abnormal psychology exam 4 (modules 19-24)

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Gender ___________ is a category of social identity and refers to an individual's identification as male, female, or, occasionally, some category other than male or female.


Gender ____________ refers to the initial assignment as male or female. This occurs usually at birth


Gender _______________ denotes an official (and usually legal) change of gender

remain stereotypical and toxic to all genders.

Gender norms in our society today...


Gender-___________ refers to somatic features or behaviors that are not typical (in a statistical sense) of individuals with the same assigned gender in a given society and historical era

blue light (emitted by phones, computers, tablets) -supressed melatonin -intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells

How smartphones hurt sleep (especially among young people) _______ ________ makes the brain think it's time to wake up(morning), just as you are getting ready for bed -meanwhile red light signals that it is time to go to sleep

example of system of dream interpretation by Freud/Jung (not a scientific backing)

If you are dreaming about a house, you are actually dreaming about yourself -"how do I dream about a house then?"-doctor B


If you have a mental disorder such as depression, anxiety, or anything else in DSM... then it is even more ____________ that you receive sleep (symptoms will be exacerbated)


In REM sleep, you are really ______ to wake up, however in delta wave sleep, it is very difficult to wake you up!!! -easiest-in either stage 1 which is barely asleep at all, or REM


In cis children, gender expression happens by age ____ months; constancy by about age 4 years


In reducing crime what does not work? -purely psychodynamic and non directive therapies -respecting the offender's ____________ background when the culture is tied to criminality -boot camps, electronic monitoring, and drug testing. -increasing self esteem without reducing criminogenic need -focus on affective domains not linked with criminal conduct -increasing cohesiveness of antisocial peer groups (iatrogenic effect) -increasing conventional ambition (school, work, etc.) without assistance in realizing these ambitions.

related to another mental disorder

In the DSM, according to categories such as _________ ____ __________ __________ ______________, an example involves having PTSD as a primary disorder and a sleep disorder being caused as a secondary disorder.

pizza; baseball

In the TED Talk "Sex Needs a New Metaphor," the speaker proposes that ___________ replace ____________ as our primary metaphor for sex.


In the andrea yates case, she was given antipsychotic meds, because it turns out she was in a severe psychotic episode and "kids were going to be killed by the devil" so she tried to "save" them. -she was also in an ___________ relationship so it was hard to get medications and treatment. -she has partial memory clouded by hallucinations and delusions of the murders.

Primary versus secondary (comes from another element such as substances, mental disorders, other disorders, etc) dyssomnia

Most of the time the dyssomnias actually correlate with other mental disorders such as anxiety, depression.

stages of sleep

N-REM stages (non) -stage one of sleep: drowsy, half awake and half asleep, small bit of awareness -stage two of sleep: you are asleep and not going to be answering questions (officially asleep) Delta sleep stages (3-4)...(slow/low/rhythmic waves) brain activity actually slows down -stage three of sleep: deep sleep -stage four of sleep: deep sleep


The _________ prioritizes REM over other stages of sleep. (therefore you cannot selectively/purposely take it away from yourself)

Not our best work as a nation (USA)

There are more people with serious and chronic mental illnesses in our prisons than there are in our hospitals (daniels, 2007) -hence it is very dangerous to be mentally ill in this country and incarceration will make you even crazier than you were before.

legal focus

To battle drug problem, we need health focus, sociocultural and/or spiritual focus, NOT __________ FOCUS


US courts have established that prisoners have a ______ to receive medical/mental health care and it has to meet minimum standards. (Ruiz v. Estelle) "clinical services are to be provided in the inherently coercive system of prisons without compromising its missions and the providers' ethics standards, which is at the very least, extremely challenging"

sleep disorders

________ DISORDERS should be occuring on a regular basis, interfering with your life, and having trouble falling asleep (voluntary sleep deprivation is the most common "sleep disorders")

binge use (defined the same way for everybody)

________ USE=5 or more drinks on the same occasion super binge: informal term (extra binging) heavy use=5 or more binges in one month

delta wave sleep

________ _______ _________ is one of the most important stages of sleep for understanding sleep disorders (involves stage 3-4) -deep sleep is called slow wave sleep because brain activity slows down and produces low, slow delta waves

delta wave sleep disorders

________ ________ _______ __________S are much more common in children than adults.

severe sleep deprivation

________ ________ ____________ causes hallucinations and perceptual disorder (can also have microsleeps, can experience waking dreams)

sleep deprivation

__________ _____________ depresses immune function (more likely to get sick/also effects the endocrine system), impairs concentration, causes emotional irritability, reduces judgment (increases impulsivity), increases risk of injury.


__________ can mess up circadian rhythms.

marijuana (interferes with REM sleep)

__________ has very low SUD risk but still can interfere with life. 22 million people report use in part month (tip of iceberg) -7 states allow recreational use -more than half states have now legalized medical use -supply chain; administration methods; overdose.

fetishes (ex. shoes turn people on. LOL)

__________S are generally harmless.


__________S learn to think and act like criminals across developmental time

forming an identity

___________ ____ __________ is the primary task of adolescence, and includes a lot of discovery of the self, including gender, sexual orientation, sexual identity, and gender and sexuality expression.

substance use disorder

___________ _____ ____________ refers to a dependence or abuse in the past year related to the use of alcohol or illicit drugs in that same period. In 2010, 21.5 million people admitted to symptoms of a SUD to people with clipboards. This is an underestimate

exploding head syndrome

___________ _______ ____________ is an obscure sleep disorder that sounds terrible but is medically benign

sexual maturation

___________ __________ is a biopsychosocial phenomenon that occurs during adolescence and begins with PUBERTY (results in reproductive viability, much more)

sexual orientation

___________ __________ is a separate issue from number of partners, rules for partnering: such as monogamy/serial monogamy/juggling/polyamory etc. also separate issue from sex drive/libido

mental health problems

___________ ___________ ___________S are often caused by being in prison or being in jail.

voluntary sleep deprivation

___________ ___________ _______________ is the most common "sleep disorder" sleep deprivation is very dangerous


___________ produces alpha waves. (as well as other relaxation processes)

stimulants (examples: caffeine-least regulated drug, nicotine (1/3 of college students), cocaine, speed, meth, ADHD rx aka adderall/ritalin.)

