ACC 270 Quizzes Chapter 9-15

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A potential roadblock to transition of DSL to FTTH is the: A. high costs of building entirely new networks. B. scarcity of the material required to create the cables. C. impracticality of switching to a technology that is not proven yet. D. location driven quality of service offered by fiber optic technology. E. high possibility of external interference and hence, fears of information security.


CPM refers to: A. ad rates quoted in cost per thousand impressions. B. ad rates quoted in cost per million impressions. C. the maximum amount of money an advertiser is willing to pay for each click on their ad. D. the cost an advertiser is willing to pay for a particular amount of time a surfer spends on an ad. E. a method of charging for advertising whenever a user performs a specified action such as signing up for a service, requesting material, or making a purchase.


Cloud computing refers to: A. replacing computing resources with services provided over the Internet. B. a technology that can make a single computer behave like many separate computers. C. designing computers with many microprocessors that work together, simultaneously, to solve problems. D. designing microprocessors with two or more calculating processor cores on the same piece of silicon. E. manufacturing semiconductors as a stack of multiple, interconnected layers instead of in one flat plane.


Data mining is leveraged by some firms to determine which products customers buy together, and how an organization can use this information to cross-sell more products or services. This area of application of data mining is referred to as: A. market basket analysis. B. expert systems. C. customer churn. D. customer segmentation. E. vertical integration.


If a computer system can be equated to a layered cake, which of the following combinations represents the computer system in the bottom-to-top order? A. Hardware, operating system, application, user B. User, application, hardware, operating system C. User, operating system, hardware, application D. Application, operating system, hardware, user E. Operating system, hardware, user, application


In security circles the phrase "compliance" refers to: A. legal or professionally binding steps that an organization must take. B. security audit practices used by the tech divisions of Big Four accounting firms. C. a firm's installing software to fulfill government surveillance requirements. D. the U.S. government legislation requiring organizations to share security breaches with law enforcement and industry trade organizations. E. only deploying open source software that is downloaded from approved GitHub locations.


Information security policies would be ineffective without _____ and _____. A. audit; enforcement B. accountability; flexibility C. compliance; subjectivity D. protocols; the backing of ISO E. rigidity; adaptability


Link farming is a type of online advertising fraud where fraudsters attempt to: A. create a series of bogus Web sites, all linking back to a page, in the hope of increasing that page's results in organic search. B. pack a Web site with unrelated keywords in the hope of luring users who wouldn't normally visit a Web site. C. search keywords linked to rival ads in the hope of generating impressions without clicks to lower the performance rank of these ads. D. frame a rival by generating bogus clicks or impressions that appear to be associated with the rival, in the hope that this rival will be banned from an ad network. E. generate bogus impressions that can be linked back to a rival's ad to exhaust the rival's CPM ad budget.


One of the functions of the IP is to: A. route message packets to the final destination. B. slice up the message into smaller chunks of data called packets, to be sent over the network. C. check for damaged or corrupt message packets and request for replacements, if needed. D. label message packets with source and destination addresses. E. rearrange message packets in the same sequence as they were sent.


One of the major problems with the Heartbleed bug in OpenSSL software is that: A. the software was embedded in many hardware products that could not be easily patched with automatic software updates. B. any password typed into a CAPTCHA could be monitored by a Van Eck device. C. social engineers could exploit the bug through SQL injection. D. all social media profile data was exposed, giving hackers access to the potential answers many firms ask as part of password security questions. E. it eliminated the ability to expose a URL's desitination by hoving the cursor over an address.


Open source software products often have fewer bugs than their commercial counterparts because of the: A. large number of persons who have looked at the code. B. stringent quality checks undertaken by the original developers. C. emphasis placed on technological superiority of OSS products. D. relatively poorer standards of commercially programmed software. E. pyramidal programming practice followed by OSS developers.


