Adaptive Quizzing Chapter 45 Nutrition

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What drug-nutrient interaction do aspirin and sodium bicarbonate have in common? Decreased iron absorption Decreased folic acid absorption Decreased vitamin K absorption Decreased vitamin C absorption

Decreased folic acid absorption

In renal failure, protein intake should be approximately 1 g to 1.4 g per kilogram of body weight. What is the best source of this protein? Cereals Peas Fish Beans


A dietitian advised the mother of a school-age child to include complete proteins in the child's diet to promote growth. Which food items should the nurse instruct the mother to include in the diet? Select all that apply. Fish Beans Cheese Cereals Soybeans

Fish Cheese Soybeans

An infant needs 330 kcal of energy per day. How many ounces of commercial formula does the infant need to drink per day in order to meet the requirement? Record your answer using one decimal place. ________ oz


Commercial formulas usually provide __________ kcal/oz


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) created daily values for food labels. These daily values are based on percentages of a diet consisting of how many kilocalories per day? 1000 1500 2000 2500


How much energy does 1 g of carbohydrate produce? Record your answer using a whole number. _________ kcal


The weight of an infant is 8 kg. If the infant needs an energy intake of 100 kcal/kg of body weight per day, what should be the total energy intake of the infant per day? Record your answer using a whole number. ________ kcal


Calculate the energy provided by a slice of bread containing 2 g of protein, 1 g of fat, and 20 g of carbohydrate. Record your answer using whole number. ______________ kcal


The nurse works in a medical-surgical unit. Which patients in the unit require additional nutrients in their diets to maintain a positive nitrogen balance? Select all that apply. A patient with severe burns A patient with backache A patient with epilepsy A patient with an infection A patient with fever

A patient with severe burns A patient with an infection A patient with fever

The home care nurse is seeing the following patients. Which patient is at greatest risk for experiencing inadequate nutrition? A 55-year-old obese man recently diagnosed with diabetes mellitus A recently widowed 76-year-old woman recovering from a mild stroke A 22-year-old mother with a 3-year-old toddler who had tonsillectomy surgery A 46-year-old man recovering at home following coronary artery bypass surgery

A recently widowed 76-year-old woman recovering from a milk stroke

Fat soluble vitamins


The nurse understands that a pregnant woman requires iron supplementation to meet nutritional requirements. Why does the requirement of iron increase during pregnancy? Additional iron is needed to promote the growth of red blood cells. Additional iron is needed to promote synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid. Additional iron is needed to help in mineralization of fetal bones. Additional iron is needed to provide for increased maternal blood volume.

Additional iron is needed to provide for increased maternal blood volume

Which term describes the suggested intake for individuals based on experimentally determined estimates of nutrient intakes? Adequate intake Tolerable upper intake level Estimated average requirement Recommended dietary allowance

Adequate intake

The nurse is teaching a program on healthy nutrition at the senior community center. Which points should be included in the program for older adults? Select all that apply. Avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice, which impair drug absorption. Increase the amount of carbohydrates for energy. For bone health, take a multivitamin that includes vitamin D. Cheese and eggs are good sources of protein. Limit fluids to decrease the risk of edema

Avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice, which impair drug absorption For bone health, take a multivitamin that includes vitamin D Cheese and eggs are good sources of protein

By which process do particles move outward from an area of greater concentration to one of lesser concentration without the help of a special carrier? Osmosis Pinocytosis Active transport Passive diffusion

Passive Diffusion

water soluble vitamins


How are selenium and beta-carotene similar? Both are vitamins. Both are antioxidants. Both are trace elements. Both are inorganic substances.

Both are antioxidants

Which term refers to the process in which biochemical substances break down into simpler substances during physiological states of negative nitrogen balance? Anabolism Catabolism Absorption Metabolism


A patient of normal weight asks the nurse for dietary guidelines for maintaining her weight. What does the nurse teach the patient? "Eat lots of lean meats." "Avoid foods that are rich in potassium." "Consume fats containing unsaturated fatty acids." "Keep total fat intake between 15 to 20 percent of total calories."

Consume fats containing unsaturated fatty acids

The nurse has explained the nutritional requirements of a newborn to a new parent. Which statement by the parent indicates a need for further explanation? Breast milk is the best food for my baby. Cow's whole milk is a suitable alternative for breast milk. Honey should not be given to the baby. Corn syrup should not be given before 1 year of age

Cows whole milk is a suitable alternative for breast milk

A patient follows an ovo-lacto vegetarian diet. Which food item is consumed in this diet? Poultry Fish Meat Eggs


The nurse works at a weight loss clinic. A teenage girl approaches the nurse for advice on weight loss. Which instructions should the nurse give to the teenager to help reduce her weight? Select all that apply. Engage in regular exercise. Participate in outdoor sports. Include physical activities in your daily routine. Decrease carbohydrate content in the diet when exercising. Ovoid excessive consumption of junk foods