___________S are drugs that excite the CNS and ANS activity and speed up body function, often increasing alertness and physical agility but also activating stress hormones and suppressing appetite and sleep.


___________S are very culturally bound -we use these to try and socialize, having fun or coping, dealing with life -often there is an underreporting of drug use


___________S participate in cross gender behavior.


___________S: mimic our brain's natural pain-killing and pleasure sensing endorphins (often addictive, narrow therapeutic window, steep tolerance, treatment may require chemical support, tapering) "they feel really good, until... painful withdrawal process, VERY dangerous when combined/mixed with alcohol." -morphine cannot take away pain from heroin users. -narcotics:have major psychoactive effect.

addictive personalities

____________ PERSONALITIES do not have much empirical support. -anyone can become addicted

SAMSHA survey

____________ SURVEY on past month drug use (age 12 and up) -door to door (lots of underestimating) -alcohol (12% risk of substance use disorder) -marijuana (18.5%) (SUD) -pain relievers (46.5%) (SUD) -stimulants (50%) (SUD) -cocaine (60%) (SUD) -inhalants (80%) (SUD) -heroin (100%) (SUD)

is an aspect of personal identity influenced by both biology and environment in complex interplay.



homosexuality is a sexual orientation (gay/bi/hetero) that is ______ a disorder

the sexual response cycle (men and women)

four phases -appetitive- (start to become oriented to sex) -arousal (builds, plateaus, and repeats) (women can kind of lump appetitive and arousal together) -orgasm -resolution (refractory period for men-time cannot get erect after orgasm)

jail versus prison (local, county, state, federal, military(all of which could involve roles for mental health professionals)), courtrooms, hospitals, government buildings, offices, people's homes

in forensic settings, what are the places that a psychologist might work in?


many __________S for engaging in sexual activity, many types of sexual activity, procreative vaginal intercourse a wildly fringe activity


many drugs can cut across (alcohol in our society is deadliest)


many patients with ______________'s disease develop REM sleep behavior disorder

incarcerated women

mental illness is an even Bigger problem among _____________ ___________ the current illnesses... -4% psychosis -12% major depression -42% any personality disorder -75% primary or co-morbid substance abuse disorders

Under REM sleep disorders fall:

nightmare disorder, nightmares/intrusive memories during sleep in PTSD, loss of normal motor paralysis during REM (this is not when sleepwalking/talking happen)


researchers agree that we need REM sleep, REM and dreaming go hand in hand although it remains _________ whether dreaming is a necessary aspect of the REM process or a side effect of that process.

performance disorders

sexual _________ _____________S may be cause by other problems and may in turn cause other problems such as relationship problems, self confidence/esteem, body confidence, performance anxiety, alcohol/drugs, stress, medical and mental health


sexual growth can happen throughout _____________.

puberty (occurs earlier and faster in females than males)

sexual maturation begins with ___________.


sexual orientation is not __________ or decided upon. (not a choice)


sleep deprivation ____________S all of the sleep disorders


sleep happens in _____ minute cycles... and with each 90 minute cycle, stage 4 sleep decreases and the duration of REM sleep increases.


sleep studies measure what happens with sleep architecture through ___________ signals sent by the brain.

2 sets of criteria for diagnosing gender dysphoria

there are 2 SETS OF CRITERIA FOR DIAGNOSING _________ ___________, for children and adolescents/adults

teen cigarette smoking

there has been some success in the war on drugs... such as in _________ ____________ __________ (admitting)) in 2002: 1 in 8 and in 2014: 1 in 20)

pop culture moment: law and order

women murdered child -post-partum psychosis -"it's not depression, it's psychosis" but it actually could be depression with psychosis -andrea yates- severe post-partum depression with psychosis -insanity is not a psychological term, legal term that only a judge can use.

tantric (sex can be hypnotic)

word of the week (adjective) definition: of or relating to the rituals or practices outlined in the tantra;, a class of 6,000 year old hindu and buddhist religious texts written in sanskrit and concerned with powerful ritual acts of body, speech, and mind (especially with ecstatic meditative and sexual practices purported to produce spiritual transcendence through an altered state of consciousness)

which gender(s) you find sexually attractive

The term "sexual orientation" typically refers to

currently widely accepted to describe the gender of individuals whose authentically felt gender does not align with their assigned birth gender.

"Transgender" is the term...

EEG (measured through electrodes)

"_______ stages of sleep" "normal/ideal" sleep architecture is different from people who have sleeping issues and the fluctuating age of the person


(dr b's area of expertise) what are "sexual urges or fantasies for objects; non consenting persons; or pain and humiliation that interfere with the individual's social functioning or endanger others?" (these need to interfere with individual or endanger others)


(research is important) there are no longitudinal studies of children who have treated for gender dysphoria and followed across time... for (________)


(within forming an identity) in most __________ cultures, this entails some level of experimentation, trying on different "selves" before building a stable adult identity.

ted talk by Shaka Senghor, "why your worst deeds don't define you" (apology/acknowledgement/atonement)

-In 1991, Shaka Senghor shot and killed a man. He was, he says, "a drug dealer with a quick temper and a semi-automatic pistol." Jailed for second degree murder, that could very well have been the end of the story. But it wasn't. Instead, it was the beginning of a years-long journey to redemption, one with humbling and sobering lessons for us all. -he had been shot 3 times before. (parents divorced, no one counseled him) -felt helpless, like no one cared in prison, and got into deeper trouble. "worst of the worst" -solitary confinement for about 7 years -beginning of transformation-son's handwriting on letter said "dad, don't kill" (found words of son profound) thought about how son would see him as a murderer FOUR great things that helped him: 1. Great mentors (forced him to look at his life honestly) 2. literature (Malcolm X autobiography) 3. family (father stood by his side, and amazing woman) 4. Writing (journal about childhood and prison experiences) -letter from relative of victim, said he was forgiven (came from abusive environments) -system is designed to warehouse rather than rehabilitate/transform. -2010 released from prison (wants more empathetic view) -helps prisoners transform into regular life

