Acts chapters 1-10 all worksheet answers(not finished)

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Ch4....What did they ask Peter and John?

"By what power or by what name have you done this?"

Ch6...What did they secretly induce men to say?

"We have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses and God"

Ch3....What promise did God make to Abraham?

- "And in your seed all the families of the earth ahall be blessed."

Ch3...As Peter prepared to heal the lame man, what did he say? What did Peter then do? (6-7)

- "In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk." - Took the lame man by the right hand and lifted him up

Ch7...As Stephen was stoned to death, what two things did he pray? (59-60)

- "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit."; "Lord, do not charge them with this sin."

Chapter 1...How many disciples were gathered there in those days?

- 120

Chapter 1 .....What happened as Jesus ascended to heaven?

- A cloud received Him out of their sight

Ch4...How many men had come to believe in Christ?

- About five thousand

Ch7...What was the lineage of Abraham leading to the formation of the nation of Israel?

- Abraham begot Isaac - Isaac begot Jacob Jacob begot twelve sons, who became the twelve patriarchs of Israel

Ch2...What did the Lord do during those days?

- Added to the church daily those who were being saved

Ch5...Who freed the apostles during the night? What were they told to do?

- An angel of the Lord; to go to the temple and speak to the people all the words of this life

Ch5...Who is introduced as having sold a possession?

- Ananias and Sapphira, husband and wife

Ch3...How did Peter describe his audience?

- As sons of the prophets - As those of the covenant God made with their fathers

Ch3...When did Peter and John go up to the temple? (1)

- At the hour of prayer, the ninth hour (3 p.m.)

Ch4....After threatening the apostles some more, why did the council not punish them further?

- Because of the people, who glorified God for what had been done

Ch2....What did the disciples do during those first days of the early church in Jerusalem?

- Continued daily in the temple with one accord - Breaking bread from house to house, eating with gladness and simplicity of heart Praising God and having favor with all the people

Ch4...What had the religious leaders done? What had God done? (10)

- Crucified Jesus - Raised Jesus from the dead

Ch7...How did those who heard this react?

- Cut to the heart, they gnashed at Stephen with their teeth

How did those who heard this react?

- Cut to the heart, they gnashed at Stephen with their teeth

Ch2....How was Peter able to prove that David did not speak of himself?

- David was dead and buried, the tomb was still there David did not ascend into the heavens

Ch2...Who was present in Jerusalem at that time? (5)

- Devout Jews from every nation

Ch 2...What indicates that the "tongues" were known languages of men? (6, 11)

- Everyone heard them speak in his own language The people said, "We hear them speaking in our own tongues..."

Ch2....What is the main proposition of Peter's sermon? (24)

- God raised Jesus from the dead

Ch5...What else did the apostles proclaim on this occasion?

- God raised up Jesus whom they murdered by hanging on a tree - God exalted Him to His right hand to be Prince and Savior - To give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins - We are witnesses to these things, as is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him

Ch5...What happened when the man heard this? What was the reaction of those who heard?

- He fell down and breathed his last; great fear come upon all who heard

Ch4....What else did Peter say about Jesus?

- He is the rejected stone which has become the chief cornerstone (cf. Ps 118:22) - There is salvation in no other name but His

Ch5...What did the husband do? Was the wife aware of it?

- He kept back part of the proceeds and brought a part to the apostles; yes, she was

Ch6....As those in the council looked at Stephen, what did they see? (15)

- His face as the face of an angel

Ch3...How soon was the lame man healed? How did the lame man respond?

- Immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength - Leaping up, stood, walked into the temple, leaping and praising God

Chapter 1...What two candidates were selected? (23)

- Joseph called Barsabas, surnamed Justus Matthias

Ch4...Who was singled out as an example of their liberality? (36-37)

- Joses, a Levite from Cyprus named Barnabas (Son of Encouragement) by the apostles

Ch5..:What did Peter charge the husband of doing? In what way?