Engage in regular exercise participate in outdoor sports Include physical activities in your daily routine Ovoid excess consumption of junk foods

Which factor most inhibits a person's likelihood to make healthy living choices? Genetic factors Geographic area Environmental factors Educational level

Environmental factors

Upon assessing a patient, the nurse suspects anorexia nervosa. What behavioral finding may have led the nurse to this suspicion? Frequent self-induced vomiting Recurrent episodes of binge eating Frequent use of laxatives or diuretics Fear of becoming fat despite being significantly underweight

Fear of becoming fat despite being significantly underweight

Indispensable amino acids are not synthesized by the body and need to be provided in the diet. Which amino acids should be included in the diet to prevent deficiency? Select all that apply. Histidine Lysine Alanine Asparagine Phenylalanine

Histidine Lystine Phenylalnine

The nurse is teaching an infant's mother about the developmental needs of infants. What statement made by the mother indicates a need for further teaching? "I should avoid giving my infant honey during the first year." "I should avoid giving my infant cow's milk during the first year." "I should avoid giving my infant soy-based formulas during the first year." "I should avoid giving my infant corn syrup products during the first year."

I should avoid giving my infant soy-based formulas during the first year

What is the function of the hormone cholecystokinin? It raises the pH of chyme. It inhibits the secretion of gastrin. It acts as a detergent and emulsifies fat. It helps release bicarbonate from the pancreas.

It inhibits the secretion of gastrin

Which amino acid does the body not synthesize? Lysine Alanine Asparagine Glutamic acid


Which amino acid is indispensable? Lysine Alanine Asparagine Glutamic acid


The nurse is caring for a patient for whom nasogastric tube feedings have been ordered. What amount of gastric residual volume (GRV) indicates delayed gastric emptying? 250 mL or more on two consecutive assessments 30 minutes apart 150 mL or more in on two consecutive assessments 1 hour apart More than 350 mL in a single gastric reserve volume measurement More than 500 mL in a single gastric reserve volume measurement

More than 500 mL in a single gastric reserve volume measurement

A patient needs advice regarding diet to help in weight loss. Which food items suggested by the nurse contain significant amounts of fiber? Select all that apply. Oats Barley Cornmeal Cheese Milk

Oats Barley Cornmeal

A postoperative patient refuses to eat and complains of a loss of appetite. What intervention should the nurse perform to improve the patient's appetite? Offer smaller and more frequent meals Ensure that the patient eats alone Provide a low-fiber diet Instruct the patient to skip breakfast

Offer smaller and more frequent meals

The nurse teaches a patient who has had surgery to increase which nutrient to help with tissue repair? Fat Protein Vitamin Carbohydrate


Which substances comprise the referenced daily intakes (RDIs) that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has established? Select all that apply. Fiber Proteins Vitamins Minerals Total fat Carbohydrates

Proteins Vitamins Minerals

Which component in saliva acts on cooked starch to begin converting it to maltose? Ptyalin Gastrin Pepsinogen Hydrochloric acid


A 16-year-old patient is having symptoms of malnutrition even though the patient eats a well-balanced diet. The laboratory reports of the stool samples reveal undigested fats. What could be the organs involved in malnutrition? Select all that apply. Stomach Liver Gall bladder Submandibular gland Pancreas

Stomach Liver Gall bladder Pancreas

The nurse is assessing the nutritional status of a 3-month-old baby. The mother informs the nurse that she feeds the baby with cow's milk mixed with one spoon of honey. What should the nurse advise this mother to do? Select all that apply. "Regularly give the baby toned cow's milk." "Switch to formula milk rather than cow's milk." "Stop giving honey to the baby." "Regularly give diluted cow's milk to the baby." "Give corn syrup instead of honey to the baby."

Switch to formula milk rather than cows milk Stop giving honey to the baby

Which vitamins are fat-soluble and are stored in the adipose tissue of the body? Select all that apply. Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E

Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin E

A patient is diagnosed with complete obstruction of the bile duct due to a gallstone. The patient passes fats in the stool due to indigestion of fats. Of which vitamin deficiency is the patient at risk? Select all that apply. Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K

Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K

How is vitamin A different from vitamin C? Select all that apply. Vitamin A is stored in the body. Vitamin A acts as an antioxidant. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin. Vitamin A is acquired through diet. Vitamin A is toxic when taken excessively.

Vitamin A is stored in the body Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin

The nurse is preparing a diet plan for a patient diagnosed with gluten intolerance. What food item can be included in the diet plan? Wheat Oats White rice Barley

White Rice

The nurse is planning a diet for a 2-year-old patient. Which food items should be included in the diet plan? Whole grapes Nuts Raw vegetables Whole milk

Whole milk

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