In regards to sexual and gender development

-There are many theories of pyschosexual development -sensitive periods in development for various aspects of gender identity, sexual orientations -sexual and gender role behavior varies greatly individually, culturally, and developmentally (less stable earlier) -what is considered ABNORMAL is largely cultural


-There are more people with serious and chronic mental illnesses in our prisons than there are in our hospitals (__________, 2007) -this is why Dr B said "It is very dangerous to be mentally ill in this country". -And incarceration will make you even crazier than you were before

ted talk by adam foss "a prosecutor's vision for a better justice system"

-When a kid commits a crime, the US justice system has a choice: prosecute to the full extent of the law, or take a step back and ask if saddling young people with criminal records is the right thing to do every time. In this searching talk, Adam Foss, a prosecutor with the Suffolk County District Attorney's Office in Boston, makes his case for a reformed justice system that replaces wrath with opportunity, changing people's lives for the better instead of ruining them

beta waves

-_______ WAVES are what you have when you are awake and alert -Alpha waves are when you are awake but relaxed... (ex. eyes closed, but awake- the brain slows down, shows regular alpha waves)

theta waves

-_________ WAVES occur during sleep stages 1-2 (during early, light sleep) the brain shows this pattern of activity. -daydreaming (oriented thoughts to internal process) also products these waves -sleep spindles occur during these waves and stage two sleep, when "falling asleep" actually occurs.

normal vs abnormal

-anything that involves real consent and non-harm vs. the difficult to ugly stuff (ranges more) -anything in your head, on a screen, in pretend land is okay!!! (fantasy is okay!!! vs. reality) -sex is fun!

doctor B's advice

-choose your intoxicants wisely (moderation is a healthy choice generally, but some drugs are almost impossible to use moderately -just say know -and remember, there are MANY ways to alter your state of consciousness without drugs!!!!!

secondary disorders

-dyssomnias are very often caused by ___________ ___________S -unusual for there to be secondary causes of parasomnias.

self care tool kit: calming down when angry

-everyone feels aggressive when they get angry 1. do not do anything aggressive ask other how they know when you are angry? 2. tell yourself to stop 3. what can you do? count or same things you do when you try to relax (think about breathe/oxygenate your brain) last tool: positive self talk (that you can do anything/calm down/back off)

theorized functions of sleep:

-evolutionary theory: sleeping in the darkness when predators lurked about kept our ancestors out of harm's way (disadvantage: cannot be tested) -memory consolidation theory: during sleep, our brains organize, consolidate, and weed out some of the input from the day. (REM-occurs during rapid eye movement sleep!!!) (only involves partial sleep stages and partially explanatory) -energy conservation theory: sleeping allows us to require less fuel than we would if we were active around the clock/all day. (this was more important during prior evolution) -"beauty sleep" or cellular repair theory: sleep helps restore and repair brain tissue and cellular regeneration increases during sleep (children grow during sleep)

2 to 30% (large range)

-for children who are assigned male gender at birth and then claim female gender, there's about a ____ TO _____% persistence rate. (gender dysphoria and continue to have it in adulthood) -for children who are assigned female gender at birth and then claim male gender, there's about a 12 TO 50% persistence rate

genderedness is everywhere...

-gender roles and expectations are pervasive, not limited to sexual behavior or related areas of life -genderedness is present in anything you think of as more a "guy" thing (sports cars, army gear, camping) or more a "girl" thing (pink, cooking equipment)... behaviors, customers, objects.. (send strong messages)

ted talk by john legend "redemption song"

-he has a mission to transform America's criminal justice system. Through his Free America campaign, he's encouraging rehabilitation and healing in our prisons, jails and immigration detention centers and giving hope to those who want to create a better life after serving their time. With a spoken-word prelude from James Cavitt, an inmate at San Quentin State Prison (12 years), Legend treats us to his version of Bob Marley's "Redemption Song." "Won't you help to sing these songs of freedom?" titled: where I live=hell on earth

the rainbow of rainbows

-sex -gender -gender expressiveness -sexual orientation -sex drive -sexual responses/behaviors -relationship values

insomnia (caused by difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep or waking up too early)

-sleep a lot= hypersomnia -sleep very little=____________ (major sleep disorder and is the inability to get the amount of sleep needed to function efficiently during the daytime)

Doctor Bradbury's favorite part of the brain... (humans are diurnal animals-otherwise known as active during the day)

-suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is a cluster of neurons in your hypothalamus, (subpart of hypothalamus) and is responsive to changes in light that trigger the SCN to decrease the release of melatonin from the PINEAL gland (makes melatonin) in the morning and increase melatonin at night -solitary confinement is an example of a way that people's SCN can negatively be affected through not being exposed to natural light -hypothalamus is part of brain that serves a lot of regulatory function (eating/sleep/circadian rhythms/sexual function)

DSM-5 sleep-wake disorders

2 MAIN CATEGORIES -dyssomnias (timing and amount of sleep that effects sleep architecture) include: primary insomnia, primary hypersomnia, narcolepsy (medical treatment/counseling/therap/CBT), breathing related sleep disorder (sleep apnea=dangerous, oxygen deprivation can eventually cause brain damage and is closely related to obesity), circadian rhythm sleep disorder(can happen bc of night shift jobs/phase advancing versus phase reversing/depends on changeability), dyssomnia NOS (not otherwised specified) -parasomnias (odd/unusual or undesired behaviors during sleep)-caused by genetic and neurological development makeup include: nightmare disorder (subjective interfering repetitive or reoccurring nightmares), sleep terror disorder, sleep walking disorder aka somnambulism, parasomnia NOS (such as sleep paralysis and hypnogogic/pompic hallucinations) other categories include: -related to another mental disorder (primary versus secondary) -due to a General medical condition (hypersomnolence-where you sleep too much) -substance induced sleep disorders (alcohol/cocaine/medication