Several surprising findings were revealed in the wake of the Target breach, providing a cautionary tale for all executives and security professionals. Which of the following was not thought to have occurred during the Target security breach? A. Target had security software, but the notification alerts from the software were ignored. B. Target had properly installed and configured its security software, but hackers got in, anyway. C. Credit card databases were on entirely separate systems, not connected to other parts of the firm's information system, but wireless networking allowed hackers to access anything reachable from a cell phone connection. D. Target regularly monitored file names and matched them to file sizes and archival copies to ensure that software was not installed on their systems using the names of legitimate products, but hackers saved files with blank file names so they wouldn't be detected. E. All of the above


Some of the most common guidelines issued by Web sites when designing a secure password include: A. The password should be at least eight characters long and include at least one number and other nonalphabet character. B. The password should be short and straightforward. C. The password should include names of family members or pets, so as to be easily remembered. D. Choose a hard-to-guess password, then re-use this hardened password across websites. This minimize instances of calling systems professionals for a password reset, hence eliminating an additional potential vulnerability. E. The password should be the same as your name so as to trick the hacker.


The hypertext transfer protocol (http) defines the communication between: A. Web browsers and Web servers. B. operating systems and Web browsers. C. hardware and operating systems. D. mail servers and hardware. E. hardware and Web browsers.


The software business is extremely profitable compared to the hardware business because: A. the marginal cost to produce an additional copy of a software product is effectively zero. B. of the lack of market price regulations and guidelines. C. software producers serve niche businesses sectors with high profit margins. D. software development is a one-time process with no upgrade costs. E. software firms benefit from special tax exemptions that aid profitability.


What is 'black hat SEO'? A. Using unauthorized (and Google-prohibited) techniques to improve a page's search results B. Paying off a search engine firm's engineers to lower your ad rate C. Linking to competitor websites in hopes that they will fall in search engine rankings D. Attempting to hack into a firm's email to manipulate SLA contracts E. All of the above


Which of the following is an example of application software? A. MS Word B. iOS C. Linux D. MS Windows E. Android


Which of the following is an operating system? A. Linux B. USB 2.0 C. Microsoft Access System D. Notepad E. Wi-Fi


Which of the following is not an example of larger, conventional firms working with sharing economy startups? A. Apple's purchase of Beats to give new musical artists more exposure. B. Condé Nast's investment in Rent the Runway. C. Google's investment in Uber. D. Walgreens' partnership with TaskRabbit. E. W Hotel partnering with Desks Near Me.


Which of the following is one of the reasons for the failure of technology projects? A. Inadequate testing of systems before deployment B. Insufficient expenditure on information systems C. Use of matured technology D. Prolonged project periods E. Disallowing "feature creep" during development


Which of the following is true of the difference between operating systems and application software? A. Operating systems control the hardware, while application software performs the work that users and firms are directly interested in accomplishing. B. Operating systems support tasks performed by a single user, while application software support tasks performed by multiple users. C. Operating systems control the hardware elements visible to the human eye, while application software controls the hardware elements invisible to the human eye. D. Operating systems are software packages that integrate the many functions of a business, while application software works with a minimal degree of overlap. E. Operating systems are software packages offered by a third party, while application software contains programs that are designed in-house.


Which weakness of Web sites to launch attacks does an SQL injection technique exploit? A. Sloppy programming practices where software developers do not validate user input B. Lack of in-built anti-virus features C. Irregular auditing of Web site content D. Ease of infiltrating the Web site E. Non-employment of encryption techniques


_____ allow(s) a server to run what amounts to a copy of a PC—OS, applications, and all—and simply deliver an image of what's executing to the remote device. A. Virtual desktops B. Cloudbursting C. Hardware clouds D. Vertical niches E. Black swans


_____ is a set of standards for exchanging messages containing formatted data between computer applications. A. EDI B. DBMS C. CPM D. SCM E. ERP


A research scientist with a major pharmaceutical firm in New Jersey is caught passing on sensitive information, worth millions of dollars, regarding the composition and test results of his firm's latest drug to a rival company. What crime is he being held responsible for? A. Cyber-fraud B. Corporate espionage C. Carrying out technology disruptions D. Extortion E. Illegal funds transfer


