adult development (test 3/final)

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- 10% of U.S. adult population - Average marriage lasts 8 yrs - Divorce rate is declining - Infidelity is a frequent cause (or effect) - Identity issues tied in with divorcing - Application Exercise: Think back to the Identity Process Theory and contemplate two scenarios that would be examples of Identity Accommodation and Identity Assimilation for someone who has recently experienced divorce. - 9% of children live in home of divorced parent - Mediation increasingly being used to help divorcing couples


- 124.4 million adults in the US are married and live with spouse (51% of 18+ population) in 2015 - By 40, 84% of all women are married - For 65+, 70% of men are married compared to 45% of women


- 14 million widows in US, 76% are 65 and older - 73% of women 85 and older are widows - Men more prone to depression than women - Anniversary reactions may continue for 35 years or longer

disadvantages of marriage

- Caregiver burden is possible in situations where a partner needs elevated care even when that care is institutional - High levels of need for one, or both, partners can drain family resources

age discrimination

- Making employment decisions or denying employment solely on the basis of age - Protects worker over the age of 40 - Age discrimination occurs in many ways, such as differential layoff patterns and stereotypical views about older workers.

cohabiting: middle and older adults

- More likely to cohabit after a previous marriage - Tend to view cohabitation as a substitute for marriage - More stable cohabiting unions - Higher relationship quality

cohabiting: young adults

- More likely to cohabit before marriage - Tend to view cohabitation as a path towards marriage - Less stable cohabiting unions - Lower relationship quality

occupational insecurity

- Occupational insecurity is a growing problem.Fear that one may lose one's job is a better predictor of anxiety than the actual likelihood of job loss. - People who believe their job is in jeopardy—even if it is not—show levels of stress similar to unemployed people. - Coping methods include emotion-focused coping and problem-focused coping.

disadvantages of singles

- Reduced network of informal supports resulting in a reduction of those available to offer care in later life - Typically live alone - One-person household incomes come with financial risks

advantages of marriage

- Spousal care is likely available during times of need - Two-person household incomes provide protections against financial hardship, isolation, and early mortality - report high life satisfaction

advantages of singles

- Tend to have more diverse social bonds - Report high life satisfaction and happiness

coping with unemployment

- Unemployed workers have significantly lower mental health, life satisfaction, marital satisfaction, and subjective physical health than employed workers. - The effects of job loss vary with age, gender, and education. - Unemployment rates for many ethnic minority groups are substantially higher than for European Americans. - How long a person is unemployed affects their reaction

intergenerational relationships

- a concept that refers to the degree to which different generations feel a sense of cohesion and connectedness to one another.

how many Americans receive social security benefits

1 in 6

what is the approximate percentage of grandparents raising grandchildren who are 60 years and older


Those who are currently 65 years of age can expect to live, on average, how many more years?


the peak in divorce rates in the US was reached in which year, after which there has been a steady decline


By 2024, the US of labor statistics estimates that approximately ___% of the labor force will be 55 and older.


in 2010, a woman marrying for the first time at 30 years of age would be approximately ____ compared to the median woman in the US for age at first marriage

4 years older

In a national survey in the US, researchers observed a gap of approximately _____% between the extent of loss that older adults actually experienced compared to what younger adults thought would occur


Your college degree (in the US) will earn you approximately $_____ per week beyond the wages of a high school graduate.


Compensatory cohabiting

A type of cohabiting that arises when a partner with a high level of need seeks out someone who is willing to provide an elevated level of informal support ex: Bennet is 63 years old and had been married for 42 years before his wife died. He has advanced lymphoma and the nature of this illness for Bennet has resulted in a variety of health issues. For instance, the lymphoma has caused issues with clotting in his blood and has also caused sores in his mouth. The chemo he receives causes severe gastrointestinal inflammation. Bennet sees a different doctor for each of these ailments and needs some elevated level of informal support at home. Since the death of his wife, Bennet has had to rely on his neighbor for transportation to his doctor's appointments. His neighbor is a lifelong single who is slightly younger than Bennet. Bennet thinks his neighbor is attractive but they don't have much in common regarding leisure time activities and hobbies. Regardless, Bennet wonders if the partnership between him and his neighbor could escalate into more than a friendship and a second benefit to that would be that he would always have reliable transportation and help in the home.