A ________ to feel more alert during deprivation of sleep is to make sure that you're getting an incremental number of hours that is evenly divisible by 90 (end sleep on 90 minute mark)

anxiety disorders, PTSD, traumatic brain injury, suicidal behaviors, distress associated with all forms of abuse, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, developmental disorders, mental retardation, autsims

Also common among inmates: (,) (characteristics)


At least ____ hours every night is what we should all be aiming for. (however, listen to your body)


BE CAUTIOUS: gender _______S are defined culturally and varies a great deal over historical time. (granny is shocked about pants/slacks of Dr. B at work)


Children grow during sleep, and deprivation can cause lack of _________ in children.

older daughter jane

Dr. bradbury's ________ ___________ ________, was growing up and at about 3 y/o brought jane to class and was asked about gender and gender constancy. -"jane are you a boy or a girl?" -"a girl" 'what about when you grow up" -"I'll be a woman" "are you going to be a mommy or a daddy?" 'i'm going to be a doctor' (she has PHD and is a mom)-did both!!!


During REM sleep, the brain is asleep but engages in fast and regular _______ WAVES much like in an awake-aroused state. (Rapid eye movement)


During REM sleep, when paralysis is __________, this can be very dangerous for people and become a very serious sleep disorder

ted talk by juno mac: the laws that sex workers really want

Everyone has an opinion about how to legislate sex work (whether to legalize it, ban it or even tax it) ... but what do workers themselves think would work best? Activist Juno Mac explains four legal models that are being used around the world and shows us the model that she believes will work best to keep sex workers safe and offer greater self-determination. "If you care about gender equality or poverty or migration or public health, then sex worker rights matter to you," she says. "Make space for us in your movements." (Adult themes) -worked as a sex worker -prohibiting makes it worse -criminalizing is a trap... law forces you to keep selling sex. -partial criminalization (must be behind closed doors) -cycle of selling sex to pay for fines. -people often don't have money to pay which is why they resort to sex working. (survival) -most buyers are men with money and most sellers are women without. -legalization/regulation makes it bad too -prohibition is terrible policy BAD: prohibition, full criminalisation, partial criminalisation, swedish/nordic model, legislation- "backdoor criminalisation" -what do sex workers want???!!!!!! (New Zealand)-red umbrellas -full decriminalisation, with collective working, accountable bosses, workers' rights protection. -labor rights

ted talk by Al Vernacchio: sex needs a new metaphor

For some reason, says educator Al Vernacchio, the metaphors for talking about sex in the US all come from baseball -- scoring, getting to first base, etc. The problem is, this frames sex as a competition, with a winner and a loser. Instead, he suggests a new metaphor, one that's more about shared pleasure, discussion and agreement, fulfillment and enjoyment. Let's talk about ... PIZZA model (internal desire) -about pleasure -nothing is necessarily wrong -am I hungry? -are we satisfied? -questions (goal directed, sexist, heterosexist, competitive) BASEBALL TERMS (during season) -strike out -benchwarmer -switch hitter -plays for the other team -grass on the field, play ball -run the bases -exclusive produces unhealthy sexual outcomes -commands


From the very beginning, the child is inundated with a particular set of __________S that this is your gender. (can cause confusion if discrepancy)


It is very ______ to try and inhibit oneself from REM sleep on purpose (must be woken up right before through brain monitoring)


Many ___________s (like sleep terrors, sleepwalking, sleep eating(disorganized and makes mess), and sleep talking aka delta wave sleep disorders) occur during delta wave sleep.


Many psychology diagnoses interact with the law... some disorders often involve breaking the law. -ex. alcohol and substance related disorders such as driving while intoxicated, selling/buying drugs, prostitution to finance hard drug addictions, violence up to murders -another ex. _________-_________ disorders such as setting fires, compulsive stealing, gambling that runs up bad debt. -another ex. antisocial personality disorder or conduct disorder (running away or dropping out) which may entail robbery, assault, kidnapping, rape, murder, domestic violence, child abuse, neglect, animal cruelty

can 'intrude' into stage 1 sleep, causing a disconcerting but harmless (and brief) period of awareness during this paralysis.

Paralysis of most voluntary muscles during REM sleep

a normal phenomenon of the healthy brain

REM rebound is

more dangerous

REM sleep behavior disorder (RSBD) is ______ than sleep-walking disorder. (bc could potentially drive car)


REM sleep can be studied objectively, however __________ cannot be studied objectively. Therefore, pre verbal infants cannot tell us about their dreams.

do we need to dream?

REM sleep is a fairly well understood process at this point (needed/required). -the brain goes through a series of specific neurological activities that result in consolidating learning from new information and performing other housekeeping


REM sleep is sleep stage closest to __________ activity in the brain.

It is necessary for human survival, like food, water and air.

Regarding sleep

Ted talk by Russell Foster "Why do we sleep?"

Russell Foster is a circadian neuroscientist: He studies the sleep cycles of the brain. And he asks: What do we know about sleep? Not a lot, it turns out, for something we do with one-third of our lives (36 percent). In this talk, Foster shares three popular theories about why we sleep, busts some myths about how much sleep we need at different ages -- and hints at some bold new uses of sleep as a predictor of mental health.

is a set of simple but remarkably effective behavior medicine tools for reducing sleep problems

Sleep hygiene...


THERE IS DIFFICULTY IN ESTIMATING DRUG USE people generally ____________ their drug use, downplay its role in their lives, and under report quantities (underestimate) and frequencies as well as deny unhealthy motivations (coping) -more likely to deny drug use.


The effect of the broken juvenile justice system on _________ offenders is opposite of what it needs to be... because it makes them more likely to commit crimes, not less likely.... -statistically, this effect is so substantial that no punishment works better (less badly) However, we'd be better off not prosecuting juvenile crimes at all than doing what we do now...


