Acid and base 8-1

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Neutral solution pH


Alkali pH

More than 7


Sci: (of a substance or solution) present in a high proportion relative to other substances. Pure and not including any other substances such as water or any diluting chemicals. ELI5: A very strong version of something that is not watery. Example: ________ acids can be very harmful because they are much stronger and can burn/dissolve things including our skin/flesh.


Sci: A Substance that cannot be broken down into other substances. ELI5: A thing that cannot be divided anymore. Ex: Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium


Sci: A colourless and highly flammable gas, the chemical element of atomic number 1. ELI5: Lightest chemical element that has a chemical symbol


Sci: A solution is _______ if it has a small number of solute particles per unit volume (litre or cubic metre) ELI5: Makes a liquid weaker,thinner by adding water


Sci: A substance made up of atoms of two or more elements, strongly joined together. ELI5: Something made up of two or more elements. Ex: Salt, Water, etc.


Sci: An indicator. Blue _______ paper goes red on adding acid. Red _______ paper goes red on adding alkali. ELI5: Paper used to indicate the acidity and alkalinity of a substance. Example: blue litmus paper, red litmus paper


Sci: Belonging to neither kind, An object that does not have a positive or negative charge. Netiher acidic or alkaline.


Sci: Elements on the left of the stepped line of the periodic table. Most elements are made of this. They are good conductors of energy and electricity. Eli5: It is part of the periodic table and they are good conductors for energy and electricity


Sci: If a substance is ________, it can burn your eyes and skin Example from chapter: If you have a _________ sloution, it can burn your skin and eyes, so to protect against this solution, we wear eye protection and keep the solution off from our skin as possible


Sci: In a ____________ reaction, an acid cancels out a base or a base cancels out an acid ELI5: Acids reacting to substances which cancels it out. The pH would get closer to 7


Sci: Is a soluble base ELI5: A thing that is opposite of acids and feel soapy. Example from chapter: Toothpaste, soap solution, ect


Sci: It is a compound that forms when an acid reacts with a metal element or compound. ELI5: When an acid reacts with a metal element/compound, it becomes _____________. Example from chapter: Sodium Chloride is the _________ you may add to food.

universal indicator

Sci: It is a mixture of dyes that changes colour to show the pH of a solution. ELI5: It is a mixture of dyes that changes colour to show how alkaline or acidic a solution is.

pH scale

Sci: Measurement of how acidic or alkaline a liquid is EL15:How much acid or alkali there is inside liquid Example: Stomic acid will have a ________ of 1 and water have a _______ of 7


Sci: Solution with pH value less than 7 ELI5: a substance that has a sour taste and sometimes dangerous Example from chapter: Lemon, vomit, vinegar, coca cola ....


Sci: ________ is used to find out whether a solution is acid or alkaline ELI5: Finding rather a solution is acid or alkaline


Sci: a substance that neutralizes the an acid. ELI5: something that cancels out the acid. Example: Some ________ are soluble in water

taste sour

Sci:A felling from your tongue Example from chapter: the taste when you lemon or vinegar, usually acid will have this property

Acid pH

less than 7

The stronger the alkali

pH # gets bigger

The stronger the acid

pH # gets smaller

Acid + Metal

salt + hydrogen

acid + alkali

salt + water

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