A(n) _____ is an application that includes an editor, a debugger, and a compiler, among other tools. A. programming language B. integrated development environment C. operating system D. extensible markup language E. enterprise resource planning system


Circuit-switched networks provide connection between two parties that: A. uses a single router for each individual on either end of the connection. B. is dedicated for use by the parties for the duration of a connection. C. repeatedly switches between an open and closed state depending on whether someone is speaking or other noise is being transmitted during a call. D. slicing up the conversation into smaller chunks and transmitting them over a shared circuit that mixes content with other callers but routes and reassembles a call to the correct recipient. E. prioritizing voice calls over other connections on IP networks.


Cloud computing is not typically suited for situations: A. involving offloading of expensive computing tasks. B. where complex legacy systems have to be ported. C. with no existing regulatory compliance issues. D. where pricing economics favor buying over renting. E. characterized by limited-time tasks.


Computer-driven investment models can be very effective when the market behaves as it has in the past. However, in terms of historical consistency, they are vulnerable to failure in the face of: A. brute force attacks. B. black swans. C. zero-day exploits. D. calendar rivalry metrics. E. distributed denial of service.


Most transactional databases are not set up to be simultaneously accessed for reporting and analysis. As a consequence: A. navigational databases are being preferred over transactional databases. B. data is not efficiently transformed into information. C. firms prefer to outsource data mining operations to third-party firms. D. analysts must also become transactional specialists. E. most firms incur additional expenditure to effectively record transactions.


Technologies that measure and analyze human body characteristics for identification or authentication are known as _____. A. overlamination processes B. biometrics C. smart tags D. bio-embedded systems E. holographs


The process of computers identifying a user's physical location for the purpose of delivering tailored ads or other content is called _____. A. parallelism B. geotargeting C. triangulation D. network parallax E. trilateration


Which of the following is not considered an advantage of Hadoop? A. flexibility. B. relational structure. C. scalability. D. cost effectiveness. E. fault tolerance.


Which of the following is not true regarding the competitive dynamics of most sharing economy marketplaces? A. Ratings represent a switching cost built over time by early participants in sharing economy marketplaces. B. Late-movers have a substantial advantage in this market since inventory should be cheaper to acquire for those firms that have entered markets more recently. C. Network effects should grow over time, favoring firms that got a successful, early start over rivals who arrived late doing the same thing. D. These are two-sided markets. E. None of the above - all statements are true.


Which of the following is one of the characteristics of using software as a service model? A. Longer deployment times B. Scalable systems C. Fixed operating expenses D. Heightened financial risk E. Higher maintenance costs


Which of the following sets of software represents the constituents of the LAMP stack? A. LimeWire, Acrobat Reader, Mozilla, Python B. Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl C. Lingo, Afnix, Moby, PPL D. Linux, Android, Mac OS X, PHP E. LimeWire, AppleScript, MATLAB, Photoshop


Which of the following statements holds true for the term spoof? A. It refers to a con executed using technology, typically targeted at acquiring sensitive information or tricking someone into installing malicious software. B. It refers to e-mail transmissions and packets that have been altered to seem as if they came from another source. C. It refers to scrambling data using a code or formula, known as a cipher, such that it is hidden from those who do not have the unlocking key. D. It refers to a seemingly tempting, but bogus target meant to draw hacking attempts. E. It refers to highly restrictive programs that permit communication only with approved entities and/or in an approved manner.


Which of the following was considered a contributor to vulnerabilities in the OpenSSL security product, known as the Heartbleed bug: A. Overseas hackers modified the open source code and uploaded a compromise version to the Internet, which became widely used. B. Few developers were working on the project, so the ideal that "given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow" wasn't met with OpenSSL. C. Developers failed to see a major incompatibility with versions of the Windows operating system and Chrome browser. D. There was no commercial entity overseeing the project. E. A Linux update was not coordinated with OpenSSL, leaving a gaping hole when the two products were used together to transmit content over the Internet.