The item ___________ ended up like this: 16 questions on forensics (module 19) 29 questions on sleep, dreaming, sleep disorders (modules 20 + 21) 22 questions on gender, sex, sexuality, and sexual disorders (modules 22 + 23) 13 questions on substances (module 24)

...too often teaches young offenders to think and act more like criminals than they did before their contact with the justice system

The juvenile justice system, as it is currently administered...

non-consenting persons

The paraphilias of greatest concern to clinicians are those in the category of


The physical feeling of dropping into sleep, happens in the thalamus and is a _________ of sleep spindles (burst of activity) and theta waves.

requires supervised training experience working in forsensic settings during graduate school

The practice of forensic psychology...

ted talk johann hari: everything

What really causes addiction -- to everything from cocaine to smart-phones? And how can we overcome it? Johann Hari has seen our current methods fail firsthand, as he has watched loved ones struggle to manage their addictions. He started to wonder why we treat addicts the way we do -- and if there might be a better way. As he shares in this deeply personal talk, his questions took him around the world, and unearthed some surprising and hopeful ways of thinking about an age-old problem. maybe should call it bonding (nature)

if you use substances

____ ______ _______ ____________S, you need to be an expert on drugs. -know your drug- profile, special risks -know your supply chain (can be a big risk for heroin) -know your surroundings and legal setting -know your priorities -know your motives -know your limits -know the warning signs of a problem


____ is a regular topic and people need to get past discomfort/anxiety with talking about it. (attitude, sex is something clinicians need to be able to get comfortable talking about and be aware of biases)


____% of college students say they are sleep deprived. -1/3 of Americans report difficulty sleeping. -90% of high school students are sleep deprived.

the brain

_____ _______ functions differently between narcolepsy (sleep attacks out of nowhere-neurological problem) and hypersomnia (more general)

cis children

_____ _________ are children who actually identify their gender as being congruent with their biology. Trans children have a discrepancy.

drug classes (depressants (large class), stimulants, hallucinogens, marijuana, many drugs have effects across drug classes)

______ __________S are groups of drugs that share similar biological and psychoactive/experiential effects.

toy preferences (pops up early)

______ ____________S by age 12 months (!!), gender constancy not until age 2 or 3 and even later, fears of a possible switch are common.


______-___ stands for international classification of sleep disorders, version 2, a compendium of sleep disorder diagnoses much more exhaustive than the DSM list

REM sleep behavior disorder

_______ _______ __________ __________is a (most serious) parasomnia, and is about REM sleep, where people with this disorder do not have the natural paralysis. (absence of normal bodily function aka paralysis) -try to act out their dreams. (worst could potentially happen)

long term insomnia

_______ _______ _____________ lasts for more than 3 weeks and should be investigated by a physician with potential referral to sleep disorder specialist.

short term insomnia

_______ ________ ___________ is very common and has many causes such as stress, travel, or other life events. (can normally be solved through sleep hygiene interventions)

rem intrusions

_______ ___________S occur when REM intrudes into other states of consciousness, specifically into other sleep stages or into wakefulness. (almost always caused by sleep deprivation)

REM rebound

_______ ____________ is that natural function that your brain has where it will protect you from not getting enough REM sleep. (sleep deprivation) -If you are deprived of REM, you will get more REM whenever you DO sleep and drop straight into it. -without, you would have REM intrusions and fall into REM awake.

phase advancing

_______ _____________ means that you would help someone to go to bed later and later and later


_______ gender behavior does not necessarily translate to high % of trans adults... gender dysphoria seems to be fairly persistent.


_______ is one of the defining themes of adult life. Evolutionary psychologists believe that commitment has survival value. Sex and gender role arrangements are major life choices in adulthood.


_______-______ hormone treatment denotes the use of feminizing hormones in an individual assigned male at birth based on traditional biological indicators or the use of masculinizing hormones in an individual assigned female at birth.


________ (for 2nd-4th graders)-"I had a dream last night that I ate a giant marshmallow, and when I woke up, my pillow was gone!" -about REM Sleep (paralysis of REM would prevent you from actually eating pillow)

drug profiles

________ __________S are the fact that drugs vary greatly in their "profiles" -psychophysiological effects -cultural use of patterns -risks and benefits of use (advantages) -tolerance? (more and more of the drug to get the same effect) -overdose? (some are much more dangerous-involves safety) -addictive? (how easy to stop?) (cocaine is very addictive) -does withdrawal require medical support?

narrow therapeutic window

________ ____________ ____________ in between when the pain goes away and there is a coma. (opiates usually have small window)

cocaine (quick euphoria followed by a crash, another war story from grady (24 hours after surgery)-lots of chase and group of psychologist (liasion services) smoking crack cocaine is how powerful that drug is, currently on the rise but still down from the 1980s peak)

________ is a powerful stimulant that is processed from coca leaves, particulars of coca use are culturally bounded, among american college students cocaine goes in an out of fashion.


________ sleep is another important sleep stage. (most sleep disorders involve either disruptions of REM or disruptions of delta)

chronic sleep deprivation

_________ _________ ____________ is even associated with early death!!!

REM sleep

_________ __________ is in some ways the most important sleep, and when people are deprived, bad things happen. (people can become hallucinatory/see dreaming images if selectively inhibited REM sleep.) -

faked empathy

_________ __________ reactions are actually quite different from real empathy reactions (usually something off about story) (people with ASPD can fool mental health disorders)

sleep hygiene (grandma rules)

_________ __________ refers to the habits and behaviors that influence our sleep.(can reduce sleep terrors in children) ex. -go to bed and get up at regular times (more likely to have regulated sleep if you go to sleep and wake up at the same times) -allow enough time for sleep (can be very hard!) -dark, cool, quiet, secure environment -do not study in/on your bed -avoid screens for at least 30 minutes before bed -do not eat right before bed -avoid stimulants AND depressants (ex. caffeine and alcohol which specifically messes with sleep architecture) -systematic muscle relaxation

alcohol facts

_________ __________S: young adults from 18-25: 60% drank last month, teens from 12-17: 11.5% drank last month, adults (26-60: 56% drank last month YOUNG ADULTS -33% of binge drink -10.8% heavy drinkers TEENS -6.1% binge drink -1% heavy drinkers ADULTS 22.5% binge drinkers -6% heavy drinkers -alcohol use disorder accounts for 79.1% of all substance use disorders (almost 80%) -college students think 18 should be legal drinking age.

