ACSM - PT Certification

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The five A's of counseling are

1. Address 2. Assess 3. Advise 4. Assist 5. Act

What are symptoms of depression?

1. Change in sleep patterns 2. Irritability

A client must be given specific instructions for the days preceding a fitness assessment. What is necessary instruction for a client before a fitness assessment?

1. Clients should be instructed toa void alcohol, tobacco products, or caffeine at least 3 hr prior 2. clients should avoid strenuous exercise or physical activity on the day of the test 3. men and women should be instructed to get an adequate amount of sleep the night before the assessment

What estabilishes a supportive relationship?

1. Exhibit Empathy 2. Legitimize concerns 3. Respect the person's abilities and efforts

Cardiac output is a function of

1. HR 2. preload 3. afterload 4. contractility

Referrals to other sources may be required if someone...

1. Has health problems 2. Reports symptons of depression 3. Has an eating disorder

The three functions of the Participant-Centered Education and Counseling Model include

1. Information gathering 2. Developing a helping relationship 3. Participant education and counseling

The anaerobic threshold occurs at the onset of

Metabolic Acidosis

In which stage of motivational readiness is a person who is irregular exercise?


Relative contraindications for exercise testing are conditions for which

Professional judgment about the risks and benefits of testing should determine whether to conduct an assessment

What is NOT a major food fuel?


An abnormal curve of the spine with lateral deviation of the vertebral column is called


The concept of shaping refers to

Setting intermediate goals that lead to a long-term goal

The law of interia states that

a body at rest tends to remain at rest, whereas a body in motion tends to continue to stay in motion with consistent speed and in the same direction unless acted on by an outside force

The energy to perform long-term exercise (> or equal to 15 min) comes primarily from

Aerobic metabolism

A client's health screening should be administered before

Any physical activity by the client at your facility

Byproducts of aerobic metabolism include?

Carbon Dioxide and Water

When a motor unit is stimulated by a single nerve impusle, it responds by contracting one time and then relaxing. This is called a


The C-Shaped cartilages of the trachea allow all of th following to occur EXCEPT

**A. Ciliated Movement of mucus-secreting cells B. Distention of the esophagus C. Maintenance of open airway D. Prevention of tracheal collpase during pressure changes

Hydrodesitometry (hydrostatic weighing, underwwater weighing) has several sources of error. What is a common source of error when using this technique to determine body composition?

1. Interindividual variability in the amount of air in the gastrointestinal tract 2. Interindividual variability in the density of the individual lean tissue compartment 3. Measurement of the residual volume

What are symptons of anxiety?

1. Panic Attacks 2. Increased nervousness 3. Feelings of being "on edge"

In the social cognitive theory, which three major dynamic interacting influences are postulated as determining behavioral changes?

1. Personal 2. Behavioral 3. Environmental

What are the three muscle types?

1. Skeletal 2. Smooth 3. Cardiac

The three principal mechanisms for increasing venous return during dynamic exercise are

1. Venoconstriction 2. pumping action of the muscle 3. the pumping action of the respiratory system

What is true regarding informed consent?

1. it is not a legal document 2. it does not provide legal immunity to a facility or individual in the event of injury to a client 3. Informed consent does not relieve the facility or individual of the responsibility to do everything possible to ensure the safety of the client

Angular motion occurs when

A force is applied off-center to a freely-moveable object

Establishing specific expectations of what you are willing to do as a counselor and staying focused on exercise/physical activity issues and behavioral skills related to exercise are strategies for handling which type of client?

A needy client

For a client taking beta-blockers who has lowered resting blood pressure and heart rate, what is a true statement?

A submaximal test may overestimate the client's fitness

Functions of bone include all of the following EXCEPT

A. Support for the body B. Protection of organs and tissues C. Production of red blood cells **D. Production of force

The chemical energy that is directly converted to do work is


What is the SMALLEST potential energy source in the body?


Any physical activity with a performance time of approximately 30 seconds or less relies on what energy system?


The rear-foot motion called pronation results from a combination of

Abduction, eversion, and dorsiflexion

People in which stage are at the greatest risk of relapse?


Encouraging moderate-intensity activity and the accumulation of activity throughout the day are examples of

Allowing individuality in exercise choices

Setting several short-term goals to attain a long-term goal to increase self-efficacy is an example of?

An application of cognitive-behavioral principles

In general, the higher the intensity of the activity, the greater the contribution of

Anaerobic energy production

Who first described that a body immersed in fluid is buoyed up with a force equal to the weight of the displaced fluid?


