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Ulnar Nerve Disorders

- Sulcus ulnaris syndrome - Cubital tunnel syndrome - Guyon's canal syndrome

Muscle and Tendon Disorders

- Tendinitis - Muscle damage - Tynosynovitis - Stenosing tenosynovitis

Work Accident Rates

- The trend in the rate of accidents is downward. - ____ in this century are evidence of the success of the safety movement in the United States.

Nerve and Circulation Disorders

- Thoracic outlet syndrome - Raynaud's disease

Record-keeping and reporting systems

- ___ in developing countries are deteriorating instead of improving. Consequently, only a fraction of the real toll of workplace accidents and injuries is being reported.


- the result of employees working beyond their physical limits, is the leading cause of work injuries. According to the NSC, almost 31 percent of all work injuries are caused by ____.


Every 15 seconds, 153 workers have a work-related accident. ____ workers/24 hours

Safety corrections, Medical treatment, Survivor benefits, Death and burial costs, A variety of indirect costs

Additional Incurred Cost


Every ___ seconds, a worker dies from a work-related accident or disease.


Although statistics are not available to document the supposition, many safety and health professionals believe that the major cost of accidents and injuries on the job results from damage to ____.


An ___ is any unexpected or unplanned event that causes a loss of production, harm to people, damage to property or extended costs.

Work Accident Costs and Rates

Arco Chemical Company was ordered to pay $3.48 million in fines as a result of failing to protect workers from an explosion at its petrochemical plant in Channelview, Texas.


Better a thousand times careful than once dead.

Direct Costs and Indirect Costs

COSTS OF ACCIDENTS - There are two types of cost in considering the cost accidents, what are those?


Provide ____ on the proper use of personal protection equipment and then make sure that supervisors confirm that the equipment is used properly every time.

personal protection equipment

Secure the proper ___ for each type of chemical that will be used.

Employee Morale

Seven Ways to Boost _____. 1. Keep employee feeling their work is more than just a job. 2. Take time to creatively celebrate accomplishments. 3. Grant time off to employees to pursue projects they are passionate about. 4. Mix up the company's usual way of doing things. 5. Don't forget to have fun. 6. Train employees to develop positive attitudes. 7. Offer time away from the office to do some good.

medical checkups

This is actual time lost from disabling injuries and does not include additional time lost for ____ after the injured employee returns to work. Accidents that occurred in previous years often continue to cause lost time in the current year.

how to lift without hurting the back

This ranking shows that one of the most fundamental components of a safety and health program should be instruction on ____.

Unsafe Practices

• Operating without authority or permit • Failure to warn or secure • Operating at improper speed • Making safety devices inoperable • Using defective equipment • Using equipment improperly • Failure to use personal protective equipment • Improper loading or placement • Improper lifting • Taking improper position • Servicing equipment in motion • Horseplay • Drinking or drugs


• Reduced competitive position caused by delays in delivery • Increased operating costs and unfavorable publicity. • Rework time on spoiled products. • Cost of recalling defective products. • Increased cost of insurance. • Civil penalties, fines, legal fees, and time involvement for safety violations.

Unsafe Conditions

• Inadequate guards or protection • Defective tools/equipment • Congestion • Substandard housekeeping • Excessive noise • Inadequate illumination or ventilation

Class 3 accidents

Locally provided first aid, property damage of less than $100, or the loss of less than eight hours of work time.

Class 1 accidents

Lost workdays, permanent partial disabilities, and temporary total disabilities.


Monitor that workers are wearing personal protection equipment and replace it when it begins to show ___.

Fishing, Logging, Mining/quarrying, Agriculture, Construction, Transportation and warehousing, Manufacturing, Aircraft pilots, flight engineers, and maintenance, Refuse and recycling collectors, Law enforcement, Professional and business services, Retail, Public administration/government

Occupations that typically have the highest rate of fatalities on the job are as follows:


Parts of the Body Injured on the Job: - To develop and maintain an effective safety and health program, it is necessary to know not only the most common causes of death and injury but also the parts of the body most frequently injured. The NSC stated the following: - Disabling work injuries in the entire nation totaled approximately ____ million in 1998. Of these, about 10,400 were fatal and 60,000 resulted in some permanent impairment. Injuries to the back occurred most frequently, followed by thumb and finger injuries and leg injuries. .

Cost-Estimation Method

(Classes according to Professor Simonds)

devastating effect

- Accidents can have a ____ on morale. - Whenever an employee is injured, his or her colleagues silently think, "That could have been me," in addition to worrying about the employee. - Morale is damaged even more if the injured employee is well-liked and other employees know his or her family.

Tunnel Syndromes

- Carpal tunnel syndrome - Radial tunnel syndrome

low morale

- Employees with ____ do not produce up to their maximum potential. - This is why so much time and money are spent every year to help supervisors and managers learn different ways to help improve employee morale.