Which of the statements about Google's strategy and competitive environment is true: A. Brin and Page founded Google in their 20s, following Yang and Filo of Yahoo (also in their 20s), underscoring just how easy it is for new comers to create new threats in today's search market. B. The scale of server farms capable of indexing today's Web represents a significant barrier to entry. C. Google has invested in proprietary components such as chips and hard drives, creating a difficult-to-copy barrier to entry to any firm seeking to enter its markets D. Bing has been gaining significant market share on Google due to Microsoft's successful leverage of existing products (Xbox, Windows Phone, Office, and the Windows operating system) as a default distribution channel for its search. E. All of the above.


_____ is a class of computer software that seeks to reproduce or mimic human thought, decision making, or brain functions. A. Biometrics B. Artificial intelligence C. Android D. Legacy software E. Intranet


_____ is the process of creating a series of bogus Web sites, all linking back to the pages one is trying to promote. A. Click scam B. Link fraud C. Phishing D. DNS cache poisoning E. SQL injection


_____ perform the work that users and firms are directly interested in accomplishing and can be thought of as places where a user's real work is done. A. Emulators B. Applications C. Platforms D. Embedded systems E. Operating systems


_____ put(s) users in control so that they can create custom reports on an as-needed basis by selecting fields, ranges, summary conditions, and other parameters. A. Canned reports B. Ad hoc reporting tools C. Dashboards D. Data cubes E. Online analytical processing


_____ refers to the practice of ensuring that an organization's systems operate within required legal constraints, and organizational obligations. A. Security B. Compliance C. Integration D. Parallelism E. Immunity


A data cube refers to a: A. secure, cloud-based off-site location used for data storage, analysis, and reporting. B. heads-up display of critical indicators that allow managers to get a graphical glance at key performance metrics. C. special database used to store data in OLAP reporting. D. firm that collects data with the intention of reselling it to others. E. combination of fields used to uniquely identify a record, and to relate separate tables in a database.


A protester seeking to make a political point by leveraging technology tools, often through system infiltration, defacement, or damage is called a(n) _____. A. activist B. cyber agitator C. hacktivist D. ethical hacker E. cybersquatter


Entrepreneurs are scrappy in their quest to gather market intelligence and understand how customers respond to their offerings. How did Airbnb's CEO gather additional intelligence on how the firm was being used? A. He bought several apartments to rent out under Airbnb B. He became an Uber driver C. He lived out of Airbnb rentals full-time D. He became a bell hop at a San Francisco Hilton Hotel E. All of the above


Google assumes individual components that make up the servers in its server farms will regularly fail, but no single failure should interrupt the firm's operations. By doing so, Google can ensure its network is: A. data optimized. B. traffic efficient. C. fault-tolerant. D. service-regulated. E. organically searched.


Hordes of surreptitiously infiltrated computers, linked and controlled remotely, are known as zombie networks or: A. honeypots. B. zombots. C. botnets. D. blacklists. E. megabots.


In database systems, a table is also known as a _____. A. field B. record C. file D. row E. key


In database terminology, a record represents: A. a list of data, arranged in columns and rows. B. all of the data in a given column. C. a single instance of whatever the table keeps track of. D. a field or combination of fields used to uniquely identify a file. E. one or more keys that relate separate tables in a database.


Less popular open source products are not likely to attract the community of users and contributors necessary to help improve these products over time. This situation reiterates the belief that _____ are a key to success. A. proprietary products B. brand strategies C. network effects D. technology expenses E. advertising campaigns


One of the disadvantages of cable technology is that: A. it is more expensive than other signal-carrying systems. B. while it works well for television signals, it is ineffective for data transmissions required by the Internet. C. systems used by many providers require customers to share bandwidth with neighbors. D. it is incompatible with most modern communication systems. E. the speed of the connection rises in conjunction with the distance between the end customers from the central hub.


