorie weight-loss program would be MOST at risk for:


The purpose of an antagonist drug is to:

block or change the effect of an addictive drug.

Hilde Bruch's ego deficiency view of children with eating disorders involves:

children lacking control over their lives and misperceiving internal cues.

Behaviorists believe that the fears found in illness anxiety disorder have been acquired through:

classical conditioning or modeling.

A therapist applies a small electric shock to a client every time that person views an image of a cigarette. The client develops an intense dislike of cigarettes and quits smoking. This therapy is based on:

classical conditioning.

People with somatic symptom disorders use their symptoms to express emotions they cannot easily express otherwise. This statement reflects the:

cognitive-behavioral view.

Throughout much of the United States, it is illegal to use marijuana, even for medical reasons. Compared with other nations, this is:

common; most countries do not allow either medical or recreational use of marijuana.

Someone who fasts or exercises strenuously following a binge is engaging in:

compensatory behaviors.

Cocaine abusers on an inpatient ward earn rewards—and eventual release from the program—if they produce periodic urine samples that are free of the drug. The program they are in is a form of:

contingency management.

Disorders that represent the conversion of conflicts and anxiety into physical symptoms would include:

conversion disorders.

According to the Social Readjustment Rating Scale, the most stressful event in an adult's life is:

death of a spouse.

The most commonly occurring sleeplessness-produced problem is:

difficulty concentrating.

Transgender people who experience extreme distress over the incongruence of their gender identity and/or find themselves impaired by it in their social relationships, at work, or at school have:

gender dysphoria.

People with gender identity disorder were previous called transsexuals and now are more accurately referred to as:

gender dysphoric.

The MOST powerful form of cannabis is:


Women tolerate alcohol less well than men because they:

have less of a stomach enzyme that breaks down alcohol.

The typical person with transvestism is almost always:


The part of the brain MOST closely associated with the control of eating and body weight is the:


Muscle contraction headaches typically produce pain:

in the front or back of the head or in the back of the neck.

Conversion disorders most often begin between:

late childhood and young adulthood.

Research indicates that the students MOST likely to binge drink:

live in a sorority or fraternity house.

A risk factor for development of a psychophysiological disorder is:

living in poverty.

In women, the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase is found at:

lower levels in the stomach, making them more susceptible to becoming intoxicated.

Women with female sexual interest/arousal disorder have difficulty with:

maintaining proper lubrication.

An otherwise healthy man reports almost no interest in sexual activity and has had very few sexual experiences in the past several years. This person MOST likely is experiencing:

male hypoactive sexual desire disorder.

One of the dangers of a diagnosis of conversion disorder is that the patient:

may have a genuine medical problem.

An individual who has been diagnosed with a somatic symptom disorder would MOST likely first seek:

medical help.

The club drug that damages nerve endings but is NOT considered hallucinogenic is:


With _____, a person pays attention to the feelings, thoughts, and sensations that are flowing through his or her mind but does so with detachment and objectivity and, most important, without judgment.

mindfulness meditation

Freebasing has the effect of making cocaine:

more concentrated.

A wounded veteran of the U.S. Civil War suffering from "soldiers' disease" MOST likely was suffering from:

morphine dependence.

Some individuals experience a normal interest in sex but choose not to engage in sexual relations. Such people would be diagnosed with:

no sexual dysfunction.

Compared with researchers of past generations, modern researchers believe that clitoral orgasms are:

normal and healthy.

A patient in therapy who eats exactly eight pieces of bread that he has carefully made into balls of equal diameter is displaying a symptom of anorexia nervosa related to:

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Because of similarities in presentation, people with illness anxiety disorder often receive the same kinds of treatments used to address symptoms of:

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Conversion disorders in men:

occur approximately half as often as they do in women.

Early ejaculation is defined as ejaculation within _____ minute(s) of beginning the activity and before the person wishes it.


Vaginismus and dyspareunia are considered disorders of sexual:


People with _____ have repeated and intense sexual urges or fantasies in response to objects or situations that society deems inappropriate, and they may behave inappropriately as well.


The way a person generally responds to life reflects that person's:

personality style.

Dyspareunia in women usually has a _____ cause.


Psychodynamic theorists say that _____ and _____ are the two mechanisms at work in hysterical somatoform disorders.

primary gain; secondary gain

Cognitive-behavioral theorists propose that the physical symptoms of hysterical disorders bring _____ to sufferers.


Nondemand pleasuring, or _____, is often used in therapy to help couples focus on giving and receiving sexual pleasure with a reduced focus on orgasm.

sensate focus

As many as 90 percent of men with _____ experience some degree of erectile dysfunction.

severe depression

A person with _____ is repeatedly and intensely sexually aroused by the act of being humiliated, beaten, or made to suffer.

sexual masochism disorder

Ayesha decided to go to therapy to address her low sexual desire and limited sex life with her husband. She talks about lots of issues from her past. The event from her past that her therapist believes is most responsible for her low sexual desire is:

sexual molestation.

A person who is sexually aroused by inflicting physical pain on others is probably a:

sexual sadist.

The starting body weight of a person who develops anorexia nervosa is typically:

slightly overweight or normal weight.

An increase in mass hysteria, in which large numbers of people share psychological or physical maladies that have no apparent cause, can be attributed to:

social media.

Dani has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She has a very supportive husband, caring children, and several friends who will provide support for her during her recovery. Lori also has been diagnosed with breast cancer, but she does not have a family or any close friends. Because of the differences in_____, Dani is more likely to have a successful recovery.

social support

The treatment model advocated by Alcoholics Anonymous is an example of a _____ approach.


The disorder with a wide range of vague, long-lasting, and disturbing physical symptoms without a medical cause is:

somatic symptom disorder (somatization pattern).

Ainsley has a drink in the morning on rising and a cocktail with breakfast. She usually sneaks a snort during the morning ("just to get through the day") and then drinks during lunch. Later, at home, she generally has a small dinner and sits in front of the TV and drinking wine, often an entire bottle. Somehow she manages to get up and go to work the next morning. Ainsley is displaying:

substance use disorder.

The term sensate focus refers to the technique in which:

the sexual relationship is rebuilt, concentrating on pleasure.

According to cognitive theorists, the underlying distortion in eating disorders is related to:

too much concern with eating, shape, and weight.

A person who is biologically male but considers himself a woman and would like to live as a woman is:


An individual who is dependent on alcohol is experiencing delirium tremens. This reaction is:

uncommon, starting within three days after an individual stops drinking.

A client receives directed masturbation training and self-exploration instruction as part of the client's sex therapy. MOST likely, the client is a:

woman being treated for orgasmic disorder.

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