quaternary prevention

Aimed at improving functional capacities of people with chronic conditions

Substitute marriage cohabiting

An agreement to live together as if married but in the absence of a legal union ex: Natalie and Bobby are both divorcees and are both in late adulthood. They have been dating for six years and recently bought a house together. They are content with the way their relationship is structured and have no desire to legally marry. They feel that marriage is more of a commitment between two people and they've already established that commitment with one another.

the relatives in a young woman's family see each other only for major holidays and family events on average about two or three times a year, even though they live within 30 minutes from each other. based on this information, you would rate this family as on the negative end of which dimension of the intergenerational solidarity model?


According to the pew research center of well being, young adults wrongly believed that the experience of aging would most likely affect which aspect of life in adults 65 and older?

Cognitive functioning

What two themes emerged from this study and what are examples of these themes as expressed by participants?

Community connection with social capital & Failing Retirement

role reversal

Defined as a situation in which one adopts a role the reverse of which they've normally assumed in relation to someone else. unhealthy role reversal: - resentment - Statements that may indicate underlying resentment often begin as "After all I have done for you ...." - Being overly critical - Responding in moments of frustration - Withholding information when it needs to be shared - Making decisions without consulting the other person - Dementia-related changes can complicate a parent-child dyad to avoid these last two points - Feeling incapable of saying no - Feeling controlled or judged

The stage of retirement when the novelty of cessation of work wears off is referred to as


tertiary prevention

Efforts to avoid complications or secondary chronic conditions

lifestyle factors

Exercise Aerobic exercise: places moderate stress on the heart by maintaining a pulse rate between 60% and 90% of the person's maximum heart rate Nutrition Metabolism: how much energy the body needsMetabolism and digestive process slow down with age.Low-density lipoproteins (LDL): cause fatty deposits to accumulate in arteriesHigh-density lipoproteins (HDL): help keep arteries clear by breaking down LDLsBody mass index (BMI): ratio of body weight and height

T/F: Leisure is only beneficial during youth.



Federal Insurance Contributions Act federal payroll tax

older adults in the living apart together relationship status do so primarily because of which consideration

Financial concerns should they live together

Financial preservation cohabiting

Having economic resources whose value may be undermined by remarriage (ex. Social security, pensions, and other governmental provisions) ex: Lana is a 73 year old woman who was married for 37 years before losing her spouse to cancer five years ago. She is now in a committed relationship with a man she met online named Gary. They have been dating for almost two years and recently Gary has been expressing interest in marriage. He has talked several times about how he would love to "make their relationship official" and how nice it would be to have a legal partnership. Lana currently receives a monthly social security check of $867.00 from her deceased spouse and is afraid that remarriage would alter this income. She depends on this income to sustain her standard of living and protect her savings. She is worried that remarriage would alter this financial safety net.

Which qualities define the sense of "passionate commitment" among productive older adults?

High levels of flexibility and curiosity

secondary intervention

Instituted after a condition has begun

primary prevention

Intervention that prevents a disease or condition from occurring

of the following, which race and sex group is most likely to be married and living with a spouse

Non-hispanic White men 65-74

social security trust funds

Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) and Disability Insurance (DI)

What is the main factor accounting for the gender gap in earnings?

Only 8%of professional women are in higher-paying fields

For some, retirement begins early in life, oftentimes prior to entry into the workforce. This is referred to as ______ and involves the confirmation of wanting to retire.