sexual response disorders

_________ ___________ ___________S are disruptions to any phase of this complex psychophysiological process

phase reversing

_________ ___________ means that you would help someone to go to be earlier and earlier and earlier. (harder)

sexual performance disorders (sexual pain disorder, premature orgasm, delayed orgasm, inability to orgasm, poor libido/low appetite, low arousal)

_________ ____________ __________S are disruptions to any phase of the sexual response cycle, there are many possible...

terminal insomnia

_________ ____________ is when you wake up too early (unable to fall back asleep)

tranvestic fetishism (usually heterosexual men)

_________ ____________: sexual arousal triggered by wearing cross-gender clothes (not same as transgender or transexual)

social desirability (often health related questions)

_________ ______________ is a social psychology construct, which says there is a preferable answer or "right" answer to almost any question that someone could ask you. -certain questions have stronger social desirability valence. (stronger direction)


_________ is a form of cognitive/emotional distress or discomfort.


_________ is a terrible place... suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death in U.S. state and federal prisons, exceeded only by natural causes and aids. (difficult for a psychologist to work within a forensic system)


_________ means grinding your teeth, and happens during delta wave sleep


_________S and part of what you have to be thinking about is how your own worldview and your own ethical system of beliefs and values. Your "own psychology" will intersect with the law and with these legal settings.(needs to be considered)

extremely high risk substance use

__________ _______ _______ ____________ _________ AVOID -inhalants-adhesives, solvents, propellants-neurotoxins -club drugs, especially X, vet drugs -taking Rx medications with little knowledge -mixing CNS depressants (codeine and alcohol) -alcohol super binging

altered states of consciousness

__________ _________ ____ ____________ or deliberately changing our state of consciousness may be a universal human drive. -observed across cultures (very normal) -children spinning (zilker christmas tree is doing this) -primates seek out fermented fruit (etc.)

refractory period

__________ _________ gets longer as men age.

counting meditation

__________ _____________ can be used to relax, focus, -1st thing to do is to prepare to meditate. (comfortable place/clothes) maybe set alarm? safe place -counting upwards from 1 (may have stray thoughts such as cameras/grocery store) -returning yourself to your count is meditation!!! -helpful for people with stress (mind/body technique)


amount of REM sleep decreases as people age, which is related to a decreased ability over time for people to ________ well. (REM sleep is responsible for consolidating memory)

advanced lucid dreaming

____________ _________ ____________ can control dreams in any way you like such as choosing when to wake up or changing the dream action, can help sleep issues (therapeutic tool/skill to be learned), and to try yourself; look for different objects to find in dream. -recurrent nightmares can affect people of all ages, can be related to trauma processes (PTSD) -can use awareness to adjust dreams to make yourself more comfortable -can help remain asleep, and not wake up in the middle of the night -dream journaling-writing down dreams in morning when they wake up. -can look for impossible events -no damaging effect

primary hypersomnia

____________ ______________ means that you are falling asleep too easily and that you are sleeping too much. (can interfere/be inconvenient)


____________ is a hormone that can help sleep, especially when a deficiency is what's driving the sleep process to not work. (not bad to take) -screens can mess with melatonin production -also those in solitary confinement can have an SCN that can become negatively atrophied

parasomnia (ex. restless legs syndrome, sleep paralysis, confusional arousals)

____________ is an undesirable motor, verbal, or experiential phenomenon occurring in association with sleep, specific stages of sleep, or sleep awake transition phases. secondary parasomnias include: seizures, respiratory dyskinesias, arrhythmias, gastroesophageal reflux

transgender (definition: difference between assigned gender at birth from the gender that they feel inside)

____________ is entirely INDEPENDENT of a trans individual's: degree of masculinity/femininity, sexual orientation, particular sexual turn-on's, politics, religion, personality

pornography (watching is not abnormal) -has to do with taboos/forbidden stuff -kinks are based on forbidden stuff

____________ is here to stay; the good, the bad, and the ugly what is toxic?


____________ light also effects the (SCN) suprachiasmatic nucleus


____________ was used on "how to assign gender at birth" (ruler) -assigning gender (not clear then use this ruler) (DNA or genetic testing is better way)


____________S are drugs that depress the activity of the central nervous system, often reducing anxiety and pain but also impairing alertness, memory, judgment, and physical coordination. -generally addictive, easy to misuse and potentially deadly in overdose. -includes alcohol (kills many college students), opium (including morphine/codeine/heroin/opium), non-opiate Rx sedatives/tranquilizers.

community treatment

_____________ ____________ is TREATMENT that occurs in the community (as opposed to in a hospital, prison, remote treatment facility) (better strategy for preventing crime) provides more naturalistic support from neighbors, family and provides re-moralization and re-socialization

differential diagnosis

_____________ _____________ is complex

hallucinogens (safest)

______________S are drugs that distort perceptions and evoke sensory images in the absence of sensory input. (peyote, LSD, PCP, many others natural/man made) -long history of use in religious practices in many cultures REMEMBER: tripping people should ALWAYS be supervised by someone sober.

collaborative psychopharmacology

_______________ ___________________ (a collaborative relationship with the client in which pharmacology/psychotropic medication is part of the treatment) client agrees meds are a good idea -collaborative relationship with the client -could have benefitted andrea yates


a disorder that can involve breaking the law is ____________/mania: through what is known as "suicide by cop" which is poor judgment, risk taking, delusional behavior, violence up to murder. definition-person in manic state gets self shot by police because pervasive issue of risk taking.


a huge portion of ________S spend their time in REM sleep, therefore "do newborns dream more than we do? and what do they dream about? what is the purpose?


according to the US department of justice, about ______% of male prison and jail inmates have a mental health problem. Among female inmates, about 75% -yet only one in three prison inmates and one in six jail inmates receives any form of mental health treatment. (huge gap)


all manner of bad things such as lots of ____________ activity, lots of abuse of power happens in jails and prisons.