A decisional balance sheet is used to

Assess barriers and benefits for physical activity or exercise

One mistake that health care providers and exercise promoters make is to

Assume that most individuals are ready to change their behavior.

Which of the following bones articulates proximally with the sternal manubrium and distally with the scapula and is helpful to plapate in electrode placement?


What is the best test of cardiovascular function for a client who is obese, claudication in the legs, and has limited mobility because of neurologic damage from uncontrolled diabetes?

Dipyridamole or dobutamine testing and assessment of cardiovascular variables

If an individual is in the action stage, he or she

Has been physically active on a regular basis for less than 6 months

Cardiac muscle potentials are longer in duration than those of skeletal muscle. The longer action ptotential does not allow the muscle to

Have tetanus

Fast-twitch muscle fibers have what characteristics compared with slow-twich muscle fibers?

High PCr stores and high ATPase stores

What is considered to be a "ball and socket" joint?


The arm is capable of performing flexion, abduction, supination. It is NOT capable of...


When compared with leg exercise, army exercise results in a relatively

Increased HR at all intensities

What is true about underwater weighing?

It assumes standard densities for bone, muscle, and fat

What is the best test to help determine ejection fraction at rest and during exercise?

MUGA (blood pool imagery) study

What criteria would NOT classify a client as having "increased risk"?

Male older than 40 years with a history of clinical depression

The most accurate screening method for signs and symptons of CAD is a

Maximal exercise test with a 12-lead ECG

The Transtheoretical Model assumes that individuals

Move back and forth along the stage continuum

In a rested, well-fed athlete, most of the carbohydrate used as a substrate during exercise comes from

Muscle Glycogen stores

In the organization of skeletal muscle, the muscle cell contains the contractile proteins. What is a contractile protein?


Which muscle protein contains many cross-bridges?


Theories used in programs for

Providing a conceptial framework for behavioral assessments

The prime movers for extention of the knee are

Quadriceps femoris

Myocardinal oxygen consumption is best estimated from

RPP (rate-pressure production)

Verbal encouragement, material incentives, self-praise, and use of specific contingency contracts are examples of?


During exercise of increasing intensity, the SV (stroke volume) of normal adults

Remains relatively stable during submaximal exercise of grater than approximately 50% of VO2 max

What formula is used for determining workload on a bicycle ergometer?

Resistance x distance flywheel traveled per revolution x revolutions per minute

Static Exercise...

Results in increased HR and SBP (systolic blood pressur)

A "cold spot" detected in the inferior portion of the left ventricle during a stress test that resolves 3 hours later most likely indicates...

Reversible myocardial ischemia

Blood from the peripheral anatomy flows to the heart through the superior and inferior venae vavae into the

Right atrium

What strategy can help a person to maintain his or her physical activity?

Schedule check-in appointments

What is an example of a behavioral process ni the Transtheoretical Model?

Stimulus control

Cartilage is categorized as what type of connective tissue?


Arm versus leg exercises with regards to HR...

Target HR for leg exercise should be decreased by 10 bpm for arm exercises

The simplest and most rapid method to produce ATP during exercise

The ATP-PCr system

During exercise, stroke volume increases as a result of

The Frank-Starling Law

What is an indication for terminating an exercise test?

The client requests test termination

The definition of cardio respiratory fitness is

The coordinated capacity of the heart, blood vessels, respiratory system, andtissue metabolic systems to take in, deliver, and use oxygen

Stroke Volume is defined as

The difference between EDV (End-diastolic volume) and ESV (end-systolic volume)

The idea that intention is the most important determinant of behavior is a central component of what theory?

Theory of Planned Behavior

Which type of musculoskeletal lever is most common?


During mild to moderate exercise, pulmonary ventilation increases primarily as a result of increased

Tidal Volume

What is the ability of a force to cause rotation of a lever?


An individual would not increase self-efficacy by

Using a decisional balance sheet

Artiers are large-diameter vessels that carry blood away from the heart. As they course through the body, they progressively descrease in size until they become...


Running is a locomotor activity similar to walking but with sme differences. In comparison to walking, running requires greater

balance, muscle strength, and range of motion

A we;;-designed consent document developed in consultation with a qualified legal professional provides your facility with

documentation of a good-faith effort to educate your clients

As a result of exercise training, cardiac output becomes

essentially unchanged at any given workload

The motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it innervates are called a

motor unit

What is a characteristic of running versus walking?

period of nonsupport

The most common site used for measurement of the pulse during exercise is the


End-diastolic volume is highest when measured with the client in which position?


In a second-class lever...

the resistance is located between the effort force and the axis

A limitation of psychological theories is

they leave out important elements (i.e. sociocultural factors)

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