De Quervain's Disease

- Flexor tenosynovitis (trigger finger) - Shoulder tendinitis - Forearm tendinitis - Cervical radiculopathy - Epicondylitis - Ganglion cysts


- However, the rate of ___ fatalities per year per 100,000 workers holds fairly constant over time. - The greater fluctuation is in which industry sector experiences the most fatalities in a given year. The following order of ranking will change from year to year, but the industry sectors that comprise the top sectors by annual death rate remain fairly constant.

Indirect Cost

- Loss of Productivity - Additional Supervision, Time and Administrative Costs - Accident Investigation Costs - Temporary Labor and Overtime Costs - Equipment, Building, Material or Product Damage - Product/Material Damage - Recruiting, Hiring and Training Replacement Workers

accidents, lung diseases, and work-related cancers such as those caused by asbestos

- Men in developing countries tend to die as the result of ___.

RSI patients

A common misconception about RSI is that it is synonymous with CTS. It isn't. In fact, CTS is relatively rare among ____.


A sample ___ computation follows: Employee Hours Lost (4th quarter) x Average Loaded Labor Rate = Cost 386 X 13.48 = $5,203.28

retirement age

ACCIDENTS VERSUS OTHER CAUSES OF DEATH Although there are more deaths every year from heart disease, cancer, and strokes than from accidents, these causes tend to be concentrated among people at or near ____. Among people 37 years of age or younger—prime working years—accidents are the number one cause of death.

Unsafe Conditions and Unsafe Practices

Accidents are due to:


Accidents do happen, and in the Philippines - they can be very fatal. Here is a list of top 10 accidents that end up killing many of Filipinos. 1. Road Accidents - kills 7.8 for every 100,000 2. Drowning Accidents - kills 8 per day 3. Work-Related Accidents - kills 3 per week 4. Fire Accidents 5. Maritime Accidents 6. Electrocution/Lightning Accidents 7. Accidental Food Poisoning 8. Aviation Accidents 9. Stray Bullet & Firework Accidents 10. Selfie-Related Accidents


According to information from the international labour organization: Every 15 seconds, a worker dies from a work-related accident or disease. _____ workers/24 hours

National Safety Council

According to the ____, approximately 35 million hours are lost in a typical year as a result of accidents.

Acid and alkalis, Soap, detergents and cleaning compounds, Solvents and degreasers, Calcium hydroxide, Potassium hydroxide, Sulfuric acid

Chemicals that most frequently cause chemical burn injuries:


DEATHS IN WORK ACCIDENTS: Deaths on the job have decreased markedly over the years. However, they still occur. For example, in a typical year, there are ____ work deaths in the United States.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, the National Center for Health Statistics, and the NSC

Death Rates by Industry: A variety of agencies and organizations, including the ____, collect data on death rates within industrial categories. The rate of fatalities across all occupations fluctuates somewhat from year to year and from industry to industry.

factors that contribute to heat burn injuries

Following are several ____ in the workplace: - Employees have poorly maintained tools and equipment. - Employer has no health and safety policy regarding heat hazards. - Employer fails to enforce safety procedures and practices. - Employees are not familiar with the employer's safety policy and procedures concerning heat hazards. - Employees fail to use or improperly use personal protection equipment. - Employees have inadequate or worn personal protection equipment. - Employees attempt to work too fast.

Muscle and Tendon Disorders, De Quervain's Disease, Tunnel Syndromes, Ulnar Nerve Disorders, and Nerve and Circulation Disorders

Following is a list of the broad classifications of RSI and the types commonly associated with each classification:

Inadequate guards or protection, Defective tools/equipment, Congestion, Substandard housekeeping, Excessive noise, Inadequate illumination or ventilation

Give at least one example of an unsafe condition.

normal retirement

In developing countries, more than half of retirements are taken early to collect pensions based on work-related disabilities rather than ____.

Class 4 accidents

Injuries that are so minor that they do not require the attention of a physician, result in property damage of $100 or more, or cause eight or more work hours to be lost.

hidden costs of accidents

Simple and straightforward tool that can be used to estimate the ____. Checklist for Estimating the ___: - Paid time to the injured employee on the day of the accident - Paid time of any emergency-responder personnel involved (including ambulance driver). - Paid time of all employees who were interviewed as part of the accident investigation. - Paid time of the safety personnel who conducted the accident investigation. - Paid time of the human resources personnel who handled the workers' compensation and medical aspects of the accident. - Paid time of the supervisor involved in the accident investigation and accident response. - Paid time of the supervisor involved in the accident investigation and accident response. - Paid time of the supervisor involved in the accident investigation and accident response.

hidden costs

Some of the indirect, ___ are: 1. Cost of wages paid for time lost by the injured employee. 2. Cost of wages paid to other workers not injured. 3. Cost of damage to material or equipment. 4. Cost of overtime necessitated by the accident. 5. Cost of wages paid to the supervisor for time spent on activities related to the accident. 6. Cost associated with instructing, repositioning, and training employees to resume production. 7. Medical costs paid by the employer. 8. Costs of managers and clerical personnel investigating and processing claim forms and related paper work, telephone calls, interviews, etc. 9. Wage costs due to decreased productivity after the injured employee returns to work. 10. Miscellaneous.

lost time

TIME LOST BECAUSE OF WORK INJURIES: An important consideration when assessing the effect of accidents on industry is the amount of ____ due to work injuries.

carpal tunnel

The ____ is the area inside the wrist through which the median nerve passes. It is formed by the wrist bones and a ligament. CTS is typically caused by repeated and cumulative stress on the median nerve.