The _____ measures the percentage of people who clicked on an ad to arrive at a destination-site. A. click churn rate B. link C. click-through rate D. click landing-page rate E. impression score


The term _____ originally referred to a particularly skilled programmer. A. data harvester B. cracke C. hacker D. black hat E. hacktivist


To overcome reception and availability problems, mobile telecom services firms have begun _____ that provide a "five bar" coverage in a roughly 5,000-square-foot footprint. A. providing incentives to communities that allow the construction of towers B. leveraging GEO and LEO technologies C. offering femtocells D. providing wi-fi base stations at very low costs E. switching from Wi-Fi to WiMax


What is the difference between collaborative consumption firms Zilok and Chegg. A. Zilok has gone public, Chegg hasn't. B. Zilok is a service where a person comes to your home to complete a task, Chegg is a rental firm. C. Zilok provides inventory provided by participating 'citizen suppliers', Chegg owns its own inventory. D. Zilok is the European equivalent of Chegg. E. Zilok was purchased by Chegg underscoring the 'winner take all' dynamics of these markets.


Which of the following conditions is essential for data mining to work? A. The data must be collected from proprietary sources and not from data aggregators. B. The organization must leverage standard relational databases as opposed to inferior hierarchical and analytical databases. C. The events in the data should reflect current and future trends. D. The data mining software must necessarily incorporate ad hoc reporting tools and dashboards. E. The data should have passed the Diehard suite of stringent tests for randomness.


Which of the following is one of the benefits enjoyed by SaaS vendors? A. Development across multiple platforms B. Limits accessibility to resources by just about anybody C. Lower distribution costs D. Lower hardware maintenance costs E. Faster product deployment


Which of the following is true about cloud computing? A. Cloud firms require their customers to move all of their software off site and onto the cloud in order to meet legal requirements demanded by US regulators and European regulators. B. Cloud computing is not as green as traditional computing. C. Cloud infrastructure is often located in warehouse-style buildings designed for computers, not people. D. Cloud firms are usually crammed inside inefficiently cooled downtown high-rises. E. Cloud computing firms often have data centers that are not designed to pool and efficiently manage computing resources.


Which of the following refers to wireless systems provided by earth-bound stations like cell phone towers? A. Geostationary wireless B. Ground wireless C. Terrestrial wireless D. Geosynchronous wireless E. LEO systems


Which of the following statements holds true for the term "html"? A. It refers to high-speed data lines provided by many firms all across the world that interconnect and collectively form the core of the Internet. B. It refers to the broadband service provided via light-transmitting fiber-optic cables. C. It refers to the language used to create and format Web pages. D. It refers to a situation when separate ISPs link their networks to swap traffic on the Internet. E. It refers to a system that connects end users to the Internet.


Which of the following statements holds true for the term click fraud? A. It refers to a program that requires customer consent in the form of a click. B. It refers to a program that enrolls all customers by default, but that allows consumers to discontinue participation with the help of a click. C. It refers to the generation of bogus clicks, either for financial gain or to attack rivals by draining their online ad budget. D. It refers to a small computer program that extends the feature set or capabilities of another application. E. It refers to recruiting a network of users with the goal of spreading IP addresses across several systems and making a fraud effort more difficult to detect.


_____ is a term used to describe unpredictable, but highly impactful events. A. Straddling B. Viral trojans C. Black swans D. Power plays E. Flash outs


Attacks that are so new that they have not been clearly identified, and so have not made it into security screening systems are called _____. A. novel attacks B. first mover attacks C. non-precedent breaches D. zero-day exploits E. brute force attacks


Firmware refers to: A. computer hardware elements visible to the human eye. B. control software stored on removable discs. C. control software stored on hard drives. D. control software stored on nonvolatile memory chips. E. computer hardware elements invisible to the human eye.