- Lying to the Holy Spirit - By keeping back part of the price (but implying he was giving all of it)

Ch6...What qualifications did the apostles lay down for the selection of the seven? (3)

- Men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom

Chapter 1.....What command did Jesus leave with His apostles?

- Not to depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the Promise of the Father

Ch5...Who did Peter say he had lied to?

- Not to men but to God

Chapter 1....Who stood up to speak? What about?

- Peter - Replacing Judas who betrayed Jesus and hung himself

Ch3....What two commands does Peter give to the people?

- Repent - Be converted (1it.., turn)

Ch2...What two commands did Peter give thom?

- Repent and be haptized

Ch5...When told that the apostles were teaching in the temple, what did the counci1 do?

- Sent the officers to bring the apostles without violence, for they feared the people

Ch5...What then happened? What was the reaction upon those who heard?

- She fell dead, and was buried by her husband; great fear came upon them

Ch2...What did those who believe do with their possessions?

- Sold them and shared with one another as anyone had need

Ch3....What three blessings are extended to those who obey?

- That your sins may be blotted out - That times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord - That He may send Jesus Christ

Ch6...As the church in Jerusalem grew in number, who raised a complaint? Why?

- The Hellenists against the Hebrews The Hellenistic widows were being neglected in the daily distribution

Ch7...What two dwelling places did Israel have for God?

- The Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands

Chapter 1....What was promised when the Spirit came upon them? What would they then be?

- The apostles would receive power - His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to end of the earth

Ch7...Who did God promise to give the land to? When?

- The descendants of Abraham - After they lived in a foreign land 400 years, following which God would judge that nation

Ch4...What name did Peter given them?

- The name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth

Ch4....What happened in response to their prayer?

- The place where they assembled shook; they were all filled with the Holy Spirit They spoke the word of God with boldness

Ch4....Who came upon Beter and John while they were speaking?

- The priests, the captain of the temple, and the Sadducees

Ch5...What was discovered when the apostles were sent for from prison?

- The prison was secure with the guards standing outside, but no one was inside

Chp 2...What audible and visible signs were evidence of the Spirit' s outpouring?

- The sound of a mighty rushing wind filling the house where they were sitting - Divided tongues, as of fire, one sitting upon each of them

Ch4...What did the religious leaders see, perceive, and realize about Peter and John?

- Their boldness - That they were uneducated and untrained men - That they had been with Jesus

Ch5...What two examples does he give of 'failed movements'? (36-37)

- Theudas and his followers who came to nothing when he died -Judas of Galilee and those who followed him, who were disperased when he died

Ch5...What was the council's response to Gamaliel? Yet what did they still do?

- They agreed with him They beat the apostles, commanded them not to speak in the name of Jesus, then let them go

Ch2....What was the reaction of those who heard? (7,12-13)

- They were amazed and marveled, they were perplexed, some even mocked

Ch4....What manifested their love and generosity at that time?

- Those who had lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds to the apostles Distribution was made as anyone had need

Ch5...What was the initial response of Peter and the apostles to these charges?

- We ought to obey God rather than man

Ch4....In their opposition against God, what had they actually done?

- What God had determined before to be done

Ch2....What reassuring promise was made by Joel?

- Whoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved

Ch5...Did she attempt to mislead Peter also?

- Yes

Chapter 1...How long a period was it between the resurrection and ascension of Christ?


Ch5...Who in the council stood up? Who was he? What did he command?

A Pharisee named Gamaliel - A teacher of the law held in respect by all the people - That the apostles be put outside for a while

Ch5... What did Peter charge her with being guilty of doing?

Agreeing with her husband to test the Spirit of the Lord

Chapter 1....Where did the apostles stay in Jerusalem? With whom did they pray? (13-14)

An upper room - With the women, Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers

Ch4...Who joined the rulers, elders and scribes on the next day?