Finding new ways to occupy time freed up by retirement is referred to as


keys to successful aging

Sound health habits Good habits of thoughtOptimistic outlook and interest in new things A social network Sound economic habits

Lesser committed cohabiting

Spouses are typically primary caregivers to a spouse with an elevated level of need. Therefore, some individuals who are reluctant to be a primary caregiver again may favor cohabiting instead. ex: Darrien has a lot of experience in caring for others. Even though he has 10 siblings, he was the primary care provider for his mother,Tessi. Tessi lived with Darrien for the 35 years she needed elevated care. Darrien's spouse also needed an elevated level of care at the end of her life as well. Darrien provided this care to both his mother and his wife, but he is hesitant in entertaining the option of marriage with a future partner for the fear of having to intensively care provide for another loved one.

Limited cohabiting

When a couple begins spending more time together typically at night in the same home but they aren't yet formally cohabiting ex: Jessica and Nick have been romantically involved with one another for the past 8 months. They live 45 minutes apart from each other although they don't see each other everyday they try and get together on the weekends. When they do spend time together on the weekends, one typically sleeps over considering the 45 minute drive. They also volunteer for the local pet shelter, where they met, every other Wednesday. Recently, they have been staying together on these volunteer Wednesdays in addition to the weekends.

Persuading cohabiting

When adult children or other family members encourage older parents to cohabit rather than get married to protect future inheritance ex: Jewel is in her late 70's and has never been married nor had children. Jewel recently began dating a man at her church and as the relationship has progressed, Jewel and her boyfriend have been contemplating marriage. Since Jewel has no children, her estate and assets will go to two of her nieces that she has a close bond with. She has shared the news of potential marriage with her nieces, but much to her surprise they have not been entirely supportive given the complexities that would add to their future inheritance. Jewel is now feels torn in thinking about marrying her boyfriend since she does not have the full support of her nieces.

Living apart together

When couples agree to live in separate houses but remain committed ex: Sarray and Destin met online and have been in an exclusive relationship for two years. They each are passionate about gardening and have invested many resources into their homes to allow for their love of horticulture and feel that they now have the home of their dreams. Neither is willing to move out of their home and since they live very close to one another they see each other regularly and even have dinner together every night. They are deeply committed to one another and feel that the relationship is fulfilling without having to live in the same house.

Convenient cohabiting

When couples live together as a means to share living expenses ex: Carol and Taylor have been friends for more than 35 years. In the early part of their friendship (when they were in their mid-20's) they had a few nights of casual hooking up, but no committed relationship transpired. They recently connected at a high school reunion and had a good time catching up on the past 30 years. They've remained in touch since the reunion and are exploring the benefits of moving in together. They agree that sharing the cost of living would be beneficial to both as each person is preparing for retirement.

what is the supplemental security income program

a needs-based program, funded by the U.S. Treasury general fund, not Social Security withholdings, to provide payments to people with limited income and resources who are age 65 or older, blind, or disabled. Children with disabilities can get SSI, too.

A 56 year old sales manager in an office supply company has started to suspect that the younger workers at the company are giving jobs not to her but to their age peers. However, she can't quite figure out if this is true or not. She's been worried about losing her edge anyhow, and now she doubts herself even more. According to the identity process model, she is engaging in identity:


According to _______ theory, the way you start your day influences your work performance throughout the day

affective events

developmental coach

an individual who helps a person focus on their goals, motivations, and aspirations to help them achieve focus and apply them appropriately.

men who become most confident about their roles as fathers are those who:

are regarded as competent by their wives.

The basis for understanding the connection between individuals and social organizations as these interact over the individuals lifetime is the:


Because he use ______ rather than chronological age, simonton's model provides a better estimate of an individual's chance of being productive in late life.

career age

Reaching a point in your vocational development where you no longer feel that you are growing might keep you at the:

career plateau

according to the _________ parents tend to give more support to their adult children who need the most help

contingency theory

In Whitehall II, workers in lower employment grades had higher ______ levels, beginning in the morning and continuing throughout the end of the day, supporting the idea that their stress was related to poor sleep as well as their experiences at work



coworker who teaches a new employee the unwritten rules and fosters occupational development

what does social security do

created a social insurance program designed to pay retired workers age 65 or older an income after retirement.

the situation in families when parents and their adult children no longer want to be with each other and, in fact, no longer value the relationship is known as

developmental schism.