Internet networks are _____. A. bit-switched networks B. circuit-switched networks C. data-switched networks D. packet-switched networks E. byte-switched networks


Oracle, a firm that sells commercial ERP and database products, provides Linux for free, selling high-margin Linux support contracts for as much as five hundred thousand dollars. Oracle's motivation for this lies in: A. accelerating the shift of open source software towards a proprietary regime. B. using open source software to fuel sales of hardware. C. impoverishing other open source developers and furthering its own proprietary offerings. D. using open source software to wean customers away from competitors. E. protecting itself from the risks of distributing code while unaware of legal implications.


Peering refers to: A. high-speed data lines provided by many firms all across the world that interconnect and collectively form the core of the Internet. B. the broadband service provided via light-transmitting fiber-optic cables. C. the language used to compose Web pages. D. a situation when separate ISPs connect their networking equipment together to share traffic. E. a system that connects end users to the Internet.


Peering usually takes place at neutral sites called _____. A. https B. IPs C. ISPs D. IXPs E. STPs


Supporters of net neutrality believe: A. it will improve innovation. B. it will keep costs low. C. it will level the playing field among competitive services offered over the Internet. D. all of the above. E. none of the above.


The acronym HFT refers to: A. High Finance Telecommunications B. High Fidelity Transmissions C. Hedge Fund Transfers D. High Frequency Trading E. Hypertext File Transfer


The scalability of a software product is defined as the: A. capability to continue operations even if a component fails. B. long-term market viability of a software product. C. ability to take advantage of complementary products developed for a prior generation of technology. D. ability to be easily expanded to manage workload increases. E. ability to replace a technically superior product upon market inception.


Vendors frequently sign _____ with their customers to ensure a guaranteed uptime and define their ability to meet demand spikes. A. infrastructure provider contracts B. host vendor terms C. open source contracts D. service level agreements E. requests for information


What are the implications for firms that do not have common database systems with consistent formats across their enterprise? A. They can save infrastructural and operational costs. B. They can expect to leverage economies of scale by serving more customers. C. They can hedge against the risk of data redundancy. D. They struggle to manage their value chain efficiently. E. They profit from the aggregation of diverse data sets and enhance their repositories.


Which of the following statements is consistent with ground realities regarding information security? A. Cyber-crime is not yet considered a serious enough threat to warrant the attention of law-enforcement agencies. B. Law-enforcement agencies are well-resourced to fight cyber-crimes effectively. C. Governments usually outmatch private industry in terms of retaining top talent with incentives and generous pay. D. Law-enforcement agencies struggle to hire, train, and retain staff capable of keeping pace with today's cyber-criminals. E. Cyber-crime is not rewarding in terms of financial gain.


Which of the following statements is true about Airbnb's revenue model? A. Airbnb currently does not make money via transactions, only from advertising listings on its website. B. Airbnb only charges property owners who rent on the website. C. Airbnb only charges guests who rent on the website. D. Airbnb charges both property owners and guests as part of transactions on their website. E. Airbnb doesn't charge transactions for the three years after it enters a market, so as to generate two-sided network effects of property rents and guests searching for properties to stay in.


Which of the following statements is true about information systems? A. Most firms spend a huge portion of their information technology budgets on training and system security. B. New programs should be thoroughly tested across the range of a firm's hardware after deployment. C. Purchase, configuration, and licensing costs for packaged software account for most information technology expenses of a firm. D. Firms need to vigilantly manage the moving target of computer security issues. E. Total cost of ownership of information systems is often a redundant concept while making technology investment decisions.


Why do firms need to create separate data repositories for their reporting and analytics work? A. Most firms store their data assets offsite to insure themselves against the possibility of data damage through natural disasters. B. Maintaining huge databases can be a cost-sink for most firms. C. Most organizations need to differentiate data derived in-house and from data aggregators. D. Running analytics against transactional data can bog down a TPS. E. Reporting and analytics are two separate functions, each requiring its own separate database specifically formatted to the needs of the management team.