The ____ is the most frequently injured part of the body.

Direct Costs

The ____ of workplace accidents are usually covered by insurance. They include the hospital bills of the affected employee, costs of prescription medicines and therapy, compensation payment made to the injured employee, etc.

Motor vehicle related, falls, electric current, drowning, fire related, air transport related, poison (solid, liquid), water transport related, poison (gas, vapor)

The causes of death in the workplace

Lost work hours, Medical costs, Insurance premiums and administration, Property damage, Fire losses, Indirect costs

The costs associated with workplace accidents, injuries, and incidents fall into broad categories such as the following:

inherent dangers

The following strategies are recommended in preventing chemical burns: - Familiarize yourself, the workers, and their supervisors with the chemicals that will be used and their ____.


The greatest incidence of chemical burns occurs in ____.

welding, cutting with a torch, and handling tar or asphalt

The most common activities associated with heat burn injuries are ____.

Overexertion, Impact accidents, Falls, Bodily reaction (to chemicals), Compression, Motor vehicle accidents, Exposure to radiation or caustics, Rubbing or abrasions, Exposure to extreme temperatures

The most common causes of work injuries are:


The next most prominent cause of work injuries is ____.


The steel-making division of USX paid a $____ million fine to settle numerous health and safety violation citations.

Lost-Time Accidents

Those that will prevent the injured from reporting to work on the working day following the day of injury and thereafter. Also to be considered as ____ is when the injured person, after reporting to work on the working day following the day of injury, fails to continue his normal work due to complications and accident resulting to permanent injuries or disabilities. Counting of days lost shall start from the time the injured person fails to report for work.

Class 2 accidents

Treatment by a physician outside the company's facility.

Back, Legs and fingers, Arms and multiple parts of the body, Trunk, Hands, Eyes, head, and feet, Neck, toes, and body systems

Typically, the most frequent injuries to specific parts of the body are as follows:

musculoskeletal disorders, communicable diseases, and psychosocial problems

Women in developing countries suffer more from ___.

Work injuries

Work Injuries by Type of Accident: ____ can be classified by the type of accident from which they resulted.

International Labour Organization

___ (ILO) The ILO reports: - Record-keeping and reporting systems in developing countries are deteriorating instead of improving. Consequently, only a fraction of the real toll of workplace accidents and injuries is being reported.

Occupational injuries

___ in developing countries are more prevalent in such high-risk industries as mining, construction, and agriculture.

BASF Corporation

____ agreed to pay a fine of $1.06 million to settle Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) citations associated with an explosion at a Cincinnati chemical plant that caused two deaths and 17 injuries.

Chemical Burn Injuries

____ are a special category with which prospective and practicing safety professionals should be familiar.

Legs and fingers

____ are injured with approximately the same frequency, as are arms and multiple parts of the body.

Indirect costs of accidents

____ are the costs which are not a direct result of the accident. They are not usually insurable and all payments have to be made from the pocket of the employer, or from profit made through sale of the company's products and services.

Younger workers

____ in developing countries are more likely to suffer nonfatal injuries, while older workers are more likely to suffer fatal injuries.

Impact accidents

____ involve a worker being struck by or against an object.

Repetitive strain injury (RSI)

____ is a broad and generic term that encompasses a variety of injuries resulting from cumulative trauma to the soft tissues of the body, including tendons, tendon sheaths, muscles, ligaments, joints, and nerves. Such injuries are typically associated with the soft tissues of the hands, arms, neck, and shoulders.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

____ is the most widely known RSI. There are also several other RSIs to the body's soft tissues.

Heat Burn Injuries

____ present a special challenge to safety and health professionals in the modern workplace. Almost 40 percent of all such injuries occur in manufacturing every year. The most frequent causes are flame (this includes smoke inhalation injuries), molten metal, petroleum asphalts, steam, and water.


____ result from a variety of causes, including motor vehicle accidents, falls, poisoning, drowning, fire-related injuries, suffocation(ingested object), firearms, medical complications, air transport accidents, interaction with machinery, mechanical suffocation, and the impact of falling objects.

Arco Chemical Company

____ was ordered to pay $3.48 million in fines as a result of failing to protect workers from an explosion at its petrochemical plant in Channelview, Texas.

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