As workers feel that they have more control in their job, the extent of their _______ motivation decreases


The work related quality known as the core self evaluation consists of an individuals's perception of his or her:

feeling of self efficacy in the job

Unlike the Rowe and Kahn model of successful aging, the WHO active aging model takes into account:

feelings of self-efficacy

the phenomenon known as doing ________ occurs after the transition to parenthood, when men and women adopt more stereotyped roles in the household


According to the communicative ecology model of successful aging (CEMSA), the greatest influence on how well an individual ages is:

how individuals talk about their own aging

Extrinsic factors are the same as _____ factors in the two factor motivational theory


Research on the life story suggests that using ___ may help older adults cope, at least initially, with late life losses and disappointments

identity assimilation

In a study of workplace bullying, behaviors involving _____ were found to be most stressful of all forms of bullying


A scuba instructor greatly enjoys his work, especially the fact that he can spend much of his day underwater exploring the reefs. He also likes the activity of teaching especially when he can introduce someone new to the pleasure of the sport. He is high on which type of work factor motivation?


healthy aging

involves avoiding disease, being engaged with life, and maintaining high cognitive and physical functioning. It is both measurable and subjective. It is reached when a person achieves his or her desired goals with dignity and as independently as possible.

The quality of _______ in the work of older artists applies to creative work that persists over time.


A psychologist studying successful aging prefers to measure the way that older adults think abut their lives than examining their emotions. It is likely that this psychologist will therefore measure successful aging on a scale of:

life satisfaction.

research shows that lesbian and gay couples experience more emotional difficulties in raising children when they

live in states that do not favor same-sex parental adoption.

The communicative ecology model of successful aging (CEMSA) proposes that those older adults who age successfully avoid:

making negative remarks about aging

Postsecondary education has become _______ accessible to individuals than compared to years in the past.


a couple in their 30s is thinking of getting married. one partner is very outgoing and sociable, and the other is introverted and shy. according to the ________ hypothesis on long term relationships, they should be very happy together

need complementarity

Creative potential refers, in simonton's model, to which quality of an individual's ability to be productive throughout life?

number of truly original ideas

The Rowe and Kahn definition of successful aging proposes that absence of ___________ is a component of successful aging and criticism of Rowe and Kahn model is that it is overly focused on _______

physical disease: physical health

Studies of successful aging fit into the perspective known as ____ psychology, which attempts to understand people's strengths and virtues


the widowhood effect refers to the finding that individuals whose spouses die, compared to those still married, have higher:

rates of dying from all causes.

In a test of predictors of successful aging, a study on the women's health initiative sample showed that _______ had the greatest influence

resilience and optimism

research by bonnanno on grief in widows showed that the majority of women displayed the pattern known as _____ grief


Super's theory, unlike holland's, assumes that people strive to express their _____ in their vocation

self concept

The concept of emotional labor applies most closely to which type of job industry?


An older adult who is living on a tight income and has to economize on the essentials of daily living should, according to the ______, also have low levels of happiness and life satisfaction.

social indicator model

a young women feels that her parents treated her too much like an adult when she was growing up, giving her more responsibility than even she felt she could handle. this situation reflects a relationship characterized by:

structural ambivalence.

According to the "paradox of well being", older adults with health or financial limitations remain high on:

subjective well-being.

The women's health initiative study on sexuality showed that sexual satisfaction was related to:

successful aging in general

Research on age and job performance shows that older workers are typically better in which regard than are younger workers

taking fewer voluntary absences for personal reasons.

what is social security

the foundation of economic security for millions of Americans —retirees, disabled persons, and families of retired, disabled or deceased workers.

a marriage therapist working from the social exchange theory of interpersonal relationships would attempt to assess whether the partners in a distressed couple feel that:

the rewards of the relationship outweigh the costs.

true or false: Social Security is the most successful anti-poverty program in our country's history.


Jobs in which sector of the US economy are showing a marked improvement for veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars

white collar?

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