_____ are served by ad networks or other customer profiling firms to identify users and record behavior across multiple Web sites. A. Plug-ins B. Creatives C. Interstitials D. Third-party cookies E. Honeypots


_____ can be either software-based or deployed via hardware, such as a recording "dongle" that is plugged in between a keyboard and a PC. A. Shadow-keyboards B. Bootloggers C. KitRoots D. Keyloggers E. Adwares


_____ is a method of querying and reporting that takes data from standard relational databases, calculates and summarizes the data, and then stores the data in a special database called a data cube. A. Ad hoc reporting B. E-discovery C. Data aggregation D. Online analytical processing E. Data adjacency


_____ refers to a precise set of instructions that tell the computer hardware what to do. A. A mnemonic B. An input device C. An output device D. Software E. Desktop


A _____ is a system that provides rewards and usage incentives, typically in exchange for a method that provides a more detailed tracking and recording of consumer activity. A. sugging report B. canned report C. dashboard D. legacy system E. loyalty program


A(n) _____ refers to a heads-up display of critical indicators that allow managers to get a graphical glance at key performance metrics. A. interstitial B. embassy C. canned report D. prediction interface E. dashboard


Firms that collect and resell data are known as: A. data barons. B. data mongers. C. knowledge consultancies. D. data miners. E. data aggregators.


In database systems, a _____ defines the data that a table can hold. A. row B. key C. record D. file E. field


The Internet Protocol Suite consists of the Internet Protocol and _____. A. File Transfer Protocol B. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol C. Session Initiation Protocol D. Datagram Congestion Control Protocol E. Transmission Control Protocol


The domain name service (DNS) is a distributed database that allows users to communicate with other computers by: A. assigning IP addresses to different domain names. B. mapping host names to domain names. C. creating IP addresses that are unique to servers. D. assigning domain names to different IP addresses. E. mapping host and domain names to IP addresses of computers.


Which of the following is one of the sources of revenue for open source vendors? A. Licensing OSS for incorporation into subsequent open source products B. Selling open source products at prices well below commercial products C. Marketing versions of open source software masked as proprietary software D. Claiming royalties on software based on open source code E. Selling support and consulting services


Which of the following was an outdated notion regarding open source software and has been shown to be inaccurate? A. Open source software is free and its code is available for anyone to look at and potentially modify. B. Open source software code can be changed and redistributed, provided the modified software remains open and free. C. Open source software is to technology what capitalism is to economics. D. The majority of persons who work on open source projects are paid by commercially motivated employers. E. Open source is fueled on the contributions of loners tooling away for the glory of contributing to better code.


____ repeatedly sends a cluster of three packets starting at the first router connected to a computer, then the next, and so on, building out the path that packets take to their destination. A. Firewall B. Router C. Pathfinder D. Mapper E. Traceroute


_____ involves allowing voice packets to gain delivery importance over packets for applications like e-mail. A. Voice precedence B. Data rationing C. Right-of-way for voice D. Information queuing E. Packet prioritization


_____ is by far the most popular language for creating and manipulating databases. A. XML B. HTML C. PHP D. Java E. SQL


As per the chapter, firms classified as being part of the sharing economy and collaborative consumption are still considered too risky to attract substantial venture capital investment. A. True B. False


If eBay and Craigslist are included, some 40 percent of the US and Canadian population have participated in the sharing economy. A. True B. False


Social media profiles can also be used to fight online fraud. A. True B. False


Uber prices services according to demand. This allows the company to increase rates during peak periods in order to attract more potential suppliers into the market to meet demand. A. True B. False


Uber's CEO views itself as software platform for shipping and logistics. A. True B. False


When referring to the 'software layer cake' model, Microsoft Office, Angry Birds, and MySQL are all ____________

application or applications

A(n) _______ is a software program that makes requests of a server program.


When referring to the 'software layer cake' model, Android, Windows, and iOS are all ____________________

operating systems, operating system, or OS

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