incarcerated men

among ______________ ________ the current illnesses: -3.7% psychosis -10% major depression -47% antisocial personality disorder -18% other personality disorder -70% primary or co-morbid substance abuse disorders.

gender constancy

around age 3 or 4 _________ __________ is formed and the child does not waver in terms of what gender the child is claiming. (instead is consistent in making that claim)


as the demand for drugs continues or grows, we are __________S with car keys

sleep deprivation is....

bad for your health

how can you help?

be aware of racial, gender, and socioeconomic inequities in our society and accept that they remain destructive forces in people's lives. (african american males with low socioeconomic status have very high risk of being incarcerated) -choose a contributory career path -be a mentor -teach your own kids tolerance and peace -volunteer -keep yourself sane and safe and healthy and whole (most importantly)

dangerously stigmatized (employment figs), pervasively misunderstood

being trans is harmless to others but is still...


biological markers are mixed in ___________ people. (some signs of male and some signs of female)


biological sex and gender orientation to self laid out in _________S of reproduction, prenatal environment; cis and trans in this context.


children (resistance) must have at least 6 symptoms but adults must have ___ symptoms in to be DIAGNOSED with gender dysphoria. -important (8 symptoms involved)

key (what makes sex health)

consent is _____- "yes" vs. anything but yes (maybe means no) -ability to consent: knowledge of risks (informed), must be old enough, not intoxicated/ill or of otherwise impaired judgement.


cross gendered behavior in older kids are more likely to predict ______________ than gender dysphoria.

ted talk by Jenni Chang and Lisa Dazols

cultures: wanted to make "supergays" video. -went to Nepal (transgender- wants to protect LGBTQ) -india (openly gay prince-felt stigma needed to be broken) -east africa: david kuria-ran for senator, received death threats -Argentina-adopted LGBTQ marriage early on Maria Rasheed -equality is not a western ideal. -love won!!!


differential diagnosis in ________ (not guilty by reasons of insanity) is what andrea yates was appointed. Problem associated includes malingering (faking mental illness) -insanity (found insane: put in mental institution) is only determined by a judge -it doesn't necessarily mean that the person did not perform the crime, it means the person is not considered culpable for the crime.

pronouns (they is now used singularly)

do not assume gender _________S (not sure then ask what they prefer)-do not want to offend (ex. ze-gender neutral pronoun)

cognitive view of dreaming

dreams are constructed from the daily issues of the dreamer.

psychoanalytic view of dreaming

dreams represent "window into the unconscious mind" (tip of the iceberg is the conscious mind and what is underneath is unconscious); manifest content (what you remember and interpret) vs. symbolic (latent) content that is hidden from dreamer (need system of dream interpretation to interpret)

biological views of dreaming (have great deal of support)

dreams represent the attempt of the cortex to interpret the random neural firing of the brain during sleep (activation synthesis) Or, dreams provide the sleeping brain with periodic stimulation to develop and preserve neural pathways. -brain and nervous system has many functions it performs during sleep -dream does not actually mean anything, but just something to look at while all these important functions are being done


during REM sleep, there is a natural, normal, and expectable that _________ occurs (of major muscles). (protective function and prevents you from acting out in your dreams)


during the _____________ night, (aka the night before the night before the exam/second to last night before exam)-this can consolidate the information and help "cram" information

tax payers

enforcing federal marijuana laws cost _______ ____________S over $13 billion in direct costs in 2010.


example of stereotyping of women is sexualized (body), and equivalent form is men are _________ objectified in the same sort of way. (discrimination can effect everyone)

voyeurism-wants to watch other people have sex (often other person does not know they are being watched/looking in windows), exhibitionism (sex in public place/raincoat opening) pedophilia (subclinical variants common, often symbolic) -very concerning for clinicians

examples of non-consenting persons paraphilias:

sadism (wanting to hurt) and masochism-likes to be choked (wanting to be hurt) -consent can be used in these types of fetishes.

examples of pain and humiliation paraphilias:

andrea yates

famous case of __________ ________S: who drowned all five of her children in a bathtub who is now in a mental hospital (severe mental illness) thought she was trying to save them from the devil -what rules out a diagnosis antipersonality disorder for this woman? (pervasive pattern of violating the rights of others/criminal behavior, nature of the psychotic symptoms/very remorseful) -eventually diagnosed with severe postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis (from most recent child) -confessed to drowning her 5 children in their bathtub on June 20, 2001.

non-consenting persons and pain and humiliation (usually separate)

fetishes that are not generally harmless if acted upon outside of fantasy: ____ __________ _______S and _______ and _____________


forensic settings are very _________ matters, especially when involving the law (DSM created to help people/intended for clinical use) THEREFORE be cautious when using DSM regarding forensic use.


in reducing crime, what works at least a little? -collaborative psychopharmacology (a collaborative relationship with the client in which pharmacology/medication is part of the treatment) client agrees meds are a good idea. -community treatment (effective) -family psycho-education (simple/effective) -supported employment -illness and management recovery -integrated dual disorders treatment (both concurrent substance abuse and some other type of mental health problem) -restorative justice initiatives -all taxpayers and community members should care about these concepts.

drug-induced states of consciousness

in regards to ________-___________ _______s _____ _____________, the PSYCHOACTIVE effects of drugs depend on: BIOLOGICAL ACTIONS of the drug and EXPECTATIONS of drug effect (what effect are you expecting from the drug?-can be extremely important/powerful)


in regards to paraphilias, _________s are fetish obligatory for sexual functioning


in regards to sexual development, people normally develop sexual orientation by early _____________. (there are kinks aka "turn ons" and sexual proclivities wired in during adolescence/early adulthood)

anxious and distressed

in regards to sleep walking/talking people are not distressed or anxious, however during sleep terrors the person is by definition very _________ AND ___________.


in the ________, uniform crime report of 2010, there were over 800,000 arrests for marijuana possession which is equal to 52% of all drug arrests and 6% of ALL arrests for any crime.

criminal law, child and family law (bradbury focus), money/contract/property law

in the forensic settings, what are the levels of the system? (,) (psychologists usually involved in 1st two)


in theory, people are only suppose to be in _______ for a very short time. -Prisons are a much bigger deal.