Annas the high priest, Caiaphas, John, Alexander, and other members of the family of the high priest

Ch3...What was the name of the gate of the temple where the lame man begged for alms?


Ch4....Why were they upset with Peter and John? (2)

Because they preached in Jesus the resurrection of the dead

Chapter 1....What did this "promise" pertain to?

Being baptized with the Holy Spirit

Ch7...What did he accuse them of doing? In what way? their

By murdering the Just One (Jesus), as their fathers killed the - Always resisting the Holy Spirit, just as their fathers did prophets who foretold His coming

Ch5...What three charges did the high priest make against the apostles?

Did we not command you not teach in this name? You have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine - You intend to bring this Man's blood on us!

Chapter 1....What happened to the body of Judas? In what field?

Fell headlong, burst open in the middle, and entrails gushed out (presumably after he hanged himself) - The field purchased with money paid to betray Jesus, known as Akel Dama, the Field of Blood

Ch3...What had God done through this miracle?

Glorified His Servant Jesus

Ch 2...Though crucified by lawless hands, according to what was Jesus' death? (23)

God's predetermined purpose and foreknowledge

Ch5...What counsel does Gamaliel then offer? Why?

God, they will be fighting against God and cannot overthrow it - If their work is of men, it will Keep away from the apostles and leave them alone come to nothing; but if it is of

Ch 2...How did Peter and the eleven discount the charge that they were drunk?

It was only the third hour of the day (9 a.m.)

Chapter 1....What did they promise?

Jesus will return in like manner as they saw Him ascend to heaven

Ch7...What did God tell Abraham to do?

Leave his country and relatives, and go to a land that He would show him

Chapter 1...Who was numbered with the eleven apostles?


Chapter 1....From where did Jesus ascend to heaven? How far was this from Jerusalem? (12)

Mount Olivet (near Bethany, cf. Lk 24:50) A Sabbath day's journey (nearly a mile)

Ch4....What did the douncil command Peter and John? How did they respond?

Not to speak at all or teach in the name of Jesus - "Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge." "...we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard."

Chapter 2...What day had arrived?


Chapter 1...What procedure was used to determine who would replace Judas?

Prayer, and then the casting of lots

Ch3...Where did the crowd gather in the temple area?

Solomon's porch

Ch6....What were the names of the seven men who were selected?

Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, Nicholas

Ch7...How did Stephen describe the religious leaders of the council? (51)

Stiff-necked and uncircumcised in hearts and ears

Ch2...What did Peter want his audience to know assuredly? (36)

That God has made Jesus, whom they crucified, both Lord and Christ

Ch2...To what does Peter attribute the events of that day? (16)

That which was spoken by the prophet Joel

Vh7...Yet what did God say through the prophet Isaiah?

The Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands

Chapter 1...What is the "former account" Luke has reference to?

The gospel of Luke(theophilis)

Ch5...Who was filled with indignation and had the apostles put into custody?

The high priest and those of the sect of the Sadducees

Ch7...What two examples does Stephen provide of Israel's disobedience?

Their worship of the golden calf at Mount Sinai Their worship of Moloch and Remphan throughout their forty years in the wilderness

Ch3...of what did Peter accuse of the crowd concerning Jesus?

They delivered and denied Him in the presence of Pilate, who wanted to let Him go They denied the Holy One and the Just, and asked for murderer to be granted to them They killed the Prince of life

Ch2....What did those who gladly received his word do? How many?

They were baptized; about 3000

Ch5...What was the council's initial reaction? What were they planning to do? (33)

They were furious; they plotted to kill the apostles

Ch5...How long before the wife came in? Was she aware of what happened?

Three hours; no

Ch6...What did they stir up the people, elders, and scribes to do?

To seize Stephen and bring him to the council

Ch2...What did those filled with Spirit begin to do?

To speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance

Chapter 1....As Jesus ascended to heaven, who stood nearby?

Two men in white apparel

Ch2...When would the events described by Joel occur?

the last days

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