it is HARD to wake up a sleep walker not __________ (myth) -sleep walkers (happens in delta) cannot be acting out dreams because dreams happen in REM


it is ____________ against in our culture to be transgendered. (things have changed a little) but many hate crimes and employment discrimination still occurs. (our society is sexist but men are discriminated/restricted against too)


keeping _____ person incarcerated for a year costs more than most mental health professionals make in a year.

fetishes vs kinks

kinks (more informal term) are often related to taboos (girls on roller skates) Fetish is real term (singularly important to sexual functioning)


kirsten bradbury is a big believer in community initiative for ____________. (band together) -homeless people have unmet social need (bring food rather than money/do what you can)

boy style

little girl thought she was turned into a boy by a shorter haircut. ("_____ _______")


lots of forensic training is done in ______S, (interviews/assessments)


objectification of women and current glorification of _______ culture -internalization of stereotypes, toxic messages are sent (about competence) -patriarchal belief systems and their implications

suicide by cop

other psychology diagnoses that interact with the law or involve breaking to law. -"_________ _____ ______" (manic form of psychosis) involves poor judgment, extreme risk taking, delusional behavior, violence up to murder (informal term, used by clinicians) termed this because this behavior can actually cause you to be harmed by the police -serious and chronic mental illness: homelessness, loitering, petty theft, public urination -pedophilia, factitious disorder by proxy, personality disorders such as ASPC or conduct disorder that involves child abuse, neglect, animal cruelty, kidnapping, disregard for legal restrictions about children.


parasomnias normally start in childhood and dissolve around ______________ (delta wave sleep gets more solid). Usually do not extend into adulthood.

problems associated with lack of sleep (,)

poor memory, poor creativity, increased impulsiveness, poor judgment, obesity (metabolic)

characteristics of REM sleep: (,)

presence of rapid-eye movements, presence of dreaming, increased autonomic nervous system activity, similar to an awake brain, motor paralysis (except for diaphragm that is natural) -NOT when sleepwalking, sleep talking happen -REM and dreaming go hand in hand.


puberty is around the time that sexual __________ happens (now-ish) -sexuality is a CONTINUUM vs categories such as homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, pansexual (open to all), LGBTQ -does not address degree of fluidity (can be fluid like gender)

night terror (episode)

sleep terror aka _________ ___________ disorder actually are not dreams, they are a different neurological phenomenon (occurs during delta wave sleep, normally in beginning of night)-runs in families (anxiety fueled and can be very disruptive to families), people cannot read during sleep terrors (memory is clouded of night terror). -nightmare disorder-are actual dreams occurring during REM -night terrors respond to a cool compress patted gently on the child's forehead and sleep walking requires us to not put child on the top bunkbed.


some murder is not due to anti-personality disorder... -insanity is not a psychological term -_____________ is essentially faking having a mental illness

behavioral insomnia of childhood; paradoxical insomnia; menstrual related hypersomnia; and exploding head syndrome

some of the sleep disorders listed in the ICSD-2 not listed in the DSM-5 include:

prevalence of substance use disorders

teens about 5% adults (26-60) about 7% young adults (18-25) about 16.3% or about 1 in 6!!! -we are at the highest risk.

visual system

the ________ ___________ is much more integrated into the brain and body systems that control and regulate circadian rhythms -people with various types of damage to the visual system can experience a lot of trouble with sleep. -people with damage to the auditory system have no special problems with sleep -light has a particular power to influence sleep differently than other physical stimuli (sound, touch, taste, smell)


the ________ of incarcerating one inmate in fiscal 2010 ranged from $31,307 per year to upwards of $185,000 per year!!!! thus... -mental health systems need much more funding (underfunded) -prevention of crime is a known science: treat its underlying causes and it goes down.


the ___________ of parasomnias are much more common in children than in adults. (can actually be normative in childhood)

"bathroom law"

the _____________ _______ is stupid and prejudiced (says we all have to use the public bathroom labeled the same as the gender label on our driver's license)-targets trans people, but treats all of us like imbeciles who cannot even figure out for ourselves which bathroom to use.


transgender is a more general term than ____________-someone who has transitioned or made some road into transitioning into the gender that they feel like they are.


used to be called "gender identity disorder", (____________ companies involved-must have medical treatment need to go on with hormone treatment, etc.) now called gender dysphoria (distress they feel, not identity that is the problem but the DISTRESS) -homosexuality used to be in the DSM (removed in 1980)


very _____ cross gendered children go on to become transgendered adults

drugs win

war on drugs finally over: "________S _______"- satirical 2011 headline of the onion -the war on drugs is not actually over.

sexual response/performance disorders and kinks/fetishes

what are the two big categories of sexual disorders? (and)

gender dysphoria (form of distress) definition: refers to the distress that may accompany the incongruence between one's experienced or expressed gender and one's assigned gender

what is "an enduring identification with the gender opposite the patient's assigned birth sex; discomfort with one's biological sex?"


what is "faking mental illness?" real definition: the intentional production of false or grossly exaggerated physical or psychological symptoms, motivated by external incentives.

not guilty by reasons of insanity

what is NGRI? insanity is determined by judge.

very difficult to define, very wide array of practices, vanilla sex (totally heterocentric way/view)-penis and vagina lol vs. "all the other flavors"- which is

what is normal sex? (sexual behavior-complex)

trompe l'oeil (french word for fools the eye)

what was the word of the week? (noun) (illusion) definition- a style of painting in which objects are rendered in extremely realistic detail, giving an illusion of reality.

sleepwalking precautions

when routine gets thrown off, for ex. if you sleep in another place then all of the delta wave parasomnias such as sleepwalking/sleep talking. -Therefore ______________ _____________S should be taken by: -remove potentially dangerous items from near bed -sleeping in a bedroom on the ground floor if possible. -lock the doors and windows -cover glass windows with heavy drapes -place an alarm or bell on the bedroom door


women can discriminated against other _________ (safe spaces cannot always be safe for everyone)

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